HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem III (G) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Award AGENAD 12-7-93
Item III G
l+�y `�C� (407)656 2322 JIM GLEASON
l4#4, Of G 009 N. QTY MANAGER
DATE: December 3, 1993
TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners
FROM: Montye E. Beamer, Director/2)-1
Administrative Services
SUBJECT: Withers-Maguire House Restoration Project Grant, Construction Contract
Mitchell Building Contractors, Inc.
At the July 20, 1993 Commission Meeting the budget for the State Historic Preservation Grant-
in-Aid $25,500.00 Matching Grant was presented. As indicated, the work to be completed
included: (1) the removal of the existing roof and re-roofing with wood shingles to match the
original roofing; (2) the repair of the underground electrical service and main electrical panel
and subpanel, and (3) the installation of a security system. The estimates to accomplish all these
work items is now approximately$80,000.00. The application had $51,000.00 as the total; what
had not been accounted for was corresponding eave work and the California fires.
In order to complete the major work item (roofing) the staff at the State Division of Historical
Resources have indicated that the City's Grant may be modified to exclude the electrical service
and the security system. Monies will need to be transferred from the general fund Maguire
House Maintenance (001-511-4620) and Maguire House Architectural Services (001-511-4626)
into the Maguire House Grant (Fund 607). Additional monies will be contributed by the
Historical Commission. In the approved grant the Historical Commission was providing
$7,600.00; they will be adding $2,000.00 to the project fund. These monies are necessitated
by the increase in costs as well as the prior use of in-kind services to balance the budget. With
the previous work items in-kind contributions were as good as real dollars; in dealing with the
labor and materials for roofing, this is not the case. The detail on the cost for the proposed
work item is shown in attachment 1. Mitchell Building Contractors, Inc. was asked to provide
a bid on the roof work. They are currently working on at least one other wood tile roof and
have locked in a price on tiles before the December increase (estimated now to be between 20%
and 30%). The new budget is shown on attachment 2.
In this budget contingency is low. However, until the work begins it is difficult to estimate the
amount of rotten wood or the design possibilities for the flat roof area. The balance remaining
to complete the exterior includes the eave work and added trim; the estimate at this point to do
these items is an additional $11,264.00. It is staffs recommendation that after the initial work
begins this also be revisited so that all work relating to the roof can accomplished at the same
It is also staffs recommendation to award the actual roof work to Mitchell Building Contractors,
Based upon the City's 1992 evaluation of the initial pre-qualified contractors' bids, the
contractors' own review of Mitchell's bid and the completed Phase 1, the assessment that
Mitchell was, in fact, the lowest most responsible and responsive has been substantiated. No
change order was initiated to take into account possible work underbid; no work was performed
with products of lesser quality than proposed; all tasks were accomplished in an acceptable
manner with expert craftsmanship. It, therefore, held true that they were responsive and
responsible. Since the current grant-funded work is primarily exterior, it is in the project's best
interest as well as best use of the funds to continue the contract with Mitchell Building
Contractor's as Change Order #4. The original award was also within the guidelines for most
bidding situations.
The State has also reviewed the possibility of this continuation. They have voiced no objection
and do not see that the funding would be jeopardized. Charge Order #4 would include:
(1) Work as detailed in Attachment 1;
(2) Completion within seventy-five (75) days; and
(3) Payment draws
Upon mobilization, project start-up, materials stored on site (either on
roof, or in Contractor's secured trailer) 50%
Upon Substantial Completion 40%
Upon Project Close-Out Requirements 10%
Action Requested
The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners (1) approve reduction in scope of
project, (2) authorize transmittal of the amendment to the State Division of Historic
Preservation, (3) approve the transfer of funds as detailed in staff report and reflected in the
project budget, (4) approve Change Order #4 with Mitchell Building Contractors, Inc., and (5)
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute.
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FROM 11 . 22. 1993 13: 16 P. 2
Mitchell Bu.r�ctilz ATTACHMENT 1
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November 22, 1993
Withers-Maguire House Renovation
Phase Two, Project No. 0104
As discussed;
Roof Replacement $46, 384. 00
Stain Roof 2, 566. 00
General. Conditional 400. 00
Sub-Total $50, 330. 00
Agreed on Mark-up 10% _54033. 00
nub-Total $55, 363. 00
Credit Existing Roof Tear-off $1, 660. 00
Dry-in 324. 00
Sala Tux 11. 00
Sul)-Total $1, 995. 00
Mark-up 200. 00
Total Credit ($ 2, 195..00)
Sub-Total $53, 168. 00
Bored 1, 0G4. 00
Total *54, 232. 00
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Project as Detailed on Attachment 1 $54,232.00
A/E Fee - Bid/Construction $1,100.00
Contingency $1,365.00
(Rotten wood replacement and possible
high roof framing in flat area)
Total $56,697.00
Grant Funds $25,500.00
City (Fund 607) $11,800.00
Historical Commission $7,600.00
Balance (Fund 607) $2,397.00
Historical Commission $2,000.00
Transfer from 001-511-4620 to Fund 607 $4,000.00
Transfer from 001-511-4626 to Fund 607 $3,400.00
Total $56,697.00