HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem III (D) Approval and Acceptance ofWesmere PUD- Village 10 and 11, Final Subdivision Plans, Project Nos. 94-001 and 94-002 AGENDA 7-19-94 Item III D "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFF �� E; t ''?' '\° CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS oN .. 0. 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE PAUL W.FOSTER J O OCOEE FLORIDA 34761-2258 VERN COMBS Co �v (407)656-2322 JIM GLEASON Of G 00' CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO SRP-442 STAFF REPORT DATE: July 13 , 1994 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Russ Wagner , Director of Planning pol SUBJ : Wesmere PUD - Villages 10 & 11 t�1� Final Subdivision Plans Project Nos . 94-001 and 94-002 ISSUE : Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve Wesmere, Villages 10 & 11 , Final Subdivision Plans? BACKGROUND: Wesmere, Villages 10 & 11 are single family subdivisions located west of Maguire Road and north of Roberson Road . Village 10 consists of 23 lots with a minimum 5500 s . f . lot area and 50 foot frontage . Village 11 consists of 52 lots with a minimum 6600 s . f . lot area and 60 foot frontage . The City Commission approved the Preliminary Subdivision Plans (PSP) for Wesmere, Villages 10 & 11 on June 21 , 1994 . DISCUSSION: Throughout the DRC review process , the developer has conformed his plans to the City Land Development Code subject to the Conditions of Approval of the PSP . The DRC reviewed the Final Subdivision Plans on July 8 , 1994 and voted unanimously to approve the plans as submitted. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission met on July 12 , 1994 and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Final Subdivision Plans in accordance with the staff recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION : Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve Wesmere, Villages 10 & 11 , Final Subdivision Plans as signed and sealed on July 7 , 1994 . RW/ek cc : Joe DoBosh, Arvida Ray Bradick, Bowyer-Singleton & Associates , Inc . I COVER SHEET - 2 GENERAL NOTES 3 OVERALL SITE PLAN 4 LOT & BLOCK GRADING PLAN 5,6 PLAN & PROFILES 7 PAVING & DRAINAGE DETAILS 8 SANITARY DETAILS �1 9 WATER DETAILS As-bu1/t draw/ngs will be required with the following Information: A. SANITARY SEWER a. Top elevation of each monho frame & cover. b. Invert of all lines entering and leaving each monho/e/s ructure. a Length of each run of ma/n between manholes (center to cwft ). d. Actual grade of pipe between monho%s. a Locate ol/ service wyes from downstream manhole with depth at lot line, and distance from the morn line. f. Invert elevation & 2 h0r1Z0nta1 ties from permanent visible objects to each sontary lateral & sanMary main termlnatron point. B. STORM DRAINAGE a. Top elevation of each manhole frame & cover/gr:7te as well as off other structures (headwalls, control structures, etci b. Invert elevation of an lines entering and leaving each structure. Inc/udlng underdraln pipes. a Inverts of all mitered end sections. d. Actual grade of the pipe between the structures. a Invert elevation & 2 horizontal ties from permanent visible objects to al/ storm stubouts. C. WATER SYSTEM a. Actual lengths of pipe between branches & valves In the run. b. Local & with measurements (m/n. 2 horizontal ties) f s-om perm n ant visible objects all fittings/accessorles not visible from the surface. a List the depths of the lines at all valves, fittings dnd fire hydrants. AGENDA 7-19-94 Item III D i W zz_ 41 WINTER GARDEN - Q OCOEE y STORY ROAD McGEE HIGHWAY (HWY 50) FLAR/DA W i�ER c BEARLLJ D ROAD �d Q WESMERE MOORE RD. Lul VILLAGE °� W Q. // a W R z j 3 GOTHA JI owyermsm eton associates 1 • INCORPORATED CONSULTING ENGINEERING PLANNING : LAND SURVEYING 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 (407) 843-5120 MARCH 1994 AVH9 SHEET I OF 9 r n me nI n r'} rile-, I Tho; nterior.r sfi set sidewalks viii be constructedby the builder as the homes are. built. 44. It Is the Contractor's res nslblli to obtain a co Of the Soll Ent Po tY Py Engineer's 49. All streets to be private P and maintained the Homeowner's by Association. An I. w Ocoee to dards and lflcatlons Al! construction to conform with Clay of oee n pec _ report for ` this project ect from B er -Singleton and As P ,I owy ng Sociales, Inc. and meet easement will be ranted g to the CI over and across City a/I private roadways forunless .: otherwise waivedby the C tYf Ocoee. 27. The Contractor shall Insure that proper soli dens/tles ore achieved for the Soll Engineer's requirements for sol! re ration on the site. Contractor's P Pa access ss by emergency and maintenance 9 coY a vehicles per the Plat. - 2 . The ` Engineer cert/fles that all roadways were designed to the o IJcable 9 oY 9 PP place meat of all.: headwall/endwal/ foot! s refiolnl wail n9 • ng footings. and In general, Soils E (neer shall cert! all s to ng fy 1 , ut11lty, and roadway com ctlon as well as _ Pv - Underdrotn and ement construction to Bowyer -Singleton &Ass J pay owy ng Associates, Inc. 50. Contractor shall visit site I e to f familiarize himself with existing n9 - , standards. as set forth by the.„City of Ocoee .and the Florida Department of _ a fain support_ described on these /o rn' 9plans It will also be the responslbllJ`/y Geotechnical recommendotlons are not the responslbllty of Bowyer-Sing/cion & conditions r prior to bid. of Uniform St ndords for Design. Construction, and Transportation Manual , a g . Of . the Contractor to Insure that sufficient soils testing has been performed Associates, Inc. Bowyer -Singleton & Associates, Inc. has relied on the referenced r Maintenance for Street and Nlghways. prior to final Installation of Improvements. eotechnlca/ report In the preparation of - 9 po p pa hese plans. Any conflict between infer 51. sanita sewer �Y ry system built for phasing of the project shoal! have a /0' sta- J. The Contractor shall coordinate all work wlthln existing ' road right -of' ways with 28. In other areas which require fill material the 'Contractor w! �7 will strip or otherwise motion wlthln the report and these plans shall po p be reported to the Engineer/ Ized access road over t to line and steall be constructed to and including ding the Cl of Ocoee and FDOT. ty remove all. v elation such as b eg rush Novy sods. heavy growth of gross. decayed Ow _ her. Bowyer Singleton & .Associates. Inc. assumes no responsibility for the t next manhole with o /O' utility easement centered over the Alpe and manhole. vegetable matter, rubbish and any other deleterious material before embankment correctness, completeness or accuracy of the geotechnical Information. When the 4. be the responsibility of the Contractor'to acquire, the necessary Ri ht -Of- It willpo ty cd rY g Is started. Immediately prior to the. placing of fill materials, the entire area plans and/or specifications contain the results of a soils sure the contractor �• shall not construe such data as a the depth, 52. The Final Subdivision Plan Is sub ect t J o the approved Flna/ Development Plan. W Permitfs) and provide for the safe and control of local traffic during Way P safety n9 u i upon which fill Is to be placed, s/aa// be scar/fled !n a direction approximately guarantee of extent or charactor of materia/ resent. p 1t !s the responslbl/Ity of the contrator to make any necessary 53. Miscellaneous Engineer Notifications ` construction. .perolle/ to the axis of fill. The Soils Engineer stall approve the area prior to examination of the site and of any material sources Indicated In the plans to 5. The Contractor shill be responsible for meeting all Inspection criteria and P the placement of fill. Inform himself of the conditions under which the work Is to be performed. A. The Contractor stall Provide the Engineer 24 P n9 hour advance notification for the fol/owing co nstructlon and observation activities. - schedules, and for signing for sold Inspections. 29. During construction, no direct discharge of water to downstream receiving 45. Erosion Control Notes v. Sanitary Sewer Lomping and T.V. inspection 6. All disturbed areas shall be seeded and mulched as directed by the field waters will be al/owed. The Contractor Is responsible. for maintaining water quality, and shall route discharge water In such a manner to adequately remove y A. Provide effective temporary and permanent erosion control following the b. Connections to Existing Systems Engineer. Depending on the area. sodding may be required. silt prior to runoff from the site. requirements In Section 104 of the State Department of Transportation c. Thrust Block Pours and Restraint Connections : Standards and Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. /986 9 d. Storm Drainage Lomping 7. The Contractor shall be responsible for locating and verifying (h or/zontally and 30. All Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) shall be minimum Class ill. Edition. (FDOT Section 104) e. Inlet Top Pours (Reinforcing Steel Check) vertically) all existing utilities prior, to construction, and for notifying the various utility companies to make the necessary arrangements 'for .any re/ocb- 3/. g �' slns All s! to be le -mounted In accordance with FDOT Index No. //862 (70 B. Control features, methods and condltlons Included In this contract Include F. Water & Force Main Pressure Tests tion, temporary dtsruptlon of service, or clarification of acttvtty regarding mph wind loading) and FDOT Index No. 17302- the following as Indicated by X In blank: g. Bacteriological Sampling sold utility. The Contractor shall exercise coutton when crossing an under- h. Base Observation & Sounding ground utility, whether si�wn on these p/ons or field located. AI/ utllttles which 32. Pavement markings shall be laced as shown In the ng P plans and FOOT Roadway 1. � Coordinate construction of temporary erosion control I. Interfere with the proposed construction steal/ be relocated : by the respective and Traffic Design Standards (booklet dated January /992) and the City of features with permanent erosion contra/ features Asphalt Placement utility companies and the Contractor shall cooperate .with the utility company Ocoee Land Development Regulations 1• Pre -Final Inspection during relocation operations Any delay or inconvenience of the various utilities 2. X Control operations wh/eh may result In Water Pollution. k. Final Inspection stall be Incidental to the contract and no extra compensation will be .allowed. 33. For all sign details, refer to the "Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices", g (FDOT Section /04-3) 'topographic published by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal HJghwoy Administra- 3. Provide schedu/e for clearing and grubbing, earthwork B. The Contractor steal/ keep DAILY "As -Built" drowln s and make them readily g 8. The locations of a// existing utlllties, storm drama e stems, and g sY- tion - /978 (ANSINo. D6J-/983). operations and construction of permanent erosion con- accessible. features shown on the plans have been determined from the best available trol features and proposed use of temporary erosion C. Prior to the start of construction the Contractor shall prepare and submit information and are provided for the convenience of the Contractor. The 34. All stormwater Alpe lengths lncJude mitered end sections. contra/ features. (FOOT Section /04-5✓ to the Engineer v n9 protect construction schedule !Bar Graph) arrJ update i Engineer assumes no responsibility for their Inaccuracy. Should a discrepancy sold schedule on a monthly basls. arise between these plans and actual field conditions, which would appreciably P 35. All excavations wlthln lO feet of the travelled roadway must be filled within 24 4. LimItatlon of ex po exposure of erodible earth without tem r - D. fuel story �Y storage have affect the execution of these plans, the Contractor: will telt all construction and hours; by days end or heavily barricaded per FOOT Standards. ary or permanent control features is S.F. areas shalt prior owner's approval and appropriate notify the Engineer Immediately. J6. Al! water mains to • be laid with a maximum of 36" cover. Any deeper cut must be (FDOT Section /04-6✓) measures shall be taken to Insure protection of groundwater and soil resources. approved by the City of Ocoee. • 9 Water and wastewater service shrill be provided by the City of Ocoee. The 5. X Temporary Grassing (104-6.4.2) E. The Contractor shall coordinate all bockfIH operations with the Resident Soils water distribution system shown on these plans shall be installed by the ,7- All water services under pavement shall be encased !n 2" diameter PVC sleeves. Engineer and submit Test Reports to Engineer prior to beginning eg ng work on Contractor and shall conform with the City of Ocoee standards. All services shall be stubbed -up between the curb and sidewalk. See detail sheet 6. X Temporary Sod (104-6.4.3) the next Item of work, Ie. subgrade prior to curb. l0. The Contractor shall not excavate, remove, or otherwise disturb any material, for more Information. 7- Temporary Mulching 1104-6.4.4) F. The Engineer reserves the rt ht to n9 g require the Contractor to uncover, retest structure, or :part of o structure which is located outside the /lees, grades, or 38. All rear lots abutting the conservation area shall be sodded with Bahia sod _1L. � and/or perform any action necessary to ensure that the Improvements have P been constructed In accordance with the plans and specifications. radia sections established for this project, except where such excavation or grading P1" from natural ground (NG) to the first high point on the Lot and Block Grading 8. Sandbagging (104-6.4.5 99 removal is provided for In than contract, plans, or specifications. Plan. The sodding shall occur Immediately after completion of the lot grading. G. The Contractor shall provide BSA with a copy of the sanitary sewer TV 9. Slope Drains (104-6.4.6) results. l!. All work and all materials furnished shall be reasonably close In conformity 39. Utility Crossings: with the lines, grades, grading sections, cross sections, dimensions, material 10. Sediment Basins (104-6.4.7) 54. Any discrepancy between the dimensions and measurements shown on the requirements, and testing requirements the- are, specified to the contract, plans A. Where water mains must cross reuse mains, force moths, sanitary and plans and the actual field conditions sJw/I Immediate/ be brought Y g to the Engineer's or specifications. storm sewers, when a minimum .clearance of 18" and a minimum cover of l!. ArtifIcIa/ Coverings (104-6.4.8) attention. Failure to do so, and to continue construction, shall make the Controc- 12. Provisions for the maintenance and management of the common areas, walls, 3'-0" cannot be maintained, the water main six/l be consructed of mechd- nical ductile Iron pipe providing a minimum of 2-6" cover and a 6" minl- 12. X Berms (104-6.4.9✓ for completely /lab/e for whatever errors and/or' problems that may subsequently and landscaping facilities will be Included In Covenants and Homeowner's mum clearance between the water main and the other utility. One fu// arise. Association Agreements. length of ductile Iron pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing. Duc- /3- X Baled Hay or Straw (104-6.4J0) 55. Addresses: the Iron pipe shell continue until a minimum of 3'-0" cover can be attained /3. The Contractor Is to minimize the removal of vegetation to the greatest extent eg by pipe deflection. /4. X Temporary Slit Fences and Stoked Silt Barriers (104-6.4✓/) owner Arvldo/JMB Partners Electric Florida Power Corporation practical. B. Where there Is no alternative • to sewer pipes crossing over a water main, I5. _� Floating Silt Battlers (/04-6.4/2) 120 lmternational Parkwgy. Suite 220 /150 Orange Avenue Heathrow. Florida 32746-5033 W/mter Pork, Florida 14. The Contractor sly// be responslbie for the maintenance of al! landscape the sewer shall be constructed of mechanical Jotrrt duct//e iron Alpe for IO /-333-/000 (407) 64s -e300 buffers, retention and detention facilities until the work has been accepted by feet each side of the watermain crossing. One full length of ductile Iron X Remove temporary erosion control features (104-6.5) Solis Professional service Industries, Inc: Telephone united Telephone service Engineer Jammer/ the Owner. All disturbed areas shall be returned to their original condition. pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing. Provide for o minimum of & Associates Division 850 East Altamonte Drive 18" clearance between water and sewer. NO CONCRETE ENCASEMENT X Maintain permanent temporary erosion control features (104-7) /675 Loa Road Altamonte Springs, Florida17. Wimter Park. Florida 32790 (407) 339-1811 15. Prior to commencing work the Contractor shall furnish, erect and' maintain all will be allowed- (407) 645--5560 ' Cable TV Cablevision Industries barricades, warning signs, and markings for hazards and the control of " traffic necessary to protect the public and aha work. Tlas Contractor shell be In C. The latera/ se ration between force mains, sanita and storm sewers po ry . 18,.._K_ i This contract design has been approved by the OWNER Water) -City of Ocoee 32 East cypress street wastewater 150 North Lakeshore Drive Winter Garden. Florida 34787 reasonable conform!ty with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for and water mains shall not be less than /0 feet. if this separation cannot and regulatory agencies having an Interest In erosion control abatement. In Its final form the design meets or Ocoee, Fiorillo 34761 (407) 656-8035 Mr. 8111 Myer (407) 656-2322 Streets and Highways Or as directed by the City of Ocoee Traffic Engineer, be maintained, then either of the two pipes shall be constructed of ductile exceeds the minimum standards. All temporary erosion p° ry such as to effective/ prevent accidents In all places where the work causes Y Iron pipe with pressure -tight joint. NO ENCASEMENT of the sanitary centrol features required during construction shall obstructions to the normal traffic or constitutes In any way ` a hazard to he sewer or water will be allowed. be constructed by the Contractor, and the cost thereof 56. Record Draw) At t ng he end of construction, the Contractor shell p�-Ovide one set public. D. Testing included In the Contract Sum as o regular obligation of drawings showing ALL CHANGES marked In waterproof red w''th the follow - Contractor to test all water mains as per the following: Hydrostatic test Incidental to the Work. Ing Contractor Certification executed on EACH SHEET. - " 16. The. Contractor shall control his operations and those of his subcontractors, r AWWA-C600 (or M23) Standard and dlstnf o of act! n water main per The Contractor and a/l suppliers to assure the /east Inconvenience to the travel! public. The AP n9 Pu AWWA-C651. ' C. During. construction the Contractor is to Install a turbidity screen along Contractor shall maintain free and unobstructed movement of vehicular traffic rear lot Imes for al/ lots abutting Conservatlon Areas hereby certifies to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing and .and shot/ limit his operations for the safety. enc) convenience of the traveling E. Reuse water mains shall maintain a 5 foot (center to center) separation or ration the related details have been constructed as Indicated or as modtfl„d by the public. Under all circumstances, safe shall be the most Important consideration. Pv safety Po 3 feet edge :to edge from domestic water mains. D. .The Contractor Is to submit an erosion .centro/ plan to the City of Ocoee notes and graphics shown. Absent a note or graphic to the contrary, ; he lm.- F. All water bypasses shall be constructed of ductile Iron pipe and shall be for approval prior to the preconstructlon meeting for this project. rovements have been con , P constructed meeting Industry standard tolerances. 17. The Contractor shall comply with all legal load restrictions In- the hauling Cf tie -rodded. back to a "dead -man" anchor on both sides of the main. materials In public roads beyond the limits of the work. A special permit will G. Where ductile Iron pipe is required for water mains. It shall conform to E. The Contractor Is responsible for maintaining all erosion protection, asps- Signed.. 9 Die= AuthOrtzed Contractor's Representative not relieve the Contractor of lability for the damage which may result from the c!al/y In the Conservation Areas, during the entire construction process moving of materia/ and equipment. ANSI/AWWA A21.51/C/51. A minimum thickness of Class 50 per ANS1/ including, repairs. etc. to prevent any siltation from entering these areas AWWA shall be supplied. !8. Fire protect/on shall be provided Jn accordance with Section 7-3.2 of the City H. All water services referenced with DR9 Service Po/ shall be PE3048 " Poly' F. The Contractor !s responsible for providing and meeting a// requirements 57. It will be the responsibility of the Co r po tY Contractor(s) actors) to Insure that at/ required permits are obtained and are In hand at the Job site to the J of Ocoee Land Development Regulations. materia/s, DR9 (PC 200> for l po yttylene tubing per AWWA C901. & conditions associated with the projects EPA-NPDES General Storriwater P j prior commencement of construction. Contractor shoal / abide by al/ conditions contained therein. Permits 19. Compact ail utility trenches within roadways to 98/. of the Modified Proctor I. Water mains shall comply with AWWA standards and all pipes shall bear the Permit Including monitoring requirements. Contractor Is to designate prior to start of construction the responslble person for maintenance and report- e r - Included (but not necessarlty limited to) are: f 2 feet orad within other areas to 95%. Maximum Density wlthln , !fist Maximum NSF logo and vii PVC Alpe shoal! be C900-DR/8. Ing needs of the Fallot/on prevention systems on site during the const �c- -Water Management District, Management and Storage of Surface Waters t1on phase of the project. -F.D.E.P. Water Distribution and F.D.EP. Sewer Distribution 20. After the roadway hes been constructed to subgrade. It shall be proof -rolled to 40. Sanitary force main pipes shall be AWWA C900 DR25 Class /00 (100ps1). -Local rlghtrof-way use assure that proper compaction has been attal:-ied. The . proof -rolling and com- G. Prior to start of construct/on, the Contractor will provide a rope barricade -mal underground utilities pactlon operations Ins a Florida licensed Soils Pe shall be Inspected and tested -b Y lav 41. Al! lots adjacent to Wesmere Parkway shall e access rights dedicated to the of the Conservatlon Jurisdictional Line so as to restrict all access of any -EPA-NPDES General Stormwater Permit Engineer to assure that the specified compaction is maintained and a/l City of Ocoee. vehicle or person Into these areas. deleterious materia/ has been removed. 58. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing survey monumen- - 42. The Contractor .shall submit al/ shop drowings to the Engineer for final confor- tatlon. Disturbed monumentatlon shall be restored by a Florlda-1/censed land 21. All water main fittings, valves, restraints, couplings. i and In : general those P 9 mance with the standards. 46. Existing contours shown represent mass grading. Wet season groundwater surveyor selected by the Owner at the Contractor's expense. materials required for Installing the water supply system, shall comply with elevations are equal to or greater than /8" below bottom of pavement base. j minimum material standards, ratings and classifications established by the City 43. The Contractor shall be responsible with complying with all federal, state and of Oce- loco/ laws and regu/atlons control/! ng pollution of the environment. 4.7. Blue Ref/ecttve Pavement Markers shall be placed /n the center of the driving ? lane In front of all Fire Hydrants. 22. The FDOT Roadwayand Traffic Design Standards (booklet dated January g 48. Sanitary sewer shell be PVC SDR 35 or DIP class 50 (DIP shall be polyethe- v 1992) to be used for drainage structures. Station offsets are to the center/lne leve-IJnedJ a of the Inlet or manhole top. ti ti 23. valve boxes with al/ valves. Valve boxesunder pavement she!! have traffic- FIELD. Crl�' OF OCOEE FLInstal! ORIDA ,. bearing covers.dft CADD BY: KJKMg bowyerms I don associgates 24 - Inspections - must be scheduled with 48 hours advance notification. 5-27-94 ZMB REV.NOTE IN-HOUSE PER IN-H0SE REVIEW CHECKED BY: RM GENERAL ERAL l V OT ES o 25. No Inspection on weekends or 'after 4:00 m. Mond through: Friday. Pew Q . ay g ayDESIGNED 4-12-94 KJK REV. AS PER IN OFFICE CIA BY: KJK INCORPORATED CONSULTING ENGINEERING : PLANNING : LAND SURVEYING HAMPTON WOODS cfl - lines shell be Opened to Insure proper joint C0rnectt0iS. DATE BY DE5CRIPTION 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE .-0RLANDO, FLORIDA � WESMERE VILLAGE !! odi SCALEe h+IONE REVISIQN (407) 843-512C fl/VDATE s MARCH 1994 I JOB NO. AVH9 SHEET 2 OF 9_ Ln 'z. 3 LADE AVHgPGN.�:vi SETBACKS SITE DATA FRONT 20' EXISTING ZONING PUD PLANNED USE REAR 20, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENT/AL GROSS SITE AREA 21.401 AC. SIDE 5' 20' TOTAL UNITS 52 STREET SIDE GROSS DENSITY ;,t, : , . . 2.38 DU/AC. 1 , ., > , NOTE. MIN/MUM /O' SEPARATION BETWEEN HOMES. 1t,1 CONSERVATION n,111 1 � . 126.5 ' - , , , •e NERVATION AREA 8.75 AC. 127,0 ' NET SITE AREA 12.65/ AC. --- FUTURE , . BENCHMARKS NET DENSITY 4.03 DU/AC. A ,lnunu rr'1 r : , r , i '---..12>_S `-_� ` � � \ `� ;,Iiliilil ! r , - �If /ESMER� V l LLAGE - - /2 ` , ,li,llln _ - - -, ', MIN. LOT SIZE 6600 S.F. (UNRLATTEDI , I. NORTH MANHOLE RIM : PJ. AT CENTERLINE OF WESMERE PARKWAY & MIN. LOT WIDTH 60' `, WESCUFF DRIVE ELEV. 125.42 ` MIN. FLOOR AREA 1400 S.F. f'unnnf Vii"``y — ', , ` 12s.e '" - 2. NAIL AND DISK. PJ. CENTERUNE OF WESMERE PARKWAY & SPR/NG MAX. BLDG. COVERAGE 32-39% OF NET SITE AREA _ — -- MEADOW LANE ELEV. 127.00 AVERAGE DAILY TRIPS 5/0 If ,1111111, 1 ._ 1 ,, 45 ,11111111 1 , 1 I, i ,' ' + -' /411 , - - - - `,� , - ; \ ` , OPEN SPACE 8.80 AC. (4/J2%) i , f . . , \ ♦ , 1 _ _ 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SCHOOL AGE POPULATION 3i ;116 j ' , l3 ,' / , , rr , u 1 1 - , <, , , ' \ \ , , LOO YR. FLOOD ELEVATION /24.6' 119.0 „Ililllll 1. II i 1 i , .127! ,� /, t , , , ♦ / ! \ / _, `, •\ - MAX. BLDG. HEIGHT 35'(2 STORIES) S3 z\ - _ ]Q 1r' /'` o\ ; / ` \ /' COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST %a OF , , . , , %D$; THE NORTHWEST /4 OF SECTION 3!, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 BUILDING SETBACK rrYP.) �1 lilt[- - - - t / ' ' , - EAST, RUN SOO'34'28'W ALONG THE WEST UNE OF THE NORTHEAST LEGEND �- - - '9 14 OF THE NORTHWEST /4 OF SAID SECTION 3/, A DISTANCE OF „f, ,lllrl /8 5 i ' ,, +t , , < + , ,`^?y\ , ` r y, , J ` 43368 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE DEPARTING SAID .. fill II,IiI� , i •i ♦, . I " , / , ♦ \ . , , , h, liltIi,t„ , . , , ,/ / :\ + ` ` ' �2 , ` • DESCRIPTION EXISTING PROPOSED - - - - - -�� , —< / WEST UNE, RUN N89'25 32'E. A DISTANCE OF 349.08 FEET: THENCE ------ I ♦• - /, - _ - ,'• // RUN S8248'OTE, A D/STANCE OF 38/.46 FEET: THENCE S55'53'42"E, A ` lllily Ill �, � \ �cj, "`� , '/ cp/ SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMAM — EX WETLAND JURISDICTIONAL LINE , J� , , , c . \ // % / DISTANCE OF 995T FEET; THENCE S38'02'l2'E, A DISTANCE OF 36851 duly --� ., . , - / ` - . . '� ,� . . STORM SEWER SYSTEM > y , - �- N;' ' // /// FEET- THENCE S65'09'l2'E A DISTANCE OF 267.59 FEET TO A POINT -- - �I' , 1, - ^ ` ,' ` % 6� 6, // / / ON A CURVE. CONCAVE EASTERLY. HAV/NG A CENTRAL ANGLE OF J6'38'09'Udall - -, i , za \ \ ` , /// , // / WATER SYSTEM — — —D4— — — 1 + . ^ f \ - - ` ` 4t - - ^' ` `` \ �/� / // AND A RADIUS OF 884.58 FEET: SAID POINT ALSO LY/NG ON THE 1111111 fill] I - / , „ ` \, , 20 > ® \ // /�j ,/ WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF WESMERE PARKWAY, AS RECORDED ,.1'J �'. ;,46 ', �' 44 ,' r . '.. '.;' `,>` , f - • // . - FIRE HYDRANT nil11 - - - ; , , - ,. • • 6 , - , \ ' ` ,' . _ 7'/� y� / / IN PLAT BOOK 3/, PAGES 57-58. PUBLIC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY. — — — t_ _ 'z'_0 r' ;' ,' ,'' ,` ,' ''� ` \\ ,' , . , / /� FLORIDA; THENCE FROM A TANGENT BEARING OF S2X1r54'W, RUN ------- CONTOUR - - - - - _ - CONSERV AT ION r,] -sem , y. / / coNTouR Ill+,til --~.`, , •/ C `` , , J , , , /, , /, , . / ` , , , , • ` ' , / / / ' SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND SAID WESTERLY 1ltlilii f . , - i < 43� , , , , , , - - - "" 11 21' i / ^ \ J !/ / / �! RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 256.84 FEET • THENCE DEPARTING AREA fi,llit ill] ,r,.♦ `, -,- ♦_ 1 ,' // , /// -� DRAINAGE STRUCTURE D3 ` / ! SAID CURVE AND SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE. RUN 572"57 29"W, (TRACT 'C') ' "iff„�, - - - - , t P; ' ,i , , , - , ' , , ' \ ' l \ 42 \ '' ``' �' 1 '' `,�'�s•�s ,' !/ �„//� / P A DISTANCE OF.. 539.51 FEET; THENCE S89'2T49'W, A DISTANCE OF SANITARY STRUCTURE 54 a♦ NOTE: ,,��It Irf tr ; `� 'l , ,413 ,- ,' ,' ` \ \ '`. 4 \ T •���� '1,/ / /1/ ! 70752 FEET TO A PD/NT ON THE WEST UNE OF THE EAST %2 OF (UNPLATTED) CONSERVATION AREA WILL BE DEDICATED X10,,, 22 �e i ,- r , \ - �/ / THE NORTHWEST %q OF SAID SECTION 3/; THENCE N00734'28E, A LOT NUMBER 8 TO THE CITY OF OCOEE AS A PERMANENT , .Illi40 1 i ' ,{Y` \D1y t > \ ,/ , ` / 1- \ ? , " 1 ,' 4-q\ ^ •, Did , 3 / ' \ DISTANCE OF 922,00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEG/NN/NG. CONSERVATION/DRAINAGE 'EASEMENT'. 101g11 _ � i l + f ` �. 1 4I III till 11 — -- 1 ,� %' -\ v , � . • lD3 , , , ,. � , � , � — % � . (f3 , , NOTES /00 YR. FLOOD EL -10.0 ' t6,' �, T e 1 / Q CONTAINING 2140/ ACRES MORE OR LESS. /O' LANDSCAPE BUFFER/OPEN SPACE S0 /` `<' •L"" '''r``.'' , \ ' Jr J ' ``' l 11 1 / f%RACr 'R) .. siillill ill ilf \ � \ - , ♦ \� 1 G / r\ / ./ , \./ , ! `��, /. � udhu < . +' , ' ' i' - ''DI/ i ' ' ; l l 1 / G ALL OPEN SPACE TRACTS. RETENTION AREAS AND CONSERVATION AREAS WILL �X/S7: MIT/GAT/ON AREA ,ut11„ r • i 1 \ ♦ + I LZe_•�- , _ BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. STREETS WILL 7 S5 _ , , , // /// / �(/ BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. F y fill 5 WESMERE 10 01 NN �( Z TRACTS 'A' AND 'B' WALL EASEMENTS ARE TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED B1' ,I `, i �,' ,� . ? _ THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. - ,,,, ](111 .,- � �• � �, � \ °., `�' , 1 ! ,f .,- - �Z6• ,/ ,�; , .� , l I � � PELICAN ISLE (P.B• 3I, PGS. JAI -58A► 3 ALL UTILRY AND WALL EASEMENTS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED WILL BE OWNED ,l„f ' + \ ,, Cj;8'� - \ , ' s -' ' / -F / ,, • / r v AND MAINTAINED BY THE INDIVIDUAL LITI' OWNERS WITH EASEMENT RIGHTS TO - / ' + ' ' THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION AND THE CRY OF OCOEE 94 THE CITY IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS. PR17V/5/ONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES CHAPTER 163 CONCERNING MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE DSC OPEN SPACE � - - -- - - - `, , /O' LANDSCAPE BUFFER/ ,� = �; ; L m '' ` �� ' ` (' �' '�� I (rRAC'r 'B'1 OF BUILDING PERMITS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. THE CITY HAS NO LAW •,, \• - - ,� ,1 z _ \' `, `\ 5`, - �' �'�' ' D/4 / , FUL AUTHORITY TO EXEMPT ANY PRIVATE ENTRY. OR ITSELF. FROM THE APPL}- ' \ _ CATION OF SUCH STATE LEGISLATION AND NOTHING HEREIN SHALL BE CONS!- . `;\Q�`♦♦ �9 / t. / , Illi / , , , _ �"• `` l \�'34 ` DERED AS SUCH AN EXEMPTION. . ,. g,\,`\\♦\ ` ♦♦`.. , i •` !. , 1/, f I jo JJ \ ` \ `\ - - _ - , - ' II�' - - - ; ' / / / All BE OSHA YELLOW /N CO � EACH FIRE HYDRANT SH EOR. A BELE REFLECTIVE 32 '� ��� I _ ' ' / MARKER SHALL BE AFFIXED TO THE STREET IN THE CENTER LANE CLOSEST i1 ; '� ,` �` - "•�I I �� �� ' — -' / / / TO EACH HYDRANT. 0 _ 8 THE FEMA 100 YR. FLOOD LINE ENCROACHES INTO THIS SITE. THE DEVELOPER _ ' ' WILL APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE A LETTER OF MAP AMENDMENT FROM FEMA AND A BASE FLOOD ELEVATION (BFE) WILL BE ESTABLISHED AND APPROVED BY FE6fA ' - e; t . ,.; < , • ' I ; TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL Y PRIOR sOs,, Vis. 5, -8. 7. THIS PLAN /S BEING APPROVED UNDER VESTED RIGHTS CERT/FICArION No. EXIST. . RETENTION CVS-Ol. e. THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION WILL GRANT STREET ACCESS EASEMENTS TO POND 60 THE CITY OF OCOEE FOR EMERGENCY AND MAINTENANCE PURPOSES AT TIME ' , FEMA /00 YR. FLOOD BOUNDARY t���'�� � � � �e -' S. - ' � ! , � 1 � 1'� � 1 \ \ OF PLAT RECORDING. ,, < <'J,' = `, TOP EL. 125.0 ' , \� ' ,�\ \ I \ I S ALL HOUSE PAD ELEVATIONS SHALL EXCEED THE /00 YR. FLDOD ELEVATION t \we„ - _ ,zs.a_ 1\ \\1 \ 1 \ \ BOTTOM EL. /10.0 BY A MINiMUM of ONE FOOT. ,/ -' �- D.N.W. EL. 122.0 , I \ \ . /a THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS CONSISTENT WITH CITY OF OCOEE `,1,1'„U,+, `♦:',/ , ,SUTURE / t \\ \\\ /0 YR/24 HR D.H.W. EL 123.8 ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS PER PERMIT - \ ` \ \ %�;,;l;'; -=-WE' 'MERE,--VIE--LACaE lO �;�\ Na,�-o-03. \\ \ \\ \ \ \ 25 YR/24 HR D.H.W. EL 124.0 S — EXIST. MITIGATION AREA r� r1z<.s i 1 \ \ \ \ /00 YR/24 HR D.H.W. EL. 124.6 t�. P It t;l;;lt , ; ', (UNPLATTED) , 1 " \ PER SECTION 4-5CLX6) OF THE OCOEE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE A MINIMUM `� \ ` \ \ OF 3 TREES WILL BE PLANTED PER LOT. 1t'iiittil 't 1 '' - _ ' 1P- AT ALL CORNERS AND WHERE APPLICABLE SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE ACCESS wit \ RAMPS CONSTRUCTED TO ACCOMMODATE THOSE IN WHEELCHAIRS O , R THOSE �;�;t�i n `\♦ r+ WHO ARE PHYSICALLY CHALLENGEa 1� SITE HAS BEEN MASS GRADED, NO CUTS & FILLS ARE ANTICIPATED OTHER t i;l, ,•' `� �•\ \\ �-�\ THAN MINOR LOT GRADING DURING HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. THERE ARE NO �'�\ \ — -- — — — — _ TREES ON SITE. Y �: �;�i�,1111\125.5 1 ��¢t `♦ 0/,r ,/ \` \\\\`\\ � it ` ' Itf i _ _ \ . - - i` — — — — 14. STREET LIGHTING TO BE PROVIDED BY FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION. WATER, NOTE - - - - - ` - , -' , ' ' - -- — — — L _ SEWER. AND FIRE PROTECTION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF OCOEE. _ � 126• �' ! CONTRACTOR IS TD PROTECT AND PREVENT ANY DISTURBANCE, SILTATION, ETC. I 1 ' - - - - - . - - - \\ \\ \\ - - - - - - /5. STREET LIGHTS SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE DEVELOPER PRIOR TO CERT71L J _ FICAT10N OF COMPLETION AT HIS EXPENSE AND THE COST OF OPERATION WILL TO THE CONSERVATION AREA AND ESPECIALLY THE MITIGATION AREAS. THESE '' ' + t27•e , % e, `` 1 BE ASSUMED BY THE DEVELOPER FOR ONE YEAR FROM THE APPROVED DATE y SHALL BE ROPED OFF SO AS TO EUMINATE ANY PROXIMITY OF DISTURBANCE. ""+' ' �' - f OF THE CERTIF/CATICIN. al6. THE DEVELDPER HAS CREATED A MASTER HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION THROUGH INCORPORATION UNDER FLORIDA LAW FOR THE OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE OF TRACT 'R. TRACT 'B' TRACT 'C', AND ALL STREETS IN THE Z SUBDIVISION. ff STORMWATER LINES WILL TIE TO EXISTING STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM J WITHIN WESMERE POL /8. THE FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN CONTAINS AN ADDITIONAL LOT THAT WAS NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN APPROVAL I9. THE 25' UTILITY EASEMENT & 35' DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHALL BE FOR THE BENEFIT OF AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. THE LAND Bt/Rl7ENED BY SUCH EASEMENTS .SHALL BE OWNED BY THE LOT OWNER. SUCH EASEMENTS SHALL BE DEDICATED TO THE PERPETUAL USE OF THE PUBLIC AT THE TIME OF PLA7T/AGL 20. ON ALL CORNER LOTS. NO WALL FENCE. SIGN. STRUCTURE OR ANY PLANT GROWTH WHICH OBSTRUCTS SIGHT LINES BETWEEN 2--6' AND 10' ABOVE ANY POR7710H OF l THE CROWN OF THE ADJACENT ROADWAY SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A TRIANGLE FORMED BY MEASURING FROM THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE FRONT AND EXTERIOR SIDE LOT LINES A DISTANCE OF 25' ALONG THE FRONT AND SIDE LOT LINES. AND CONNECTING THE POINTS SO ESTABLISHED TO FORM A SIGHT TRIANGLE j ON THE AREA OF THE LOT ADJACENT TO THE STREET INTERSECTIONS OF MINOR AND COLLECTOR STREETS. 2l. 'NO PARKING SIGNS WILL BE PLACED TO PREVENT OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC. Q 22. '25 MPH' SPEED ZONE SIGNS TO BE PLACED ON ALL STREETS. The COntrOCtOr 24. A CONSERVATION/DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR TRACT TAS PREPARED BY THE CITY SHALL hereby certifies to the `OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing BE EXECUTED BY THE OWNER AND RECORDED PRIOR TO OR AT THE TIME OF PLATTING. and the related o detaus have been constructed as indicated as N j modified by the notes and 9raph1cs shown. Absent a note or graphic to the Contrary, the Improvemants have been constructed meeting Industry SHEET 3 OF 9 FIELD. BSA vstandard tolerances. - 7-6-94 KJK ADDED FEMA BOUNDARY &SIGNAGE caoD BY: KJK . Signed: haler 6-28-94 KJK REV. HYDS. & NOTES, ADDED SITE DATA AS PER CITY AuthorIzed Contractor's Representative 5-25-94 ZMB REV. LOT NUMBERING PER PLAT CHECKED BY: RM a 4-12-94 KJK REV. AS PER IN OFFICE OA .DESIGNED BY: KJK NOT L : USE FLAT FOR ALL.CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT WORK. DATE BY DESCRIPTION - SCALE® I100 REVISION 1n O, IN ­ CITY OF OCOEE FLORIDA a bo"ermansingleton & associates OVERALL SITE PLAN INCORPORATED HAMPTON WOODS CONSULTING ENGINEERING :PLANNING LAND SURVEYING WESMERE VILLAGE II 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32 1 i (407) 843_ 5120 7 ySG DATE s MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH9 SHEET 3 OF 9 CADS AVH9C0S.00; LIZ(�• 4 �,Illli „II 11 . I t ' I i �:)AC'°e `+ /?- ILI.' W 1 1 1 III 20 , I , + i ' • . / + il tt \ v/ I,,Ilat11 : A 1 , , + .° ®e , `. ��%2 , ; ' ,' • a I F.FJ277 int / / I F.FJ27.6 F.FJ27.7 '+ ® .\ •® g"f�;; 111 , .," 1 , - I 1 .. _ I I�°' _ ` e• ` Y' ,' A `♦ `` \ r ,/ l /, ,� / �/ / 1. + 27 _ m - - - ♦ s FFJ28A \ �' - / // I 46 t r {„ 111 1 1 1 0.74Ac. ®O i. l 111 43 ' ®' ;;ill liilll s 1, + IQ C 1 i ; .♦ r �� r ,,+ern\ i i;il 1„111 i fa` '. -N- IJ ' I I A. ` °e ® • ® / ,' A tiM �, N °Lkas 186 9 F.FJ279 '+\ ®. �/ 1 I 1 1 / F� t , , / . w e �;�;�t��;;�;� F.FJ27.5 /'4i�+ `o }� \* A.S ® �' FF'J28 \\\ /��'/ /Al .___ wLU 42 - fill 1'-BIW-� ID� • i ® , I - A 4 1 \ ♦ 1 ' / / „ 1.11 1 ` 48 I F.FJ28J ` r A ' '- •® I r,A 27,E // / ' 111 111 22 o:�BA e ♦ o f FFFJ27-7 I l l i; i, i A 1 N, 1 F J28J ®� e° Q Z , �1 FJ=J2rr ^e ��•,® �`� ° irsa 1 1 . 49 �/' �J / Izs9 • o \ `T �zs 127Ac. A `l"/ , r �I i {v'. ,A Z 4` \, i F.FJ283 �� 4 FJ= J28J ® \ ; DIO a , , , \ N , 1 i 11� xA �}'�y 1 • F.FJ27.9 , \ Q V ' I't l l 1"1 it 7.�,� ' +` Gii/ .,, .\® `.: ®e I 1 IG.� \ / w'•, 10 'O`/� / 1 \ 0 // �r r;; 111"1 /�, ' I 1 '�•,,,� + i ,� °I I + ,,� 0.74Ac. 1257 ° % T /` 1� 1� �ti A // .� I;; it I1 1 ' I F i/ A ®�� - - - /S ®/ J ,ie , ,//,v,� •D' ®°e lOc i. rq��♦� /'/ A -- ZZ -` ` �..� 1„ III„ I 1.+ 1_ 1 , �► C'S / .+ , CS /�S e ,'.� F- J28.3 k O 111„111 l 0.70. D2 ) '� D3 A0 1215 A °°� ` % , NNI 11 I 111 f 1 + F 9 111"111 ' i i 1 • p0 IN ®+ , 2SS . , ' �, `I `/i ♦` • // / // � ''' /�i.8FJ= '' 11111,,, 'd , '►s _ 128.5 12 EJZ 0.93Ac• D// ® �zs� �`� 2S3o, ' -. ®?♦ / //// i tlil 111 1 i I' i • \2y ® �`- 39 t9p ,t , ; 111; 25 ; ; ' t'� ' ,�' �1y�9 N.r 5/ '�� - hof 1 xA • h A'. , 1 1 �l.Y , \V fir. -a + v\ `♦♦ - - + A +1 F.FJ27 II \ , FJ=J28J , / •'•Q - ®� r° I F.FJ28.6 , 1,27,2IF 'DI2 rho D y\° ` / ` , I i 2s� 1 •, �2 t /�� �► N / +// / I.62Ac i�r C zs,2 ! 11 ('i Iliy'It / I"? \2ytjY ,� _ 1.52Ac•I ®° ++ / �'" % \,, • ,,/tea ®' `'/�'' �./���5 /U R.R. TIES AS NEEDED f , , \P,1 \Z,%9 ` 3 ,>'` `� A ' 36 126" 12��1" R " III,„�„1Ii +-• i I i ' +'� +� �` v a° ° ,tj,�{ .: ,;Ilii ,fill® / - I-'+ I 1 ` \.: .�♦ �= ° ,. ; , ` .• "-' �.' , 1111 ,111 i \` A< _ ♦ I FFJ28.6 ;r A l fit111 i 11 , \ F.FJ28A ` - _ ® I Z� _ , - -'i 46 /126=f F.F"J28A N 1111111„+ \. ► +6;.5 :% - - - ---- / __ -- - 26/37/ A \' 1. .. (i+ill 1.+�♦+++\+ I • /\ 1`. `` ♦. _ \.: +._A. \ ♦` ,° ®, - `f1Y tea', / + \\ y ♦ ® , i _ F.FJ28-3 3 / 8 1/ �l �( Dl IF 28J \ 1269 -- - - - ®.. - A`Wallop , it / IO' LANDSCAPE BUFFER/OPEN SPACE fil 1` +', '` _ + +. /2506. _ 42 2 I 1 ktAAA, + + ++, I t , , / , _ _ ` _ _� - 125.8 R • ,26.4j to , i 11a it ,, ,/ ,, ® / '- -" _ �- -_�• - -` _ - •35 . �_y,^ ' N 1I'' fol �---- I 26 FJ=J28 A A 34 D14 IIA _----- FFJ281 IIII i - _ - 1 30 , f \ F.FJ28.6 E - �7 • - _ I III DI4 - - n - J ♦ ; ; , - - `•® ?A , ,1�J= J28.8 , A `� 5 _ - _ _ - i I I•,��A , - ` - _ y_ , a F.F.128.9 %, c s - _ Ex. ST. g-5- ® r','+ �� r , A t a► �' _--- TO, (28u'-- �� _ - ®` it 14lr I 3 ' F.FJ28.9 + \\ --,---- _ - 1 r ,\ / ® '_, _ = �- :Rows_ - I III ,.�►` \ 127, 1 A 3 _ - I F7-:J2�849 i , r _ - - PSE Ems• I I I :`,.:;: - e- - .tic-- o �, Ra - 3 --- `--_126 i ilk I I > 1 _- co .n. s.?`X'!. rte.,. �♦y\ Y -.• w, c .Y.:S.w,.a < - FEMA !00 YR. -FLOOD ' BOUNDARY u C k - Lt< .,, -.`•' 'Y .JCi2 .'k:i �:�:�r'sSJ`E,�T,'uny EX. OUTFASTRUC. LL + \ II t • NOTES EXIST. MITIGATION AREA CONTRACTOR IS TO PROTECT AND .PREVENT ANY D%STURBAAICE. SILTATION. ETC. (rO REMAIN UNDISTURBED) TO THE CONSERVATION AREA AND ESPECIALLY THE 'MIT'IGATION AREAS THESE SHALL BE ROP D ,OFFS AS TO' v E O ELIMINATE ANY PRoxlml 'Y OF DISTURBANCE. v • SILT FENCE TD 'BE CONST OU � CONSTRUCTED AROUND PERIMETER OF PROJECT SITE AND UPSTREAM OF El- 121D :ALONG CONSERVATION AREA PRIOR TO SITE WORK. N FIELDS BSA - N 7-6-94 KJK ADD A ED FEMA BOUNDARY.. V CADD BY: KA 6-28-94 KJK REV. LANDSCAPE BUFFER AT ENTRANCE - REV. LOTS, LOT NO'S. PER PLAT 5 25 94 ZNB CHECKED BY: RM N 4 12 94 KA REV. AS PER IN OFFICE OA . DESIGNED BY. KA N DATE E BY DESCRIPTION NOTE..USE PLAT,FOR,,. ALL:CONST"UCTIQN LAYOUT IN SCALEc I -50 REVISION O O LEGEND DESCRIPTION EXISTING STORM SEINER SYSTEM CONTOUR -------- DRAINAGE STRUCTURE SPOT ELEVATION LOT GRAD/NG DRAINAGE DIVIDE DRAINAGE AREA DIRECTION OF SURFACE FLAW / /- , op :_-- I 1 - X20.0 D16 - _ i ( BpT 1 10.0 ---- - _ EXIST. RETENTION - i POND 60 I I I I TOP EL. 125.0 I I BOTTOM EL. 110.0 I I D.N.W. EL. 122.0 I I /0 YR/24 HR D.H.W. EL. 123.8 25 YR/24 HR D.H.W. EL. 124.0 /00 YR/24 HR D.H.W. EL. 124.6 A bo"ermsM94doll & assoclattes INCORPORATED CONSULTING ENGINEERING :PLANNING :LAND SURVEYING 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32 (407) 843- 5120 1 7j R/W UNE PROPOSED D3 •B7.42 87.42 PROP. EXIST. 2.136 Ac. -NSI -- R/W UNE LOT NUMBER TYPE OF GRADING DIRECTION OF SURFACE FLOW = INISHED FLOOR ELEV. TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT IIr s SILT FENCE POST NCL/NE POSTS 20'TOWARDS FLOW) SILT FENCE JJ FABRIC HAY BALE W/STAKE EXISTING FLOW GROUND DIRECTION 8- FDOT APPROVED TEMPORARY SILT FENCE PRE -ASSEMBLED IN 100' ROLLS UTILIZING 2' X 2' X 4' WOODEN POSTS 0 S'CIC MAX. w/3' OF WOVEN GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF SEC.985-4, SIMILAR & EQUAL TO THAT SUPPLIED BY FIFEPIPE CO.OF TAMPA FLA NOTES: CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE AS FOLLOWS: I.SILT FENCES SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. 25HOULD THE FABRIC DECOMPOSE OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE PRIOR TO THE END OF ITS USE.IT SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY. 3 -SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH STORM EVENT. 4 -AMY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS LEFT IN PLACE AFTER THE SILT FENCE IS NO LONGER REQUIRED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM WITH THE FINISHED GRADE. PREPARED AND SEEDED. TYPICAL SILT FENCE DETAIL MJS. FIGM3 The Contractor hereby certlfles to the OWNER that Improvements covered by th(s drawing and the related detalls have been constructed as Indicated or as modlfled by the notes and graphics shown. Absent a note or graphic to the contrary, the Improvements have been constructed meeting Industry standard tolerances. Signed: Date. Authorized Contractor's Representative CITY OF OCOEE FLORIDA LOT BLOCK GRADING PLAN HAMPTON WOODS W ESMERE VILLAGE !l DATE a MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH9 SHEET 4 OF 9 CADE AVH9CGP.001 t , , - i- - --- erg ® Q� �. ,( , - 8"X8" TEE ,..r.. 1 STD. SAN. MH. , , , , , �� � .' ,�, �, ` ®• � ` "• TYPE °P-4' INLET G.V.'S DT ; `` , `, '� I ,�, �A%3� •• 5 STD FIRE HYD W/ STA 30-40DO.30' LT.,o� t • TYPE °P -7T° MH. t / %', s 46 t D9' N'; STA /6484.73. /6.5' LT. _ =� i ! 1 ', 9 0 , , , t, t TYPE J-4 INLET STD. FIRE HYD. IN/ , , k 9 2� - PJ. EQUATION -GATE VALVE ASSY. 20 ',t `t�' I 1. , t 1 N• D STA 7843/.48 IBUCKHAVEN LOOP) 42 1 5 - STA 30.00DO (WALES COURT) 1521-30" RCP 0 OJ2% ', 1 i t STA 20* J6.16.Y LT. l49'-8" PVC a I.00% . • GATE VALVE ASSY. /F ••` 4 / 1 ® -� ••o ', '� ,' _ __ � '0 NOTE: •�®,� \ ` ; - - -� I II EX ,2� !II I EXISTING ROAD SHALL BE OPEN CUT WHERE 48' RCP CROSSES 2 /I I ( I (� (SEE DETAIL SHEET No. 7) CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD LOCATE • - • `• rRgNs / l 11 i i I 'C� i ALL EX. UTILITY PIPES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. • S5 NLEr % TYPE °J-,4' l o� t `. 22 �' (�`� PJ. EQUATION (" /� V STA 12429J5 IBUCKHAVEN STA 20%' RT. � `t 2,3 L -STA 27470.06 TYPE P-4° INLET QQ t t , 200'=8° PVC 0.307. o 19B fic H AV E Lu" 0 Ir ! " "' PJ. EQUATION a 14j _ STA 9{6750 (BU_CKHAVEN LOOP) l `' N �� 2�6 Y '/RCP o .06% ,� _ �� I 11 I - STA 44407.90 (CIL PVMT WESMEIRE PARKIHAYJ 1 I Q 36 c,, 1 ,(0_ 31 Ilu; 11 DI3 37 %� mI II" s� �I,; STA 4443878. 425' LT. Dl5 _ v D/2 Wl II in I TYPE 'J -TT' MH. TYPE °J -7T" lrfH. �38ZETOP S6 STA 11489.47. 175' LT 8" I III I I i II �I ` 88'-4RCP Lo 0.06% . INV. / O TYPE J,4° INLET STA 12+29J5. C/L 821-48m RCP v 0.067. 1 I i 1-� j I i ul 182'-48" RCP 0.06% - J8'-48" RCP @ OJ8% SAN. DROP MH. �., � i IIN N,il i - -- - - - - _ _ _ _ D/4 .o -r1 , r - - - T' D1s STA 4543172. 425' LT. TOP 125. P� - - _ - - TYPE "J-7MH. j I Ill `y �Itl 1 1 - - -- - STD. Mrl-. END SECTION TOP 127.04/-� I W/CONC. SPLASH PAD INV. 117.98 120. a - - - - INV. 117.80 EX. RETEffTION POND 60 11 / � - - - - ' TYPE INLET N� ®, 4/ •\ ' �'3 - _ , sem, ' '� STA // .00 CIL �' N 'r �I 1 Iii I Lo - _ �'C „ WET TAP INTO EX. 8 W.M. ` w N •x `, '- z • sig S3 - '2S�s -•.,;_ STD. S . MH. 1 N III I I 8"X8". TAPPING TEE 7 ,., t 1 t • /IBJ 413'-42' RCP a 0.07% r. �SO2S4/ ? _ _ _,_ X25 i0 � � _ _ _ � / I I ! �; I I 8" G.V. STAR0,00-00, CIL 2/ , , `t `t �,s. �/ 4O �, ` , . / � _ _ I � I k n l l a. RELOCATE EX. FIRE HYD. TO LOT I STD. SAN.. MH. , ' s�,' t, �' • t, ® 33'-24" RCP OJ5% ' D11 '' �� - _ - _ - - - _ -- 26J2 �H III - -0/2635 /OI- t w l! -7 , •, 33'-24' RCP a t :OJ5/. ! , , , ® ,' STA /2+68.88 16.5' LT Q �U ,' - .J - . F„ 126)21 I N II I i NLEr % TYPE °J-,4' l o� t `. 22 �' (�`� PJ. EQUATION (" /� V STA 12429J5 IBUCKHAVEN STA 20%' RT. � `t 2,3 L -STA 27470.06 TYPE P-4° INLET QQ t t , 200'=8° PVC 0.307. o 19B fic H AV E Lu" 0 Ir ! " "' PJ. EQUATION a 14j _ STA 9{6750 (BU_CKHAVEN LOOP) l `' N �� 2�6 Y '/RCP o .06% ,� _ �� I 11 I - STA 44407.90 (CIL PVMT WESMEIRE PARKIHAYJ 1 I Q 36 c,, 1 ,(0_ 31 Ilu; 11 DI3 37 %� mI II" s� �I,; STA 4443878. 425' LT. Dl5 _ v D/2 Wl II in I TYPE 'J -TT' MH. TYPE °J -7T" lrfH. �38ZETOP S6 STA 11489.47. 175' LT 8" I III I I i II �I ` 88'-4RCP Lo 0.06% . INV. / O TYPE J,4° INLET STA 12+29J5. C/L 821-48m RCP v 0.067. 1 I i 1-� j I i ul 182'-48" RCP 0.06% - J8'-48" RCP @ OJ8% SAN. DROP MH. �., � i IIN N,il i - -- - - - - _ _ _ _ D/4 .o -r1 , r - - - T' D1s STA 4543172. 425' LT. TOP 125. P� - - _ - - TYPE "J-7MH. j I Ill `y �Itl 1 1 - - -- - STD. Mrl-. END SECTION TOP 127.04/-� I W/CONC. SPLASH PAD INV. 117.98 120. a - - - - INV. 117.80 EX. RETEffTION POND 60 11 / � - - - - FIELDS BSA conn RY. KJK INCORPORATED CONSULTING ENGINEERING . PLANNING : LAND SURVEYING 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO, FLORIDA 328 (407) 843-5120 CITY OF OCOEE J= LORIDA PLAN & PROFILE HAMPTON WOODS WESMERE VILLAGE 11 i DATE s MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH9 SHEET 5 OF 9 LADE AV;�9CPP:C01 O w �-/ VM/ . I tTA/YJ. JtL•I 1UY •• N `QU) '?$o �Q M- 6u� nLO N a. Lj W _ aW ,,� _ j o QLW 135 Z) d ci. PROP. /L PROFILE PROP CIL P Sr OF/LE TOP EXC ANG EXISTING GROUND j w 13D GROUND D% S2 S3 D� DIO. Dl D6 -� .50 _ _ � +.. +.. a _TOP 5 29 D7 TOP - 2550 - - -- TO -- - 125JR --- TO --- 125J9 L---- ---- - _ - ---- - T - P 125B1 - __ - - - TOP J2 38 �- - i I I TqP /25.4/ 1 S5 DI2 1 --- - j TOP /25$5126.04/- TOP l .69 _4--- _ - - ' 1 v l o. Df3 ----- TOP 12 _-_ TOP 1252 -- TOP /24 - TOP 125 -0.47Y. ---030% 40. 42%125 8' DIP IEX. 8" W.M.-- ' -- 24° CP 24' CP 24' RGA ( WQ /8° RCP/'• �20 - 30' R P I RCP � 1 1 - - ' - I i ' 120 36' RCP 42° RCP 1 I I 148" I 1 I � �� - - ! - - - - , i- ; INV. 121.45 INV. /20.90 NV. 113.33 INV. /NV. 1888(EJ 8.981NJ - (18°1 / 8' PVC - 1.20-5706) 1 - - - _ - 8• PVC - - 1 I I 8' PVC 48' RCP _ /NV. 120.491 5J INV. /� . 1/8.67 /NV. 120 - - - - . //8391EJ-- 1I8.491WJ i INV. 118) 9 -; lNV 118.U3148"1 4 INV. /20521.09) 11 INV. l 0.67118"1 INV. 11 1NV. 120.541 INV. 118.8 ) 1D5J 8' DlP /NV. 1853 INV. l .49(EJ / . /20751.010 . I20.70�DlUI j 18V, . 12OJ6(E) 1 I - j // /NV. / 591W1 / , INV.' 1)6.79151_ i I INV.' l/6B9(IN) j I I //O 4 I Q Q gWw _ W •( W ! � O l l l 1 1 1 1 I 12 1 I i i I FIELDS BSA conn RY. KJK INCORPORATED CONSULTING ENGINEERING . PLANNING : LAND SURVEYING 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO, FLORIDA 328 (407) 843-5120 CITY OF OCOEE J= LORIDA PLAN & PROFILE HAMPTON WOODS WESMERE VILLAGE 11 i DATE s MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH9 SHEET 5 OF 9 LADE AV;�9CPP:C01 PP 8"X4" TEE J P •\ S9 4 • STA 22+01.09. CIL 4" G.V. •\ DIO STD. SAN. MH. 8"X4" TEE �, ' • e STA 40x4238. 165' RT. " - �• 49 8" G.V. , - TYPE "P - P INLET4 " G.V 3 2 /% 3'-l8" RCP � 0.� 23. � , t ,' , `• • ,� o�F 2 ,G; '� STD. FIRE HYD. W/ sy, 195._811 PVC GATE VALVE ASSY. D,11�12 25.0 se STA 41*95.00. CIL `22 9 N _ STD. SAN. MH. ; ; � l '' , \2�� ! ' , , " 23.2'-8 PVC i—S6 3 PJ. EQUATION STA 27+70.06 (BUCKHAVEN LOOP) STA 12+29J5 6, D12 25 y9 , ,• ` •e• \ .\ i 2OL 8s �,���-' / ,' F-8" DIP (POLYTHELENE 6 LINED) WATER MAIN 1 12 28 5 B i \\�iy \2 �• , \ • 2� w 36 \• \ 23. � �• ' ' 20'-8" DIP � 0.30% 549LF-4" PVC WATER UNE ' ' ® �. s� P 52 ';';I ' '' s� t c 0,R \ . \u, S A . " - -------- 5 !I� " �, ! •• ,,,,;: %�r 195'-8" PVC 0.307. 5 S/ 171' +G...'�1 b\` \ ,\ Q� \ j \ !'\ •• '®w wl 0 It \`\ '2606 ="'"' _ _ ' - ,� STA' LT. '® - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - 702LF-8 PVC WATER MAIN ` TYPE •P-4' INLET _ HP�z6 c - - - - -'- 35 i • \ E nn 26.42 154LF-4' WIDE CONCH �$vt;ez 26 - '- �- - - - - -` sio \ STA 25.52.46; 55' RT. ' - STD. SAN. MH. e: 32 PVC 0.39% z S/O STA 24.35.00. CIL N\\ STD. SAN. MH. 116'-8" PVC 0.30% \\ \y / / x AI fin/ / nn LD �EX. SAN. MH. EMU I f X1 r G/ui vu aCX url ti I "va 1"e-vIl uumfir r i ul m US I nrll cal oa .or as v modlfJed -Al.- note --I FIELDS BSA CITY OF OCOEE by s a graphics sh�owwn. At�sent o nate or graotdc toId V the contrary. the Improvements have been constructed meal`Ing industry _ standard. tolerances cavo BY: KA bowyermogieftiton & associates"c' 5lgned: Date: 5-25-94 ZMB REVISE LOT NO's PER PLAT CHECKED BY: RM INCORPORATED Authorized Contractor's Representative _ 4-12-94 KA REV. AS PER IN OFFICE QA DESIGNED BY: KA CONSULTING ENGINEERING : PLANNING : LAND SURVEYING O ® PLAT l��, /„%. DATE BY DESCRIPTION 1:=50'HORZ. 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO, FLORIDA 3 1 N�T�• JSE FOR:L.L. V0A/S ! RUCTION LAYOUT W ORKs SCALEe I 0907> 843-5120 REVISION I =5 VERT. 9(f DATE s MARCH IR9 0 PLAN & PROFILE" HAMPTON WOODS WESMERE VILLAGE Il 4 JOB NO. AVH9 SHEET 6 OF 9 CASE WHOCPP.002 REVISION I =5 VERT. 9(f DATE s MARCH IR9 0 PLAN & PROFILE" HAMPTON WOODS WESMERE VILLAGE Il 4 JOB NO. AVH9 SHEET 6 OF 9 CASE WHOCPP.002 PLAN & PROFILE" HAMPTON WOODS WESMERE VILLAGE Il 4 JOB NO. AVH9 SHEET 6 OF 9 CASE WHOCPP.002 lot b ®' b / CURB & GUTTER VIEW TION 4° CONC. SIDEWALK 6'! %2 ° EXP. JOINT? i SIDEWALK DETAIL CADD BYs KA CHECKED BYe RM DESIGNED BYm KJK SCALE® NTS MIAMI Ri DETAIL (TYPEi %2 ° 24° 8° /6° 6° �2° R • °R STANDARD CURB & GUTTER DETAIL 9YPE fAlf) 50' R/W 4' CONC. S/W (TYP.) (BY OTHERS) MIAMI CURB & GUTTER (TYP.)P A.CS.C. TYPE S-3 4'X60 STABILIZATION 66 SOIL CEMENT BASE COURSE TO F.B.V. 50 PSJ. (TYP.) /2° COMPACTED SUBBASE TO 957. MAY nFAI SITY ddCHTn T_/Rn MIAMI CURB & GUTTER (TYP.) P A.CS.C. TYPE S-3 i ,PX60 STABILIZATION ;SOIL CEMENT BASE COURSE TO F.B V. 50 PSJ. (TYP-) Ir rr)A,/PAr`rFn SUR-RttSF Tn qj9 TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTIONS CITY OF OCOEE FLORIDA UATE MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH9 SHEET 7 0 CADE AVH9PPD.'OOi cE�o �4- . • • . XC No \�'\.®®_ yp_ •.•� ." ..� •' FLOORES 41� R/IN .�-®®" ' AND S/DAMP ES NO PARKING NO STANDARD 2' CURB & G %2° EXP. JOINT PARKING (REMOVE & REPLACE) ON ON PVMT. PVMT. NOTES. I. ENTIRE EX/STING CURB/NG SHALL BE REMOVED & REPLACED. • ?-LOW CURB &TRANSITION MAY BE FORMED AT THE OF KENNOW AY COURT / c W A(� S COURT CURB coNsrRucTioN c 3.CONSTRUCT WITH CLASS A 13000PSO CONCRETE. 50` CUL-DE-SAC DETAIL 55' CUL--DE-SAC DETAIL WHEELCHNR RAMP (APPROVED LAND USE PLAN WAIVER) CIL CUL-DE SAC i M/AMl CURB 55' R/W00 O 7' TYP.TRANSITION FROM � 45' 2, 4' 4' TYPE 'A' CURB & GUTTER � lo TO MIAMI CURB & GUTTER W h NOTE: SLOPE VARIES Z SUB -GRADE CUT TO BE COMPACTED TO 95% MAX.OENSITY AS DETERMINED BY AASHTO T -180. - CUT TO BE REPLACED WITH AN B'3000 PSI HIGH EARLY CONCRETE. SURFACE ELEVATION TO --------------- MATCH SURFACE ELEVATION OF<EXISTING PAVEMENT. RESURFACING TO BE 10 FEET EACH SIDE OF CUT, OR AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 4' CONC. S/W .. W HIGH EARLY CONCRETE ; PVMT. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE OVERLAY 2' MIAMI CURB (TYPE 'B') e 5 TYPE 'A' CURB 5 5, tTYAlCAU (TY ICALi i a _ n SECTION A A & GUTTER (TYP.) EXISTING, ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE ' a , WESMERE PARKWAY Q EXIST. BASE o' a y'`e a,tEXIST.BASE' -—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—- `. tTYPTCALI EXISTING M z - HANDICAPPED RAMP AND CURB TRANSITION AT SUBGRAI - SUBSRAOE COMPACTED MIAMI CURS 7'TRANSR70N INTERIOR INTERSECTIONS . TO 95% MAX. & GUTTER DENSITY) � _ BACK OF CURB , UTILITY PIPE (� FLOW UNE GENERAL' NOTES: —EWE OF PAVEMENT L BASE REPLACEMENT SHALL BE '3000 PSI, HIGH EARLY;STRENGTH CONCRETE. f1<M 2. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE MATERIAL SHALL BE REPLACED . WITH THE SAME TYPE OF MATERIAL THAT, EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REMOVAL, OR AS APPROVED BY THE CITY 'ENGINEER. r 3. MINIMUM ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE OVERLAY THICKNESS SHALL MIAMI CURB T•TRANStrION STQCURB & GUTTER BE ONE t19 INCH, OR AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER, 4. ALL `BASE JOINT CUTS SHALL.BE MECHANICALLY SAW CUT. TOP OF CURB PAVEMENT RESTORATION: 1. LONGITUDINAL CUTS WILL.GENERALLY REGUIRE'OVERLAY/RESURFACING OF . THE COMPLETE WIDTH OF THE TRAVELED WAY. 2. CUTS OF CUL-DE-SACS, TURN -OUTS, ETC., WILL GENERALLY REDUIRE m N PAVEMENT suRFAcE OVERLAY/RESURFACING OF. THE COMPLETE CUL-DE-SAC, ETC. w FLAY LINE tw 3. CUTS AT,INTERSECTIONS OF STREETS GENERALLY WILL REOUIRE A COMPLETE OVERLAY/RESURFACING TO THE END OF ALL RETURN RADII, AND " ALSO TO'A POINT TEN (10')FEET BEYOND THE CUT, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 4. ACTUAL REQUIREMENTS WILL BE AS STATED ON THE APPROVED PERMIT. ?� STANDARD ROADWAY OPENCUT DETAIL OVERLAY OVER EXISTING PAVEMENT - TYPICAL OF OPEN CUTS ON STREETS BETWEEN INTERSECTIONS ;- '�` 4do—OH PVMT.EDGE �� e+ JA A e• a ee - i STD. CURB TO MI AMI CURB TRANSITION N(rrEs: I. CONCRETE SHALL BE 3000 PSI. y 2.. SIDEWALK SHALL BE 6' THICK AT ALL DRIVEWAYS. SIDEWALK DETAIL CADD BYs KA CHECKED BYe RM DESIGNED BYm KJK SCALE® NTS MIAMI Ri DETAIL (TYPEi %2 ° 24° 8° /6° 6° �2° R • °R STANDARD CURB & GUTTER DETAIL 9YPE fAlf) 50' R/W 4' CONC. S/W (TYP.) (BY OTHERS) MIAMI CURB & GUTTER (TYP.)P A.CS.C. TYPE S-3 4'X60 STABILIZATION 66 SOIL CEMENT BASE COURSE TO F.B.V. 50 PSJ. (TYP.) /2° COMPACTED SUBBASE TO 957. MAY nFAI SITY ddCHTn T_/Rn MIAMI CURB & GUTTER (TYP.) P A.CS.C. TYPE S-3 i ,PX60 STABILIZATION ;SOIL CEMENT BASE COURSE TO F.B V. 50 PSJ. (TYP-) Ir rr)A,/PAr`rFn SUR-RttSF Tn qj9 TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTIONS CITY OF OCOEE FLORIDA UATE MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH9 SHEET 7 0 CADE AVH9PPD.'OOi - PIPE SIZE (INCHES) - UNDISTURBED AREA FOR A AREA FOR A R SET TOP'OF.VALVE BOX it -1/4 BEND FT) SOIL (TYP.) PLUG TEE TO FINISHED GRADE 2.0 1.0 0.7 0.5 CONCRETE COLLAR I• 6 4.0 IN UNPAVED AREAS 1.2 0.6 FINISHED GRADE (SEE DETAIL) i 7.0 3.8 X EDGE OF 7.0 150 l / TRENCH 1 5.6 2.9 h (TYPJ ) 150 12 ADJUSTABLE CAST IRON VALVE BOX CROSS W/PLUG CROSS W/ - SEE NOTE 2- WOOD FORM BOARDS BEHIND TWO PLUGS TEE - BOX SHALL REST ON BELL SHALL NOT INTERFERE M.J. PLUG VALVE WASTEWATER ROCK NOT BEDDINGWITH ON VALVE OR PIPE AND SHALL BE JOINT (TYP.) CONCRETE THRUST AREA FOR 45° BEND FORCE MAIN --,,OPERATING CENTERED ON NUT BLOCK (TYPJ 2 EDGE OF TRENCH ) (TYPJ OFFSET (AS REO'O) EDGE OF CROSSCUBENDS T i BEDDING ROCK UNDISTURBED 6' C SOIL (TYP.) NO I 1 TRENCH WIDTH. _ x N ¢ THRUST _ 2 THRUST BLOCK NOTES: FITTING I MIN. AREA ETE FT.) - I. PVC EXTENSIONS SHALL NOT BE USED ON VALVE BOX INSTALLATION. THE ACTUATING NUT FOR DEEPER VALVES SHALL BE EXTENDED TO TH\�:RUST 3 2. COME UP TO 4 FOOT DEPTH BELOW FINISHED GRADE. TYPICAL SECTION A SCHEDULE FOR THRUST BLOCK AREAS PIPE SIZE (INCHES) 90 BEND (SO FT)(SO 45 BEND FT)(SO 22-1/2 BEND FT)(SO it -1/4 BEND FT) TEE 8 PLUG (SO FT) DESIGN PRESS (PSI) 4 2.0 1.0 0.7 0.5 2.0 150 6 4.0 2.3 1.2 0.6 4.0 150 8 7.0 3.8 2.0 1.0 7.0 150 101 110.2 5.6 2.9 1.5 10.2 150 12 14.6 0.0 4.0 2.1 14.6 150 T U m W o NOTE, THRUST BLOCK AREAS TO BE COMPUTED ON BASIS OF LBS. PER SO. FT. SOIL RESTRAINT (1.500 MIN) BEARING. SEE NOTE 5 P TO BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER. WOOD OCKING AREA FOR TEE TEE W/PLUG rOR TEE AREA FOR PLUG --I V F, TEE W/ WYE END PLUG TES: THRUST BLOCK BEARING AREAS SHALL BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. WHERE TRENCH WALL HAS BEEN DISTURBED, EXCAVATE ALL LOOSE MATERIAL AND EXTEND TO UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. EXTEND THRUST BLOCK FULL LENGTH OF FITTINGS. JOINTS SHALL NOT BE COVERED BY THRUST BLOCKS. FITTINGS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY POLYETHYLENE FILM (8 MIL.)PRIOR TO PLACING CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK. ROUGH BLOCKING FORMS SHALL BE USED ALONG SIDES OF THRUST BLOCKS,AS REQUIRED. THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE USED IN COMBINATION, AS REQUIRED, TO SUITE THE SPECIFIC FITTING ARRANGEMENT. ALTERNATE DESIGNED RESTRAINING SYSTEMS SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE STANDARD THRUST BLOCKING IS NOT SUITABLE AND/OR SOIL RESISTANCE BEARING IS LESS THAN 1500 PSF. ALL WOOD BLOCKING SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED WITH PRESERVATIVE. THRUST BLOCK DETAIL (FIG. 103) Q TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL The Corrtraatar herebv c ortifles to this OWNER ttWt lmDr0V6fWrrts covered by this drawlna FIELD: CADD BY: KA CHECKED BY: RM DESIGNED BY: K JK 4'x 4' PRECAST CONCRETE VAULT CAST IRON FRAME FINISHED 36'S0. AND COVER WITH GRADE ACCESS LID. 4' MAX. --i17-1/4' / GROUT PREMOLDED PLASTIC P 2' VALVE (TVP I JOINT FILLER 5' WALLS (MIND 2' PORT WITH 1 THREADED PLUG PIPE PLUG (TYP.) I CUT OUT FOR FORCE 2'NIPPLE 1 MAIN OR WATER MAIN AS REQUIRED 2'GATE VALVE SEE NOTE 2 2' NIPPLE PERVSPECIFIICDATION FITTINGS AND I SECTION 50.5.4 PIPE FOR _ A.R.V. SHALL BE BRASS 16' I 6' BEDDING ROCK 8' x 16' REINFORCED CONCRETE FOOTING. NOTES: 1. ABOVE DETAIL IS BASED ON ?COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM RELEASE VALVE.CHANGE PIPE AND FITTINGS ACCORDINGLY FOR OTHER VALVE SIZES AND TYPES.VALVE SIZES TO BE DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED BY THE COUNTY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. THE MINIMUM DIMENSION FROM TOP OF PIPE TO FINISHED GRADE SHALL BE 4.0 FEET. AIR OR COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM RELEASE VALVE DETAIL (FIG. 109) RAISED 1-1/2' LETTERS FLUSH WITH TOP OF COVER SANITARY = TC0RV3 ow CONCRET 3/4' MIN. ELEVATION 2 - NON PENETRATING PICK HOLES MACHINED MATING SURFACES 1-1/2' MIN. STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER (FIG. 232) SET COVERS FLUSH IN - PAVED AREAS & AT ELEVATIIONS SHOWN IN UNPAVED AREAS. TAR COAT 2'-0' 4'-0' WEL-FINISHED CRETE BENCHING MANHOLE NECTION AILS / SEE S E FRAME & COVER (SEE STANDARD DETAIL) FRAMES BEDDED IN MORTAR 2 COURSES OF BRICK (MIN.) 4 COURSES (MAX.) tr ¢ INSIDE WALL C 0 _5' MIN. t PRE -PRIMED JOINT SURFACES lx� Ln BENCHING PER SPECIFICATIONS 12' (D m ui cr REINFORCEMENT AND JOINT (- 6 DETAIL TO BE DESIGNED BY I MIN. COMPLETED THE ENGINEER AND f f 8' MIN. SQUEEZEjOUTT APPROVED 8Y THE 9, BEDDING ROCK 2' MIN. CAST -IN-PLACE I PRECAST MONOLITHIC CONCRETE BASE BASE NOTES: 51 1. MANHOLE SHOWN IS FOR SEWER SIZE 8'THRU 24',SEE SECTION 20.4.3 OF THE MANUAL FOR MANHOLE DIAMETER FOR SEWERS LARGER THAN 24'. 2. DROP CONNECTIONS ARE REQUIRED WHENEVER INVERT OF INFLUENT SEWER IS 24' OR MORE ABOVE THE INVERT OF THE MANHOLE. SEE MANHOLE CONNECTION DETAILS. 3. APPROVED CONCENTRIC CONE DESIGN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE. PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE PLAN AND SECTION (FIG2BB) SCALE: NTS PRECAST TEE MANHOLE , WALL P CONCRETE ENCASEMENT • 6� OF VERTICAL PIPE DROP PIPE INLET CONNECTION ' (SEE NOTE 1) AS REQUIRED 90° BEND i-- 2' A A p • ' PRECAST STANDARD DROP DETAIL MANHOLE WALL TRANSITE COLLAR ENCASED IN NON -SHRINK GROUT FLUSH WITH MANHOLE WALL PVC OR DIP (SEE NOTE 2) PRECAST MANHOLE WALL SPECIAL DETAIL FOR 24" DIAMETER PIPE AND LARGER STAINLESS STEEL I DiP BAND STAINLESS STEEL • PIPE CLAMP RESILIENT CONNECTOR STANDARD PRECAST MANHOLE PIPE CONNECTION NOTES: 1. DROP PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE OF EQUAL SIZE AND MATERIAL AS THE INFLUENT SEWER. 2. THE COUNTY MAY APPROVE ALTERNATE WATER TIGHT CONNECTION DETAILS FOR CONNECTION OF 24' DIAMETER PIPES AND LARGER. 3. AN OUTSIDE DROP CONNECTION SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL INFLUENT WHICH HAVE AN INVERT 2' OR MORE ABOVE THE MANHOLE INVERT. MANHOLE CONNECTION DETAILS VARIES _ LOT LINE _ _I WYE WITH 6' BRANCH W 16' 45 ° z ( BEND CLEAN-OUT REMOVABLE SEE NOTE I 1PLUG I wl J I 1 3' c1 i 0 I J PVC WATER MAIN SEWER MAIN TRENCH WIDTH VARIES SIZE VARIES n' PRE -PRIMED ITYP.) W/ SIZE OF PIPECROWN �- TRENCH IN 6' BRANCH 1' MAX. METALLIC LOCATING WIRE 6' 45 ° WYE WITH UNIMPROVED AREAS P BRANCH -- -- LOT (WRAPPER TO (3' MIN.) BE REMOVED) FINISHED GRADE (SEE NOTE 8) NOTES: 1. PVC PIPE SHALL REQUIRE INSULATED METALLIC LOCATING WIRE (14 GAUGE COPPER)CAPABLE OF DETECTION BY A CABLE LOCATOR 2. AND SHALL BE BURIED DIRECTLY ABOVE THE CENTERLINE OF THE PIPE. LOCATING WIRE SHALL TERMINATE AT THE TOP OF EACH VALVE BOX 3. AND BE CAPABLE OF EXTENDING 12' ABOVE TOP OF BOX IN SUCH A MANNER SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH VALVE OPERATION. USE DUCT TAPE AS NECESSARY TO HOLD WIRE DIRECTLY ON THE / T U m W o �/ T Z LLj X SEE NOTE 4� . u -i N �, COMMON FILL y PIPE 0.0. • �, ~ 12' (TYP.) / 1 SELECT z / / COMMON o Lu �� UNDISTURBEDj - - - - / FILL m z EARTH / ° a w u' (SEE NOTE 3) NOTES: 1. PIPE BEDDING: SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. 2. TRENCH BACKFILL:COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. 3. PIPE BEDDING UTILIZING SELECT COMMON FILL OR BEDDING ROCK IN ACCORDANCE WITH TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL MAY BE REQUIRED AS DIRECTED BY THE COUNTY. 4. (•):15' MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24', AND 24' MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24'AND LARGER. 5. WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION. 6. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. 7. REFER TO SECTION 32.5 OF THE MANUAL FOR SHEETING AND BRACING IN EXCAVATIONS. 8. FINAL RESTORATION IN IMPROVED AREAS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALLAPPLICABLEREGULATIONS OF GOVERNING AGENCIES. SURFACE RESTORATION WITHIN ORANGE COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF RIGHT-OF-WAY UTILIZATION REGULATIONS AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. TYPE B BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL nG.100) CROWN TRENCH IN UNIMPROVED AREAS TRENCH WIDTH VARIES (3' MIN.) (SEE TYPE B W/ SIZE OF PIPE BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL FOR OTHER - RESTORATION. FINISHED GRAD- LL / m X CD `SEE NOTE 4 •-// WUJ V COMMON FILL ./ PIPE O.D. / 12' (TYP) SELECT z COMMON / cm ui SELECT COMMONI / FILL CM o FILL / - m w Z BEDDING ROCK n- a w Ln l PIPE x SEE NOTEING 8 & 9) UNDISTURBED EARTH a X r., i,.' NOTES: 1. PIPE BEDDING: SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. 2. TRENCH BACKFILL:COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 957 OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. 3. USE TYPE A BEDDING TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AS DIRECTED BY THE COUNTY. 4. (+):15` MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24', AND 24' MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24'AND LARGER. 5. WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION. 6. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. 7. REFER TO SECTION 32.5 OF THE MANUAL FOR SHEETING AND BRACING IN EXCAVATIONS. 8. GRAVITY SEWERS SHALL UTILIZE TYPE A BEDDING,IF REQUIRED BY THE COUNTY. BEDDING DEPTH SHALL BE 4'MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS j THAN 15', AND 6MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER 16' AND LARGER. j - 9. DEPTH FOR REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL GOVERN DEPTH OF 1 BEDDING ROCK BELOW THE PIPE. COUNTY SHALL DETERMINE IN THE FIELD REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL TO REACH SUITABLE FOUNDATION. Q TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL The Corrtraatar herebv c ortifles to this OWNER ttWt lmDr0V6fWrrts covered by this drawlna FIELD: CADD BY: KA CHECKED BY: RM DESIGNED BY: K JK 4'x 4' PRECAST CONCRETE VAULT CAST IRON FRAME FINISHED 36'S0. AND COVER WITH GRADE ACCESS LID. 4' MAX. --i17-1/4' / GROUT PREMOLDED PLASTIC P 2' VALVE (TVP I JOINT FILLER 5' WALLS (MIND 2' PORT WITH 1 THREADED PLUG PIPE PLUG (TYP.) I CUT OUT FOR FORCE 2'NIPPLE 1 MAIN OR WATER MAIN AS REQUIRED 2'GATE VALVE SEE NOTE 2 2' NIPPLE PERVSPECIFIICDATION FITTINGS AND I SECTION 50.5.4 PIPE FOR _ A.R.V. SHALL BE BRASS 16' I 6' BEDDING ROCK 8' x 16' REINFORCED CONCRETE FOOTING. NOTES: 1. ABOVE DETAIL IS BASED ON ?COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM RELEASE VALVE.CHANGE PIPE AND FITTINGS ACCORDINGLY FOR OTHER VALVE SIZES AND TYPES.VALVE SIZES TO BE DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED BY THE COUNTY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. THE MINIMUM DIMENSION FROM TOP OF PIPE TO FINISHED GRADE SHALL BE 4.0 FEET. AIR OR COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM RELEASE VALVE DETAIL (FIG. 109) RAISED 1-1/2' LETTERS FLUSH WITH TOP OF COVER SANITARY = TC0RV3 ow CONCRET 3/4' MIN. ELEVATION 2 - NON PENETRATING PICK HOLES MACHINED MATING SURFACES 1-1/2' MIN. STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER (FIG. 232) SET COVERS FLUSH IN - PAVED AREAS & AT ELEVATIIONS SHOWN IN UNPAVED AREAS. TAR COAT 2'-0' 4'-0' WEL-FINISHED CRETE BENCHING MANHOLE NECTION AILS / SEE S E FRAME & COVER (SEE STANDARD DETAIL) FRAMES BEDDED IN MORTAR 2 COURSES OF BRICK (MIN.) 4 COURSES (MAX.) tr ¢ INSIDE WALL C 0 _5' MIN. t PRE -PRIMED JOINT SURFACES lx� Ln BENCHING PER SPECIFICATIONS 12' (D m ui cr REINFORCEMENT AND JOINT (- 6 DETAIL TO BE DESIGNED BY I MIN. COMPLETED THE ENGINEER AND f f 8' MIN. SQUEEZEjOUTT APPROVED 8Y THE 9, BEDDING ROCK 2' MIN. CAST -IN-PLACE I PRECAST MONOLITHIC CONCRETE BASE BASE NOTES: 51 1. MANHOLE SHOWN IS FOR SEWER SIZE 8'THRU 24',SEE SECTION 20.4.3 OF THE MANUAL FOR MANHOLE DIAMETER FOR SEWERS LARGER THAN 24'. 2. DROP CONNECTIONS ARE REQUIRED WHENEVER INVERT OF INFLUENT SEWER IS 24' OR MORE ABOVE THE INVERT OF THE MANHOLE. SEE MANHOLE CONNECTION DETAILS. 3. APPROVED CONCENTRIC CONE DESIGN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE. PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE PLAN AND SECTION (FIG2BB) SCALE: NTS PRECAST TEE MANHOLE , WALL P CONCRETE ENCASEMENT • 6� OF VERTICAL PIPE DROP PIPE INLET CONNECTION ' (SEE NOTE 1) AS REQUIRED 90° BEND i-- 2' A A p • ' PRECAST STANDARD DROP DETAIL MANHOLE WALL TRANSITE COLLAR ENCASED IN NON -SHRINK GROUT FLUSH WITH MANHOLE WALL PVC OR DIP (SEE NOTE 2) PRECAST MANHOLE WALL SPECIAL DETAIL FOR 24" DIAMETER PIPE AND LARGER STAINLESS STEEL I DiP BAND STAINLESS STEEL • PIPE CLAMP RESILIENT CONNECTOR STANDARD PRECAST MANHOLE PIPE CONNECTION NOTES: 1. DROP PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE OF EQUAL SIZE AND MATERIAL AS THE INFLUENT SEWER. 2. THE COUNTY MAY APPROVE ALTERNATE WATER TIGHT CONNECTION DETAILS FOR CONNECTION OF 24' DIAMETER PIPES AND LARGER. 3. AN OUTSIDE DROP CONNECTION SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL INFLUENT WHICH HAVE AN INVERT 2' OR MORE ABOVE THE MANHOLE INVERT. MANHOLE CONNECTION DETAILS VARIES _ LOT LINE _ _I WYE WITH 6' BRANCH W 16' 45 ° z ( BEND CLEAN-OUT REMOVABLE SEE NOTE I 1PLUG I wl J I 1 3' c1 i 0 I J PVC WATER MAIN SEWER MAIN v✓ OR FORCE MAIN SIZE VARIES CLEAN-OUT PRE -PRIMED ITYP.) WYE WITH SEE NOTE 1 6' BRANCH 1' MAX. METALLIC LOCATING WIRE 6' 45 ° WYE WITH BEND P BRANCH -- -- LOT (WRAPPER TO LINE PLAN' FINISHED GRADE, SLOPE TO 9 DEPT IHNAT 3I ' 1.0% MIN. cr, 1 (TYP.) ROTATE TERMINAL DEPTH 30° (TYPJ - -SPRING LINE AS REQUIRED FOR (SEE NOTE 3) I SEWER MAIN 'HOUSE SERVICE (3' MINJ(TYPJ SINGLE 1 DOUBLE LATERAL LATERAL PROFILE NOTES: 1. CLEAN-OUT (SHOWN SHADED)SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE BUILDER IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. 2. LOCATE SINGLE LATERAL AS CLOSE TO LOT LINE AS POSSIBLE, 25' MAXIMUM. 3. INVERT OF SERVICE LATERAL SHALL NOT ENTER SEWER MAIN BELOW SPRING LINE. SERVICE LATERAL DETAIL (FIG204) METALLIC LOCATING FINISHED GRADE f-1' MAX. O !i d i Aft tes bowyermsivvton ass"ld0% INCORPORATED CONSULTING ENGINEERING : PLANNING : LAND SURVEYING 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO, FLORIDA 3 (407) 843-5120 PVC PIPE LOCATING WIRE DETAIL (FIG. 108) Cm' OF OCOEE SANITARY SEWER DETAILS HAMPTON WOODS WESMERE VILLAGE lI DATE : MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH9 SHEET 8 OF 9 CADE AVH9PSD.001 PVC WATER MAIN v✓ OR FORCE MAIN JTS(OE WALL PRE -PRIMED JOINT SURFACES PRE -MOLDED PLASTIC 1' MAX. METALLIC LOCATING WIRE JOINT SEALER WITH PROTECTIVE T WRAPPER (WRAPPER TO BE REMOVED) SOUEEZE-OUT NOTES: 1. PVC PIPE SHALL REQUIRE INSULATED METALLIC LOCATING WIRE (14 GAUGE COPPER)CAPABLE OF DETECTION BY A CABLE LOCATOR 2. AND SHALL BE BURIED DIRECTLY ABOVE THE CENTERLINE OF THE PIPE. LOCATING WIRE SHALL TERMINATE AT THE TOP OF EACH VALVE BOX 3. AND BE CAPABLE OF EXTENDING 12' ABOVE TOP OF BOX IN SUCH A MANNER SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH VALVE OPERATION. USE DUCT TAPE AS NECESSARY TO HOLD WIRE DIRECTLY ON THE TOP OF THE PIPE. !i d i Aft tes bowyermsivvton ass"ld0% INCORPORATED CONSULTING ENGINEERING : PLANNING : LAND SURVEYING 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO, FLORIDA 3 (407) 843-5120 PVC PIPE LOCATING WIRE DETAIL (FIG. 108) Cm' OF OCOEE SANITARY SEWER DETAILS HAMPTON WOODS WESMERE VILLAGE lI DATE : MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH9 SHEET 8 OF 9 CADE AVH9PSD.001 4. (e): 15' FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24', AND 24' MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24- AND LARGER. 5. WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION. 6. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. 7. REFER TO SECTION 32.5 OF THE MANUAL FOR SHEETING AND BRACING IN EXCAVATIONS. 8. GRAVITY SEWERS SHALL UTILIZE TYPE A BEDDING, IF REQUIRED BY THE COUNTY. BEDDING DEPTH SHALL BE 4'MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 15', AND 6' MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER 16' AND LARGER. 9. DEPTH FOR REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL GOVERN DEPTH OF BEDDING ROCK BELOW THE PIPE. COUNTY SHALL DETERMINE IN THE FIELD REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL TO REACH SUITABLE FOUNDATION. TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL - (FIG.101I SCHEDULE FOR THRUST BLOCK AREAS PIPE SIZE (INCHES) 90 BEND (SO FT) 45 BEND SO FT) 22-1/2 BEND (SO FT) 11-1/4 BEND (SO FT) TEE 8 PLUG (SO FT) DESIGN PRESS (PSI) 4 2.0 1.0 0.7 0.5 2.0 150 6 4.0 2.3 1.2 0.6 4.0 150 8 7.0 3.8 2.0 1.0 7.0 150 10 10.2 5.6 2.9 1.5 10.2 150 12 14.6 8.0 4.0 2.1 14.6 150 THRUST BLOCK DETAIL �I (FIG. 107) (FIG. 103) HOSE NOZZLE AS REOT. 12 -BLOWOFF VALVE I I PVC UNbER PAVEMENT I - NOTE. THRUST BLOCK AREAS TO BE COMPUTED ON BASIS OF LBS. PER SO. FT. SOIL RESTRAINT (1.500 MIN) BEARING. SEE NOTE 5 TO BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER. 4. 1HHUbI BLULKb bHALL 8E UbLU IN GUMBINAIIUN,AS AND COVER WI IH 3'UTAME1EH REQUIRED, TO SUITE THE SPECIFIC FITTING ARRANGEMENT. (TYPJ SET TOP OF VALVE BOX BRONZE DISC SET IN 5. ALTERNATE DESIGNED RESTRAINING SYSTEMS SHALL BE DOUBLE l�'PVC UNDER PVM'T. IMPROVED CONDTITION AGROUT BOVE, AS SHOWN PROVIDED WHERE STANDARD THRUST BLOCKING IS NOT TO FINISHED GRADE SUITABLE AND/OR SOIL RESISTANCE BEARING IS LESS NOTES: Li THAN 1500 PSF. 6. ALL WOOD BLOCKING SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED 1. BRONZE IDENTIFICATION DISC SHALL BE REOUIRED FOR ALL VALVES 161AND WITH PRESERVATIVE. LARGER,OR AS REOUIREO BY THE COUNTY FOR CRITICAL OFFSITE VALVES. 2. VALVE COLLAR DIMENSIONS MAY BE REDUCED TO 18'X 18'X 6' WHEN THE BRONZE IDENTIFICATION DISC IS NOT REQUIRED. (SEE DETAILS) NUT VALVE COLLAR DETAIL i THRUST BLOCK DETAIL �I (FIG. 107) (FIG. 103) HOSE NOZZLE AS REOT. METALLIC LOCATING WIRE FINISHED GRADE 0 I' MAX. PVC WATER MAIN OR FORCE MAIN ll MAX. METALLIC LOCATING WIRE NOTES: 1. PVC PIPE SHALL REQUIRE INSULATED METALLIC LOCATING WIRE (14 GAUGE COPPER)CAPABLE OF DETECTION BY A CABLE LOCATOR 2. AND SHALL BE BURIED DIRECTLY ABOVE THE CENTERLINE OF THE PIPE. LOCATING WIRE SHALL TERMINATE AT THE TOP OF EACH VALVE BOX 3. AND BE CAPABLE OF EXTENDING 12' ABOVE TOP OF BOX IN SUCH A MANNER SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH VALVE OPERATION. USE DUCT TAPE AS NECESSARY TO HOLD WIRE DIRECTLY ON THE TOP OF THE PIPE. PVC PIPE LOCA T ING WIRE DETAIL (FIG. 108) I 4T'ON NCH FITTING Y -FITTING U -BRANCH FITTING (i' x�' x�') (NOTE:U-BRANCH FITTINGS CURB STOP TO HAVE LOCKABLE WINGS) CO(SEE NOTE 3) CORPORATION STOP (1� MIN.) STMARK WITH WOOD PAINTED CURB STOP BLUE & WITH zLOT NUMBERS z m /////-MARK WITH WOOD PAINTED wBLUE &WITH LOT NUMBERS 0w 200 PSI POLY TUBING SOR9 TUBING SOR9 �- 2 -DOUBLE METER BOXES j AND WATER METER SINGLE METER BOX (SERVICE & IRRIGATION) AND WATER METER (BY ORANGE CO.) SINGLE SERVICE DOUBLE SERVICE CORPORATION STOP & FITTING (NORMALLY OPEN) AWWA TYPE TO METER BOX CC THREADS ASSEMBLY SADDLE 200 PSIPOLYETHYLENE 30-45 DEG. TUBING SDR9 (I' MIND r WATER MAIN j NOTES: 1. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE BRASS WITH COMPRESSION/PACK OR FLARED JOINT TYPE CONNECTIONS. 2. NO SERVICE LINE SHALL TERMINATE UNDER A DRIVEWAY. 3. EACH SERVICE SHALL TERMINATE AT A CURB STOP(S)WHICH SHALL BE BURIED APPROXIMATELY 3 -BELOW FINAL GRADE AND SHALL BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH A 2'X 2'X 18 -STAKE WITH THE TOP PAINTED BLUE AND MARKED WITH THE NUMBER OF THE LOT(S) TO BE SERVED. 4. METER BOX TOP SHALL BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH FINAL GRADE. si WATER SERVICE CONNECTION DETAILS (FIG. 405) <j ,I 1 -t i i The Contractor hereby cert/f/es to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing and the related details have been constructed as Indicated or as modlf/ed by the notes and graphics shown. Absent a note or graphic to the contrary, the Improvements have been constructed meet/ng Industry standard tolerances. Signed: Date: Authorized Contractor's Repr esentative CITY OF OCOEE WATER DETAILS I HAMPTON WOODS WESMERE VILLAGE II DATE c MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH9 SHEET 9 OF 9 i �I CADE AVH9PWD.001 ENCASE SINGLE SERVICE IN SET TOP OF VALVE BOX DOUBLE l�'PVC UNDER PVM'T. TO FINISHED GRADE LOTS (TYPJ SERVICE (TYPJ Li FINISHED GRADE CONCRETE COLLAR IN UNPAVED AREAS HYDRANT OPERATING -- PROPERTY ; �a (SEE DETAILS) NUT LINE (TYPJ ENCASE' SERVICESI IN 2' i �I HOSE NOZZLE AS REOT. 12 -BLOWOFF VALVE I I PVC UNbER PAVEMENT I - 24' SQUARE OR (SEE DETAIL) ROUND AND 6'THICK 1 PUMPER NOZZLE REINFORCED CONCRETE SEE NOTE 2 ADJUSTABLE CAST IRON SHEAR PAD. SEE FACING STREET VALVE BOX NOTE 2 - - - -VALVE COLLAR 2 - °4 AT 9' (SEE DETAIL) WATER MAIN I� O.C. ALL ( I (G'MINIMUM) BOX SHALL REST ON AROUNDz RESILIENT SEAT BEDDING ROCK NOT CD 200' PSI POLY' - - - - - -' - - - - - - - -- -j I ( w M.J.GATE VALVE ON VALVE OR PIPE 1 TUBING SOR97 AND SHALL BE ( I w PATNO COMPACTED I WATER MAIN UT CKFILDOERIIG M J HYDRANT w SEE NOTE 3 - } 12' MIN. 4' WATER �� - 4'x6' OR ' REDUCE4 I MAIN (MIN.) I - -1 - - - AT FITTINGS AS : HYDRANT ! REQUIRED (TYP.) I ((SEE NOT 11) _ - 6' BEDDING ROCK 1 I 6' BEDDING ROCK - -- ---- --- '----, - - - - - RIGHT OF WAY LINE -•-I �• 1 I - MJ ANCHORING COUPLING RESILIENT SEAT GATE T UTILITY ESM'T.(TYP.)1 VALVE AND BOX CURB (SEE DETAIL) WATER MAIN 2' (TYPJ - NOTES: 4 1. PVC EXTENSIONS SHALL NOT BE USED ON VALVE BOX INSTALLATION. NOTES: SIDEWALK (TYPJ 2 THE ACTUATING NUT FOR DEEPER VALVES `}HALL BE EXTENDED TO 1. FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITHOUT A WEEP HOLE, COME UP TO 4 FOOT DEPTH BELOW FINISHED GRADE. OR WITH A PERMANENTLY PLUGGED WEEP HOLE. - ' T - - "- RIGHT OF WAY LINE 2. THE DEVELOPER MAY INSTALL THE SHEAR PAD RECESSED UP TO 4 INCHES BELOW FINISHED GRADE AND SOD THE RECESSED SECTION. NOTES: 3. CLEARANCE BETWEEN BOTTOM OF BOLTS AND TOP OF SHEAR PAD 1. ANCHORING TYPE 90* BEND SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE RIGHT-OF-WAY GATE VALVE AND BOX DETAIL SHALL BE A 6' MINIMUM. CONSTRICTIONS WILL NOT ALLOW INSTALLATION OF A STRAIGHT ASSEMBLY. ALL HYDRANTS TO BE PAINTED OSHA YELLOW. (FIG. 4N)4. FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL WATER SERVICE LOCATION DETAIL (FIG. 40Z) (FIG. 404) r - h Aj U - - FIELDa METALLIC LOCATING WIRE FINISHED GRADE 0 I' MAX. PVC WATER MAIN OR FORCE MAIN ll MAX. METALLIC LOCATING WIRE NOTES: 1. PVC PIPE SHALL REQUIRE INSULATED METALLIC LOCATING WIRE (14 GAUGE COPPER)CAPABLE OF DETECTION BY A CABLE LOCATOR 2. AND SHALL BE BURIED DIRECTLY ABOVE THE CENTERLINE OF THE PIPE. LOCATING WIRE SHALL TERMINATE AT THE TOP OF EACH VALVE BOX 3. AND BE CAPABLE OF EXTENDING 12' ABOVE TOP OF BOX IN SUCH A MANNER SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH VALVE OPERATION. USE DUCT TAPE AS NECESSARY TO HOLD WIRE DIRECTLY ON THE TOP OF THE PIPE. PVC PIPE LOCA T ING WIRE DETAIL (FIG. 108) I 4T'ON NCH FITTING Y -FITTING U -BRANCH FITTING (i' x�' x�') (NOTE:U-BRANCH FITTINGS CURB STOP TO HAVE LOCKABLE WINGS) CO(SEE NOTE 3) CORPORATION STOP (1� MIN.) STMARK WITH WOOD PAINTED CURB STOP BLUE & WITH zLOT NUMBERS z m /////-MARK WITH WOOD PAINTED wBLUE &WITH LOT NUMBERS 0w 200 PSI POLY TUBING SOR9 TUBING SOR9 �- 2 -DOUBLE METER BOXES j AND WATER METER SINGLE METER BOX (SERVICE & IRRIGATION) AND WATER METER (BY ORANGE CO.) SINGLE SERVICE DOUBLE SERVICE CORPORATION STOP & FITTING (NORMALLY OPEN) AWWA TYPE TO METER BOX CC THREADS ASSEMBLY SADDLE 200 PSIPOLYETHYLENE 30-45 DEG. TUBING SDR9 (I' MIND r WATER MAIN j NOTES: 1. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE BRASS WITH COMPRESSION/PACK OR FLARED JOINT TYPE CONNECTIONS. 2. NO SERVICE LINE SHALL TERMINATE UNDER A DRIVEWAY. 3. EACH SERVICE SHALL TERMINATE AT A CURB STOP(S)WHICH SHALL BE BURIED APPROXIMATELY 3 -BELOW FINAL GRADE AND SHALL BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH A 2'X 2'X 18 -STAKE WITH THE TOP PAINTED BLUE AND MARKED WITH THE NUMBER OF THE LOT(S) TO BE SERVED. 4. METER BOX TOP SHALL BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH FINAL GRADE. si WATER SERVICE CONNECTION DETAILS (FIG. 405) <j ,I 1 -t i i The Contractor hereby cert/f/es to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing and the related details have been constructed as Indicated or as modlf/ed by the notes and graphics shown. Absent a note or graphic to the contrary, the Improvements have been constructed meet/ng Industry standard tolerances. Signed: Date: Authorized Contractor's Repr esentative CITY OF OCOEE WATER DETAILS I HAMPTON WOODS WESMERE VILLAGE II DATE c MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH9 SHEET 9 OF 9 i �I CADE AVH9PWD.001 t �� •` • co L O O U. CD "CaU ^W^�� .�. W U Q c r T" W co cop errs •� CU Y M/ c 17. X MaIntaln permanent temporary erosion control features (104-7) 56. Record Drawing: At th-_ end of construction, the Contractor stall provide one set of drawings showing ALL CHANGES marked In waterproof red with the follow - /8. This contract design has been approved by the OWNER Ing Contractor Certification executed on EACH SHEET: and regulatory agencies having an Interest In erosion control abatement. In Its final form the design meets or The Contractor. exceeds the minimum standards. All temporary erosion hereby certifies to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing and control features required during construction shall the related details have been constructed as Indicated or as modified by tte be constructed by the Contractor, and the cost thereof notes andgraphIcs shown. Absent a note or graphic to the contrary, the Im- Included In the Contract Sum as a regular obligation provements have been constructed meeting Industry standard tolerances. Incidental to the Work. C. During construction the Contractor Is to Install a turbidity screen along Signed.. Authorized Contractor's Representative Date: rear lot lines for a// lots abutting Conservation Areas D. The Contractor Is to submit an erosion control plan to the Clly of Ocoee 57. If will be the responsIbIlIfy of the Contractor(s) to Insure that all required for approval Prior to the preconstructlon meeting for thIs project- permits are obtained and are In hand at the job site prior to the commencement of constructlon. Contractor shall abide by all conditions contained therein. Permits E. The Contractor Is responsible for maintaining all erosion protection, espe- Included (but not necessarily limited to) ARE: clally In the Conservation Areas, during the entire construction process -Water Management District, Management and Storage of Surface Waters Including, repairs, etc. to prevent any siltation from entering these areas. -F.D.E.P. Water Distribution and F.D.E.P. Sewer Distribution -Local right-of-way use F. The Contractor Is responsible for providing and meeting o// requirements -Local underground utilities & conditions associated with the projects EPA-NPDES General Storrtwater -EPA-NPDES General Stormwater Permit Permit Including monitoring requirements. Contractor Is to designate prior to start or construction the responsible person for maintenance and report - 58. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting a// existing survey monumen- , Ing needs of the Pollution proventlon systems on site during the construe tatIon. Disturbed monumentallon shall be restored by a Florlda-/!tensed land tion phase of the project. surveyor selected by the Owner at the Contractor's expense. G. Prior to start of construction. the 'Contractor will provide a rope barricade of the Conservation JurlsdIctlonal Line so as to restrict a// access of any vehloal or person Into these areas 47. Each fire hydrant shall be OSHA -yellow In color. Blue reflective paveinerit markers shall be placed In the center of the driving lane In front of all Fire Hydrants. 46 Sanitary sewer shall be PVC SDR 35 or DIP class 50 (DIP shall be polyethe- lene-1/ned). 49. Contractor shat/vIsIt site to familiarize hImself with existing conditions prior to bid. FIELDS CADD'BYi ZM8 tes I bowvermsmil ton associa 26. The Interior street sidewalks will be constructed by the builder as the homes o6-wnw KJK REvIsE morE *47 As PER carCHECKED BY: RM INCORPORATED are built. 05-27-514 ZM8 REVISE NOTE 058 PER IN-HOUSE REVIEWCONSULTING ENGINEERING PLANNING LAND SURVEYING DESIGNED BY. Zma DATE BY DESCRIPTION 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE ORLANDO, FLORIDA 328 I SCALEs NONE (,q 0 7) 843-5120 REVISION WESMERE DATE s MARCH 1994 CITY OF OCOEE, FLA GEN ERALNOTES CRESTENLAKE - VILLAGE /0 JOB NO. AVH8 SHEET 2 OF If 1.14 LJ.'- A V 10U IN. U U I 45. It Is the Contractor's responsIbIlIty to obtain a copy of the Soil EngIneells I. All constructlon to conform with City of Ocoee standards and spec/f/datlons, 27. The Contractor 5/'X71/ Insure that proper soil densities are achieved for place the Soil Engtheoes requirements for .. soil preparatlon , on the site. Contractors I unless otherwise Waived -bythe City of Ocoee. Ment of � d// hbodwalilendwall f6otlngs, retaining wall footIngs, and In general, underdroln and pavement constructlon to Bowyer-SIngleton & Associates, Inc. any,, f doting' support described. on these plans. It will also be the responsIbl/W 2.- The Engineer lcerfffles that d// roadways were designed to the applicable of the Contractor to 'Insure that sufficient soils testing has been performed the next manhole with a /0' utility easement centered over the pipe and manhole.. standards, as set forth'by the, Cf ty, of Oc -ooe and the Florida Dopartment of prior to final Installafton Of Improvements.. motion within the report and these plans -, shall be reported to the Englneerl Transportatlon Manual of uniform standards for Design. Constructlon, and Owner. Bawyer-Slngleton & Associates, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the Maintenance for Streets and H101ways. 28. In other areas wh1ch require fill material the Contractor will str/p or otherwise -pec/fIcaffons contain fte results of plans andlor a solls survey, the contractor A The Contractor sha//provIde the Engineer 24 hour advance not/fIcation for remove o// vegetation such as brush. heavy sods, heavy growth of gross. decWed J. The Contractor shall coordinate o// ork w1th1n ex/stIng road, rIght-of-ways with vegetable matter, rubbish and any other deleterious material before embankment examination of the site and of any material sources Indicated In the plans to the City of Ocoee and FDOT. IS Started. Immediately prior to the placing Of fill materials. the entire area b. Connections to Existing Systems upon wh1ch fill Is to be placed, shall be scarified in a direction approximately 4. It will be, the respons/b/1W of the Contractor to acquire the necessary, Rfght-Of- parallel to the, axis of fill. The Solls Engineer shall approve the area prior to e. Inlet Top Pours (Reinforcing Steel Check) Way Permlf(s) and provide for the safety and control or local traffic during the placement of fill. Standards and SpecIfIcatlons for Road and Bridge Construction, 1986 construction. Edition. (FDOT Section 104) 29 During 'construction., no direct discharge of water to downstream receiving 5. The Contractor shall be responsible for meeting a// InspectIon criteria and waters will be allowed. The Contractor Is responsible for maintaining water 1, Asphalt Placement schedules, and for sinIng for sold Inspectlons. quality. and shall route discharge water In such a manner to adequately remove I. X Coordinate construction of temporary erosion control k. Final Observation Siltprior to runoff from the site. 6. All disturbed areas shall be seeded and mulch6d, GS. directed by the:-fleld accessible. (FDOT Sectlon 104-31 Engineer. Depending on the area, sodding may be required. 30. All Reinforced Concrete Ploo (RCP) shall be minimum Class 7. The Contractor shall be responsible for locating and verifying (horizontally and J/. All signs to be sIngle-mounted In accordance with FDOT Index No. 11862 (70 operations and construction of permanent erosion con- vertIcally) a// existing uffilffes prior to construction, and for notifying the mph wind loading) and FDOT Index No.173O2. measures shall be taken to Insure protection of groundwater and soil various ut/lIfy companies to make the necessary arrangements for any reloca- resources. 4. L/m/tatlon of exposure of erodible earth without tempor- t1on, temporary disruption of service, or clarIfIcaffon of activity regarding 32. Pavement markings shall be placed as shown In the plans and FDOT Roadway Engineer and submit Test Reports to Engineer prior to beginning work on sold utility. The Contractor shall exercise caution when crossing an under- and Traffic Design Standards (booklet dated January 1992) and the City of 5. X Temporary Grassing 1104-6.4.0 ground ut/lIfy, whether shown on these plans or field located All uff/Ifles which Ocoee Land Development RegulOtIons. and/or perform any actlon necessary to ensure that the Improvements have Interfere with the proposed construction shall be relocated by the respective been constructed In accordance with the plans and specifications. 7. X Temporary Mulching (104-6.4.4) utility companies and the Contractor shall cooperate with the utility company JJ. For a// sign details, refer to the 'Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices", results. during relocation operaftons. Ary delay or Inconvenience of the various utf/Mes published by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway AdmInistra- shall be Incidental to the contract and no extra compensaflon will be allowed. flon -1978 (ANSI No. D6J-19831. 8. The locations of all existing utIlItles, storm drainage systems, and topographlo 34. All stormwater pipe lengths Include mitered end sectlons. 10. Sediment BosIns (104-&4.7) features shown on the plans have been determined from the best available 35. All excavatlons wIth1n /0 feet of the travelled roadway must be filled w1th1n 24 55. Addresses: Information and are provided for the convenience of the Contractor. The, hours.. by days end or heavily barricaded per FDOT Standards. Engineer assumes no responsibility for their Inaccuracy. Should a discrepancy /J. X Baled Hay or Straw (104-6.4J01 Heathrow, Florida 32746-5033 (407) 646--6.300 arise between these'plons and actual field pond/tIons, which would appreciably J6. All water mains to be laid with a max. of J6N cover. Any deeper cut must be 14. X Temporary Silt Fences and Staked Silt Barriers affect the execution of these plans, the Contractor will halt (7/1 construction, and approved by the city Of Ocoee. 1675 Lee Road (407) 339-1811 notify the, Engineer Immedlately. Winter Park. Florida 32790 Coble TV Cablevision Industries 9. Water and wastewater service shall be provided by the City of Ocoee., The: 37. All water ser-4/ces under pavement shall be encased In Z diameter PVC sleeves. Water/ City of Ocoee Winter Garden, Florlda 34767 water distribution system shown on, these plans shall be Installed by the All services shall be stubbed -up between the curb and sidewalk. See detall sheet Contractor and shall conform with the City of Ocoee standards. for more.Informatlon. /0. The Contractor shall not excavate remove, or otherwise disturb any material. 38. All rear lots abutt/hg the conservation area shall be sodded with Bohla sod structure, or part of a structure which Is, located outside the lines, grades, or from' natural ground (NG) to the first high point on the Lot and Block Grading grading sections established for this project, , except where such excavation or Plan. The sodding shall occur Immediately after completlon of the lot grading. removal Is provided for In the contract, plans, or specifications. 39. Uffilty Crossings. - All work and a// materials furnished shall be reasonably close In conformW with the lines. grades, grading sectlons. cross sectlons, dimensions. material A Where Water mains must cross reuse *malns, force mains, sanitary and requirements, and testing requirements that are specified In the 'contract, plans storm sewers, when a minimum, clearance. of 180 and a minimum cover of or specIfIcatlons. X -O' cannot be maintained, the water main shall be constucted of mecha- n1cal ductile Iron pipe providing a minimum of 21-6' cover and a 6" m1n1­ 12. Provislons for the maintenance and management of the common areas, walls, mum clearance between the, water main and the other ut/lIfy. One full and landscaping facilities will be Included In Covenants and Homeowner"s length of duct/le Iron plpe shall be centered at the point of crossing. Duo- ASSOCIOtIon Agreements. tile Iron PIP& shall continue ontl/ a minimum of X -O` cover can be attained by pipe deflection. The Contractor Is to minimize the removal of vegetaflon to the greatest extent practical. B. Where there Is no alternative to sewer plpes crossing over a water main,, 14. The, Contractor shall be responsible for the malritenance* of a// landscape the sewer shall be constructed of mechanical joint ductile Iron pipe for /0 buffers, retention and detention facilities until the work has been accepted by feet each side of the water main crossing. One full length of ductile Iron the Owner. A// disturbed areas shall be returned to their original condition. pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing. Provide for a minimum of 18' clearance between water and sewer. NO CONCRETE ENCASEMENT 15. Prior to commencing work the Contractor shall furnish, erect and maintain a/I will be allowed. barricades, warning signs,, and markings for hazards and the control of C. The lateral separation between force mains, sanitary and storm sewers, . traffIc necessary to protect the public and the work. The Contractor shall be 'In and water mains shall not be less than /0 feet. If this separation cannot reasonable conformity with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for be molrftalned. then either of the two pipes shall be constructed of ductile Streets and Highways or as directed by the City of Ocoee Traffic Engineer. Iron pipe with pressure -tight joIrff. NO ENCASEMENT Of the sanitary such as to effectively prevent accidents In a// places where the work causes sewer or water will be allowed obstructions to the normal traffic or constitutes In any way a hazord to the public. D. TestIng Contractor to test o// water mains as per the following.- Hydrostatic test 16 The Contractor shat/ control his operations and tInse of his subcontractors, I per AWWA-0600 (or M231 Standard, and disinfection of water main per and o// suppliers to assure the least Inconvenience to the traveling publIc. . The AWWA-0651. Contractor shall maintain free and unobstructed movement of vehicular traffic and shall limit his operations for the safety and convenienceI of the traveling E. Reuse water mains shall maintain a 5 foot (center to center) separation or public. Under a// circumstances, safety shall be the most Important conalderatlon.. 3 feet edge to edge from domestic water mains. 17. The Contractor shall comply with a// legal load restrIctlons In the hauling of F. All water bypasses shall be constructed of ductile Iron pipe and shall be materials In publIq roads beyond the limits of the work.'A special permit will tle-rodded back to a "dead-morf anchor on both sides of the main not relieve the Contractor of liability for the damage which may result from the G. Where ductile Iron pipe Is required for water mains, It shall conform to moving of material and equipment. ANSI/AWWA A21.51IC151. A minimum thIckness of Class 50 per ANSI/ AWWA shall be supplled, /8. Fire protection shall be provided In accordance with Section 7-3.2 of the City of Ocoee Land Development Regulations. H. All water services referenced with RDR9 Service Poly" shall be PE3046 materials. DR9 (PC 200) for polyflylene tubing per AWWA C901 19. Compact 0// Utility trenches within roadways to 98% of the Modified Proctor Maximum Density Within first 2 foot and w1th1n other areas to 95Y.. I. Water mains shall comply with AWWA standards and a// p1pes shall bear the NSF logo and o// PVC pipe shall be C900-DR18. 20. After the roadway has been constructed to subgrade. It shall be proof -rolled to assure that proper compactlon has been attained. The proof-rol/Ing and com- 40. Sanitary force main pipes shall be AWWA C900 DR25 Class /00 (100psl). pactlon operations shall be ' Inspected and tested by a Florida licensed Soils Engineer to assure that the specified compaction Is maintained and a// 44 All lots adjacent to Wesmere Parkway shall have access rights dedicated to the deleterious material has been removed. CW Of Ocoee. 21. All water main fittIngs, valves, restraints, couplings.- pipe and In general those 42. The Contractor shall submit a// shop drawings to the Engineer for final oonfor- materials required for Installing the water supply system, shall comply with mance, with the standards. minimum material standards, ratings and classIfIcatlons established by the C/ty Of Ocoee. 43. The Contractor shall be responsible with complying with 0// federal, state and local laws and regulations controlling pollution of the environment. 22. The FDOT Roodway and Traffic Design Standards (booklet dated January 1992) to be used for drainage _structures. Statlon offsets are to the center/Ine 44. Existing contours shown represent mass grading. Wet season groundwater of the Inlet or manhole top. elevations are equal to or greater than /8' below bottom of pavement base, 23. Install valve boxes with a// valves. Valve boxes under pavement shall have traffic - bearing covers. 24. InapectIons must be scheduled with 46 hours advance notification. 25. No Inspection on weekends or after 4.00 pm. Monday through Friday.Burled lines shall be opened to Insure proper joint connections. 17. X MaIntaln permanent temporary erosion control features (104-7) 56. Record Drawing: At th-_ end of construction, the Contractor stall provide one set of drawings showing ALL CHANGES marked In waterproof red with the follow - /8. This contract design has been approved by the OWNER Ing Contractor Certification executed on EACH SHEET: and regulatory agencies having an Interest In erosion control abatement. In Its final form the design meets or The Contractor. exceeds the minimum standards. All temporary erosion hereby certifies to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing and control features required during construction shall the related details have been constructed as Indicated or as modified by tte be constructed by the Contractor, and the cost thereof notes andgraphIcs shown. Absent a note or graphic to the contrary, the Im- Included In the Contract Sum as a regular obligation provements have been constructed meeting Industry standard tolerances. Incidental to the Work. C. During construction the Contractor Is to Install a turbidity screen along Signed.. Authorized Contractor's Representative Date: rear lot lines for a// lots abutting Conservation Areas D. The Contractor Is to submit an erosion control plan to the Clly of Ocoee 57. If will be the responsIbIlIfy of the Contractor(s) to Insure that all required for approval Prior to the preconstructlon meeting for thIs project- permits are obtained and are In hand at the job site prior to the commencement of constructlon. Contractor shall abide by all conditions contained therein. Permits E. The Contractor Is responsible for maintaining all erosion protection, espe- Included (but not necessarily limited to) ARE: clally In the Conservation Areas, during the entire construction process -Water Management District, Management and Storage of Surface Waters Including, repairs, etc. to prevent any siltation from entering these areas. -F.D.E.P. Water Distribution and F.D.E.P. Sewer Distribution -Local right-of-way use F. The Contractor Is responsible for providing and meeting o// requirements -Local underground utilities & conditions associated with the projects EPA-NPDES General Storrtwater -EPA-NPDES General Stormwater Permit Permit Including monitoring requirements. Contractor Is to designate prior to start or construction the responsible person for maintenance and report - 58. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting a// existing survey monumen- , Ing needs of the Pollution proventlon systems on site during the construe tatIon. Disturbed monumentallon shall be restored by a Florlda-/!tensed land tion phase of the project. surveyor selected by the Owner at the Contractor's expense. G. Prior to start of construction. the 'Contractor will provide a rope barricade of the Conservation JurlsdIctlonal Line so as to restrict a// access of any vehloal or person Into these areas 47. Each fire hydrant shall be OSHA -yellow In color. Blue reflective paveinerit markers shall be placed In the center of the driving lane In front of all Fire Hydrants. 46 Sanitary sewer shall be PVC SDR 35 or DIP class 50 (DIP shall be polyethe- lene-1/ned). 49. Contractor shat/vIsIt site to familiarize hImself with existing conditions prior to bid. FIELDS CADD'BYi ZM8 tes I bowvermsmil ton associa 26. The Interior street sidewalks will be constructed by the builder as the homes o6-wnw KJK REvIsE morE *47 As PER carCHECKED BY: RM INCORPORATED are built. 05-27-514 ZM8 REVISE NOTE 058 PER IN-HOUSE REVIEWCONSULTING ENGINEERING PLANNING LAND SURVEYING DESIGNED BY. Zma DATE BY DESCRIPTION 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE ORLANDO, FLORIDA 328 I SCALEs NONE (,q 0 7) 843-5120 REVISION WESMERE DATE s MARCH 1994 CITY OF OCOEE, FLA GEN ERALNOTES CRESTENLAKE - VILLAGE /0 JOB NO. AVH8 SHEET 2 OF If 1.14 LJ.'- A V 10U IN. U U I 45. It Is the Contractor's responsIbIlIty to obtain a copy of the Soil EngIneells 50. All streets to be private and maIntalned by the Homeowner's Associctlon. An report for th(a project from from and Associates, -Inc. and meet easement will begranted to the City over and across al/ private roadways for the Soil Engtheoes requirements for .. soil preparatlon , on the site. Contractors I access by emergency and maintenance vehicles per the Flat. Soils Engineer shall cerfffy al site, uffilty, and roadway compa ctIon as well as underdroln and pavement constructlon to Bowyer-SIngleton & Associates, Inc. 51. Any sanitary sewer system built for phosIng of the project shall have a /0, sta- Geotechn/cal recommendations are,, not the respons/b/tt -Singleton I & y of Bowyer bIlIzed access road over the line and shall be constructed to and Including Associates, Inc. Ba*yer-Slngleton & Associates. Inc. has rolled on the refererroed the next manhole with a /0' utility easement centered over the pipe and manhole.. geotechnIcal report In the preparation of these plans. Any conflict between Infor- motion within the report and these plans -, shall be reported to the Englneerl 52. The Final Subdivision Plan Is subject to the approved FInal Development Plan. Owner. Bawyer-Slngleton & Associates, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the correctness, completeness or accuracy of the geotechnIcal Information. When the 5J. Miscellaneous Engineer Notifications -pec/fIcaffons contain fte results of plans andlor a solls survey, the contractor A The Contractor sha//provIde the Engineer 24 hour advance not/fIcation for shall not construe such data as d guarantee of the depth, extent or charactor of the following construction and observation activities: material present. It Is the responsibility of the contrator to make any necessary a. Sanitary Sewer LampIng and T.V. Inspection examination of the site and of any material sources Indicated In the plans to Inform hImself of the cond/tIons under which the work Is to be performed. b. Connections to Existing Systems c. Thrust Block Pours and Restraint Connections 46. Erosion Control Notes d. Storm Drainage LampIng A- Provide effective temporary and permanent erosion control Following the e. Inlet Top Pours (Reinforcing Steel Check) requirements In Sectlon 104 of the State Department of Transportation f. Water & Force Main Pressure Tests Standards and SpecIfIcatlons for Road and Bridge Construction, 1986 g. Bacteriological Sampling Edition. (FDOT Section 104) h. Base Observation & Sounding B. Control features, methods and conditions Included In this contract Include the following as Indicated by X In blank: 1, Asphalt Placement J. Pre-Flnol Observation I. X Coordinate construction of temporary erosion control k. Final Observation features with permanent erosion control features. B. The Contractor shall keep DAILY "A&-Bullr drawings and make them readily 2. X Control operatlons which may result In Water P . oflutlon. accessible. (FDOT Sectlon 104-31 C. Prior to the start of construction the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer a project construction schedule (Bar Graph) and update J. X Provide schedule for clearIng and grubbing, earthwork sold schedule on a monthly basis. operations and construction of permanent erosion con- D. Any fuel storage areas shall haveprior owners approval and appropriate trot features and proposed use of temporary erosion measures shall be taken to Insure protection of groundwater and soil control features. (FDOT Section 104-51 resources. 4. L/m/tatlon of exposure of erodible earth without tempor- E. The Contractor shall coordinate a// backfI11 operations with the Resident Solis ary or permanent control features Is S.F. (FDOT Sectlon 104-6J I ) Engineer and submit Test Reports to Engineer prior to beginning work on the next Item of work, Ie. subgrade prior to curb. 5. X Temporary Grassing 1104-6.4.0 F. The Engineer reserves the right to require the Contractor 'to uncover, retest and/or perform any actlon necessary to ensure that the Improvements have 6. X Temporary Sod (104-6.4-3) been constructed In accordance with the plans and specifications. 7. X Temporary Mulching (104-6.4.4) G. The Contractor shall provide B.S.A. with a copy of the sanitary sewer TV results. 8. - Sandbagging (104-6.4.5 54. Any discrepancy between the dimensions and measurements stDwn on the plans and the actual field condition shall Immediately be brought to the Engineer's 9. - Slope Drains (104-6.4B) attention. Failure to do so, and to continue construction, shall make the Contrac- tor completely liable for whatever errors and/or problems that may subsequently 10. Sediment BosIns (104-&4.7) orlse. /1. Artificial Coverings (104-6.4-8) 55. Addresses: /2..X.. Berms (104-6.4-9) owner Arvidalima Partners Electric Florida Power Corporatlon /20 InternationalParkway. suite ?_zo 1150 Orange AveWlntar ParkFlorlda /J. X Baled Hay or Straw (104-6.4J01 Heathrow, Florida 32746-5033 (407) 646--6.300 /_JJJ_/OOO TaleptDns United Telephone Service 14. X Temporary Silt Fences and Staked Silt Barriers Soils Professional Service Industries. Inc. 850 E. Altamonte Drive Engineer Jamfnal& Associates D/vIslon Altamonte springs. Florida (104-6.4JI) 1675 Lee Road (407) 339-1811 Winter Park. Florida 32790 Coble TV Cablevision Industries 15. X FloatIng Silt Barriers (104-6.4J2) (407)645-5560 32 E.Gypress Street Water/ City of Ocoee Winter Garden, Florlda 34767 16. X Remove temporary erosion control features (104-6.5) Wastewater 150 N. Lakeshore Drive (407) 656-8035 Mr. Bill kyar Ocoee, Florida 34761 (407) 656-2322 17. X MaIntaln permanent temporary erosion control features (104-7) 56. Record Drawing: At th-_ end of construction, the Contractor stall provide one set of drawings showing ALL CHANGES marked In waterproof red with the follow - /8. This contract design has been approved by the OWNER Ing Contractor Certification executed on EACH SHEET: and regulatory agencies having an Interest In erosion control abatement. In Its final form the design meets or The Contractor. exceeds the minimum standards. All temporary erosion hereby certifies to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing and control features required during construction shall the related details have been constructed as Indicated or as modified by tte be constructed by the Contractor, and the cost thereof notes andgraphIcs shown. Absent a note or graphic to the contrary, the Im- Included In the Contract Sum as a regular obligation provements have been constructed meeting Industry standard tolerances. Incidental to the Work. C. During construction the Contractor Is to Install a turbidity screen along Signed.. Authorized Contractor's Representative Date: rear lot lines for a// lots abutting Conservation Areas D. The Contractor Is to submit an erosion control plan to the Clly of Ocoee 57. If will be the responsIbIlIfy of the Contractor(s) to Insure that all required for approval Prior to the preconstructlon meeting for thIs project- permits are obtained and are In hand at the job site prior to the commencement of constructlon. Contractor shall abide by all conditions contained therein. Permits E. The Contractor Is responsible for maintaining all erosion protection, espe- Included (but not necessarily limited to) ARE: clally In the Conservation Areas, during the entire construction process -Water Management District, Management and Storage of Surface Waters Including, repairs, etc. to prevent any siltation from entering these areas. -F.D.E.P. Water Distribution and F.D.E.P. Sewer Distribution -Local right-of-way use F. The Contractor Is responsible for providing and meeting o// requirements -Local underground utilities & conditions associated with the projects EPA-NPDES General Storrtwater -EPA-NPDES General Stormwater Permit Permit Including monitoring requirements. Contractor Is to designate prior to start or construction the responsible person for maintenance and report - 58. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting a// existing survey monumen- , Ing needs of the Pollution proventlon systems on site during the construe tatIon. Disturbed monumentallon shall be restored by a Florlda-/!tensed land tion phase of the project. surveyor selected by the Owner at the Contractor's expense. G. Prior to start of construction. the 'Contractor will provide a rope barricade of the Conservation JurlsdIctlonal Line so as to restrict a// access of any vehloal or person Into these areas 47. Each fire hydrant shall be OSHA -yellow In color. Blue reflective paveinerit markers shall be placed In the center of the driving lane In front of all Fire Hydrants. 46 Sanitary sewer shall be PVC SDR 35 or DIP class 50 (DIP shall be polyethe- lene-1/ned). 49. Contractor shat/vIsIt site to familiarize hImself with existing conditions prior to bid. FIELDS CADD'BYi ZM8 tes I bowvermsmil ton associa 26. The Interior street sidewalks will be constructed by the builder as the homes o6-wnw KJK REvIsE morE *47 As PER carCHECKED BY: RM INCORPORATED are built. 05-27-514 ZM8 REVISE NOTE 058 PER IN-HOUSE REVIEWCONSULTING ENGINEERING PLANNING LAND SURVEYING DESIGNED BY. Zma DATE BY DESCRIPTION 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE ORLANDO, FLORIDA 328 I SCALEs NONE (,q 0 7) 843-5120 REVISION WESMERE DATE s MARCH 1994 CITY OF OCOEE, FLA GEN ERALNOTES CRESTENLAKE - VILLAGE /0 JOB NO. AVH8 SHEET 2 OF If 1.14 LJ.'- A V 10U IN. U U I . - . NOTE LEGAL DESCRI SITE DATA PTION _ LEGEND Ifs, AT ALL. CORNER AND WHERE APPLICAB S ; AND CONSERVATION AREAS WILL H LE, IDIEWALKS SHALL HAVE ACCESS RAMPS %ALL OPEN SPACE TRACTS. RETENTION AREAS. S . EX/ST/NG E ST Co _ CTED..TO 1 EXISTING ZONING PUD DESCRIPTION Xl PROPOSED STREETS WILL STRU AC1G'OMATE THOSE N WHEELCHAIRS OR THOSE WHO ARE OWNED AND °MAINTAINED 8Y THE MEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION.N BE tb_ _ J MM CO COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST _ _ HW ST CORNER R F E R E O THEN ORTHEAST OF T PHYS/CALLY:CHALLE GE' HE I ON N a A550C AT1 I'llHO EO'WNER'S _ / AI ED >BY THE M OWNED AND MA/NT N BE OW _ PLANNED USE SiN LE F - - - - _ E G AM/LY RESIDENTIAL �-- ..._ NORTHWEST OF SECTION 3/ TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH RANG 8 ,, / 1.4 E 2 EAST" N _ . .. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM , . Ru SOO 34 8•W J 2 ALONG N THE WEST UN E 0 THE NO F NORTH EAS F O T - D ` /4 HE 17: SITE HA5 BEEN MAS GRADE • NO CUTS & , F/LLS ARE ANTICIPATED OTHER _- ASEMENT ,FOR TRACT - D' AS PREPARED ' BY THE E S A _CONSERYATbN/DI4AlNAGE E GROSS SfTE AREA /3.320 AC. O S R / STORM EWE SYSTEM NORTHWEST - . OF SAND SECTION l 3 A DISTANCE O E F I 1355.68 FEET FOR TH /N LUT '`GR ' G DURING : HOUSE,, CON . T /4 E R A Cl!?',SHALL'BE ::EXECUTED. BY THE OWNER AND RECORDED PRIOR :TO OR AT AN M - AWN IX/ G H CONSTRUCTION. HERE ARE NO U IT i F TOTAL N S 23 - - PO NTD BEGINN/NG T TREES ON SITE. -D4- HENCE DEPARTING SAND WEST UNE. RUN N89.27 49"E WATER SYSTEM THE ,TIME OF PLATTING.1. .- A DI ANC OF ;_ ST E 707.62 FE - H , , ET, T ENCS RUN N72'S7 29°E A D . !STANCE OF ` ': GROSS DENSITY ` /73 - DU/AC TO PROVIDED FLORIDA CORPORATION. W . - . TIME OF I8. STREET LIGHTING BE RCN BY OWWATER.. 539.5/ FEET TO A PO DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR TRACT W MUST BE RECORDED ATINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY HAV/NG A CENTRAL J. A _F/RE HYDRANT NT AL S R D R PROT C'TION TO BE ROV/DED BY HE 'CITY OF ` 000EE. - - - - tIA+E . AN Fl E E P T CONSERVAT/ON :AREA 7.58 AC. ANGIO of 38 38'rl' AND A RADIUS OF 88458 FEET SAND POINT O PLATT/NG. - ALS LYING ---- N HE WESTERLY Rl G -OF-W Y CONTOURHT A UNE OF WESMERE PARKWAY `. AS RECORDED 9. STREET LIGHTS SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE DEVELOPER PRIOR TO CERTF NET SITE AREA 5.74 AC. . ALL UTILITY AND WALL EASEMENTS' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. WILL' BE OWNED f IN PLAT BOOK 3/ PAGES 57-58 UFLORIDA- ..P BUG RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY O FATlON OF COMPLETION AT IS EXPENSE AND THE COST OF ,OPERATION WILL . FL RIDA, AND Al:41NTA/NED BY THE 1NDNlDUAL LOT :OWNERS WITH EASEMENT RIGHTS TO H DRAINAGE STRUCTURE D3 THENCE FROM A TANGENT BEARING OF S06'33 45"W RUN SOUTHERLY G NET DENSrIY 4A0 DU/AC ERL ALONG E E , TH PRF ONE YEAR FROM T APPROVED DA . THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OF OCOEE. B ASSUMED D BY E DEVELO E OR F HE PROVE TE THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE A DISTANCE ,: .. - OF THE ;CERTIFICATION. MIN. LOT SIZE 5500 S.F. $ SANITARY STRUCTURE 4 , OF 596.53 FEET TO THE E POINT OF TANGENCY THENCE DEPARTING 5. THE CRY t5 SUBJECT'. TO THE TERMS. PROVISIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF E ARTING SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE RUN S32'04 32'E A D T ER HAS CREATED A MASTER M NER'S ASSOCIATION MIN. LOT WIDTH 50' /STANCE OF 2433 FEET FLORIDA STATUTES CHAPTER 163 CONCERNING MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE 20. HE DEVELOP EA � EOW : LOT NUMBER 8 THENCE N89.25 32°E, A DISTANCE OF 139678 FEET TO PO _ A !NT ON THE TTY HAS N0 'LAW THROUGH .INCORPORATION. UNDER FLORIDA LAW FOR THE :OWNERSHIP' AND _ OF BUILDING PERMR'S UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. THE C MIN. FLOOR AREA /400 S.F. 1 WEST UNE OF THE EAST /z OF THE NORTHWEST 4 OF SAID SECTION SELF FROM THE APPLE MAINTENANCE OF `TRACT °A; TRACT 'By 'CO.TRACT 'D', TRACT •E' AND - - ...- - - / FUL AUTHORITY TO, EXEMPT ANY PRIVATE ENTRY, OR !r S�IRWMD/ACOS WETLAND UNE 31- THENCE N00• ' ' - SUCH ATE 'LEG/SLATiON AND NOTHING HEREIN SHALL CONST ALL STREETS /N THE SUBDIVISION. `, MAX. BLDG. COVERAGE 2576/. OF NET SITE AREA _ , E 34 28°E. A DISTANCE OF 4/3.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF CATION OF S H 5T BEGINNING. DERED AS SUCH AN EXEMPTION. I 1.PJ. STORMWATER LINES WILL TIE TO EXISTING STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AVERAGE DAILY TR/PS 230 SET BACKS CONTAINING !3320 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 6. EACH FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE OSHA YELLOW /N COLOR. A BLUE REFLECTNE W/TH/N WESMERE I OPEN SPACE 8J6 AC. !6126X1 MARKER SHALL BE AFFIXED TO THE `STREET IN THE CENTER LANE' CLOSEST P2 PRIOR TO THE APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS.OR ANY PORTION THEREOF, THE S610OL AGE POPULATION /4 To EACH frrDRAnn: BENCHMARKS APPUCANT/OWNER WILL NEED' TO APPLY FOR AND OBTAIN EITHER A CERTIFICATE FRONT 20' 7. THE FEMA /00 ' YR. FLOOD LINE ENCROACHES INTO THIS SITE. THE DEVELOPER . OF VESTING AND/OR A ' FINAL CERTIFICATE OF : CONCURRENCY PURSUANT' TO THE 100 YR. FLOOD ELEVATION ` 124.6 FROM FEMA AND OCOEE ,LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE NEITHER' THE REV/LW OF 'THE PROJECT BY , REAR 20' WILL APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE A LETTER OF MAP AMENDMENT M MAX. BLDG. HEIGHT 35 l2 STORlES1 1. NORTH MANHOLE RIM r PJ. AT CENTERLINE OF WESMERE PARKWAY & A BASE FLOOD ELEVATION (BFE) WILL BE ESTABLISHED AND APPROVED BY FEMA THE CITY NOR THE GRAAi17N0 OF ANY APPROVALS IN , CONNECTION WITH SUCH , PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL REVIEW, SHALL BE CONSTRUED TO GRANT THE APPLICANT/OWNER Ahs' ENT?1F SIDE 5 WESCUFF DRIVE ELEV. 125.42 ME TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE OF VESTING OR A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF � � STREET SIDE 20' 2. NAIL AND DISK PJ. CENTERLINE OF WESMERE PARKWAY & SPRING B. THIS PLAN /S BE/NG APPROVED UNDER VESTED RIGHTS CERTIFICATION Na CONCURRENCY WITH RESPECT' TO ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE PROJECT OR TO . MEADOW LANE ELEV. /27.00 CV�3-0I. CREATE ANY EXEMPTION' FROM THE PROVISIONS'OF ARTLE IX OF THE OCOEE NOTE. MINIMUM /O'SEPARATION BETWEEN HOMES LAND DEVELOPMENT' CODE • o PREVENT OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC. DEV 9. NO PARKING° SIGNS W/LL BE PLACED T - �. / ° : STREETS. 23:' OPEN 'SPACE - (TRACT •A'1 TO BE SEEDED AND MULCHED AND TREES ARE TO \ - K7� 25 MPH' SPEED ZONE SIGNS TO BE ON ALL \ -- - -- - - - - - - BE PLANTED EVERY 50 FEET AROUND THE PERIMETER. IN ADDITION. THIS AREA ' - - - - , - _ - - - ` • � ` t t ( I i ; l 1 I , . \ - :..-- e it I I I 1 ESS EASEMENTS . TO TO BE FULLY IRRIGATED, , r / ll. THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION WILL GRANT STREET ACC . � •-- _ _. -_ - - - X. INV. 117_ ♦ / ' , THE CITY OF OCOEE FOR EMERGENCY. AND MAINTENANCE PURPOSES AT TIME FUTURE ; H 24. PARK CTRACT E°) TO BE :SEEDED AND MULCHED AND TREES ARE TO BE PLANTED , 1; rr : .I II ; (r I , , , , OF PLAT RECORDING. - �_ -_ - - I EVERY 'So FEET . ARIXtNO THE" EAST WEST --AND SOUTH` PERIMETER OF THE SITE. - . _ - � _ _ %ESMERE VILLAGE 11 I r I , `' r ;fr' 1 EXCEED THE 100 YR. FLOOD ELEVATION 11 _ _ r IP_ ALL HOUSE. PAD ELEVATIONS SHALL -- �_ ` _ - -.._ _ \ ', (UNPLA7 ED) ,-, , , ; BY A M!NlMUM OF ONE FOOT: - 2� THE` UFT STATION SITE SHALL BE .CONVEYED TD THE CRY PR/OR TO OR' AT - ._ _ _----:,.",It, -- ._ .. ,, ` - _ ._ _. S� - _. _....:. -. _ r , I r , THE TIME OF PLATTING BY WARRENTY 'DEED /N THE FORM AND SUBSTANCE ` \ - .`_' I , I - - - - \ ' 1, REMOVE XIST. PLUG. CONNEI,"T 8' FORCEMAIN f STA/3 /9rOCx /22' RT.% IDE THAT T THE -UFT STATION SITE I r \ , 2 EXIST. 48 R.0 P. S ' ` - i 11 l3. THE STORMWATER''MANAGEMENT PLAN IS CONSISTENT` WITH CITY OF OCOEE & SATISFACTORY TO THE CITY WITH TITLE EVIDENCE A " ` + : 1 1 - - - SlASAN 'M.H.' r ' � I 1 \ f - . -'-' APP PRATE JOINDER AND CONSENTS WILL BE PROVIDED. , ' r , .... - \ ,, - `- ` - ; : i ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS PER PERMIT !S ENCUMBERED OR THE RO , , TOP EL /27.60 , - � -., '' - , ; -- r F,, ,, 11, `- 1 4.095-0343 \r11 INV57 \ T Na B& THE 2T UTILITY EASEMENT & '`35' DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHALL BE FOR THE ! ' + r M N - ' , .- _. - = t / i f i { r . 1 / r • \ �/ • , 1 , II r .- SILT FENCE POST Ln (INCLINE POST 20'TOWARDS FLOW) T FENCE _ r l SIL _ r - FABRIC � i I HAY BALE W/STAKE ...... r LLJ .. .. - , _ XlsTinlc FLOW WESMERE VILLAGE. I/ E L 1 I 1 r GROUND DIRECTION IUNP TTE w / / X. M RI i 1 A E SANDE %VG S DEW LfC Z / _ r 1 �� , _ - + _ ..� - � r • - - FOOT APPROVED TEMPORARY SILT FENCE PRE ASSEMBLED IN /00' ROLLS _ ---- 11 111 1 '� ., - .. -. �..• _ r r ,t _ � I UTILIZING 2' X 2' X 4 WOODEN POSTS 0 8 C/C MAX, w/3 OF 'WOVEN .z,I y _ , 1 T N - . GEO EXTlLE MATER/AL MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF SEC.985 4. � - / , _ _ _ \ f r -� � - � � . � + � SIMILAR & .EQUAL TO THAT SUPPLIED BY FIFEPIPE CO.OF TAMPA FLA 1 FEMA IOD YR. FLOOD , NOTES: � ``- ► 3 D A/NAGE EASEMENT eouNDaRr � I 1 , , , , � ♦ ,' _ _ ,� - � .. 1 � 1 CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE AS FOLLOWS. I. SILT FENCES SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH 1 , r , , _ -- , _ r ► �. , - (I ` ` �` \ � _ '' _ '- -- -.. RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL I H M AT ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE ADE IMMEDIATELY MIN. +,•+ r t r t t t \ „a - - - - CJ - I yy I 2 -SHOULD THE FABRIC DECOMPOSE OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE PRIOR--- _ ,4 � TO THE END OF TTS USE.IT SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY. 3:I 3f� 5.1 - - 727./ 2as r I ; . _ _ N.G. ' - - F.F. 129 ,�•p i I I I 1 r _ I_ 3SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH STORM EVENT. EN19- S/LT FENCE \ - 1 ( 4.AM' SEDIMENT DEPOSITS LEFT IN PLACE AFTER THE SILT FENCE D TO CONFORM WITH T _- _`_ � � � r r+�-+ r--•-" � II �II ' I I ( "' -� 1 _-.. !S NO LONGER REQUIRED SHALL BE DRESSED ORM HE , ` �. ` ` _ \ ♦ r �, I I I FINISHED GRADE. PREPARED AND SEEDED. t� - - 7275` \ a- `FF. 28' - - -�� " I REAR LOT GRADING ♦ i FOR LOTS �, j �� .\�,S A 11 II I may\ , - - r � -, - ,�,. @ . , j lr�%.% ' � ` � i , -� \-- i I TYPICAL SILT FENCE DETAIL ALONG CONSERVATION q ON AREA r1`y1 5 - _ _ �- - - -I EXIST. RETENTION' �� ,,.}�_�r ,r it I' III ,\ \\ C `� \ / / —J r - %��. `� i- ,•- 12Tr0 ,q ,.' 'I' ` .F.128. _ II i Il I I i %\ ' /' F.F.19 � 1277 Ir III i I 1 i POND 60 \�%\%\%� ♦�,% / \m , \ /265 , ` `\ /257 11 III '%' TOP EL. 125.0 /0 /26Fie. BOTTOM EL. //0.0 \%\"%%%%\\%```\%%'\% `� l S A of/�// J ,253 li i ' 11 1 1 1 D.N.W. EL. 122.0 1 0 �� `,� � ` '7265 ii 9 4 /0 YR/24 HR D.H.W. EL. 123.8 MITIGATION AREA , •�, •Y Ng\ . F.F l29 %/o,,% �® : ! �i�+npl�n�r�/„A Il 1 it 1 1 1 / LOT NUMBER P`\X %�� rfy' o/ ��� ® _ 11 111 1 1 1 25 YR/24 HR D.H.W. EL 24.0 / % 03 A �'j MAIN UNDISTURBED ` n``,�`�` f r •%�% l26J .�1' ���\\ ` F.F. 100 YR/24 HR D.H.W. EL 124.6 ITV RE `N`� \�\` \ `�`\ INN � • \, I25S 1 1 l A` • \ 11 Il 1 1 1 TYPE OF GRADING � 11 � .111 1 1 1 47 ` ,, i 1 1 A /2.ra.4 , �, 11 111 \ C F.F.71D DIRECTION OF 3 i \ . 11 'il A B SURFACE FLOW ,� �12'St It t A 1272 R \\ 111 \ \ 1 ,2;�♦' � � , F.F. l?.. 1E5.6 \ \ \ / !' - ,i ` w \ \ \ '\ \ MIN. FINISHED FLOOR ELEV. *,+,,till,,, iAM.e 1 _ trill,,,+r, Ci + / �€ _ 5.f, � G - �� \ � F.F. 127 -.: i ri _r _ ; / lGl2 51\\ \ '\\ 1 \ \ �� -i_sr•�__f�r_.�r _ \\ iZ61260 .4 1€ I ►" ,�\ ° R/W UNE BROOKS. B(YJ1� �, , �� ,\ \ t i TOP E J2�S ► ► o �€ {, ,, ,,�{ C <I r�i , ,� ON AREA ► ► , \ \ \ CONSERVATI i t ,► F.F.l27. : -. y 11 1- F.F. 128 is5 �\ \ \ TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT 1 1 , , ` t 1262... r �. - � / \ \\ , (TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED). { i tt '► 7z�.4 = �, i�..9 - \ � nrrs N 1.95 Ac. \ '\ \\\ '� 14 r' {' 12.57 / ® .�' / 12 \ \ M-- +j'1irc� IIr� Ix+ll�x IxIl�xl+llx�i00 It rt ',it ,t r x �0 11 k \ \ ► ►, + + ►_ t off° � ��� 7' MEANDERING SIDEWALK TO BE BUILT W/TH VILLAGE /0 125�T Z . Q1N111\N� 1. / 2553 ' ►125A3 124.73 1 rKIN 1195= I ' �" �ity>sHili��i iMNHIIIHUIHMNIIN1111MH4111NiIIDMII uli III _ t , /216,/ HNNN MNHN NIHNHHNNI HMINII�IINi ilolllf(1 �IIMIN�i1N11kiIINHNI1IH1 I a7 ,i 15 Iz�7VA i� \ { MITIGATION AREA c ,`�411 a 10 I { i" t 1 t \ - .. •!.` __ _'..----®�' !a/ ,/ /GaD►� !! � \\ �\ -, .- "r. •• / /' , / / / +1 (TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED) \ t W.F. lZrl _ _1,,,_�� ------ - --� ,mss ,aso �• \�' �\ \ \ - - - - - - - - - - - - ) ,`, l lP''0,r ,\ \\ \ / ~`-------------�- ADD LLB %LOO .73 /aC. \\----------------- , ii♦♦�� ,' `\` \\ ,\ \\ � ,rr'/ \\� ( `\ // // `► i ---- _ \\ oa r 1 ,;I1; 1 16 �� 'b I8 ,% r 19 20 21 22 23 '�, \\ '\ �\\ /------------------------ --- F.F.l28 ' F.F./Z8.01 ' FF.727 - `�F- - l2z €F� 5 FF.!28 f \\ \ \�\ _ _ `tur',It,l \�. F.F 128► l` - r` ® \\ `t\ _ - /�%% --- - 'i I, 1U 11\� , l f :., , I jp(��\ 1, r J�.� , --' ---------- %_ X125 ------ - //95 ` y �t 1i1 1lplJl111III! ' ' 1265 _ ---" ---------------- �/ , 1269 /268 ' 1195. ; , t , uii tHiptl/riiltillt 1,373 /2TJ r i IPJJ /272 ,(2T,D 2fiJ r` 726.3 ®° \\ \ \ \\ ," I /89'*/- `.� , . - - _ - -- - - - - - - - - t , , ;, \ Jas - 127.0 v END SILT FENCE \�- WESMERE VILLAGE 9------------------- (UNPLATTED) PARK 50'------------------------------- _ 1 / / 1 LEGEND- ? 255 SEED & dULCH ENTIRE 125.0 TO G� PARS AREA Z EXISTING PROPOSED --- - - ----_ _ ---- -- - DESCRIPTION '- ,,m - - \ i - ' ' •%, ' - 3 STORM SEWER SYSTEM — — — r CONTOUR 8� - - \ _ REMO�/E, EX/57"/NG TURNOUTSN CONSTRUCT- ,MIAMI CURB_ _ - - -' \ 1 \ ► ,- , t `, _ - DRA/NAGE STRUCTURE D3 _ 111 � 11 1 11111. 1 t I r { ELEVATION X89Bo ,87.42 SPOT E `-- 11 ;,,1111 ► t ► -- , PROP. 1 1 ---� \, , ,1111 i ' , t / LOT GRADING --- --�-------------------- --------- )f - - ` EX157 --- Il 1 11111 �' ► ` t t IUIIBNIIIIIfllllllllllllllilflllliilllilllfll ` 't �`-� , ��' : -` r ', i � ,` DRAINAGE DIVIDE 1 11 1111 •, - - - - 11 1- 11,11 t 2J3f . Ac. 11 I i I i 11 f 1 1` \ ------ DRAINAGE AREA , 1 ` /265 --------------- % 2s5 I. -------- DRAINAGE ! ► , 11 ``\ t 'r `t DIRECTION OF SURFACE FLOW rw�. _i � II 1 111 11 , � , � �. X 1'265 � � TEMP. SILT FENCE 1 II i 111 \ _- - I � t The- Contractor " r t Y, 11 I I ------ and cert/f/es to the OWNER that Im rovements covered try* draWIng ► I.. „ I r + or as � and the related deta/ls `have been constructed : 05 Ind/car - ed the notes and rd cS 8tVWn. Absent'* nate or ra tdc:.to mod/f/ by g phl► 9 P WESMERE CITY OF OCOEE, FLA. / LIS, FIELD BSA :: the-contrary,the Improvements oVemerrtS have `be@/t constC'UCted . R188�1/X,, j IXL. !�/ , S. Q _ d olerance ,,. Standard t CADD �BYe ZMBbowyermsmg1teton associates Sl nerl. GRADING Date. /''� 9 GR e�� /Ve L®T BLOCK ADII'V G P LA AuthorlZed Contractor's Re r vt CHECKED BY: • p _ RM INCORPORATED KA ADDED FEMA BOUNDARY Y, CRESTENLAKE - VILLAGE lO 7-6-94 CONSULTING ENGINEERING .PLANNING .LAND SURVE N DESIGNED BY. Zi�B p DATE B Y DESCRIPTION 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE .ORLANDO FLORIDA 3 I 1 _ SCALEo - (40 7) 843-5120 �/ UT WORK.150%%�� 11 LA! 'ST RUV T ! ON ®� - � DATE s MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH8 - 201 SHEET 4 OF It NOTE. USE PL7- AOR ALL CDiV_REVISION co CADS H � �GP.r o •, .AV..dvG. FIELD: BSA CADD BY: ZmB CHECKED BY: RM 6-28-94 KA REV. MH. Sl DESIGNED BY.- ZMB DATE BY DESCRIPTION SCALE: 1 =50' HORZ. REVISION d 8 bowyernim9leton az associates INCORPORATED CONSULTING ENGINEERING : PLANNING : LAND SURVEY/ -520 1 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE :ORLANDO, FLORIDA (407) 843-5120 -2 WESMERE CITY OF OCOEE, FLA PROFILES CRESTENLAKE - VILLAGE /0 DATE : MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH8-201 I SHEET 5 OF 11 CADE AVH8CPR.00) Sj V. WESMERE PARKWAY TOP EL I TopAY ELIM8, TOP EL 125.80 q1L WE PAR PAR S7 X. /V//-/ YL TOP EL 12525 I-IFE TOP EL. le, 5.13 125 125 125 LIFT STATION 125 WET WEIL 120 120 120 II II I 1120 E, E, 48- RCP's 115 89 PVC 115 //5 i i I //5 Lw,)Ip 89 PVC 6'PVC ---------- EX I B. Pvc Pvc INV. EL /15-57 INV. EL 115D9 7 r — — — I I //0 NV.FL 115D4 //0 //0 /hv. EL 114DJ /w7. MV. EL EL 11JV //0 W. EL 113.9e I INV. EL 113.06 j -EX. IN IML .112.7 EL CORE bRILL EX. M�NHOLE VILLAGE h SJ SAN17 -ARY 5)�EWE R PR FILE S 5 S� EX. SAN. 19 HS-..Jl r - SANITARY SEWER PROFILE i � S2 r� d bi LLJ Ed TOP EL. 125-54 Ilk o Q) �'4j"; S7 I j TOP EL /25.07 TOP S4 S/ D2 D5 TOP TOP EL12651 EXISTING GROUND TOP EL h?SDJ TOP EL 1250'11 D4 TOP EL 125ff7 EX. INLE7 TOP EL. 12-4.78 EL 12&f. 00 PROPO! ED GRADE rOP EL I25.w 0 i S6 125.06 - E TOPE TOP EL 125.07 LTOP .125 -0.307. -0.30y* — — — — -A — — Ell ik 19 125 EX. 8" Vv'lvl (CONT f �ACTOR T 9 VERIFY INV. EL 121.55 RCP 120 Z-- 0 I lfl%%l L -- 1 %1 ---------- 1 1-2-0 50-v - - Ift. L EL 119.20 -- I -- I :1 1 5a RCR -L INV. EL /Z 1-5/ JMt. EL 119J0 MV. EL if M5- RCP INV. EL Mcl 88 e wc er PVC /w. EL 119.00 00 MfV:.EJL. 119.00 I /w. M E7L i!/87.7 V. EL EX. INV. lr7..;-'4 115 INV. EL 5.00 ------------- ..................... MY. M EL 115D9 INV. EL 15M 5A0 INV. EL, 114.03 INV. EL 11475 r7.75T/i INV. EL 114.80 IM MA t. EL 115.04 INV. EL 114.03 //0 INV. E L 113.52 //0 INV. EL o INV. EL. 10.47 /0 12 13 14 /5 D 17 19 SA DELL BAY LOOP The Contractor 4J-- r2AIAICO Imp +Mg- 4p-,OmAjlrwv FIELD: BSA CADD BY: ZmB CHECKED BY: RM 6-28-94 KA REV. MH. Sl DESIGNED BY.- ZMB DATE BY DESCRIPTION SCALE: 1 =50' HORZ. REVISION d 8 bowyernim9leton az associates INCORPORATED CONSULTING ENGINEERING : PLANNING : LAND SURVEY/ -520 1 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE :ORLANDO, FLORIDA (407) 843-5120 -2 WESMERE CITY OF OCOEE, FLA PROFILES CRESTENLAKE - VILLAGE /0 DATE : MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH8-201 I SHEET 5 OF 11 CADE AVH8CPR.00) 24° A- GO - - - + C.SIDEWALK : I -T _ 1 WIDTH VARIES r w I . I ( R 1 PA I V EMENT -- d d ' - - - - - - PLAN VIEW N B m - e e e e e - N02424 IRON PARLAY GRATE IVYI: llO�l 41 � _ _ C PAINTED P GRATE MAY BE ' PRIME A/NT R .. .. .. TRANSITION GALVANIZED AS REQUIRED AN -� •. • STA�31I1�Efl. •.I ' TOP Di /24.5 CQMPACTED .SUBBASE .......� ...... .......... :....:. ...:. .. C W/ST o.3 4500 PSI CONCRETE EEL N , BARS : 8' O.C. EACH WAY a a LDW CURB O MATCH S .8' ADS 5�'wrDT>rDFW�-- �a INV. 122-80 _ STANDARD 2D' A MIAMI CURB DETAIL (TYPE B , CURB & GUTTER 4° CONC. SIDEWALK ' %2` EXP. JOINT . _ i SECTION SECTION A -A ' D/ t� N R 24 x'24 CATCH O BASIN . ... .. '• • AND SIDES SP FLOOR W/4' WA LS 2424 SERIES BROOKS PRODUCTS INC STANDARD Z G%IRB & GUTTER %2° EXP. JOINT (REMOVE & REPLACE) g• A9" I ' � 1P' /E• B' JL' - NOTE: NOTESs i ° NG 1N E ED & REPLACED. i e SUB -GRADE CUT TO BE COMPACTED ?0 95% MAX.OEN5ITY AS DETERMINED BY AA5HT0 T- I.ENTIRE EXIST! CURBING SHALL B REMOVED R LAC �P R _ I 2• R 180. •p)' R CUT TO 8E REPLACED WITH AN 8' 3000 PSI HIGH EARLY CONCRETE. SURFACE ELEVATION TO ZLOW CURB &TRANSITION MAY BE FORMED AT THE OF MATCH SURFACE ELEVATION OF EXISTING PAVEMENT. RESURFACING 70 DE 10 FEET EACH SIDE OF CUT, CURB CONSTRUCT/ON. AVEA/ENT OR AS APPROVED BY THE COUNTY ENGINEER. 3.CONSTRUCT WITH CLASS A (JOOOPS/) CONCRETE. —. B' HIGH WHEE�L.CHAIR RAMP w �� � BAS771E EARLY CONCRETE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE OVERLAY ::; .::; • :: - :: :; • :: 5' 5' 5' 5' STeH3/L1ZEI7 AC4 (TYFICAL EXISTING ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE . . . SUBBASE i L EXIST. BASE • , ° • ° • . EXIST. BASE " tTYP`cAL'4 STANDARD CURD & GUFrER DETAIL r'%YPE W) EXISTING SUBGRADE� SUBGRADE (COMPACTED X VALLEY GUTTER TRANSIT/ON TYPE •A° TO 95% MAX. CURB & DENSITY) I GUTTER UTILITY PIPE MUST FOLLOW STREET ALIGNMENT GENERAL NOTES: MIAMI CURB 1. BASE REPLACEMENT SHALL BE 3000 PSI, MGH EARLY STRENGTH °C' JOINTS I CONCRETE. NOTEAALL FLOW UNES MUST 2. "ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE MATERIAL SHALL BE REPLACED MAINTAIN OD24X MIN. T TYP.TRANS17 AN FROM WITH THE SAME TYPE OF MATERIAL THAT EXISTED AT THE TIME GRADE ( M/.4A!/ CURB & GfIiiER TQ OF REMOVAL. � . 3. MINIMUM ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE OVERLAY THICKNESS SHALL I TYPE A CIRB & GUTTER; BE ONE tl'1INCH. S I 4. ALL BASE JOINT CUTS SHALL BE MECHANICALLY SAW CUT. /o I Q� PAVEMENT ° . RESTORATION. TYPE A CURB 1. LONGITUDINAL CUTS WILL GENERALLY REQUIRE OVERLAY/RESURFACING OF & GUTTER C THE COMPLETE WIDTH OF THE TRAVELED WAY. /Q I ��s I I TYPE 'A' CURS ..STANDARD ROADWAY OPENCUT DETAIL I & GUTTER (TYP.) ffic.5M) — — — — — — — — — — — WESMERE PARKWAY ---------------- PLAN !e 8° F --------------- OVERLAY OVER EXISTING PAVEMENT TYPICAL OF OPEN CUTS ON STREETS BETWEEN INTERSECTIONS 6' ' P I -MIAMI CURB T'TRANS(i/ON - • o '_ � P o A I� d 'a sf ' e 'd Q I o o 3'-p° 2'•D° � W' SECTION &-B SECTION A A I < SIDEWALK (Y VALLEY GUTTER) (TYPE A CURB & GUTTER) I - X VALLEY GU7 TER & TRANSITION DETAIL HANDICAPPED RAMP AND CURB TRANSITION AT MIAMI CURB rTRANsrTioN sTOCURB &GUTTER INTERIOR INTERSECTIONS " - TOP OF CURB - .. PAVEMENT SURFACE 50'R/W FLOW UNE � L s�cnav ' 4' lO' ll' I 11' 41-o" Mig4iCUR� N ` PROFILE ( % °/ � ' - GRADE 3�"/�/I14°IFT PVMT.ELl;E CVRg d .e e d .e d • d .e e . e .e . CONC. S/W (TYP.) 2� (BY OTHERS) MIAMI CURB NOTES: & GUTTER CTYPJ l° A.C.S.C. TYPE S-3 I. CONCRETE SHALL BE 3000 PSI. L - 4'X6° STABILIZATION 6' SOIL CEMENT BASE COURSE STD.. CURB : ` TO MIAMI CURB TRANSITION 2. SIDEW" SHALL BE 60 THICK AT ALL DRIVEWAYS TO F.B.VP 50 PSJ. (TYP.) /2' COMPACTED SUB -BASE TO 951. MAX. DENSLrY. AASHTO T-180 y SIDEWALK DETAIL T YPI CAL PAVEMENT SECTION The Contractor WESMERE CITY OF OCOEE. FLA. hereby. certlfles to the OWNER that Improvements .covered Ly thJs drawing FIELD: and the related detalls have been construated as lndlcated or as modlfled by the notes and graphics shown. Absent a note or graphlc to CAOD BY: ZMBClatesmms sm. the contrary, the Improvements hove been constructed meeting Industry bowyer eton a standard aTrances. - _ CHECKED BYa RM PAVING DETAILS INCORPORATED Signed•. Date: DESIGNED BYa ` CONSULTING ENGINEERING r PLANNING :LANG suRVEYIN CRESTENLAKE VILLAGE lO "Inrized Contractor's R resentative ZMB _ ep DATE BY DESCRIPTION 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE ORLANDO. FLORIDA SCALE:NTS. (407) 843-5120 REVISION / DATE s MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVNB — 201 SHEET 6 OF !I CADE AVH8P PD.00I STD.CURB - &GUTTER BACK OF CURB T� FCON UNE ECGE OF PAVEMENT o o 3'-p° 2'•D° � W' SECTION &-B SECTION A A I < SIDEWALK (Y VALLEY GUTTER) (TYPE A CURB & GUTTER) I - X VALLEY GU7 TER & TRANSITION DETAIL HANDICAPPED RAMP AND CURB TRANSITION AT MIAMI CURB rTRANsrTioN sTOCURB &GUTTER INTERIOR INTERSECTIONS " - TOP OF CURB - .. PAVEMENT SURFACE 50'R/W FLOW UNE � L s�cnav ' 4' lO' ll' I 11' 41-o" Mig4iCUR� N ` PROFILE ( % °/ � ' - GRADE 3�"/�/I14°IFT PVMT.ELl;E CVRg d .e e d .e d • d .e e . e .e . CONC. S/W (TYP.) 2� (BY OTHERS) MIAMI CURB NOTES: & GUTTER CTYPJ l° A.C.S.C. TYPE S-3 I. CONCRETE SHALL BE 3000 PSI. L - 4'X6° STABILIZATION 6' SOIL CEMENT BASE COURSE STD.. CURB : ` TO MIAMI CURB TRANSITION 2. SIDEW" SHALL BE 60 THICK AT ALL DRIVEWAYS TO F.B.VP 50 PSJ. (TYP.) /2' COMPACTED SUB -BASE TO 951. MAX. DENSLrY. AASHTO T-180 y SIDEWALK DETAIL T YPI CAL PAVEMENT SECTION The Contractor WESMERE CITY OF OCOEE. FLA. hereby. certlfles to the OWNER that Improvements .covered Ly thJs drawing FIELD: and the related detalls have been construated as lndlcated or as modlfled by the notes and graphics shown. Absent a note or graphlc to CAOD BY: ZMBClatesmms sm. the contrary, the Improvements hove been constructed meeting Industry bowyer eton a standard aTrances. - _ CHECKED BYa RM PAVING DETAILS INCORPORATED Signed•. Date: DESIGNED BYa ` CONSULTING ENGINEERING r PLANNING :LANG suRVEYIN CRESTENLAKE VILLAGE lO "Inrized Contractor's R resentative ZMB _ ep DATE BY DESCRIPTION 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE ORLANDO. FLORIDA SCALE:NTS. (407) 843-5120 REVISION / DATE s MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVNB — 201 SHEET 6 OF !I CADE AVH8P PD.00I TOP SLAB REINFORCING STEEL DIAGRAM TOP SLAB REINFORCING STEEL DIAGRAM E -.{ b s o n a m a � � TOP VIEW ---- +.- /n O 1 Ln o _ ��' 1i IE� m U . � _ � 3. FDO PLAN � 4 o (` 5 8' Brick Or Corner ilei w r 3'-6 r TYp l 3'-E• r T 1 o ' W Non-Rothf iced C Fl Hooks Requl Hooks R red Ytx o g 2- 6 e g, oqu! 41f0r 4'4 6' Cancrefe Or .� � a 6 Bars 6 Bois 1 $ 6' Reinforced, All Around To coo o gf cacrr#e � E . $ a 4 R -D urdam Orferwlse Slovn ~ F" g > i $ 541' ce B Dia. 8' Brick or Concrete 11•Cl. n Pions 8 Cgarele hl CI. `� 4'4Olar ' l Orxr Cage 4 o /2 Ctrs. " WOCrNnrcCage 5 0 /2 -Ctrs. aFgwy m1$k� ' zo �� Wit Ways In Ceder j0 BNA Ways M center #f 4 Bars a !Z Ctrs. X-6 wie Concrete Wol! 4 Burs Otherwise G /Z Ctrs Stavin In ib o Bath Ways. / 0-m 4 Bars O 6' Ctrs. 12n8Max. m $ HorlL Eo vko oh cy W y / oI.W p �FlF #� -' IbI 4 Bars a 9Ctrs. � 43 iFSae Slob Table * i! 4 Bars o gCtrs 2 Nab ALTERNATE A i*Perlpfsral Bars or Straight End ALTERNATE B Both Ways Both WoYs Embodments May Be Used In Ueu Or ALTERNATE B T RN T A _a 2 0 to � � 2/2 8• SECTION WALL, SECTION SECTION WALL SECTION SECTION TYPE I 2 Raised Or Depressed TYPE II TYPE III (detdlricalon Number (WT.) For ManJdes For Curb Inlets. Types 1.2.3.& 4 _ For Curb Inlets Types 7 & B 807TOM VIEW CAST IRON FRAMES r a Relnrorcing Bars a 6' Centers Both Ways Except Middle Bars -t No.B Bars Slavin a T Centers. MI Bars With AC/ Standard Hooks Canted 3, 1 O Reinfopprox.ce Or Embedded In AccUnder Optica Con The Slab ' 'Reinforcement Detail Stavin Under OptloralConshrud(on Jdrds, (I� 4 p-ecost , TOP AND FLOOR SLAB TABLE - TYPE`'J ALTA LD. ALT.8SUB "WIDTH "LEAH ArJtwABLE FILL REINFORCING SLAB (HER OP SLAB -urn.- Max. ". OP & FLDOR SLABS 3'-6 Ualfffed 6• . 2 or . 6 a 6'GTRS.BW m' 4'4 UNlmffad $ 2' 25' :. .60 6'CTRSPC I All steel burs shall minlfnelm cover unless 01 . 7 0 6' CrRS aW. - 6 54 6'4 "8 Z 20' 6`a 6'CTRS.B.W. _ 6' 64 6'4 10 2' 25 '' 7a 6' CTRS. BX 7' gr 8' 6'4 6 4 10' 2' jP 7 a 6' CTRS.8.W. 614 '4 714 !rj' 2'' 25 7 a 4J CTRS.Am 5,.0. 8' g-0 KT Z 15 7 & 4¢ L7R5.8W. Larger Boxes Require SpecialDCslgn Detalls TOP SLAB REINFORCING STEEL DIAGRAM TOP SLAB REINFORCING STEEL DIAGRAM E -.{ b s o n a m a � � TOP VIEW ---- +.- /n O 1 Ln o _ ��' 1i IE� m U . � _ � 3. FDO PLAN � 4 o (` 5 8' Brick Or Corner ilei w r 3'-6 r TYp l 3'-E• r T 1 o ' W Non-Rothf iced C Fl Hooks Requl Hooks R red Ytx o g 2- 6 e g, oqu! 41f0r 4'4 6' Cancrefe Or .� � a 6 Bars 6 Bois 1 $ 6' Reinforced, All Around To coo o gf cacrr#e � E . $ a 4 R -D urdam Orferwlse Slovn ~ F" g > i $ 541' ce B Dia. 8' Brick or Concrete 11•Cl. n Pions 8 Cgarele hl CI. `� 4'4Olar ' l Orxr Cage 4 o /2 Ctrs. " WOCrNnrcCage 5 0 /2 -Ctrs. aFgwy m1$k� ' zo �� Wit Ways In Ceder j0 BNA Ways M center #f 4 Bars a !Z Ctrs. X-6 wie Concrete Wol! 4 Burs Otherwise G /Z Ctrs Stavin In ib o Bath Ways. / 0-m 4 Bars O 6' Ctrs. 12n8Max. m $ HorlL Eo vko oh cy W y / oI.W p �FlF #� -' IbI 4 Bars a 9Ctrs. � 43 iFSae Slob Table * i! 4 Bars o gCtrs 2 Nab ALTERNATE A i*Perlpfsral Bars or Straight End ALTERNATE B Both Ways Both WoYs Embodments May Be Used In Ueu Or ALTERNATE B T RN T A _a 2 0 to � � 2/2 8• SECTION WALL, SECTION SECTION WALL SECTION SECTION TYPE I 2 Raised Or Depressed TYPE II TYPE III (detdlricalon Number (WT.) For ManJdes For Curb Inlets. Types 1.2.3.& 4 _ For Curb Inlets Types 7 & B 807TOM VIEW CAST IRON FRAMES r a Relnrorcing Bars a 6' Centers Both Ways Except Middle Bars -t No.B Bars Slavin a T Centers. MI Bars With AC/ Standard Hooks Canted 3, 1 O Reinfopprox.ce Or Embedded In AccUnder Optica Con The Slab ' 'Reinforcement Detail Stavin Under OptloralConshrud(on Jdrds, (I� 4 p-ecost , Slandard Hoaks, M Accordance W11h ALE A E J c Nas Bars Shod No. W 3.Excep+Bars Around Manhole Opening Stant NOTES SOPS. FRAMES, AND COVER) aO. 1F-6. M 6 r Details Index No.20l.Sh3 Of 5 4 � g a Be Hooked. m' J. D-1- TYPE P TYPE I All steel burs shall minlfnelm cover unless 1• J All Ralnrorcenv# Na6 Bars Bar Size Top Diameter otherwise shavn and shall be hooted where Indicated SECTION L FOR INLETS, MANHOLES AND JUNCTION BOXES' FOR INLETS, MANHOLES AND JUNCTION BOXES Except 6 -Nae Bars ternStoB Bars Spaoed o 6' Centers BNA No.S 3' 6& 4' i� 2 Nonlde lop Tye 7 slabs stall be of Class U concrete COVER FOR ALL FRAMES ' .. .. .. Woys Except Middle Bars Stavn a T Centers a1 Bars with ACI Na6 T - Concrete as specJrted In ASTM C-478 moo' be used for units see General Note Na 2 , Stordard Nooks Canted Approx. 45 -.Or Embedded In Accordance J. Manhole too Type 7 slabs may be of cost -In pace or GENERAL NOTES - With The Slob Retnforcemert procast construction. The optional key Is ror precast fops Detail shown Under Op"Onal and In You or dowels. Framo and stab openings are to . I nt sheet be omitted when f 1 w junction . Fr 4. RelNorwarxt is based on Grade 40. Grade 60 a welded wire fobfladfler & al stew Lars stall Iwo rt✓Nreum cam' unless dhawJse slownHarizaft shed In - - Construction, or on Jo! s. S op s used over o lu Lax auras 1. worts d dialer s7rudures r Nle -nate A l constructed In dew +nee' be d - - 4 a T Na3 of 3.Exenpfa/ No.B Bars q a 7• can be adjusted with from 'am to six courses of brick. nen . rddored oaarde or brick or rerx'csrc d concrete. Premef and rectangular smaorA or ddarmarl.moy nd used as prmithd by Neto 4,lMex 29. rectangular sfitdures ahallty lopped o fNNmm d 24 bar dlamdere-d aorfara•. - And Na6 Bars Around Mantleto slrudurw r NWlx* B 1 shall be owdnxted d rdNorood concrete oMy. :Sled 4 d 5. - - � Opening stern Be Floated, R 4. Manhole top Type B may be d cast -In -docs or precast . - w circular rlsrs lids hum or fcr err sifuetures"used with e 9 Thu awns f 1 s o 5. Sdreduro bottom Types J aro P may be used In cmjundton With art, Ida tops In skew Y adan tit _ REINFORCEMENT- PLAN REINFORCEMENT PLAN concrete construction a brick eonslrtA-Ilan. For increta .. ZWait fNokness Ord rdntercrorent are for dfMr reinforced cas/-rn-plow or Types /,z3.4.S6. s.ond %and arty maneuve err jundlm box untess. aninrlse and tad (Mods and used pit skew wtfk ff.8 riser when Lm Her witOrdh tad meafs.F/ners " will be required !n Iia darer end d datJhB iter wten.aaed M4Nr--rte, at.A cox. coitsirucflon.Iha concrete orad steel rNrt-ormmenl sfi!l protest wncrelo UNfs "Cep( Nal precast drainer units maY be furdshad shown In tic pans or Other stordard drowigs.51rudue bothow Typo J.AY.B - with wells In 000ardode with Offer ASTM. C -47B 1 up to 96 ceamlar 1 or may be used In conjunction with cub inter Tyles 7 & &or any dlt h buffer INd - Note 4. Or - 8'For 3'-6'& 4' Dla. _ be the some u the supporting wall unit. An omrentr/c - A5.TJ1. C-76. Class 1/1,LrWap,exerted where the dnplloil steel urge area Is unless otherwise shorn In ire plans or Other standard drwings. - lQ !Not threats. riser mantle (gas alaAbo seaxod M atneNres as sawn nn-tldex Na2W. --t 8' Brick. See G • , x _ . . . . . � -� � IQ For 6' & 7'Dia. G . . . ,, -� 1 Nolo 4. �^ Gone may be used. placed in the carte' dafard d the wall. - . & Rectangular strudwas may be rotalod as dlraded W 1M Engineer to order to 16 Structures with dwts aver t4' are to be decked ler rlootoNon by designer of project drdmgt - - Optlona/ K - l �l7ptloral K l • 2' DJa 5. Manlstr rtes sine be secured to Shoot J by opttonat . 3.7cp and flax slab thickness oM fddnraanaY are for o/! types d eornsrllrud/an. facnlmde connections bdwwow the slruGure Meas and storm sower. p'pes - I �' lk HLa1' Z f ci Cotutruedon /lids as shown on Stzkrt 3 d 3. IZ Larger then spatlfted stoMard (nits 1nay to sukarfutod d lfe OWO'co is QWW what \ - ` _ Top oM ricer stabs for. Typo J units shall be d Crass It $nmto.COfcrdo os 7. £xaelt when ACI hoots ore spodflcd y rouAred.embedmeNhacks le' Ile Age ad bdfarn slab! 1 i u h = tfaaAf untie wmrl cave or bxyeosq No seierNy d tMI1ly Cevnd>;.sl,ph Carper units l0 Draft Thickness Of t0 Draft Thickness Of 3'£Or 9' Dla. �' 6. All corers to be tock waded to names al Ihlyd points or _. speotfied 1n AS.T.W. C -4r8 ( 4000 tell may be used In I/w d Coss Ord ass t n. be raptured with straight debedawts err oerlNeraf rddarowori to oam-donor with Ila stail be lurdshod d no -"Yo al cost. to. the DYarlmont. Larger :ANarnate A uNts cannot - - Structure Wall Structure Wall _ grouted d third pulite with epoxy Uota! eleven fill wines " 3 £.4-0'.6-0'.7 4 Did. 3'-6'.4'-0'.6'4.7'4 Ditl. conc, eftIn preanal flew can fadeaod In plants wHeh ore'emdor he 'Standard reinforcement ddoit shown under 'Rebar Strolght Enid Embodmmt Or: Peaphvai PoIrfortamrt - Operating Pnaodures' for"thr Inapedlm d precast drainage lroduis. In Ueu Or ACI Slandard Hooks For Top And Beffom Stabedrdex Na20LSw 3 d 5.. rnA'oce Agermte 8 tilts wlflout aAarwa/ err the Engliaer.TNs ado applies to this Index d+Y: _ of areal epoxy). . t3. For manholeand /undfm bar raps ra rramo and oaaaorara atlppbnertay detente SECTION SECTION SECTION 7. The 2t2 lb. cover is the repacnnert far an previous deep. sur (Mex Had TYPE 8 frames (trarrte typal. The 185 lb. cover Is Nn redomment TYPE 7-T (TRAFFIC ) (H-20 I TYPE 7 -NT (NON -TRAFFIC ror an previous -deep frames (norrtrafrlc ,ypa). TYPE d,TYPE P BOTTOMS MANHOLES OR JUNCTION BOXES MANHOLES STRUCTURE TOPS N it �2! to, 6 � ora T AS -BUILT REQUIREMENTS r42 TYPE C Approx,Welght 235 Lbs. I. Storm Dralnoge a. Top elevotton of each mantnle frame & cover/grate as well as all otter structures (Headwalls. Control --j Structures. Weirs & Skimmers, etc.). - - .b. Invert elevotlon of each lane enterIng and leaving each structure. Inc/udlng underdraln plpes. - - TYPE C c. Actual grade of the pipe between the structures. RWICuHBare z . dladltA Ldofs - - Bards .-x- d.Inverts of all Uttered End Sectlons. Aga'ox.WOW W Lbs_ e Invert elevation & 2 horizont l tles fromPe rmanent vlslble objects to a storm stubouts. d �a b to u, = .a cy y $ 'd -f- r PLAN B PLAN 5q 53' x I P.Wj aO. 1F-6. M 6 r PLAN B PLAN 5q 53' x b aO. 1F-6. M 6 r -a�A 4 � g a m' I 1 Grate W �_ G. I Eye Bell _I G ole �- Seo index 201 h G. 1 Eye Baas Na4 Bars - 11� I See Index 2N a Irars, Aho Bars 0IZ Ctrs. SECTION SECTION TYPE D TYPE E Hmoernndad Maximum Pipe Sizer ReoanncMed Maxfnum Pipe Size n 3'-r Wali-24•PIM J' - G wall -24 Pipe 4'-r Wail -36 Pipe 4'-6 Wall -4ZPlpe . INLETS r 51 /E7111(OM' GRT OE -�' 4 ryL� b b �+ e--. Of Grote NT tNT -- >V U, ""r I r z A L4�- HALF SECTION CAST IRON GRATES P 9'-P i �NN PLAN b C � 91-01 r.2 6'-T f.--.- of Plow b aO. 1F-6. M r 12/1 6 r i -2r m' i �NN PLAN b C � SECTION TYPE H lcmoowr4nded Maximum P/pa Size: 3' - C well - 24' Pfoo 7' - 0' Wal -1.66 Pile 2 -30' Pile Na 4 Bars a 121 Ctrs. 21 NT h - �� TYPE E TYPE H AW" .Wdgit 465 tis. AWox. WdgN 725 Lbs. ' CAST IRON GRATES S !6 .. j,�CJ 6 - J/Spumes a - ` I 16 J32 Bors 0 h� Bold N r'iiQ - It TYPE D TYPE E TYPE H SbaigH sora Z - Straight Bars Z -- - Rdlcullne Bars- . Rotlaxim Lars - - Straight Bars 2' - Bands X Bad! x - - - - Rdra!!!n a Bars 4 rar.Wd�r 18B Lbs.. STEEL GRATES Aapro "'1"' 05 "s- Baits - x - Agorox.WdgN she !bs e I Type C 3' - r i Type D 4' - r Type L8' 6'- 0' Unless Otherwise Shaun On Pions WEIGHT OF CASTINGS Type C 126 the. rY(>B 134 Lbs. TYPO I' 98 Lbs. cover 212 Lbs. i W Ott I I o Type C 2- 0' c I Type 0 3'- 1 - Type Type E 3'- 0' I ti 0 m Unless Otherwlso S/rnvn On Plans Note: Stucture Bottom Type J,Aff.B only: See Index Na200 STRUCTURE BOTTOM TYPE J FOR INLETS TYPE C,D & E GENERAL NOTES 1. Those lads aro sunows for b'cyde and pedestrian areas one are to be used in dlydns- aed/ons and Offer aroos subject to Infrequent Mafrla loadings but ora net to to {raced In areas subject to any heavy weed leads. Z Inlets subje f to minfmal daWs shadd be constru tod wnhud slots. Whro debris Is a p oWern INds staid be ctnsirucfod with slats. Silted folds lamed within roodwq dear zones and in areas omissible to pedestrians still have traversabla slot& Ttc Iroversabte slot med7/catton Is net ada,Nade to Ida Type A Slots my be cxnstroded at dura- cr both ends as awn on Gans. J. Either cost Iron or stall pates may be used on, lass wNlnt sills and on Inds with port - droversab'e slots. Stall grates are required on Inlets with traversable slurs and on lads where bicycle frdrle Is odldpated. When Ntornee G grate Is spedfled in /to poons.dNer the steel grate, /d dlpad gaNadzod after raMlcallonor etc cast iron pate may be usei.uNess he dans stipulate the particular type 4. Ranonewded mrxlmum Pipe sizes slwn are for corwato ape Pipe sizes large' can /two rooxrvnended meat be chmkod for Fit. 5. All exposed corners and edges or ca-Wde are to be derdared G Parafwt to be used on fads without stats aM /ads with fon - fromrsabte slots 0* when caw for In in donee but required On all froversaae slat Mots. Cost to be Induded in cvtrad uNf price for Idris. Qwtmes sewn are ror !No-maaon awy. 7. Traversable stns constructed In exfsftrg Inds shelf be taro for as tders pattld. aM shall include he cost for dot opeNngs.pw/ng and sty required rsptocemed grates. 8. Srdd/rg to be used on all facts not lamed In paved areas and pold for under m*vd unit prim ror Sodding SY. 9. For supplmmNury details see Index Natal. 8 1988 D72325H0l.LGN The Contractor hereby certifies to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing and the related details have been constructed as Indicated or as modifled by the notes and graphics shown. Absent a note or graphic to DITCH BOTTOM INLETS the contrary, the Improvements have been constructed meed /Y p�" n9 Industry standard tolerances. Signed: Date: Authorized Contractor's Representative FIELD: I CADD BY: ZMB bowyermi4ietrmn & assmiates CHECKED BY: _RM INCORPORATED DESIGNED BY: QCPUD CONSULTING "ENGINEERING : PLANNING : LAND SURVEYING 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO, FLORIDA 3 SCALES RTS (407) 843-5120 WESUERE CITY OF OCOEE, FLA. DRAINAGE m AGE DE / AJ LS CRESTENLAKE - VILLAGE JO DATE MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH8-201 SHEET 7 OF 11 1 CADE AVH8PPD:u1`)2 91-01 r.2 6'-T I Grate -� 1 �N Sea Index 201 Cl. SECTION TYPE H lcmoowr4nded Maximum P/pa Size: 3' - C well - 24' Pfoo 7' - 0' Wal -1.66 Pile 2 -30' Pile Na 4 Bars a 121 Ctrs. 21 NT h - �� TYPE E TYPE H AW" .Wdgit 465 tis. AWox. WdgN 725 Lbs. ' CAST IRON GRATES S !6 .. j,�CJ 6 - J/Spumes a - ` I 16 J32 Bors 0 h� Bold N r'iiQ - It TYPE D TYPE E TYPE H SbaigH sora Z - Straight Bars Z -- - Rdlcullne Bars- . Rotlaxim Lars - - Straight Bars 2' - Bands X Bad! x - - - - Rdra!!!n a Bars 4 rar.Wd�r 18B Lbs.. STEEL GRATES Aapro "'1"' 05 "s- Baits - x - Agorox.WdgN she !bs e I Type C 3' - r i Type D 4' - r Type L8' 6'- 0' Unless Otherwise Shaun On Pions WEIGHT OF CASTINGS Type C 126 the. rY(>B 134 Lbs. TYPO I' 98 Lbs. cover 212 Lbs. i W Ott I I o Type C 2- 0' c I Type 0 3'- 1 - Type Type E 3'- 0' I ti 0 m Unless Otherwlso S/rnvn On Plans Note: Stucture Bottom Type J,Aff.B only: See Index Na200 STRUCTURE BOTTOM TYPE J FOR INLETS TYPE C,D & E GENERAL NOTES 1. Those lads aro sunows for b'cyde and pedestrian areas one are to be used in dlydns- aed/ons and Offer aroos subject to Infrequent Mafrla loadings but ora net to to {raced In areas subject to any heavy weed leads. Z Inlets subje f to minfmal daWs shadd be constru tod wnhud slots. Whro debris Is a p oWern INds staid be ctnsirucfod with slats. Silted folds lamed within roodwq dear zones and in areas omissible to pedestrians still have traversabla slot& Ttc Iroversabte slot med7/catton Is net ada,Nade to Ida Type A Slots my be cxnstroded at dura- cr both ends as awn on Gans. J. Either cost Iron or stall pates may be used on, lass wNlnt sills and on Inds with port - droversab'e slots. Stall grates are required on Inlets with traversable slurs and on lads where bicycle frdrle Is odldpated. When Ntornee G grate Is spedfled in /to poons.dNer the steel grate, /d dlpad gaNadzod after raMlcallonor etc cast iron pate may be usei.uNess he dans stipulate the particular type 4. Ranonewded mrxlmum Pipe sizes slwn are for corwato ape Pipe sizes large' can /two rooxrvnended meat be chmkod for Fit. 5. All exposed corners and edges or ca-Wde are to be derdared G Parafwt to be used on fads without stats aM /ads with fon - fromrsabte slots 0* when caw for In in donee but required On all froversaae slat Mots. Cost to be Induded in cvtrad uNf price for Idris. Qwtmes sewn are ror !No-maaon awy. 7. Traversable stns constructed In exfsftrg Inds shelf be taro for as tders pattld. aM shall include he cost for dot opeNngs.pw/ng and sty required rsptocemed grates. 8. Srdd/rg to be used on all facts not lamed In paved areas and pold for under m*vd unit prim ror Sodding SY. 9. For supplmmNury details see Index Natal. 8 1988 D72325H0l.LGN The Contractor hereby certifies to the OWNER that Improvements covered by this drawing and the related details have been constructed as Indicated or as modifled by the notes and graphics shown. Absent a note or graphic to DITCH BOTTOM INLETS the contrary, the Improvements have been constructed meed /Y p�" n9 Industry standard tolerances. Signed: Date: Authorized Contractor's Representative FIELD: I CADD BY: ZMB bowyermi4ietrmn & assmiates CHECKED BY: _RM INCORPORATED DESIGNED BY: QCPUD CONSULTING "ENGINEERING : PLANNING : LAND SURVEYING 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO, FLORIDA 3 SCALES RTS (407) 843-5120 WESUERE CITY OF OCOEE, FLA. DRAINAGE m AGE DE / AJ LS CRESTENLAKE - VILLAGE JO DATE MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH8-201 SHEET 7 OF 11 1 CADE AVH8PPD:u1`)2 AREA FOR UNDISTURBED PLUG ` ;_ DIS URGED LUG R _ . SET TOP OF VALVE V AREA FOR TEE A E BOX SOIL (TYP.) , P RECA T : i TEE 5 TO FINISHED'GRADE : MANHOLE NHOLE N WALL CO CRETE COLLAR _ NF I LUENT-SEWER . 4 x R N PA _ x4'PRECAST ECAST I ,UN V , AR ED EAS • f (SEE NOT ) IN E 3 , )SHED 0 R T CAST IRON FRAM FINISHED GRADE ;.. WOOD C NC E E YAULT E I (SEE DETAIL,) i' A, : GR DE EDGE OF -- - -- BLOCKING AND COVER WITH - - 36 SQ. CONCRETE ENCASEMENT \ TRENCH i- (TYP.) ACCESS LID. T OF VERTICAL PIP .� � 4; E (TYP.) i _ 17 l/4 ,-rR i .., DUT PIPE 4 MAX. - DROP PL E \ T1 AREA FOR , SEE NOTE il ._ PLUG i INLET N ADJUSTABLE CAST IRON I LE CONNECTION ( 1 � - - •- - - /� AS REQUIRED ° / / /� ......VALVE BOX ) �� � �/� � 90 BEND �' CR05S`W/PLUG CROSS W/ m � SEE NOTE 2 TWO P L 0 LUGS WOOD FORM BOARDS BEHIND TEE TEE W/PLUG PREMDLOED PLASTIC BOX SHALL REST ON -TVALVE (TYP.) BELL SHALL NOT INTERFERE JOINT FILL , BEDDING ROCK NOT AREA FOR , _ WITH ( EA 0 AREA FOR M.J.PLUG VALVE I H JOINT TYP. I� ° 2' PORT WITH G L E ON VALVE OR PIPE - 45 BEND 5 WALLS (MIN.) E D TEE THREADED PLUG :.WASTEWATER AND'SHALL BE CONCRETE THRUST i PRECAST CENTERED ON BLOCK (TYP.) PIPE PLUG (TYP.) . FORCE MAIN L 8/2 , I CUT OUT FOR FORCE STANDARD DROP DETAIL MANHOLE OPERATING NUT 2' NIPPLE MAIN OR WATER MAIN WALL ( AS REQUIRED - _ T GATE TRANSITE COLLAR ENCASED - - - - _ AREA FOR VALVE SEE NOTE 2 IN NON -SHRINK GROUT EDGE OF PLUG FLUSH WITH MANHOLE WALL 2 NIPPLE SERVICE SADDLE PVC OR DIP TRENCH PER SPECIFICATION (SEE NOTE 2) (TYP.) FITTINGS AN 1 SECTION 0. .4 TEE W/ PIPE FOR OFFSET (AS REQ'D) W A.R.V. SHALL . • . EDGE OF CROSSCUT .BENDS YE END PLUG BE BRASS ' 1 UNDISTURBED � 6 PRECAST -' MANHOLE 6 BEDDING ROCK I y SOIL (TYP.) NOTES: 6' WALL . 1. THRUST BLOCK BEARING AREAS SHALL BE POURED AGAINST BEDDING ROCK ( SPECIAL DETAIL FOR 24 DIAMETER TRENCH WIDTH _ UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. WHERE TRENCH WALL HAS BEEN 8' x 16' REINFORCED PIPE AND LARGER DISTURBED, EXCAVATE ALL LOOSE MATERIAL AND EXTEND CONCRETE FOOTING. STAINLESS SITEEPVC OR TO UNDISTURBED MATERIAL BANDDIP THRUST --- _ 2. EXTEND THRUST BLOCK FULL LENGTH OF FITTINGS. - STAINLESS STEEL JOINTS SHALL NOT BE COVERED BY THRUST BLOCKS. , NOTES: i THRUST BLOCK FITTINGS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY POLYETHYLENE FILM • PIPE CLAMP FITTING AREA (SO. FT.) 1. PVC EXTENSIONS SHALL NOT BE .USED ON.VALVE BOX INSTALLATION. MIN. t8 MIL.) TO PLACING CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK. RESILIENT THE ACTUATING NUT FOR DEEPER VALVES SHALL BE EXTENDED TO CONCRETE 3. ROUGH BLOCKING FORMS SHALL BE USED ALONG SIDES OF NOTES: CONNECTOR ?. COME UP TO 4 -FOOT DEPTH BELOW FINISHED GRADE. TYPICAL SECTION THRUST BLOCK THRUST BLOCKS,AS REQUIRED. 1. ABOVE DETAIL IS BASED ON T COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM STANDARC PRECAST MANHOLE SCHEDULE FOR THRUST BLOCK AREAS PIPE SIZE (INCHES) 90 BEND (SO FT)(SO 45 BEND FT)(SO 22-1/2 BEND FT)(SO 11-1/4 BEND FT) TEE 8 PLUG (SO FT) DESIGN PRESS (PSI) 4 2.0 1.0 0.7 0.5 2.0 150 6 4.0 2.3 1.2 0.6 4.0 150 8 1 7.0 3.8 2.0 1.0 7.0 150 10 10.2 5.6 2.9 1.5 10.2 150 12 14.6 8.0 4.0 2.1 14.6 150 SANITARY V l / r"1/ 1 / SEWER DETAILS LJL l ��LS INCORPORATED - - DESIGNED BY:ZMB CONSULTING ENGINEERING tNG PLANNING LAND SURVEYING CRESTENLAKE - VILLAGE l0 DAT E BY DESCRIPTION NOTE, THRUST BLOCK AREAS TO BE COMPUTED ON BASIS OF LBS. PER SO. FT. SOIL RESTRAINT (1.500 MIN) BEARING. - SEE NOTE 5 • TO BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER. 4. THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE USED IN COMBINATION, AS RELEASE VALVE. CHANGE PIPE AND FITTINGS ACCORDINGLY REQUIRED, TO SUITE THE SPECIFIC FITTING ARRANGEMENT, FOR OTHER VALVE SIZES AND TYPES. VALVE SIZES TO BE PIPE CONNECTION 5. ALTERNATE DESIGNED RESTRAINING SYSTEMS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED BY THE COUNTY PROVIDED WHERE STANDARD THRUST.BLOCKING IS NOT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. NOTES: SUITABLE AND/OR SOIL RESISTANCE BEARING IS LESS 2. THE MINIMUM DIMENSION FROM TOP OF PIPE TO FINISHED 1. DROP PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE OF EQUAL SIZE AND MATERIAL AS THAN 1500 PSF. GRADE SHALL BE 4.0 FEET. THE INFLUENT SEWER. 6. ALL WOOD BLOCKING SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED 2. THE COUNTY MAY APPROVE ALTERNATE WATER TIGHT CONNECTION DETAILS WITH PRESERVATIVE. FOR CONNECTION OF 24'0IAMETER PIPES AND LARGER. 3. AN OUTSIDE DROP CONNECTION SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL INFLUENT AIR OR COMBINATION AIR/VACUUM WHICH HAVE AN INVERT 2'OR MORE ABOVE THE MANHOLE INVERT. : RELEASE VALVE DETAIL THRUST BLOCK DETAIL fflclev MANHOLE CONNECTION DETAILS (FIG. 103) (FIG.201) RAISED 1-i/2' LETTERS FLUSH WITH TOP OF COVER OF 0 TRENCH WIDTH VARIES v�V �i"oFF VARIES VARIES CROWN TRENCH IN W/ SIZE OF PIPE UNIMPROVED. AREAS y Ji LOT LINE _I WYE E WITH 1 ? �_ - � (3' MIN.) = SANITARY = N I P BRANCH -SEWER MAIN I I _ SIZE VARIES 3 FINISHED GRADE (SEE NOTE 8) Z,� �\ � i 6' 45 CLEAN-OUT (TYP.) ,� �� z I BEND WYE WITH I METALLIC LOCATING WT SEE NOTE 1 \�BRANCH FINISHED GRADE 'Jj1T \ �, 2 - NON PENETRATING CLEAN-OUT REMOVABLE I G' 45 ° WYE WITH w PICK HOLES SEE NOTE 1 1PLUG BEND 6 BRANCH LOT //��; z - ---- 0 1'MAX. rC/\ m o PLAN 3I I DOUBLE LINE �h J? z T� SEE NOTE 4 i /T z w ¢ 1 WYE PVC WATER MAIN COMMON FILL ►� _PIPE O.D."/ '- � - MACHINED i PLAN OR FORCE MAIN \ \ \� MATING SURFACES FINISHED GRADEN E, 12' !TYP.) ' SLOPE TO METALLIC LOCATING WIRE SELECT U ` DEPTH _C? MAX. z \/ I COMMON o o (� 24'+/- 3/8' 1-1/2'MIN. aI TERMINAL II FILL m z (TYP.) EARTH URGED / - - - - -- ---- ---- a w . I (SEE NOTE 3) a u' � I I - I-•--}-4-3/4' MIN. TERMINAL DEPTH 30TA(TYP.) \ \/ TE - -SPRING LINE AS REQUIRED FOR (SEE NOTE 3) 1 SEWER MAIN NOTES: ELEVATION 'HOUSE' SERVICE 1. PIPE BEDDING: SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 957. OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. SINGLE 1 DOUBLE 2. TRENCH BACKFILL• COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE LATERAL LATERAL MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. 3. PIPE BEDDING UTILIZING SELECT COMMON FILL OR BEDDING ROCK IN NOTES: ACCORDANCE WITH TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL MAY BE PROFILE 1. PVC PIPE SHALL REQUIRE INSULATED METALLIC LOCATING WIRE REQUIRED AS DIRECTED BY THE COUNTY. (14 GAUGE COPPER) CAPABLE OF DETECTION BY A CABLE LOCATOR 4. (h):15' MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24', AND 24' MAX. STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER NOTES: 2. AND SHALL BE BURIED DIRECTLY ABOVE THE CENTERLINE OF THE PIPE. FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24'AND LARGER. 1. CLEAN-OUT (SHOWN SHADED) SHALL 8E INSTALLED BY THE BUiLCER LOCATING WIRE SHALL TERMINATE AT THE TOP OF EACH VALVE BOX 5. WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION. FIG. 202) 3. AND BE CAPABLE OF EXTENDING 12' ABOVE TOP OF BOX IN SUCH A G. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. MANNER SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH VALVE OPERATION. DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. 2. LOCATE SINGLE LATERAL AS CLOSE TO LOT LINE AS POSSIBLE, USE DUCT TAPE AS NECESSARY TO HOLD WIRE DIRECTLY ON THE 7. REFER TO SECTION 32.5 OF THE MANUAL FOR SHEETING AND BRACING 25' MAXIMUM. TOP OF THE PIPE. IN EXCAVATIONS. 3. INVERT DF SERVICE LATERAL SHALL NOT ENTER SEWER MAIN 8. FINAL RESTORATION 1N IMPROVED AREAS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH I TROWEL -FINISHED BELOW SPRING LINE. ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF GOVERNING AGENCIES. SURFACE 11 CONCRETE BENCHING RESTORATION WITHIN ORANGE COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL COMPLY WITH ( REQUIREMENTS OF RIGHT-OF-WAY UTILIZATION REGULATIONS AND ROAD CONCRETE BASE SEE MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. CONNECTION SERVICE TAIL LATERAL DETAIL (FI PVC PIPE LOCATING WIRE DETAIL TYPE B BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL SOF 5�r DETAILS (FIG. 100) CROWN TRENCH IN UNIMPROVED AREAS TRENCH WIDTH VARIES . (3' MIN.) (SEE TYPE B W/ SIZE OF PIPE t' BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL FOR OTHER 1 i RESTORATION. FINISHED GRAD III MANHOLE FRAME & COVER (SEE STANDARD DETAIL) SET COVERS FLUSH IN PAVED AREAS & AT FRAMES BEDDED IN MORTAR / J ELEVATIIONS SHOWN IN UNPAVED AREAS. � y/?a .• � Y �, 2 COURSES OF BRICK (MIND / cj LU 4 COURSES (MAX.) m o 1'-6 MIN. w z 3'-0' MAX. 5' 2'-0, SEE NOTE 4 /� n w > INSIDE NAL OUTSIDE HALL COMMON FILL _ PRE -PRIMED PIPE O.D. + / , ~ EPDXY COAL TAR COATINGS Lo o JOINT SURFACES N PER SPECIFICATIONS 4'-0' T MIN. `_ ``' PRE -PRIMED PRE -MOLDED \ JOINT SURFACES PLASTIC JOINT SELER 12' (TYP.) m cn PPRROTTEPCTIVE SELECT z BENCHING PER SPECIFICATION , 0 m w / I i COMMON C__ (WRAPPER TO BE REMOVED) AS -BUILT REQUIREMENTS SELECT COMMON - /> FILL o z - i _ FILL REINFORCEMENT AND JOIN . -�-� 6' SQUEEZE -OUT LU DETAIL TO BE DESIGNED BY MIN• COMPLETED l Sanitary Sewer BEDDING ROCK _ v, �.._ JOINT NtTM Uil n THE ENGINEER AND ; 8'saUEEZE OUT PIPE BEDDING APPROVED BY THE -r (SEE NOTE B & 9) / / / i-- UNDISTURBED EARTH COUNTY. )I I a. Top elevatlon of each manhole frame & cover. NOTES: --t94_ I �19'� 1. PIPE BEDDING: SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE BEDDING ROCK I 2' MIN. b. Invert of each line entering and leaving each MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. i 2. TRENCH BACKFILL: COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE CAST -IN-PLACE I PRECAST MONOLITHIC manholelstructure. MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. CONCRETE BASE BASE 3. USE TYPE A BEDDING TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AS DIRECTED BY THE COUNTY. c. Length of each run of main between manholes 4. (•): 15' MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24', AND 24' MAX. (Center to Center). FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24'AND LARGER. 5. WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION, NOTES: : 6. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE 1. MANHOLE SHOWN IS FOR SEWER SIZE 8' THRU 24', SEE SECTION 20.4.3 OF THE d Actual grade of pipe between manholes. DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. MANUAL FOR MANHOLE DIAMETER FOR SEWERS LARGER THAN 24'. 7. REFER TO SECTION 32.5 OF THE MANUAL FOR SHEETING AND BRACING 2. DROP CONNECTIONS ARE REQUIRED WHENEVER INVERT OF INFLUENT SEWER IS l e. Locate IN EXCAVATIONS. 24' OR MORE' ABOVE THE INVERT OF THE MANHOLE. SEE MANHOLE a / ServlCe WyeS from downstream manhole ` 8. GRAVITY SEWERS SHALL UTILIZE TYPE A BEDDING, IF REQUIRED BY THE CONNECTION DETAILS. With depth _ COUNTY. BEDDING DEPTH SHALL 8E 4' MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS 3. APPROVE[? -CONCENTRIC CONE DESIGN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE. at lot 11ne & distance from main Jlne. THAN 15', AND G' MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER 16' AND LARGER. 9. DEPTH FOR REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL GOVERN DEPTH OF PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE f. Invert elevatlon & 2 horizontal Iles from permanent vIslble - BEDDING ROCK BELOW THE PIPE. COUNTY SHALL DETERMINE IN .THE PLAN AND SECTION FIELD REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL TO REACHto each sanitary lateral & sanitary maln terminatlon polnt. d SUITABLE FOUNDATION. cFIG2B0) TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL The Contractor ` (FIS 101) hereby certlfles to the OWNER that Improvements covered by thd's drawing and the related ;detalis have been`=nstructed as. Ind/cat+ed or as modified by the notes and graphlos shown." Absent a note or grophlc to FIELo: WESMERE the contrary, the Improvements have been constructed meet! Indust ng Industry CITY OF OCOEE,FLA. standard tolerances. - � � _ CADD BYa ZMB bowyemmglieton Signed: Date: Authorized Contrador's Representative CHECKED BYe RM SANITARY V l / r"1/ 1 / SEWER DETAILS LJL l ��LS INCORPORATED - - DESIGNED BY:ZMB CONSULTING ENGINEERING tNG PLANNING LAND SURVEYING CRESTENLAKE - VILLAGE l0 DAT E BY DESCRIPTION ,` 520 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE . ORLANDO, FLORIDA 3 SCALE: NTS (407) 843_ 5120REVISION � 7 �� DATE MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH8-201, SHEET 8 OF 1I : CAD AVH P , E 8 SD.001 AREA FOR P ` N U DISTURBED LUG AREA FOR SOIL (TYP.) TEE 24x 2Ax 6 T WOOD HICK CONC. PAD EDGE OF BLOCKING TVP. EACH. VALVE BOX. TRENCH - - &1k (TYP.) 3 DIA. BRONZE DISC (TYP.) ANCHORED IN CONC.PAD 4 BARS ALL 3 DIA. BRONZE STAMPAS REO'D ARO N AREA FOR U D DISC AN R N (SEE NOT ) CHO ED I PLUG E1 CONC. PAD STAMP I 1 1 I SIZE OF VALVE AS REO'D. t CROSS`W/PLUG CROSS W/ TYPE OF VALVE ,6 � TWO PLUGS , WOOD FORM BOARDS BEHIND TEE TEE W/PLUG SERVICE ."M BELL SHALL NOT INTERFERE Ln WITH JOINT (TYP. AREA FOR AREA FOR _ ' 45• DIRECTION & N0. 4, cv BEND TEE OF TURNS TO �• -} ` CONCRETE THRUST OPEN •• � t• BLOCK (TYP.) 012 • VALVE BOX NRTEfl AND COVER O - , . • - - AREA FOR (TYPJ i EDGE OF PLUG 2500. P.S.I. TRENCH 1 (TYP.) i CONCRETE MIN. ANCHORS OFFSET (AS REOT) " TEE W/ MIN. EDGE of CROSSCUT BENDS WYE END PLUG UNIMPROVED CONDITION UNDISTURBED FINISHOP ED GRADE SOIL (TYP.) NOTES: 9` ASPHALT SURFACE 1. THRUST BLOCK BEARING AREAS SHALL BE POURED AGAINST TREWCH'WIDTH = UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. WHERE TRENCH WALL HAS BEEN 1 X DISTURBED, EXCAVATE ALL LOOSE MATERIAL AND EXTEND - E TO UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. I 1 THRUST'- _ 2. EXTEND THRUST BLOCK FULL LENGTH OF FITTINGS.BASE I � JOINTS SHALL NOT BE COVERED BY THRUST BLOCKS. I 1 1 THRUST BLOCK FITT N HA AREA (SO. FT.) I GS S LL BE PROTECTED 8Y POLYETHYLENE FILM FITTIN MIN. (8 MIL.)PRIOR 70 PLACING CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK. CONCRETE 3. ROUGH BLOCKING FORMS SHALL -BE USED ALONG SIDES OF 4'x 4'x 18' LONG THRUST BLOCK THRUST BLOCKS, AS REQUIRED. (MIND PRECAST PO STTVPIAL SECTION VALVEBOX W'TH 3'T SCHEDULE FOR THRUST BLOCK AREAS x PIPE SIZE (INCHES) 90 BEND (SO FT)ISO 45 BEND FT)(SO 22-1/2 BEND FT)(SO 1 1 -1 /4 BEND FT) TEE 8 PLUG (SO FT) DESIGN PRESS (PSI) 4 2.0 1.0 0.7 0.5 2.0 150 6 4.0 2.3 1.2 0.6 4.0 150 8 7.0 3.8 2.0 1.0 7.0 1 150 10 10.2 5.6 2.9 1.5 10.2 150 12 14.6 6.0 4.0 2.1 14.6 150 (FIG.103) NOTE, THRUST BLOCK AREAS TO BE COMPUTED ON BASIS OF LBS. PER SO. FT. SOIL RESTRAINT (1.500 MIN) BEARING. SEE NOTE 5 • TO BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER. 4. THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE USED IN COMBINATION, AS AND COVER DIAME ER REQUIRED, TO SUITE THE SPECIFIC FITTING ARRANGEMENT. (TYP.) BRONZE DISC SET IN 5. ALTERNATE DESIGNED RESTRAINING SYSTEMS SHALL BE IMPROVED CONDTITION ABOVE, AS SHOWN PROVIDED WHERE STANDARD THRUST BLOCKING IS NOT SUITABLE AND/OR SOIL RESISTANCE BEARING IS LESS NOTES: THAN 1500 PSC. 6. ALL W000 BLOCKING SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED 1. BRONZE IDENTIFICATION DISC SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL VALVES 16'AND WITH PRESERVATIVE. LARGER,OR AS REQUIRED BY THE COUNTY FOR CRITICAL OFFSITE VALVES. 2. VALVE COLLAR DIMENSIONS MAY BE REDUCED TO 18'X 18'X 6' WHEN THE BRONZE IDENTIFICATION DISC IS NOT REQUIRED. VALVE COLLAR DETAIL THRUST BLOCK DETAIL (FIG. 107) (FIG.103) METALLIC LLIC LOCATING WIRE FINISHED GRADE y 0 IMAX. PVC WATER MAIN OR FORCE MAIN N 1:71, MAX. METALLIC LOCATING WIRE NOTES: 1. PVC PIPE SHALL REQUIRE INSULATED METALLIC LOCATING WIRE (14 GAUGE COPPER)CAPABLE OF DETECTION BY A CABLE LOCATOR 2. AND SHALL BE BURIED DIRECTLY ABOVE THE CENTERLINE OF THE PIPE. LOCATING WIRE SHALL TERMINATE AT THE TOP OF EACH VALVE BOX 3. AND BE CAPABLE OF EXTENDING 12' ABOVE TOP OF BOX IN SUCH A MANNER SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH VALVE OPERATION, USE DUCT TAPE AS NECESSARY TO HOLD WIRE DIRECTLY ON THE TOP OF THE PIPE. PVC PIPE LOCATING WIRE DETAIL (FIG. 108) ENCASE SINGLE SERVICE IN Y -FITTING SET TDP OF VALVE BOX DOUBLE 1)12' PVC UNDER PVM'T. U -BRANCH - U -BRANCH FITTING FITTING TO FINISHED GRADE � LOTS (TYP) SERVICE (IVP.) CONCRETE COLLAR HYDRANT OPERATING f-=------ -- - --I - - - -, IN UNPAVED AREAS P - - - - - I -I _ p T c CORPORATION ION CURB STOP CORPORATION (1` x 3/4' x 3/4') PROPERTY STOP (1 MIN.) (SEE NOTE 3) STOP (1%z' MIN. (NOTE: HAVE FITTINGS FINISHED GRADE ( (SEE DETAILS) NUT � I TO HAVE LOCKABLE WINGS) NUT, LINE (TYP.) ENCASE'SERVICESItN 2' I iI MARK WITH HOSE NOZZLE AS RED'D. C 2'BLOWOFF VALVE I PVC LIN ER PAVE ENT - WOOD PAINTED �, I �t BLUE & WITH CURB STOP 1 24' SQUARE OR \ (SEE DETAIL) \ I I i ? LOT NUMBERS z ROUND AND 6 THICK 1 PUMPER NOZZLE / Q REINFORCED CONCRETE FACING STREET I // '\ ( � i' �( 12' MARK WITH WOOD PAINTEC 1 ADJUSTABLE CAST IRON SHEAR PAD. SEE - - - - - J, 1 I _ a rr, a BLUE & WITH LCT NUMBERS VALVE BOX NOTE 2 - - - - - VALVE COLLAR >C' -- WATERMAINJ I Ii i SEE NOTE 2- 2 - tt4 AT 9' Z (SEE DETAIL) I ¢ I �a D.C. ALL 1 i 0 MINIMUM) - z BOX SHALL REST ON AROUND RESILIENT SEAT BEDDING ROCK NOT n' 200 PSI POLY' - - - - - - -1 I� W ?_00 PSi POLY 7U6`�NG SDR9 - - - - - 200 PSI POLY M.J.GATE VALVE AND SHALL BE -•--- TUBING SDR9 TUBING SDR9 ON VALVE OR PIPE I I I w WATER CENTERED ON COMPACTED i 1 U, SINGLE METER 90X 2 -DOUBLE METER BOXES MAIN OPERATING NUT BACKFILL �, M J HYDRANT }� _ _ _ _ _ I ( w AND WATER METER AND WATER METER w ANCHORING TEE t (BY ORANGE COJ (SERVICE & IRRIGATION) SEE NOTE 3 i ¢ / \' - 1 _ > 12'MIN. - - i I (� r- SINGLE SERVICE DOUBLE SERVICE - - - - - - - - - - - - 4' WATER ) - 4'x6' OR ' REDUCE) MAIN (MIND ( 6' FIRE I( 1 ( I `n CORPORATION STOP HYDRANT I II & FITTING ` � ( FITTINGS AS :ASSEMBL (NORMALLY OPEN) REQUIRED (TYP.)I i (SEE NOT 1) 1 I �) I : �I AWWA TYPE =----- ---' --------'---- i CC THREADS 6" BEDDING ROCK I G'BEDOING ROCK RIGHT OF WAY LINE --I �- I IT TO METER BOX ASSEMBLY i M J ANCHORING RESILIENT SEAT GATE 5' UTILITY ESM'T.(TYP.) 1 SADDLE COUPLING VALVE AND BOX T200 UBING PSI POL (1' YLENE (SEE DETAIL) CURB WATER MAIN 30 - 45 DEG. 2'(TYPJ NOTES NOTES: 1. PVC EXTENSIONS SHALL NOT BE USED ON VALVE BOX INSTALLATION. SIDEWALK (TYP.) 2. THE ACTUATING NUT FOR DEEPER VALVES SHALL BE EXTENDED TO 1. FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITHOUT A WEEP HOLE, - RIGHT OF WAY LINE COME UP TO 4 FOOT DEPTH BELOW FINISHED GRADE. OR WITH A PERMANENTLY PLUGGED WEEP HOLE. T ^ WATER MAIN 2. THE DEVELOPER MAY INSTALL THE SHEAR PAD RECESSED UP TO 4 INCHES BELOW FINISHED GRADE AND SOD THE RECESSED SECTION. NOTES: NOTES: • 3. CLEARANCE BETWEEN BOTTOM OF BOLTS AND TOP OF SHEAR PAD 1. ANCHORING TYPE 90' BEND SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE RIGHT-OF-WAY 1. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE BRASS WITH COMPRESSION/PACK OR FLARED SHALL BE A 6' MINIMUM. CONSTRICTIONS WILL NOT ALLOW INSTALLATION OF A STRAIGHT ASSEMBLY. JOINT TYPE CONNECTIONS. GATE VALVE AND BOX DETAIL 4. ALL HYDRANTS TO BE PAINTED OSHA YELLOW. ` 2. NO SERVICE LINE SHALL TERMINATE UNDER A DRIVEWAY. IM 400) 3. EACH SERVICE SHALL TERMINATE AT A CURB STOP(S) WHICH SHALL BE BURIED APPROXIMATELY T BELOW FINAL GRADE AND SHALL BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH A 2'X 2'X 18' STAKE WITH FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL THE TOP PAINTED BLUE AND MARKED WITH THE NUMBER OF THE (F)G. 402) WATER SERVICE LOCATION DETAIL LOT(S) To BE SERVED. (FIG. 404) 4. METER BOX TOP SHALL BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH FINAL GRADE. WATER SERVICE CONNECTICN DETAILS CROWN TRENCH IN UNIMPROVED AREAS TRENCH WIDTH VARIES tFIG. 405) (T MIN.)(SEE TYPE B W/ SIZE OF PIPE - BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL FOR OTHER RESTORATION. FINISHED GRAD e ' 7Q H • ` / X CO Z QUJ S /X SEE NOTE 4 / Ln W UJ COMMON FILL PIPE 0.0. , V �- I 12' (TYP.) SELECT c3 \T ( COMMON Z SELECT COMMON / FILL m z FILL UJ Lu BEDDING ROCK ` /�/'ui PIPE BEDDING (SEE NOTE 8 & 9) UNDISTURBED EARTH NOTES: AS -BUILT REQUIREMENTS _ 1. PIPE BEDDING: SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. 2. TRENCH BACKFILL•COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE /.Water System MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. 3 USE TYPE A BEDDING TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AS DIRECTED a. Actual lengths of plpe between branches and valves In the run. BY THE COUNTY. 4. ("):15' MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24', AND 24' MAX. The Contractor FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24' AND LARGER. hareby cerf/f/es t0 the OWNER that Improvements covered by thVS drawing b. Locate with measurements from permanent v/slb/e objects 5. WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION. G. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE and the related CI6fOI/S 'me been constructed as Indicated or CIS a// flttlngslaccessorles not vIsIble from the surface. DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. modlfled by the notes and graphlOS shown. "Absent a note Or graph(c t0 7. REFER TO SECTION 32.5 OF THE MANUAL FOR SHEETING AND BRACING the confrory, the Improvements have been conb'I•rUcted meeting industry C. Llst the depths of the /Ines at a/1 valves, fittings and fire B. GRAVITY SEWERS SHALL UTILIZE TYPE A BEDDING, IF REQUIRED BY THE StQRdald/BrO/aC@.S. ' hydrants. COUNTY. BEDDING DEPTH SHALL BE 4'MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS ,` THAN IT, AND 6' MINIMUM .FOR PIPE DIAMETER 16' AND LARGER. Signed. Date: 9. DEPTH FOR REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL GOVERN DEPTH OF "horized Contractor's Re resentative BEDDING ROCK BELOW THE PIPE. COUNTY SHALL DETERMINE IN THE, p a - FIELD REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL TO REACH U FOUNDATION. SUITABLE LE FOU OA ION TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING 'DETAIL (FIG. 101) ELDs WESMERE Cr _Y OF OCOEE LA. CADD BY;ALA ZMBdoll associat'n CHECKED BY: RM WADETAILS �ETAI S INCORPORATED _ - -ZMB : N - DESIGNED BY. CONSULTING ENGINEERING .PLANNING .LAND SURVEYING CREST E LAKE VILLAGE IO DAT 5 SOUTH E BY DESCRIPTION 20 OU MAGNOLIA AVENUE .ORLANDO FLORIDA 32 SCALErNTS (407) 843_ 5120R=VI ION - _ DATE a MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVHB 2Q1 SHEET - 9 OF 11 CA g `u .. DE AV ,8PN 1 i , D.00 r ) i i I s. MIN. 18 L.F. D.I. I _2' MIN. _ I i , I - -- I - -- —----I—j ----- ----,—t ----- — --- -- —---------- — II - E I - I j I I ' I v I v OUTLINE OF ACCESS OPENING I FLEXIBLE CABLE HOLDER SHALL BE POSITIONED COUPLINGS (TYP. ) OPPOSITE THE INFLUENT LINE IN I G THE WET WELL 8" VALVE VAULT CAPPED NIPPLE AND VALVE FOR PRESSURE GUAGE. (TYP.I z IT T N _ 3" G.I. r- -FLOOR DRAIN W/STRAINER CD -- — ------------------------------------------- 2Z M�i f ' wel§ll ----- ---------__ -_ __- ---- -__ z v ru L F PLAN VIEW N.T.S. 4" G.I. VENT WITH VENT CAP ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH W/ LOCKSET AND RECESSED HANDLE.---- v POWER CABLE 2" DIA. SCH. 40 ° STAINLESS STEEL PIPE MIN. 3 /8 " HEAVY DUTY A a STAINLESS STEEL LIFTING CHAIN. lv SHOWN ROTATED 90 DEG. v"'� FOR CLARITY. A I PLUG VALVE EMERGENCY PUMP CONNECTION VALVE BOX SHALL BE ENLARGED IF FLOW METER REQUIRED OR PER NOTE t4 ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH W/ LOCKSET AND RECESSED HANDLE (SEE NOTE 8) STANDARD FLANGED TEE W/BLIND FLANGE xz_4 x 3 REDUCER W/3' SPOOL PIECE 8 BLIND FLANGE 3®-1 ELEV. Y +, 8" PLUG VALVE W/ LEVER OPERATOR STAINLESS STEEL PRESSURE GUAGE PET COCK VALVE z (° j 8" DUCTILE IRON PIPE e° 7` (RESTRAINED JOINT) 2 - 4 BARS 8" CHECK VALVE STRAINER GALVANIZED IRON 3" FLOOR DRAIN. SLOPE OUTLET PIPE I /2" PER FOOT. SEE NOTE 12 II 11:27 f I a HIGH LEVEL ALARM ELEV.___X N. 18 L.F. D I w I_ ELEV. Z JI i LAG PUMP ON ELEV. W 24 VOLT FLOAT LIQUID is LEVEL CONTROLS ! a I � f� � LEAD PUMP ON ELEV. V . I'_ 6' _I BOTH PUMPS OFF ELEV. u �6Po F-GROUT v I ELEV. T1 v a o N o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0^O O; Do n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _( Z ��6,90 � o,�opog 0`0(40 o O O O O o �ogo9G�gopopopogO'Os �.,�r,Q°C°Q.,°�r,0°C,°��C� ° O°O°Qr,O°O°O°Or,O°O1 GRAVEL 3' 9' *6 -12 O.C. E.W. MIN. MIN. 3/4 DIA. x II" STAINLESS STEEL ANCHOR BOLTS TO EXTEND 7" INTO BASE. SECTION VIEW N. T. S. PUMP STATION DETAILS PLANS. SECTION. AND NOTES (FIG. 301) FENCE NOTES 1. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE PRE-GALYANIZED W17 -H /2 OUNCES OF ZINC PER SQUARE FOOT. ?,CONCRETE SHALL HAVE MIN OF 2500 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. 3. END POST AND PULL -2 3/8' 0.. SCHEDL 40ISS40 STEEL PIPE. 4. GATE FRAME - 2' O.D. SCHED. 40 STEEL PIPE. 5. UNE POST -20 00 SCHED. 40 STEEL PIPE. &TOP RAIL -15/8' OD SCHE'D.20ISS20 STEEL TUBE. 7. TENSION WIRE -7 GAGE SPRING STEEL 8. CHAINUNK FABRIC -2 1/4' MESH. // 1/2 GAUGE. "9 GALV. CLIPS 2'-0' MAX. SPACING POST CAP — POST CORNER — m in GRADE EXIST. GRADE 8" PVC I ORCEMAIN 10'-0' TO CENTER (MAX) �,L!.) t 2500 PSI CONCRETE j JAI .� .t—_ • • 1 mss' --I 12' - -� 12' FENCE DETAIL 3/9' ADJ. GATEPOST -, rGATE CORNER TRUSS RODS-, rGATE FRAME r -GATE POST 12' Ga G. CONCRETE u x is x is 9. j--� I-12' DOUBLE SWING GATE DETAIL NOTES: 1. TRUSS BARS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH GATE SECTION AND THE FIRST SPAN ON EACH SIDE OF A CORNER POST ONLY. CHAIN LINK FENCE DETAIL FIG. 307) DESCRIPTION REVISION GENERAL NOTES: I. ALL EXPOSED METAL SHALL BE PRINTED WITH 2 COATS OF EXTERIOR ENAMEL PAINT. 2. WET WELL AND VALVE VAULT SHALL BE COATED WITH COAL TAR INSIDE AND OUT. (TWO COATS, 9 MILS EACH.) 3. BASE AND FIRST RISER UNIT TO BE CAST MONOLITHIC. 4. VALVE VAULT SHALL BE SIZED TO PERMIT EASY REMOVAL OF CHECK VALVE SPINDLES WITH MINIMUM CLEARANCES AS SHOWN FOR 6" DIAMETER °IPE AND SMALLER. CLEARANCES SHALL INCREASE AS REQUIRED FOR LARGER PIPE SIZES. 5. VALVE VAULT SHALL HAVE SEALED FLOOR AND DRAIN. 6. ALL LOCATIONS WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LEAVE THE WET WELL OR VALVE VAULT SHALL BE MADE WATERTIGHT WITH WALL SLEEVE OR NON—SHRINK GROUT. 7. THERE SHALL BE NO VALVES OR ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOXES IN WET WELL. 8. WET WELL AND VALVE VAULT COVERS SHALL BE ALUMINUM WITH 316 S.S. HARDWARE AND LOCK BRACKET. SIZE AS REQUIRED BY PUMP MANUFACTURER AND APPROVED BY THE CITY° 9. FLEXIBLE COUPLING SHALL BE SLEEVE TYPE. 10. PUMPS SHALL BE: MANUFACTURER: ____FLYGT CP -3/02 _ : I Mp: 443 -------a: MODEL: --------- --------° DIA: —----- MM° SPEED: __1%QO____ RPM: DISCHARGE SIZE: --- 4---- IN.: VOLTAGE: 230 SQ: PHASE: : H ° P - P ------ z MIN° SOLID SIZE: ---3----- 1 N ° : CURVE; --- N/A - - - -- ° OPERATING CONDITIONS SHALL BE---J?J ---- GPM AT -----24 FEET TDH. MANUFACTURER: --.S : MODEL: -__ AF40---; IMP: __C3__: DIA; MM. SPEED: __n50 ___ RPM: DISCHARGE SIZE: _ 5_fI N.: VOLTAGE: ___ 230 __: HZ.-. _-_-----: PHASE: -3-_: HeP°: --- ° MIN. SOLID SIZE: ___ 4 ---- IN.. CURVE: --- NIA ----_- OPERATING CONDITIONS SHALL BE ___37D___ GPM AT -----3/_--- FEET TDH. MANUFACTURER: ------------: MODEL: -----------c IMP: ----.____: DIA: MM. SPEED: --------- RPM: DISCHARGE SIZE: _____-__ IN.. VOLTAGE: HZ°° --------: PHASE:---------- : He Pee ----------° MIN. SOLID SIZE: --------- IN.: CURVE: --_—_-----_- OPERATING CONDITIONS SHALL BE --------- GPM AT ----------- FEET TDH. Ii. ALL HARDWARE IN WET WELL AND VALVE BOX TO BE STAINLESS STEEL. 12. CONTRACTOR MAY INSTALL A "P" TRAP BETWEEN THE VALVE VAULT AND WET WELL AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE FLOOR DRAIN SHOWN. 13 -CABLE HOLDER SHALL BE ON THE SAME SIDE OF WET WELL AS CONTROL PANEL. PiuVP i NG I D I MEi\'S ONSi ;STATIONS] � ELEV ° A i ( CONST° J I r DIM A ; 15" VIN° D.M B 6'-0" MIN. �— BARS I 3" FABRIC I I -O 1 I J M r TRUSS BARS -� Dm G 1 1 DIM H TURNBUCKLE �,L!.) t 2500 PSI CONCRETE j JAI .� .t—_ • • 1 mss' --I 12' - -� 12' FENCE DETAIL 3/9' ADJ. GATEPOST -, rGATE CORNER TRUSS RODS-, rGATE FRAME r -GATE POST 12' Ga G. CONCRETE u x is x is 9. j--� I-12' DOUBLE SWING GATE DETAIL NOTES: 1. TRUSS BARS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH GATE SECTION AND THE FIRST SPAN ON EACH SIDE OF A CORNER POST ONLY. CHAIN LINK FENCE DETAIL FIG. 307) DESCRIPTION REVISION GENERAL NOTES: I. ALL EXPOSED METAL SHALL BE PRINTED WITH 2 COATS OF EXTERIOR ENAMEL PAINT. 2. WET WELL AND VALVE VAULT SHALL BE COATED WITH COAL TAR INSIDE AND OUT. (TWO COATS, 9 MILS EACH.) 3. BASE AND FIRST RISER UNIT TO BE CAST MONOLITHIC. 4. VALVE VAULT SHALL BE SIZED TO PERMIT EASY REMOVAL OF CHECK VALVE SPINDLES WITH MINIMUM CLEARANCES AS SHOWN FOR 6" DIAMETER °IPE AND SMALLER. CLEARANCES SHALL INCREASE AS REQUIRED FOR LARGER PIPE SIZES. 5. VALVE VAULT SHALL HAVE SEALED FLOOR AND DRAIN. 6. ALL LOCATIONS WHERE PIPES ENTER OR LEAVE THE WET WELL OR VALVE VAULT SHALL BE MADE WATERTIGHT WITH WALL SLEEVE OR NON—SHRINK GROUT. 7. THERE SHALL BE NO VALVES OR ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOXES IN WET WELL. 8. WET WELL AND VALVE VAULT COVERS SHALL BE ALUMINUM WITH 316 S.S. HARDWARE AND LOCK BRACKET. SIZE AS REQUIRED BY PUMP MANUFACTURER AND APPROVED BY THE CITY° 9. FLEXIBLE COUPLING SHALL BE SLEEVE TYPE. 10. PUMPS SHALL BE: MANUFACTURER: ____FLYGT CP -3/02 _ : I Mp: 443 -------a: MODEL: --------- --------° DIA: —----- MM° SPEED: __1%QO____ RPM: DISCHARGE SIZE: --- 4---- IN.: VOLTAGE: 230 SQ: PHASE: : H ° P - P ------ z MIN° SOLID SIZE: ---3----- 1 N ° : CURVE; --- N/A - - - -- ° OPERATING CONDITIONS SHALL BE---J?J ---- GPM AT -----24 FEET TDH. MANUFACTURER: --.S : MODEL: -__ AF40---; IMP: __C3__: DIA; MM. SPEED: __n50 ___ RPM: DISCHARGE SIZE: _ 5_fI N.: VOLTAGE: ___ 230 __: HZ.-. _-_-----: PHASE: -3-_: HeP°: --- ° MIN. SOLID SIZE: ___ 4 ---- IN.. CURVE: --- NIA ----_- OPERATING CONDITIONS SHALL BE ___37D___ GPM AT -----3/_--- FEET TDH. MANUFACTURER: ------------: MODEL: -----------c IMP: ----.____: DIA: MM. SPEED: --------- RPM: DISCHARGE SIZE: _____-__ IN.. VOLTAGE: HZ°° --------: PHASE:---------- : He Pee ----------° MIN. SOLID SIZE: --------- IN.: CURVE: --_—_-----_- OPERATING CONDITIONS SHALL BE --------- GPM AT ----------- FEET TDH. Ii. ALL HARDWARE IN WET WELL AND VALVE BOX TO BE STAINLESS STEEL. 12. CONTRACTOR MAY INSTALL A "P" TRAP BETWEEN THE VALVE VAULT AND WET WELL AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE FLOOR DRAIN SHOWN. 13 -CABLE HOLDER SHALL BE ON THE SAME SIDE OF WET WELL AS CONTROL PANEL. PiuVP i NG I D I MEi\'S ONSi ;STATIONS] � ELEV ° A i ( CONST° J I r DIM A ; 15" VIN° D.M B 6'-0" MIN. �— Dim C I 3" T DM U --II7 I I „ 1 I J M r ” �0 Dm G '\ 1 DIM H 6'-0" MIN° j DIM J 4 -0 i D,M K 1 4, v„ M,lN -LLLV T i 1104-99 ELEV U U 9a 6 1 i L- L-LL� !09-90 E!_EV W i10-40 ELEV X 110.90 ELEV 1 j 125.92 I L EV Z I- �- I Ii0°90 I PER PUMP MANL;' AC T URERS REQU i REMEi\ T FIELD: CADD BY: OCPUD CHECKED BY: OCPUD DESIGNED BY: OCPUD SCALE: PUMP STATION SITE PLAN WESMERE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA LIFT STATION CRESTENLAKE - VILLAGE /0 DATE : MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH8 - 201 SHEET 10 OF 10 , , '\ 1 \ ',` Ric \ , .` ,\ •,\ , C/L\.WET WELL 50458-625' PVC W.M. STA LT:, HOSE 8/8 6� \ BACKFLOW PREVENTER \ CONTROL 1^Tr PANEL i 2'--6 SWING' GATE \� 1 oho%s \ \`\ \ aA3^ R \ 17', \ 18'^•8' D.I.P. (POLYETHYLENE UNED>tct0.30% REMOVE PLUG, CONNECT 8` PVC 2I' (DEPTH OF WET WELD FIELD: CADD BY: OCPUD CHECKED BY: OCPUD DESIGNED BY: OCPUD SCALE: PUMP STATION SITE PLAN WESMERE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA LIFT STATION CRESTENLAKE - VILLAGE /0 DATE : MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH8 - 201 SHEET 10 OF 10 GATE VALVE — T EST COCK (TYP.) THREADED NIPPLE (TYP.) — FINAL GRADE FROM MAIN MOUNTING BRACKET BACKFLOW PREVENTER IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS APPROVED BY THE COUNTY GATE VALVE — UNION (2 REQUIRED) 90" BEND I z X l I (2 REQUIRED) HIM / I 18' DIAMETER BY 6° I OR 18' x 18' x 6' CONCRETE COLLAR WITH 44 BAR ALL - AROUND (2 REO'D.) NOTES: 1. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS 2' AND SMALLER SHALL BE THREADED SCHEDULE 40 GALVANIZED STEEL OR BRASS. REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER (FIG. 501) ALARM LIGHT of o O 00 O II _ GENERATOR IRM xz O O RECEPTACLE um Km O O ® DID] lam ALARM OH OH UA HORN mialz POCKET 1N �'�lD I zz ,a o PAD LOCK p BRACKET DOOR STOP ODOR WITH LOCK LATCH FOR DEAD o FRONT. q MOUNTING BRACKETS NOTES: 1. OUTER BOX SIZE SHALL BE A .MINIMUM OF 24'W X 36'H X 10'0 OR AS APPROVED BY THE COUNTY. 2. FOR STATIONS WITH PUMPS RATED 20 HP OR GREATER, OUTER BOX SIZE SHALL BE 30'W X 42'H X IOT AND SHALL HAVE 2 LATCHES ON THE DEAD FRONT. 3. DRAWINGS SHALL BE REVISED FOR STATIONS WITH PUMPS RATED GREATER THAN 47 HP AND SUBMITTED TO THE COUNTY FOR APPROVAL. DUPLEX CONTROL PANEL ENCLOSURE DEAD FRONT LAYOUT (FIG.303) SERVI NOTES: 1. MAIN CIRCUIT TRANSFORMER REQUIRED FOR 480 VOLT SUPPLY ONLY. DUPLEX CONTROL PANEL ENCLOSURE SUBPANEL LAYOUT [FIG. 304) t POWER DISCONNECT 3' GALVANIZED [~ PIPE (SCH. 80) METER BASE WITH BY-PASS ABBREV. ITEM DESCRIPTION AH ALARM HORN AL ALARM LIGHT ASB ALTERNATOR TEST SWITCH CCB CONTROL CIRCUIT BREAKER CCT CONTROL CIRCUIT TRANSFORMER OR I DUPLEX RECEPTACLE / G.F.I. ORB I DUPLEX RECEPTACLE BREAKER ECB EMERGENCY CIRCUIT BREAKER ETM ELAPSE TIME METER F FUSE FL FLASHER FR FLOAT REGULATOR G GROUND GR I GENERATOR RECEPTACLE HOA I HAND -OFF -AUTO -SELECTOR HSS HORN SILENCE SWITCH LA LIGHTNING ARRESTER MB MOTOR BREAKER MCB MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER MCT MAIN CIRCUIT TRANSFORMER MT MOISTURE AND TEMPERATURE FAILURE LIGHT MS I MOTOR STARTER N I NEUTRAL OL I OVERLOAD HEATER PA I POWER AVAILABLE LIGHT (3 REQUIRED 1 EACH PHASE) PAA I PUMP AUTOMATIC ALTERNATOR PL I PILOT LIGHT PM I PHASE MONITOR R I RELAY RE I RESISTOR RL I RUN INDICATOR RTS REGULATOR TERMINAL STRIP TS TERMINAL STRIP TTS THERMAL TERMINAL STRIP NOTE: PUMP STATION CONTROL PANEL LEGEND (FIG. 306) 1-1/2 MIN. MOUNTING BRACKET ENCASED IN CONCRETE — HOSE BIB N ONzi p Z N N L, INTERLOCK CONTROL PANEL -I [ g 230 V ) I I LA 3 PHASE 4W N GR _ F1 PM o -I w 8 1 R2 O—I H-0 6 8 R3 o—I 1 -fl 6 8 R4 O --I I --C 6pM8 i 2 MB 1 MS 1 DL 1 PUMP 1 MB 2 MS 2 F -o JL L • /PUMA P 2 IIIII� -- -- MCT------I,jll PM ' 480V 120V � 1 L — — — — — --— C , 50VA — — — I i -- �J�--- 0--- i I CCBi DRB !; AL I Ia--a o c 0--j DR I D RE I H A ETM Y MS 1 N i 1 -� �— OL I TTS i II QCi AL _ AL� 1 2 RE o PAA i ETM 2 7 H �i-A 'ter i 5 I MS 2 Oi- 2 TTS LE�A'D/LAG 3 4 6 SWITCH FL I AL 2 fl HSS R5 3 4 1 R5 I J R5 2 7 6 8 12.0 V — F2 75 VA CCT RTS RTS -0- - - - - -O F R 4 C.- -0 - R3 K RTS FR 3 RTS 3 1 -0__---o------0 5 0\ 6 RI 1 2 NOTES: 1. MAIN CIRCUIT TRANSFORMER REQUIRED FOR 480 VOLT SUPPLY ONLY. DUPLEX CONTROL SCHEMATIC IF IG. 305) GALVANIZED PIPE CAP (TYP.) GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES SEAL OFF MOTOR CONDUCTOR CONDUIT 2' SCH. 80 PVC (SEE NOTE 2) CONTROL CONDUIT 2' SCH. 80 PVC INCOMING POWER SWEEP ELBOWS �bl 25 OHM MAX. GROUND RODS 1�(2 EACH) (10' APART) NOTES: 1. DRAWING IS SHOWN FOR 230 VOLT POWER SUPPLY. THE LOCATION OF METER AND MAIN POWER DISCONNECT SHALL BE REVERSED FOR 480 VOLT SUPPLY. 2. WHEN TWO (2)SEPARATE CONDUCTOR -TYPE MOTORS ARE USED, CONDUIT SHALL BE INCREASED TO 3'. 3. POWER SUPPLY SHALL BE UNDERGROUND ON THE LIFT STATION SITE AND SHALL BE 3 PHASE FROM A 3 PHASE SOURCE ONLY. PUMP STATION CONTROL PANEL INSULATION DETAIL (FIG.302[ DESCRIPTION REVISION FIELDS CADD BY: OCPUD CHECKED BYs OCPUD D7.SIGNED BY: OCPUD SCALES 2 " 7 2 7 I.PRIOR TO PREPARING TECHNICAL SUBMITTAL, REQUEST USE OF PREFFERED 480 VOLT 3 PHASE SERVICE FROM LOCAL UTILITY. IF NOT AVAILABLE. DEVELOP TECHNICAL SUBMITTAL ACCORDING TO AVAILABLE SERVICE VOLTAGE FOR THE PROJECT LOCATIONS. FOR CONTROLS. STARTERS AND MOTORS. 2.SUBMIT UTILITY APPROVED SITE PLAN DELINEATING THREE PHASE SERVICE SELECTED AND APPROVED BY UTILITY. SPECIFY SIZE AND UNDERGROUND ROUTING OF COPPER SERVICE ENTRY CABLES AND SCHEDULE 40 PVC CONDUIT PER NEC. 3.PANEL SUPPLIER TO PROVIDE MOTOR STARTERS ACCORDING TO PUMP HORSEPOWER REQUIREMENTS LISTED IN LIFT STATION PUMP PLAN. 4.FULL VOLTAGE NON REVERSING STARERS ACCORDING TO HORSE- POWER RATINGS LISTED. OR HIGHER. WILL BE PERMITED. SUBJECT TO WRITTEN UTILITY AUTHORIZATION FOR PROJECT LOCATION. 5 -CONNECT AND OPERATE LARGER PUMPS WITH TWO WINDINGS PER PHASE. USING REDUCED VOLTAGE. PART WINDING STARTERS. ACCORDING TO STARTER AND PUMP MANUFATURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. USE OF REDUCED VOLTAGE STARTERS WITH AUTOTRANSFORMER OR MOTORS WITH ONLY A SINGLE WINDING PER PHASE, SUBJECT TO OWNER/ ENGINEER REVIEW AND APPROVAL. UPON RECEIPT OF DOCUMENTATION VERIFYING EQUAL PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE COST DATA SUPPORTING THIS SELECTION. 6 -CONNECTION DIAGRAMS LISTED ABOVE ARE SCHEMATIC IN NATURE. INTENDED FOR EITHER TWO OR THREE PUMP OPERATION. USING A DUPLEX OR TRIPLEX CONTROL. CONTROLLER SUBMITTAL SHALL REFLECT PROPER CONFIGURATION ACCORDING TO DELINEATED LIFT STATION PUMP PLAN AND APPROVED UTILITY VOLTAGE. 7.THE ANTICIPATED VOLTAGE AT THE LIFT STATION SITE ITS 480 VOLTS. HOWEVER. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY THE VOLTAGE PRIOR TO ORDERING THE THE LIFT STATION PUMPS AND ELECTRICAL PANEL. WESMERE CITY OF OCOEEy FL4 bowyerms4lv%ton ® ' LIFT STATION ELECTRICAL INCORPORATED CONSULTING ENGINEERING : PLANNING : LAND SURVEYIN CRESTENLAKE - VILLAGE lO S20 SOUTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE : ORLANDO, FLORIDA 3 (407) 843-5120 74�� DATE : MARCH 1994 JOB NO. AVH8 - 201 SHEET 11 OF II UAUE AVHbF,.S.OI PLANTING DETAILS SHRUB &GROUNDCOVER 'LAYOUT DETAIL TREE PLANTINGDETAIL A Tr unk shall be maintained T lo In a vertical pq81110" A17JA= I-MA44HT SM5. 0% .7 =a5�#ALL tom' 'n21AJ�il. L.NZ �AG.;7 ,lIJ itC1�� , \ a -4-e ro C_,j0V=7 smzt,, 96 nAkrr-x;0 I&I F%9AL-19L. 'M -�-WX CUIrYMP Protective nubber J1049L Guy Wires 131 shall be kept. 'jdUl namove top 1/3 or burlap cu, pords- -SHRUB' & GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL. 2" Mulch Layer ,aOv. oho0 f��00 2 -x2 -x24- Staka 131 00 .0 \7 PC -V d- Firillizer Tablet CA 0 0 Planllnd Soil Mix 0 00 000 00 0, 00-00 4 Compacted Soll Mix =400 S 00 elling Bed IULLH LA` = X ----I X Imes. X+24'1 -PLAW11J6 t;01L- MIX FEE .7; YZY C_nMWrEV 601L• nucF= X ZX_ J 6 15 14 -2 13 12 100 • Pip -I ----------------- • tf ---------- 10 17 ------------------------------------ 9 VILL ZA GE 12 8 1k a rNITIr 42 7 1. All plants shall be Florida No. 1 or better. A$ 43 41 2. Mulch shall be shredded cypress Mulch and shall be 20 applied to a thickness of 3" throughout all planting 44 ' beds; trees in grass areas shall have a minimum.3 40 5 diameter tree.ring. Alf %E�ENTO\/ rl T 45 TYPICAL VILL Af' AIL 21' 4 3. The Contractor shall provide a one-year guarantee on. DSCAPE 46 all plant materials from time of acceptance. A AND LAND PE BUFFER SCALE: 1" 201 22 I LLAGE 11 2 4. The Contractor shall take reasonable care to avoid 37 47 damage of existing plant materials. The L Contractor 23 -Tb "IM14141-1 shall replace, at his expense, any and all plant 48 materials damaged or destroyed during construction, 24 5 36 unless removal of plants is specifically called for in the plans or by the Owner or Landscape Architect. 27 35 49 fill 1 L ti 5. 'All plants shall be fe-rtilized with an 18-6- 2 med- X 2 50 SCI ENTR"'. AREA PLANT Lit' I 51Alantinn T L.,4084 I -L, L' release fertilizer at the time of gat 'a rate 26 N / *aj, 6 1 specified by the manufacturer. 1 -7 A IR 6. Location of existing vegetation is approximate; 34 Contractor shall lay out bedlines and stake tree 25 28 3.3 locations. These locations shall then be approved by, 29 32 the Landscape Architect prior to beginning planting. 30 7 All plantings shall be provided with an automatic irrigation system capable of providing aminimum 1 Y2 of water per week. A 5 Co 19• FL.44-i A4R. nstruction .8. All existing sod areas disturbed by beyond the limits of sod shown on the plan shall be 10 4 -repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense. 9. All residential, building lots shall be planted with a -minimum of three 13) trees per lot.- Said trees sha i S BUFFER PLANT L10 2 -0 trees shall be at least 2" diameter breast height-� VILLAGE 10. I vi meet the following requirements: 12 • (DBH) 0 trees shall ba minimum of 10' in height 'L NAM f 0 at least 2 of1hie 3 trees shall be native plants as LL 30 Ligustrum lucidum Ligustrum Tree B&B; 8' x 8; multi4runk w. listed in the City of; Ocoee Land Development —m -c— 240 Myrica cerifera Wax Myrtle 15 gal; 6'-8'x 4'-5'* Code Article VI, Section 6-10 G(l)(a) x 7'-8; 4" cal. QV 10 Quercys virginiapp Live Oak 100 gal; 14'-15 0 trees shall be installed by the lot developer. 14 dig$ I SOD_j 14,000 JSt. Augustine 'Floratam' solid sod (sq.ft.) 10. Street trees shall be planted at a. rate of 1 for ever -of-way fro ' 0 50 linear feet of right tage and should n 21 22 23 -7 18 19 20 meet the following criteria: 0 street trees shall be live oaks trees shall be planted within 5'.of.the right_�,_ • 0 street of -way line street trees shall be maintained by the lot owner 0 street trees shall be Iodated in such a manner as to avoid damage to driveways and utilities and to achieve a continuous canopy over the roadway and sidewalk; the maximum spacingLof trees shall VILLAGE 9 SCALE: T' 1001 be no greater than 80'• street trees may L be credited toward the residential building lot tree requirements street trees shall be a minimum of 2" DBH and 10"in height at the time of planting. TAN!CAL:,AMF.... -.-.'i. .,.*�,..+.i*.,,�"�+'MB ,CO.. CZ LL, 10 Ligustrum lucidum Ligubtrum Tree, 8' x 8'; multi -trunk QV 6 Quercus Live Oak 1100 gal; 14'-15'x 7'4;4'cal. WR -virginiana 10 Washingtonia robusta Washington Palm See plans for trunk heiis 0 0 U_ CZ V. AN 405 Annuals (Various Species` Fiowerin Annuals i I a 4" pots; 9" o.c. R! 16& Raphiolepis indica 'Alba' Dwarf Indian Hawthorn 3 gal; 15"-18" spd.; 30" o.c. ZP' 75 Zamia pumila Coontie 3 cial; 10"-12" sod.; 24' o.c. _j SOD 2_._0_00 Isf Alvnt Qfi--.716ratam'solid'so'd Mt.) 9. All residential, building lots shall be planted with a -minimum of three 13) trees per lot.- Said trees sha i S BUFFER PLANT L10 2 -0 trees shall be at least 2" diameter breast height-� VILLAGE 10. I vi meet the following requirements: 12 • (DBH) 0 trees shall ba minimum of 10' in height 'L NAM f 0 at least 2 of1hie 3 trees shall be native plants as LL 30 Ligustrum lucidum Ligustrum Tree B&B; 8' x 8; multi4runk w. listed in the City of; Ocoee Land Development —m -c— 240 Myrica cerifera Wax Myrtle 15 gal; 6'-8'x 4'-5'* Code Article VI, Section 6-10 G(l)(a) x 7'-8; 4" cal. QV 10 Quercys virginiapp Live Oak 100 gal; 14'-15 0 trees shall be installed by the lot developer. 14 dig$ I SOD_j 14,000 JSt. Augustine 'Floratam' solid sod (sq.ft.) 10. Street trees shall be planted at a. rate of 1 for ever -of-way fro ' 0 50 linear feet of right tage and should n 21 22 23 -7 18 19 20 meet the following criteria: 0 street trees shall be live oaks trees shall be planted within 5'.of.the right_�,_ • 0 street of -way line street trees shall be maintained by the lot owner 0 street trees shall be Iodated in such a manner as to avoid damage to driveways and utilities and to achieve a continuous canopy over the roadway and sidewalk; the maximum spacingLof trees shall VILLAGE 9 SCALE: T' 1001 be no greater than 80'• street trees may L be credited toward the residential building lot tree requirements street trees shall be a minimum of 2" DBH and 10"in height at the time of planting. PrOjOd AO.: 7933 Dedgae& BCL Dirawn: QCL- Cbecked; JRH Deft: 12/20/93 RavWms: 77-7154W L� - ..v t 4 5 C: CZ LIJ CD co 0%000 UL E LJJ E 0 2 0 0 U_ CZ —0 > so 1 LU> 0 _0 0 0 C C: CZ _j PrOjOd AO.: 7933 Dedgae& BCL Dirawn: QCL- Cbecked; JRH Deft: 12/20/93 RavWms: 77-7154W L� - ..v t 4 5 C: CZ CD 06 ooh co 06 Q) CD CZ CL > CZ c) C/) _0 C CZ _j PrOjOd AO.: 7933 Dedgae& BCL Dirawn: QCL- Cbecked; JRH Deft: 12/20/93 RavWms: 77-7154W L� - ..v t 4 5 rr t " SIGHT TRIL TAIL 111=10' TRY SIGN ELEVATION,1/211 — '1.011 4 - a4", 6va1.1- over-, � ccs � �►,li- -tD M� -, N�i� ►�`i- �IG4G- �'©!��%� t.,.�' orz- t!sem X04 -� . i'mr-N 'te, PmAi1-t , �a1t �rclt� t►1 � Cv04tzle, MU- czfzWew-- 1-v i 4' *v i �J,G, 'I::-,Iu— G�1 Hi:;>- llU aezZ7 Psl 3'tlZ Zfo" BRICK PIER SECTION 1/211 — 1 1-011 SIGN WALL SECTION 1/211 — 11-011 ti t D D 5 OF 5 • 0 LL ,�j) ca W Lij • • 5 OF 5