HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem VI (B) Discussion re: Letter of No Objection to Robert Hinson re: Annexation into Winter Garden I1 AGENDA 2-1-94 I "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item VI B OC• -e S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT ii. CITY OF OCOEE RUST JOHNSON v p 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE PAUL W.FOSTER OCOEE FLORIDA 34761-2258 VERN COMBS c#4, `?v (407)656-2322 JIM GLEASON E�P OF GOOD``� ELCITY SMANAGER P RI SHAO SRP-416 STAFF REPORT DATE: January 25, 1994 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Comm' ssioners FROM: Russell B. Wagner, Director of Planning SUBJ: Winter Garden Annexation Review Robert C. Hinson Property East Crown Point Road ISSUE : Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners take action indicating that they have no objection to the annexation of the Robert C. Hinson Property into the City of Winter Garden. BACKGROUND: Mr. Robert C. Hinson owns a 10 .35 acre tract of land east of East Crown Point Road as identified on the attached legal description and map. Mr. Hinson has recently petitioned for annexation into the City of Winter Garden to avail himself of existing water and sewer services that have been extended to this area. DISCUSSION: The Hinson property lies partially within the Joint Planning Area (JPA) boundary of the City of Ocoee. For the most part, this portion of the property lies directly in the path of the proposed Western Beltway and will likely not be utilized for any typical real estate development use . The remaining western portion of the tract lies in a "no man' s land" area which remains between the City of Ocoee JPA boundary and the City of Winter Garden service boundary. According to research conducted by the City Clerk, there is no formal agreement between Winter Garden and Ocoee which specifies the location of their respective Planning Area boundaries, although the City of Winter Garden has assumed that their jurisdiction stops at East Crown Point Road. Due to the proposed construction of the Western Beltway, the City of Ocoee did not include the land west of this roadway within the JPA Boundary, although this tract is still Staff Report - Robert C. Hinson Property January 27, 1994 Page 2 incorporated within Ocoee' s utility service area. In reality, the City of Ocoee is not likely to service this area with utilities since the City of Winter Garden already has water and sewer lines existing in this location. As a result, Mr. Hinson has petitioned the City of Winter Garden for annexation to better position his land for future development . In order to help clarify the City of Ocoee position on this matter, Mr. Hinson has asked that the Ocoee City Commission take action which may help alleviate any boundary concerns with the City of Winter Garden. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners take action indicating that they have no objection to the proposed annexation of the Robert C. Hinson Property into the City of Winter Garden. RBW/emk Attachments Robert C. Hinson 900 W. Alameda St. Orlando, Fl. 32804 `L3 :z ((49 ' t .. January 17,1994 69‘ ^ B ,(p3 (o) Mr. Ellis Shapiro City Manager City of Ocoee Dear Mr. Shapiro; This is a follow up to our conversation concerning my application for annexation with the City of Winter Garden. I have 10 acres that is contiguous with Winter Garden city limits. The property is located east of East Crown Point Road. Russ Wagner has indicated that all but a small portion of the property lies outside of the Ocoee planning area. I would appreciate a letter of opinion concerning this matter. CT;; lly; ' J\ KLI, Robert C. Hinson ( 1-r-Y OF OCO e.e .1 PA L.1 N E 0, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 . . 0 • / • . • . . • 7 0 7/ • . _ 1 1 1 01411114 .._ ,. . dihk. Wealb AW,. . . 11111111 . i1°1 .. FV 3- ROSS RD iiii0 • . . . I I 1111111111 -I illk r word . - reo . 61TY OF wiNcres_ A/ GAe-oEN Se RV ice , I I 1 I . • II 504_1 N P AR:r / //\j, ,E).,A.STUS ill • • • ' I I l>.1 I < • !J• • ...w e0e7e1Zir C. 14 W 5 4A i I 11E8 II Pao 'Egirf I (f) • I IL'I • . . 1 .1- cr- , 0 • II q H-1 No tY1A-NI'5 LAND ----2 . ---1 •---* • .Le- 6 I 18 I o_ - _ I cr• 2g 'a- ,z, .. ! ...1„;;:vv.„.. .. „ , , .../ . ..,, ,,,,, „...,/,.,7/:// 4,,/,i , , , . I ,,, . . /. . /.7 ,,,, ./. 0 ./.. .,./ /R., . - v./,/,,,, D..;.,A,;... // 4t• , • • .• . , . „/,- ../.•:,, . - Y/ , '/7../1 ' / , // /7 . , ./ /// ////,/ / '• / / ii”- 24/,/,/. >./ ,/,,,//// ;,,, , *,, ,i'.lit'4,: flu_ i/// , // //' .4"..3. / 6//,j'/ • ei ' --- I .///' r r • / v ,:>,.-....,2 , / , LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS le following legal descriptions are for three parcels that colorise the land for annexation: The South 1 of the Southeast k of the less°that part 12, 29in8 TOWNSHIP 22 2 South, Range 27 East, Orange County, Florida,, the East right-of-way of East Crown Point Road. Begin at the West Quarter corner of Section 7, Township 22 South, Range 28 17 East, Orange County, Florida; thence North 00 degrees 01 mi1 es Seco ds West, 536.19 feet along the West line of said Section a point o Quarter of hi lies 792.00 feet South of the said Section; e��stcorner of the thence North 87 degr'�st20O minutes 22 secondsNorthwea Quarter 5. ofthence South 00 degrees 01 minutes 17 seconds 22 East, 255.51 feet; East, 534.01 feet to the South line of said Northwest Quarter of Section 7; thence South 86 degrees 51 des 06 seconds West, 255.62 feet to the Point of Beginning. The North of the property more particularly described as: Township 22 South, E k of 12 East Begin at Ecorner of the NE ofence run Sout3i 220 feet; thence Range 27 East in Orange Countyy, Florida,, , run North 89°43'07" West 397.3 feet to East right of way line of �t. roc feet; Point Road; thence run Northeasterly along said right of way linethence run South 89°51'37" East 385.8 feet to Point of Beginning. ^ '� J T,I rFCOES �11 J�"L:. EXHIBIT A N=Nommi JOINT PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT BOUNDARY UNE 1;11111=r-4,1i 1:1 ,„-11):;11 Ftik_._=-/;:iib,,.;.;;!;;.;," I 11=1111..1 -----------_-.2./11;/11/.:,-,N1„0, McCORMICK RD. 1111 III 1111 —.---1_-=-TIMI 111111111VE • ----- 7. rix, AI= =Nur a MS: 4%1 =NMI ftIn::. Illkifill=1: 1=1, Iii 1003.e i J Is'AL;iiiiMas. 0 101wai E OCOEE RD. li 6. 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