HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #05 Approval of Community Grant Program – July 2018 Cycle ©coPP tloridn AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: September 18, 2018 Item # Reviewed By: Contact Name: Joy Porter Wright Department Director: // /��//_, � Contact Number: 407-905-3100 x9-1530 City Manager: Subject: Community Grant Program —July 2018 Cycle Background Summary: The Community Grant Review Board (CGRB) met on August 15, 2018 to discuss the eight applications received for the Community Grant Program (formerly the Community Merit Awards Program). The Community Grant Program provides financial grants of up to $500 to non-profit organizations and civic groups located within the city limits or outside the city limits but providing benefits to residents of Ocoee. The grant cycle is open twice yearly (January and July) to acknowledge excellence and further the contributions these local organizations bring to the Ocoee community. There is $7,000 allotted for this cycle of the Community Grant Program. The Community Grant Review Board, the city's citizens advisory board, recommends funding seven organizations in the total amount of$3,500. From the eight applications received, one organization was denied, the Central Florida Regional Science Olympiad Competition. The organization requested grant funds to pay for polo shirts for their volunteers. This does not meet the grant criteria. Issue: Should the Mayor and Commissioners approve the $3,500 funding recommendation made by the Community Grant Review Board? Recommendations Staff respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve the Community Grant Review Board's recommendation. Attachments: Community Grant applications Minutes of the August 15, 2018 CGRB meeting Financial Impact: $7,000 funding is available for this grant cycle. The total amount requested is $3,500. Organization Requested Recommended 1. Adult Literacy League, Inc. $ 500 $ 500 2. Phoenix Tree Educational Foundation, Inc. $ 500 $ 500 3. The Gift of Swimming $ 500 $ 500 4. S.T.A.R.S. of West Orange $ 500 $ 500 5. Central Florida Regional Science Olympiad Competition $ 500 $ Denied 6. Central Florida Diaper Bank $ 500 $ 500 7. Christian Service Center $ 500 $ 500 8. Barkies Legacy $ 500 $ 500 TOTAL: $3,500 The following seven organizations are RECOMMENDED to receive a total of$3,500: 1. Adult Literacy League, Inc. Provide workbooks and materials for program participants who live in Ocoee. 2. Phoenix Tree Educational Foundation, Inc. Purchase headphones and wireless mics for computer lab. 3. The Gift of Swimming Funding for two Ocoee children to receive swim lesson scholarships. 4. S.T.A.R.S.of West Orange Purchase 125 backpacks for students attending Ocoee schools. 5. Central Florida Diaper Bank Purchase diaper wipes and diapers for program participants who live in Ocoee. 6. Christian Service Center—West Orange Family Life Center Paper products, napkins, plates and utensils to be used in Daily Bread soup kitchen located in Ocoee 7. Barkies Legacy Offset monthly costs for food for feeding stray dogs. Type of Item: (please mark with an `x') Public Hearing FK Clerk's Dept Use: Ordinance First Reading Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda Commission Approval Discussion&Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A Reviewed by 2 N/A 1 `' MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE OCOPP COMMUNITY GRANT REVIEW BOARD MEETING florida AUGUST 15, 2018 CALL TO ORDER- 7:01 pm Chairman Sills called the regular meeting of the Community Grant Review Board to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Chairman Sills called for a moment of silence followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Sills, Vice-Chairman Carrington, Member Cortes, Member Dunn. Also present were Community Relations Manager Wright and Recording Clerk Heard ABSENT: Member Rainer (absent/excused) APPROVAL OF MINUTES—Regular meeting held on February 15, 2018 Vice-Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn, moved to approve the minutes of the Community Grant Review Board Meeting held February 15, 2018. Motion carried unanimously. Application No. 1 —Adult Literacy League, Inc. - 701pm Joyce Whidden, Executive Director, attended to represent the organization. She indicated this organization was founded in 1968, and they are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year. This organization provides one-on-one and small group adult classes to all residents within Orange, Seminole and Osceola Counties regardless of whether their primary language is English. They have approximately 50 students currently meeting at the West Oaks Library and tutor one-on-one as well. Funding will be used to purchase curriculum and materials. The Board had no questions. Vice-Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn, moved to recommend that the City Commission award grant funding of $500 to the Adult Literacy League, Inc. Motion carried unanimously. Application No. 2—Phoenix Tree Educational Foundation (Deeper Root Academy) - 704 pm Angela Kennedy attended to represent the organization. She explained this organization is a private school located in the Ocoee/Gotha area, and they service students who would normally attend a public school as well as accept students with the Step Up For Students Scholarship, McKay Scholarship, Gardiner Scholarship and special needs. They are currently in their fifth year. They seek out grants, because they are not publically funded. The funding will be used to purchase headphones and microphones for the laptops within their technology lab. Chairman Sills inquired how the headphones help the children. Ms. Kennedy explained the headphones are used for testing to help minimize distractions. The headphones they currently have were purchased at a local store, but they need to purchase a more durable type, because the children range in ages from two-year-olds to 8th grade students. Community Grant Review Board August 15,2018 Member Cortes asked what the percentage is of students that are currently on scholarships. Ms. Kennedy said they currently have 106 students and approximately 40 students are on scholarships to which 30 percent of the 40 are Ocoee residents, but overall there are more students who are residents of Ocoee. Member Dunn asked how often the headphones and microphones will need to be replaced. Ms. Kennedy indicated the durable headphones should last at least two years. Vice-Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn, moved to recommend that the City Commission award grant funding of$500 to the Phoenix Tree Educational Foundation, Inc., (dba Deeper Root Academy). Motion carried unanimously. Application No. 3—The Gift of Swimming- 7.•09 pm Susan Polder,Executive Director, attended to represent the organization. Chairman Sills inquired if this organization is intended to provide lessons for disabled students. Ms. Polder explained this organization provides swim lessons to underprivileged children as well as children with special needs. The children that received this grant last year were participating in the Maxie Head Start Program, but many of the recipients in the past have been special needs. Chairman Sills asked of the age range of children they teach. Ms. Polder said they try to concentrate the funding to go toward a child under preschool age where the risk of drowning is greatest. Vice-Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Cortes, moved to recommend that the City Commission award grant funding of $500 to The Gift of Swimming. Motion carried unanimously. Application No. 4—STARS of West Orange - 712pm Allisha Douglas attended to represent the organization. She explained that this organization is in its 15`h year of giving and supports children who are on free and reduced lunch in West Orange County. They supply these children with backpacks and school supplies to be ready for the school year. They work with surrounding schools who tell them what their needs are, and this organization does their best to support the needs. They have had requests from 20 backpacks up to 500 backpacks for local schools. They typically provide 25 to 150 backpacks per school depending on the support they get and funding. All Ocoee schools are a part of their program, and they work with delegates from each Ocoee school to provide the supplies. The Board had no questions. Vice-Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn, moved to recommend that the City Commission award grant funding of $500 to STARS of West Orange. Motion carried unanimously. 2 Community Grant Review Board August 15,2018 Application No. 5—Central Florida Regional Science Olympiad Competition - 715pm Patricia DeNoon, Director, attended to represent the organization. She explained this is a STEM competition for middle and high school students from the surrounding central Florida area. The Regional competition contains 23 events for middle school and high school. Each team consists of 15 students, and they work in teams of two for each event. They are anticipating 60 teams in total. The top teams move on to State being held at UCF, and then the top two teams from State move on to Nationals. Chairman Sills inquired if the competition will be held at Ocoee High School. Ms. DeNoon indicated this year the Regional competition will be held at Ocoee High School with 175 students volunteering as well as an Ocoee High School team will be competing. Vice-Chairman Carrington inquired what the teams pay to compete. Ms. DeNoon replied of the $260 they pay $50 goes toward this Regional event. She explained the grant funds will go toward buying Polo shirts for the volunteers. They want to buy the dry-silk Polos because of the heat; and further, the City of Ocoee's logo will be placed on the sleeves. About 250 volunteers will receive a shirt. Discussion ensued regarding the duties of the volunteers. Vice-Chairman Carrington inquired of Community Relations Manager Wright what other avenues of sponsorships the City may have; and further, he indicated he believes this seems like more of a sponsorship than a community grant. Community Relations Manager Wright explained that the organization would need to go before the City Commission who may refer them back to the Community Grant Program. Member Dunn asked if there is a particular reason why they are choosing the dry-fit Polos assuming this is an indoor event. Ms. DeNoon explained some of the events are indoors and some are outdoors; and further, she mentioned the main reason is comfort, because some volunteers are running from event to event. Member Dunn inquired why they do not want t-shirts. Ms. DeNoon indicated it would help them stand out and look professional. She mentioned they are hoping to get food trucks on site. Vice-Chairman Carrington said he is struggling with the purpose for which the funds will be used for. This grant is meant to benefit the citizens of Ocoee in an impactful way. Member Dunn agreed and said she is not sure this fits the grant program. Chairman Sills mentioned occasionally they get an applicant like this where it is difficult to decide. Vice-Chairman Carrington agreed that it is hard to decide if this is more of a sponsorship as opposed to a grant-based need. Member Dunn inquired where this was held last year. Ms. DeNoon answered Lake Nona. Vice-Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn, moved to recommend that the City Commission deny grant funding of $500 to the Central Florida Regional Science Olympiad Competition. Motion carried unanimously. 3 Community Grant Review Board August 15,2018 Application No. 6—Central Florida Diaper Bank- 7:27pm Sharon Lyles attended to represent the organization. She indicated the organization just underwent a name change, and they are currently known as Second Chance Baby Resource Center. They provide services to children ages newborn to age three within the Central Florida area and West Orange County. Their main mission is to ensure that babies have clean diapers; and further, she stated this is looked at from a health standpoint,because if children do not have a clean diaper, they are subject to physical conditions such as UTI and mental conditions. She stated they provide support to the parents in the Ocoee area as well. They have been in service for over 20 years and just partnered with more of the surrounding community health centers such as the Orange County Health Department located in Ocoee. She indicated the funds will be used to purchase diapers and baby wipes to assist parents. Chairman Sills inquired how they verify the parents live in Ocoee. Ms. Lyles stated every applicant has to fill out an application with the baby's birth certificate and proof of residence and a copy of their lease or electric bill. Member Dunn asked how they determine that a parent is in need. Ms. Lyles indicated the majority of parents that come to them say they are in need, but most of the parents work and some are students who do not work. They receive referrals from the school counselors for the students, and they know they do not have an income. She further stated it is a requirement that after six months into the program the parent be working or in school. Member Cortes inquired if the Health Department sends parents to their organization to which Ms. Lyles answered affirmatively. Vice-Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn, moved to recommend that the City Commission award grant funding of $500 to Central Florida Diaper Bank. Motion carried unanimously. Application No. 7—Christian Service Center (West Orange Family Life Center) - 7:34pm Bryan Hampton, Director of Development, attended to represent the organization. He indicated this organization has been in service since 1971 and in Ocoee since 1991. They fight hunger and poverty to prevent homelessness, which is done through programs that address family and individual immediate needs for food, clothing and financial assistance with restoring hope and guiding them to long-term solutions. They have two programs of which one is called the Daily Bread Program and serves 150 meals per day, six days a week. In December of last year they hit a milestone of serving 750,000 meals in Ocoee since 1991. He indicating the funding will go towards the plastic ware, plates, napkins, stirrers and cups, which they do not receive from food providers. He said the food from an average meal cost 22 cents per meal, but the plastic ware and essentials spike the cost to $1.90 per meal. He added that this organization is committed to Ocoee and staying in this ministry despite some building and capital needs; and further, they have partnered with Sysco Foods who connected them with a new freezer as well as Health Central Hospital who has committed their volunteers to help serve along with a recent thrift sale, which assisted them with fixing their AC units. 4 Community Grant Review Board August 15,2018 Vice-Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn, moved to recommend that the City Commission award grant funding of$500 to Christian Service Center (West Orange Family Life Center). Motion carried unanimously. Application No. 8—Barkie's Legacy - 739pm Jennifer Bark,Executive Director, attended to represent the organization. Chairman Sill asked if she is still helping the stray cats and dogs. Ms. Bark said it is mostly dogs, but there has been an influx of cats into the neighborhood. They have been trapping them to take them to the county shelter to get them spayed and neutered. Ms. Bark indicated the funds will go towards monthly costs such as food for the rescued dogs. Chairman Sills asked if she continues to help seniors within the community with their pets. Ms. Bark said they will assist any citizen that reaches out to them with a stray or a need to rehome. Vice-Chairman Carrington inquired how many adoptions she had last year. Ms. Bark indicated they had eight adoptions; and further, expressed they are a very small organization. She further discussed their ongoing struggles with foster families. Member Dunn asked in what ways the volunteers help. Ms. Bark said primarily they assist at adoption events. Member Cortes asked why their annual budget is less this next year. Ms. Bark indicated they have so many dogs in the house in which they do not have foster homes for and has made them slow down a bit on saving other dogs until they find homes for the current ones. Member Dunn asked Community Relations Manager Wright if the Letter of Support was submitted to which she answered in the affirmative. Vice-Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn, moved to recommend that the City Commission award grant funding of$500 to Barkie's Legacy. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF APPLICATIONS -None COMMENTS Community Relations Manager Wright thanked everyone for being in attendance. She announced the next Community Grant cycle will be in January of 2019, pending the approval by the City Commission. Chairman Sills asked how much money will be left over from this year to which Community Relations Manager Wright answered $500. 1 5 Community Grant Review Board August 15,2018 Member Dunn inquired if the Board can review the draft minutes sooner instead of right before the next meeting, which is scheduled six months from now. Recording Clerk Heard indicated that should not be a problem. ADJOURNMENT - 7:48 pm Attest: APPROVED: Kathy Heard, Recording Secretary Jim Sills, Chairman 6 CITY OF OCOEE Community Grant Program Application Funding Cycle: JULY 2018 When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue payment. Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: July 31, 2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name of Organization: Adult Literacy League, Inc. Address of Organization: 345 W. Michigan Street, #100, Orlando, FL 32806 Contact person for this application: Joyce Whidden, Executive Director (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number: 407-422-1540 E-mail address: jwhidden(c�adultliteracyleaque.orq What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) We request support in the amount of $500 to provide workbooks and materials for the residents of Ocoee we are currently serving in the 32761 zip code. The average student and tutor complete one to two levels of curriculum annually at a minimum cost of$50 per student/tutor pair. This $500 grant would support 7 to 10 students in our program. We are currently serving 15 Ocoee students. Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? Not at this time. What is your organization's primary funding source? The Adult Literacy League does not have a single primary funding source but receives charitable donations from foundations, corporations, businesses, special events, individuals, faith-based and civic groups and government. How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? Our largest source of income is from our Reading between the Wines event held annually which, combined, raise approximately $140,000 making this our primary funding source for the purposes of this proposal. What other sources of revenue does your organization have? As above, the League receives funding from foundations, corporations, businesses, special events, individuals, Heart of Florida United Way, faith-based and civic groups and government. What is your annual budget for this year? $637,500 Last year? $622,466 List the fundraisers your organization holds? Reading between the Wines and Rise and Shine on Literacy Breakfast! How many members, volunteers and/or paid employees does your organization have? Currently, we have over 350 active volunteers and tutors. We have 7 full-time and 8 part- time employees. Our policies dictate that our students are members of the organization as well as our donors. We have almost 1000 active students and 220 donors. How many live in Ocoee? 15 current students live in the 34761 zip code. Thus far in 2018, we have served 31 Ocoee students and 15 are currently active. We have 4 active volunteer tutors in Ocoee. Page 2-Community Grant Program Application How many clients does your organization serve? In 2017 we provided tutoring to more than 2980 individuals in the one-to-one and small group tutoring program. In 2018, we expect to surpass 3,000 adult learners and to continue to serve more students in Ocoee. How many live in Ocoee? 31 students live in the 34761 zip code. Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Yes. Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? Yes If so, how much money did you receive? $500 in 2016 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? Ocoee volunteers serve the Adult Literacy League. If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? Over the past five years we have had volunteers tutoring students in our program at the West Oaks Library. Residents of Ocoee have served on our board, and provided financial support. Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? Our Ocoee students and tutors meet at the West Oaks Library. The League has an agreement with the Orange County Library System to provide tutoring space for students in our program throughout the county. How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? Throughout our service area, our students have received over 45,000 instructional hours in 2017. Our volunteers have given over 25,000 hours of service. Instructors/tutors submit monthly or weekly attendance reports and regular documentation of student success and progress. This information is tracked in our literacy database. Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: • Expand drop-in classes for all students from 45 to 67! • Serve record number of learners in 2017 and are on track to provide instruction to 3000 plus adults in 2018 ❖ Provide GED Lab and increased the number of students obtaining a Florida High School Diploma • Increase number of children served in Read to Me! program by expanding to serve infants and toddlers and their parents. I Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: Attachments: ALL Fast Facts 2017 Annual Report 501 c 3 IRS determination letter 2018 Board List Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. Email from board chair certifying board support. Before submitting this application, please read and sign below: These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City of Ocoee. In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this i day of July, 2018 , by Joyce Whidden,Executive Director 'gture Page 3—Community Grant Program Application For more information, please call Community Relations at(407) 905-3100 x 9-1530 or e-mail jwright@ci.ocoee.fl.us. Submit applications to: Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 For Staff Use Only y / Date Application Received ,! Was Application Received Complete? \-eS If not,Date Application Re ed Non-Profit Status ' On file Attached '` Adult � Literacy 'g Looking forward ''AMtchapter to the next chapter since 1968 July 9, 2018 Community Grant Program Application City of Ocoee Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Dear City of Ocoee: The Board of Directors extends its gratitude to the City of Ocoee for the opportunity to apply for this Community Grant Program support in the amount of$500. The Board supports this application and looks forward to answering any questions the City of Ocoee may have.We are grateful to our long-time volunteer, Ocoee resident, Cathy Carpenter, for her volunteer service and her assistance in facilitating this grant process for the Adult Literacy League. Kind regards, ft --- Brad Brad Dauplaise Board Chair 345 W.Michigan Street,Suite 100 • Orlando,FL 32806 • Phone:407.422.1540 • Fax:407.422.1529 E-mail:info@adultliteracyleague.org • www.adultliteracyleague.org A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR ORGANIZATION#SC-0I925 MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS BY CAILINGTOLL FREE WITHIN THE STATE 1-800-4358472 REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT:APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BYTHE STATE.NO OUTSIDE INDIVIDUAL OR FIRM HAS BEEN HIRED TO SOLICIT FUNDS ON BEHALF OF THIS ORGANIZATION.100%OF CHARITABLE GIFTS ARE RETAINED BY THIS ORGANIZATION. Internal Revenue Service Department of the Treasury P. O. Box 2508 Date: February 21, 2007 Cincinnati, OH 45201 Person to Contact: ADULT LITERACY LEAGUE INC Mr. Schatz ID 31-08701 345 W MICHIGAN ST STE 100 Customer Service Representative ORLANDO FL 32806-4465 Toll Free Telephone Number: 877-829-5500 Federal Identification Number: 23-7076600 Dear Sir or Madam: This is in response to your request of February 21, 2007, regarding your organization's tax-exempt status. In May 1985 we issued a determination letter that recognized your organization as exempt from federal income tax. Our records indicate that your organization is currently exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our records indicate that your organization is also classified as a public charity under sections 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our records indicate that contributions to your organization are deductible under section 170 of the Code, and that you are qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. If you have any questions, please call us at the telephone number shown in the heading of this letter. Sincerely,`� 'g� ,4uur;¢- " Michele M. Sullivan, Oper. Mgr. Accounts Management Operations 1 I Adult Literacy League Board of Directors for 2018 President Vice President Brad Dauplaise, Ryan Davis, Esq., Vistana Signature Experiences, Inc. Shareholder, Winderweedle Haines Ward & Woodman, PA Treasurer Secretary John Eicher Deirdre Fortune, Retired CFO and CPA Partner, KPMG LLP Members Ralphetta Aker, Orange County Government Thomas Cox, Ph.D., University of Central Florida Ashley Cusimano, Orlando Health Lauren Endsley, Didier Group Hiba George, CNCS Scott Hamilton, Axiom Bank Kurt Kuehnhackl, BKHM Katie Stocz Miller, Orlando Magic Alex Rosario, OUC— The Reliable One James Ryan, MBA Student, Rollins Brice Schroedel, Manager, Walt Disney Resorts Jonathan Sykes, Esq., Burr and Forman, PA John Taylor, ALL Student Josh Truitt, Stetson University Adult Literacy League Looking forward x to the next chapter since 7968 Arziw gMission: We educate adults to become Purpose: We serve by building Adult self-sufficient members of society and Literacy we advocate on behalf of adult and a literate community. Lea ue g family literacy. www.adultliteracyleague.org 1407.422.1540 People who lack basic literacy skills cannot fill out a job Our organization is the largest nationally accredited, full- application, open a bank account, or read to their children. service,volunteer-based literacy organization in Florida. We The National Assessment of Adult Literacy reports that provide the most successful and efficient services for low- 90,000,000 adults lack the literacy skills needed to succeed level readers. as a parent,in the workplace,or in the community. Despite our small staff and limited resources, we're able to In Central Florida, 1 in 5 adults have only the most basic reach and teacher over 2900 adult learners, meeting at least literacy skills. once weekly, throughout the year. This is possible through the efforts of over 400 trained tutors and volunteers. In 2009,the U.S. House of Representatives declared: Operating six days a week, we offer the only proven road • The economy and the world marketplace depend on having a out of poverty, crime, and unemployment ... education. literate,skilled population. • Parental involvement increases as the education level of the parent increases. • People who lack literacy skills are unable to keep a job with Ovid Watson family-sustaining income. Originally from St.Kitts,in his year with us,he has made great strides increasing two literacy • Prisoners without literacy skills are more likely to re-offend. levels. He is now a permanent resident and passed the written portion of his driver's license test. He not only meets one-to-one with his The Adult Literacy League tutor,but also attends classes at the has over 45 years of proven experience changing lives through literacy. " Adult Literacy League. I t I i'a ;�I i4,��IIIIIh Teaching adults ... Turning children to read ... into readers. Adult Literacy The Read to Me! Family literacy program ensures that Our tutors and instructors work to help their students learn infants,toddlers&pre-school aged children from low- basic skills such as the alphabet, phonics, reading, and income homes receive books and learning materials, writing as they become emerging readers. throughout the year to build pre-literacy skills needed to succeed in school. The Adult Literacy League has developed Adult Basic Education an innovative and integrated approach to breaking the Students begin to build on their skills to increase reading intergenerational cycle of low literacy and poverty. fluency, comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary so that they move from learning to read to reading to learn. We teach parents to read to their children and engage in learning activities provided,to become the first and most English Language Literacy(ESOL) effective teacher in their children's lives. Over 1,000 parents Students who speak in other and children were served last year. languages work in small classes or . For more information with tutors to improve English call Laura Fisher at reading and conversation skills to 407.422.1540 ext. 114 communicate successfully in English. Estela studies every week with her tutor,Gracie. For more information www•adultliteracyleague.org 1407.422.1540 She is making great progress! call 407.422.1540 IT „ Adult I% Literac C. League Looking forward to the next chapter since 1968 years AliMA Adult Literacy League, Inc. 2017 Annual Report 2017 Photo Album Executive Director, Joyce Whidden, and Board of Directors President, Kurt Kuehnhackl, at the Orlando ., Magic Youth Foundation Grant Awards. Family Literacy Dad, Joshua, telling his story at Reading between the Wines 2017. CELEBRATING LITERACY 1968 12018 i i4,. . ., ii ESOL & ABE instructor, Jakita Allen, with Jim Goldstone from Cambridge University Press. N --1 C _ Rachel, Public Ally, & Laura, lift 40 14 .` t. Family Literacy Manager, at 1 the first ever, Universal y li - « - Orlando Community Outreach i r ' , , Workplace Giving Event. . g. ,... f _ Chef Art Smith (center) !� '1�. with guests at RBTW ,'' i et ,;4 2017. ,,,,,,,a,„,z,z v.... y ■ CELEBRATING LITERACY 1968 12018 I Message from the Executive Director This was another year of growth and innovation for the Adult Literacy r . Adult League. ". Literacy League A group of volunteers, board members, staff and students brainstormed ways to celebrate our 2018 50th Anniversary and once again, Costa Looking forward Communications stepped up to provide us with a celebration logo to mark to the next chapter since 1968 years our half-century of service. Our family literacy program served more than 1 ,000 and their families while our Adult Literacy programs — both Adult Basic Education and English Language Literacy programs — provide nearly 3,000 adults with instruction. While the numbers are impressive, the outcomes were more so. o Advanced a level in Core Curricula - 120 Ill Increased Literacy Skills in one or more areas- 4998 v Obtained all or part of GED/High School id Improved Economic Situation- 1395 Diploma -33 u Obtained Post-Secondary Diploma-30 v Increased Family Literacy Competencies- 2458 Entered Post-Secondary Education-58 V Increased Health Literacy-559 kJ Increased Involvement as a Citizen- 1399 24% 13% 5% 13% Sincerely, CELEBRATING LITERACY 1968 12018 2017 Financials for the Year Ended December 31, 2017 Unrestricted Net Assets: Unrestricted Net Assets Foundations $177,250 Corporations $23,500 o Foundations o Corporations Individuals $151,055 Individuals o Faith-based and Civic Faith-based and Civic $21,500 Government $122,494 fr Government u In-kind Contributions In-kind Contributions $37,651 u Special Events u Book Sales Special Events $74,626 y Program Fee for Service J Interest and Investment Book Sales $6,449 Program Fee for Service $44,60810/0 0% Interest and Investment $1,826 Total revenue and support $660,959 Net assets released from $12,184 6% --... restrictions �•,, 4% Total $673,143 3% Expenses Program Services $586,826 Expenses General and Administrative $27,164 o Program Services Fundraising $48,744 Ir General and Administrative L.1 Fundraising Total Expenses $662,734 7% 4% �•• /' CELEBRATING LITERACY 1968 12018 *A full audit is available upon request or found on our Donor's Edge Profile at the Central Florida Foundation website. 2017 Board of Directors President Vice President Kurt Kuehnhackl Josh Truitt Partner Stetson University BKHM CPA Treasurer Secretary Brad Dauplaise, Ryan Davis, Esq., Vistana Signature Experiences, Inc. Shareholder, Winderweedle Haines Ward & Woodman, PA Ralphetta Aker, Orange County Government Thomas Cox, Ph.D., University of Central Florida Ashley Cusimano, Orlando Health John Eicher, Retired CFO and CPA Lauren Endsley, Didier Group Deirdre Fortune, Partner, KPMG LLP Katie Stocz Miller, Orlando Magic Brice Schroedel, Walt Disney Resorts Jonathan Sykes, Esq., Burr and Forman, PA Jeremy Waller, Goodwill Industries of Central Florida 2017 Adult Literacy League Staff Joyce Whidden, Executive Director Gina Berko Solomon, Chief Development Manager Laura Fisher, Family Literacy Manager Paola Lopez, Intake and Assessment Specialist Hugh Mills, Volunteer Coordinator Priscilla Cuevas, Receptionist Suzette Mersy, Saturday & Evenings Program Assistant Barbara Barati, Bookkeeper Instructors: Teege Braune, Jakita Allen, Nancy Cooper, Greg Lollar, Hugh Mills, Vince Scalise CELEBRATING LITERACY 1968 I2018 2017 Friends of Literacy $50,000 or more Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation $1,099 Orange CountyGovernment — Alan &0 to $A Ashlock Alan & Joy Ashlock Citizens Commission for Children Heidi Bedell Frank Blum & Andrea Hendry Margaret M. Bonko $10,000 to $49,000 Brandon and Farmand Families Amgen Foundation Barbara Burke Bank of America Dr. Thomas D. Cox Chesley G. Magruder Foundation Ryan Davis, Esq. Disney Voluntears - Ears to You Darden Restaurants Inc. Gail Downing Dollar General Literacy Foundation Feeding Children Everywhere, Inc. English Speaking Union (Central FL Deirdre Fortune Branch) Leslie Golden, Esq. Joe & Sarah Galloway Foundation Fleur de Lys Healy Kilgore, Pearlman, Semanie, Denius & Squires, g Orlando Magic Youth Foundation — a P.A. McCormick Foundation Fund Kate & Joe Kinsley Teresa Orlando Sentinel Family Fund — a KPMG Kolb McCormick Foundation Fund Kurt Kuehnhackl Universal Orlando Foundation Margaret Linnane Walt Disney World Resort Jeff Milford Orlando Magic, LTD William Webber William Orosz Mike Penney $5,000 to $9,999 Publix Supermarket Charities Burr & Forman, LLP Dianne Randolph City of Orlando Rotary Club of Winter Park Dr. Phillips Charities Alan Schmadtke & Christie Davis Duke Energy Foundation Sandra Schneider Florida Literacy Coalition/Florida Blue Ron Schorsch Foundation Nancy Sedacca Joanne Serros Violet and Harold Jaeke Foundation Simtech Defense Services, LLC Orlando Health Angela Stromberg Orlando Utilities Commission SunTrust Foundation Romance Writers of America Thomas and Patricia O'Donnell Foundation The Bond Foundation Katherine Vaccaro Vistana Signature Experiences Valencia College Lisa & Bill Warren CELEBRATING LITERACY 1968 12018 Wells Fargo Foundation Sherri Avara Joyce & Chris Whidden Estefan Baran Thomas R. Bates lzzy&Gary Berkson Kathleen Berlinsky Chad Binette $500 to $999 Grey Squires Binford, Esq. &Barr Joan Bissell Eleanor Ackermann Carla Bitterling Altrusa District Three Derek Blakeslee David Beatty Barry Bloom Valli Amy & Ross Bitterling r y Bowen d J. Larry Bow BKHM, PA Richard Boyer Kirtus Bocox Ben Branton Christopher Brockman, Esq. Donald Bridges Catherine Carpenter Donna Brown Sandra Cohan Randall Brown Leslie Doster Jean&John Builder David & James Cara Forrester Butch Bundy GFWC —Oviedo Woman's Club Fern C. Burr MichaelHelen Cairnes Good Kecia Carroll Mary Ann Helsel Christine Caruso Vivian Kerstein Terri &Wayne Chastain Rena Langley Sue Chicone Kathleen Long Sean Christiansen, Ph.D. Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor, & Reed, P.A. Elaine Clark Ron and Ann Manley Harvey Cohen, Esq. Metropolitan Advertising Co. Phyllis Corkum Kathleen &William Oakley Noelani Cornell David Cross Janice Richmer Catherine Currie Cheryle Rome-Beatty Ashley Cusimano Tanya Russ Stephen Cutler Debra Schulz Bradley Dauplaise St. Margaret Mary Church Susan Day Staples Foundation Lorraine De Young Melissa Sublette Frances Dear Walt Disney Co. Foundation — Employee Matching Grant Mary Dionne Program David DiPerna&Christine Arens JeaWoman's Club of Winter Park Matt Do Dixon Matt Donnelly Linda Doyle $100 to$499 Carol Egolf Henry Abbott Bonnie Eicher Athena Adams Mari Jones Elliot Janice Aikens Angela Emerson Ralphetta Aker Sandra Engel David Akins Hugh "Roy" Ennis Allstate Giving Campaign Michelle Erwin Amazon.com (Smile) Peter& Robyn Fantino American Century Investments Foundation Jason Farmand Lisa Amoroso Denise Fincher Peter Anderson Florida Blue Amy Angert Paula J. Forberg Anonymous Donors Ottis Foster Stephen Appel John and Rhona Fournier Linda Appleton-Schneider CELEBRATING LITERACY 1968 12018 Douglas Fox Kristen Manieri Dawn Frye Sue Masselink Margaret Fuller Michael McCausland Chandrakant H. Gadre Blaine McChesney Betty Garden Barbarranelle McClanahan Quentin Garden Susan McDonald Jennifer Gavrich&Jonathan Sykes Stacy McKenna John& Nancy Genzel Irene McNutt Brenda Gibbs Alisha Merritt Dr. JoeAnn Gibbs Beatrice Meyer Kenneth & Marcia Goodwin Jeanne Meyer Karen Gourlay Dennis Michels Stephen Graham Daniel Mihalic Pamela Greenwood Clayton Miller Chandra Griffin Katie Stocz Miller Edward E Haddock Family Foundation Liam Miller Susan Hamilton Barbara Mills Troy Hamilton Hugh Mills Alexander Hart Leslie Mizerak Christian Hart Jennifer Mojica Sharon Hartman Richard P. Monk Lydia Hay Sage Morris-Webster Sandra Helsen Paula Muckleroy Jennie Hess Julie& Ruel Murphy Peggy Hester Stephanie Nagelsen Rosemary Hewitt Hong An Nguyen Lindsay Hodges Piper Nichols Robert&Ginny Holmes Burnell & Marilyn Oates Kimberly Hooper Valerie Oberaitis Peggy Howard Mary Onofrei David Howell The Orr Family Martha Howie Jenise Osani Christa Hyatt Tim O'Toole Angie Jernigan Patricia A. Otte Correy Karbiener Robin Paolini Peter Kaufman Paypal Giving Tara Keiter Clara Perez y Perez Andrea Kelly Kimberly Pue Sheryl Kerr Roger& Shirley Pynn Martha Kirby Shirley F. Randolph Barbara&Wendell Kiser Russ Reader Janne Kitchin Sara Reeves Morgan Knezovich Sheran Reich Rebecca Koehn Vikki B. Riess Cheryl Kriss Maria Rivera Lake Eola Charter School, Inc. Ivan Rojas Mosquera Harriett Lake Maria Rubin John Langdon Wanda Russell Jody Lazar The Sample Family Pam Leadbitter Sally Savoia Maggie LeClair Martha Scearce Nancy Lewis Martin J. Scheveling Jacqueline Limones Peter Schmer Mary Lo Brice Schroedel Irene Logan Carol Senkler Lynette Barba Insurance Agency Cathy Shields Michael Mackubin Darlene Siegel Patricia Ann Maher Susan Slaman CELEBRATING LITERACY 1968 12018 Sabrina Smith Tracey Conner Janine Smulyan Patricia Contreras Gina& Dave Solomon Mary Conway Dato-On, Ph.D. Cindi Spinney Belinda Cooper Angela Stanley Joan Cross Sigrid &Rudi Stockhammer T ik ni Jaaclynn Devitt Andrea Stuart Elsie J. Doster Peggy Stubblefield James Duggan Nancy Sublette Dara Edmondson William& Susie Sublette Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation—matching gift Jerrold Sullivan Rosamund Else-Mitchell Marilyn Sullivan Lauren Endsley Eleanor Taylor Dr. &Mrs. David Eng-Wilmot Marie Faustin John Taylor Meiling Ferreiro Lisa Tillery Philip Fibiger Carmen Torres Laura Finfrock Karen Tripp Friday's Girls Joshua Truitt Gesbell Garcia Ron Tyson Lida Georges United Way Suncoast Nancy Gidusko Patrick Gifford Robert& Shirley Waggoner Steve Glose Jeremy Waller Marilyn S. Goldman Rebecca Ward Hylenne Gomez Joseph W.Warren, M.D. Monica Gorda James Waters Charlene Goss Royellen Wehrle Julie Gramazio Daniel White Georgette Green Marjorie Wilson Erika Greene Susan Woodman Susan Gruis Chinh Ha Lisa Hall $1 to$99 Yonahir Hernandez Dorothy Abelson Sara Howard Francisca Abreu Rosa Huaman&Javier Velasquez Shana Acker Priscilla Huffman Albert Adams Indivisible Orlando Siham Akkad Anita Johnson Krista Altman Cary Jones Susan Anger Jenika Katz Marilyn Austen Min Sun Kim Armando Ayala Nancy King Anthony Baptiste Chrystal Knight Eudio Omar Barboza Maryanne Kravitz Lori Bernstein Danielle Landaal Carolyn K. Bethel Jacqueline Levine Mercedes Bigelow Crystal Levsen Karen Blondeau Ang Li Sandra Blossey Lin Lin Amy Bosley Aridia Liriano Susan Bowmar Mary E. Little Roanne Brice Rosalba Lopez Lois Brown Michael Lothrop Barbara Buchele Chris Lovelock Antony&Ella Cardoza Lucky's Market Luz Cardoza Alfredo Lugo Catherine Carson Jose Marantes Cherisse Cavan Errol Marks Andrew Celauro Lourdes Marrero Raychel Cesaro Francesca Mathews CFL Firefly, Inc. Yasmira Mavarez Jean Marcel Chamon Dallas McClain Ismona Cirius Karen McClintock Jose Clavijo Milton McFarlane CELEBRATING LITERACY 1968 12018 Teryl McLane Donna Schade Mary Meeker Pamela Scholer Amy Mercado Sally Searcy Maria Miller Sam Seiderberg Nancy Miller Thomas Shuler Daniella Monteiro J.Thomas Simmons Maria Moreno Patricia Sladek Abigail Moreshead Angie Sola Roxanne Muehleman Tai Soler Kay Mullally Gloria Sosa-Oppenheimer Stacey Oliver-Knappe Helgi Soutar Alexander Oropeza Bernadette Spong Stacey Osber Cynthia Still Margarita De Jesus Pagan Susan Stone Tara Parsons Kim Stutsman Ruth Patrick Christian Switzer Valerie Payne Kathryn Tagye Sasha Pietenpol Molly Tagye Donald Potter Louise Tapper Lauren Powers Madelda&William Thompson Pedro Quintero Rebecca True Lauren Reynolds Cindy Turski Carmen Richards Sara K.Van Arsdel Andrea Rodrigues Linna VanNette Else Rodriguez Rosa Velasquez Hector Rodriguez Mary Von Mutius Lydia Rodriguez Stacia Wake Kelly Rogers Christa Walker Raul Romero Christine Warren Gladys Rosado Elizabeth Waskom Carmen Rosario Sharon Weiss Mary Rose Madeline Welsh Denise Ruckel Barbara Wetzler Tetiana Rybalska Connie White Cadeau Saint-Lot Jose Willmore Gregory Yap Sam Marilyn Winter Lauri Sanchez David Wong Iris G. Santos Nigel Wong Betty&Bruce Saulpaugh Yan Lijun Betty Scalise Danae Zimmer CELEBRATING LITERACY 1968 12018 CITY OF OCOEE (g) Community Grant Program Application Funding Cycle: JULY 2018 When completing this application, use only the space provided. Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per calendar year. All applicants must submit: 1. Letter of support on your organization's letterhead or copy of your meeting minutes 2. Signature verifying the grant funds will benefit Ocoee citizens (See bottom of page 2) NEW applicants must also submit: 3. IRS Tax exempt status letter 4. W-9 form Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: JULY 31, 2018 O © 400000000000000000000000000000 Name of Organization: Phoenix Tree Educational Foundation, Inc.dba Deeper Root Academy Address of Organization: 9600 West Colonial Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Contact person for this application: Dr.Angela Kennedy (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number: 407-270-6755 E-mail address: info@phoenixtree.org What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. We would like to use the funds to purchase headphones and mice for our computer lab. The wireless mice are$9.99(Amazon)each and we need to purchase 15. We also need student headphones as these compute used in the lab for testing and intervention purposes. The headphones are$19.00(Koss UR20)each and we need to purchase 18. These items are also used during the free community workshop sessions,training and classes. What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) We are requesting $500.00 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? No What is your organization's primary funding source? Step Up for Students Scholarship Award through the Department of Education How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? Based on last year's enrollment,we had 65 students funded at 6,323.00 each or$410,995.00 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? Donations What is your annual budget for this year? $823,000.00 Last year? $643,000.00 List the fundraisers your organization holds? Scholarship Gala; Fall Festival; Discount Cards; Fun Run, etc How many members, volunteers and/or paid employees does your organization have? 40 How many live in Ocoee? 25 How many clients does your organization serve? 108 How many live in Ocoee? 52 Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? No Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? No If yes, when, and how much money did you receive? Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? Yes If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? Free Camp days, Food Giveaways, Gift Bags for tt Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? Yes; School site How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? 10 hours per family; 70 families Sign-in/Out Logs Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: We have provided a minimum of three Free Community workshops for families. Donated 25 bags to local homeless. Provided food,water and free childcare for families impacted bu hurricanes. Participated in a community clean-up and made several donations to the area Salvation Army. We also held a special Salute to local Veteran's with gifts and luncheon. Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: Deeper Root Academy desires to be a place of community support and improvement in the Ocoee area. We provide business and educational services to families that attend our program and in our community. We may be small but desire to have a big impact. Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. Before submitting this application, please read and sign below: These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City of Ocoee. Inccordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this 13411 day of JLL\tj , by �r• A-Rq-ei a )4 • lC e.nnedy . Print Your Nah(e • h/. Signature For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905-3100 x 9-1530 or e-mail jwriq ht(caocoee.orq. Mail or deliver applications to: Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 For Staff Use Only Date Application Received 7773/, S c Was Application Received Complete? �S If not,Date Application Returned Non-Profit Status On file Attached 3 „ T Phoenix Tree Educational Foundation, Inc. "Cf Deeper Root Academy . �eerca aoor auo Letter of Support July 13, 2018 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to certify that Phoenix Tree Educational Foundation, Inc. dba Deeper Root Academy is in full support of the application for grant funding with the City of Ocoee. Our goal is to serve our community and these funds will benefit residents in this local area and abroad. Thank you in advance for all considerations regarding this funding opportunity. Sincerely, Dr. Angela Kennedy Founder/Director Phoenix Tree Educational Foundation, Inc. 1450 Citrus Oaks Ave. • Gotha • FL • 34734 • www.deeperrootacademy.org - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY P. O. BOX 2508 CINCINNATI, OH 45201 7/� Employer Identification Number: Dates SEP O Z 2016 46-1337013 DLN: 17053195327006 PHOENIX TREE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION Contact Person: INC BENJAMIN L DAVIS ID# 31465 C/O ANGELA KENNEDY Contact Telephone Number: 9600 W COLONIAL DR (877) 829-5500 OCOEE, FL 34761 Accounting Period Ending: December 31 Public Charity Status: 170(b) (1) (A) (ii) _ Form_.99.0/99g-EZ/990 N Requ.iregi,__— Yes --- Effective Date of Exemption: November 15, 2015 Contribution Deductibility: Yes Addendum Applies: No Dear Applicant: - we're pleased to tell you we determined you're exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c) (3) . Donors can deduct contributions they make to you under IRC Section 170. You're also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522. This letter could help resolve questions on your exempt status. Please keep it for your records. Organizations exempt under IRC Section 501(c) (3) are further classified as either public charities or private foundations. We determined you're a public charity under the IRC Section listed at the top of this letter. —�_- Basedon-the--information-you-sur m;t ed__w;th }your apps;cation, we appmvccl-.your request for reinstatement under Revenue Procedure 2014-11. Your effective date of exemption, as listed at the top of this letter, is retroactive to your date of revocation. If we indicated at the top of .this letter that you're required to file Form 990/990-EZ/990-N, our records show you're required to file an annual information return (Form 990 or Form 990-EZ) or electronic notice (Form 990-N, the e-Postcard) . If you don't file a required return or notice for three consecutive years, your exempt status will be automatically revoked. If we indicated at the top of this letter that an addendum applies, the enclosed addendum is an integral part of this letter. For important information about your responsibilities as a tax-exempt Letter 947 -2- PHOENIX TREE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION organization, go to www.irs.gov/charities. Enter "4221-PC" in the search bar to view Publication 4221-PC, Compliance Guide for 501(c) (3) Public Charities, which describes your recordkeeping, reporting, and disclosure requirements. Sincerely, Jeffrey I. Cooper Director, Exempt Organizations Rulings and Agreements Letter 947 Request for Taxpayer Give Form to the Form (Rev.November 2017) Identification Number and Certification requester.Do not Department of the Treasury send to the IRS. Internal Revenue Service ►Go to www.irs.gov/FormW9 for instructions and the latest information. 1 Name(as shown yp'Sf'fffddme t x retiih'Name Jss 1P IgIir'i9° o"rci�N'i gllr e'blank: 'i hoeatx "Tree° Edatcfictto-i Fou data 2 Business name/disregarded entity name,if different from above p fir oo-k- f CG d heckappAnat04kforf efaLtakdlassrftcatiorj .the"pets whose_inii is}e" t7 et > i sf l'foneoffq 4ernifil67 r(co ed" app"only a lzseu�.tr0.. ty., o ❑ Individual/sole proprietor or ❑ C Corporation [ S Corporation ❑ Partnership ❑Trust/estate ,n single-member LLC Exempt payee code(if any) I a; c ❑ Limited liability company.Enver the tax classification(C=C corporation,5=S corporation,P=Partnership)► p ;? Note:Check:he appropriate box in the line above for the tax classification of the single-member owner. Do not check Exemption from FATCA reporting in LLC if the LLC is classified as a single-member LLC that is disregarded from the owner unless the owner of the LLC is c y)another LLC that is not disregarded from the owner for U.S.feoeral tax purposes.Otherwise,a single-member LLC that code(f an a n is disregarded from the owner should check the appropriate box for the tax classification of its owner. y ❑ Other(see ins'uctla (► (Applies to accounts maintained dusiae the U.S) �jA (�e�i�-afOidrap4.a sSee instructions. Requester's name and address(optional) 23 goo() Coda W, i 4 r-Dr`t\ire. gageniSenri Ocoee. Florida 31411,4 7 List account number(s)here(optional) Part I Taxpayer Identification Number(TIN) Enter your TIN in the appropriate box.The TIN provided must match the name given on line 1 to avoid f SoaSal spec backup withholding.For individuals,this is generally your social security number(SSN).However,for a ' resident alien,sole proprietor,or disregarded entity,see the instructions for Part I,later.For other — — entities,it is your employer identification number(EIN).If you do not have a number,see Now to get a TIN, later. 39 ^ Note:if the account is in more than one name,see the instructions for line 1.Also see What Name and 1 tE :__. ymhe4; Number To Give the Requester for guidelines on whose number to enter. q - 153Ioi3 Part II Certification Under penalties of oerjury,I certify that: 1.The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number(or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me);and 2.I am not subject to backup withholding because:(a)I am exempt from backup withholding,or(b)I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service(IRS)that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends,or(c)the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding;and 3.I am a U.S.citizen or other U.S.person(defined below);and 4.The FATCA code(s)entered on this form(if any)indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. Certification instructions.You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return.For real estate transactions,item 2 does not apply.For mortgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property,cancellation of debt,contributions to an individual retirement arrangement(IRA),and generally,payments other than interest and dividends,you a,-not required to sign the certification,but you must provide your correct TIN.See the instructions for Part II,later, Sign nature of Here y/y IJ8 S:perspn► pate`► General Instructions' • •Form 1099-DIV(dividends,including those from stocks or mutual funds) Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise •Form 1099-MISC(various types of income,prizes,awards,or gross noted. proceeds) Future developments.For the latest information about developments •Form 1099-B(stock or mutual fund sales and certain other related to Form W-9 and its instructions,such as legislation enacted transactions by brokers) after they were published,go to www.irs.gov/FormW9. •Form 1099-S(proceeds from real estate transactions) Purpose of Form •Form 1099-K(merchant card and third party network transactions) An individual or entity(Form W-9 requester)who is required to file an •Form 1098(home mortgage interest),1098-E(student loan interest), information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer 1098-T(tuition) identification number(TIN)which may be your social security number •Form 1099-C(canceled debt) (SSN),individual taxpayer identification number(ITIN),adoption •Form 1099-A(acquisition or abandonment of secured property) taxpayer identification number(ATIN),or employer identification number Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S.person(including a resident (EIN),to report on an information return the amount paid to you,or other alien),to provide your correct TIN. amount reportable on an information return.Examples of information returns include,but are not limited to,the following. If you do not return Form W-9 to the requester with a TIN,you might •Form 1099-!N7 (interest earned or paid) be subject to backup withholding.See What is backup withholding, later. Cat,No.10231X Form W-9(Rev.11-2017) State of Florida Chief Financial Officer f , ;7 �.* <.rr7t Department of Financial Services Bureau of Accounting 200 East Gaines StreetTallahassee, FL 32399-0354 Telephone: (850) 413-5519 Fax:(850) 413-5550 Substitute Form W-9 In order to comply with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations, we require Taxpayer Identification information that will be used to determine whether you will receive a Form 1099 for payment(s) made to you by an agency of the State of Florida, and whether payments are subject to Federal withholding. The information provided below must match the information that you provide to the IRS for income tax reporting. Federal law requires the State of Florida to take backup withholding from certain future payments if you fail to provide the information requested. Taxpayer Identification Number (FEIN): 46-1337013 IRS Name: PHOENIX TREE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION INC Address: 9600 WEST COLONIAL DRIVE OCOEE, FL 34761-0000 Attention Of: DEEPER ROOT ACADEMY Business Designation: Not For Profit Certification Statement: Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer information AND 2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding AND 3. I am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (including U.S. resident alien) Preparer's Name: ANGELA KENNEDY Preparer's Title: PRESIDENT Phone: 321-348-8733 Email: info@phoenixtree.org Date Submitted: 03/24/2016 Active Doing Business As names submitted on the Substitute Form W-9: DEEPER ROOT ACADEMY Date punted from the State of Flonda Substitute Form W-9 Website.06/28/2016 0000068 09/20/14 DR-14 FLOk'..).\ Consumer's Certificate of Exemption R.04/11 ,b!l Issued Pursuant to Chapter 212, Florida Statutes DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 85-80165413920-8 08/31/2014 08/31/2019 501(C)(3)ORGANIZATION Certificate Number Effective Date Expiration Date Exemption Category This certifies that PHOENIX TREE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION INC 6865 W COLONIAL DR ORLANDO FL 32818-6827 is exempt from the payment of Florida sales and use tax on real property rented, transient rental property rented,tangible personal property purchased or rented, or services purchased. (34 1 U A DR-14 Important Information for Exempt Organizations R.04/11 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 1. You must provide all vendors and suppliers with an exemption certificate before making tax-exempt purchases. See Rule 12A-1.038, Florida Administrative Code(F.A.C.). 2. Your Consumer's Certificate of Exemption is to be used solely by your organization for your organization's customary nonprofit activities. 3. Purchases made by an individual on behalf of the organization are taxable, even if the individual will be reimbursed by the organization. 4. This exemption applies only to purchases your organization makes. The sale or lease to others of tangible personal property, sleeping accommodations, or other real property is taxable. Your organization must register, and collect and remit sales and use tax on such taxable transactions. Note: Churches are exempt from this requirement except when they are the lessor of real property(Rule 12A-1.070, F.A.C.). 5. It is a criminal offense to fraudulently present this certificate to evade the payment of sales tax. Under no circumstances should this certificate be used for the personal benefit of any individual. Violators will be liable for payment of the sales tax plus a penalty of 200% of the tax, and may be subject to conviction of a third-degree felony. Any violation will require the revocation of this certificate. 6. If you have questions regarding your exemption certificate, please contact the Exemption Unit of Account Management at 800-352-3671. From the available options, select "Registration of Taxes,"then "Registration Information," and finally"Exemption Certificates and Nonprofit Entities." The mailing address is PO Box 6480, Tallahassee, FL 32314-6480. Oct 14 06 06:20p Joseph / Cennite McMullen 407-654-0308 PA INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF PILE TREA.gURY P. O. BOX 2508 CINCINNATI, OH 45201 Date: MAY 6 2(306 Employer Identification Number: V 59-3704535 DLN: 053006 HAPCO MUSIC FOUNDATION INC Contact PerPs son: 201 LARGOVISTA Da act SUSAN' Y MALONEY ID# 31210 OAKLAND, FL 34787-8981 Contact Telephone Number: (877) 829-5500 -Public Charity Status- 170(b) (1) (A) (vi) Dear Applicant: Our letter dated January 2002, stated you would be exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and you would be treated as a public charity, rather than as a private foundation, during an advance ruling g period. Based on the information you submitted, you are classified as a public charity under the Code section listed in the heading of this latter. Since your exempt status wee not under consideration, you continue to be classified a an rya isationexempt from Federal income tax under section 501(C) (3) of the Code. Publication 557, Tax-Exempt Status for Your Organization, provides detailed information about your rights and responsibilities as an exempt organisation. You may request a copy by calling the toll-free number for forms, (800) 829-3676. Information is also available on our Internet Web Site at www.irs_gov. If you have general questions about exempt organizations, please call our toll-free number shown in the heading. Please keep this letter in your permanent records. Sincerely yours. LeisG. erner Director, Exempt Organizations Rulings and Agreements • Letter iOsn (no/cc) 1 - c- A IN EDUCA111 II COVER 4461**1?,1411(ii COVER OUR lAit if 1 ICHMENT' 06 ipuRvIsION w, ti 4 PHOENIX Til.E_FEDUt1 ( CA11NDA1 io °lir .1"-Ilimmi irt IN .... , •EEPER ROOT ACM:1e° THAT LAsT , . .„,„ FIND OUT WHICH INTELLIGENCES YOUR CHILD USES MOST OFTEN MR OM IR IN if =at'111 V liglfi NA eicAp yr 0 No. ...., ki ,..... mi viii4 i 4G/ , ro i ---- 1-- --I /,------,\ , \\--...._____- ) I \ OiS 5... . , ... . . , a ,. , . . ... .....„ 4,,„,s. z ile 1,4-. ... - , --............00. - ....„,„,„witoi.,,,, ,, 4 , ..., . .,.. _ , . 1st. 7-Ar. fr.,it A. 4,°` a i IMO W. .e• . t MAI(ING LEARNING CONNECTIONS THAT LAST A newborn at birth has most of the brain cells that we Connections made through relationships are also important will have for our entire life without the connections. Our as they grow. When we make connections large and environment shapes the architecture of our brain in the first small with our students, we build trust, thus improving year of life. Connections are made the more experiences learning opportunities for the students and teachers. the baby has with adults. Every opportunity we have as adults/teachers to create a memory with a concept being taught, leaves an everlasting The amount of connections that develop has a direct blueprint. School then becomes a place where they feel correlation to the interactions with their caregiver(s). This safe and can truly make lifelong connections. also affects a child's vocabulary. Simply put, the more exposure, the more connections. Language and learning is Discover how the learning experiences at Deeper impacted by our surroundings during early developmental Root Academy make lasting impressions that positively stages. change their lives. \ \ ; YOU ' , . S M A RT • 3' . , . , , THE THEORY OF MULTIPLE intelligence. Individuals with strong intelligence in these INTELLIGENCES WAS areas are typically those we as a culture hold with high DEVELOPED IN 1983 BY regard. However, this theory says we should also place equal attention on individuals who show gifts in the other DR. HOWARD GARDNER, intelligences: the artists, architects, musicians, naturalists, PROFESSOR OF designers, dancers, therapists, entrepreneurs, and others EDUCATION AT HARVARD who enrich the world in which we live. Unfortunately, many children who possess these gifts do not receive much re- UNIVERSITY. inforcement or encouragement in school. Many are in fact labeled "learning disabled," "ADD (attention deficit disor- This theory challenges the traditional implications of der)," or simply underachievers, when their unique ways of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, as it is too limited. Dr. thinking and learning differs from the traditional classroom Gardner proposes that there are eight different intelligences presentation. of human potential in both children and adults. These intel- ligences are: SOURCE: "The Distance Learning Technology Resource Guide," by Carla Lane •,. aNr�emic •Linguistic intelligence ("word smart") JS``P` c`fRB4< •Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning ,,:s ok 4, , :- smart") r Ft, ; 'Spatial intelligence ("picture smart") • o 0 •Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart") *Musical intelligence ("music smart") I _ INTELLIGENCES •Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart") 1 •Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart") �\ 4a; 3, : ::l: intelligence ("::: says that our culture focus most . of their attention on linguistic and logical-mathematical €10%,„.),,,„ (, \;=;n PHYSICAL EDUCATION; ,',.•�•:* DRAMA; ART; TECHNOLOGY; EMPOWERING SECOND LANGUAGE; ENRICHMENT MUSIC OUR PROGRAMS: PHOENIX TREE School-Age K-8TH EoU�IQ}� FOUH>a�IoN Preschool Program 2 to 4 yrs. A Safe Place to f _DEEPER RO*** ffor OT A Learn and Grow. We Love our Kids' PRIVATE SCHOOL Now Accepting Applications 'Learning Connections, Grounded in Success" nstructional Focus: Multiple Intelligence 'How are you smart?" 1 -833-DRA-OWLS (372-6957) www.deeperrootacademy.org VISION FOR DEEPER ROOT ACADEMY The vision is to provide business and educational veloping their knowledge in areas that are a challenge for excellence by serving our clients and community with them. Our Christian values and character education wilt compassion, commitment, and character. The educational also foster the sound qualities that should be at the core focus is based on the study of Howard Gardner's theory of of humanity. Multiple Intelligence. We seek to rule out any chance of failure and teach At the core of this theory is the recognition that our students to embrace their God-given abilities and people think and learn differently and that intelligence can talents in order to develop their understanding of how be expressed in a multitude of ways. This approach dif- they can positively impact our world. This opportunity is fers from the traditional education provided in public, and extended to those who qualify for scholarship based on private schools in Florida. Using the Common Core State academic or developmental needs as well as those who Standards and Nationwide benchmarks, our teaching will may not otherwise be able to afford this type of quality ed- incorporate each of the eight major intellectual domains ucation. These School Choice Options are offered in Florida defined by Dr. Gardner and provide opportunities for each through the Department of Education. student to use his or her unique intelligence to under- stand the subject matter. In addition, we will help students Please visit our website www.deeperrootacademy.org understand their strengths and challenges using Multiple or call today at 1-833-DRA-OWLS (372-6957). Intelligence as a tool. Students will learn to use strengths to acquire new information and work on more fully de- Discover how Deeper Root Academy will make a differ- ence in your child's life. OUR PROGRAMS: PHOENIX TREE .School-Age K-8TH EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION 'Preschool Program 2 to 4 yrs. A Safe Place toPERROOTACAD Learn and Grow. low We Love our Kids! PRIVATEe outions Now Acceptingr "Learning Connections, Grounded in Success" Instructional Focus:Multiple Intelligence'How are you smart?" 1-833-DRA-OWLS (372-6957) 1.1111.1111111.11 www.deeperrootacademy.org Why Choose Us We Offer. Multiple Intelligence Focus *Smaller class sizes Kids think and learn differently *Character Education *Biblical Principles Christian Foundation .chapel Values and character education •Quality Learning Experiences Your Child Matters to us Every child is SMART! Core Classes: Reading/Language Arts; Our Vision Math; Science; Social Studies The vision of Deeper Root Academy is to • provide business and educational Enrichment: excellence by serving our clients and Physical Education; Drama; Art; community with character,commitment Technology; Second Language; Music and compassion. • I CITY OF OCOEE (3) Community Grant Program Application Funding Cycle: JULY 2018 When completing this application, use only the space provided. Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per calendar year. All applicants must submit: 1. Letter of support on your organization's letterhead or copy of your meeting minutes 2. Signature verifying the grant funds will benefit Ocoee citizens (See bottom of page 2) NEW applicants must also submit: 3. IRS Tax exempt status letter 4. W-9 form Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: JULY 31, 2018 00000000000000000000000000000000 Name of Organization: The Gift of Swimming Address of Organization: 205 Windermere Road Contact person for this application: Susan Polder,Executive Director (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number. 407 905 2815 E-mail address: thegiftofswimming©yahoo.com What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. Funding for 2 pre-qualified OCOEE children to receive swim scholarships. Each scholarship provides private swim instruction at a reduced rate of$15/lesson(vs standard rate of$21/lesson with$60 registration fee waived for The Gift of Swimming recipients). Thirty four swim lessons will be provided. What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $500 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? Yes. What is your organization's primary funding source? Fundraising(Annual 5K,Annual Pool Side Social,Banner Marketing) How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? approximately$55,000 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? Individual Contributions,Corporations, Foundations. What is your annual budget for this year? $189,500 Last year? $189,500 List the fundraisers your organization holds? Annual 5K Run for the Gift(November),Annual Pool Side Social(Spring) How many members, volunteers and/or paid employees does your organization have? 1 loaned executive, 22 volunteers How many live in Ocoee? approximately 3 How many clients does your organization serve? 188 in 2017 How many live in Ocoee? at least 6 Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? yes Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? yes If yes, when, and how much money did you receive? $500 in 2017 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? no but we are interested If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? yes How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? 175 in 2017 Volunteer forms with hours logged Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: From July 2016 through June 2017,The Gift of Swimming has provided 423 deserving children with highly successful private swim survival lessons that are completely free to their families. Our only limitation to reaching more deserving families is funding. Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: Thank you for your past support. The receipt of the grant last year helped us provide our"Healthy Kids through Swimming"program to 4 Maxey Head Start children that reside in Ocoee. These children received both swim lessons and nutrition education over a five week period. The four students received a total of 93 swim lessons at a cost of$1,395.00. All four successfully passed an evaluation showing their newly acquired swim-float-swim skills while fully clothed! Your grant helped make this wonderful potentially life-saving achievement possible! Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. Before submitting this application, please read and sign below: These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City of Ocoee. In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this 2-4k day of y\ U \ 2613, by Soso, pord {7 . Print Your Name Signat re For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905-3100 x 9-1530 or e-mail jwrightc ocoee.orq. Mail or deliver applications to: Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 For Staff Use Only Date Application Received Was Application Received Complete �5 If not,Date Application Returned Non-Profit Status On file Attached 3 The Gift of Swimming, Inc., NPO • 205 Windermere Road Winter Garden, FL 34787 • i 407-905-2815 407-905-5268 fax Olor 1t a. www.giftofswimming.org 11116110 July 12, 2018 CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Dear City Commissioners, I fully support the funding request submitted to the City of Ocoee's Community Grant Committee by Susan Polder, Executive Director of the Gift of Swimming. The Gift of Swimming was established as a 501(c)3 charitable organization in 2003 to address a serious gap in swim education by providing swim training for disadvantaged and developmentally disabled children. This year, the weekend before July 4th, our community suffered 3 drownings in area pools. A SouthWest Aquatics' parent performed CPR on one of these victims, a five- year-old girl that did not survive. The Gift of Swimming and SouthWest Aquatics longs for the day that we no longer have these tragic stories to share. Every child needs to learn to swim. Every child deserves to learn to swim. Every child deserves to live. Thank you for your previous support and please consider approving this $500.00 Community Grant to provide this vital swim instruction to children that reside in Ocoee. ince ely, Joy McGinty Founder The Gift of Swimming Inc.has received recognition of exemption under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code I CITY OF OCOEE Community Grant Program Application Funding Cycle: JULY 2018 When completing this application, use only the space provided. Please attach required documentation (including meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. All applicants must submit: 1. Letter of support on your organization's letterhead or copy of your meeting minutes to verify that your organization supports this application. 2. Signature verifying the grant funds will benefit Ocoee citizens (See bottom of page 2) NEW applicants must also submit: 3. IRS Tax exempt status letter 4. W-9 form Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per calendar year. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: JULY 31, 2018 404040. 40. 40404040. 40404040404040404040404040404040 ® 4040 ® 4> 40. 4040 Name of Organization: STARS of West Orange Address of Organization: 9401 w.Colonial Drive,Suite 106 Contact person for this application: Allisha Douglas (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number. 407-256-9069 E-mail address: starsofwo@gmail.com What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. Money will be used to purchase backpacks for 125 students for students in Ocoee schools. What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is$500.) $500 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? Yes What is your organization's primary funding source? Community partnerships and fundraising How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? $20,000 on average 1 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? Fundraising, Gift Wrapping for the West Oaks Mall in December,Grants,Supply Drives What is your annual budget for this year? $15,000 Last year? $25,000 List the fundraisers your organization holds? Multiple 5K Races,Chicldila Cowlenders,Solar Bears Events,Gift wrapping How many members, volunteers and/or paid employees does your organization have? 350 How many live in Ocoee? 5o How many clients does your organization serve? 2,000+(depends on funding) How many live in Ocoee? 500 Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Yes Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? Yes If yes, when, and how much money did you receive? $500 last August Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? Yes If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? We assist with school and West Oaks Mall Events Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? Yes How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? SignUp.com and sign in sheet at the center 1;000+hours Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: Adopt a Poll Program at West Oaks Mall during elections,Gift wrapping center for West Oaks Mall for 6 years+ 5K Partnerships in Winter Garden and Ocoee, Supporting local students and teachers,supported local homeless students Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: Our program is 100%volunteer led and run and the board of directors is made up of educationally minded individuals, teachers and other school staff.We are working to create new partnerships and expand our reach and offer a safe place for students,teachers and community members to volunteer their time. Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. 2 Before submitting this application, please read and sign below: These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City of Ocoee. In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this 19 day of July ,by Allisha Douglas • Print Your Name 'Ld)--LP-Qkk :034(24/'— - Signature For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905-3100 x 9-1530 or e-mail jwright @ocoee.org. Mail or deliver applications to: Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 For Staff Use Only / Date Application Received ),/izi Was Application Received Complete? X.,14' If not,Date Application Returned Non-Profit Status On file Attached 3 S.T.A.K.S. of Watt()ranee 9401 West Colonial Drive_-,i Oti Ocoee.Ft 1470 407-290-3009 July 19.201S To Whom h May Concern: Please Taft that we fully support the furaltruF request submittiel to the City of Oreee's Cominurtity Grant application by the Executive Director,Allisha Douglas, of the S 1 A,Il.S. of West Orange non.profit. Sincerely, .,... --,„ eft Signature(and Title) CITY OF OCOEE Community Grant Program Application Funding Cycle: JULY 2018 When completing this application, use only the space provided. Please attach required documentation (including meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. All applicants must submit: 1. Letter of support on your organization's letterhead or copy of your meeting minutes to verify that your organization supports this application. 2. Signature verifying the grant funds will benefit Ocoee citizens (See bottom of page 2) NEW applicants must also submit: 3. IRS Tax exempt status letter 4. W-9 form Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per calendar year. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: JULY 31, 2018 ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® A ® ♦ ® ® ® ® Name of Organization: Central Florida Regional Science Olympiad Competition Address of Organization: 825 South Bumby Ave Orlando, FL 32803 Contact person for this application: Patricia DeNoon (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number. 321-297-6174 E-mail address: patricia.denoon@ocps.net What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. Dri-fit polo shirts for volunteers and event supervisors costing between$1200-$1500 The$500 would be for volunteers specifically from Ocoee as we will be offering hours from those in our school community as well as the city of Ocoee residents. What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $500 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? Yes What is your organization's primary funding source? We receive$50 per team that registers for our regionals How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? $3,000 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? Looking for sponsors from other organizations What is your annual budget for this year? $3500 Last year? $3200 List the fundraisers your organization holds? None How many members, volunteers and/or paid employees does your organization have? 100 volunteers How many live in Ocoee? 30 How many clients does your organization serve? loon How many live in Ocoee? 20 Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? No Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? N/A If yes, when, and how much money did you receive? Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? No If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? Yes How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? N/A Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: The Science Olympiad has been in Florida and in the Central Florida Region for over 30 years.The past few years,the Central Regionals has been successfully run at Lake Nona High School, with support from their community. Each year the regionals has sent between 7 to 9 teams to the State competition.This year, we are moving the regionals to Ocoee High, as I am taking over and work and live in Ocoee. Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: This year's Regional Science Olympiad will be held at Ocoee High School and will be a full day event on January 19th, 2019 Students from middle and high schools across Orange, Osceola, Lake and Seminole Counties will compete in a multitude events supported by STEM. Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. Before submitting this application, please read and sign below: These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City of Ocoee. In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this 31St day of July , by Patricia DeNoon • Print Yo ► :me 1 'Pi Signature For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905-3100 x 9-1530 or e-mail jwrightocoee.orq. Mail or deliver applications to: Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 For Staff Use Only Date Application Received 7/-3-oiiP /0 4 Was Application Received Complete? If not, Date Application Returned Non-Profit Status On file Attached Ret 3 —�_1 I LQ /Ge Ast, SChEak �CE10112PIIiAD - Exploring the World of Science Agenda Science Olympiad Directors Meeting July 28,2018 10:00 am to 3:00 pm 1. Introduction and new regional directors 2. Voting/Updates to by-laws. a. Motion to approve minutes from 2017 i. Valerie- Motion to Approve ii. Aladdin- Second iii. All ayes- Motions approved b. Budget review i. Income of approximately $5000 from last year ii. Balance of approx. $128,000 iii. "Subcontract" Mike for$5000 for accounting(will take over for Judy) 1. Brian-Motion to approve 2. Gorgio/Aladdin- Seconded 3. All ayes- Motion passes iv. Consider providing a stipend to Valerie for director work; Valerie will share an outline of plans and we will address specifics later c. Officers for 2018/2019 slate of Mike McKee-President/Treasurer and Valerie Ledford- Vice President/Secretary i. Brian- Motion to approve slate above ii. Patricia/Jason- Seconded iii. All ayes d. Review of bylaws of new corporation of Florida STEM Services, INC i. Based on billing cycles, ideally, changes would be approved early and go into affect early April, 2019 ii. Will need to file addendums to the Articles of Incorporation needed to be done for the state and the IRS iii. We will take time to discuss and adapt by-laws as needed,with future voting iv. Currently,vote to change the name 1. Valerie-Motion to change the name of the corporation to Florida STEM Services, INC within the next 2-years 2. Gorgio/Jason- Seconded 3. All ayes-Motion passes 4. Mike will take charge of taking change 3. 2018 Recap—Statistics/How do we retain schools a. Valerie- Will prepare a one-pager to present to PTA/PTO, schools, etc. b. FAU-Director visiting schools to ensure retention c. LNHS- "Peer pressure" on principals/superintendents listing the schools that are competing d. Valerie- Will be offering`Breakfast with Science Olympiad"or similar workshops for potential (Jax, Gainesville, Ft. Myers) • e. Valerie-Plan to send someone to Summer Institute and offer summer coach's workshop right after that with the "draft rules" 4. Team Payments a. Payments and pricing structure for last year- $235 per team before Sept. 30 if paying with credit card; $260 regular registration fee; $260 if paying with credit card or $280 with check after the Sept. 30 date but before the Nov. 15 date; $300 and $320 after Nov. 15 b. Update website so that the date divisions are clearly identified in the section under the "Register" button c. No refunds after Dec. 31 d. Mike will purge database and open registration 5. Website changes a. Please send any updates to Mike with the exact words, etc. for updates 6. Concerns about background checks for volunteers a. Mike will send Tim the directive from the FL Board of Governors regarding this matter 7. Scoring procedures update and new platforms 8. Events Review: a. Rule changes b. Detector Building (Valerie) c. Sharing of resources—Google Drive (Valerie) 9. Elementary a. Sites for 2019 b. State Tournament c. United Trophy- Great use for awards ceremony 10. Photonics Competition- teams of 6 undergrads/HS students compete in 7 events: optical printing,hack the camera,poster/lesson plan(hack the camera), light painting,brain bowl, optics experiments, iron scientist. Charge $100 per team and try to fundraise around $75K for expenses and prize money. June 2019 11. Fundraising/Volunteers a. Using College Development Office to do outreach for participation and funds b. Departments at Universities-May donate funds c. Publix, WaWa, WalMart- Corporate requests d. Northrop Grumman- Can gather volunteers e. Justserve.org-Volunteers 12. Planning committees a. Marketing and press releases b. Alumni-Kevin/U.F. i. Valerie- Look into Linked In(Science Olympiad Endorsement) C. Elementary Website-Kevin/U.F. is going to look at using WordPress to update 13. Patricia mentioned that the City of Ocoee is offering a grant of$500 to be used towards the Central Regional that will be held at Ocoee High School in January 2019. Approval was given for Patricia to apply for the grant. 14. Regional Info: Regional Online Dir. Insur. Workshop ESUS Tournament SO Form Date Date Date ERAU Jan. 16 OF Jan. 19 FAU Jan. 23 HCC Feb. 9 OHS- Central Jan. 19 • UWF UM FSWC Feb. 23 STATE SO- UCF March 30 ESO—Central April 6 ESO—FAU May 11 ESO—JAX March 9 ESO-NorthCentral April 13 STATE ESO- U.F. May 17- 18 Motion to end meeting at 1:18 pm-Jason Second- Brian Handouts: Membership Maps Conflict of Interest Form Recommendations for Rules Changes: • Form W-9 Request for Taxpayer Give Form to the .- - ••. - '�"" '"''201' identification Number and Certification requester.Do not • cep nmest of th.Treasury send to the IRS. ., ' internal Reverie.S.rvrc. Name(as etawn on your income tax return) Florida Science Olympiad,INC . N Business namerdersgrdsd entity name,If different from above . Check appropnate box for federal tax g • ..cesarrrcatxn(rectuledl: 0 kdvrduaVsole pwrlNo► D C corporation 0 S Corporation 0 Partnership 0 Tust/estatec t ❑ limited liability company.Enter the tax clasalr t 034 corporation,S59 corporation,News ersttip)f° ❑t=>oaarq t . k 0 ocher(see instructions)► Not for profit;501(c)(3) • • Menne(number.street.and apt or suite no.) Requester's name and address(optlonal) : ' • - 825 South Bumby Ave City,state,and ZIP code • Orlando,FL 32803 List account nu arts)here(optional) Part I Ta • : , Identification Number IN) Enter your TIN in the appropriate box.The TIN provided must match the name given on the"Name line Soda fly number to avoid backup withholding.For individuals,this is your social security number(SSN).However,for a resident alien,sole proprietor,or disregarded entity.see the Part I Instructions on page 3.For other - - entities,it Is your employer identification number(En.If you do not haw a 11lsrtber,dee How to get e TIN on page 3. . • • Note.If the account is in mote lion one name,ase the diert on pegs 4 liwee t guidelines on*t . I Employer Identification number i number to enter. 2 0 - 0 1 6 7 2 7 8 Part II Certification Under penalties of perjury,I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number(or tam waiting for a number to be issued to me),and 2, I am not subject to backup withholding because:(a)I am exempt from backup withholding.or(b)I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service(IRS)that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends,or(c)the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding,and 3. I am a U.S.citizen or other U.S.person(defined below). Certification instructions.You must cross out Item 2 above If you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return.For real estate transactions.item 2 does not apply.For mortgage Interest paid,acquisition or abandonment of secured property,cancellation of debt,contributions to an individual retirement arrangement(IRA),and generally,payments other than Interest and dividends,you are not required to sign the certification,but you must provide your correct TIN.See the instructions on page 4. Sign ' Here U.S.person► L,JL - Date► 1 (C iv t t General Instructions Note.If a requester gives you a form other than Form W-9 to request •Section references are to tis Internal Revenue Code lollies ONafMliee your TIN,you must use the requester's form- noted. it is substantially similar . . . . . ' to this Form W-9. Definition of a U.S.person.For federal tax purposes,you are Purpose of Form considered a U.S.person if you are: A person who is required to Me an information return with the IRS trust •An individual who is a U.S.citizen or U.S.resident alien, obtain your correct taxpayer identification number(TIN)to report,for •A partnership,corporation,company,or association created or •example,income paid to you,real estate transactions,mortgage interest organized in the United States or under the laws of the United States, of debt,paid, contributions acquisition is ti tor abandonment of secured property,cancellation •An estate(other than a foreign estate),or you made to an IRA. Use Form W-9 It person(including a resident •A domestic trust(as defined In Regulations section 301.7701-7). '" '.•Oen).to provide your correct TIN o the Special rules for Partnerships that conduct a trade or rllqurester)aro,when Person requesting It(the specpartnerships. artnersn applicable,to: business In the United States are generally required to pay a withholdnp tax On 1.Certify that the TIN you are giving is correct(or youwe waiting tor a Further,In certain cases where Foormi�W--9 has not been received.a number to be issued). . • • Is that a 2.Certify that you are not subject to hookup withholding,or partnership payrthe withholding tax.uired to �erefore,If youyoamore a U.S.person Is a foreign pis a. • . 3.Claim exemption from backup withholding if you are a U.S.exempt • per in a partnership conducting a trade or business in the United payee.If applicable,you are also certifying that as a U.S.person,your . States,provide Form W-9 to the partnership to establish your U.S. allocable share of any partnership income from a U.S.trade or business. "WS and#Ydd.wi(hholdln9 on.your More of pbrinMship irtconle: . . •; is not subject to the withholding tax on foreign partners'shire of • , aftectively connected Incoma. ' - cat No.10231X Form W-9(Rev.1.2011) • F;nl'I').A Consumer's Certificate of Exemption R 04/11 Issued Pursuant to Chapter 212 Florida Statutes E)EPARTA SENT OF REVENUE f:+;=:v°'v_Tk i , s. ;`ta•,_ 85-80129026020 1 03/31/2014 03/31/2019 < 11 «q; CAN `tON Certificate Number Effective Date ?. Expiration Date r �- t. •1 Gat" z�\ • Cis\W�' •Z. •l'�, ..L .fuwy.uit This certifies that ,_r..++�..-�riiY��.._ �it,�'.•� } a�='� = _ sx��:�'�.. ifs=�•tb. �:S •• _ osr:7e_ - 'st:Atit Vis'.li FLORIDA SCIENCE OLYMPIAD INCORPORATED `. t'� - ~' `�``' 825 S BUMBY AVE ,'i. �� r:<E�.' � l • ORLANDO FL 32803-6614 i -ta•'s,!1�5 `r #•: .'�, >Vis_ .� r+s^a is exempt from the payment of Florida sales and use tax on real property rented, transient rental prortyrrnted,tangible personal property purchased or rented, or services purchased. r rrtr Ir,A DR-14 Important Information for Exempt Organizations R.04/11 .,( DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 1. You must provide all vendors and suppliers with an exemption certificate before making tax-exempt purchases. See Rule 12A-1.038, Florida Administrative Code(F.A.C.). 2. Your Consumer's Certificate of Exemption is to be used solely by your organization for your organization's customary nonprofit activities. 3. Purchases made by an individual on behalf of the organization are taxable, even if the individual will be reimbursed by the organization. 4. This exemption applies only to purchases your organization makes. The sale or lease to others of tangible personal property, sleeping accommodations, or other real property is taxable. Your organization must register, and collect and remit sales and use tax on such taxable transactions. Note: Churches are exempt from this requirement except when they are the lessor of real property(Rule 12A-1.070, F.A.C.). 5. it is a criminal offense to fraudulently present this certificate to evade the payment of sales tax. Under no circumstances should this certificate be used for the personal benefit of any individual. Violators will be liable for payment of the sales tax plus a penalty of 200% of the tax, and may be subject to conviction of a third-degree felony. Any violation will require the revocation of this certificate. 6. If you have questions regarding your exemption certificate, please contact the Exemption Unit of Account Management at 800-352-3671. From the available options, select "Registration of Taxes," then "Registration Information," and finally"Exemption Certificates and Nonprofit Entities." The mailing address is PO Box 6480, Tallahassee, FL 32314-6480. /% l CITY OF OCOEE �i ` Community Grant Program Application Funding Cycle: JULY 2018 When completing this application, use only the space provided. Please attach required documentation (including meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. All applicants must submit: 1. Letter of support on your organization's letterhead or copy of your meeting minutes to verify that your organization supports this application. 2. Signature verifying the grant funds will benefit Ocoee citizens (See bottom of page 2) NEW applicants must also submit: 3. IRS Tax exempt status letter 4. W-9 form Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per calendar year. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: JULY 31, 2018 00000000000000000000000000000000 Name of Organization: Central Florida Diaper Bank Address of Organization: 1041 Crown Park Circle Winter Garden, FL 34787 Contact person for this application: Sharon Lyles (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number. 407-656-7055 E-mail address: slyles2ndchancerc.orq What are you seeking grant money for ? The funds will used to purchase diapers and baby wipes, Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. Diaper Wipes 20 unit(&, 19.96 = $ 299.40 Diapers 6 unit bundle $ 209.88 What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $500.00 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? No What is your organization's primary funding source? Choose Life How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? $ 7000.00 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? Diaper drives , Winter Garden Rotary Club, individual and business donations What is your annual budget for this year? $25,000 Last year? $10,000 List the fundraisers your organization holds? Golf tournament and diaper drives How many members, volunteers and/or paid employees does your organization have? 22 How many live in Ocoee? 4 How many clients does your organization serve? 130 p/m How many live in Ocoee? 35 Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Yes Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? Yes If yes, when, and how much money did you receive? Yes. $500.00 for the 2017 grant cycle Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? Yes If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? We partner with the Healthy start Momcare program located in Ocoee and provide services to residents that live in Ocoee Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? Yes How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? 17,065 tracked Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: Two new partnerships with medical clinics to provide diapers for their OB programs Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: We provide services to families with children from birth to age 3. There has been an increased number of referrals for families needing diapers. This grant will assist with helping more babies in the ocoee community Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. Before submitting this application, please read and sign below: These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City of Ocoee. In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this 26th day of July_2018_, by 5\16JOY\ LI I Print Your Name fld/ Jr1P-, Signature For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905-3100 x 9-1530 or e-mail iwriohtaocoee.orq. Mail or deliver applications to: Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 For Staff Use Only �( Date Application Received 72 o/( Was Application Received Complete? If not,Date Application Returned Non-Profit Status On file Attached 3 soda Fi oh t., 43 I EST. 1995 O/gpER BWV' r. Changing lives from the bottom up July 26, 2018 City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Attn: Community Grant Programs To whom it may concern, I fully support our agency the Central Florida Diaper Bank submitting an application for the $ 500.00 community grant. We have received an increased number of request for assistance in 2018. These funds will help us to address those needs and provide more diapers to babies in the Ocoee community. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 5* Sharon Lyles CEO 41§6 .4, 1041 Crown Park Circle I Winter Garden, FL 34787 407.656.7055 mysecondchancerc.org Q Q Request for Taxpayer Give Form to the Form (Rev.November2017) Identification Number and Certification requester. Do not Department of the Treasury send to the IRS. Internal Revenue Service ►Go to www.irs.gov/FormW9 for instructions and the latest information. 1 Name(as shown on your income tax return).Name is required on this line;do not leave this line blank. Central Florida Diaper Bank 2 Business name/disregarded entity name,if different from above 3 Check appropriate box for federal tax classification of the person whose name is entered on line 1.Check only one of the 4 Exemptions(codes apply only to cm following seven boxes. certain entities,not individuals;see a instructions on page 3): o ❑ Individual/sole proprietor or ❑ C Corporation ❑ S Corporation ❑ Partnership ❑ Trust/estate 0 single-member LLC ai c Exempt payee code(if any) '.0 ❑ Limited liability company.Enter the tax classification(C=C corporation,S=S corporation,P=Partnership)► `p i Note:Check the appropriate box in the line above for the tax classification of the single-member owner. Do not check Exemption from FATCA reporting LLC if the LLC is classified as a single-member LLC that is disregarded from the owner unless the owner of the LLC is code(if any) another LLC that is not disregarded from the owner for U.S.federal tax purposes.Otherwise,a single-member LLC that C. 0 is disregarded from the owner should check the appropriate box for the tax classification of its owner. ❑ Other(see instructions)► (Applies to accounts maintained outside the U.S.) U1 5 Address(number,street,and apt.or suite no.)See instructions. Requester's name and address(optional) 1041 Crown Park Circle 6 City,state,and ZIP code Winter Garden, FL 34787 7 List account number(s)here(optional) Win Taxpayer Identification Number(TIN) Enter your TIN in the appropriate box.The TIN provided must match the name given on line 1 to avoid Social security number backup withholding.For individuals,this is generally your social security number(SSN). However,for a resident alien,sole proprietor,or disregarded entity,see the instructions for Part I,later. For other - - entities,it is your employer identification number(EIN).If you do not have a number,see How to get a TIN, later. or Note:If the account is in more than one name,see the instructions for line 1.Also see What Name and Employer identification number Number To Give the Requester for guidelines on whose number to enter. 5 9 - 3 4 5 8 4 0 2 Part II Certification Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1.The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number(or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me);and 2.I am not subject to backup withholding because:(a)I am exempt from backup withholding,or(b)I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service(IRS)that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends,or(c)the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding;and 3.I am a U.S.citizen or other U.S.person(defined below);and 4.The FATCA code(s)entered on this form(if any)indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. Certification instructions.You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return.For real estate transactions,item 2 does not apply.For mortgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property,cancellation of debt,contributions to an individual retirement arrangement(IRA),and generally,payments other than interest and dividends,you are not required to sign the certification,but you must provide your correct TIN.See the instructions for Part II,later. Sign Signature ofI ^(aI(/1/ Here U.S.person P. 0. y �V(Date General Instructions •Form 1099-DIV(dividends,including those from stocks or mutual funds) Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise •Form 1099-MISC(various types of income,prizes,awards,or gross noted. proceeds) Future developments.For the latest information about developments •Form 1099-B(stock or mutual fund sales and certain other related to Form W-9 and its instructions,such as legislation enacted transactions by brokers) after they were published,go to www.irs.gov/FormW9. •Form 1099-S(proceeds from real estate transactions) Purpose of Form •Form 1099-K(merchant card and third party network transactions) An individual or entity(Form W-9 requester)who is required to file an •Form 1098(home mortgage interest),1098-E(student loan interest), information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer 1098-T(tuition) identification number(TIN)which may be your social security number •Form 1099-C(canceled debt) (SSN),individual taxpayer identification number(ITIN),adoption •Form 1099-A(acquisition or abandonment of secured property) taxpayer identification number(ATIN),or employer identification number Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S.person(including a resident (EIN),to report on an information return the amount paid to you,or other alien),to provide your correct TIN. amount reportable on an information return. Examples of information returns include,but are not limited to,the following. If you do not return Form W-9 to the requester with a TIN,you might •Form 1099 INT(interest earned or paid) be subject to backup withholding.See What is backup withholding, later. Cat.No.10231X Form W-9(Rev.11-2017) 04/04/2018 14:48 4078779065 RABCO PAGE 01/01 IRS Department of the Treasury '.r.* Internal Revenue Service In reply refer to : 4077391934 OGDEN UT 84201-0029 Mar . 28 , 2018 LTR 4168C 0 59-3458402 000000 00 00032511 BODC: TE CENTRAL FLORIDA DIAPER BANK INC % SHARON LYLES 1041 CROWN PARI( CIR WINTER GARDEN FL 34787-2417 013419 Employer ID Number : 59-3458402 Form 990 required : YES Dear Taxpayer : This is in response to your request dated Feb . 05, 2018, regarding your tax-exempt status . We issued you a determination letter in MARCH 2001 , recognizing you as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code ( IRC) Section 501 (c) (3) . Our records also indicate you ' re not a private foundation as defined under IRC Section 509(a) because you're described in IRC Sections 509 (a) ( 1) and 170 (b) ( 1) (A) (vi ) . Donors can deduct contributions they make to you as provided in IRC Section 170 . You're also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, legacies , devises , transfers, or gifts under IRC Sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 . In the heading of this letter , we indicated whether you must file an annual information return . If a return is required, you must file Form 990 , 990-EZ, 990-N, or 990-PF by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of your annual accounting period . IRC Section 6033(1 ) provides that , if you don ' t file a required annual information return or notice for three consecutive years, your exempt status will be automatically revoked on the filing due date of the third required return or notice . For tax forms , instructions, and publications, visit www. irs.gov or call 1-800-TAX-FORM ( 1-800-829-3676) . If you have questions, call 1-877-829-5500 between 8 a .m. and 5 p.m. , local time , Monday through Friday (Alaska and Hawaii follow Pacific Time) . CITY OF OCOEE Community Grant Program Application Funding Cycle: JULY 2018 When completing this application, use only the space provided. Please attach required documentation (including meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. All applicants must submit: 1. Letter of support on your organization's letterhead or copy of your meeting minutes to verify that your organization supports this application. 2. Signature verifying the grant funds will benefit Ocoee citizens (See bottom of page 2) NEW applicants must also submit: 3. IRS Tax exempt status letter 4. W-9 form Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per calendar year. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: JULY 31, 2018 • • •• © ® ® ® ® • ® • O ®® ® © ® OHO © ® O • • • Name of Organization: Christian Service Center-West Orange Family Life Center Address of Organization: 303 W.Fanklin Street,Ocoee,FL 34761 Contact person for this application: Bryan Hampton (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number. 407-425-2523 Ext.230 E-mail address: bhampton@christianservicecenter.org christianservicecenter.org What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. Kitchen serving products and paper products such as plates,plastic ware,napkins,and more for our Daily Bread soup kitchen in West Orange.Daily Bread serves a hot and free lunchtime meal six days a week to those hungry in and around Ocoee. What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $500.00 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? No. What is your organization's primary funding source? Individuals and churches How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? 60%of operating budget 1 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? United Way and fundraising events What is your annual budget for this year? $66,466(West Orange Daily Bread) Last year? $67,870(West Orange Daily Bread) List the fundraisers your organization holds? Feed the Need(Fall),Golf Tournament(Spring),Year-End Concert(Nov),Yard Sale(bi-ann.) How many members, volunteers and/or paid employees does your organization have? 110(in West Orange County) How many live in Ocoee? 65 How many clients does your organization serve? 1,167(at West Orange Daily Bread) How many live in Ocoee? 75% Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Yes Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? Yes If yes, when, and how much money did you receive? 2017-$500(kitchen supplies);2006-$2,500 CMA(freezer) Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? Yes If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? Churches&local orgs.:Lion's Club,W.G.Theater,Assis.Living Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? Yes How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? Over 15,000 total hours(tracked&untracked) Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: West Orange Daily Bread served 34,696 free lunch meals in 2017,and our daily serving numbers so far in 2018 have gone up. West Orange Daily Bread reached its own milestone in December 2017 by surpassing 750,000 meals since the program came to Ocoee in 1991.CMA&MVP recipient in past years. Raised over$3,000 at Thrift Store Yard Sale in June 2018 for building improvements and A/C repairs.Began Pastor Appreciation luncheon training in May 2018,engaging church leaders with timely community topics. Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: Our mission is to feed the hungry and those in need throughout Central Florida,combat poverty,and prevent homelessness before it happens to our less fortunate neighbors.We seek to restore hope and foster self-sufficiency for families and individuals struggling with poverty and homelessness in West Orange County. Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. Before submitting this application, please read and sign below: These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City of Ocoee. In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this 27 day of 2018 by Robert F. Stuart • Print Your Name Signature For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905-3100 x 9-1530 or e-mail iwriq ht( ocoee.orq. Mail or deliver applications to: Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 For Staff Use Only Date Application Received 747 / /U Was Application Received Complete? N S If not,Date Application Returned _ Non-Profit Status On file Attached 3 July 27, 2018 City of Ocoee Community Relations C/O Joy Wright Ocoee, FL 34761 Dear Community Grant Review Board, For 47 years,the Christian Service Center has been impacting the lives of thousands of our neighbors struggling right here in Central Florida.Whether it's assistance with their finances,groceries, or a simply a hot, nourishing meal,the staff and volunteers of the Christian Service Center stand by ready to help. While our local economy has improved in recent years,there are many around us who continue to fall through the cracks and struggle to make ends meet. Last year, our Daily Bread soup kitchens averaged 363 meals per day,serving 34,696 nourishing lunchtime meals in Ocoee (and another 78,524 meals in Downtown Orlando). This March, Daily Bread reached a major milestone serving its 4,500,000th meal since the program began! Also in 2017, our Family &Emergency Services Program provided direct aid to 5,746 people from three office locations(West Orange, downtown Orlando, and Winter Park). Clients received help with food, clothing, rent/mortgage, utilities, hygiene items and referral to other agencies.And, our Love Pantry program reached into 68 public schools with an emergency food cabinet, distributing 106,481 food and hygiene items to 25,563 people, of which 16,042 were children. We are requesting$500 to support our West Orange Family Life Center's Daily Bread program to help those struggling in and around Ocoee. Specifically,this funding request would be used to help cover the costs of paper and serving products required by a kitchen to feed the hungry. From plastic ware and plates,to napkins and stirrers, these costs add up fast for a kitchen serving up to 150 meals six days a week! Enclosed you'll find our completed application. If you have any questions, please contact our director of development, Bryan Hampton, at bhampton@christianservicecenter.org. On behalf of our West Orange Family Life Center and its Daily Bread soup kitchen,thank you. Please extend my personal gratitude to the City of Ocoee leadership for their consideration along with the gratitude of the thousands we serve each year. Gratefully, tratki-4/0tlatt,r. Robert F. Stuart Executive Director E 3 407 656 6678 FAX 407.656.1080 300 WEST FRANKLIN STREET,OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 WWW CHRISTIANSERVICECENTER.ORG CHRISTIAN SERVICE CENTER FAMILY&EMERGENCY SERVICES DAILY BREAD LOVE PANTRY In Partnership with United Way CITY OF OCOEE Community Grant Program Application Funding Cycle: JULY 2018 When completing this application, use only the space provided. Please attach required documentation (including meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. All applicants must submit: 1. Letter of support on your organization's letterhead or copy of your meeting minutes to verify that your organization supports this application. 2. Signature verifying the grant funds will benefit Ocoee citizens (See bottom of page 2) NEW applicants must also submit: 3. IRS Tax exempt status letter 4. W-9 form Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per calendar year. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: JULY 31, 2018 Name of Organization: 6A-a,v_t6-(s Address of Organization: i7 ) tc) C a( Oct. r'L 3q-7(0 / Contact person for this application: J1 t, PsL, (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) {_ _ p Daytime phone number. 1 L o- 7- l Z k E-mail address: C�c3� �,�c. es 6Po 1( =eery\ What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. TO 0 rieseN tui* ( r What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? What is your organization's primary funding source? How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? 17' cS ire-0 k c: v- \-tLif-it, F` "W\ a-5-100 o 1 What other sources of revenue d es your organization have? kx, c,c4.-.- S v P re)12 b(4. Do p;igen ( fzun/O RAI s What is your annual budget for this year? l o) GG Last year? 4 l ��Z3 List the fundraisers your organization holds? ( O n1'\ ft 1\-)D R ►S Z.S FOg- t•IN t C.9r -:g S o How many members, volunteers and/or paid employees does your organization have? How many live in Ocoee? How many clients does your organization serve? ft-5 NLy'N tf /A.)76-726..s 7613 i J o a2POP S_ How many live in Ocoee? ItAdriqvi OPGZoIJ et)(0 /(C Alit- F1Z5k 1 3 k(Xen& Svc t�—S s 14 al. �oe fJ, t9,� 640 n� Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? 46-5 Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? If yes, when, and how much money did you receive? (b6(1-iwJ I i1tt- 1+4 ?,e) " �5' 700 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? ES If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? *lc is ?' -(1 to Z - c flAj i> i -bl cP W tro,<S tS off-.f I t4j/616- &OuU/ t Suc c ?PreoacirZ,36. Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? ) *`oZ„2. a yPnen) .6)T' How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the comm nit and how are those hours tracked or documented? o U(Z� ""kr 6/604>/ C�TYtJ(r- i}E Po(5u c, SSL d asc?-S et rt.�iJ c ic- s�'rt.-e-ns Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: — AKSts9 1,N) l4 L/t4 cf-,J& 1/Mi Ji g`s. t r,S c_TL e_A GJ v Ql (4o u s roi4 5P G4- co-v ( k.$'_ 1 crAA -o — 5Ii&O Jo Dobe itrApix 1t'\ , A/4 O F i t)ld@* tX5-1 z- Ex i-L`ri1ci v M LYJ Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific c - grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: • w4 c o fit,Ps «-c. ► L•1' ►A {zo o S �2 hs�5 Q is ptzs,L,t964l 'co 9t eco 0R.sc4 4 -vc 2. w /m6-- Civa,c.Iats Pcc. tNc� ��. c(3cc cs Tr'b l+L,l© cm oijo., owN ,c k-GG fA1,p fl6 N c ( a6 -P) '-- 6 c tl1n/33','Cd lP��ez,�f 'l�t� C' 9r To b'W, Fox_ e6\----(u5s voprs c(v( CJS a6- iv1►k,J(d-t cr- Lcr, Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. r i.. 1 Before submitting this application, please read and sign below: I These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City of Ocoee. t' In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this .)t day of JL> ,by 6 Print Ycg r Name ( fiv\AZ,Ac_ 66,1c----- Signature 0 For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905-3100 x 9-1530 or e-mail jwright(c�ocoee.orq. Mail or deliver applications to: Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 For Staff Use Only Date Application Received 7/3 i / Was Application Received Complete? ' A� F' Ste © , �(,}f � 0, n eecpo �-CCI If not,Date Application Returned, Non-Profit Status �/ On file Attached 1 3 i