HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem G (11) Consideration of MVP Grants for the 2004-2005 Budget Year AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: January 4, 2005 Item # 1 \ Contact Name: Contact Number: Janet Shira 407 -905-3109 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: ~~ / Subject: MVP Neighborhood Matching Grants Background Summary: Seven applications were received, six from neighborhoods and one from a community service organization located in Ocoee. Issue: The City of Ocoee funds MVP Grants once each year. Applications that were received for this budget year are attached for consideration by the City Commission. Recommendations Staff respectfully recommends funding all 7 grant projects upon completion of the work and submission of the proper paperwork. Attachments: Grant applications from Admiral Pointe, Cambridge Village, Christian Service Center, The Hammocks, Hidden Glen, Lake Olympia Club, and Sleepy Harbour Financial Impact: There are adequate funds available in the MVP Grants line item. Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution o Commission Approval [gI Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deoi Use: o Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Regular Agenda o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) o N/A o N/A o N/A City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Danny HowelL District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker. District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT DATE: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Janet Shira, Assistant to the City Manager 6 December 21, 2004 TO: FROM: RE: 2004-2005 MVP Neighborhood Matching Grant Applications ISSUE The City of Ocoee funds MVP Grants once each year. Applications that were received for this budget year are attached for consideration by the City Commission. BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION The City of Ocoee MVP Grants Program has been in operation for several years. The Program assists neighborhoods and Ocoee organizations with projects that will enhance property values, educate the public, provide cultural and recreational opportunities, or contribute to the safety and security of our residents. Although the premise of the program has not changed, staff has made a few changes in how the program is administered. Based on comments from past participants, the application cycle was changed this year to provide more time to complete the projects within the budget year. In past years, the cycle opened in November with applications due at the end of January. Funding was awarded in March or April and then the applicants had until the end of September to complete their projects. This year the application cycle opened November 1 st with applications due November 30th. The other major change in how the program is administered was to the funding aspect. Rather than receiving money up front to complete the project, applicants will front the money and then get a portion back, up to a maximum of $2,500, through the MVP Program. If an applicant does not have a funding source, the City of Ocoee will purchase the materials and associated services for them. In this way, applicants can start their projects immediately upon approval by the City Commission at the January 4th meeting, giving them an additional two months to complete their project. This change was also made to better ensure proper documentation of funds expended through the MVP Program. This way all invoices, receipts, and other paperwork are received in advance. Staff will continue to monitor program administration and request feedback from applicants so that we can assist the applicants as much as possible while maintaining accountability. It should be noted that two of the applicants from the 2003-2004 MVP Grants cycle still have not submitted the required documentation. These applicants have been notified that their homeowners associations will not be eligible for future MVP Grants until this paperwork is received. Page 2 Below is a summary of the seven applications received for the 2004-2005 cycle. Staff has reviewed each application and has requested and received all necessary supplemental information to support these applications. All project leaders were notified of the City Commission meeting and asked to attend to answer any specific questions on their projects. Admiral Pointe: Keaton Parkway median beautification Estimated project cost: $4,269 Estimated city contribution: $2,500 Estimated neighborhood contribution: $1,769 in cash and 110 hours volunteer labor Cambridge Village: Sign, lighting, landscaping, and playground enhancements Estimated project cost: $3,700 Estimated city contribution: $2,500 Estimated neighborhood contribution: $600 in cash; $400 in-kind contributions; 120 hours volunteer labor Christian Service Center: Install a security fence around the perimeter of the property on Franklin Street. Estimated project cost: $5,500 Estimated city contribution: $2,500 Estimated organization contribution: $3,000 in cash and 130 hours volunteer labor The Hammocks: Replace street and traffic signs in the subdivision with decorative signs. Estimated project cost: $5,778 Estimated city contribution: $2,500 Estimated neighborhood contribution: $3,278 in cash and 76 hours volunteer labor Hidden Glen: Remove tree stumps and plant new trees (resulting from hurricane damage) Estimated project cost: $1,800 Estimated city contribution: $1,500 Estimated neighborhood contribution: $500 cash; $1,000 in-kind contributions; 110 hours volunteer labor Lake Olympia Club: Replace subdivision entrance signs on Clarke Road entrance. Estimated project cost: $3,135 Estimated city contribution: $2,500 Estimated neighborhood contribution: $1,568 cash; 72 hours volunteer labor Sleepy Harbour: Repair boat ramp, replace sand in eroded areas, repaint fence. Estimated project cost: $3,000 Estimated city contribution: $2,500 Estimated neighborhood contribution: $500 cash plus 208 hours volunteer labor RECOMMENDATION Staff respectfully recommends funding the above grant projects upon completion of the work and submission of the proper paperwork. There are adequate funds available in the MVP Grants line item. Cc: MVP Grant Application Project Leaders 2004/2005 Application Form and lnstructions (Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 30, 2004) Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 Date Received: J.Bo -() I- tI,'1 ~ By:g City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Christian Service Center Project Leader: Pee: MacDonald Address for Project Leader: 300 Franklin Street Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407-656-6678 (Evening)321-663-2127 Email Address: westorane:e@christianservicecenter.ore: Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: The Christian Service Center's West Orane:e facilies serve the needy of Ocoee. Winter Garden. and West Orane:e County. The KidsFOCUS proe:ram serves children from Sprine: Lake. Citrus. Ocoee. Dillard. Maxev andTildenville Elementarv Schools plus Ocoee and Lakeview Middle Schools. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMlTNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? _ If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? _ How many members are in the association? _ Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? _ What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.):_ How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held?_ If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? _ When was it organized? How many members are in the group? _ How many homes are in your neighborhood? _ What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.)_ How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held?_ For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Christian Service Center Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain):50Hc )(3) non-profit social service a2encv. How many people are members or clients of your organization? We have 4.5 employees. more than 140 volunteers. and help more than 1.200 clients each year. Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? No If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 57-60% of our clients are Ocoee residents. the remainin2 +/- 40% are residents of Winter Garden or other West Oran2e nei2hborhoods. All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years.Durine: this past year alone our ae:ency served over 20.000 meals to local residents in need throue:h our Daily Bread Proe:ram. The City of Ocoee employees collaborated ae:ain this year with our ae:ency to provided an 43 families with holiday food baskets at Thankse:ivine:. An additional 137 baskets went to local families with the support of the S.H.A.R.E. Proe:ram from St. Luke's Methodist Church. Our KidsFOCUS Proe:ram offered tutorine: to over 36 students durine: the school years and extended day to 20 students. KidsFOCUS Summer Proe:ram had 26 children enrolled fulltime so workine: parents could continue to support their families. We provided scholarships to 14 children so they could attend over nie:ht camp. An additional 14 students. raised part of their own travel funds throue:h community proiects like Spae:hetti Dinners and car washes so they could visit a theme park in Geore:ia. Our Thrift Shop provided numerous individuals and families with household items and clothes after our recent hurricane disasters. Our Family and Emere:encv Services Proe:ram assisted hundreds of clients with financial help for rent and utilities while people recovered from the storms. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? The Christian Service Center is fundine: throue:h contributions by individuals. churches. and businesses plus e:rants from area foundations. What is the name of the proposed project? West Orane:e CSC Fencine: Proiect What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.)$2.500 Briefly describe the proposed project: The proiect will surround the propertv with 6' securitv fencine: makine: the facility safer for our children and our volunteers. List the project goals: (1) Finalize desie:n of the fence confie:uration for the property. (2) Finalize bids/fence purchase/permits. (3) Install fencin2le:ates. List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. .,' ' '.' POSITION ,...... NAME ADDRESS ......TELEPH()NE EMAIL . .' .'. ...., '. . .: , .' Project Leader Peg MacDonald 5861 N. Apopka-Vineland 321-663-2127 wocsc@hotmail.co Rd. Orlando, Fl. 32818 m Historian Anna Cowley 402 Orlando Ave., 18c, 407-877-9429 (Photographer) Ocoee, Fl. 34761 Monthly & Kathleen Bean 400 Orlando Ave., 2c, Ocoee, 407-656-1042 Final Reports Fl. 34761 Coordinator Partner/ Anne Walding 8536 Honolulu Drive, 407-290-1408 wocsc@hotmail.co Volunteer Orlando, Fl. 32818 m Coordinator Arthur Northup 62 Cypress Drive, Winter 407-654-4644 Garden, Fl. Richard 402 E. Lakeshore Drive, 407-877-7820 MacDonald Ocoee, Fl. 34761 Daniel Sterling 5861 N. Apopka-Vine1and 407-296-0729 Rd., Orlando, Fl32818 In Addition: Various groups of volunteers have been recruited. How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. Volunteers will help with desie:n. documentation. and dependine: upon the most cost effective construction solution. may also help with installation of the fence. What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. 300 Franklin Street. Ocoee If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawine:. (please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: No Private Property: Yes Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: No (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right-of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) NOV 30,2004 11:23 000-000-00000 Page 2 Plea.o;e complete me Project Plan and Timeline, the VolWlleer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, und Partner's Lcttcr(s) of Intent. Instruclions for completing these forms are listed on the pug~ ~1t1er each form, You must altach the meeting minutes rcfl(X:ting the memhership vote of approval lor the proposed (,J'fllnt project (Sc~ below if you don't have a formal association.) . / . We ccrtitY that our membership vnled and approved this 200412005 MY P A ward, opplicalinnnn ./ f I)l! (ttI (date), and attached are the minules rdlccling this vote. . _ Grl.g Gi;'n~lS'o}!l~. Roao t t..J.L..s t UjH t application Pnnl Name of Nl:ig.hnvrhoudlOrganization President rj/ .~~~ Signature of Ncighborh(,)od/Organil.~tjol\ President 11 nO/IJ~.._.. .._... Date: 'II/'\n In4 , . Datc: If your neighborhood does Rot haw a formal association, please attach a petition with names, addresses, ..nd signatures of at least two-thirds of the people who live in or own property in your neighborhood stating they are in favor of the project. The petition should be actomp.-nied by II list of!!! Ilddresses withio your neighborhood. Completed MVP Awards upplicalions must be: rccciveJ by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 30, 2004. Ddiver in person or mail to: Janet G. Shira, Conununity Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Florida 34761. Please call Janet Shira at (407)905-3109 if you have ~my questions. ('ITY STAFF lJSEONLY Wi ~ lias the applicant left any questions unanswered" Hll.s the association listed the IJroject lcam naml'~, lheir fll)] addr(:~~c~ and phune: nUlTlbcr~? (7 lfIil1irnlll1l) Arc aU the Partner Letters or Intent :1tlllchl:d? HlIv~ ~Il the: lL~s<'cilllilm's ca~h ilnd in-kind dnnation~ been doeomented'! Did the association attach thc completed 1'1(\11 and limcline? Did the a.ssociation :lttach the completed V ohmtecr llour~ l'lcug\~ Shcct~? Did the assud:111on nltach (hI: complcwd Omlgl:t'l If the projecl is II poysicul illlJ'!fIIVCllICtll, ha.~ a description and drawing been provided? If the pr~iect is a physi<,;tll irnpr(lVen\ent, is the written pcrll1i~sjon from the propcny owm~r ~iHadll;:d? H~s the appliclltillft b<<:n ll{'lpmv~d h) the members and (lrc minutes :Ulachcd rcnccting Ihe Vl1lt:? Is the application signcd by thl' person prepllring the IIPplic.lliol1l1mllhc a.~sociati()1l president'! 9 Required Signatures for Project Team By signing this sheet, you agree to abide by the Project Team responsibilities. You also agree to serve as a member of the project team until the project is completed. (These names should match those listed on page 7.) Project Team Member Print Name Sign Name Reports Coordinator :v~ rhAc ~olJ \ "ra' e..L:.+- Lea..ck-r An (\t!L Gi-0( e<i JV.d-hl Q.~ Y\ &o...Y\ ~ ~ Project Leader Project Photographer (Historian) V olunteerlPartner Coordinator An nR, WcJd; t'1 -> 11 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Proiect Plan and Timeline Project Name: West Oran2e CSC Fencin2 Proiect Neighborhood/Organization: Christian Service Center ..:' " " u<. ......," '.. " , '. " ., .: , -. " . " TASK S'tARTOA'rn COMPLETION.DA'tE PERSON. ,. aESOlrRCESNEEIJEO . lU3$PONSIBLE "", . , '.. Acquire Estimates of 11/15/04 11/30/04 Peg MacDonald 2 hours fencing Recruit volunteer teams 12/15/04 01/31/05 Anne Walding 1 hours Order Fencing and 02/01/05 02/15/05 Richard MacDonald 2 hours followup for delivery Secure information 01/15/05 01/31/05 Daniel Sterling 1 hours about permits needed Meet with volunteers to 03/01/05 03/15/05 Anne Walding 1 hours coordinate work crews for site prep Prep Site 03/15/05 04/30/05 Various Volunteer 80 hours Groups -(10+ people) Install Fencing 05/01105 05/15/05 All involved parties 42 hours Pictures during process ongomg 05/15/05 Anna Cowley 1 hours 130 hours X $10 = $1300.00 12 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City ofOcoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Volunteer Hours Pledee Sheet Project Name: West Oranee CSC Fencine Proiect Neighborhood/Organization: Christian Service Center .- ". AbLi1{}3SS .' ..: .' .... '" , . .,' '>' .' ..... .:. ...... '. .. c' .'" ,,:. . NAME ..' .......: . . ". .' . ..... TEt!tPHONE HOURS'.]?LEoo-sn iA$K< ..' . .. .......... .................... Peg MacDonald 5861 N.Apopka-Vineland Rd. 321-663-2127 2 Project Leader Orlando Fl32181 Anna Cowley 402 Orlando Ave., 18C, 407-877-9429 2 Photographer Ocoee, Fl34761 Anne Walding 8536 Honolulu Dr., Orlando, 407-290-1408 2 Volunteer Recruiter Fl32181 Daniel Sterling 5861 N.Apopka-Vineland Rd. 407-296-0729 10 Permit research/site prep. Orlando, Fl. 32818 Richard MacDonald 402 E.Lakeshore Dr., Ocoee, 407-877-7820 2 Fencing ordering Fl. 34761 Kathleen Bean 400 Orlando Ave., 2c, Ocoee, 407-656-1042 2 Reporter Fl. 34761 Arthur Northup 62 Cypress Dr., Winter 407-654-4644 10 Site prep. Garden, Fl. 34787 Various Volunteer Gps. Local Churches 100 Site prep'/install 130 rJ otDJ HOcA'15 15 ..., 8 ~ .c. ~ % ~ .~ e ~ MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Proposed MVP Awards Proiect Bude:et Neighborhood/Organization: Christian Service Center Project Name: West Orane:e CSC Fencine: Proiect PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): $2.500 $3.000 $- $- $5.500 TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: $5.500 $- $- $- $- $- $- $5.500 ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: Estimated Value Volunteer Labor /30 Hours x $1 Olhr $- $- $- $- $1300.00 Proposal ~, Contract 5524 Clarcona-Ocoee Road · Orlando, FL 32810 (Bus.) 407-297-8329 · 407-297-7649 · Fax 407-297-0188 www.datsonfence.com DA fSON FENCE lit. 1986 ........~ Cl!~l;o~ER;~ ri ......J '. "T PARCEL# SUBDIVISION LOT# {, F!~, I '\ ' . . , ,'",. STRE~, , ~:-. 't,,": ~ 4 ,~ f_ L. 1,-; ~~'~;l BLOCK# LOT SIZE UNIT# ..U. CITY . __ '^ ~. r-STATE ZIP -:4....' ; CITY STATE ZIP ',-,' ( \. {'_. .....,. I ~ ; ...- -" '. , ~', JOB SITE LOCATION STREET CITY PHONE I CONTACT HOME PHONE 19FFICE~)_. ,<,~FAX ICELL I PAGER ':"1,>:'..,"" .. :1,. C GATE OPERATOR C ALUMINUM CWOOD C VINYL CL CCHAINLlNIC CPVC C REPAIR C POSTS IN / OUT / IN-LINE WALK GATES DRIVE GATES ROLL GATES LATCH TYPE CJ WOOD [J PVC LENGTH ""rr.m' TYPE STYLE PICKET SIZE STRINGER TYPE TOP IJ IJ POINTED IJ IJ FLAT TOP IJ IJ OTHER CHAIl'i LINK LENGTH HEIGHT GAUGE " 112 9 6 . TOP RAIL DlAM. GATE FRAME TOT V INYL SYS IJ VINYl OOLOR ''''''''' n,.., TeD" """" GAGE FRAMEWORK BARBED WIRE # STRANDS BARB ARMS 0 3 6 IN OUT VERT C r PNr.TH fffilr.HT ~TVT rOl OR SCREWS RESIDENTIAL EXTRA IN our COMMERCIAL TAKE DOWN LENGTH HEIGHT D LEAVEONJOB JOB OONDITIONS D GOES TO OF D GOES TO DUMP SEE DRAWINGS ON BACK , ., TO BE SET TOP STRAIGHT TOP OF FENCE TO FOll.OW GROUND Note: Company not responsible for any underground sprinkler lines. '; i.- REAR r -,- -, - .,. - r - r -,- .., - 1" - r -1- -,- -, - T - r -,- -,- .,. - r - r -,- .., - 1" - r - ,- -,- -, - T - r -1- -,- .,. 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BALANCE MUST BE PAID TO CREW WHEN JOB IS COMPLETE Note: This proposal is valid for days. PLEASE READ AND BE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE BEFORE SIGNING THIS CONTRACT. MANY OF THEM WILL BE IMPORTANT TO YOU. By signing this proposal, Customer is authorizing Datson Fence to do the proposed work, and is accepting the prices and specifications shown above, and Datson Fence's standard terms 1-15 which may be on the reverse side, attached, or not attached. Customer may request a copy of terms 1-15 by calling Datson Fence. Upon acceptance and signing by Customer, this becomes a binding contract. Authorized Signature Customer Signature X "ic ~{. ( Total !, 50% Deposit Balance Date Date ***DID YOU RECEIVE WARRANTY PAPERWORK? Print Name Clearly o Repeat Customer DYellow Pages o Other o Referral . Memo Date; 11130104 To: Peg MacDonald, Director, Christian Service Center for Central Florida, Inc, Cc: Tommy Deal, Operations Director From: Home Depot, Isis, Fencing Department, 407-297-1151 HE: Fencing for the West Orange Site Per our conversation this moming. 6 foot, % inch gauge, 50 foot roll chain link fencing 8 foot, 3 inch, steel posts 6 foot by 10 foot galvanized gate $69.97 per roll $11.47 each $92.00 each For the proposed project to enclose the perimeter of the property at 300 Franklin St., Ocoee, Fl. 34761, you will need the following: 10 rolls, 6-foot chain link, % inch gauge, (SO feet per roll) 83 posts, 8 feet long 3 gates, 6 feet high by 10 feet long, plus hardware professional.installl1abor estimate plus concrete mix for postholes, incidental hardware .barbed wire top $ 699.70 $ 95201 $ 376.00 $tooo.oo $ 500.00 Estimated Total 4487,71 Thank you and if there are any questions please advise. 11/1012004 Confidential 1 ~~\sr~-1 ,;CJjI__~ ~~~f Ce C THE CHRISTIAN SERVICE CENTER FOR CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC. December 9,2004 Ms. Janet Shira City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Re: Christian Service Center MVP Grant Dear Ms. Shira, Please be assured that the Christian Service Center has $3,000 available as noted in our grant application to serve as the match and to complete the fencing project if the grant is awarded. We also anticipate the utilization of volunteers in the project that will also add to the match for our grant. We greatly value our long-term partnership with the City of Ocoee and look forward to continuing to work together in the future. ~~M1 Robert F. Stuart Executive Director 808"'- Central Boulevard · Orlando, Florida 32805 · (407) 425-2523 · Fax (407) 425-9513 Family & Emergency Services · Daily Bread · Hotel Ministry · Fresh Start · KidsFOCUS · Thrift Store . . . in partnership with United Way 2004/2005 Application Form and Instructions (Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 30,2004) Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations, 150 . Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 Date Received: JJj}jJ ";ie c5D ~VY1 City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: The Hammocks Project Leader: Susan Golden Address for Project Leader: 1022 Featherstone Circle. Ocoee Fl. 34761 Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407-2914307 (Evening)407-2914307 Email Address: www.hvdroerit@aol Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: Proiect boundries will be limited to the hammocks subdivision. within the citv of Ocoee. The oooulation and boundries are soecific the subdivsion. Please see attached sheet for streets and ohvsical boundries. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? yes If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? 1993 How many members are in the association? 250 Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? yes What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (president, V.P., Committees, etc.):President. V.P.. Secreta". Treasure. - 5- elected volunteers 3- seoarate committees. 6- block caotains 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held?annual elections If No: ive neighborhood group? _ When was it organized? How many members e in the group? _ How many homes are in our neighborhood? _ What is your group's org . ational structure? (president, Vice-President, Committees, etc.)_ How does your neighborhood oup elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held?_ For community organizations ich are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", . ormal civic group, or other (please explain):_ How many people are members or clients of your organization? _ Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City ofOcoee? _ Ifnot, how many (either by number or percentage) are? _ 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years.Beautificion of entrance with liehtine and landscaoine.maintance of subdivision common areas. annual communittee oicnic. annual communittee christmas cookie exchanee. enforcement of subdivision covenants. yard of the month awards. neiehbor of the year award. maintainance of drainee areas Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? mandatory dues What is the name of the proposed project? The Hammocks Street Scaoe Beatification Proiect What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.)2.500. Briefly describe the proposed project: Reolace our oresent street and stoo siens with decorative oosts. List the project goals: (1) Enhance the beauty of the street scaoe in our subdivision. (2) Encouraee communittee involvement and fellowshio within our subdivision. (3) Encouraee oride in ownershio within our subdivision and city. 6 List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. PosmON NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL Project Leader Susan Golden 1022 Featherstone circle, 407-291-4307 www.Hydrogrit.@ Ocoee, Fl. 34761 AOL Historian Bill Cordell g 5/ lie /11 /J1C<.)::.S /JIZ, 4ot-296-l1l ' IJ}Te.o/'c!r//@~/c (photographer) Od-oe e I ~/ 34+(P I Monthly & Final Rob McKey III D bUl v&$ 4 C:r-- roh...... c.J:.e'1 @ Reports ~07-Z.~Z-l)& ;.&:r"l:~. pc:--r Coordinator ~ Partner/ Lynne Milner i DO I Feo.{'V1~O()e C It WHiner-leI ~ Volunteer ()coa /A.- =7 Li '7 ~ I ~o-YJ 29<0-'2'1- r?ell~ .()~t Coordinator (0 Norman Renolds <() 5 3 /fa. J11. .M (1 (/ < s f)r 'II) 7 ;;. q <(6')70 /J,R~n<tIJ..s CJ'o't"~ FL 3~7tl @#I r. )JET T llU'J E1..lLr 81G{ eC6eMk:1 CQuf ~~ '1dt'532~qt()j ) .. . wt.w..~ ~/LMov-e. O~oee J fL s If '=J<p I kal"C\lY\II.bh'laS/(.' (0 ~ I c.)Q ~ 4 t"-~ <>P'<" 'I fy~u. fuCAA~ t.Jfj 1 d-17 13\' O'~ I::-MJ~ () ~o 9.L :}( ~'-l7 ~ I tY'\ c.J-11.P.e. . ~ #i?I ~ Co,. eo~ 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. Removim!: old street and stOD sisms. and reo lace them with the decorative DOStS. This will re2uire di22im!:. cement minne and Dlacement.as well as outline the new Dosts t02ether. What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. Please refer to nrovided subdivision maD for llroDosed si2n Dlacement. If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, ifapplicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawine. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: ... ~-t7 Private Property: !!2 Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: yes (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right- of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 9 --1 - \ .. I , \ I \ t , , \ , I I , \ '\ ~ ~ _I~ \~ I I , \ I I 1 I ; . ; I ~ I '--L': J ,I I" I I .......J _ " _ _ ""-- .. --*- .... __.1- cb -- WHITE ROAD \.... . WINEBERY COURT ~ r 1IMII.D lie.&. CflClS .. I8CkV C"fHOI ,..1'1"( 32 31 30 29' 28'! 27 '..." -=--;.~ ~ 'MtPif ~~ &'A ~ ~Fiiii ~~ .' 68 69 ~ 70 71" 72 73 ~67' .- CI~ ~ ~ 7 r 66 .0 FeATHERSTONE CIRCLE. Ata.a- ....... IIICA:' WlN1. M/urt ,~1 ~ . aJcM. ....,"""" 3 . 79 '80 81. 82. 83 ".",,0UIf> ..,;,r., lfU.... ~ ao&..lNi& . ,. J\J oIN:I1: ~ fiA.,...2 MT ItoIHIDI ~ ".uJ..JtZHA'I 78 " 77 76 75 74 '\ 64':' \..'-'c..~l .....,. tJ,I4I{ .J . ~Yc.clA I~~~~}~ e" · ~.. I~ 0#ftlIS '"' ( ~. AtI6M.""'" ...... ) 63,\ 62 81' 60 '. ~9 58 57 I 15 r"'M~\ ,.,..vc DIIII'T DrAa flAlM J ".,. --- 0 ...... -\100 '46 47 48 16 _u.) . 17 ~ 65. h.~. "t,!2 II ()t~. 45 ,43,,,> ,..,.~if 42 wr ,.." ...I 56 .' ~ _ 41.. 0 56 ~"'50 Jdi. ~ ~ ~AaA 1\~' Q. 40 ~. ~{'541 51 5"8'\1&. .IIM )- ~I......:...';/ .... \NWf ...!1,. ~ 53' 52 ....,.Oiijij fIJ ~ 38 ~ ~:rr 7 ~ ,,,~,j ~. 20 8 :i PAUL :IE DlPNNA ~ 21 22 . 49 ~ . "" Ptr'lIl ~"Io 5NlDV ~ 37 36 35 34 33 .... a..NIS ~!8'- PNle IW" PAT 114 115 116 117 118 '- _nc ~ \ ~T GINGER SPICE LANE. \ 85 . r JDIi""'l 113 'I ..@125 119 ......r: I" 84 123 .- '*"' "IC..~ 121 120 122 8lIlIIUllS J ~&.8RA~ ' '~-""i)~," SPAUCE. · . 6~ - 1IAol- ""'l ;jiIItH ,.".,W :~ ~ 107 106 i 110 109 108 IW1'AIflO ~ . ~.___ - ';.j,,~ 5 ,';kil:UO/'k ~ .11M ;;;.;;;... .:::....i; 2 ~.. :IE 100 101 102 103 '104 ~ 112 111 J 5~6 I 7 4 ~ ~.~ ::) MA} 8 ti 9 & 10 ~ ) 11 ~ e...-r" -... ~ 14 13 12 'IN' eAAIS ~ - """-- RETENTION AREA ./ -.. ... ~, ~'...~ W4 2.$ , ,....,. . 24 TA.,.;Ja' 26 ' 23 ~ ......, _",,_':11 .., : I ._' ' ;.-. . . '", :.~f" ,"' .~~.~ ~.'; . -'.r ., : .. I 't; I 0 '5{OP .... ; b W,"t"" ~~. ~f(fS Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) of Intent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certify that our membership voted and approved this 2004/2005 MVP Awards application on 5-24- 04&9-27-04 (date), and attached are the minutes retlectin .s vote. i Signature of person preparing application Date: f/f1~ e 0 Neighborhood/Or . !ion President -{J~ Signature ofNeighborhoodlOrg .za~on President Date: I ( ~ '2 7 -0 Y Hyour neighborhoo does not have a formal association, please attach a petition with names, addresses, and signatures of at least two-thirds of the people who live in or own property in your neighborhood stating they are in favor of the project. The petition should be accompanied by a list of !II addresses within your neighborhood. Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 30, 2004. Deliver in person or mail to: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Please call Janet Shira at (407) 905-3109 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY ~ NO Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? Has the association listed the Project Team names, their full addresses and phone numbers? (7 minimum) Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? Have all the association's cash and in-kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? Did the association attach the completed Budget? If the project is a physical improvement, has a description and drawing been provided? If the project is a physical improvement, is the written pemrission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? 10 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 200412005 pro~an and Timeline projectNa:;f[e ~AMVCt- SflULf-5cape- "'1ec-!- Neighborhood/Organizati~ (~AMoC-(CC; TASK START DATE COMPLETION DATE 1- ? ~ 1- 05 RESOURCES NEEDED 12 Required Signatures for Project Team By signing this sheet, you agree to abide by the Project Team responsibilities. You also agree to serve as a member of the project team until the project is completed. (These names should match those listed on page 7.) Project Team Member Project Leader Project Photographer (Historian) Reports Coordinator V olunteerlPartner Coordinator :5 (T{)/UA<-L (j) .B7-4r/ e r ? / ( ; ardc. / 11 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Volunteer Hours Pledee Sheet Project Name: Neighborhood/Organization: _ NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS 16h~ 15 r MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City ofOcoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Proposed MVP Awards Proiect Budeet Neighborhood/Organization: JkutMOc!t<; ;;/Z,f)/(/C -;{~ ....... ..." ~.. .. . ~.;( /i/ /L-aL-Sr'Cjl'-t geC<..ul-'Of(CLh'o"Z, rcrOj-ec..r- Project Name: .1....~_HaV1l\1AAOLAc..-- 71 If' 'f ( PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): t!) $UtIJ)() $4Ef TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: $- $- $.2;.1...1<6. ~- (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) De.c 0 1Ic<.J, \J b S-/-o e aM I) 51-1' e.eJ- $" 'j'" po '71-5 ~ OvoJ-lVe-- 5./-6 ~i i>oc;.k () eLN1e ( u eN ~ $~Z $4-f;.l6 $ ;;-~ 0 $~ $- $- $- $.5f27? TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: Estimated Value Volunteer Labor ..!1../2- Hours x $10/hr $ $- $- $- $~.OCl 17 Page 1 of2 Brandon Industries, Inc. About Us Commercial lighting Signage Systems Mailboxes Courtyard lighting Download Catalog FAQs ,,'~{ '\,. , r- ~'\.''-'-I-l''l , "'1 i '.' . " J\~, 1 L "J.," L ~ \' ~View Street Signs Jt ~~ Examples 10 9 8 7 I! 11 ,I II Ii II I! II II \1 L '! I. 6 s ,:I l, 1 '1 i 1 4 ! i I I I ! A1 ~\ t::::::::::j \ Exa ~ 5P3X12 3 z g '~I'. )A,~ j ...:..,.-' E';;;pIIt-A I 1...._ f'W.B4 -. I;P4Xt4. I I . . .... - 1*-'ISS0838 OM TIJ9OlIIOII $ogrIO ,,-~! ... T.... TSlOP3O / $lgno. RH,':lO S8.&4 / t:___ ~\ Exampl~ "........ SP4Xl. '-TSSCSll!I 1'"".at;:l6SS TB1'OP'loI R1-1!24 S8-&4 ExampIe-D F1N.B) SPlX to ExampItt-E 3XZWNf ,,_ SPS~XtO dtJ, ,0 J-I{' cO i19.(fJO h1.tlfJ 6t1.~O Il~CO T~S TSlCP2ll FU.~ SIJ.33 1'S303llD W1S.tP !i8-83 T$;M30 R2. t(2S, 2P04 T81218 RNI S&13 11/29/2004 http://www.brandonindustries.com/signage _ streetsigns.asp Mar 11 04 05:59p BRANDON INDUSTRIES 972-542-1015 p.2 These are wholesale prices based on. quantity purchases and do not include shipping and.handling charges. Final price may be affected by quantity, finish, and custom height requirements. The standard color is a semi-gloss black polyester powder coat finish. Dark bronze, green, and verde green are available for a slightly higher price. The verde finish begins with a base coat of black powder coat. Then a special green outdoor enamel is hand painted over the black to bring out the details and create a rich, antique look. Optional color orders may extend lead time. Small orders of dark bronze or green may require a setup fee. 1601 Wilmeth Rd. McKinney, TX 75069-8250 Tel: 972-542-3000 Fax: 972-542-1015 saJes@brandonindustries.com w Ordering: Brandon Industries, Inc.~ wants to provide yOl~ with the opportunity to do business one-an-one. To take advantage of our low prices and quick delivery, call us at 972-542-3000 (M-F 9-5 CST) and we can take your order in person. If you prefer, you may fax your order to us or mail it with your check or money order. We accept VISA and MASTERCARD. Normal delivery time is two weeks. No order is too small or too large. If you need something that is not in our catalog, we can sometimes create it or help you find another source for it. Contact us and our knowledgeable sales staff will be happy to assist you. Warranty: Brandon Industries, Inc.4P warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanshi p for a period of one year from date of purchase. Brandon Industries, Inc.11!) will repair or replace defective products upon their retw:n freight paid. This warranty does not include installation or labor costs. ~ When your order arrives: Your order will be carefully inspected and packed to ensure that you.r.eceive . condition. However, freight damage is a possibility with any shipment. .,.'/ s mspect your sliTI'm arrival. Have the driver note any damaged or missing c s on the freight bill before you si it. Save all of the original packaging material for the fi1. t inspector. Report any damage to the c immediately. Also, notify Brandon,'..... Industries, Inc.~ of the damage." . WE WILL TAKE GOOD CARE OF YO Our goal is to provide the best quality for the lowest possible price. Serving OUT customers well has created a company built upon referrals from thousands of satisfied customers. wb appreciate your business and look \ forward to serving you in the future. ~ ....'-. Cover Photo: Street & Sto Si n Pole $ 704 Mailbox P50-M1 BK $329 Lamppost CLBO-AGA1A BK $738 .. , .. '.... .. .. u. . . . .. . wi Oval Band P....4G.. E:.2&3'i:\h~-' fli ~i}:~~.;,r 'f~'!.-,:' ;.,l~;e '!-~l :.' ~~~~~>~:;..~i~{r:~4:'~"~ ~ ~rd.\~"~:~'::;\'''i'\i..'':::(,.: 'i;:l~:):' ,.';'i'.~~ ..;..".' ,\."~~ .... ....- ".:, ,)~~",.t~~~;'~f(~i'",j;:~.~;>:!;s:~j'~::-1i~:'~:~~.~1'~...f~Jf;':"<"'j1.~;::1,~'~:l,:t.:~~ .~/';\:;:::~l :'i{$~~~.;:;j::~\' Photo: Street & Sta Si n Pole wI La 0 Exam Ie A Stop, Street, Logo Combo Exam Ie B Pedestrian Crossing Exam Ie C Speed Limit Exam Ie 0 Reserved Parkin Exam Ie E Stop, Street Top Mount Exam Ie F Stop, Street Combo $909 $909 $499 ~,455 $.283 ~409 Si704 .r",,~. ~~'L."m ~~~~~ ~ ,..."- -'~.'''~"''''.''''<'''''''''''''''''''''->>._'''1o.''1!'.>:Ilt''Qll!&.it<lll~~.:w>mffl~~~!~~.' .' . M.V.P. Grant Committee, I have met with Robert Zaitooni, City ofOcoee Publics Works Director. Mr. Zaitooni has provided our association with the City of Ocoee traffic policies, which include the requirements for decorative signs and sign posts. He has agreed to our project as long as we abide to the cities policies. This is our intent. Our association's tax number 59-2983444 will be provided on the required W-9 form should our request for the grant be accepted. Included in our application 1. map of subdivision with areas marked for sign changes. 2. pictures of present signs. 3. pictures of proposed decorative signs, with cost estimates. On behalf of The Hammocks Homeowners Association, thank you for this opportunity to improve our neighborhood. Susan Golden V.P. The Hammocks Homeowners Assoc. 't~:~tt!~;~~~, """-:i'~."i ..'1;(." 2004/2005 Application Form and Instructions (Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 30,2004) Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 Date Received: ~10 I- By:U '1.tyDPPJ . City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) A wards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: ..5""L E't= P Y 1-/1-} R i3 OU 12 // It!) I) s S 0 C. . Project Leader: J /V I r>-'I c. .6 4/L-Nc;d-l Address for Project Leader: ij- ~ 3' J! - ~/l Kr=.5 fLQ.RG,. DR. Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 6St:L./5~i.,. tning) 0.5C.~~ Email Address: .5 c:;DE G @ NT oS /tJ ". (! 0 /Vl ,. Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City ofOcoee. lfthe project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: ~ ' -7/ 7. .e.-i- /7 ~c.es If tJ ~.f:.. _Q /2 -+...t2. R t A IV D 0 A cJ t:!' ()?EC'i~E It liON ko r) FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTiON ON FOR.1\1AL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? _ f E..:5 If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? / 911/ How many members are in the association? / 'f J-/ Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? YE5 What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V,P., Committees, etc.): P/?E.J'/.[)t:-N~ !/rcc ?RE5 ~.5 c3C' 12~7.fj f'2-,Y I ,r<!; 11<.5 u i2E)~ .... 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? A iliA! VIJ l.- I\!EloTINr winl E I/C>PJ I? II/E i tV t/ IIEl> , j$A LL 0 I Vo Te B1 MeM B G" /2s tVi. Y /::::'0/2 AI evU ~/'f'ti< 5 IINJ.srE€'S, ANt:)/JI(;~1? Ilf!Cr7TiN'j ,:Jt=' ./lIewL~( &'LEC:TED rl?t/.5Te~~ /:::::6) i'? 'jJopposc t:JF I::Lt:t!T1N7 Pc:6/1iON tJ f':;=/CE[?5~ Qf3) Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members or clients of your organization? Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? _ If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years. p,- r'9 IU T ~ 00 cc'(:.5 / 7:3 crt cl-f C Lt:;:,q N' t'1V'7' , ell!,.;.!;; (I'I/A.> L; k.s. ( /P IfIIV t/ /1 L. /ltllV/E - P 19 R rL C I 'j::> Ii Ti () tJ V (.) RD 5' 11 LE. ~ W / Tit I r:oo.LJ ,r;11 Ler Er -r1?tl5iEE'5 0('1 L f U/tfRK VAYS t);J ENTRftNcGS 11 A./-1J ;(ecr;E4Tlcuu Lot: /-1 tJ r/5E /V ciNE ~(?S PAl IJ -r t: 'j:J ((),ti :5 TR G E{s. ,4<()"(97?D j;-(C rillE ,Df?PT IN ~rt/lvT(l\/y J/{,J7)J2IJJ/S. /-1 G:LfJ~i) Pt/;J.11V'f Sr?J/2M- C/eA,N up. I Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? ~ / () AI (' It 11i 0 L/ t::S S E '{ f 4 TT E IVI f5 77:> Go (IfF C( /~t/i/c)I'vIt:s - cYol/ec/3 0/1} 9~ -; t!) f2 % ~ -PAY, / . /) tY t>U -u'-'-- t} F -6"'e>. D 0 ~/) /J ~ v .4-/1 w ~/ff S. Ol) iJ /.$Cc!) VM 'j" 'F f'A Id 13'1I.f"'I[;~ What is the name of the proposed project? ~ F{( k? /) tV( i? -I- dE: /k'/-! E RO 5 / .~ .J I What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) -tt ~SrZJ{) Briefly describe the proposed project:~ A /air,!) Ie- ;B I? () /.[e Ai t?t:l AJc i2!?1F 7/fC"P A / '/?EPI7/(c IJI2EA TO Re-.s-v t?FItCE.. @).c"lfJ9,<! /J/J .5'/9,JJj 73e/fc!l + /.?ep! ...cE .5:,Ij,viJ ;~ ERDDEJ) 1-/JE~ ~E/Wt7t/~ #k IR/J5d . (!f) ..://7If/~ cJ P F /',fiTTA-L- 112 e-v Pe;../ce, e/R/J4 v R~PAlrJr: f -.. List the project goals: (1) _~ t/7- r ~/J '\('1 P (2) ~NCG --Pr?fJ'r;/~c:. / (3) ~R~e-CI :;!?CE/1cH El?tJsftJlII. 6 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. /?/?Ntlc/ /!/tf'-,.yCP()I{j). ~!fftrvrl?..J) r:JE,!)jJi..1F TllatJ"~c)1 jI/~{71t.' It Fo ~ I {f/r:. I A!/,IO/tlMI?I./(/ (L/~T(J/r' A77Pc.J1Eb ), .$"jJf?C;p/c... ~.flf""Me#7:S M#P~ PIJ/i... C"11~H ?~~Jec7S. Pi 5 /Vc>r(G~ ,5"M e A-iI2c C> ~ !Y1{)(2l; THI;(I/ ~,u~ PJa>J~c:::1~ .> E'Y'G'RrlL lI~jt/A.l1t!:.eled... BG" Spr> c..I; ~2) /Vl>-r pG-R.I"'<1'{'" rt7"~ L&r 7r> BE C!/pJVp{.~rtF rz' THE. IYrAV::/N1V/Vl. What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. 7 /1 E"r t.. ~ JLe5 HtJ A ~ 'f' t) rt:< /..11 ,v;Z; 0 r1 (/ e . lfthe proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) y!f!!!5 Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) A rrflc/f~j) lfthe proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: .IV&,/ L;:;-'}i C P jJ '( t:: .AtS M e-~rc.;. . Private Property: tj L.~ 5. 0 aI..4e.f) 9 y r/f,fE ,5 f/ fI () ,t) Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: 4I'e5 / (Y ou will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right- of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) /Ie d'e 4 ~ F (;" c; /J )7 l E 8 Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) ofIntent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. We c;ertify that our membership voted and approved this 2003/2004 MVP Awards application on N /) d r 9 -I-h . 02 00 l.f (date), and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. I -S' NlIT/-f {".']3 i< A tJe::. H :Ob ur II IICH 7:1' H t: INI Print name of person preparing application Print Name of Neighborhood/Organization President ~~~kMIL Signature of person preparing application j;l4L: Signature of Neighborhood/Organization President Date: / / - 2.' 9' ~ /./ </ .. . Date: / /- :2- y - t':J ..tj If your neighborhood does not have a formal association, please attach a petition with names, addresses, and signatures of at least two-thirds of the people who live in or own property in your neighborhood stating they are in favor of the project. The petition should be accompanied by a list of all addresses within your neighborhood. Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, January 23,2004. Deliver in person or mail to: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Please call Janet Shira at (407) 905-3109 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY YES NO Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? Has the association listed the Project Team names, their full addresses and phone numbers? (7 minimum) Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? Have all the association's cash and in-kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? Did the association attach the completed Budget? If the project is a physical improvement, has a description and drawing been provided? If the project is a physical improvement, is the written permission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? 9 {J Required Signatures for Project Team By signing this sheet, you agree to abide by the Project Team responsibilities. You also agree to serve as a member of the project team until the project is completed. . Project Team Member Project Leader Project Photographer (Historian) Reports Coordinator V olunteerlPartner Coordinator ~e cE T --PA --- 7:?r\)Iv{' 2tJA- k~ IV} gcltcll ,ER{)S/~A/ IRE E.5 1([ HI O<.JEJ Print Name Sign Name I 6.r~-'Ir'f3 l c:;) M L (II I..:::.~ I'? A (l/c II G~-'.~ 19'1 10 I'y1 .J'L./ M (c... tc:. _ ~~7:-4..r'fz.. 5/1 L Ly /Vj/LLt: l<. .,sf) t- 2. - '7/ () r R /) .1;BJf / tfJ l) E R. &,,,<. . /':32.1 Ve'k'KY (/ IJ ?64~ 9'0/7--- NI KC- ISRucE ~ s--t - 1P) J 1/1./1 WtfJ 1</ 11/9 N1 91)5, $"/2.2- SIEt/E 1V/4 II LE/~ ,q JJ:t-/o/I /l1'A 7?'j ..Do u1 AI fr c:.f!/.5I(tf 1/\(( C;p~ -')/'tJ,G/f' 10 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Proiect Plan and Timeline N (/ {, T r.- -p i2 oJ E c...t5 (? E j2. flIT Itc.H EP) -5/(/10/1 Project Name: Neighborhood/Organization: TASK START DATE t()NCRn~ 7?t1 .:2 -1-c2S BE 1lt.t1 /c L:5rO~E COMPLETION DATE PERSON RESPONSIBLE MIf.{.E' ~RUvc ..::J; N. uJ C) w, If .;r 1Y1. RESOURCES NEEDED .:l -/?J -05 F R. (\.. IVI I 'rJ r C!. e NC 't e.. r-t.'- ~OWf=:-L ere... 3.-l-[)-o5 ~ /'Vl t9 J< Y /:J d "i ~tf- -l ddJie YIJll..b IQO L.s HrJ S'A~cL '3 ... /5 -05 r:t:tI t.e Pt91/ll 7/tJ & ... / S'.-o 6" t -.;10 -05 J €' R. R'1 & D tJ/I& _~ -e'v' L Mill' h&.r tIO,..,:D. Z3 LA6 I~ R. P /iJT 2,~()~/ft::':::' -05 :(-/1-g 11 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City ofOcoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Volunteer Hours Plede:e Sheet Project Name: kE"PLAC/'A/~ -L'o/-'/C-/?e,E ONKrJlVJf ("B6t1f) Neighborhood/Organization: 5 IT 1-/ 0 IJ NAME ADDRESS HOURS PLEDGED TASK TELEPHONE 1A/t! R (.. II f{Lf ~ VOc.J. . 0 ~Phl'/ .~ b (/ ~ !<(/c r: ~ ;., (,I ~ .5~olr (p 1)~(/ n ,':::e-'2/11-'t,vDFr /VI ;'/('1: S X;IIHll no .j IIVC WI) t.rzII1N\. TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS h to 7~ If k17MP 13 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City orOcoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Volunteer Hours Pled2e Sheet rE/VCc --;;:::>rJ/ ^-/r/tJ9 , -5 /-I;-j 0/1 Project Name: Neighborhood/Organization: . NAME ADDRESS /)P1J"C~ttS 1.q TELEPHONE TASK HOURS PLEDGED 5 REFUKB\SH ~fEAC?'rl .5 S .5 ..5' 5 5 '5 5 1= TOTAL VOLlJNTEER HOURS ~ ----- 05 13 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 ProDosed MVP Awards Proiect Bude:et Neighborhood/Organization: ...::?LEEP #4R.3IJt/R.. ~f'KI,;:~.wfvIFRS 4~~,. / N'c:::_ projectName:~T ~Nlj? A I?A/;~;"( &4~~€$r~7?AriDN t=trt<lCt!;' 7A/;AJ(;~ "7"'ReE5 7< C? /'Yf tC}v t!.f) PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): A/& P -L $ 2:(co- $~ $~ $~ 13roe> TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) ~GJ 19 r '7-? AN/DR €P;1" i R5 II. 0'/- ,-N. ~ /00 .:z 0 eOA/Cte..Sl1:/ fikNI HOA,..-d$ tI!.a,.,/Z.SlEGC7>a.tJ~ /&1 " S'TA /Lt:.:>. ~,-:::t'ie. II 7< e-~rt)n. h'1'I-O ,.) $- $...LDIJ - $- $- $~- $%~- $.!j::.QO - $~O ~,,#,]) . ~19 7& '1~Ee KENtJr/AL (1 P;/Jt5) l~i'i,/r PcA/C€ - .sILf&O;'/~ SANL I 5";:;tV.'j pAINr TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: Estimated Value Volunteer Labor :< 1/3 Hours x $1 Olhr $- $- $- $- $(I.MtJ - H '::t \J ~ ~ ~ ~ '-.... " '.l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \j \l ~ ~: ~ ....'r ^< ,! i :, \ ~'~r ",-~,t .,JH ~~. , ."'.. ~ < Cl a.. ., ~ N It) Z o en o '-.... '; " ~:' .-J ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ i t';' .'r ~. , to >. : ~"';. ~,,' ,:a /''':':;'7-~\ - ...... '~ '"=, -~ . ~roposal C((Ir/& tv lEiS ()yV (.0 ~()y Y?.7 O[~-( J fL 3lf/61 Proposal Submitted To: Job Name Address L Job Location Date Phone # Fax # f'Y! '" t. o&. dv r(AJ~) l j"f I ~~ j)v~r~( We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: (-CIY\Ow't./ of Page # of pages tf/c:.w f1~ 11 (1" #- CVo-p 'f~r-76~3 Job # Date of Plans 7 4.QI 2. fr<:e'S Qy\ C;{O JQO L~~ .,,'tu c-,-t " cG~ r/<:<5 ............, ... to it; I -- if ,......r ()t?f~tJ I tA~t J'I1<:.L.d-c . ~f.2vlcl h", .IllS .. , ;"\ fQf41'" ",~(l~ 1710 2 .Joo """....t....""'."." , ..,,r Sf~~r CA~t 5- {~Y'lf2 /' ~~- j'/5 ,~-lI":C~ r~()v<-l .... ..... 5lv~fi 1'2(..8' 15 r"""'1/h.~ We propose hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with the above specifications for the sum of: $ with payments to be made as follows: Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written order, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents, or delays beyond our control. Dollars Respectfully submitted Note - this proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within days. ~cceptance of ~ropos'al The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payments will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance a", NC3819 MADE IN USA Signature Signature 11-,~1'V' ' . L p le~ L. L, C · ~~p'\ .~.p,--0 ~ \2.. 1.bnn~".wAl ~S A-~S;&C/.4--r'llY,J 1tJB e;, t f/tU $~ tya. Oct:> ~, p:. ~41 4,1 L -s'M ,.....\"\ E. (?1zl\rrC>~ 401- b5Ze - 1>'.f'3) L? Yu.>b"L- ~"> C -4 1 ,"; 77>'" <;; ~ ') 1 ~\c.,~ ~ 03 ~'4~S" 31 ....,,- ;. ~OJV'!\ ~ \ -Q.="-'""1 .. C & N TRUCKING, INC. 450 ENTERPRISE STREET OCOEE, FL 34761 WBE CERTIFIED AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PHONE: (407) 654-0055 FAX: (407) 654-0123 November 30, 2004 Smitty Branch Sleepy Harbor Homeowner Associations 2 load s of wh ite sand $500.00 Sleepy Harbour Homeowner Association Meeting November 9, 2004 It was discussed as to whether Sleepy Harbour Homeowner Association would apply for the 2005 City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnership Awards (MVP) - Neighborhood Matching Grants Program. We decided to present an application for 2005 making repairs and improvement to the concrete boat ramp at the recreation lot, the black wrought iron fence at the recreation lot, and the sand at the lakefront at the recreation lot. A motion was made by Smitty Branch to submit an application for the MVP grant, the motion was seconded by Doug Nachtsheim, and was voted all in favor by the trustees. Tom Slimick Jim Wortham Smitty Branch Jerry Odom Ralph loder. Doug Nachtsheim Treasurer Vice President Trustee Trustee Trustee President ell Ju/tL Doug Nachtsheim President Sleepy Harbour Homeowner Association WATERWERKS OF FLORIDA 1583 Silver Star Rd., Box 246 Ocoee, FL 34761 INVOICE 0099 DATr ( I( 3{)f 0"1 SHIP TO I ORDER NO. (407) 492-9170 TO ,Sb~ ,tt:r H:e: rAL> '14- b. _ole ~_ gOOE?t;? !>t- 3n6( . . . . . .. . .. . . : .. . . . . . . . . . . . > Cu+ JO&11 -; ,f): ~'e- +/'ceJ;: -ZS-(1) 00 Q^J W ~ v > THANK YOU La ~ ~ ~~ '-lAI(zJI.., lJlf ~T "- "'-:< <>- \ ~ '::t -.: ~ ~ \. ~ ~ ~ \II ~ '-.j ~ ~ ... ~ ~ \ij G ~ ~ ,. ~ ~ \l "- J t-( '4 \, ~ " ~ ~ - "- 0 ~ ~ ~ \.A v.' S11'~\ " .,,107,105' ;0' ~: ,! ~",' .' l 40 6" \;4"~J:~ ~;#I 1~' \ \~ 0 9/'~ ; < 4.04\ 4~~.I1-,~_L..,~"14/ .)r'~ 10tt.~_. . I 402 ' ,'" , ' --'--. J.' -,.. ,A 1 ~ ,,":,' - '. f ' . ,v"'- '~~. . ~,;;; ;; x 1501400" "" 107;t --,j ?418,;>--'-~ : 1 ! i ::. _, _, ........,J : ';. .... LJ. 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I, ,,' ' "I ~' l "'~",.,. ,~ ~ ~ ilo "W,~ '2 ",~,'*,'-" .~ '''7'10 i': ~,. . j ..j.. '1""'; ", -',<,~,. < : .,,: t...; ....,._'-."..-~,.,. ~ ~,~~ 'f 7 11-.' -1 ,;:. ~~, { 7" '1 3' '1 ~i~ j._-"~"-.j"-"--'- , :' "...,.! ,!,;~'716!717'., 1712:, ,r,l ' l -w""; '. ".~; -,..._...,.,.....1.. , '.L, ,., " 7 1 " '-J, 7 15 ",c" _..,.. ..~. " ? 1."'iA~'".i?. .. J, , ' 4 -r ~ "", _ fT " ""r . ~:",~~,.,.,~~, .:"';_1*1"'"'"0> < ~J'~"___Y?~ ". ' : -m ""',. / , 19 1 "1; 2 3~; 127T"'" 716'" 717 121 .r',! t729 '" 7,'2,5' . .,..-A.. ,',. ''''A>',>u.,y,_"J i~_ i , -.'.. .~" 2004/2005 Application Form and Instructions (Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 30,2004) Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 Date Received: 1/- 3 cJ .~ tJ I By: /0 ~ 3 S- City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Cal'1lpg\V6E: V (l,ll\6E M. O. J\ .. .-- Project Leader: 51+AUN Po-tSalJ Address for Project Leader: "92 N iUl'1AlJtJ VJ\M6i CT. Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) (Evening) ~- t2~ ~ ~9' Email Address: S Oo'tSOU (.\ CT<'. rr. (,04 Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City ofOcoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please desr.ribe thp population served: _SOUn\:_\lJ~tT oAt:. JJblL. \lJ\;~T: Wt:n.o~lC~ ""l~tC.It.Hf Vn,LA6fr OF ,'l.Uirr OAtr . C~eoel] 'J1l,lAGe WAY. No~~ wrii1'EtzQ. Et\ST: FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? '1E~ If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? A pail la, 2002 How many members are in the association? 20 Hoo.s~s Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? ~5 t.-jSv. cJ+ '041" MeMeEI2~ A~ H~EoWlli'e~ What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.): "7IZC;{mEl.rr. VfCE pt2tfJSil?6Ui. SE'C~e-P\rz.y'. 'j)f12.~.sue€'fe.# Aui~~~i. , Cc)"'''~ITEr:t - AtZ Clfi'T~c:1'J(A1 12EVIe-w P.,c)Aep. 4 How does the association elect its leadefship? When and how often are elections held? I,., ~ ltoA AJJuUAl f:>a C\~ pufi1iou. 'h+\rLN WeQ~ESDI.Y H€E:1lU6 'Tat'f vcrrtu6 P:Jy ~ V()UJL/1"6€2 <is; 'T#t= A.IJUcJA~ HEET\u6 i~ l)!lJ~lIy ua.v '1*Q: 01.4 MAIZe,.,.. AT -ntc W~~ oA. ts Li &ru.ey. UNo: Do you have an active neighborhood group? How many members are in the group? How many homes afe in your neighborhood? What is your group's ofganizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) When was it organized? How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members or clients OfYOUf organization? Are all membefs Of clients of your organization eithef businesses Of residents of the City ofOcoee? _ If not, how many (eithef by numbef or percentage) are? 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years. - f2u(.e;'$ ~1(,1J AT 1*6 PUY6rzoUl-/ Ae~. - <SUfv1M{itZ (loM~UtJ i 1] 'PAety. (.)ukt 24~J J.tb110 l.v1l.J(, {)A..Yl.1j (Oc.toPJ€a. ~J J '0(4) tJuu€' 200'+) '2M) Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? }-.'ALlfJA1\)lay t>UG{ f-eoM VOLUU7Cc"e ao~i~tl'T'fUu~ 10010 of 'hti ~Ei~~12>oelb:>D ~ spr;z.,"lt.J evt:Ut.r ~ '/. What is the name of the proposed project? tN j.}A\JC.ilJE, OUR. .s't'l2en: What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) ~ Z/~ Briefly describe the proposed project: ~ DrJ.>IEtt1 &J.>Smr OiJ IZEQOiu6 ~ f- v lwn-lcApil.rfQ Aeoutm o.n C.OM,.."UJJtty ~1~A.I l ~H4u~ ;1 l,.JJ lifllt'fr IJJo aP"c. ~LcAt ' JJ~ l.6~t.JQ, ~~~c: ~z..c...: 1~"~Llt:U+$1" ~. u~Jj.)~AI'C(;""fS 1* phay 6~I,)l.rp lalZ~ ~~ "fQ.)~f ~ \A)/JOO rtauduer;"-It kh>.l'}. Al>:JfJ -ph~~j.)(;;a Sb~ pf.'U!1J1.IIAII UOOE;a ~'~EES AIOiJtI ~ i~t. 1JBJ~lAlJIJ \1; tU&~ ct. List the project goals: (1) ~rEeIJ6+ Jte~iu6 11n: f.eUl'IOiJs:Jtip aeiZGQ.I 14E1")i/boe~. (2) JC€\f ~ p'~6~uLJD ~e;o. A~ ~ ~Ui €\J\JieoMarl'" TO plAy. (3) .8Jt\bLJc..f aue lJ~lI'" 0o~~O Auo t~ it } u 60(1) Slf'J\pEf. 6 List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. POSITION NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL Project Leader SJ.\A.UlI ~~2 Na&MAlJ}J "/LU.6c: 4(A- n~-~jl (.)an;OW ct. Historian ~u Lty ~e~ NEU"1A~1J ~6~ C:t ~- S2~" ~921 (Photographer) MoYl.,uS Monthly & MAYlf~ :to Pt~ ':}72 NG\J"'AUAI vilL4oc; c.-r 4O+-S'n - 9?JJ 0 Final Reports Coordinator Partner/ Veu !i~~A ~r:}. lJ6U""4LhJ V.m6f""ot. 40T 9U1 ~n Volunteer Coordinator p ~604pft&'iZ. N~illE' DEwtJif (,gO It II II 'IOl 8Z2 em PAfb.t6Yt eO~(,.y 5'a~ ~, " II 4<A-:}(S ~ OLi Ve\ tA. Jc\r~ ~" It II II 4tA - 2~ - 0410 \JOl.o">1\.C'1t. Lovlt~~ I 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. -.:1l+f 1J~&'UPJoeHoop will 8e- HJvolVE'O wI 1ttc PT20tcr.t: 0uyil.JCl JUf'pJiEs I \,/ ~~1t~yz.,...t:.J! p't2.G~(lhJCa G C1f)AAlIU6 11n: Sift of /l.JOJ!,k:. A.t.Jo OOJJQ ~ lAlOe)1G. What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. - €)JTeAOCG Sj(jAJ - Pl~y 6EO(..l ~I) "'~ AJOl.Jb 1ltt ~~ (U tucr 01..1 ~iflH1' Of W~) If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawin2:. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Ali>~~ tlBJM4....1J lJitcA6f C:i. Private Property: ... . - -.- Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: 'Q&tyt~lJc.s SigAl. Pl4y6~u.u 61ZEtA. (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right-of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 8 Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) ofIntent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certify that our membership voted and approved this 2004/2005 MVP Awards application on NO\le}.1p'>E'fZ ']2, 2001' (date), and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. MAeJA 1 'P€lt6Z. ~f \.i Print Name of Neighborhood/Organization President ... J) .LU YiEO S;/Jr"- Print name of person preparing application 1'" tflJ) I Signature of person preparing application ;, /1 tJ (/' I' P9V o;-yk:/ Signature Of~~hborhOOd/Organization President Date: 11/'2'/'24u1 Date: if /L& fzu","-' . If your neighborhood does not have a formal association, please attach a petition with names, addresses, and signatures of at least two-thirds of the people who live in or own property in your neighborhood stating they are in favor of the project. The petition should be accompanied by a list of all addresses within your neighborhood. Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 30,2004. Deliver in person or mail to: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Please call Janet Shira at (407) 905-3109 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY YES NO Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? Has the association listed the Project Team names, their full addresses and phone numbers? (7 minimum) Are all the Partner Letters ofIntent attached? Have all the association's cash and in-kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? Did the association attach the completed Budget? If the project is a physical improvement, has a description and drawing been provided? If the project is a physical improvement, is the written permission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? 9 Required Signatures for Project Team By signing this sheet, you agree to abide by the Project Team responsibilities. You also agree to serve as a member of the project team until the project is completed. (These names should match those listed on page 7.) Project Team Member Print Name Sign Name Project Leader '5 h C\IJ.. '" , ~(" U- '/L-:-' Project Photographer (Historian) Reports Coordinator . ~1AYlIA- 1 Pet<<:'L V olunteerlPartner Coordinator , J)EO A , ,--q I ,,/ ;, H -' , , r \.-,_, f..IEvrl/2. DE1I-Ji)N ~ rrJL (vEl IZ/J eh1 us 10 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City ofOcoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Proiect Plan and Timeline Project Name: f}JH1HJcJiJ 0 OU-g S'fe6:1iT. Neighborhood/Organization: C A&..f P->~ D6E UJUl6E" fl.O.4 TASK START DATE COMPLETION DATE PERSON RESOURCES NEEDED RESPONSIBLE ~QO~if1 S'iuu ~ (, - 2oo.r ~1'-f ':) -'Zuur S JMuk/ :DoTS 0 #.J PH11. wtl, pI6ui1, ~Gul1~, ~ tt<<. 4J Vduw ill ~ I- J " Pf.NcrUf111 t plh.y ~l U() l'J~ 2/-'ZOCJ[" f\l~'1 28. 2o()( J }.IAUA./ OoiIcJu lZu~,,~ Lu.4/CI{. e<<lt.*: L I-l ~fJCIMI (4 V~~ fr..,w~060 UUD~ J lJ..,r; ~ -Zov,r J()~r: If: -Z<JOr S fl f)tJtJ OuThJu ~ l, ~tiifZft., - p/Avh (~ '/c}luc,1rlff.1 -fl.rc 11eC;;- $ " 11 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Volunteer Hours Plede:e Sheet Project Name: ~~tJOU() out Sta.arr. Neighborhood/Organization: CAI./&elD6c \JiLUl6f H o.A NAME ADDRESS HOURS PLEDGED t{Ol' zZ 7-5'1 '/ Jt Vilf...~6( c 4o~. J.?2 93.90 l ( /'1-0) T3?1~ 02 TELEPHONE TASK Jb 10 J2 Pro" ec.t Leo..dR-r t-1 .8 1\1.J~i ~.' 'tlD. 'p~e~ ~ "VoWt)fe€rt- . ~1~'ttit\ AI ~1Jt6E\t Cclotnru~1ir~ phttT IJ E'f. . [( TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS 120 13 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Proposed MVP Awards Proiect Bude:et Neighborhood/Organization: CA4a,tUo(itf lIiU466 4.QA. Project Name: ~k1,u.c.IU 6 Que S1'26&7" PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): $ 2. roo $~ . ~L/ Rfiu'" I PrlJPcrrtl1f iu --ow 1J6ffllfe~lz)/OOT/ TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) $ $ 200 $ ~.IOO TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** $ $ 1.'100 $ $ 800 $ $ ~OO $ $ - C'OWLWui 9 ~falJ CUHWCALA..F..JT (ut).J ~~IJ'. Uc,k'fs E E~lu6 ~UDS'C"fl).l6) -_P~~6~UIJO (~I~Ee I-.wl~ Eo tcJElmta"lt. p~ P~bY s~c1wef") ~1iu~ e,~s (JuOGe ~ 1"eECt Volunteer Labor 120 Hours x $1 O/hr Estimated Value $ 400 $ 100 $ 3QJ $ $ I,ZOO In-Kind Contributions: '9ESlf#f,Jer.j AeQ. Saz,vicfj In.(l.i6~-n~~' SYJft..l C~PJo-'" E: l.I\~~(f) fef$ DooA1JOioJ 15 NEUMAN"N:;i:'H- OA VILLAGE ~ . November 29, 2004 City of Ocoee Mr. Rob Frank City Manager Mr. Frank: We as part of the Board of Directors of Cambridge Village HOA haye the pleasure to welcome you in your new position as city manager of the City of Ocoee. Our Board of Directors mission is to continuously work on keeping our neighborhood safe, in good shape, and strengthening the relationship between neighbors. We think that the Most Valuable Partnership Award is a good opportunity to help us. Our MVP award project "Enhancing our street," consists on redoing the landscaping around our community sign, make some improvements to the play ground area, and planting some perennials under the trees that are located on each side of the right of way on Neumann Village CT, our street. In order to comply with the requirements for the Most Valuable Partnership Award; we need your permission. We want to see if it is possible that you give us, in writing, permission to plant the flowers in the right of way. (The species are more detailed in our project's description.) We don't foresee it being an issue; it will make our street look nicer than it is now. And the deadline for submitting all the paper work is tomorrow. We want to thank you in advance. And you can contact us at any of the phone numbers below. Sincerely, Cambridge Village HOA Board Members '/1) fJ4I!l . Deo Singh ~1~'-~ ~d~724-3311 Vice-president 407-523-6821 4~j,J/rJ Marta Perez - Secretary 321- 303 - 2 716 Neville Dewney Treasurer 407-822-8522 ~on Assitant 407-227-5471 ~J 1 ",Pit .!:II ---'--m ' ~_l IlOOOD'C1;i5C'-----~.C" l> I oS''' ," I ~~ ,:'0' ~,," :~! II' $..... II ."c;-~~j.;" ~,.,.",~ 31 :jj.A .0 ...'.~'--m~--- ..\J' 'Ii;;J ~y, -~ ev \ f.I.... I' ,', It..Y";: I I' , ";" db .:!.l....' .ri ~fl:I ..._ !:)"A~"" '-~IT6-~-.'1 i^ ~~' ...~~ '(: ;~~. ,I. I. <l' 6. 'I " ~ 8 ,:;:.j>" 3 g ", ,----<tiJ'!:r---- If,; l~---' -I~: 113 a ..so" ,I I ~ ~ I. <$' $11 i :;) ~<l' <I I... ,~,..---761(1---- iif" 1= ') I Q, iH-'-&r------j 5li<i ~l :il liVl:JVHl _h !<i .Z ,~Ii i--..~,n-----'!I " ~!8 ~v i m Z! 'e '\., <f1l '" " 18 ...c-" 31~ mm m ,_ ;0 ! ,~ R ~<t" :il i I , EZ i Sl l:il #" :;: la.: ~jn pi [- --: ~z --1 ~ II,~~ v." ~ t ~ I' "'....- :;: ,! ~ l,c.--~~:"I--~~-1111 11(i~----- '- ;J II!c----:-~~ - c,-I.,a ,; .~ '" "",---,... ,. .. J.'U' '. G lL,n UU I J:JVHl ,'" 01' . I!---'ffl-:~l . / ,:;: J'~ ' :;: I~ f-- 7/T--'----ie i I :il]h ::;: ..~~ LZ :;: ,Iilii~ j I: &1-'----18 I, l> az : :;) [i l~~__ ~ :;: i! i '--;M(~--'- --1 i I!:;: :r~--:I ,) ~3___ d-"__~~I l.p .;:~ \ %~ ,1>1('" I'f~i;;>---Ir-(;;--I--l !'----ITiW I, ',. ,f I I I OE .;;,~, ~ o. ~..... ~ 1- I I' I ! .Ql" -\ .. ,<1"" a ~Jl 01 C f.f. ~ ~ }-'..-----g';9r ,,'"' l:4>" ::/f tHO; ! Z: I ': O.,~ ~ cf4'- -nlI" "''188.,_1", o " "1:JVlll O;k -,-- ~((:~/I' __ "(,tsT-"-,, i I i I I~ I I I ill L :os is ?; .. ~ '" 'B ~ <il ~ I ~ ~ '" -~-j I :j I i! I I' .~ .' , HI" ~j,<.,f ':"ii<, Hq-- <I< ~.j' 1!.'II\~ ;.1 a! - I I I I ,I ----- I iXlP l\lr:"~ " 'Ii. ,.l. ';l\ ~' ::.~ ""I ~ kl, "r'-- ~.~ i $', ~~. "q~ ;,' . t'., I~ I~ I i i 9 J:JVHl i!! s,- .. ;: ~ l?l ((f _,_f---- :.:t. ':/.;1<0\ L.__ ' ..'1;1:.0"----.. , '6,0:<1'" , "1-,,;, / ,f J~ te~~ COM)l'UMi~ c;&(/I,J plA.y6touuO Ae"" NE~Ji\\~\~.~: ~ :H:OA \ I LL\l.. I. ~ .. Cambridge Villages HOA Regular meeting November 22, 2004 AGENDA 1. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of the Minutes ---------------------------------------October 21, 2004 2. OLD BUSINESS A. Security on the neighborhood. (on going) Neighborhood Watch No parking Sign. B. Keep the community informed. (on going) September-December News letter Web-page C. Bylaws Architectural Review Board election; fee schedules; handouts for homeowners. Notices to Homeowners D. Hallowing Party Evaluation E. Management Company F. City of Ocoee -Neighborhood Grant Application Project 3. NEW BUSINESS A. Open discussion. 4. ADJOURNMENT A. Next meeting ----------------------------------------------December , 2004 ..., ... F.UMANN N VILLAGE' . HOA CAMBRIDGE VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Board of Directors November 22, 2004 CALL TO ORDER/ESTABLISH QUORUM The regular meeting of the Board of Cambridge Village Homeowners Association, Inc. was called to order by the President, Deo Singh at 7:15 p.m. at West Oaks Library Community room. Directors Present: Deo Singh, Stanley Morris, Neville Dewdney, Maria Perez, and Angela Dotson A quorum of the Board was established. AGENDA Approval of the minutes Old Business New Business OLD BUSSINESS A. Security on neighborhood - *Neighborhood Watch: A final decision to not bring this program to the neighborhood was taken for the board. The reason is that we are a small community and watch each other anyway. We reached a consensus with all members of the board. *No parking sign: A second letter was send to the City requesting the no parking sign at the entrance of the neighborhood. We will give them two months for them to take action. If nothing happens we will pay for the cost of the sign. B. Keep the community infonned- *December newsletter: After the hurricanes it was difficult to catch-up with other activities and for this reason was not possible to produce the newsletter. We are going to have one for December that might be two pages long. There is so much new information to update the community. *W'eb page: There is a format layout almost completed by ow: volunteer. Because it will take so much maintenance work, the board is going to wait until a decision is made about the management company. C. Bv/aws- - *Architectural Review Board (ARB). Two more members were elected to join Angela Dotson as part of the Architectural Review Board. Maria Perez and Shaun Dotson. Angela did a good job putting together a summary of the Bylaws in clearer format. We are in the process of sending those to the community as part of the educational program. Some action has to be taken with the building department at the City of Ocoee to control the approval of additions that are against the bylaws. *Notices to homeowners: There some owners in the process of making exterior additions to theirs houses. The ARB has sent courtesy letters which stated a clear position, but the ARB is still waiting on a response from them to see how they will be addressing the issue. D. Halloween Party- *Evaluation: The party had a good turn out. More than 25 kids from the neighborhood came to the party. The party was finance 100% with the petty cash money that we saved from the summer party, and prizes that some owners contributed. E. Management Company The board of Directors is in the process of getting some quotes from three management companies because they want to see if, for the same money, a better service will be provided to the community. In addition, the board is not so happy with the way in which the financial report from Vista Community Association Management is set up because it is not clear. It is hard to keep track of the expenditures. The board will attend a presentation from Southwest Management Company, before we make a final decision. F. Most Valuable PartnersbiD (MVl!) A ward- *Project & Application. The board of Directors in a vote of 5 out of 5 approved this project. The project will be called "Enhancing our Street", The board assigned specific tasks to put together the paper work together before the 30 of this month. ADTOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, From the Board of Directors, Maria Isabel Perez. Secretary. 4" 3' 2'-4- 4- . It) N~:a:H.QA GENERAL RULES Park hours - sunrise to sunset All pets must be leashed. Park in designated areas. Please dispose of trash in proper receptacles. Alcoholic beverage prohibit. (For Neumann's Resi()ents onl~) . o , N ........< " " " :1\ ;..,- c.>~ r Q ....: -, .\ 'i 2:1\ / J \ (')~ f-s SS ~~ (t)e-. e>V\ ~..a- -:>01 -.. o ~ .- ~ - - -.t... /' /\".. I / ~'" /' \t_~ f - --'c::\ , ~. '^ , ~ c:P; ~rlt- ~(j\ g ~ Q..> ij) 0'\ "* SJ -, -~p d='~~:5 '-/ IfJ -/ ~&>8~ '" ....; V\ ~ - ^ +~ .. .. CI ~,~ ttl~ ~ "'<' , t f Q:.- b ,-- - ~ .~ '~~~ ~CI\-\-.. ,~ ,,\J\~_ '-" ""', ~. ...... . . ... ..-- ~ct> 5 ~ ",ri: . , Q .'~"\~"t' -'~....;(:.. ~ t:P o , '~"?-. ~ 'c- ~ \~ / (-, cp "", .-- \i- -- ", 0\ --"""'.~'-' .-.._-...:. /- ~' ./ \'--j / ,- ,. (7-:"\ -0 , , ',0 , -\ I \ \ --~ . ',r' J( ". \,~ " - ,.,. ,r..J ' - ~ A " ,,"^, : ( J ",-.l \ ~\\ '.~~.d~~~ '. :, ! :,/ \ ,.-; " ('I;, ..... ~ ,.~ \ ',) Q...- o 0~ -, <-"'\ P ("\ ,f'l ("1 '...J> \ t'Jt7 o ~ -", (;,Lr.i c:~ ,9 "--"'.... -.~~ ~ ~ ,~ \J'I . ~~~r~,i ~':f~ ~.t'\,r::~ ,,", , "'~ "\. . '" $~ .. . -. ",' , '~~,~ \f) L- '" - . A "- '\ '" '1... " -L.. :s <J I::y sr-> -<:) - . v~~ ~ '""- -"(5 > ~ ~ ::r c- ..s " --u o ,0 2. l '-' \..- -+- 'tJ < ~ ~ --...; '~ toJ (} --, ~" ~, .,;1-' ~-;-.=-6 ;; () ...-~", - - a i- eX. j~ i", (,) --;7 \, ~\",. ) '':: \. ..." ;"" '" -.~ ~ '\ . )" ...:j.~ ' Gj ('~ ~.. ' \-..'.s, ) ,,___) r_ ". (" --.:-~ ". \..)~I', ~--- -~/-=-- --. '--., OQ;j ./f' '<II v 6 ~ ",,<1 /10 ~ s:,~?; Q) h,j .1";" fSr;6 0] ( City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift November 29, 2004 Deo Singh President - Cambridge Village HOA 717 Newmann Village Court Ocoee,Florida 34761 RE: MVP Grant for Cambridge Village for "Enhancing Our Street" Project Dear Mr. Singh: This letter is in response to your correspondence to Mr. Frank. with regards to your MVP grant application. Part of that letter asked about the possible requirement for a permit to plant landscape flowers in the road right-of-way around the existing trees. The planting of flowers around the existing trees within the road right-of-way will not require any special permitting. The road right-of-way is generally defined as the land from the house edge of the sidewalk to house edge of the sidewalk on the other side of the street. If you are planting flowers around existing trees outside of the sidewalk, no permit is required by the Ocoee Engineering Department. However, you should contact Sunshine State One-Call of Florida, Inc., at 1-800-432- 4770, at least five days before the time when you will be planting the flowers, so that all existing utilities can flag and/or mark their underground facilities. Some of these utilities may be outside of the road right-of-way but inside a designated utility easement. Then you will need to exercise care in digging so as to not damage the underground utilities if they are in the area. Most underground utilities are at least 3& inches below the surface, but some unfortunately are not that deep. Please exercise care around all utilities, but especially around underground electrical power (red marks or flags) and gas (yellow marks or flags) facilities. Should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, CITYofOCOEE / ..P"-/ 0. U/~ David A. Wheeler, P .E. Director of Public Utilities/City Engineer c: Robert Frank, City Manager City of Ocoee . 150 N Lakeshore Drive' Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100' fax: (407) 656-8504 . www.ci.ocoee.fl.us City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: u.,,-,€- 0'-7 ~ t \ ~ C L \.) \3' Address for Project Leader: \ S \4- \<,,~ G" f\cJZ.O'f CL.\ s, ~\ 'l< Cl f..., 6 c t,t: f ) ~ 1-\ \'>t'l E fL 3416 \ Project Leader: 6 E><<'AL\> Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) ~(Evening) Email Address: G,.\<, \ Mb 25 E CfL . ~ ... co r\ Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City ofOcoee. lfthe project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: ~t.:t\i{ML yESC.(Z\i1l0N :. S \L~~V2.STyq<<;<d oy... VlC'\Y\~ .~\ ~))'R\ \i1- T\ c. 'Yk'. ~ .s{;\.~ Y ],t FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. C L f\~'< ,\(D D~ c:-a~J.:>~ )" . 0 l ~~ Y'\)S, y'R. It;I\\ ~ oe.bV / Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? YES HYes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? I ~ 30 - ~O How many members are in the association? f 2. Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? 'If:: S What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, YP., Committees, etc.): i1z E ~ \\h~ l"IT I '13C':ft 1?D a f S;fcR€\~ \Z '-) , ~n(f<;:\O ~,.s ') - I f\f.--'\~U \< ~ R l c} 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held?'/'f:..s A-t\N\1~L 1V\ -Err \ l'\ <;,.. I N -r1'\~ 0'f>t\C'f / Or ('^~\-+ '/E~R . UNo: ~rA Do you have an attive neighborhood group? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) When was it organized? How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? //1 III iv ,/ A L /17 ,fl' '1'1 A/(7 For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: ~ J'A- What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members or clients of your organization? 1~ . Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City ofOcoee? 7c. 5 If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? flv I 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years. "lOc4-.- 1)\~,\,,\ALUZf', tOUN\A 1 N <ofF- OL'I M -fus: --VR\'\) E 7-. ()()3 r- L Y1. N'~ ~C ~ \'\ N ~ 6-(7'2.. ~ So I S+\{? \l ~.s 'f 'fe.. J-- ~T ~e\ENJ\~~G"'p ~~ OLj\-\R:;.s ul?\~~. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? K 'A 1'\ )) f'f\\:"lRy '1 'S5~2>S M~T')\~ . \ oa,X ~\~\.~"~Y)~h' What is the name of the proposed project? S0~S)1 \I~'S \ 0,...\ E. ",~)\",\ l(.. 'E--. 'S-.\ b-}..\~G,-t.. ~C Lll\~ ~D ) What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) IFb 7. 00 Briefly describe the proposed project: ~ "l))(S)G H, r- A\)\\) C~T E t \t-t ST 'ALL@.) 'Nt W t.t\WY:\~C~ ~\G}'\- \0 j)f tLL0MIN\AlE-)) ~ N\~\-\-"-, List the project goals: (1) (2) (3) l f)e~T\ f' '( F" -A-sE Dr \ ~ ~wf- -("HE ~0D\D\\J\S.\ON LDC.'ATIOrt fSl\if'\\,- LC-O\(' / or- f ~lK 'fIN ,-E-. 6 List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. POSITION NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL Project Leader b~~ \S \-t- 'ftC-~()%L \-S CL 4:>1 8l-c.3 tl3 <;;; \::. ,,4 ~ lS ~ \<1 N 0r C 'fL . R " Sl1 Historian ~K\-~~ LO\. OLYl'\~ YR l'\)'t ~"1 Z9B S'CJ4..9- lei \C \:::.3)'\ J...tY'fl~ (Photographer) )'~ by\ ~ c) @ AOL ~Ctlt-\ Monthly & ,<'iei.~11 final Reports /Jj~/1.ri-Y / J- ( {)Lf ~ PI/ S P?ll/C LftJ '7 ].'11 /, t,t.<'g Coordinator Partner/ f1J (Cf/4~ '- Volunteer I J""'O{ rftJ /..."( t1n c O~t(1 v';; ;'!cJ'?J-'7() (jL.C g Coordinator 10 ;;) ,:3 s tf;; LV'-lIPI~":': Dc- ,..'/Ar... ,) /L t./,Al,I1fE~ /~)... () L tn-!, ~1J5' 'D l'l Vi:::' io 7 [v3 <J 3-.;. 1 ii {~()~~ ,1'Id,41 J.o3 t):" j" /':/..:; "/J~I v,:: i~ (E:C(' 117 Lfu? i.tf? c{,;j )-1-- P/lVl.. ()Lrl"J1/'i.lS j)/~ d~ i I / c<;; tfo 7 ttff3l? i 2 c/ cC4K () Jf< 7 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. l)~d)E- '() ~ "S\~t-I L6<- ~a\'-\ ~ \)~ ~\<SN 01))~N Q\J<5\u :s.\) ?E~ \S.L 1 N.'ST-'f) \.Lff\ ~ 1'1 What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. I 'N'f~~f.q-\Ot\ d CL'f\~~ ~y tl t=\ V~ \ 'R\\C 'V'K: \ ~ E.- If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawine. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: ~t\~c)'A ~~ A Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: (Y ou will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right-of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 8 LAKE OLYMPIA CLUB HOMEOWNERS ASSQCIATION ~ 1\ (2 r/ (,;J Board of Directors P.O. Box 651 Ocoee, Fla. 34761 <. .') ~ " ~~~ '). ~ \.1..;\ \:) ~'{ A '( ~ " --J ~ '-l ~( ~ c.: ~ . ~ q C\:::) '" ......", fJTJ;e/d rlC- 'Ur</tlE ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ '- v,~ \ A,' \j, Q .- ~ .... < ~ ~ - " 'v, ~ <::t" ~ ~ ~~ ['~ ~I :1 I ---.J ~ ~ ~ ~ '-:.JI. - Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) ofIntent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certify that our membership voted and approved this 2004/2005 MVP Awards application on !!J L'- r 1// 1- () 0 f (date), and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. ~t~L \~,~ to j-\ \ <-n G'- y.. ~ VA ~ \"1-)'\ tJ Print name of person preparing application Print Name ofNeighborhoodlOrganization President /~ ,/ 4. Ignature ofN eighborhoodlOrganization President Date: NOD <;36 I ~4- Date: NC:I~ :sO ~+- If your neighborhood does not have a formal association, please attach a petition with names, addresses, and signatures of at least two-thirds of the people who live in or own property in your neighborhood stating they are in favor of the project. The petition should be accompanied by a list of all addresses within your neighborhood. Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 30,2004. Deliver in person or mail to: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Please call Janet Shira at (407) 905-3109 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONL Y YES NO Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? Has the association listed the Project Team names, their full addresses and phone numbers? (7 minimum) Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? Have all the association's cash and in-kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? Did the association attach the completed Budget? lfthe project is a physical improvement, has a description and drawing been provided? If the project is a physical improvement, is the written permission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? 9 11/30/04 15:31 FAX 4072944811 KX International. Inc. 4l00! :"fThTllTES OF Tal ~ MEETING OF TAli: BOAlln OF DIRJ4X;TORS T ..irA nl..,._n~o r'l..h Unn...n".,nD"" A .,.,n,....*~n... .........._ __'" _....4... .........._ ......._...~ .." ....,..., ...___........._... Oct0ber ! 1, 2lJa4 A m~cting of the BOiii'd of Directof5 wa~ held at 7:30 p.m. Oil O~tuber 11, 201')4 at ~01 O'J'lTfU5 Drive, OCOC(l, Florida, notice of said meeting and agenda having duly been given to each director in accordaucle with the As,<iociation by-laws, . .. .. r. I ';:0 ~. L ,... ,- ,.,..- J . '-.7' pj~:5efJi fl~ ~!LiH ~~~ehlii' ~\.'~~r~~' ~il~:,rr'.f}.u~ .IlL ~~g:::.:!!,.{I~_. ~j~~~,'~ J~rlt'l~i~~.r ,~n~l (.~:I'~~~i j\:.i.ng. Absen~ frum the meeting was: None Nichol aSP:ig!mO ~ict(~d as Chairman of the meeting and Gerald King acted as secretary of the meeting and recorded the miI1lute~. The s(~Cr~till'Y 'ir.en rebd tba ruiiti.li~s of the bviircl or .iirl;]..~CCtn' me~.ing held on l"jay 16~ 2(J03 that hlid bj~en recorded by W.lidlilei JOile:s the pr~vious SeC(l;ii,;l.iY and there being no cnrrel,iinn~ or modm,cations offered, the minutes were approved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,As the next order of business the City of Ocoee MVP aWaid fi~r ~he ~~renr 1004/2005 W!if, discm.sed. It was unanimously agreed and in acc(:'rda."c~ with the wish.~~ of the AsSiCtCiation memb'ers at the Annual Association meeting held on January 29, 20il'4, that '"J.l''' ,~,.:l::O,:,,i~lthn ':~f,:d',~ apply for another award this year, After further discl:~,ion it was agreed that the ,MVP :'ltOjl.:,:t would consist of installing a set of new signs at the Adriatic Drive/Clark Street entrance 'W th,e subdi'.risiorL Gerald King offi~red to be the ~r"roiect ~no('d11)~t()r ll~rl to file the application with the City in a timely manner. l'~jCl< Pagaulo would obtain quutes for design, fabrication and } ;'[,trll] at; G r'I.. .... , " .. , " ....." ,..........""..........,............................ I, Gerald King, Secretary of Lake Olympia Club Home Ownen; Association, Inc. hereby certifY that tIle above is a true and accurate extract ofthe mmutl.:s of the ml;:eting held on the above date. Executed ;)l~ ncoet',mnn<.m.. this 29il1 day ofNovemher, 2004 ~- ~ ~~ _.~~::, ... G",...,. ~0.Il:. ~iCC]r"''''"'ry , "'1"'_<1 'IL_-.~, .....c; ...., ---"...., .........~ '......., ~ Page I of 1 Required Signatures for Project Team By signing this sheet, you agree to abide by the Project Team responsibilities. You also agree to serve as a member of the project team until the project is completed. (These names should match those listed on page 7.) Project Team Member Print Name Sign Name Project Leader G....'{f<\~\.,p ~l)-1G .-' Project Photographer (Historian) ,1'/el< aC::7~ AJ!) I / ' ...-_' _ ,p . ' 0 L ,,,1 1/ > cr.:; r'>.., ~fC<: I/A OPAfi/T'L-j t^1, cl1 i\ el F)b h ('.1' ~LffJIA r~ 'nUfMJrfel.c Reports Coordinator V olunteer/Partner Coordinator {/ 0 < UtJ 1f~((; /L. Jo L (..l;J '(7?:,~ fZ ,', /J 1ft; pi E ~1-r1 ~ ):;;C IF' L~f:y ,) L- ~ ~ :/ 7~' i ~ '- .-.J ('0.....- ,\_"',...11--' ~ I 10 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Proiect Plan and Timeline Project Name: -:::.. J!0 Pi 1/1 >/0,11 ;E~77c-';:;/iI'C":' 5>6>1//}6; ~:: , Neighborhood/Organization: /..... /11.( C () LI/P';+ rl- (l L ""3 TASK START DATE COMPLETION DATE PERSON RESOURCES NEEDED RESPONSIBLE PE~I ~tI 5~G~> N f :J/:J /v' , I ;;;; G;J t1t/l,O;J,dJI./ tJ 1/, 2-0 (] '-I 200 _>S /~/1!J4 8UILD $>6 ;tis' fri /t/<-C /1 (J..o.sS- 1'+ // -<.; L /!-c d j-- /('/ Jl.,it; l/ / Il/ .5-1;4 ? L- ~>6"V;5 ,F'J J A. '-I /!-o g~- /1J?? Y :J...&' ti S- 10 ;J '7 r- !f1G/I}i 0 '1 ( /~57f4/L 6~(.?-r 12/ C. If,' ;J. i.1 'lJiJ S- f/)/t-I J... 0.:-') S- r,; 4/-1 /V 0 /1- d//!1~/< (!3a<'7/C. / I I 11 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) A WARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Volunteer Hours Pled2e Sheet Project Name: SUjJ.P(U/~/o"J ~c<"f:e/c 516/tJ/?G'/!: Neighborhood/Organization: .J..AI'<. ~ U L G/ /VJ /)//-1 c! L(j i.'J I NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE HOURS TASK PLEDGED /1-r5A z:, /,?o-::rqi!."'- /S e Ifc-e .:::: ~/P~ " k ,r €)/ i>~ J- -"J 1-0, OL r//Js- 'PI! 72f8 Ja'-l9 _""> I G I-f {5 <:: i'- /51 P S. PI!- G? 2''71 GG:6 ~ /.J/ (! #-Ec/< ol/)5 J3 ))G 1..fO/ /f _ PIc Lfu7 216 2fbog S ;-/6LI/ tV /1' r+ (.)-:.'1' ~ .>- D/-/ /-"/ /c- /3 p~, tfrJ '7 f}..5K tJ 3 (,., 7 Z- ;::C/,4/ v" U J/' rE s," _ ,-,~ 'i,c 2()3 CJ. #,,~/-7(:J5 '0 (( . Lfu7 - :l~ {" 3 'J- iF ,-y LI ;AuL- 20,,{ 4Ko Stk 109 {l{ -~~,:v5 1)(2, J.- t J TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS 1'z.- 13 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Proposed MVP Awards Proiect Bude:et Neighborhood/Organization: L'R \Z -c. ~ L 'I ~ ft 'A Project Name: ~ut/P\.\l \~\"DN ~'R'~Q PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): CL'V f:, 's'\<S"WA ~ L $ J.r".(J~ $ l,J't ~.1cf TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: $ $ $ - - .- (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) /'7/17 ;8~,,? E LkCr~ /L I S:/6 N' t /~>:J ,c7E /2 S' ;:::/ t.. /YI F> L..r7 $ gr;.'(;.'.O() $ J. ?J.Lj, J-.C> /I r(Z d elF $- ~ I /l/ (; $ $ $ $ $ $ 3 I J.'{: -1 'f tf 7''/ 6,'19 , TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: Estimated Value Volunteer Labor 1 -/ Hours x $10/hr . $ $ $ $ $ :120 Ot) , 15 . Amber Electric, Inc. P.O. Box IJf, 630 i<~$immeeA\fenue, Dcoee. Florida3'4i61----A'friiinisiii"tion Fax(407) 656-i673~u,-- State Cert. #ECOOC0700 Commercial Fax (407) 656-9375 Phone (401) 656-2335 Purchasing Fax (407) 656-497 November 3D. 2004 Nick Pagano Lake Olympia Club Clark and Adriatic Ocoee, Florida 34761 We propose to provide Jabor and rTlet~ii~J fo~ Nick P!Jgeln.:> ;;';:If rho ~sl.:m :,f ~OO Scope of work as follows: 1. Move the flood lights at each entrance over approx 6 to 8' at the Adriatic entrance. 2. Make the floods double heads. 3. Work to be during normal work hours. TERMS: Tt) be i,'greerJ uponl ,till WOr< to bta don,;, in a neat at,d workmanlike rnann(:"lr in aCGlJl'dance with tile be~t avaiiatle prccrice!: ana rnanutecrurem' rf,lcomml;:ndat/on). Very July yeurs, Quote Vi3lid For 30 Da'Vs By __~______.._..__._____.___,___'.__ G..... 1'">....1. t" Y no;; y",", Acceote(~ ____, 2004 0) _ _"__,._~..__,__.._.._..,..,.. 10/T.0 39\1d ~)T;.j I :)-=11"1 ~~ W\;/ r"~}:nq''';Cii VI;;. t::tc; ~c; T. t>(;\(\7. I VIP. I T.T. FRat'1 . S I Gt'-J CRAFTERS, I NC. PHijt~E: ~;O. 352 394 6388 Nov. 19 2004 09:37AM Pi /;'~;';.::::--J ( ~,~''-11{~r;;j. ]i~V ;>-...... .. ........:'\.....' ", ,:~ ~~~ r'i"''-~ &. F' "rElf~ c;:o, "". . ~_.J(~~......i..... "'~,,.=-:JJ..J "--- ~'T.~9ns &~ $~ ;p.,.;,m"J;; jl..f';:"f !ll'fIHI>f Date: \ \ \~, -CA.t ~. I,~ ..... , r'l !-rom: 'o,J --- '-A \.,", \'. ' _____~ -0. .__._. ..______ ~~!~n: n" L\~ . Wh~t; .J.(o~\ ~d] <. I\~J\C>^____ \ \.j Please f::lx bacR to Sign Crt1tcer~. inc:, ~~ soon eu J:ll.1~.lbl~ to kee.l-t your t>rdar In prcce~S. Sign C-ofters, Inc. will not be responsible for errors on th1s proof wh ch you OpJ:li oJl,;..,. 'I'';;;'" ,...i,.;; .\tqloiired to indicate all COiT€ctioll> d(larly. We wil; CQi I e':~ C!(ly mistal:les. as YOJ Indicate.. wIthout ci1ar~e. An~, exce)silJI~ ct"longes trom y('u~ ori!;linal copy will be subject to added art charges. , '....'her p...reu will not he "."e on "0'" orfle. nuti>> 11",.'0".* ., ch.nge.. have "een "'.!4:~BIlI.U.a b!ilJ trill(. Phone: (352)-394-4999 PrGof~ l~ ";! ::? '-' A .. .A Fax: (352)-394-6388 Dm~ 5{\r.l:~ \.. \ .. i /"'\ ,........ I I - . ,{, -' ~....) '-, THIS PROOF HAS BEEN REDUCED TO FIT ON A B 1h x 11 FORM,6.T '--1 L-J n o Approved as is. Approved with Changes. Additional Proof R~qulrE::d. SICNATURE: DA'j f:._ -'-----n----------------NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT ------------------------~ This Original desigl1 (except register logos or existing trade marR) is property of SIGN CRAFTER, Inc, unless pure hosed separately from SICiN CRAFTE'RS.lnc. Drawings may not be reproduced or photo copied in part or in full without the written perm'lssion of SICN CRAFTEF1S, Inc. FROM ~; I GN CRCfFTERS, H-C FHONE NO, .aks Olympia Ciuu ,Un: Nick ).0, Box 651 )coee, FL 34;81 3'52 394 638A ,:'-CCI :ft: Terms: :-'l1c.r.e: !=~X' No,,'. 12 2004 1L':41(-:/"1 Pl ::;t!!!'UJfe No. 3079 Eslima1e Prinled On 11/1 (J/200.\ 1214:S2Pr" 5941 COD 4('I"~,!)'3. GCj,~ iI~2 Ext: Prepared For IVi:'" Thank you fOI C~fltiljt'ri;";:J ,~JGir-.. GPA'FTER!5 fQr YOl;r sign needs, l islM bel..)';! is the quote ot'! t,h~ pr~ducts you requested. A 50% GE;:po~r. if.' r~;q~'II~j 'N",f:r. the order is placed, i3alanc~ iu (jIJl!!ij})(ll'1 e,rrplzt:m",. If you have a:,y question or n'H(;'!rl'i adljlt:oni!il information ple?l':.e ,;all, 'ihe:u1i<. YClL" 1--'--- --" .-.--.-. '-. - -,---.--' -'- -~;~;:~.;;~,:;':>;':~ --,--.-.- -.. .-- "---' .--., ,-,- ..- ----'''''j I ROUTED $IG~ I '_ ____,__ '_'_,' ._'_'_._ __ ,....__ __ __ ,_,_,,_..,,_. ,.. __ '.d, ,,_ '_.._____,__, ,_.__ '_'_ _,__._ __ __,_I Item 1 Category f{()l,nf~J Fmd~~t !:C!i :"1~ln F'r,.;;m Quantity 2,('.:) 1~I~r WHITE Size 3e INCH X'S6 INCI-i o.cri,)tiul'! ROI.tr.d Si~n PaintGd '-~KE:: OLYMPIA CLUB! 'NII'I{ U.)(lD REMOVE t:XSiSl'ING SMALLER SIGN Notl!l&: h_._. ,__.__. ."_ "__ _. __ i . I/I-Y~) i 0- ( / 1......,-. '-, -j:J.".,--/-_..,...,- y. U~/Sh\rrrei~" / A \ /,. 'f/tl.,i ~' /~ 'ig ~ '...ftiil;'$, Inc. " / .--,-...--.'-- -... '- - ~Id~) --, I Pr:~e ~ :,1,08o,OI! Sub-Total Slides -;!i)( ShippiilO 'fotal: 552 US H'Ny ,1,: i~;il1:1eO". r., 34:'15 Phvna: (352)394-4999 Fax" ('15")3'"" ,,,.,c:,, '\"! '" G'i . .... L. ;:; '. Ij ..I'/~) _," ,a\}IGr.'t~~t'I.C("M) PSG'\) 1 ()f 1 i.2.160,OO $2,160.00 $140.40 $0.00 $2,300.40 FRCit'1 SE;;t,~ CRAFTERS, It-ie. PHONE ~:O. 352 394 6388 Nov. 19 2004 09:38AM P2 c'- '0 3? II X- 9 ~ rl 11/0b/~~~q ~~:~~ 4~rb~~~~~~ ,~.. UU1K :::'.ll.j~'b t:~t';"""'......+(:\ "'0 IIIr _..I 1 'Ii f I (..,...... I. . F...tlmAt~ Printllld nn ~AI.jt:. tll/r.Jl on....A ".........,. 1'lf~/20C4 L,..,,1i;; ..,i.. mr.M. ..........a Jlttn: NICK PAGANO Terms: Phone: Fax: E.Mall: ~9 C.O,D. 4C7.29805049 1 freparoti FOt NICK ,"'AGANO; ~ ~~~~.:.:'~'~"~~__' '_'W_~___" P rocIuct Cod. Fi.AT METAL~ROU Cncrlptlon 2.. SeTS OF ALUM. FLA T CUT .ROUTED LETTERS. Estimate l)ascrlption Priet I @ ~ ~~ ~r: Total: &1,757.40 :2. )1i~~:.i 11:4- j ,17Y;/\ /:'':'.''11'' "t1.l:ES fiCl!LLt nl\u:, COLOI'il: TaD is<r: LAKE OL '(MPiA Ci.~~'B Prcdut.t r.:1lc:ir. labor 1 DlIscrtr .... " FLiJSI-I MOUNTED TO PRESeNfWALLS, IMCLUDING TEMPL4.TF.S FO," MOUNTIIIIG i'3i':!n Color Quantll) Vert Horiz Deptt: 1 NJA 1,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 'tWo, ~;J-.l..llI_a;' toLL OF ~U Lt:n~r,'s IMTH it:MPi..A'rS i1'1~t;;4 'C! S 42! i.OO ToUil: $425,00 ~:1 ::- J.'=- ....-- ') 1 C5"'l 'tf-1.N ""\ \tQ.)J, e..~ . ~ D~ ~ l)\~,~~ ~ 4 0'1- b ,... C .. c,"t;....; .\}. c::.~ . .~o lb ,Q~~. ~ ~ ~'\C'~, \:Moj~;"",,~, ' I ~ATE: I I I - =1 , -..... ~ ~1~'\ Approval D.POS~O Proceed Wit I~ches ...-------.-. .. '-'--- ._,---_-...! N**: I TERMS: 50% OEPOSIT -BALANCe AT TIM! OF CCIMPLETION ...~. I PL!!!ASE SIGN IF WORK IS TO !iJE DONE AND FAX BACK TO IN rERNATIONAL I QUIK SIGNS <& 407-828-0088 ' ! THE CUENT HAS RESPONSIBIUTY FOR AL.L. F'ERP./!ITTING IF REQl. 'RED, QUIKSfGNS HAS NO l.SQ,'l RESPONSIEiILI1Y FOR PERMrr PROCE ':)~. --"--~"" J' ~~~~ ShIpping Totaf: "4~'____ $2,182,40 $141,86 $0.00 $2,324.26 Yours Sincerely, '_.~~~ BGb Bali 1230 W. FAIRElP.:;:r:: ,'l.ve, WINiER PA~K FU;]RiDA ~278'j Phone' 407.628-1234 ;:'ax: 407-628.9888 (jqslgns@aol.llOm:i PagE! 1 of 1 2004/2005 Application Form and Instructions (Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 30,2004) Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Jane,t ,G' Shira, community~elatiO ,150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 Date Received: \ \ /.11\ I . Q.rf ~ ~ ~s ~.O ~1' City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: ADMIRAL POINTE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Project Leader: ANITA SCHIAVONI GIBBONS Address for Project Leader: 796 Lancer Circle. Ocoee Florida Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) _ (Evening) 407-905-0423 Email Address: mlrib bons2@cfl.rr.com Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City ofOcoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: The proiect focuses on a common e:round "island" on Keaton Parkwav in the Admiral Pointe subdivision. This island is located in front of the propertv at 772 Keaton Parkwav. Ocoee. FL. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? Yes If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? June. 2003 How many members are in the association? 155 Homes Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? Yes What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.): Five (5) member Board consistine: of President. Vice President. Treasurer. Secretarv and Director. How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? Board members are elected at annual meetine:s held in June. Residents vote for Board members at the meetine: or via a proxv election form mailed to them in advance. If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? _ When was it organized? How many members are in the group? _ How many homes are in your neighborhood? _ What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.)_ How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held?_ For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? _ Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain):_ How many people are members or clients of your organization? _ Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City ofOcoee? _ If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? _ All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years. Admiral Pointe is an active communitv. Since assuminl! control of our association from the develooer in 2003. we have comoleted several simificant beautification orojects. as well as social events for our residents. M.V.P. l!rant awards in 2003 and 2004 contributed to beautification of two retention pond areas (sod and trees) and a major renovation of a communitv oark (sod. recreation eauioment. oaintinl!. etc.). We held our 2nd annual Founders' Dav Luau this vear. a Chili Cook-off. and a l!rand ooeninl! oicnic uoon the comoletion of the oark renovation. Admiral Pointe Residents enthusiasticallv oarticioate in these events. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? 100% ofthe households Day annual homeowners association dues. What is the name of the proposed project? Keaton Island Beautification Project What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) $2.500.00 Briefly describe the proposed project: To beautify this lame common l!round "island" which is a focal point on a orimarv roadwav leadinl! throul!h our communitv. This oroject will include soddinl! the area. trimminl! and "de-mossinl!" lame oak trees. olantine additional trees and shrubs and oerhaos oerennials. as well as lavine mulch. List the project goals: (1) To beautify a hil!hlv visible common l!round area. (2) To involve numerous residents in the oroject olanninl! and comoletion. (3) To imorove this amenitv and imorove home values. List a minimum of seven homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. Project Leader Anita Schiavoni 796 Lancer Circle 407-905-0423 Mgibbons2@cfl.rr.com Gibbons Historian Gary Smith 922 Keaton Parkway 407-656-3230 gary@admiralpointe.co (Photographer) m Monthly & Final Laura Wright 887 Chauncey Court 407-905-5389 wrightsfla@aol.com Reports Coordinator Partner/ Don Covey 889 Keaton Parkway 407 -656-8167 don@admiralpointe.co Volunteer m Coordinator Project Cecile Sullivan 879 Chauncey Court 407 -654-4 24 2 Csu1l919@aol.com Committee Member Project Joe Warren 893 Chauncey Court 407-905-9029 Joe.s.warren@disney.c Committee om Member Project Chris Townsend 1075 Coastal Circle 408-905-9806 flytowny@cfl.rr.com Committee Member How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. The Droiect will be manaeed by a Neiehborhood Beautification Committee that we have formed. This committee will obtain estimates and submit a DrosDective Dlan and budeet to the Homeowners Association Board for review and aDD royal. The committee will recruit volunteer residents to lay sod and mulch and to Dlant trees. shrubs and Derennials. What is the location ofthe proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. The Droiect focuses on a common eround "island" on Keaton Parkway in the Admiral Pointe subdivision. This island is located in front of the DrODertv at 772 Keaton Parkway. Ocoee. FL. If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, ifapplicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawine. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) See Attached Drawines. Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) See Attached Drawines. If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: _ Private Property: _ Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: X (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right- of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) ofIntent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certifY that our membership voted and approved this 2004/2005 MVP Awards application on November 10. 2004 and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. LAURA L. WRIGHT GARY J. SMITH Print name of person preparing application ion President Signature of person preparing applic ion borhoodlOrganization President 11/19JD1 I I If your neighborhood does not have a formal association, please attach a petition with names, addresses, and signatures of at least two-thirds of the people who live in or own property in your neighborhood stating they are in favor of the project. The petition should be accompanied by a list of all addresses within your neighborhood. Date: " \ ,...\ o'i Date: Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.rn. on Tuesday, November 30,2004. Deliver in person or mail to: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Please call Janet Shira at (407) 905-3109 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY YES NO Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? Has the association listed the Project Team names, their full addresses and phone numbers? (7 minimum) Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? Have all the association's cash and in-kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? Did the association attach the completed Budget? If the project is a physical improvement, has a description and drawing been provided? If the project is a physical improvement, is the written permission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? Required Signatures for Project Team By signing this sheet, you agree to abide by the Project Team responsibilities. You also agree to serve as a member of the project team until the project is completed. (These names should match those listed on page 7.) Project Team Member Print Name Project Leader ANITA SCHIA VONI GmBONS Project Photographer (Historian) GARY SMITH Reports Coordinator LAURA WRIGHT V olunteer/Partner Coordinator DON COVEY Project Committee Member CECILE SULLIVAN Project Committee Member JOE WARREN Project Committee Member "'- CHRIS TOWNSEND Sign Name 9 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Proiect Plan and Timeline Project Name: KEATON ISLAND BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT Neighborhood/Organization: ADMIRAL POINTE Determine for what 10/1/04 11/10/04 Homeowners Board to hold a meeting. project to use M.V.P. Association Board of rant funds. Directors Obtain estimates for sod, 11/11/04 11/29/04 Anita Schiavoni Gibbons trees, de-mossing trees and Neighborhood and perennials. Beatification Committee (N.B.C. N.B.C. to submit a plan 12/1/04 12/31/04 Anita Schiavoni Board Approval. and budget to the Board Gibbons, N.B.C. and for a roval. Board. Schedule sod, trees, Approximately 1/5/05 Approximately 1/31/05 Anita Schiavoni Gibbons shrubs and perennials to and N.B.C. be delivered. Schedule and announce a Approximately 2/1/05 Approximately 2/15/04 Anita Schiavoni Gibbons Volunteers. "work day" to complete and N.B.C. project. Solicit workers/volunteers. 10 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Volunteer Hours Pled2e Sheet Project Name: KEATON ISLAND BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT Neighborhood/Organization: ADMIRAL POINTE Anita Schiavoni Gibbons 796 Lancer Circle 407-905-0423 20 Project Management, Chair of Neighborhood Beatification Committee .B.C. . Don Covey 889 Keaton Parkway 407-656-8167 8 Laura Wright 887 Chauncey Court 407-905-5389 8 Completing grant application, submitting monthly and final report, participating in work da . Gary Smith 922 Keaton Parkway 407-656-3230 5 Taking photos of project progress, review and approval of final plan, participating in work da . Christine Dodge 727 Keaton Parkway 407-656-4156 6 Cecile Sullivan 879 Chauncey Court 407-654-4242 6 13 Joe Warren 893 Chauncey Court 407-905-9029 6 Serving on NBC committee, participating in work day. Chris Townsend 1075 Coastal Circle 407-905-9806 6 Serving on NBC committee, participating in work day. Approximately 15 Various 3 hours each Laying sod, planting trees, residents to participate in totaling 45 hours shrubs and perennials. work day. TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS = 110 14 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City ofOcoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 PrODosed MVP Awards Proiect Bud2et Neighborhood/Organization: AMDIRAL POINTE Project Name: KEATON ISLAND BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): $2.500 $1.769 $- $- $4.269 TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes, Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) Trees, shrubs and perennials Sod Mulch Tree Trimming and De-Mossing TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: $~ $2.409 $ ~ $ 500 $4.269 ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: Estimated Value 11 0 hours x $10/hr $- $- $- $- $1.100 Volunteer Labor 1<:: c.r 14 1 41 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 RETENTION PONDS AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS 56 59 60 61 KeA.-'l-o tl :r. ~ llLJ1 & '3 -e 4.. u t-i -? l'l.A.ri oA. P yoj e C!.. t- 62 63 42 TIlE ROTlWND COMPANY,INC. 1995 Soecificalions subject 10 cl1ange without notice, )1 6e relJed uPQn as correctly Sl2ling represenlalions of the developers, For !ference should be made \0 this broChure and to the documents ~uIred by ECTlON 718,503, to be furnished by the de-re1oper to a buyer or JeS;ee. 1S' EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY I ROITLUND HOMESTM @COPYRlGlIT, 1995 :u 0 '";J. \ ~ -J -==0 ~ :::r- if: f -=cs ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ --.. OJ. r.I' 3 IJ\ d ~ ~ \ll \-\ '-.J (:) ~ x - ~ a (I' + ~ ~ ~ '1r ()- , .... \n ~ , ":::L < ( , ~ < 0 0.:::. ~ .., '- (j .J.. ~ ~ 0 () + ~ 0 q..i ~ d ~ ~ 4l ~ ~ {J ~ \ v. Financial Report Don presented the Financial Report for October 2004 and stated that the Association is currently $3,042.00 over budget for the year. Melanie explained that per the memo from Gary Smith to move the current year equity to the boat ramp reserve account, it created the overage. Melanie will have the accounting department at Sentry Management, Inc. resolve this matter. Don made a motion, which was seconded by Laura, to accept the Financial Report for October 2004. All Agreed. VI. Manager's Report Laura made a motion, which was seconded by Don, to accept the Manager's Report for October 2004. All are in favor. Vll. Old Business There was no Old Business to discuss during this meeting of the Board of Directors. vm. New Business a) Resignation of Board Member/Appointment of New Board Member: The Board accepted the resignation of John-Michael Castillo as Secretary of the Association. Laura made a motion, which was seconded by Don and all agreed, to appoint Mark Gibbons as the new Secretary of the Association, Mark accepted. b) Hodges and Silkiner Landscaping Violations to Attorney: Melanie advised the Board of Directors that Mr. Hodges and Mr. Silkiner were not the only residents that had received three violation letters and not improved the condition of their lawns. Homeowners McHaney and Kraus had also received three violation letters. Mark made a motion, which Don seconded and all agreed, to send the accounts of homeowners Hodges, Silkiner, McHaney and Kraus to the law firm of Taylor & Carls who will send a letter to each about the non-compliance of the violation letters. c) 1160 Coastal Circle-Renting Rooms: Gary said that residents have complained about this homeowner renting rooms. This home is currently on record with the Association as belonging to the Bierman's. Melanie has sent two letters to the home. The Bierman's responded by saying that they had sold the home. Gary said that the new owner is Ethel p, DeAlday. Melanie is to send copies of the letters that the Bierman's received to the new owner, without addressing it to the Bierman's, so that the letters are not forwarded. d}:10coee Grant: Melanie is to have Richart Landscaping prepare a proposal for the Keaton Parkway island. The estimate is not to-exceee,S4;08&;9f)i , and is to include killing the sod that is in poor condition with round-up, "'the installation of new S1. Augustine sod in this area, installation of shrubs such as hibiscus and trimming the trees and removing the moss from the trees in the island. Gary will apply for the grant prior to the November 30, 2004 deadline. A motion by Laura Wright to Approve MVP grant project, seconded by Gary Smith and all attending approved, e) ARB Applications: The following ARB applications for exterior painting were reviewed: Kluka-1124 Coastal Circle-denied as front door red color is too bright; Lutchman-762 Lancer Circle-approved; Mark-816 Keaton Parkway-approved, f) Fire Ants: Anita Gibbons volunteered to spread Amdro throughout the community for the treatment of fire ants. Laura made a motion, which was seconded by Mark, and all agreed to close the New Business portion of the meeting. IX. Adjournment With no further discussion, a motion was made by Laura and seconded by Don to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. All are in favor. The next meeting of the Admiral Pointe Homeowners Association Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, January 17,2005 at 7:00 p.m. at Don's home. Richart Landscaping & Irrigation Company Invoice P.O. Box 915857 Longwood, FL 32791-5857 PH: (407) 388-7757/(407) 366-5("''' Fax: (407) 695-1935 Date Invoice # Bill To ~ ~\ "'~" ~. ,'~ ~tl" O<:>\\{lC'J . \(:\O~.:Q 11/ 18/2004 3775 Admiral Point c/o Sentry Management 2180 W, SR434, Ste. 5000 Longwood,FL 32779 P.O. No. Terms Due Date 20 days 12/8/2004 Quantity Description Rate Amount On Keaton Parkway / quote for island 1 DELIVERY ONLY ofl9 Pallets of St. Augustine Sod 2,409,00 2,409,00 36 Hibiscus - 3 Gal, 12.0375 433,35 Signature required to begin work. Thank You. Total X $2,842,35 Thank you for your business! E-mail Web Site info@richartlandscaping.com www.richartlandscaping.com REUABLE WOOD PRODYq-s. INC. fULL LINE OF lANDSCAPE AND POTTING SOIL PRODUCTS '. Main Offic;e (407) 65&9766 · Customer Orders (809) 428-010.,1, ~~ =--: ~' '~ ~ tJ~ ,,~i'O~ _ '\jy\J . l':")., ,U cpv~rk . ", f" ~ 11/30/2004 ORDER NO. 01717 13:01 4076569766 PAGE 01 - .--... P. 0: Box 217 1245 WPillt Hwy. 50 - Winter ~ar~en, [4~L, 32787 ll" sD- OlfSHIPTO: . DATE. . ' DATE ~..... ''', '" '~.._. ",., ...., , " "~_}...r' t"" , "'~'.' .:/1\ f A.1:It "lAJ 10' ~ ,.. . ~ ;. CHARGE. SALE - P.O. NUMBER , , CODE NOMBE.R. , MISC. -. . ,: .t ..,." PRODU~. .' CYPRESS MULCH CUBIC YD DELIVERED PRICE/CUBIC Y'MD _ ZI"r DeL- ' TOTAL '45 LEO , 02".00 ..., Lfl/n. 50 ~/.5(,Y CYPRESS CHIP MULCH. . . , CYPRESS CHIP5 PINE BAR.K NpCm:rS ". - I~ "' SAWDUST .' " "~"\ . ~. ~ ". :." , -_. \A~ .~~ ~'ee6. ' a- 3 cl'G\j5 rJ 0 ~~L. ON S 'l TUr2.dd~ I }.,J at \ c e... ~U13 TOTAL SALES TAX OTHER 1:'Rl!:IGHT TOTAL L('1b.5L ~q~ ~D'1,4~ " ... Tk:~~:' . ..,.. ..., '-. CUSTOMER SlGN}\TURE: I ":' ... ..... ,(. \.1'. _. ''j ~ f"\CLU''''r- ,....,.........,... 2005 Ocoee MVP Grant List of Additional Expenses 1. 6 large potted Crepe Myrtles at a cost of $60.00 each at Lowes Home Improvemt Garden Center. Total $360.00 2. 20 1 Gallon Verigated Lariope at a cost of $2.50 each at Lowes Home Improvement Garden Center. Total $50.00. ADMIRAL POINTE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION November, 2004 City ofOcoee M.V.P. Grant Application Review Committee: As you know, the Admiral Pointe Home Owners Association has been awarded M.V.P. grants for the past two years. We have greatly appreciated and valued from this excellent program and fIrmly believe that our use of the grants has achieved the goal of the program by encouraging investments in our communities. We look forward to utilizing the 2005 grant award to further improve our community. Admiral Pointe residents have been contributed over 750 volunteer hours to two significant community beautification projects over the past two years. Through this, we have established friendships and heightened our sense of community in addition to improving community amenities and home values. Our intent is to use the 2005 grant award to beautify a large common area or "island" which is a focal point of our community. In addition to the grant, we plan to contribute additional funds and significant community volunteer hours for planting trees and shrubs and laying new sod. The Admiral Pointe Neighborhood Beautification Committee will manage our project and will solicit the time and talent of many resident volunteers to perform most of the work. On behalf of our residents, I thank: you for continuing the M. V.P. grant program in 2005 and for our award of previous grants. We appreciate your full consideration of our 2005 grant application. ~~ ;tQ Gary Smith President 2004/2005 Application Form and Instructions (Deadline for Application is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 30,2004) Applications will be accepted by mail or hand delivery to: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761 Date Received: 11/30/0 rf /.' Id- AflIl By:ff, City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Hidden Glen Homeowner's Association Project Leader: Jack Evans Address for Project Leader: 2414 Kalch Ct Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407-468-3823 (Evening)407-290-3456 Email Address: iackevans 2000(Q2yahoo.com Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City ofOcoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: Front entrance. Johio Shores and Stricker. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? Yes If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? 8/21/89 How many members are in the association? 58 Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? yes What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.):President. Vice President. Secretary. Treasurer. 3 Directors & 3 on the Architechtural Control Committee 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? An annual meetin2: is held in Januarv. Elections are held when an officer elects to resi2:n or if homeowner's sU2:2:est a chan2:e in leadership and held durin2: annual meetin2: or special meetin2: if so needed. UNo: Do you have an active neighborhood group? _ How many members are in the group? _ How many homes are in your neighborhood? _ What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.)_ When was it organized? _ How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held?_ For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? _ Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain):_ How many people are members or clients of your organization? _ Are all members or clients of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? _ If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? _ 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the activities and projects your neighborhood or organization has accomplished in the past two years.Annual Homeowner's meetine: plus a fall meetine: in 2003 & 2004. MVP Proiect for 2003 & 2004. Proe:ressive Holiday Dinner in 2003 & 2004. Block Party in 2003 & 2004. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? 100% Mandatory Homeowner's Dues - paid annually What is the name of the proposed project? The Hidden Glen Entrance "Hurricane Restoration" What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.)2.500.00 Briefly describe the proposed project: Need to replace the 2 trees that were blown down. Replace the new tree that we planted before the Hurricanes hit (this tree was blown over 3 times and put back but is dyine:). The only tree that did not blow over looks like it is leanine: ever so slie:htly and we want to replace it before another storm blows it over either onto the power lines or our brick wall. The 4 trees will be replaced with smaller trees/palms that will not e:row very bie:. Replace palm in front of sie:n that is dyine: because of disease. Fix brick wall that one of the trees fell on. List the project goals: (1) Replace trees. (2) Replace Palm. (3) Fix Brick wall. 6 List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household. A Telephone number or email address must be provided for each person. POSITION NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL Project Leader Jack Evans 2414 Kalch Court 407-290-3456 Historian Jane Bumar 2401 Stricker Dr 407-578-4941 (Photographer) Monthly & Tami Mann 2417 Liela Lee Court 407-578-0101 Final Reports Coordinator Partner/ Dave Eden 2418 Liela Lee Court 407-296-3743 Volunteer Coordinator Project team Kathrein Markle 2422 Liela Lee Court 407-295-6803 member Project team Nancy LaFleur 2415 Liela Lee Court 407-295-6226 member Project team Colleen 2415 Kalch Ct 407-253-9933 member Davidson 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. Have input on what tvpe of Tree/Palms to be replanted. Plus to do as much of the Physical work as necessary. What is the location of the proposed project? Ifthe project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. Front entranceway of development If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawinl!. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: yes Private Property: _ Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: _ (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right-of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 8 , i\ ~ , , , \ ~ t G'\ \ ::::> \ \ "j)> \ \ 11..'" \ v \ \ ~ \ \ \ I ..,.. -..- 0 \f) -(' ,0- ,.... IJ \ ? \ v'I"i \ \ \/' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , I, I \ \ \ 1 1 \ \ 0 \ 'P \ '!> ;/' V \ '1 U'~ J ,iV.J jJ. ... t1: o d '7 ~C)> <;.l S \ O~ y.)F'>I...\'- OC!>I if> f\ ,-,fi\ o ~'1"'.)fi"\ r $"'\ \j'f\\~) (t-l~fO 10) (t-\{~.() 1'0) t(\..\~O ~{\\~O \0 ( 'O~\1)0 \,?" "",i't-I ) >j'~'"Vl,.. t')\~ l' \fi d) () ~~\V~ C'l'\' 0 nt-l ) .J,..C~ cO .-.g 1 (j .\.- """i'"'\i.JvJS ''j ')~ " d )z) 1'..,~~S<J IS ----------- S'\ (t \ c. '? ~ 1'L 0(2.. ~ Please complete the Project Plan and Timeline, the Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheet(s), the Project Budget, and Partner's Letter(s) ofIntent. Instructions for completing these forms are listed on the page after each form. You must attach the meeting minutes reflecting the membership vote of approval for the proposed grant project. (See below if you don't have a formal association.) We certify that our membership voted and approved this 2004/2005 MVP Awards application on 11-17- 2004 (date), and attached are the minutes reflecting this vote. ::TAc J< E\J A...J S :JA-c K G v A..J-S Print name of person preparing application Print Name ofNeighborhoodlOrganization President / / ' a<::h... c~ J d CU-dJ ~ature ofNeighborhoodlOrganization President 19nature of person preparing application Date: /I - ~ c/ - 04 Date: /1-:19-0,-/ If your neighborhood does not have a formal association, please attach a petition with names, addresses, and signatures of at least two-thirds of the people who live in or own property in your neighborhood stating they are in favor of the project. The petition should be accompanied by a list of all addresses within your neighborhood. Completed MVP Awards applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 30,2004. Deliver in person or mail to: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Please call Janet Shira at (407) 905-3109 if you have any questions. CITY STAFF USE ONLY YES NO Has the applicant left any questions unanswered? Has the association listed the Project Team names, their full addresses and phone numbers? (7 minimum) Are all the Partner Letters of Intent attached? Have all the association's cash and in-kind donations been documented? Did the association attach the completed Plan and Timeline? Did the association attach the completed Volunteer Hours Pledge Sheets? Did the association attach the completed Budget? If the project is a physical improvement, has a description and drawing been provided? If the project is a physical improvement, is the written permission from the property owner attached? Has the application been approved by the members and are minutes attached reflecting the vote? Is the application signed by the person preparing the application and the association president? 9 Required Signatures for Project Team By signing this sheet, you agree to abide by the Project Team responsibilities. You also agree to serve as a member of the project team until the project is completed. (These names should match those listed on page 7.) Project Team Member Print Name Project Leader ::r;c; C K f'0A~.s Project Photographer (Historian) <) <A () e.- btJ1 VV1Gll' Reports Coordinator ,---. rV1 ct ttlrv I c{ m ,. V olunteer/Partner Coordinator 'J) <^:. V e. EDE1\..J Sign Name ['~~"l'4.- ) (f'~- NavY\CJ 4- l/l e-u..V d-(1~ /t~~ OCW{ [dcJ ~ crlJ{\J~ VY\\~ tD\\Lt:'^--~U\.C~~ L PrzC::JEL--r-rEf'r1Y1 mfyYI~Gt<- \LCL-+\V'e.r-- MQv IL\f A ~Sf- c.-r-rfA M (t)f.vY\{3E/?.... A \).J [C-'"l'-/ MfYl l1JE>>1B[t\.- Ln\ \t~ ,l)c\. v ~ AS. t5""'- L 10 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Proiect Plan and Timeline Project Name: The Hidden Glen Entrance "Hurricane Restoration" Neighborhood/Organization: Hidden Glen Homeowner's Association TASK START DATE COMPLETION DATE PERSON RESOURCES NEEDED RESPONSIBLE A. Planning Meeting - 11-17-2004 11-17-2003 Jack Evans Homeowners - Approval Homeowners Meeting vote B. Gather bids 11-18-2004 TBA Team C. Implementation Early January 2005 TBA Team Planning Meeting D. Fix Brick Wall. February 2005 TBA Jack Evans Team / Volunteers E. Removal of March 2005 TBA Jack Evans Trees/Planting of new tree F. Work Day April 2005 TBA Dave Eden Team / Volunteers 11 MOST VALUABLE P ARTNERSIDPS (MVP) AWARDS The City ofOcoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Volunteer Hours Plede:e Sheet Project Name: The Hidden Glen Entrance "Hurricane Restoration" Neighborhood/Organization: Hidden Glen Homeowner's Association NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE HOURS TASK PLEDGED Bruce Sanderson 2404 Griffin Ct. 407-295-4449 5 Volunteer Jack N. Evans 2414 Kalch Ct. 407-290-3456 20 Proiect Leader Colleen Davidson 2415 Kalch Ct. 407-253-9933 15 Team Member Patricia Leroy 2431 Kalch Ct. 407-299-6843 5 Volunteer Kenneth Lafluer 2415 Liela Lee Ct. 407-295-6226 10 Volunteer Nancy Lafluer 2415 Liela Lee Ct. 407-295-6226 5 Volunteer David Eden 2418 Liela Lee Ct. 407-296-3743 15 Volunteer Cordinator Tami Mann 2417 Liela Lee Ct. 407-578-0101 15 Reports Cordinator Ronnie Strosnider 2420 Liela Lee Ct. 407-295-7895 5 Volunteer Richard and Jane Bumar 2401 Stricker Dr. 407-578-4941 10 Volunteer / Photographer Kathrein Markle 2422 Liela Lee Ct. 407-295-6803 5 Team Member TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS 110 15 MOST VALUABLE P ARTNERSIDP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2004/2005 Proposed MVP Awards Project Bude:et Neighborhood/Organization: Hidden Glen Homeowner's Association Project Name: The Hidden Glen Entrance "Hurricane Restoration" PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: $2500.00 $2500.00 $- $- $5000.00 (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) '* ((E.N" O\.lc. LA;JR~L OAK.. ~ ST.,j(ll\P G~\~o S-T~ MP G~\,..,lO Yr\l M P G R- \ ~ 0 Y PA LYY\ S, 0 (1.. TP.. 'i.' t: ~ Pl=\u'Y\ [S.MA LI...-) l,...l ;::/t.o,.:rl ( (;5 bALS) OF Slb.J r \)< G~\c..\( WAL-L, TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: PL EA S E- SE'E A rrACH~O Sitf.ST (<E.bAt<.Olr-lG ~R\nE.J Id \.) o'I'C. S. , $500.00 $250.00 $250.00 $2000.00 $200.00 $2000.00 $- $5200.00 ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: Estimated Value Volunteer Labor 110 Hours x $10/hr $- $- $- $- $- 17 Re: Written quotes We have had a very hard time getting companies to come out and give us a written quote on what we need. Their response to us is that since the hurricanes they have been just overwhelmed with business, and some companies don't even call back (I believe it is because this is a small job). I have asked for an unofficial verbal quote, and these are what I was able to come up with. I am hopeful that I can have something within a couple of weeks. Thank you, P C- Jack Evans ,/ Hidden Glen HOA