HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem VI (C) Discussion re: Proposed Enclave Legislation Policy - Florida League of Cities AGENDA 11-15-94 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item VI C 61/4(,Ocoee 1,5, %._ CITY OF OCOEE x.` RUO it o N oN .r �- 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE PAUL W.FOSTER vD OCOEE FLORIDA 34761-2258 VERN COMBS �'� (G_....}? (407)6562322 JIM GLEASON 4 OF GOOD QTY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager DATE: November 11, 1994 RE: PROPOSED ENCLAVE LEGISLATION - FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES As discussed at our last City Commission meeting, Mayor Vandergrift had proposed State legislation that would allow municipalities to voluntarily annex enclaves within their cities' boundaries whether the land was contiguous or not to the city. Pursuant to your instructions, I contacted the Florida League of Cities to determine whether this proposal was contrary to their policy and to determine how this proposed legislation might be received by a Florida League of Cities legislation committee for possible adoption. This last year, all annexation issues were consolidated in the Environmental Quality Committee. Ms. Diane Salz is the FLC staff member for this committee. After explaining this proposal, Ms. Salz felt that this proposed legislation should be addressed by the League and was consistent with the kinds of issues that the League supported. Ms. Salz further suggested that if the City Commission supported this proposal that we propose a change to the appropriate legislative guideline as it is currently written and enclosed in this packet. It would be my recommendation that the following language in 500.3 be changed as follows: "Provides reasonable procedures to allow cities to eliminate all enclaves and to expeditiously annex highly developed areas, or areas soon to be developed that are totally surrounded by the city,whether the particular land within the enclave is contiguous or not and when the annexation is requested by the landowner." If you agree with this proposal, then Ms. Salz has asked me to prepare a memorandum to her Committee for the possible review under New Business at the Legislative Session beginning November 17, 1994. Respectfully Sub itted, 1#-- - 7 ES2:fdg:115 d'V Attachments FOLEY & LARDNER IH NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 1800 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 TELEPHONE 14071 423-7656 FACSIMILE 14071 648-1743 TAMPA, FLORIDA MAILING ADDRESS: MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA POST OFFICE BOX 2193 MADISON, WISCONSIN TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA WASHINGTON. D.C. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA ORLANDO, FL. 32802-2193 ANNAPOLIS. MARYLAND CHICAGO. ILLINOIS MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift FROM: Paul E. Rosenthal, Esq. , City Attorney Aft. DATE: November 8, 1994 RE: Legislative Issue Regarding Annexations Pursuant to your request at the City Commission meeting, I believe that the legislative issue which you raised would be phrased as follows: "Should the Florida Legislature amend Chapter 171, Florida Statutes, so as to allow a municipality to annex upon the voluntary petition of a property owner lands which are located within an 'enclave' but which are not contiguous to the corporate limits of the municipality?" Upon direction from the City Commission, I will prepare a draft of legislation which would amend Chapter 171 as set forth above. If you require any further assistance, please let me know. PER:dh cc: Ocoee City Commission Mr. Ellis Shapiro, City Manager Ms. Jean Grafton, City Clerk C:\WP5l\DOCS\OCOE\MEMOS\PERDDH I I.041 1 1 1/8/94 1 DEBBIEH I PER:dh NOV 10 '94 0924 FLA LEAGUE OF CITIES 904 P223806 P.1/2 111111111k7-- iP Florid - 'League of Cities, Inc. 201 West Padc Mame•PD. 1757•Tailaliassee,Magid&32341247,1e(94 )22246(1414tuitom.27114331 • Telecopier 1(904) 2224006 TELECOPY Ta c Pair, Fro= a n --- 2— Subject 00 Ir. Cover Sheet and _ p Special Instruction.c r . AttAt. Please call(904)222-9684 if • have any questions or experience any problems in receiving this telecopy. Operator: • \ NOV 10 '94 09:24 FLA LEAGUE OF CITIES 904 222:3306 P.2/2 Comment Adequately in 402.1 (intergovernmental Relations) 50031 = - - claiirms that the actions of state and ,regionsi agEw1CieS and • --- must adhere to local comprehensive plans. 500.4.2 "- - requires Um orderly expansion of urban development and discourages a= sprawl,. giCla r • - . • - - • • "1....4 0.1.111 .0. e- L 1.="' •AL/ areas - that are adjacent t. Oigijr boundaries. nej i.• a for .1 JOU eneures municioalee are authorized to tie annesetat.thei of munickal utifty -•- .52/6 •• • Is •j :; 1=1 /1...-.11 *A- • *.eAL-111 = 4.1.1/ a- • *. •/•:: 1;20 Lk.I - - SOIL -§gal 11. r• tO ti:LIA11.1 LILW lfl 11,41.11.1 be (a . 11.-i. LI* ••••A:L._• L IL- • 1 " 500.8 •.;jiiiid : it• • . 0AL. kit,L. g ii,. /01i wt- - 1'.• d . GAGA " - - . -- • •: - - - ' • • • • 11 • gag • • • • ; t• ; • • ; • • • • • • • ; • : • • • • eovonicipaityr Comment Rqolaced • 500.3 through 500.8. 500.8j - - - = = = := - runits stMe land planning agency review of Wed comprehensive • = amendments and subsequent otiections to only those areas d expicit j • «; granted that agency. 2