HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-12-2018 Minutes FIFTY
ocoee WEST
Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive
April 12,2018 MINUTES 6:15 p.m.
I. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum- 6:15 PM
CRA Chair Wilsen called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 6:15 p.m.
in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum
Roll Call: Vice-Chair Grogan, Chair Wilsen, Member Johnson, Member Firstner, Member
Oliver, Member Duncan, and Member June.
Also Present: City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson,
and City Clerk Sibbitt.
II. Public Comments -None
III. Approval of Minutes of the January 16,2018,Regular CRA Board Meeting-6:15 PM
Vice-Chair Grogan, seconded by Member Firstner, moved to approve the CRA
minutes of the Meeting held on January 16, 2018, as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
IV. Staff Updates -6:15 PM
Assistant City Manager Craig Shadrix welcomed newly-appointed CRA Members Randy
June and George Oliver, who is the newly-elected District 4 Commissioner.
CRA Board Meeting Overview - Assistant City Manager Craig Shadrix presented a
PowerPoint presentation highlighting the following: Ocoee CRA Redevelopment Team, Past
Legislative Session CRA Actions, Redevelopment Outlook, and Promoting the CRA & the City
as a Whole.
Before introducing the next team member, Assistant City Manager Craig Shadrix touched on
the subject of branding and marketing and shared they will be asking the board to allow the CRA
to use the name Fifty West to refer to the City's Community Redevelopment District.
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Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless proceeded with the PowerPoint Presentation
highlighting the following: Fifty West—Branding & Marketing the Redevelopment District as
a destination, Designation of the Community Redevelopment District as Fifty West, and FY
2016-2017 Annual Report.
During the presentation by Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless, there was discussion on
the use of Fifty West as the branding for the CRA District. Member Oliver inquired if the City
owned any rights to the name Fifty West or any ideations (.org or .com) with the name as far as
social media might be concerned. Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless replied that
there are pieces that have been copyrighted that they are looking into as it is important when they
move forward that the CRA owns it. She felt Member Oliver made a great point, and they will be
reviewing this as they move forward with the branding. Member Duncan inquired if all three
target areas would be treated the same with regards to the branding. Contract CRA
Administrator Ginger Corless answered in the affirmative.
Vice-Chair Grogan, seconded by Member Johnson, moved to direct staff to look
into the availability of securing the name Fifty West for the CRA District and
securing the rights needed to move forward with the branding.
Member Oliver briefly shared his concerns with the branding of the name, in which Contract
CRA Administrator Ginger Corless assured him that staff would be looking into his concerns
before they proceed.
Motion carried 6-1 with Member Oliver opposing.
Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless concluded this portion of her presentation by
explaining the Annual Report, which she shared is required by State Statute.
CRA Administrative Assistant Shannon Hopper proceeded with the PowerPoint Presentation
highlighting the following: Update of CRA Website and statutory requirements.
Urban Designer Peter Kisicki and Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless proceeded
with the PowerPoint Presentation highlighting the following: Greening up Fifty West - Old
Winter Garden Road Median Plantings, North Blackwood Avenue Streetscape, and SR 50
Landscape Grant.
During the presentation by Urban Designer Peter Kisicki on Old Winter Garden Road Median
Plantings, it was shared that Assistant City Manager Shadrix would be explaining some budget
modifications later in the presentation that will allow City staff to move forward with the
proposal with BrightView for the installation of material. If approved, BrightView will begin the
landscape installation the beginning of May. Chair Wilsen inquired if there is irrigation
currently in that area. Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless answered in the
affirmative; and further, stated that the contractor will be responsible for retrofitting the irrigation
to meet the landscape requirements.
During the presentation by Urban Designer Peter Kisicki on SR 50 Landscape Grant, it was
shared that FDOT does not normally grant a 2-year cycle window and the grant is usually a
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$500,000 maximum; however, they were able to get the FDOT grant for $775,000 with the
condition that it had to be completed over the 2-year fiscal period. This will be approved with
one agreement which will make it easier for the City. Brief discussion ensued with regards to
disbursement of the grant funds, and if it could be done in a cycle. Vice-Chair Grogan shared
that residents are extremely happy to see the SR 50 construction being completed and now the
landscaping for the medians are being proposed. He further inquired if there will be a timeline
for the landscaping. Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless indicated that they have to
develop the maintenance of traffic plan (MOT), which will include a phasing timeline, the
phasing plan is currently being developed. She further shared that landscape projects are
completed fairly quickly as the work is minor in relation to the road construction that has
occurred in that area. Vice-Chair Grogan stated that any information that can be provided on
the website would be beneficial. Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless expressed her
agreeance. Member Firstner inquired where he could find a copy of the landscape package.
Urban Designer Peter Kisicki shared that he would send him the requested information.
Urban Designer Peter Kisicki concluded his presentation with the Blackwood Avenue
Streetscape. A rendering of the Blackwood Avenue Project was displayed. Contract CRA
Administrator Ginger Corless indicated that this project will be taken to one of the City's
continuing engineers for design implementation and cost, so they will be bringing this back to
the CRA to update them on the design and estimated budget. Urban Designer Peter Kisicki
further shared that all projects were designed in-house thus saving the City thousands of dollars.
Brief discussion ensued with regards to the old brick road on Maine Street and how the removed
bricks will be used for a pedestrian walkway near the proposed City Center.
Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless proceeded with the PowerPoint Presentation
highlighting the following: Fifty West Wellness Park.
During the presentation by Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless, there was discussion on
the Fifty West Wellness Park and parking configurations. It was also shared that if there were no
objections, then staff was looking to move forward with applying for the Initiative Grant that is
due July 2018 and will provide up to $250,000 for the Wellness Park. No objections were heard.
Contract CRA Administrator Ginger Corless concluded her presentation by highlighting
other projects and upcoming activities to include: Best Fest Participation, Lake Bennet Fountain
Update, West Orange Times Wrap, Banner Program, Transformer Box Art Program, and
Cultivating Existing Businesses Outreach Program.
City Planner Mike Rumer and Contracted Economic Development Consultant Angel de la
Portilla proceeded with the PowerPoint Presentation highlighting the following: New
Development Update and Economic Outlook. City Planner Mike Rumer announced the new
development projects that are getting ready to break ground. They are the Ocoee Self Storage,
Pet Hospital, and Orlando Health Central Skilled Nursing Facility, which are all located in the
CRA District. Contracted Economic Development Consultant Angel de la Portilla updated
the CRA Board on the construction that is to begin on the corner of Maguire and SR 50, which is
a result of the Settlement Agreement that the CRA Board approved. Clearing of the site is to
begin as early as next week. Construction of Phase 1 will include 14,000 SF of retail, which
should be completed by the end of 2018. He further provided retail and office market statistics
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on rentable base area (RBA), as well as the average lease rate and percentage of vacancy for
these markets.
Assistant City Manager Craig Shadrix proceeded with the PowerPoint Presentation
highlighting Mid-Year Budget Modifications on several items that required action by the board:
The Turnpike Sign Project was designed and permit requested for the bridge over the turnpike at
Maguire Road; however, the request was denied by FDOT. Assistant City Manager Craig
Shadrix said he is requesting this evening that the CRA Board remove this project from the
Capital Project List and recommends the $40,000 from the Turnpike Sign be reallocated to the
Old Winter Garden Medians Project.
Vice-Chair Grogan, seconded by Member Duncan, moved to approve removal of
the Turnpike Sign from the Capital Protects List and reallocate the $40,000 to the
Old Winter Garden Medians Proiect. Motion carried 7-0.
Assistant City Manager Craig Shadrix indicated that the CRA budgeted $20,000 for restriping
of Story Road; however, Public Works is now in the process of advertising for a contractor to
repave and restripe that road. He is further requesting that the CRA Board remove this project
from the Capital Project List and recommends the $20,000 from the Story Road restriping be
reallocated to the new capital project that refreshes the South Blackwood Avenue landscape.
Member Firstner, seconded by Vice-Chair Grogan, moved to approve removal of
the Story Road restriping from the Capital Prosect List and reallocate the $20,000
to the South Blackwood Avenue Landscape Upgrades.
Brief discussion ensued with regards to clarifying and advising Member Duncan that he did not
have a conflict with the above motion as he did not directly benefit or personally have financial
impact from the beautification projects in the vicinity of the hospital.
Motion carried 7-0.
City Attorney Cookson concluded the PowerPoint Presentation highlighting the following:
Colony Plaza Update
City Attorney Cookson shared that at their last meeting the CRA Board approved the
Settlement Agreement with the Colony Plaza which was a $1.1 million payment from the
Developer to the City for reimbursement of the demolition of the Colony Plaza building. Under
the terms of the Settlement Agreement the Developer had a period of time to provide the
payment to the City, otherwise the agreement terminated. He further advised that the day before
the payment was due to the City the Developer had disclosed to the City that they had an issue
with one of the documents that affected title to the property, and they wanted to resolve this
before making the payment. The City Commission approved to grant a two-week extension as
the Settlement Agreement was signed by both the CRA Board and the City Commission. At the
time of the request a CRA Meeting could not be called to also get approval for the extension.
The Developer has paid the $1.1 million. What is being requested this evening is that the CRA
Board ratify the extension and acceptance of the payment from the Developer as part of the
Settlement Agreement.
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Vice-Chair Grogan, seconded by Member Johnson, moved to ratify the extension
•ranted b the Ci Commission and acce•t the •a ment received from the
Developer as part of the Settlement Agreement. Motion carried 7-0.
V. Board Comments - 7:11 PM
Member Oliver shared research he conducted during the meeting with regards to the social
media branding and use of Fifty West. He further shared that he now feels comfortable that the
City can move forward with the branding and to help expedite the process he purchased the
rights to the name. He will meet with staff to discuss how this can be smoothly transitioned to
the City.
Assistant City Manager Craig Shadrix shared that staff will be scheduling their next meeting
to fall within the time frame of the budget workshops and public hearings.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
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Melanie Sibbitt, Secretary Rosemary Wil en, Chair
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