HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem VI (A) Report on Infrastructure Capacities and Level of Service Inventory for Concurrency Management AGENDA 8-17-93
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(407)656 2322 SAM WOODSON
DATE: AUGUST 10, 1993
In August of each year, the Development Administrator is required to
report to the City Commission the information required in Article IX,
Attachment 9-1. The report must include the degree of any deficiencies
and a summary of the impacts of said deficiencies as they would affect
the approval of development orders/permits. This report is done in
conjunction with the annual budget process in order to discuss any
improvements that must be scheduled to prevent a reduction in the
approval of development orders/permits. At the time of adoption of the
budget, the City Commission must also adopt a resolution which includes
the assessment of facilities and services and adopts an updated
Infrastructure Deficiencies Map.
The state requires that municipalities monitor traffic circulation,
sanitary sewer, potable water, solid waste, stormwater drainage, and
recreation/open space. All facilities must be available either
concurrent with the impacts of new development or as outlined in the
recently passed Elms III Legislation, Chapter 93-206 Laws of Florida.
This report includes information that the City Commission needs in order
to review the City's annual budget. The data and analysis are provided
in an attempt to show where infrastructure needs are or will be in the
future so that the City Commission may plan accordingly. A resolution
will be prepared to formally adopt the concurrency assessment and an
updated Infrastructure Deficiencies Map. This resolution must be
approved in conjunction with the budget next month. The current
Infrastructure Deficiencies Map, adopted last October, shows no
deficiencies in any of the facilities the City is required to monitor.
Page 2
Concurrency Report
For traffic circulation, Maguire Road from Roberson to State Road 50 has
surpassed the allotted 115 percent; however, the City's Capital
Improvement Program has $1,618, 000 (in impact fees) allocated over the
next five years for design of the necessary improvements. More than half
the trips on Maguire Road from Roberson north to State Road 50 are from
vested projects (Plantation Grove PUD, Windermere Groves, and Wesmere)
with build out not projected to occur for many years.
Maguire Road from State Road 50 to Story Road and Kissimmee Avenue from
Maguire Road to Bowness Road are approaching the maximum allowable
capacity for LOS D. The major problem in this area is the
Kissimmee/Story intersection. Design for this intersection as well as
Marshall Farms/Maguire which will further enhance the flow of traffic,
has been completed. The Capital Improvements Program has $1,828, 000 (in
impact fees) allocated for these improvements.
Silver Star Road from Clarke Road to Good Homes Road shows a deficiency
and State Road 50 from Maguire Road to Old Winter Garden Road is nearing
the 115 percent margin. Again, these segments are not over capacity
with existing traffic, but the vested developments which are either under
construction but not yet completed, or are still in the pre-construction
stages, put those segments close to or over capacity. Because these are
state roadways, the City of Ocoee does not have primary responsibility
for the necessary improvements and has not included these roadways in its
Capital Improvement Program.
The City has vested 16 projects (14 residential and 2 commercial) and has
issued four Final Certificates of Concurrency (two residential and two
commercial) . The residential developments account for more than 3,000
single family units. To date, only about 525 of those homes have been
built. The commercial developments include Plantation Grove PUD's
110, 000 square foot shopping center, Ocoee Commerce Center (Goodman
Commercial Park) , Albertson's Shopping Center, Forest Lake Golf Course of
Ocoee, and West End Professional Park (Lots 2-7) . All the traffic to be
produced by these vested or concurrent developments has been included in
Table 1.
It is respectfully recommended that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City
Commissioners review the attached data and analysis as part of the annual
budget process.
cc: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager
Montye Beamer, Director of Administrative Services
The following inventories, in conjunction with the Infrastructure
Deficiencies Map, shall be maintained by the Development Administrator to
be used for the concurrency assessment of new development:
A. Design capacity of different roadway types.
The attached Table 1 outlines the volumes and capacities of all
of the roadway segments monitored by the City of Ocoee. The
total capacity (vehicles per day) shown for all roadway
segments is for a Level of Service (LOS) D. The Ocoee
Comprehensive Plan adopted an LOS C; however, the City has
since made application to the state to change Ocoee's
designation from "Urbanized" to "Urban" . The "Urban"
classification allows a municipality to use LOS D in
formulating its traffic volumes and capacities for all roadways
under FDOT functional classification. The Federal Highway
Administration and the Florida Department of Transportation
approved the new Urban boundary in May of this year. The City
will now process a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to formally
change the classification and to make it coincide with the
concurrency management system.
B. The existing level of service measured by the average number of
trips per day on a roadway as provided by the Florida
Department of Transportation.
The existing traffic figures for the various road segments are
shown on Table 1 under Existing Daily Volumes (vehicles per
day) . Comparing this existing trip data with the Total
Allowable Capacity, all segments measured LOS D or above.
C. The adopted level of service standards for all roadways
classified under the Florida Department of Transportation's
roadway functional classification system.
The adopted LOS for all roadways is LOS D.
D. The existing capacities or deficiencies of the roadway network.
With existing traffic on the road today, there are no
deficiencies in the roadway network. The capacities remaining
may be calculated by taking the maximum allowable capacity and
subtracting the existing traffic.
E. The capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt development.
Approved but unbuilt development is any development which has
vested rights or has received a Final Certificate of
Concurrency. These projects are listed, with their respective
traffic volumes, on Pages 2-6 of Table 1. For those
developments which are currently in the building stage, units
which are already adding trips on the road have been subtracted
from the overall total trips that are vested or concurrent.
The total number of trips which are reserved for vested or
concurrent developments are shown on Page 1 of Table 1 under
Reserved Daily Volumes for each roadway segment.
F. The projected capacities or deficiencies due to approved but
unbuilt development.
Although not all vested developments will begin building within
the upcoming fiscal year, all of the trips that they will put
on the roads have been calculated into the concurrency
management system to show the affects they would have on the
roadway network as it exists today. Because the state realizes
that not all of these developments will build during the
upcoming fiscal year - and certainly will not complete
development within that time period - it allows the actual
capacity of any given roadway to peak at 115 percent. The
last column on Page 1 of Table 1 shows the percentage of the
capacity used. Any segment that shows a figure greater than
115 percent must be either in the planning stages of
improvement or the municipality must explain why development
may continue to be approved without any plans for improvements
to that infrastructure.
G. The improvements to be made to the roadway network in the
current fiscal year by any approved developments pursuant to
previous development orders or permits and the impact of such
improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies.
Hackney-Prairie Road is currently planned to be improved to a
2-lane, paved roadway, from Apopka-Vineland Road to its present
terminus. Monitoring of traffic will occur following
completion of the improvements.
H. The improvements to be made to the roadway network in the
current fiscal year by the City of Ocoee, Orange County, the
Florida Department of Transportation, or other public agency
and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities
or deficiencies.
Roadway segments that are included in Table 1 will be monitored
if any improvements are made by either the City of Ocoee,
Orange County, or the Florida Department of Transportation.
Table 1 will be kept current if the number of lanes change or
existing traffic changes as a result of an improvement.
A. The design capacity of the wastewater treatment facility.
The City of Ocoee has one wastewater treatment facility. It is
currently designed to treat two (2) million gallons per day
(MGD) . The Department of Environmental Regulation (DER)
Construction Permit allows the City of Ocoee to treat up to
1.235 million gallons per day. This figure represents the
current effluent disposal capacity of the ponds at the plant
site and at the north effluent disposal site. The City is
currently negotiating with DER (effective July 1, the
Department of Environmental Protection) to have the permit
amount increased upon completion of the golf course.
B. The existing level of service standard for average daily flows
per equivalent residential unit.
The existing level of service (LOS) for average daily flows per
equivalent residential unit (ERU) is calculated by dividing the
average daily flows into the number of ERUs represented by the
existing customer base.
The average daily flows (average taken over the 30 day period
for June 1993) is .823 MGD (823,000 gallons per day) .
There are 2, 613 customers on the system for a total of 3,067
ERUs which amounts to an existing LOS of 268.34 gallons per day
per equivalent residential unit.
C. The adopted level of service standard for average daily flows
per equivalent residential unit.
The adopted LOS per the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan is 270 gallons
per day (GPD) per ERU.
D. The existing deficiencies of the system.
There are no existing deficiencies of the system.
E. The capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt development.
For concurrency purposes regarding sanitary sewer, the City of
Ocoee defines "approved but unbuilt development" as any
development which has a construction permit from DER and has
either not yet begun construction or is in the process of
building but still has ERUs which are not yet being used.
These "unused" ERUs represent the capacities reserved that must
be taken into account before any new development can be
approved. Table 2 outlines the developments which have DER
permits and the number of ERUs each represents.
The current system as permitted by DER can handle a total of
4,574 ERUs. With the 3,067 currently in use and the 1,506 ERUs
reserved for unbuilt development, the system appears to be at
the maximum allowable capacity; however, the City will continue
to work with DER to increase the permitted amount. The golf
course is slated for completion sometime during the upcoming
year. Not all permitted developments will have begun
construction during that time.
F. The improvements to be made to the facility in the current
fiscal year by any approved developments pursuant to previous
development orders and the impact of such improvements on the
existing capacities or deficiencies.
According to the City Engineer/Utilities Director, there will
be no improvements made to the facility by any developers which
would have an impact on existing capacities of the facility.
G. The improvements to be made to the facility in the current
fiscal year by the City of Ocoee and the impacts of such
improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies.
The City of Ocoee is currently in the process of enlarging its
wastewater treatment facility. The project will expand the
design capacity from 2 MGD to 3 MGD. The plant expansion is
scheduled to be completed by January 1994.
A. The design capacity of the water system.
There are four water plants in the City of Ocoee permitted to
pump a total of 12.51 MGD:
Forest Oaks Plant: 2.52 MGD
Jamela Plant: 2.88 MGD
Kissimmee Ave. Plant: 2.89 MGD
South Water Plant: 4.32 MGD
Each plant has a maximum allowable ERU amount that the City is
permitted to base its capacity on:
Forest Oaks Plant: 3, 182 ERUs
Jamela Plant: 3, 636 ERUs
Kissimmee Ave. Plant: 3, 674 ERUs
South Water Plant: 4,191 ERUs
Total For All Plants: 14,683 ERUs
B. The existing level of service measured by the average number of
gallons per day per unit based on the average flows
The average number of gallons per day based on a 12-month
average is 2.870 MGD.
The adopted LOS is 300 GPD/ERU.
There are currently 5, 606 customers representing 8, 132 ERUs in
the system. Taking the number of ERUs and the average flow,
and factoring 15% for unmetered losses for such things as
hydrant flushing, leakages, and calibration variances in the
meters, the existing LOS is 299.99 GPD/ERU.
C. The existing potable water storage capabilities of the water
The water storage capabilities are as follows:
Forest Oaks Plant: 400, 000 gallons
Jamela Plant: 1, 000, 000 gallons
Kissimmee Ave. Plant: 250, 000 gallons
South Water Plant: 600,000 gallons
Total storage: 2,250,000 gallons
D. The existing minimum water pressure.
The Ocoee Land Development Code requires a minimum water
pressure of 20 pounds per square inch (20 psi) . New
development is required to show that it meets this requirement
(which is usually done through computer modelling) . Existing
development is tested by the Ocoee Fire Department on a regular
basis through gauging fire hydrants.
E. The adopted level of service standards for the potable water
facility components.
The adopted LOS is 300 GPD/ERU.
F. The existing capacities or deficiencies of the system.
The existing LOS of 299.99 GPD/ERU is consistent with the
adopted LOS of 300 GPD/ERU. The 8, 132 ERUs that respresent the
current customer usage falls well below the maximum permitted
14,683 ERUs. There are no existing deficiencies in the water
G. The capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt development.
For concurrency purposes regarding potable water, the City of
Ocoee defines "approved but unbuilt development" as any
development which has a construction permit from DER and has
either not yet begun construction or is in the process of
building but still has ERUs which are not yet being used.
These "unused" ERUs represent the capacities reserved that must
be taken into account before any new development can be
approved. Table 3 outlines the developments which have DER
permits and the number of ERUs each represents.
With the current water plants, the system can handle 14,683
ERUs. With the 8, 132 ERUs currently in use and the 1,798 ERUs
reserved for unbuilt development, there are 6,551 ERUs to
provide for new development.
H. The improvements to be made to the facility in the current
fiscal year by any approved developments pursuant to previous
development orders or permits and the impact of such
improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies.
According to the City Engineer/Utilities Director, there are no
improvements planned by developers that would impact existing
I. The improvements to be made to the facility in the current
fiscal year by the City of Ocoee and the impact of such
improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies.
The current water system is being reviewed to determine optimum
site(s) for new wells.
A. The percentage of the total amount of solid waste disposal
capacity allocated to the City of Ocoee by Orange County or
other applicable solid waste disposal facilities.
The City of Ocoee currently provides residential solid waste
collection services. Commercial garbage is franchised to a
private contractor. The City of Ocoee does not have a contract
with Orange County for a certain allotment of solid waste
disposal capacity. Orange County has not notified the City of
any limitations or of any maximum allowable waste that will be
accepted from the City. To this end, the City will permit
additional customers until notified otherwise by the County.
Orange County's landfill permit is valid through December 4,
B. The existing level of service measured by the solid waste per
pound per capita per weekly collection.
Orange County currently places no limitations on the amount of
solid waste generated by the City of Ocoee; however, the City
does limit the amount of solid waste it collects from its
residential customers and anything over that limit is only
collected after the customer pays an additional fee. The
current LOS for residential customers is 6.0 pounds per capita
per day. Service is provided as required by state statute for
the separation of Class I garbage from recyclables and yard
From July 1, 1992 through June 30, 1993, a total of 4,555.40
tons of residential garbage was transported by the City of
Ocoee to the Orange County landfill. That figure averages out
to 379.62 tons per month or 759,240 pounds per month or 25,308
pounds per day. There are currently 4,915 residential garbage
customers in Ocoee. At 25,308 total pounds per day that
equates to 5. 15 pounds per day per customer or 1.72 pounds per
day per person. This is well below the 6 pounds per person per
day adopted LOS. The overall decrease from last year (last
year the figure was 2 . 01 pounds per person per day) is a result
of recycling and because yard waste is no longer taken to the
C. The projected capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt
Because Orange County has not placed any limitation on the
amount of solid waste generated by the City of Ocoee, the City
will reserve capacity for approved but unbuilt development in
one-year increments for those developments that receive Final
Certificates of Concurrency.
A. The existing level of service measured by storm event as
determined by the City of Ocoee and its consulting engineers.
The basins are currently being analyzed. Data collection is
complete. Analysis is being accomplished on a basin-by-basin
schedule. The Northwest Basin study was recently completed and
recommendations are forthcoming.
B. The adopted level of service standard for storm drainage.
The LOS for stormwater/drainage is the ability to contain a 25
year/24 hour storm event, consistent with Chapter 17-25 of the
Florida Administrative Code. Development must meet all
requirements for stormwater/drainage as outlined in the City of
Ocoee's Land Development Code or other such stormwater drainage
approvals as may be required by the Land Development Code or
state agencies.
A. The existing acreage of park land.
There are more than 300 acres of recreational land in the City
of Ocoee.
B. The existing level of service measured by the number of acres
of park land available per 1,000 residents of the City of Ocoee
based on an inventory of park lands in the City and the
population of the City.
The City of Ocoee will soon be submitting a Comprehensive Plan
Amendment to the Department of Community Affairs amending the
Recreation and Open Space Element. Based on the proposed
amended requirements, the LOS for recreation has been somewhat
revised to take into consideration three different types of
parks, each with their own levels of service:
"Community Parks" must be a minimum of 20 acres in size and
serve a population of 10,000.
"Neighborhood Parks" must be a minimum of 4 acres in size and
serve a population of 7,500.
"Special Purpose Facilities" do not have a minimum acreage
since they are based on the facilities provided. Each serves
a population of 10,000.
The Comprehensive Plan Amendment will delete formal
requirements for number of facilities such as tennis courts,
ball fields, and playground equipment. These facilities will
remain an important part of the Recreation Element but there
will be more flexibility insofar as what facilities must be
built and at what level of population. The Department of
Community Affairs has indicated verbally to City staff that it
is amenable to such an amendment.
The LOS for open space for this year's concurrency assessment
will remain the same at 25 acres per 1,000 population.
C. The existing capacities or deficiencies of the recreation
facility system.
The current population figure for the City of Ocoee as provided
by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research at the
University of Florida (the official state agency for the
estimation of population) was 16,418 as of April 1993. Using
that figure the City would need one community park, two
neighborhood parks, and one special purpose facility to meet
the concurrency requirements. There are currently two
community parks, four neighborhood parks, and four special
purpose facilities in the City of Ocoee as follows:
COMMUNITY PARKS: Central Park Complex (23 +/- acres)
John Vignetti Park (21 +/- acres)
NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: Municipal Complex Park (10 +/- acres)
Parkside Park ( 4 +/- acres)
Silver Glen Park ( 5 +/- acres)
Tiger Minor Park ( 5 +/- acres)
Middle School Gymnasium ( 2 +/- acres)
Municipal Golf Course (240 +/- acres)
Sorenson Field ( 8 +/- acres)
West Orange Girls Club (12 +/- acres)
For Open Space, using the population of 16,418, the City would
need 410.5 acres of open space to meet concurrency. The City
defines "open space" as park areas, lakes, wetlands and
conservation areas, and a percentage of rights-of-ways within
the City. According to the City of Ocoee's Planning
Department, the City has 692 acres of open space.
D. The capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt development.
For concurrency purposes, the City of Ocoee defines "approved
but unbuilt development" as any development which has a
Certificate of Vesting or a Final Certificate of Concurrency.
Table 4 outlines those developments and the additional
population which will result from those residential units. In
figuring the estimated population these units will add to
Ocoee's existing population, three (3) people per single family
unit is used as the average.
E. The projected capacities or deficiencies due to approved but
unbuilt development.
The total population (current plus vested/concurrent) of 25,529
still does not result in any deficiencies. Not all vested
developments will begin building or complete all their units
during this fiscal year; however, the existing parks would
still be adequate in number to handle that population given the
levels of service.
F. The improvements to be made to the recreation facilities in the
current fiscal year by any approved developments pursuant to
previous development orders and the impact of such improvements
on the existing capacities or deficiencies.
Developers currently must provide a certain amount of private
recreational/open space to meet the needs of their residents.
Developers also pay recreational impact fees towards community-
wide and neighborhood recreation. The recreational impact fees
are then used by the City to fund improvements to the overall
recreational system including land purchases and the
construction of additional facilities.
G. The improvements to be made to the recreation facilities in the
current fiscal year by any approved developments pursuant to
previous development orders and the impact of such improvements
on the existing capacities or deficiencies.
There are improvements slated for the 1993-94 fiscal year for
facilities within existing parks but these improvements will
not affect the existing capacities.
Traffic Volumes and Capacities by Road Segments
Overall Summary
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a °tezM .[ F:t? 4.,? 4,+[ ireasiC + qxni ? 1 :is dx f` .f.m
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A. msd urst Ad/banC
Clarke Rd/Apapka-Vineland Rd 2 5,950 3,872 9 822 16,900 7,078 58%
Adair St Wurst Rd/Clarcona-Ocoee Rd 2 1,500 1,006 2506 9,000 6,494 28%
Apopka-Vineland Rd S.R.43 A.D.Mims Rd 2 12,031 1,699 13,730 15,100 1,370 91%
AD.Mims Rd/Clarcona-Ocoee Rd 2 12,285 1,621 13,906 15,100 1,194 92%
Clarcona-Ocoee Rd/McCarmick Rd 2 12,762 1,151 13,913 15,100 1,187 92%
ev � #i::`» >::z; " :;<:«::'%``' {L,8b0 »>:<:><::>:>6337 73:<:>:
eiutord Ave '�S:A.So Geneva S4�` ><
1 ,
Geneva St/White Rd 2 11,110 365 11,475 12,800 1,325 90%
White Rd/McKey St 2 9,800 134 9,934 12,800 2,866 78%
Md<ev St/S.R.438 2 11,557 373 11,930 12,800 870 93%
Bowness Rd Kissimmee Ave/S.R.438 2 9,457 0 9,457 15,300 5,843 62%
( d " AAd r ...... 2Carcona- coee Rd n. .43ww rst 27,965 4th 8,421 16, 0 7,779 52%
(aka Lakewood Ave) Wurst Rd/Clarke Rd 2 4,380 1,099 5,479 16,200 10,721 34%
Clarke Rd/Apopka-Vineland Rd 2 3,569 1,481 5,050 16,200 11,150 31%
Clarke Rd S.R.50/White Rd 4 8,274 10,432 18,706 33,300 14,594 56%
White Rd/S.R.43B 4 8,896 12,255 21,151 33,300 12,149 64%
S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 4 4,020 13,857 17,877 33,300 15,423 54%
AD.Mims Rd/Clarcona-Ocoee Rd 4 - 9,767 9,767 33,300 23,533 29%
:::,........................................ .................. ......;;::. :... ... . :: :::
... ::
2.800 ..:.: 8,600 5800 ]*::::
Flewelling St Ocoee Hills Rd/Russeil Dr 2 2,800 0
Fullers Cross Rd Ocoee-ApopkaJClacona-Ocoee 2 7,499 778 8,277 11,500 3,223 72%
Geneva St Kissimmee P (ufdrd Rd" 2 6�,�99 226 i,019 141700 7,681 48%
Good Homes Rd S.R.50/White d 2 10,000 373 1373 1500 5,127 67%
White Rd/S.R.438 2 10,289 390 10,679 15,500 4,821 69%
Hackney-Prairie Rd Clarke Rd/Apopka-Vineland Rd 2 - 858 858 12,400 11,542 7%
.thio Shores Rd S.R.43B/A.D.Mims Rd 2 449 954 1,403 12,000 10,597 12%
.... ...................... ................................................... ......... i.:.:.... ............................ .. .................:: . . :::::
.: :.::.
. :......::
.178. .,ia
.: :: 8996
Kissimmee Ave Maguire Rd/Bowness Rd 2 13,703 1,41915,122
....................::::::9,462 17400.::::... 7938 54%
Maguire Rd Gotha Rd/Roberson Rd 2 8,338 1,124
Roberson Rd/Tomyn Rd 2 8,560 13,009 21,569 17,400 (4,169) 124%
Tomyn Rd/Professional Prkwy 2 9,155 12,685 21,840 17,400 (4,440) 126%
Professional Prkwy/S.R.50 2 12,013 11,796 23,809 17,400 (6,409) 137%
S.R.50/Story Rd 2 14,439 1,584 16,023 15,300 (723) 105%
Marshall Farms Rd S.R.50 uire Rd 2 3,884 0 3,884 11,000 7,116 35%
McKay St Kissimmee Ave/Blufard Ave 2 4,200 0 4,200 11,200 7,000 38%
Ocoee-Apopka Rd S.R.438/Beltway 2 6, 18 0 6,818 17,400 10,582 39%
Bettway/McCormick Rd 2 10,130 0 10,130 17,400 7,270 58%
Ocoee Hills Rd S.R.43 Jewelling St 2 2,800 0 2,800 8,600 5,800 33%
Old Winter Garden Rd S.R.50/Blackwood Ave 2 7,878 1,706 9,584 1500 5,916 62%
Blackwood Ave/Hempel Ave 2 13,768 838 14,606 15,500 894 94%
....:.:... .
rooessfonal Prkwy w(agulre Ad/bid Wlnfer Carden Fid ,423 1,2fl ` 4,644 10,600 5,936 44%
; ` l ; > F :::i: t>
>:>>::> ::>:; >»> ::>>::
AusseiDr lewell naSt/ vllow Creek a 0 3200 6005,400 37%
>» ; <: : : ;>:;: >::> ::: . . :: : :: : :
:0, ::>:>:>::
§.11.50 '9th 51i }offord Rd 32,441
43,400 1 , 75%
(West Colonial Dr) Woffard Rd/Maguire Rd 4 35,300 2,474 37,774 43,400 5,626 87%
Magute Rd/Old Winter Garden Rd 4 36,800 8,934 45,734 43,400 (2,334) 105%
Old Winter Garden Rd/Clarke Rd 4 29,300 11,235 40,535 43,400 2,865 93%
Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 4 22,500 1,497 23,997 43,400 19,403 55%
S.R.438 E.Crown Point Rd/Bowness Rd 4 10,400 0 10,400 16,600 6,200 63%
(Silver Star Rd) Bowness Rd/Bluford Ave 4 8,500 706 9,206 16,600 7,394 55%
Blufard Ave/Clarke Rd 2 10,500 3,887 14,387 16,600 2,213 87%
Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 2 13,906 5,483 19,389 16,600 2,789) 117%
Story Rd 9th St/Wofford Rd 2 6,430 0 6,430 14,700 8,270 44%
Wofford Rd/Kissimmee Ave 2 6,075 79 6,154 14,700 8,546 42%
....................................... ....._................................................_...... ............._... ....................... .............::::::4 4905132008295 37%
White Rd Bluford Ave/Clarke Rd 2 3,981 92
Clarke Rd(Good Homes Rd 2 5168 756 5,924 13,200 7,276 45%
Willow Creek Rd Russell Dr,Wurst Rd 2 2,700 0 2,700 8,600 5,900 31%
Wurst Rd Clarcona-Ocoee Rd/A.D.Mims Rd 2 6,237 1,235 7,472 12,000 4,528 62%
Traffic Volumes and Capadtles by Road Segments
Traffic Volume Assam ments (Sheet 1) 08/11/93
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mom3 B ..
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Wurst bd/olarf a Rd 27 27
Clarke RdApopka—Vineland Rd 211 211
Adair St Wurst Rd arcona—Ocoee Rd 470 273 743
Apopka—Vineland Rd S.R.43 A.D.Mims Rd 106 106
AD.Mims Rd/Ciarcona—Ocoee Rd 317 317
Clarcona—Ocoee Rd/McCormidc Rd 0
•elufordAve... S.R.I' Sit;eneva.St• b
Geneva St/White Rd 0
White Rd/McKey St 0
McKey St/S.R.438 344 344
Bowness Rd Kissimmee Ave/S.R.438 0
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
D(arcona—Ocoee Rd S.R.438/Wurst Rd X24 193 236 453
(aka Lakewood Ave) Wurst Rd/Clarke Rd 118 427 545
Clarke Rd/Apopka—Vineland Rd 0
Clarke Rd S.R.50/White Rd 1,164 1,164
White Rd/S.R,438 1,234 1,234
S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 1,145 1,145
AD.Mims Rd/Clarcona—Ocoee Rd 386 386
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
Flewelling. Ocoee Hills R
St d/Russell or:::::.............. ................................................. ................................. ................................................ ..............::::::0
Fullers Cross Rd Ocoee—Apopka/Ciarcona—Ocoee 45 167 212
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
... ............ .. ......................... ....................
eneva gt ss mmee d lu d 0
Good Homes Rd S.R.50/White d 70 70
White Rd/S.R.438 0
................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
........................................... .................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
Hackney—Prairie Rd Clarke Rd/Apopka—Vineland Rd 35 35
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................... ................ .......................
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................... .......................
Johio Shores Rd S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 0
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................
Kissimmee Ave Maguire Rd/Bowness Rd 0
................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
Maguire Rd Gotha Rd/Roberson Rd 0
Roberson Rd/Tomyn Rd 0
Tomyn Rd/Professional Prkwy 0
Professional Prkwy/S.R.50 0
S.R.50 tory Rd 0
Marshall Farms Rd S.R.50Ale quire Rd 0
McKey St Kissimmee Ave/Bluford Ave 0
................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................... .......................
Ocoee-Apopka Rd... S.R.438/Beltway 0
Bahway/McCormick Rd 0'
Ocoee Hills Rd S.R.43 ewellin9 St 0
Old Winter Garden Rd S.R.50pBackwood Ave 0
Blackwood Ave/Hempel Ave 0
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
Processional .• lc(eguire Ad)b(d 14/Inter darden Rd 0
........................................... .................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
Russell Dr gt)II(ow&ree(<Rd �. . 0
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................................. ...........................................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................... .......................
§.A.50 —9111 St/144ford bd 0
(West Colonial Dr) Woicrd Rd/Maguire Rd 0
Magure Rd/Old Winter Garden Rd 0
Old Winter Garden Rd/Clarke Rd 344 344
Clarke Rd Good Homes Rd 628 628
S.R.438 E.Crown Point Rd/Bowness Rd 0
(Silver Star Rd) Bowness Rd/Bluford Ave 683 683
Bluford Ave/Clarke Rd 1,051 1,051
Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 878 878
Story Rd 9th St/Wofford Rd 0
Woffcrd Rd/Kissimmee Ave 0
White Rd Bluford Ave/Clarke Rd 136 136
Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 70 70
Willow Creek Rd Russell Dr/ urst Rd 0
Wurst Rd Clarcona—Ocoee Rd/A.D.Mims Rd 27 277 273 577
Traffic Volumes and Capadties by Road Segments
Traffic Volume As sion manta (Sheet 2) 08/11/93
.S."RMI,:, WM M=tEn
.Ab, AimsRd ....Wurst.118,4rarke Pd. 21 S 21
Clarke Rd/Apopka—Vineland Rd 128 16 144
Adair St Wurst Rd/Clarcona—Ocoee Rd 0
Apopka—Vineland Rd S.A.438/A.D.Mims Rd 0
AD.Mims Rd/Clarcona—Ocoee Rd 128 128
Clarcona—Ocoee Rd/McCormick Rd 0
aiLior'dkie §A tb/6eneva
Geneva St/White Rd 0
White Rd/McKey St 0
McKsY St/S.R.438 29 29
Bowness Rd Kissimmee Ave/S.R.438 0
Clarcona—Ocoee Ad §)1.438AA/urstAd 3 3
(aka Lakewood Ave) Wurst Rd/Clarice Rd 0
Clarke Rd/Apopka—Vineland Rd 0
Clarke Rd S.R.50/1Milte Ad 119 119
White Rd/S.R.438 260 137 35 432
S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 20 7 27
AD.Mims Rd/Clartona—Ocoee Rd 13 13
Flewelling St Ocoee Hills Rd/Russell U- 0
Fullers Cross Rd Ocoee—Apoplca/Claroona—Ocoee 0
Geneva St Kissimmee HcijBlutora Ad 0
Good Homes Rd S.R.50/White Rd 0
White Rd/S.R.438 0
Hackney—Prairie Rd Clarke Rd/Apopka—Vineland Rd 0
Johlo Shores Rd S.R.438/A.D.Mlms Rd 539 10 549
Kissimmee Ave Maguire Fid/Bowness Rd 0
Maguire Rd Gotha Fid/Floberson Rd 0
Roberson Rd/Tomyn Rd 0
Tomyn Rd/Professional Prkwy 0
Professional Prkery/S.R.50 0
S.R.50/Story Rd 0
Marshall Farms Rd S.R.50/Maguire Rd 0
McKey St Kissimmee Ave/Bluford Ave 0
ucoee—Apopat: Ad -S.R.43s/biertway 0
Bettway/McCormIdc Rd 0
Ocoee Hills Rd S.R.4381Fiewelling St 0
Old Winter Garden Rd S.R.50/Biackwood Ave 0
Bladcwood Ave/Hempel Ave 0
Professional t>rIcwy rKAagu)re hc1/01c1Wrfter Garden Rd 0
Russell Dr F(evreftlno grt/tml(owbreek Ad 0
§.01..56 9St/Woxdd 0
(West Colonial Dr) Woffcrd Rd/Maguire Rd 0
Maguire Rd/Old Winter Garden Rd 0
Old Winter Garden Rd/Clarke Rd 0
Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 0
S.R.438 E.Crown Point Rd/Bowness Rd 0
(Silver Star Rd) Bowness Rd/Blufcrd Ave 23 23
Bluford Ave/Clarice Rd 107 76 77 260
Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 367 95 51 513
Story Rd 9th St/Woftord Rd 0
Wofford Rd/Kissimmee Ave 0
White Rd Bluford Ave/Clarke Rd 0
Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 17 17
Willow Creek Rd Russell Dr/Wurst Rd 0
Wurst Rd Clarcona—Ocoee Rd/A.D.Mims Rd 0
Traffic Volumes and Capadties by Road Segments
Traffic Volume Ass!. ments heat 08 11 93
.,:;,,A0a4, Ymq:ke oF4A%-i.AWNUSAMMA.4al tv
mum -wm.majoimmim. 502 502
Clarke Rd •so. *:—Vineland Rd 3 011 3 011
•••• v mazioamilm MEM 1,384
AD.Mims Rd/Clarcona—Ocoee Rd 987 987
Clarcona—Ocoee RdNIcCormick Rd 1 151 1 151
• • • bliVECELLIME11111.11111111111MINIMMIllilll
Geneva St/White Rd 134 114 248
White Rci/McKey St 134 134
McKe .R.438 11111111111M
il0. 1:1M157711:777A.:11 MNIMI11111111111111111•111111=11111=11M=1==1II
arcona—ocoee • MrifiaTanaja
(aka Lakewood Ave) Wurst Rd/Clarke Rd 502 502
Clarke R. •so. a—Vineland Rd 1 481 1 481
48 1,471 5,972 ,691
White Rd/S.R.438 348 6,228 6,576
S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 8,753 8,753
AD.Mims Rd/Clarcona—Ocoee Rd 8 824 8 824
111111111111MTTIT1:51 a1•111M1111•11•1=MEM1111•11111111111111insi
00• OMBS • .".50 " "• 58 58
WhiteR. .R.438 11111111111111111111111111=1•11111111= =MME]
W71511-5—M10•11-1i1EKiTZMUMEGRAMMM MMO
gu e-• maim= MOM MENEM
Roberson Rdfromyn Rd 281 6,086 385 6,752
om -d/- • :ssiona —"IONE 281 5,931 375 6,587
Professional • iS.R.50 140 5,530 350 6,020
WASSTTS111M011111-. 11.1111111111111111M1111=111111111111111111111M 1111111111111111113
MIIIIIIILEXPIZ4n9rITMEM:IrrirrilErlINI111111111111111MIIMIIII11111111111 0
•ccee—•Dos -. MIZa..C11.1111 0
Beitwa cCormick Rd 0
Bladcwood Ave em sal Ave 162 326 488
111u-VETTronsiffairiCrilairiii3ae77•1711-ria 11111111111E111
111=1111111111111=11111fiMilniinSIMEriiii =ME=
ilMITIllgillIllilligiTilff.7107171:5111111111111MINI11111111111111111 MINIM
50 •• `MO • a • 11111.M1
(West Colonial Dr) Wofford Rd/Ma•uire Rd 505 947 1,452
Ma•LAT Rd/Old Wnter Garden Rd 913 3,955 4,868
Old Winter Garden Rd/Clarice Rd 2,359 3,992 6,351
Clarice • Good Homes Rd 696 696
438 .•own 'a nt ness • 0
(Silver Star Rd) Bowness Rd/Blufccd Ave 0
Bluford Ave/Clarke Rd 1 170 1,170
Clarke R• Good Homes Rd 1 384 1 384
7"0 • -• .111.11111111111111.11 .1111111111111111111•111111111MM
Wofford Rd ssimmee Ave 39 39
LIMMLE:, AHi;• 682
Clarke Rs Good Homes Rd MINE:31111111= INEMMWEI iNE=MION 342
fr7671710MMErr1IIliDMIKlirsMI1111111111111111111111111M111111111.1MM111111 .1.1
fizalirdumgem-AT-memzMNIAIMITIIMION 502
Traffic Volumes and Capacities by Road Segments
Traffic Volume Assignments (Sheet 4) 08/11/93
Ii7.7ay'. ' ffeT17,1
• A.15.Virns Ad • ikurst Fidial•arke 9 124 133
Clarke 1:1Apopka—Vineland Rd 8 77 246 331
Adair St Wurst R Iarcona—Ocoe e Rd 263 263
Apopka—Vineland Rd S.R.438A.D.Mims Rd 189 189
AD.Mims Rd/Clarcona—Ocoee Rd 189 189
Clarcona—Ocoee RdMAcCormick Rd 0
Eilurcrdkee' 5bibenevatt 6
Geneva St/White Rd 0
White Rd/McKey St 0
McKey St/S.R.438 0
Bowness Rd Kissimmee Ave/S.R.438 0
Clarcona—Ocoee Rd S.R.438/WLrst Rd 0
(aka Lakewood Ave) Wurst Rd/Clarke Rd 52 52
Clarke Rd/Apopka—Vineland Rd 0
Clarke Rd S.R.5o/white Rd 513 473 986
White Rd/S.R.438 619 542 1,587 294 3,042
S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 53 520 2,721 3,294
AD.Mims Rd/Clarcona—Ocoee Rd 36 89 404 529
Fiewelling St Ocoee Hills Rd/Russell 0
Fullers Cross Rd Ocoee—Apopka/Da-cone—Ocoee 0
Geneva St Kissimmee Rdgiluford Rd 0
Gd Homes Rd S.R.50/Whited 187 187
White Rd/S.R.438 238 238
Hadcney—Prairie Rd Clarke Rd/Apopka—Vineland Rd 0
Johio Shores Rd S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 49 23 72
Kissimmee Ave Maguire Rd/Bowness Rd 0
Maguire Rd Gotha Fir:I/Roberson Rd 0
Roberson Rd/Tomyn Rd 0
Tomyn Rd/Professional Prkwy 0
Professional Prkwy/S.R.50 0
S.R.50/Story Rd 0
Marshall Farms Rd S.R.50/MaquVe Rd 0
McKey St Kissimmee Ave/Bluford Ave 0
Ocoee4pooka d A 438/Beltway 0
Beltway/McCormick Rd 0
Ocoee Hills Rd S.R.438/Flewelling St 0
Old Winter Garden Rd S.R.50/Blackwood Ave 0
Blackwood Ave/Hempel Ave 0
Professional Prkwy fiiiigu1re Fid/Old Winter Garden Rd I 0
Russell Dr Flewelilho St/Willow creek Rd0
................ ............. ............
§..h.*50 9th St/WOffdrdAd 0
(West Colonial Dr) Woffcrd Rd/Maguire Rd 0
Maguire Rd/Old Writer Garden Rd 0
Old Winter Garden Rd/Clarke Rd 0
Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 0
S.R.438 E.Crown Point Rd/Bowness Rd 0
(Silver Star Rd) Bowness Rd/Blufcrd Ave 0
Bluford Ave/Clarke Rd 154 478 357 126 1,115
Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 496 456 777 420 2,149
Story Rd 9th St/Woffcrd Rd 0
Wofford Rd/Kissimmee Ave 0
White Rd Bluf ad Ave/Clarke Rd 27 27
Clarke RdtGood Homes Rd 78 68 13 159
Willow Creek Rd Russell Dr/Wurst Rd 0
Wurst Rd Clarcona—Ocoee Rd/A.D. Mims Rd 156 156
•" "1: "" "" """' ••—•""""' •
Traffic Volumes and Capacities by Road Segments
Traffic Volume Assignments (Sheet 5) 08/11/93
::?fin .:eV di v<..}, '" ..�� ;: ' .•
:,a,:�« �\� ._£.+ fir..'4.1... . . .v.v _�< 4 .... . xz '> .. x`15 JS:v
Clarke R Apopka—Vineland Rd 175 175
Adair St Wurst R arcona—Ocoee Rd 0
Apopka—Vineland Rd S.R.43 A.D.Mims Rd _ , • 20 • 20
A.D.Mims Rd/Clarcona—Ocoee R _d 0
Clarcona—Ocoee Rd/McCormick Rd '0
Blutord. ve "S.R:td/Geneva St 39 25 64
Geneva St/White Rd 117 117
White Rd/McKey St 0
'McKey St/S.R.438 0
Bowness Rd Kissimmee Ave/S.R.438 0
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... .......................
w6larcona-Ocoee Rd 6.14.438AN`urst Ad 0
(aka Lakewood Ave) Wurst Rd/Clarke Rd 0
Clarke R�d�I/A�popa—Vineland Rd 0
Clarke Rd S.R.50/Whfe Rd 472 472
White Rd/S.R.438 438 533 971
S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 545 93 638
AD.Mims Rd/Clarcona—Ocoee Rd 15 15
...........:.:.:.:.::.....:..:.:.....................:.:...............................::...................:.:....................... ............................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................:....:.....
Fiewe111ng St Ocoee Hills Rd/Russell or 0
Fullers Cross Rd Ocoee—Apopka/Clarcona—Ocoee 0
Geneva St k(ssimmee R......................... .1__. o Rd 77 77
Good Homes Rd S.R.50/White Rd 58 58
White Rd/S.R.438. .. 42 110 152
n _ arl ' Rd>;}... .......... ................
............_..................._............. 0_............................ __........................................... ............:::::..
Hadc ey Pre e Rd Clarke Rd/Apopka—Vineland
............................................................................................................... ................................................. .................................................................................. .......................
...............}.:; .;..:..}...}.;..:....:.:.........;..:.....;.:.:.. ........................}.�...................................................................................;.:...;....>............................ ......:..:....:.................................................................................................................................................................................................. ...............................................:..:......:..:................
Johio Snores Rd S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd304304
wR ......................................::::::52546 ::.:............................. ................................ ................ ........:::::::571.
Kissimmee Ave Maguire Rd/Bowness d
:::: :......................... ............. .................................................:i0.......0:::-. ................................ ................ . ...................iu.:.:........... ..... .............................. .......: : .520
::::::::::::::: ::::::.:.:........................................................................................................... ................................................ ............. .................... ....................
Maguire Rd Gotha Rd/Roberson Rd 520
Roberson Rd/Tomyn Rd 6,221 36 6,257
Tomyn Rd/Professional Prkwy 6,062 36 6,098
Professional Prkwy/S.R.50 5,652 124 5,776
S.R.50 torn Rd 642 46 688
Marshall Farms Rd S.R.50A/squire Rd 0
McKey St Kissimmee Ave/Blufard Ave 0
6ccee-Adopka Ad S.A.43EVSeitway 0
Beltway/McCormick Rd 0
Ocoee Hills Rd S.R.43 lewelling St 0
Old Winter Garden Rd S.R.50/Blackwood Ave 410 135 545
Blackwood Ave/Hempel Ave 333 17 350
fu(aqulre Rd/Old Wnter Barden Ad 416 244 6 4
Professional 15rkwy
Mussel!Dr Flewelllna St&liow creek Rd 0
S. .50 �9tn St/Wofford Ad.W . 0
(West Colonial Dr) Woffcrd Rd/Maguire Rd 968 54 1,022
Maguire Rd/Old Winter Garden Rd 4,042 24 4,066
Old Winter Garden Rd/Clarke Rd 4,079 226 235 4,540
Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 173 173
S.R.438 E.Crown Point Rd/Bowness Rd 0
(Silver Star Rd) Bowness Rd/Bluford Ave 0
Bluford Ave/Clarke Rd 136 155 291
Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 275 284 559
Story Rd 9th St/Wofford Rd 0
Wofford Rd/Kissimmee Ave 40 40
White Rd Blufard Ave/Clarke Rd 79 79
Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 168 168
Willow Creek Rd Russell Dr/Wurst Rd 0
Wurst Rd Clarcona—Ocoee Rd/A.D.Mims Rd 0
H g g g g y Cl) cn it o r q C) 5 03
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