HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem V(B) Approval and Authorization of Ridge South Subdivision Plat; and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Plat 4 _ Agenda 09-07-04 Item V.B. center of Good r -,1111.011111101k13 } CITY OF OCOEE AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Date: August 26, 2004 Meeting Date: September 7, 2004 Subject: Ridge South Plat Staff Report Issue: The Public Works Department requests that the Ocoee Mayor and City Commission approve the plat for Ridge South subdivision. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the final plat of Ridge South as submitted and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Plat. Background Summary: This plat is for Ridge South subdivision, which consists of a 2-unit single-family homes located at the south tip of previously permitted and existing Forest Ridge subdivision and west of the cemetery. Access to these 2 lots is through Forest Ridge subdivision, which is located on the east side of Lakewood Avenue and across from FX Scenery & Display, Inc., through Walnut Ridge Avenue to Basking Ridge Court. All required documentation pertaining to the platting of this development has been reviewed and approved by City staff Fiscal Impacts: The Plat Review is paid for by the developer, and the construction of the 2 lots will increase the revenue of the City. Commission Action: Reviewed by City Manager ' Reviewed by City Attorney `(tee a ti-e_et &..t X u/ ieffiecTripq Reviewed by Finance _X_N/A of Public Works �� �� N/A Reviewed by Director ��'�-""�� Reviewed by Director of Community Development ,2n €) N/A • Mayor ��e.es tet°f Good Li,. Commissioners S. Scott Vandergrift ,/ !!!'l�rlli Danny Howell, District 1 City Manager Scott Anderson, District 2 Y �t Rust Johnson, District 3 - Robert Frank s Nancy J. Parker, District 4 STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Alex Z. Nasser, P.E., Staff Engineer CY1 DATE: September 7, 2004 RE: Ridge South Plat ISSUE The Public Works Department requests that the Ocoee Mayor and City Commission approve the plat for Ridge South subdivision. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION This plat is for Ridge South subdivision, which consists of a 2-unit single-family homes located at the south tip of previously permitted and existing Forest Ridge subdivision and west of the cemetery. Access to these 2 lots is through Forest Ridge subdivision, which is located on the east side of Lakewood Avenue and across from FX Scenery & Display, Inc., through Walnut Ridge Avenue to Basking Ridge Court. All required documentation pertaining to the platting of this development has been reviewed and approved by City staff. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the final plat of Ridge South as submitted and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Plat. LEGAL DESCRPTICM Begin 210 feet West of the Southeast comer of the Southwest 1/4 of the SOLAthwest 1/4 of Section 8, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida; Thence run Horth 210 fi-,.ef; Thence ruri West 210 fe'ef; Thence run South 210 feet; 'Thence run East 2110 feet to the Poirif of Beginning,. Being more particularly described as follows-, That portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 8, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange Coltmfy, Florida; Commence of the Southea<lt corner of the '.,oi�,iffiwesf 1/4 cif the z < S of outhwest 1/4 said Section 8; thence run S 88"34'55" W along the South line of the said Southwest 1/4 of the SOLAhWEIsf 1/4 a distance of 210.00 feet for the Point of Beginning; thence continue S 88"34'55" W aloric sald South line 0 distance of 210,.00 feet; thence run N 01'44'58" W ci distance of 210.00 feet; thence run N 88"34'55" E a distance of 21 i 0.00 feet; thence run S 01'4.4'58" E a distance of 210.00 feet to -the Point of Beginning. Containing 44,100 square feet or 1.012 acres S W -r 1/4 CORNER E, Q 'ECTION 8-22-228 RECOVERED IRON C.C.R. #0026080 i 29 •26 o L 0 00 0 NI NOT PLATTEED I F.--OREST RID(A- 28 LAT BOOK 54:, PAGE 4.7 1 27 ' a-_ _ } I '� 0 0 IRECOVEREO 4"M" Lij ;,p CRETE MONUMEN'. 120.00' -I-10.0o, cr.� j oom' RECUVERM 4."X4" qo.00, ........ :1 0. 00' CONCRETE mONUMENT Til _NT 5' ki -11"e EASEMF 1.1 E 210-30'x3O' ACCESS & UTILITY EASEMENT CD 00 Lo co SEE DETAIL 0 co (WEST DESCRIPTION) 00 00 Z) U.. 0 LLJ V) < CSi n _j C-3 0 L 0 T 0 LLJ 0 z (f) CL (Y Lij .Z U) 0 __j Cn 0 n LO 0 N Q T P L A]"TE D _f) CEI of. 10- Z-1 0 :D �t Xj � _ J. 0 0 CL LOT 2 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT POINT 01 BE'GINIVING 210-00' 935.., 5' SOUTHEASTCORNER ........... THE SW 1/4 r nn, SOUTH LINE OF THE !.SW 1/4 01: S14 1/4 SW 1/4 88"34 �55 W 210-00' SECTION 8-22-2E)' SECnQN 8--22--28 SOUTHWEST CORNER(EAST [_DESCRIPTION)lRF.*COVE1'.RlED 4`X4" SECTION 8-22-28 LOT' 8 L c) -r i o CONCRETE MONUMCNT RECOVERED IRON L 0 1 IN WELL 130)X B R LJ N T TREE CCR # OE56270 PLAT BOOK 16, PA(SE 19 L I-'-- G 2 E 1\1 D I. E" SET 4_"Y FTF 11 INDICA TE S 4 qfi N 88 034 Y55 f 1 120-00' LJ 7 30.00, 8"0 C) 41, C� 0 30.00 yC8 E 54-'55' 5 05 E 30 x3O' ACCES.S & UTILITY EASEMENT DETAIL MONUMENT, PERMANANT REFERENCE MARKI,`ID #4671 UNLESS 011-1ERWISE NOTE1.1 CCR, (',I__R\'TIFIE1._" C'ORNEIF", RECORD 1\10'11("E: THIS PIAT, .AS RECORDED IN ITS GRA-PH101 FORM, IS THE OFFICIAL DEPICTION OF THE SUBDIVIDED LANDS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND WILL IN NO CIRCUMSTANCES BE SUPPLANTED IN AUTHORITY BY ANY OTHER GRAPHIC."' OR. DIGITAL, FIDRIVII OF THE PLAT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THATARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS PLAT THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. NOT 1'0 SCALF PAGE 1 OF 1 PLAT BOOK PAGE RIDGE' SOUTH D E D I C A T 1 0 N KNOW ALI.- MEN BY THESE FIRESENTS, that the undersigned, being the owner in fee sirnple of these lands de'scrib6d in the, foregoing caption to this Pkf, does hereby dedicate said lcin.ds cind Plot for -the uses and purposes therein expressed cin d does hereby dedlca'.e the eosernents shown hereon shown hereon to the perpetual use of the public. A IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned hereunto set his/her hcrid and seol on VS REGOL ASSOCIATES, INC. Qi (CORPORA -7Z SEAL) SIGNED, SEALED AND DELWEP,ED'�' W THE PRESENCi % Name. Name., Titie: GRAPI-IIC SCALTI, 41) 0 20 40 1110 I isolli­ IN FEET I inch = 40 ft. N o TE S: ALL PLATTED UTILITY EASE-MENTS SHALL - "'"HAT SUCH EASEMENTS `";HAIL BE EAS3EMI: [\ITS FOR THE CQNSTRUCTIONI, INSTALLA71-ION, MAIN TEIIIAN CE AND OPERATIOI',j. OF (,'ABLE TEI.-EVISION SERVICES; PROVIDED, HOWEVI-R, NO SUCH CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF ,AF,3LE TELEVIS)ION SERVICES SHALL IN TER FER IE )NITH THE FACILITIES AND SERVICES OF AN ELECTRIC, TELE=PHONE, GA'S S OR OTI IER PUBLIC UTILITY, IkI THE EVENT A CABLE TELEVISION C0l`dFAI\J`Y DAMAGES THE 1= ACILl"I"IES 01 A F-DUBLIC UTIL,ITY, IT SHAL.L BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE' FOR THE DAMAGES. THE ABOVE SHALL NOT AI'DIDLY 'TO ANY PRIMATE" EASEMENTS, IF GRANTED TO OR OBTAINED BY A PARTICULAR ELEC11-RIC, TI_LErHONE, (32AS OR C'THER PUBLIC' UTILITY. CABLE TELEVISION SERVICES CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPI -Y WITH THE NA71ONAI... ELEC"IRICIAL SAFETY CODE. AS ADOPTED BY 'THE FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, 2 - , - BEARINGS ARE' 8ASE-D ON THE* WEST LINE OF THE. SOUTHWEST '114- OF- SECTION 'TOWNS111P 22 SOUTH, RANG7E_ 28 EAST, 0RAN(._3E COQ!NTY, FLORIDA, BEING ASSUMED AS N 0116'37": W. :3. THE CITY OF OCOEE IS SUBJECT THE TERMS, PROVISIONS Aittt,ID RESTRICTIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 163 CONCERNING MORATORIA ON THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING F"E RMITS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES, THE (."ITY HAS 1\10 LAWFUL AUTFIORITY TO EXEMPT ANY PRIVATE ENTITY, OR ITSELF, FROM THE APPLICATION OF SUCH STATE LEGISLATIOKI AND NOTHING HEREIN SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS SUCH AN EXEMPTION. THE LANDS DES"RIBED HEREIN ARE SI_J3JECT TO THAT (_'ERTAIN DECLARATION OF COVEI`IANTS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR RIDGE SOUTH RECORDED IINI OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK, PAGE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, STA T1_ OF Nome., C(.X.ffi1TY OF- THIS IS TO CERTIFY, t?)at on,-______ e_,�before me, an officer duly authorized to take acknowled.gm sin the St , -qkf aforesaid, pel-sonally appeared arra tun,v afor 9140- t '9 7- tld V of the above named corporatiori ," nder the inoll known ivn laws of the State of F-lorido, n 1 o ZA,! -- ,-)r whoas identific.ptlon, cis the individual and officer described in and who executed the foregoing dedication avid severally I acknoWedged the execution thereof to be his/her free ort and deed as such officer thereunto duty authorized; that the official seal of said corporation is duly affixed thereto; and that the sa;d dedication is the cc' and deed of said corporation and who did not take on oath. IM WITNESS WHFERF-OF, l /7,01eunto set t3 -?y hand on:d seat or, the above 6-7 t e. Norne Ll My Commission Expires qjzl 10(.0 kNo A CERTIFICATE OF APPR . QVAL BY CITY ENGINEER Examined and. ................................... .......... Approved City Engineer Date CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY. CITY PLANNING, DIRECTOR, Examined ............ Approved CityPlanninq Director Date and CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that. or) _.. ... ...... t h e foregoing plat was approved by the Board of City , ( I '.ornrnissioners, of Ocoee, Florida. .............. ,.-'Mayor of Ocoee City Attorney Attest: .......... ......................... CRY Clerk CERTIFICATE OF REVIEW BY CITY SURVEYOK. I HERE"BY.Cl-R-FIFY that I have revievved the foregoing plot and find t.hat it is in confoi mity with Chapter 177, F-lorido Statutes. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR j7 KNOW Al -I_ MEN 13Y THE`SE 'PRESE1,,ITS, That the Under,,'.iigned, Printed Name S,4,V10.e,4 r, o 4 - ill -All lo beincl a licensed cind Registered Land Surveyor, rt-,oes, hereby Company: Registratio*(LI -Io,.certify that on Fel.-,ruciry 02, 2004 he completed the survey of the lands shown in the foregoing plat or plari; Address: that said plat is a correct representation of the lands therein descrbed and plat� Ir. subdivided; that permanent nFICATE OF COMPTROLLER -e G M10F) me �` 'I J_ P showri thereon as __gER reference n aced or i ir d cipter 17 10 i<-Ja Statutes; and thal. said r h- nd i I= :ed e ounty, Florida. I HEREBY CERTIF'Y, -khat I have examined the foregoing plot. and find that it cornolies in form ... .'ements of Chapter 177, Florida .............. .. .. � 11 4)) �z e X with all the requir urve or s Sigriatt-ire D �e St a -I. u t e s, and was filled for record on. ............... -ile No...., ............. ........... JAMES R. SHANNON JR, C SO -r . 3" "E'listrat[on Number County Comptroller`urveyor'sN,arne Florida 1-�" 4-34, SUITE #215 7) -SHANNON SURVEYING, iNG" -J�i and: for Orange County, Fl o' LB #6898 F,: S F F~ J, N C -'. S FLOROA,32-714 P 1). C. 774-3,372