HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem G (10) Crestwood Commons - Final Subdivision Plan AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: January 4, 2005 Item # , 0 Contact Name: Contact Number: J. Antonio Fabre X1019 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plan (FSP) for Crestwood Commons? Background Summary: Crestwoocl Commons is a townhome project consisting of 97 units, which will occupy Lot 'C' of the Ocoee Commons PUD. The subject site will encompass approximately 14.4 acres (6.7 units/acre) and is generally located east of Blackwood Avenue and north of W. Colonial Drive (SR 50). The City Commission reviewed and approved the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Crestwood Commons as presented on May 4, 2004. Issue: The owner intends to develop the property as a private, gated townhome community with fee simple ownership of the units. Adjoining PUD infrastructure is presently being constructed under the Ocoee Commons Final Subdivision Plan, which was approved by the City Commission on April 6, 2004. However, it should also be noted that the Ocoee Commons PUD "Plaf' has not yet been formally approved. Recommendations: Based on the recommendation of the DRC and the Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plan for Crestwood Commons, as date stamped received by the City on December 9, 2004, subject to Approval, Execution and Recording of the Ocoee Commons PUD "Plat." Attachments: Crestwood Commons, Final Subdivision Plan, date stamped December 9, 2004. Financial Impact: N/A Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution 181 Commission Approval o Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DelJt Use: o Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Regular Agenda o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) ~ N/A IZI Nt A o N/A Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 City Manager Robert Frank STAFF REPORT TO: FROM: THROUGH: DATE: RE: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners J. Antonio Fabre, Senior Planner ~ .A W Russ Wagner, AICP, Community Development Director I ~ December 15, 2004 Crestwood Commons (Ocoee Commons PUD, Lot C) Final Subdivision Plan Project # LS-04-016 ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plan (FSP) for Crestwood Commons? BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Crestwood Commons is a townhome project consisting of 97 units, which will occupy Lot 'C' of the Ocoee Commons PUD. The subject site will encompass approximately 14.4 acres (6.7 units/acre) and is generally located east of Blackwood Avenue and north of W. Colonial Drive (SR 50). Adjoining PUD infrastructure is presently being constructed under the Ocoee Commons Final Subdivision Plan, which was approved by the City Commission on April 6, 2004. The owner intends to develop the property as a private, gated townhome community with fee simple ownership of the units. The Crestwood Commons property is bounded on the south by "Shoppes of Ocoee" and west by 'West Orange Professional Center." An area with C-2 zoning, which Is undeveloped and contains mostly wetlands, adjoins the property on the northeastern side. The north side is bounded by a wetland conservation area with a single-family area north of that, also part of the Ocoee Commons PUD. The City Commission reviewed and approved the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Crestwood Commons as presented on May 4, 2004. Crestwood Commons is intended to be a gated community, with recreation facilities and meeting space for its residents. There will be two entrance points into Crestwood Commons with the main entrance on the west side of the subdivision from a private road off of Montgomery Avenue and a secondary entrance on the east side of the subdivision from a future road to be built along the north and east sides of the property. There will also be a pedestrian connection through a gate to the commercial development (Shoppes of Ocoee) located along the southern edge of the subdivision. January 4, 2005 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Page 2 The dwelling units will consist of a minimum of 1,200 square feet of HYing area with attached two-car garage. Additional guest parking spaces were provided throughout the site per Code requirements. The town home structures themselyes will be spaced at least 20 feet apart from each other and 10 feet from any subdivision wall structure for fire and emergency access. The 6' buffer wall and landscaping that will be built along Montgomery Avenue will meet the City's landscaping proYisions related to size and amount of plant materials for multi-family deyelopments. Montgomery Avenue, along with the other subdivision improyements required for the oyerall Ocoee Commons PUD, will need to be substantially completed before construction on the Crestwood Commons subdiyision can begin. It should also be noted that the Ocoee Commons PUD "Plat" has not yet been formally approved. The Future Land Use designation for the site is Medium Density Residential. The property is zoned Medium Density "PUD" Planned Unit Deyelopment which permits deyelopment and construction of the proposed land use. Therefore, the requested use is consistent with directives of the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Final Subdivision Plan for Crestwood Commons was reyiewed by the Development Review Committee (DRC) on December 7, 2004. There were a few minor issues to be addressed from the City Attorney and from the Planning DiYision that were identified. Moreoyer, the applicants were made aware of the following issue that a building permit will not be issued until the Ocoee Commons PUD "Plat" is properly approved, executed and recorded. When the discussion was finished, the Committee yoted unanimously to recommend approyal of the Final Subdivision Plan subject to approyal, execution and recording of the Ocoee Commons PUD "Plat." PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On December 14, 2004, the Planning & Zoning Commission considered the proposed Final Subdivision Plan for Crestwood Commons. The City Staff and the Developer of the project answered questions regarding the actual size of the liYing areas for the townhomes, as well as, setback distance between structures. There was no one from the public to speak regarding this request. After finishing its deliberations, the Planning & Zoning Commission yoted unanimously to recommend approyal of Crestwood Commons Final SubdiYision Plan, as date stamped by the City "Receiyed December 9, 2004, subject to Approval, Execution and Recording of the Ocoee Commons PUD "Plat." STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendation of the DRC and the Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approye the Final SubdiYision Plan for Crestwood Commons, as date stamped receiyed by the City on December 9, 2004, subject to Approval, Execution and Recording of the Ocoee Commons PUD "Plat." Attachments: Location Map, Zoning Map and FLU Map; Crestwood Commons, Final Subdivision Plan, date stamped December 9, 2004. O:\Staff Reports\2004\SR04070 CC.doc Crestwood Commons Location Map ~ ,\/'// 'p / ~.// / ~/// o ~ < rn \~ < o a:: -w ~ a:: < ...J o i e-- ~\ I \ \ J - ~l ( WEST COLONIAL DRI'lEJSR 50 ~~ I 000000 o 00 o 0 o 0 o 0 C2J 0 0" 00 0000000 \~ -- -- - .cn .If GROVE -- c:JANf ~ m ~ --4 ~ m ~ ~ o z ~ l ~ o -n -n Q Crestwood Commons Surrounding Zoning Map Q Ocoee Community Development\Olpa 1 inch equals 600 feet 200100 0 200 400 600 Feet Printed: November 2004 C Subject Property ~ Unincorporated Territory ~ and Other Municipalties Zoning Classification: General Agricultural (A-1) _ Suburban (A-2) Single-Family Dwelling (R-1AAA) -I Single-Family Dwelling (R-1AA) 1--:1 Single-Family Dwelling (R-1A) _ Single-Family Dwelling (R-1) _ One- & Two-Family Dwelling (R-2) _ Multiple-Family Dwelling (R-3) _ Mobile Home Subdivision (RT-1) _ Professional Offices & Services (P-S) _ Neighborhood Shopping (C-1) _ Community Commercial (C-2) _ General Commercial (C-3) _Restricted Manufacturing & Warehousing (1-1) _ General Industrial (1-2) ~ Commercial (PUD) ~ Low Density (PUD) 1m Medium Density (PUD) 6 High Density (PUD) _ Public Use (PUD) ;/ // Unclassified Lakes and Water Bodies Crestwood Commons Surrounding Future land Use Map Ocoee Community Development\cepa inch equals 600 feet 200 400 600 Feet Printed: November 2004 C Subject Property I:!:fD Unincorporated Territory ~ and Other Municipalties r 1 Low Density Residential _ Medium Density Residentia _ High Density Residential _ Professional Offices and Services _ Commercial _ Light Industrial _ Heavy Industrial _ Conservation/Floodplains _ Recreation and Open Space _ Public Facilities/Institutional Lakes and Water Bodies Q