HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem III (A) Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 19, 1994 AGENDA 8-2-94 -I C Item III A jijd MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING HELD July 19, 1994 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. Pastor Dillard Burgess, Glad Tidings Assembly of God, delivered the opening prayer and Mrs. Betty Goble, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Gleason, and Johnson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Administrative Services Director Beamer, Planning Director Wagner, Personnel Director Psaledakis, Public Works Director Brenner, Recreation Director Beech, and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS There were no presentations or proclamations at this time. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, and F. Commissioner Gleason asked for confirmation in item D that the recreation space for Wesmere PUD- Village 10 and 11 had been provided as previously discussed. Planning Director Wagner advised that the 2.1 acres are indicated on the plan as required by Commission. Mayor Vandergrift mentioned that the Winter Garden Seventh-day Adventist Church in item C was located in Ocoee. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve and accept items A through F of the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. Consent agenda items were: A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 5, 1994. B. Approval and Authorization to transfer $3,250 from Water Reserve for Contingency and $3,250 from Wastewater Reserve for Contingency to Fire Department for the purchase of Confined Space Extrication Equipment. C. Approval and Authorization to waive all rezoning and special exception fees related to the Winter Garden Seventh-Day Adventist Church application to permit operation of a school and child care facility within their current church building. D. Approval and Acceptance of Wesmere PUD - Village 10 and 11, Final Subdivision Plans, Project Nos. 94-001 and 94-002. E. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Change Order #13 with Huber Design to change base for municipal complex roadway. F. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Labor Agreement with Florida Department of Corrections-Lake Correctional Institution. 111 rai [AA Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 19, 1994 COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mrs. Ann Stakemiller, 715 E. Lakeshore Drive, President of Sleepy Harbour Homeowners' Association, presented questions which are listed below. The responses are underlined. 1) Please update the information on the lake front cleaning project, as the whole neighborhood is ready to move on this. Mr. Shapiro responded that Jim Thomas is preparing a design for the best plants to use and after the City has tried the design, information/instructions will be distributed to citizens. He added that some funding is underway. 2) Has the required permit been received yet, and, if so, what is taking so long to finish the clean-up? There is a large mound of muck that is unsightly. Ms. Beamer responded that the permit has been received. The muck must be removed by heavy machinery that cannot gain access to the area until the Municipal Complex construction is finished. 3) Is the whole area in front of City Hall a city park and, if so, when will something, such as restrooms, be done to make it more enjoyable? Mr. Shapiro responded that a portion of the area is city park and the matter of restrooms may be discussed during the budget discussion later in this meeting. 4) What was the cost for the brick paving in the driveway? $13,000+ for the portion already installed, and more will be requested in the next budget year in order to complete the entranceway and lake front. 5) Why is the police department building going to be razed when it could serve a purpose, such as a library? Mr. Shapiro responded that the building has asbestos in it and so must go: and the Orange County Library indicated some time ago that they will not put a library in Ocoee. 6) Would the guttering of the new building have been cheaper if it had been done earlier? No. 7) It appears that the overall maintenance of the City is neglected while Clarke Road is cared for excessively. What is the City's responsibility regarding the care of road rights- of-way, the S curve on Orlando Avenue, and on Geneva Street where they do not mow all the way to the fence? This makes an unsightly approach to the cemetery. Mr. Shapiro responded that it is the City's responsibility, that the City mows some of the other areas, especially some utility easements, because no one else will. On Geneva Street, the rear yard fences are two feet inside the property line and that portion is the responsibility of the homeowner. In the rainy season when areas must be mowed oftener it is very difficult to cover the entire City. Mrs. Stakemiller suggested that the mowing team finish each job with mowing, edging and blowing in one trip, and that the whole city be put on a mowing/cleaning schedule. 8) Is B. C. Terry Road inside the City limits? The entranceway is unsightly. That part is in the City. 9) The Police Department has not been maintained since construction began. 2 O [i] CA Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 19, 1994 Mrs. Stakemiller presented photographs of each of the areas of concern she had mentioned and asked for comments. Conunissioner Johnson said she should be present to help raise taxes to take care of those deficiencies noted. Conunissioner Foster said it appears that additional personnel is needed, and unless taxes are raised that would not be possible. Mr. Shapiro said that with a limited amount of equipment, the main focus for P.P.T.D. at this time is drainage and keeping ditches open. Commissioner Gleason said that it is frustrating to receive distress calls asking when a particular area will be mowed and the City should be on a mowing priority schedule so that the P.P.T.D. is not just putting out fires all the time. Mayor Vandergrift suggested contracting out some of the summer maintenance and Mr. Shapiro responded that he is looking into that solution already for the water/sewer plants. The use of prisoner labor was discussed and Public Works Director Brenner said that they are not always available when needed here. 10) Mrs. Stakemiller said that the cracked sidewalk in the 400 block on South Bluford Avenue had been reported repeatedly and nothing had been done about it yet; also that offensive odors from the garbage container at Midstate Apartments, 449 South Bluford Avenue, had been reported to no avail. Mr. Shapiro said that was a state road but the City will take care of the sidewalk, and that the garbage odor was a code enforcement problem for which the owners have been cited. Mr. Brian Golden, 1997 Hedgerow Circle, suggested using high school students during the high maintenance season. Mr. Shapiro advised that the law prevents hiring someone under age 18 but that a club or organization (such as scouts) could volunteer and take that as a project. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked about the square footage of the brick pavers and what the base consisted of. Mrs. Stakemiller responded the brick paver part is 71/2' x 27' and Mrs. Beamer said soil cement. Mr. Mohnacky said there are new methods available for dealing with asbestos that should be explored before razing the police department building. Problem is in the piping. Who should he call when he wishes to report a problem with potholes? Public Works Department (Judy Henry) at 877-8420. PUBLIC HEARINGS Final Settlement of Annexation and Rezoning Litigation with Orange County. City Attorney Rosenthal referred to his memorandum dated June 28, 1994 to Commission which included the proposed Second Settlement Agreement with Orange County with attached Exhibit "A," legal descriptions of three parcels annexed in the Gotha area (Baker, Blayer, and Guess properties, now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Hess) and Exhibit "B," a proposed Stipulated Final Judgement. Mr. Rosenthal stated that when the partial settlement of the annexation/zoning litigation with Orange County was made, an agreement could not be reached on these three 3 7 0 [-AA L., Ocoee City Conunission Regular Meeting July 19, 1994 parcels. In keeping with the Commission's direction to continue to assist the property owner in a resolution on the parcels, discussions continued until the County had agreed to process an amendment to their Comprehensive Plan and permit the parcels to be developed at 2 units per acre. The process is anticipated to take approximately eighteen months. If for some reason this does not happen there will be another window of opportunity for Mr. and Mrs. Hess to apply for annexation again. The effect of the settlement is to de-annex the property from the City as of the date of entry of the Court's Final Judgement. The Final Judgement will render null and void the annexation and zoning ordinances (Nos. 92-72, 92-73, 92-74, 92-75, 92-76, and 92-77 adopted by City Commission on December 16, 1972 and January 5, 1993) concerning those parcels. Alison Yurko, Assistant County Attorney, was present and Mr. Rosenthal thanked her for her efforts in getting the various departments in the County to put this settlement as a priority on their list. Ms. Yurko had no comments to add, but said she would be happy to answer any questions. The public hearing was opened as advertised. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gleason , seconded by Commissioner Combs , moved to approve the Second Settlement Agreement with Orange County and the City in final settlement of litigation brought by Orange County in Case No. CI 93-245 and authorize execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk, and to direct the City Attorney to file such motions as may be required in order to have the Court approve the Stipulated Final Judgement attached as Exhibit "B" to the Second Settlement Agreement. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Gleason "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye," and Mayor Vandergrift "aye." Motion carried 5-0. RECESS 8:35 - 8:50 P.M. Capital Improvement Plan - Fiscal Years 1995-1999. City Manager Shapiro explained the value of the numbers used to indicate an item's priority placement on the list of each department's needs: 0 = an ongoing project; 1 = currently funded and in the budget; 2 = something needed but probably not funded due to lack of funds; 3 = probably O.K. but just a dream. A column each was provided for the evaluation of the need by the Department Head, City Manager, Planning and Zoning Commission(acting as LPA) and City Commission. Mr. Shapiro explained that the Planning and Zoning Commission had gone along with his evaluation in all but two or three items. He stated that there are some issues that should be mentioned in order to bring them to the table even though no questions are asked. As Commission reviewed the pages one by one the following are the items mentioned during the review: 4 Regular Meeting LTJ Ocoee City Commissionegu ar July 19, 1994 City Manager Page 1 - 1: The trophy case will be ordered from current funds instead of this. City Clerk Page 2 - Mayor Vandergrift wants TV tapes of the meetings to be archived. Finance Dept. - No comments or changes. Personnel Dept. Page 4 - 6: Time clocks? There is occasionally a question about whether good time is being kept on employees. This item is rated 3 as the need is not considered urgent. Commissioner Combs said he feels that an employee who takes pride in his job will not come in late or leave early. Planning Dept. - No comments or changes. General Government Page 6 - 2: What is Citizen Relation Software? A package for tracking complaints by computer. Eventually will have terminals at Commissioners' homes and at a later date will discuss having them at the mall. 4: Laser Printer-$700 for City Clerk and Laser printers for $1,500 for other departments. Mr. Shapiro explained here that the items on pages 6-8 are valued at number 2 because a committee is working on a 5-year master plan for an organized computer program for all departments, and their proposed needs have been listed on these pages. RFP's are out so that vendors will have an opportunity to provide information on the equipment needed to accomplish the job. Money will be put in the budget to fund the program and the plan will be presented for approval after it is prepared. After Commission approval it will go out to bid. Page 7 - What about the software? This is also being studied by the committee so that where standardization is possible it will be accomplished. Why is software in capital improvements when it is an item that will be updated yearly to remain current. So that the whole package can be presented intact. Page 9 -31 & 34: Executive chairs for $5,000? The cost is due to the rub-count as these chairs will get a lot of wear and should not show up on another budget within a year or two. Was not the money in the budget this year for these items? It is part of the money in the total package for the Municipal Complex, but until this point was reached in the construction and it had been determined approximately how much would be left in the fund it was not possible to allocate for furniture and equipment. 5 Li LAA Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 19, 1994 33: Artwork for commission chambers. Most public buildings go to the National Council of Arts where there are artists who are willing to exhibit their work at no cost as long as the City can promise security for the artwork. The display will be changed every few months. Will there be pictures of former mayors on display? Possibly after the move in. Public Works Page 11 - 1: Public Works Complex Facility. Elected officials are inundated with requests for facilities and roads which cannot be fulfilled with the present arrangement. This facility should be a part of a major GOB bond issue so that the citizens can exhibit their concern that their needs be met. Also included in the bond issue would be the purchase of a major 100 acre community park, as well as some roads, to see what the community wants to fund. Administrative Services Page 12 Most of the items on this page are for the upgrading of the community center after it has been used by the recreation department during the upgrading of the recreation center. Mayor Vandergrift asked if consideration had been given to refurbishing the recreation center and constructing another building in another location. Mr. Shapiro said that direction regarding their desires for this facility from Commission led to a public announcement that specific things would be done to enlarge the recreation center, funds have been spent and a grant received for that purpose and staff will proceed in that direction until specific direction is given by Commission to stop. There was discussion here regarding how specific the directions were and Mayor Vandergrift asked for the minutes of the meeting where it was discussed that the building should be torn down and replaced because the bids came in too high, as he could not recall such a discussion. Those present could remember the discussion but not the specific meeting. 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks. Law requires that the tanks be placed above ground because of problems with leaks in underground tanks. This will enable the City to provide fuel in an emergency situation to neighboring communities in the event that the power goes out. 4: Lakefront Improvements and Roadway Realignment. How much of that$430,000 will go toward lakefront improvement? The master plan includes a list of things, including the roadway realignment. Commissioner Gleason asked that this information regarding the substantial dollars allocated to the lakefront improvements be passed on to the homeowners associations. Mayor Vandergrift asked that available grants be investigated. 6 11-11 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 19, 1994 5: Holding Pond-Ditch behind Police Station. This is part of Jim Thomas's discussion with Ms. Beamer regarding cleansing the water before it reaches Starke Lake. 7: Need some form of outside restrooms available to public in community center park area. This building is presently on septic tank and portable units might be the answer until it is converted over to sewer system. Commissioner Johnson said the first consideration for restrooms should be for the ball field areas where the children of the residents play before they are provided for park areas used by non- residents. Page 13 -17: Sprinklers. Buildings over 4,000 sq. ft. are required to have sprinklers. Commissioner Johnson asked if the renovation of this building could be delayed long enough to find out the cost of matching it to the new municipal complex. That could be done. Facilities Maintenance. Page 14 This is something that has been needed to maintain the City buildings but it has not been approached properly until now. Law Enforcement Page 15 - 7: Mobile video system. These are attached to the vehicles. Have we considered going to the modified Indianapolis plan, permitting officers to drive their vehicles home? Have been getting away from this plan because it did not work here. 9: Mobile vs portable radios. Portable radios can be taken out of the vehicles. Need mobile radios that have higher frequency until the change over to 800 megahertz system. Page 16 -10: 800 MHz Radio System - Winter Garden's figure was $600,000 rather than $200,000. They did more work on it. The Fire frequency is on the County's 800 MHz system but the County is not willing to help with the law enforcement system. The City must pay for the capitalization in order to be able to tie in with the County law enforcement 800 MHz system. 17: Firing Range. Nearly 120 of the 160 acres at the sewer plant are not in use and in approximately 6 months some of that land will be available to be used for a 100 acre park including a track, soccer field, baseball fields and a nature walk in the bottom of the Hammocks area where the firing range currently is. City Manager gave this item a 3 as he would rather not spend the dollars for improving the firing range with computerized equipment when that area should be returned to its original state for the people to use. There are other firing ranges available for the police to qualify. Mayor Vandergrift said he has continued to suggest purchasing the 200 acres from Coca Cola because its location is ideally suited for that same 7 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting J July 19, 1994 purpose in that it crosses the Rails to Trails, borders on Lake Apopka and could be an active-passive park. Page 17 -19: Decibel Meter. In order to enforce the noise ordinance it will be necessary to fund it as the State will not. 25: Outdoor Vacuum. To be used for collecting evidence. Fire Department Page 19 -17: EMS Equipment. Miscellaneous supplies. Page 20 -25: Disaster Trailer 20'. Mobile headquarter command. Page 21 -30: Electric Generator. Antennae will be at the Fire Department and the Motorola equipment will be inside and cabled underground to the City Hall and Police Department. Need to have something more reliable than present equipment. Parks, Parkways, Trees and Drainage Page 24 -18: Reflectometer. A device that measures the reflection off of street signs. This item was marked 2 by City Manager as he felt eyesight would work as well. Page 25 -27: Welcome to Ocoee Signs. Mayor Vandergrift suggested solar signs. The reason the planned lighting system is recommended is because Florida Power does all the service work for an insignificant amount. 28: Mark III Lake Aid System. Mayor Vandergrift would prefer a fountain instead of this system as it would accomplish the same purpose of aerating the lake. Page 26 -37: Kissimmee Avenue/Story Road. This has to do with paving only, not intersection improvement. Page 27 Is Professional Parkway in this plan? There was a developer agreement with Heller Bros. that speaks to their development of that road. 40-42: Are these for Orlando Avenue on the list in case the Mall developers elect to not do something along this portion? This is just paving and it is anticipated that the Mall will either do or contribute heavily to extending the lanes on each side and capping on Orlando Avenue. Mr. Shapiro asked that Commissioners advise staff if there are other streets in their districts that need paving so they can be put in the 5-year plan. Page 32 The cost of asphalt removal from brick is $782,000. - What is the cost of just asphalt for those roads? A lot less, but this is the information requested earlier in the year for removing the asphalt from the brick and bringing the brick back to its original form. It is a good historical move but it is very expensive. This could be included in the GOB bond issue if the citizens wished to have this done. Mayor Vandergrift wanted to let the asphalt wear off and not repair the brick roads by the current method of pouring asphalt into the holes when the bricks are broken. As they are historical roads they could be repaired properly and be 8 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 19, 1994 scheduled for more extensive work over the years as grants and funds become available rather than resurfacing with asphalt. Engineering Page 34 - 4: White Road improvement - Same question here as on Orlando Avenue regarding the Mall. This $1.2M is the cost given to the mall developers. Recreation Page 36 -14: Restrooms at Bulldog Field and other parks - Commissioner Gleason said he was not opposed to these additional restrooms where there are already restrooms and that consideration should be given also to restrooms on the lakefront where money is being spent to clean up the area to make it attractive to use. Commissioner Johnson said the facilities listed should not cost the scheduled amount, particularly if citizens donate time and equipment as they usually do. Stormwater Drainage Page 37 - 7: Menzimuck 6000. This is a ditch crawler that mows a ditch very quickly. The County has six that are not available to borrow as they are in constant use. Page 38 -17: Pollution control devices. These are devices that collect trash to keep it out of the lake. 18: Starke Lake stormwater ponds. Why is the figure $750,000 in total cost but the other figures only add up to $650,000? There is another $100,000 in a later year. The City is now in the third year of the necessary five years of history before a revenue bond issue can be done to do some of the high priority projects: i.e., Starke Lake, northwest ditch area by the trailer park, and drainage problems on the hill. Commissioner Gleason asked that a special report be prepared for the homeowners associations showing these projections so that they can understand that something is really in the process of being done. Wastewater Operating Page 46 -25: Expand Wastewater Plant to 6 MGD. One of the decisions that must be made in the next few years is whether to maintain the plant size as it is or to expand it vs going in with the County's plant on McCormick Road. Citizen Brian Golden, 1997 Hedgerow Circle, asked about the City making the effluent available to homeowners for irrigation. Mr. Shapiro advised that was already in the plan and St. Johns River Water Management has been advised that this is the intent. Currently all the available effluent is going to the golf course, but eventually it will be available to the homeowners as well. 9 !f 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 19, 1994 Page 49 - 1: Kissimmee/Story Road Intersection construction - $511,000. This is one of the areas that staff is unsure about the source of funding, whether this would be from the GOB bond issue or other sources. Sysco has been advised that they will be required to share in the cost in order to get the building permits for the 40,000 sq. ft. addition they are planning. This share would be above and beyond the cost of any impact fees they would pay. 3: Hackney Prairie Road. Mayor Vandergrift said he understood that the County was building and paying for that. Commissioner Gleason said that Bell South is going to pay for a certain distance. Mr. Shapiro said that there is money from as far back as Forest Oaks development time toward the building of Hackney Prairie Road and the County had agreed that the City could put in the road the County wanted as long as the City would pay for it. 5: Maguire Rd/Marshall Farms Intersection construction. Where are the plans? The plans have not been drawn yet. Commissioner Gleason, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to accept the Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 1995-1999 as submitted and approved by City Staff and the LPA's recommendation of the numbers that have been given, reserving the right for discussion on individual items at workshop and budget sessions. Motion carried 5-0. Resolution No. 94-14, repealing Resolution 94-09 relating to water shortage measures. Mayor Vandergrift said that this Resolution repeals Resolution No. 94-09, which established a ban on lawn irrigation and other non-essential uses of water between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., in order to conform the City's irrigation rules to those of the St. Johns River Water Management District, changing the ban for such use from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Resolution was presented by title only. Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to adopt Resolution No. 94-14, repealing Resolution 94-09 relating to water shortage measures. Motion carried 5-0. RECESS 10:20 P.M. TO 10:25 P.M. City Manager Evaluation. City Manager Shapiro advised that he had distributed a selection of the forms commonly used for the evaluation of city managers and had waited for consensus on the form to be used by Commission for his evaluation. Commissioner Gleason had chosen one of the forms and returned an evaluation which was included in the packet for this meeting. Since that time Commissioner Foster and Commissioner Johnson had submitted their evaluations using the same form, and copies of those were distributed at the beginning of the meeting. Commissioner Combs said that he was going on vacation and would take part of that time to prepare and 10 J i °� L�1 ll Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 19, 1994 submit his evaluation. Mayor Vandergrift said that he would do the same and have it in before he leaves for vacation on July 22. There was no time set for a public review of the evaluations. FY 94-95 Budget Set Tentative Millage City Manager Shapiro explained that there was a mistake in the tax appraiser's figures in the original form DR-420 (Certification of Taxable Value) delivered to the City and which was included in the packet. An amended form with correct figures has just been received and distributed with a revised staff report reflecting the corrections. Mr. Shapiro recommended that the millage rate be set for the fifth year at 4 mills, which represents a 3.2% increase over roll back but no increase in the City's millage rate. The figures for 5 mills are included in the report as an option for Commission to consider at this point because once the tentative millage rate is set, it cannot be raised, only lowered. Ms. Beamer explained that when the Preliminary Taxable Value was sent by the Tax Appraiser's office, on line 5 (current year taxable value) the hospital had been included, but in lines 1 and 2 and the totals in line 4, the gross taxable value had not included the hospital as it is tax exempt. They had inadvertently included the hospital when calculating how much should be taken out for new construction and addition. That gave an adjusted taxable value this year of $398,000,000 which was less than was collected on this year's total value of property. Ms. Beamer had pressed the Tax Appraiser to provide figures showing the devalued property that would cause the roll back figures to be greater than our current amount. In a high growth area such a phenomena would not happen. The corrected form was sent this day at 1:30 p.m. and is the one which will be returned to that office with the Commission decision regarding millage. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Gleason, moved to accept the staff recommendation to keep the current rate of 4 mills. Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Vandergrift voting no. Set Budget Hearing Dates Administrative Services Director Beamer presented the available dates for scheduling the tentative and final budget hearing dates and explained that municipalities must choose their hearing dates after the Orange County School Board and Orange County set their public hearing dates. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to hold the tentative budget public hearing on September 7 and the final budget public hearing on September 21, 1994, both hearings to begin at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Shapiro called attention to the memorandum distributed from Public Works Director Brenner regarding Flood Assistance to Calhoun County, Florida and asked for direction 11 -10 riA Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 19, 1994 from Commission. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to give $1,000 from Contingency fund to the North Florida Flood Disaster. Motion carried 5-0. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Johnson: Need to enforce the "No Swimming" sign at Starke Lake. Commissioner Foster: No remarks at this time. Commissioner Combs: 1) Said that Eric Barnett had expressed concern that the "No Thru Street" signs put up by the developer in Temple Grove were not legal as he had been told that they must be specifically authorized by Commission. Mr. Shapiro explained that they were legal but had been removed by an unknown person. In the process now trying to get them replaced. 2) Mr. Barnett also wanted to know if the City could help him collect on siding which was still under warranty by the developer when it went bad. Mr. Rosenthal advised that Ordinance No. 94-21 related to siding installed after the ordinance was adopted, and so would have no application in this case. He should not have a problem with a developer warranty; however, that is a private matter that the City would not be involved in. Mr. Shapiro said that the developer will have to follow the ordinance now in effect when replacing the siding and he may have expressed his reluctance to Mr. Barnett. Commissioner Gleason: 1) Said that Lake Olympia Club and Waterside will also benefit from the "No Thru Street" signs. 2) Noted that school starts next week and asked about the blinking light requested for a particular area, and also if the sidewalks will be cleared so they can be used. Mr. Brenner said that state had refused to authorize the light but they are contemplating additional sidewalks on the west side of Bluford. He added that his department goes through a punch list of items just prior to school opening and the sidewalks were included on that list. 3) Reported that Harold Switzer's grandson, Kevin, caught a Pirapapinga (a fish related to the piranha and commonly called a Pacu) and cautioned citizens about disposing of their unwanted aquarium fish in the lakes. Mayor Vandergrift: 1) Asked if anyone has approached Tom West about selling/giving the City some property on the north side of White Road so that the sidewalk could be moved further from the road. Mr. Brenner advised that it would be a very expensive proposition for Florida Power to relocate all their transmission lines. 12 r9a _, Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 19, 1994 2) Asked if someone could attend the preapplication workshops (listed in the DATAGRAM) for Florida Communities Trust in Winter Park on July 26 having to do with getting land for parks. 3) Wants consideration to be given to a trail connecting to the Rails to Trails using the old road-bed from Ocoee to Windermere. 4) Announced need for school crossing guards and asked interested citizens to call the Orange County Sheriffs Department at 836-4082. Mr. Shapiro said that Commission had instructed him to provide school crossing guards and he was including that item in the budget. 5) Reported pot-holes at Pioneer Key II, Coventry at Essex, and in Prima Vista some of the cul-de-sacs are getting bare. 6) The construction sign is still displayed at Tiger Minor Park. 7) Some sprinkler heads are broken at Parkside and the water pours out on one tree. 8) Suggested some signs for the lake-front areas encouraging citizens to keep area clean. 9) Noted earlier in the meeting that utilities are above the ground in Silver Bend and asked that staff take care of having that changed. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: City of Ocoee Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 13