HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 98-28 ORDINANCE NO. 98-28 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE ADOPTION OF STANDARDS; AMENDING SECTION 51-9 OF THE OCOEE CITY CODE RELATING TO STANDARDS FOR THE CONTROL AND REGULATION OF BUILDING CONTRACTORS AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION; AMENDING SECTION 51-12 OF THE OCOEE CITY CODE RELATING TO STANDARDS FOR MOBILE HOMES; AMENDING SECTION 69-10 OF THE OCOEE CITY CODE RELATING TO STANDARDS FOR REGULATIONS FOR THE ELECTRICAL SECTION; AMENDING SECTION 69-3 OF THE OCOEE CITY CODE RELATING TO DEFINITIONS FOR THE ELECTRICAL SECTION; AMENDING SECTION 106-3 OF THE OCOEE CITY CODE RELATING TO DEFINITIONS FOR THE MECHANICAL SECTION; AMENDING SECTION 106-9 OF THE OCOEE CITY CODE RELATING TO STANDARDS FOR REGULATIONS FOR AIR CONDITIONING, REFRIGERATION, HEATING AND VENTILATION CONTRACTORS; AMENDING SECTION 130-4 OF THE OCOEE CITY CODE RELATING TO DEFINITIONS FOR THE PLUMBING SECTION; AMENDING SECTION 130-12 OF THE OCOEE CITY CODE RELATING TO STANDARDS FOR REGULATIONS FOR PLUMBERS AND PLUMBING CONTRACTORS; REPEALING OF SECTION 130-13 OF THE OCOEE CITY CODE RELATING TO PLASTIC PIPE; AMENDING SECTION 130-17 OF THE OCOEE CITY CODE RELATING TO DUTIES OF A PLUMBER; AMENDING SECTION 158-3 OF THE OCOEE CITY CODE RELATING TO DEFINITIONS FOR THE SWIMMING POOL SECTION; REPEALING OF SECTION 158-34 OF THE OCOEE CITY CODE RELATING TO DISTANCE FROM YARD LINES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Section 51-9 of Chapter 51 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: ~ 51-9. Adoption of Standards. A. To the extent not more permissive than this Article, there is hereby adopted by the city, for the purpose of establishing and prescribing rules and regulations for construction, alteration, repairing, remodeling or demolition of any structure or building and minimum standards for occupancy within the city, those certain standards known as: 006.111250.2 1) The Standard Amusement Device Code, 1985 Edition. 2) The Standard Building Code, 1991 Edition, 1997 Edition, except as follows: (i) all appendices are excluded except for appendices A and D iffiEl--:T which are included; (ii) the engineering desigB criteria set fortfl iB Section 1205 of tfle S1:aBclard Bailding Code are included, provided, howe';er, tflat compliance witfl said engincering desigB eriteria may Be achieved by l:lsing the SoatoorB Building Code COBgress IffierFltltiOBal, IRe. SSTD 10 93 for Hurricane Resis1:aBt R-esidential COB5tmetioB; (in Chapter 11, "Accessibility for People with Physical Disabilities" shall be excluded; (iii) Section 2405.2.1.6 relating to safety glazing near swimming pools shall be excluded; (iv) Section 3403 relating: to existing building accessibility for people with physical disabilities shall be excluded; and (iv) Section 103.23 104.23 of the Standard Building Code is amended to read as follows: ID3.2.3 104.2.3 Design Professional. The design professional shall be an architect or engineer legally registered under the laws of this state regulating the practice of architecture or engineering and shall affix his official seal to said drawings, specifications and accompanying data, for the following: 1. All Group A, E and I occupancies. 2. Buildings and structures three stories or more high. 3.Buildings and structures 5000 sq ft (465m2) or more in area. For all other buildings and structures, the submittal shall bear the certification of the applicant that some specific state law exception permits its preparation by a person not so registered. The following are additional amendments to the Standard Building Code, 1997 Edition: (a) Section 1606 of the Standard Building Code shall be the minimum wind load criteria used for the design of all one and two family dwellings. Compliance with the engineering design criteria contained in Section 1606 may be achieved by using the Southern Building Code Congress International Inc., Standard SSTD 10-97 for Hurricane Resistant Residential Construction, the Wood Products Promotion Council-High Wind Proiect, Guide to Wood Construction in High Wind Areas 1997 edition "the Builder's Guide", the Wood Frame Construction Manual for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, 1995 High Wind Edition, or the Guide to Concrete Masonry Residential Construction in High Wind Areas, the "Masonry Guide". The Builders' Guide implementation shall be limited to the construction and design of wood frame single story buildings with wind speed design parameters of 1 00 and 110 miles per hour. The Manual is limited 006.111250.2 2 to a residential buildings of three stories or less, a mean roof height not exceeding 33 feet and wind speed design parameters between 90 and 120 miles' per hour. The Masonrv Guide is limited to residential buildings of one story with a maximum height not exceeding 25 feet and wind speed design parameters of 90, 100 and 110 miles per hour (fastest mile). (b) 2303.6 Protection against decay and termites. In order to minimize termite infestation and decay in new construction the following provisions are hereby adopted as part of the City Building Code and shall apply to new buildings or buildings undergoing remodeling that exceed 50 % of the appraised value of the building as determined by most current value on the Orange County Property Appraiser's Tax Roll and shall apply to new building additions to the extent possible: (c) 2304.6.1 Actions to minimize the available subterranean food supply. 2304.6.1.1 No wood. vegetation, dead roots, stumps, trash, debris or other organic material remain under the building or underground within five (5) feet of it. EXCEPTION: Living trees outside the roof line may remain. 2304.6.1.2 No wood grade stakes, forms, contraction spacers, tub trap boxes, plumbing supports. organic or termite susceptible construction material shall be placed in any location where the presence is not visually obvious and the removal is not easily possible after construction. All temporary construction wood shall be promptly and completely removed after the temporary need is satisfied. No construction wood for any use or other items of similar nature that could reasonably be expected to attract organisms destructive to structures shall be willfully buried on the building lot under any building, or within 15 feet of any building or the building footprint of any building proposed to be built. EXCEPTION: Buried posts of preservative-treated or naturally durable wood installed with at least six (6) inch space from the structure for inspection and retreatment shall be allowed. 2304.6.1.3 Cells and cavities in masonry units shall be cleaned of all trash, cellulose debris or wood scraps before concrete placement. 006.111250.2 3 EXCEPTION: Inorganic plugs manufactured specifically for closing cells in masonry units or clean earth fill are permissible. (d) 2304.6.2 Elimination of hidden termite access into the protected structure. 2304.6.2.1 Finished interior floor elevations shall be set. and yard grading: done to provide at least six (6) inch full clear inspection space at the foundation sidewall exterior below any wood. siding. sheathing. stucco on wire lathe. or foam board or expanded polystyrene down to the top of sod. mulch. soiL deck. porch. walk. apron or any other work immediately adjacent to the structure. Only paint or stucco directly onto the side of the foundation shall exist in the required six (6) inch inspection space. All new patio slabs abutting the building must have the underlving soil chemically treated for termites. EXCEPTION: Minimum width accessibility and vehicle ramps may rise to the interior floor elevation for the width of such ramps only. A four (4) inch inspection space is acceptable for patio slabs and entry areas. Patio slabs may match the interior finish elevation on masonry construction only. 2304.6.2.2 Brick or stone veneer shall be carried by a concrete bearing ledge poured integrally with the concrete foundation of such thickness as the veneer weight requires. EXCEPTION: Veneer may be carried by a structural metal member secured to the foundation sidewall. provided at least six (6) inches of exposed foundation sidewall is below the structural member above finished grade of the soiL sod or mulch. 2304.6.2.3 Protective shield-sleeves around metallic DIpmg through concrete slab-on-grade floors shall be of non-cellulose materials and shall be completely and tightly closed at both ends by wire twists or tape wraps. Hollow support systems shall be capped closed. Annular space around piping shall be sealed. 2304.6.2.4 No wood deck. fence. patio. planter or other building component shall directly abut the sidewall of the foundation or structure so as to obstruct the required six (6) inches of foundation sidewall visible below the interior floor elevation. EXCEPTION: Components with at least eighteen (18) inches of ground clearance underneath for inspection access to the foundation sidewall shall be permitted. or for preservative-treated 006.111250.2 4 wood components SIX inches of ground clearance may be provided. (e) 2304.6.3 Chemical barrier treatments af:ainst termites. 2304.6.3.1 Initial chemical soil treatment inside the foundation walls shall occur after all excavation, backfilling and compaction is complete and retreatment shall be mandatory if any soil disturbance occurs after treatment. including any minor disturbance in small areas. 2304.6.3.2 Boxed out spaces in concrete floor areas for subsequent plumbing traps or any other purpose shall be created with permanently placed inorganic forms of adequate depth to eliminate any planned soil disturbance after chemical soil treatment and any disturbance shall be retreated or properly sealed. 2304.6.3.3 Chemically treated soil shall be completely and carefully covered with a vapor barrier to protect it from sun and rain within one hour of chemical application. Any reinforcing steel shall be carefully placed thereafter, and all other subsequent work done shall avoid any penetration or disturbance of treated soil. and prompt chemical retreatment shall occur if any disturbance to treated soil does occur. 2304.6.3.4 All concrete overpour or mortar excess accumulated along the exterior foundation perimeter shall be broken away and removed prior to exterior chemical soil treatments to enhance vertical penetration of the chemicals. 2304.6.3.5 Additional chemical soil treatments shall be applied under all exterior concrete on grade within one foot of the primary structure sidewalls, except drivewavs and walkways. Also. a vertical barrier around the completed structure perimeter shall be flooded promptly after all construction is completed. 2304.6.3.6 To minimize concentrated water flow eroding treated soil or hydrolyzing away treatment chemicals, all condensate drain lines, condensing units, and roof downspouts shall discharge at least two (2) feet away from the structure sidewall by means of underground piping, downspout extensions or sVlash blocks, Irrigation systems and spray heads shall not be installed within one foot of the structure wall. 006.111250.2 5 (I) 2303.6.4 Treatment Certifications. 2303.6.4.1 A weather tight and obvious iob site posting: board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required chemical soil treatment is completed so as to provide a copy for the building permit holder and inspector. The building permit holder shall assure such Treatment Certificates provide complete identity of the chemical applicator. time and date of treatment. site location. scope and area treated. name of chemical used. percent concentration and number of gallons used in order to establish a verifiable complete record of protective treatment. In the event of iob site posting: board absence. Treatment Certificates may be fixed to the electric panel boxes or meter bases. 2303.6.4.2 For dwellings. to inform initial and future owners of the building on the necessity and arrangement details for annual inspections. a permanent sign at least 3 x 5 inches in size shall be provided which details the original treatment information including chemical applicator identity and contact information on re-inspection needed. The sign shall be permanently posted in a conspicuous space in the garage or within three (3) feet of the electric panel box or meter base. with any exterior signs being weatherproof. 2303.6.4.3 The final exterior chemical treatment must be completed prior to the final building inspection. B. Where there shall exist any inconsistency between the proVIsIons of the aforementioned codes and the ordinances of the City of Ocoee, the ordinances of the City of Ocoee shall prevail. SECTION 3. Section 51-12 of Chapter 51 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: ~ 51-12. Standards applicable to mobile homes. A. Every mobile home within the corporate limits of the city which shall be used as a residence shall be inspected for compliance with the minimum blocking, ground anchor and tie-down standards set forth in the Rule of the Division of Motor Vehicles, Chapter 15C--l-:W; dated January 24, 1975, and for compliance with the laws of the State of Florida, Chaprer 73 182, Section 320.8325 of the Florida Stallites. It saall be the responsibility of the mobile home oV/oor to obtain a peIlRit from 1:lie B1:lildiflg Departmeflt and to en51:lre com]3lianee willi suck standaras. No person shall move or cause to be moved a mobile home within the Citv prior to the obtaining a permit from the Building Department by a state licensed Manufacturer. Dealer or Mobile/Manufactured Home Installer to ensure the installation is in compliance with such 006.111250.2 6 standards and the Code of the City. No person shall allow to be moved or otherwise locate on lands or premises owned by such person within the citv anv mobile home prior to a state licensed Manufacturer. Dealer or Mobile/Manufactured Home Installer obtaining a permit from the Building Department to ensure the installation is in compliance with such standards and the Code of the Citv. B. The enforcement of this section shall rest with the City Building Department, and the required inspections shall be accomplished by the Building Official. C. The city shall eHarge each mobile home OWfler a fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) for insfleetion for compliaflee "'litH standards referred to in this seetion. BC. The Building Department shall file notice to any person in violation of the provISIons of this section, specifying the nature of the violation and necessary corrective action. BD. The provisions of this section do not apply to mobile homes that will be in the city for fifteen (15) days or less. SECTION 4. Section 69-3 of Chapter 69 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: ~ 69-3. Definitions; word usage. A. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated: f..PPRENTICE ELECTRICL^..~I /\. Helper or assistam to a jo:urneyman eleetrician v/ho is not qualified to '.'1ode electrical eonstruction alone. BOARD - The Code Enforcement Board. CITY - The incorporated territory of the City of Ocoee. ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION - All work and materials used in installing, maintaining, extending and/or connecting a system of electrical wiring for light, heat or power and all appurtenances, apparatus or equipment used in connection therewith. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR - A person qualified under the terms and provisions of this chapter who is engaged in the business and technical knowledge to plan, layout and supervise the installation of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for light, heat or power. ELECTRICIAN - A person qualified under the terms and provisions of this chapter who is engaged in the trade or business of electrical construction. JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN - f.. person qtIalified under the terms aOO provisions of this chapter v;ho possesses the training, experience and technical knowledge to install electrical wiring, Rflflarams or e<:):uiflmem for light, Heat or power aOO who is capable of doing 006.111250.2 7 electrical work uooer tHe supervision of an electrical eofltractor. Those qualified to perform work in the electrical trades while employed or supervised by a master electrician. LOW VOLT AGE CONTRACTOR - Those who are qualified to install, maintain, repair, alter or extend any low voltage electrical construction less than 50 volts or equivalent rms. Mi\INTEN}..NCE ELECTRICIAN .\ person qualified as hereiflbefore described as a j01:lraeyman electrician v;lio is regularly employed by ORe (1) aOO oflly one (1) person to maintain and make minor repairs to tHe electric wiring, apparatus and eql:lipment '.YHich is installed, contained aOO l:lsed l:lpon the premises or witHin the bl:lildings oWRea, occupied or controlled by the person for ':;hom the "maiBtenanee electrician" is a full time employee. MASTER ELECTRICIAN - Those who have the knowledge and skill to install. repair, alter. add to or change any electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, raceways, conduit. or any part thereof which generates, transmits, transforms, or utilizes electrical energy in any form for light. heat. power, or communications. PERSON - Individuals, firms, associations, joint ventures, partnerships, estates, trusts, business trusts, syndicates, fiduciaries, corporations and all other legal entities or combinations thereof. RESIDENTIAL JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN - Those who are qualified to perform electrical work as it applies to installations in one-, two-, or three-family residences only while employed or supervised by a master electrician or residential master electrician. SIGN CONTRACTOR, ELECTRICAL - Those who are qualified to install. repair. alter. add to, or change any electrical wires, apparatus, raceways, conduit or any part thereof on electrical signs, and is qualified to erect signs. Such contractor may contract for, and take out building permits for the erection of signs. B. Word usage. 1) Reference to any office or officer includes any person authorized by law to perform the duties of such office. 2) The singular includes the plural, and vice versa. 3) The masculine includes the feminine and neuter, and vice versa. SECTION 5. Section 69-10 of Chapter 69 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: 969-10 Adoption of standards. 006.111250.2 8 To the extend not more permissive than this chapter, there is hereby adopted by the city for the purpose of establishing and prescribing rules and regulations for electrical construction, maintenance and repair within the city, those certain standards known as: A. National Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70~ 1996. B. Notice "K" (1993 NEC) "L" 0996 NEC) to the Florida Electrical Code, as adopted by the Central Florida Advisory Code Committee. SECTION 6. Section 106-3 of Chapter 106 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: ~ 106-3. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated: BOARD - The Code Enforcement Board. CITY - The City of Ocoee, Florida, a geographic location. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR - Any person who in any capacity undertakes or offers to undertake or purports to have the capacity to undertake or accepts an order or contract either on a fixed sum cost plus a percentage or fixed fee, or any combination thereof, or submits a bid to install, extend, alter, repair, maintain or remove any mechanical apparatus or any device in connection therewith for air conditioning, heating, ventilating or refrigeration, including any person who for a salary, fixed fee, wages by the day or for any other compensation agrees with the owner, tenant, occupant or agent of any property to do any of the foregoing or have the same done when any part of such shall be compensation for the supervision, direction or inspection, but shall not include any persons employed by an owner, tenant, occupant or agent to perform unskilled labor only under the direction of the owner, tenant, occupant or agent. There shall be the following classes of "mechanical contractors" as defined by Section 489.105 of the Florida Statutes: ;\.CL^...88 A: MECH.'\NICf...L CONTRi\CTOR UNLIMITED .\ Contractor who may participate in all types of iFl:stallation or altering and repairiflg of air condition.iflg, lieatiflg, mechanical refrigeration and ventilation eqMipment and/or their component parts or controls. B.CL^...88 B: MECH.^...NICAL CONTR.\CTOR LIMITED f... contractor who may be permitted to install, alter or repair air conditioniflg, Hcatiflg, mechanical refrigeration and/or ventilation eqMipment v/Here no componem exceeds tv/emy five (25) Horsepower (hp) and/or three hundred thousand (300,000) Btu's. C.CL^...88 C: MECH.^...NIC\L CONTR.^"CTOR LIMITED .\ contractor V/HO may be permitted to install, alter or repair heatiflg equipmem only. 006.111250.2 9 D.CLASS D: CONTR\CTOR FOR REFRIGER^..TION ONLY A contractor 'vVho shall iastall, alter, repair aoo maiatain aB)' system of refrigeration eqtlipment. E.CLASS E: DUCT .\ND '.'ENTIL^..TION CONTR\CTOR .^.. contractor who may participate in all types of fabricatioB, installat:ioB, altering or repairing of duct work, ventilation and general sheet metal 'uork and/or their componeffi parts aFld coffirols. A. AIR CONDITIONING "A" - Those who are qualified to install. maintain, repair. fabricate, alter, or extend central air conditioning, refrigeration, heating and ventilating, including ductwork. within a complete system unlimited in horsepower of tons, and all appurtenances. apparatus, piping: vessels, ducts or insulation used in connection therewith. B. AIR CONDITIONING "B" - Those who are qualified to install, maintain, fabricate. alter. or extend central air conditioning, heating, and ventilating, including ductwork, within a complete system limited to twenty-five (25) tons cooling and five hundred thousand BTU heating, and all appurtenances, apparatus, piping: vessels, ducts and insulation used in connection therewith. C. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR - Those qualified to install, repair. alter. extend or design central air conditioning, refrigeration, heating and ventilating including ductwork and unfired pressure vessel systems, lift stations, gasoline tanks and pumps, fuel transmission lines. and all appurtenances, apparatus or equipment used in connection therewith. D. SHEET METAL - Those who are qualified to manufacture, assemble, cast. cut. shape, forge. fabricate, weld, repair, recondition, adjust and install sheet rolled metal of any kind or combination and all other air-veyor systems and handling systems regardless of materials used, including all equipment and all reinforcements in connection therewith. SECTION 7. Section 106-9 of Chapter 106 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: ~ 106-9. Adoption of Standards. A. To the extent not more permissive than this chapter, there is hereby adopted by the city for the purpose of establishing and prescribing rules and regulations for mechanical work consisting of installation, maintenance, repair and removal of all mechanical systems and devices with the city, those certain standards known as: 1) The Standard Mechanical Code, 1991 EditioFl 1997 Edition. B. Where there shall exist any inconsistency between the aforementioned code and the ordinances of the City of Ocoee, the ordinances of the City of Ocoee shall prevail. 006.111250.2 10 SECTION 8. Section 130-4 of Chapter 130 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: ~ 130-4. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated: APPRENTICE PLUMBER - A helper or assistant to a journeyman or master plumber. BOARD - The Code Enforcement Board. CITY - City of Ocoee, Florida, a geographic location. JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER - A person who possesses the necessary qualifications, training and knowledge to install plumbing, who is capable of doing plumbing work according to the plans and specifications furnished to him, who is qualified to perform work under the personal supervision of a master plumber and who is certified under the provisions of this chapter. M.\INTEN..^..NCE PLUMBER f.. persoB. ';/HO is qualified as hereinbefore prescribed as a jOl:lrFl:0yman pffimeer but who must be reg1:llarly employed to maintaiB. aOO make only miB.or repairs to too f'll:lmbiflg, pipiag, af'f'aratus afld eEll:lipment wHicH is iB.stalled, comained and usee l:lpOB the premises or iB. a buildiflg owaed, occupied or controlled by the persoB., firm or eOfJ'loratioB. of v.Hom tHe maifttenaoce plumber is a full time elHflloyee. IRRIGATION SPRINKLER - Those who are qualified to install, maintain, repair. alter or extend all piping: and sprinkler heads for the irrigation of lawns, including the connection to a water pump. Mf..STER PLUMBER ..^.. persoB. WHO possesses the necessary qualifications, trainiag and technicallrnov;ledge to f'lan, lay Ol:lt and personally super/ise the installation of pffimbiag aOO V;HO is certifiee l:lflder tHe provisioB. of this chapter. JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER - Those qualified to perform work in the plumbing trades while employed or supervised by a master plumber. PLUMBER .\ person v;ho is regularly engaged in tHe trade or bl:lsil'less of plumbing construction and who is qualified under the terms aOO pro'/isiol'ls of this chapter. MASTER PLUMBER WITH GAS - Those who are qualified to install, repair, maintain or extend any plumbing system, including waste drains, vents, water supply and fixtures and also install. maintain or repair gas piping, appliances, lines, laterals, tanks, and other appurtenances in connection therewith. PLUMBING CONSTRUCTION - Includes and governs all work and materials used in installing, maintaining, altering and/or extending a system of piping for providing water or 006.111250.2 11 waste disposal or venting and all appurtenances, apparatus or equipment used in connection therewith, inside or attached to any building structure, lot or premises. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR - A person, firm or corporation engaging in the business of plumbing contracting. The person in charge of the plumbing installations for said person, firm or corporation shall have been qualified as a master plumber according to the provisions of this chapter and shall possess a master plumber's certificate issued by Orange County or the State of Florida. SECTION 9. Section 130-12 of Chapter 130 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: ~ 130-12. Adoption of Standards. A. To the extent not more permissive than this chapter, there is hereby adopted by the city for the purpose of establishing and prescribing rules and regulations for plumbing work consisting of installation, maintenance, repair and removal of plumbing and gas systems, including fixtures, equipment and appliances within the city, those certain standards known as: 1) The Standard Gas Code, 1991 Editiofl 1997 Edition. 2) The Standard Plumbing Code, 1991 Editiofl, 0xelm:liflg Sectiofl 1214 .5 Water Treatfll0flt Units 1994 Edition, except as follows: Section 710.2.2 of the Standard Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows: 710.2.2 Each building drain shall be provided with a cleanout near the iunction of the building drain and the building sewer. A cleanout shall be provided on the building sewer at the property line near the iunction of the building sewer and the public sewer. B. Where there shall exist any inconsistency between the provisions of the aforementioned codes and the ordinances of the City of Ocoee, the ordinances of the City of Ocoee shall prevail. SECTION 10. Section 130-13 of Chapter 130 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, entitled Pipe Specifications is hereby deleted in its entirety. SECTION 11. Section 130-17 of Chapter 130 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: ~ 130-17. Duties of master licensed plumber. A. A master licensed plumber may be an owner, proprietor, employee or corporation officer but shall also in all cases be the person who is directly responsible for the physical and mechanical manner in which plumbing material, equipment and devices are placed or installed. 006.111250.2 12 B. A master licensed plumber shall sign all applications for plumbing permits and personally supervise plumbing work authorized by such permit. SECTION 12. Section 158-3 of Chapter 158 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9 158-3. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated: BOARD - The Code Enforcement Board. CITY - Ocoee, Florida, a geographic location. PERSON - Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation or company, or any organization of any kind. POOL - Any constructed or prefabricated pool used for swimming or bathing more than eighteen (18) inches in depth. SCREEN ENCLOSURE - An enclosure surrounding a pool, the walls and roof of the enclosure consisting entirely of screen mesh, except for the minimum essential structural framework required for its support. SWIMMING POOL COMMERCIAL CONTRACTOR - Those who are qualified to excavate, construct. fabricate. install and equip all swimming pools, including the pumps, pool heaters, solar pool heaters, filters and chlorinators, and that piping incidental to the recirculating system. and may do the slab incidental to the pool. SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE & REPAIR - Those who are qualified to maintain and treat the water in existing swimming pools, both public and private, make minor repairs to existing pool masonry. such as patching cracks in pool bottoms and walls, repaint or resurface the walls and bottoms of pools, and do preventative maintenance to equipment such as filters and chlorinators. SWIMMING POOL RESIDENTIAL - Those who are qualified to excavate, construct, fabricate, install. and equip residential swimming pools, including the pumps, pool heaters, solar pool heaters, filters and chlorinators, and that piping incidental to the recirculating svstem, and may do the slab incidental to the pool. V,T}1DING POOL '^1B)' eOBstrncted or prefabricated pool eighteen (18) iFlehcs or less iB depth. SECTION 13. Section 158-34 of Chapter 158 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby deleted in its entirety. 006.111250.2 13 SECTION 14. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 15. Codification. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City; and, that sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "chapter", "section", "article", or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions; and, regardless of whether such inclusion in the code is accomplished, sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the correction of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or recodified copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION 16. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1,7!day of NOf)e",8~t..., 1998. APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA _ I (I ~ -, /.j ~~-L /CLr.. ,-( .. S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor /'- If ---:_r ,- .! ,. t (SEAL) ADVERTISED November 5, 1998 READ FIRST TIME November 3, 1998 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED AJo"eI')1l3E-~ I' , 1998 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. 1ZI. A .1. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this I; day of f\J!~lXJhhe:1998. FOLEY & LARDNER By: r?aJ>:~ City Attorney 006.111250.2 14