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Item III (B) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Clarke Road Change Order No. 2 - Final Change Order
AGENDA 8-17-93 Item III B • oee � © D OP 1 �ylf* JAMES AMES W.SHIRA,P.E. CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE•OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 (407)656-2322 MEMORANDUM DATE: August 4, 1993 TO: Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: James W. Shira, P.E. I�% City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Clarke Road - Change Order No. 2 - Final Change Order Attached is a copy of the proposed second/final change order for the Clarke Road project, as submitted by the contractor, S & E Contractors, Inc. The original contract amount was $3,993,962.51; Change Order No. 1 added $222,448. 00, and this proposed Change Order No. 2 will add $28,925. 11, making the final contract amount $4,245, 335. 62. This final change order incorporates several changes that occurred during the course of the work. These changes, with the exception of the illuminated street signs, were minimal in cost, and were thus approved by the City Engineer in order not to delay the contractor. The expenditure for the illuminated street signs was approved at the February 18, 1992 City Commission meeting. Of the $251, 373. 11 total change order amount, the city is responsible for $78, 101.49, which is only 1.96% of the original contract amount. The $173,271.62 balance of the cost is for improvements that were made to benefit individual private properties, and has been paid by the various property owners along Clarke Road. Upon approval of this change order, we will inform the contractor that a request can be submitted for final payment. I recommend that the City Commission authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No. 2 to the Clarke Road construction contract in the amount of $28,925.11. THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE 1 "^ : :: :.::::::: :: : :::: :.:::::::::: CIT" . �►F..�CC�EE °:�� CLARKE F��AD :::.: : ``` ....... ...::.:..:..: :.::.:::.:.:.:..:...... CMANE t3RQEl ILIO: 2. Itenn Descr� t�0►n :: Am �nt Pard B .:::::.. hard By: . x . .......... ....... ................ .... __ , :;»;»:; :>::::;: ;»:;:..:> . _ : 1 Add Illuminated $18,480.00 18,480.00 $18,480.00 Street Signs 2 Remove 3 $2,055.00 $2,055.00 Additional Headwalls on Silver Star 3 Add Fire Hydrant $1 ,100.00 $1 ,100.00 4 Add FabriForm $3,886.74 $3,886.74 Ditch Erosion Protection 5 Add Chain Link Fence $3,188.90 $3,188.90 6 Modify Pond "C" Fence ($2,750.00) ($2,750.00) 7 Add Lift Station $3,546.47 $3,546.47 Driveway 8 Lower Existing $1 ,013.61 $1 ,013.61 Water Main SU TOTAL. $30,:520.72 $0w00.t $3( ,520,72. GNANGE C RDE TABU.LAT.IC N ... ".`: .. . .. .:.. .::::.:.... ..:.: Iterrr :: ; Descri ron Amount Paid B . Paid B • P 2$ 6.72 $26.72 9 Add Concrete at Homeowner's Driveway 10 Widen Whitehill $1 ,697.27 C.D.G., Inc. $0.00 Entrance 11 Paint Curb at A.D. Mims $60.00 $60.00 12 Add 6" $1 ,655.00 $1 ,655.00 Thermoplastic Stripes on S.R. 50 13 Add Signs at Amoco $1 ,385.00 $1 ,385.00 14 Delete Cost of ($8,018.64) ($8,018.64) Unused Pipe Fittings 15 Additional $1 ,920.75 $1 ,920.75 Maintenance of Traffic Costs 16 Adjustments for ($321 .71) ($321 .71) Field Measured Quantities 27 7 3 292:88) >.. SUB TQTAI �$15961j, . 5 �$ ) TOTAh:':� CI-IANGE JI •DE NO. 2 $28,925,1 $27,22 . 4; * Adjustment as of Final Chance Order Change Order No. 01 (Short title of Change Order) CHANGE ORDER FORM CITY OF OCOEE PROJECT: CLARK ROAD CHANGE ORDER NO. 02 DATE: 6/08/93 CONTRACTOR: S&E Contractors, Inc. OWNER: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AGREEMENT DATE: November 1, 1991 The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Original CONTRACT PRICE $ 3 ,993,962.51 Current CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTED by previous CHANGE ORDER* $ 4 ,216,410.51 Net (Increase) (Occrcaso) Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER $ 28 ,925.11 The current CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER $ 4,245 , 335.62 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 400 Days Date 12/08/93 Current CONTRACT TIME adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDERS* Date Feb 2, 1993 Net (Increase) (Dccrcuse) Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER Days 14 Current CONTRACT TIME Including this CHANGE ORDER Date Feb 16,1993 CHANGES ORDERED: I. GENERAL This change order is necessary to cover changes in the work to be performed under this Contract. The GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS, SPECIFICATIONS and all parts of the Project Manual listed in Article 1, Definitions, of the GENERAL CONDITIONS apply to and govern all work under this change order. Change Order No. 02 C.O. #2 -1- 0E-156/1. 0 II. REQUIRED CHANGES See Attachment 1. Add illuminated street signs at each intersection. 1 2. Remove three (3) each existing headwalls. 2 3. Replace leaking fire hydrant. 3 4. Install fabri-form ditch liner in the existing ditch next to S.R. 50, and next to White Road west of Clarke Road intersection. 4 5. Add 500 LF of green vinyl coated fence along west side Clarke Road north of White Road. 5 6. Modify fence around pond "C" on west side of Clarke Road north of Silver Star Road, and the existing Silver Glen lift station. 6 7. Add concrete driveway and gate at existing Silver Glen lift station. 7 8. Lower the existing 12" water main at the Clarke Road/ Silver Star intersection. 8 9. Add concrete at homeowner (Goerling's) driveway. 9 10. Modify the previously installed Whitehall future entrance, or Adriatic Drive, from 24' wide to 32' wide. 10 11. Paint curb (Bullnose) at A. D. Mims Road. 11 12. Add 6" solid stripe (thermoplastic) at S.R. 50 per FDOT requirements. 12 13 . Add signs at Silver Star Intersection 13 14. Delete fittings included in contract price but not used on project. 14 15. Additional maintenance of traffic due to time extensions of this change order. 15 16. Price changes adjusting costs for actual field measured quantities from the estimated bid quantities. 16 III. JUSTIFICATION • 1. City requested addition of illuminated street signs to provide for improved system of signage along Clarke Road. 2 . Previously unknown existing headwalls were discovered on both sides of Silver Star Road at Station 37 when the road was being widened to accommodate the AMOCO/EXXON roadway changes. This cost should be charged to the future AMOCO owners. 3 . The City asked the Contractor to install some of their in-stock fire hydrants in lieu of having the Contractor supply new hydrants. After installation, it was discovered that the old hydrant leaked, so the Contractor was directed to replace it with a new hydrant. 4. The water from the new ditch line to the existing ditch next to S.R. 50 west of Clarke Road was causing the existing ditch to erode. The Contractor was asked to dress up this existing ditch and add concrete fabri-from to prevent future erosion. Also, water from end of curb northwest of White Road intersection was causing erosion to landowner's property. 5. The steep embankment on west side of Clarke Road north of White Road appeared to present a safety hazard to pedestrian traffic. The City directed the Contractor to install fence along the sidewalk in this area to act as a physical barrier to pedestrian traffic and a visual barrier to vehicular traffic. C.O. #2 -2- 0E-156/1. 0 • 6. The City elected to save money by tieing in the new fence for the new retention pond with the existing fence at the Silver Glen lift station and pond. The gates for these two fenced area were then in the same proximity and the two areas could be serviced by one common driveway. 7. The Contractor was directed to provide curb cut from Clarke Road and a concrete access driveway from Clarke Road to the existing Silver Glen lift station. A gate was included at the lift station also. This concrete drive now services both the lift station and the new Pond "C". 8. The existing 12" water main was at an elevation where it conflicted with construction of the Clarke Road subbase. The Contractor was directed to lower this portion of the water main to avoid any further delay in construction time. 9. The Goerling's expressed their dissatisfacticn with the way their new driveway provided access to their parking area. Consequently, the Contractor was directed to add to their concrete apron to provide better access for the Goerlings. 10. The plans showed a 24' wide future entrance turnout going into the Whitehill Subdivision, and the Contractor installed it accordingly. It was brought to the City's attention by the Whitehill developer that per the Agreement between the City and the landowner, the entrance was to be 32' wide, so the Contractor was directed to widen the drive accordingly. 11. The City requested that this curb be painted to provide better visibility. 12. FDOT required this change. 13 . Additional signs were needed to accommodate FDOT requirements at the Silver Star intersection per the requested changes from AMOCO. 14. The Contractor found ways to delete some of these fittings to save the City some costs. 15. Due to extended time involved with the changes listed in this Change Order, the maintenance of traffic costs were increased accordingly, and the Contractor has requested compensation for same. 16. Adjustment from estimated bid quantities to actual field measured quantities. IV. PAYMENT Following change order approval, the contract price will be adjusted accordingly. V. NARRATIVE OF NEGOTIATIONS (See table next page) . C.O. #2 -3- 0E-156/1. 0 O 0 l� .-i 8 8 8 !'� Q\ � 4? �O 8 V1 vi 00 �O t:1 00 O 8 � 00 :sem... ...� <<>' S NW N tr1 R1 to Q ..� N �1 H H H H H H H 0 0 ::..... 8 N r. 'O 0 8 Q •C% pr8 8 0o O h o;:67:::::> <::<:: 8 00 .::: %:::::::::::;:> A ri c.4. N H HE MON H H HHH 0.11 m it o :::47:: go 1111 111:116. ` :: A N Nch oN N M M N M M el O i'::;Qi� O" :i;'? :d':i ?:E::`i ':ii::>:� ly N N /�.V: :: >:;;:;::i N N N O% N N .0 oce oo w en U .... (./ U a 4l LN a+ V1 WD Vy O N x o .V1N w3 Le0 3hw y .n v cn ca. .5 •O3N >, q .y N O C > N VI Ua .aNC w bq eO 7•3 e0 V OQ Va)VbU 08 • 4a11 e0 d w p •t > y3•a _ Ir, a � O � N tO o�y o 1! yLy > Ir a a •r N v 3 C r N. 68k 4. y > .r9 >........ ................. U1 Q ., N 00 4 bCV (A •_- � A4wN> Nv4vO -' w Ob 1. N rmOp Ma " WC qrb a� b4 ++ 'F., 4"0 U ,12 b0 q '4 1; . " 8 1: waaq MNOV bVw � fl .- O �_ Ov V, 4Na 33 � 0r •VM b NqO 4 nVn v ri ete 00 N M et vl N N Q 0 O Nt� H N N 8 8 8 FO n ,z, C V1 1A 00 C ...i V1 H N ao � �O .r N N O� N M O� O� b. �: O M W ..; ..; .: ao 0 0 H H .. 1 H H H H 44 i.. y v '`:iii K :::i:::►s £1 0 0 0 0 0 0 N P N 8 0f 8 vi. 8 Y � t� O N0 vi .5 co H t•i .-i .i.H H H H 44 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii•iiai.IiIt ••••••:•iiralliii:ii!1•::::iiiiiiii: CT Zi:P.A.r.....i.:::::iti:gi:::::iiiiiiiii.:.i.i --- o% 0'i^e NN N N NN N ei: q1V) .;i p�.�.?�::,0; '.iv�4.1Q;i%C-5 :+iii: :.;:.::.::. ::•::::., :. . aW:; z `< : 6Y: ::: ir: : N N MM N M Ch Q �. Q w.. OT VNi/ r' 0 — — w .. 0 00 2 V N 13 s /1 U L b w 0 'C V O p O U c. w m = AA► co• Ti. O v a Y Nl V1 -iiiiiiii:C::vi:::•::�i:iii:^i V1 Q O V V i :::4irYv ii} r>l V.1 VO _ . a, c as c2 .s • � m .so..Y V1 4: v ' ::ei:iv;::iO3adl d / y 9VVs wVy :iiiiY: :: ii . xOOO O G b w . O .' .....:.i.i......i...-..i..-..:411.:.:gi.,.....iimi::...:;:Erii..::::..i.i.l.s:::::::::::::::::i.i.:.i] es b _N O yR O .dM 0. 1 e. b y ao N O .r 4 Vb � i'. r r Q .vs C U s 0 O V Oul V 3V x .sa :vEo7aNv aavi i( O AU -‹ .rO O� M e! V9 kkr)N O U VI. APPROVAL AND CHANGE AUTHORIZATION This proposed change to the contract has been tentatively approved by the City Engineer, but requires final approval from the City Commission. Acknowledgements: The aforementioned change, and work affected thereby, is subject to all provisions of the original contract not specifically changed by this Change Order; and, It is expressly understood and agreed that the approval of the Change Order shall have no effect on the original contract other than matters expressly provided herein. CONTRACTOR acknowledges, by its execution and acceptance of this Change Order, that the adjustments in Contract Price and Time shown hereon constitute full and complete compensation and satisfaction for all costs and modifications of performance time incurred by the CONTRACTOR as a result of this Change Order. No other claim for increased costs of per- formance or modifications of time will be granted by the OWNER for the Work covered by this Change Order. The CONTRACTOR hereby waives and releases any further claims for cost or time against the OWNER arising from or relating to the matters or Work set forth or contemplated by this Change Order. Change Order Request by: City of Ocoee, Florida Change(s) Ordered by: Jim Shira, P.E. , City Engineer RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. S&E CONTRACTORS, INC. Engineer Co ractor // By: a,,..Xe,_ C By: (,g�G•//L Phillip C. D i rem_nature Construction inistrator July 13, 1993 Date: .731-1/4-1 2t ( ►`IS Date: Project Controls Mgr. Title: G - ra_tc i (J-)4 1E-172.imaivaio naticauiple: er7}fd1ttOF0001111 APPROVED BY: MPMIDAll/0lol■IA1o111111111111 FOLICity of Ocoee, Florida11111 Owner * ay Maw By: Signature S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Date Attest: Change Order No. 02 - Final Jean Grafton, City Clerk C.O. #2 -6- 0E-156/1.0 0 8 8 88 p a p p p p 88N � o h O8pS !IR O v8 V1 V1 Vi M 4 !` N oo en M °O r+ O N N 00 n 4O 4O en WI H !pV !c,DV $ 4 .H ` 0 s .". .� en N -• VI en 09 nNNoo ..1 I ------ :,:mo:0::: 00 N . N n _ N N O'? i NN H i.8 $ $ 4 vi NNS 8n nhO ':riR:%:: 8 �p en No N WWW 00 en ^' N�j .q '0 "a W W .'''`.. ' N eteren Ner .r 8 ' d � 1 w a(2 MEM aa 1 1 cg aR N ,.., O w v en Cl" en N ., ' " i ;1;ii]i;iN'''",. a -a ,....cl, 1-0. a ..sd = gl.. 0 20 H "A at . 02 � w d i w 0 flIh`c o > oa72 .. ^" -0 c . 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