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Item H(14) Request for Approval Final Subdivision Plan - McCormick Woods
ire Ceuter of Good Lfv .e..E�-.+max.. trig AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: November 2, 2004 Item# 14 Reviewed By: Contact Name: Antonio Fabre Department Director: Contact Number: 407-905-3100, ext 1019 City Manager: � 7f Subject: Final Subdivision Plan (FSP)for McCormick Woods Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plan (FSP) for McCormick Woods? Background Summary: The Final Subdivision Plan proposes 182 single-family residential lots on approximately 69.9 acres. The property is zoned R-1A requiring a minimum lot width of 70 feet and lot size of 8,000 SF. Typical lot sizes proposed are a minimum of 8,750 SF. On October 12, 2004, the Planning & Zoning Commission held a public hearing to consider the proposed Final Subdivision Plan for McCormick Woods. After finishing its deliberations, the Planning Zoning Commission voted unanimously (8-0) to recommend approval of McCormick Woods Final Subdivision Plan, as date stamped by the City "Received October 4, 2004," with a condition to ensure 6 feet wide sidewalks along Ingram Road and McCormick Road. Recommendations Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plan for.McCormick Woods, as date stamped received by the City on October 4, 2004, with a condition to install a 6 feet wide sidewalk along both McCormick Road and Ingram Road. Attachments: McCormick Woods Final Subdivision Plan, date stamped October 4, 2004 Financial Impact: N/A Type of Item: ❑ Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: ❑ Ordinance First Reading 0 Consent Agenda ❑ Ordinance First Reading 0 Public Hearing ❑ Resolution 0 Regular Agenda ❑ Commission Approval ❑ Discussion&Direction 0 Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk El Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney ❑ N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. ❑ N/A Rauiawcul by / 1 El MIA Mayor Sre Ceutet of Good Li Commissioners S. Scott Vandergrift Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 City Manager _ Rusty Johnson, District 3 Robert Frank — Nancy J. Parker, District 4 STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: J. Antonio Fabre, Senior Planner DATE: October 22, 2004 RE: McCormick Woods Final Subdivision Plan Project#LS-2001-002 ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plan (FSP) for McCormick Woods? BACKGROUND: McCormick Woods is located on the south side of McCormick Road between the Western Expressway (S.R. 429) and Ingram Road. The subject property is currently undeveloped and is sparsely vegetated with cherry trees, pine trees, and other varieties. Most of the surrounding land is either residential or vacant. Additionally, to the extreme south and southwest there are some public facilities uses such as a golf course (Forest Lake Golf Course) and a cemetery (Orlando Memorial Gardens). A future 25-acre middle school site is located adjacent on the south side of the subject subdivision. To the east lies the recently proposed Ingram Estate residential subdivision. The Final Subdivision Plan proposes 182 single-family residential lots on approximately 69.9 acres. The property is zoned R-1A requiring a minimum lot width of 70 feet and lot size of 8,000 SF. Typical lot sizes proposed are a minimum of 8,750 SF. The land use designation to the north is unincorporated Orange County, with A-1 agricultural zoning. Unincorporated land to the southwest is the Orlando Memorial Gardens; the developer has 9+/- acres of that vacant property under contract and intends to develop it as a future Phase Three. The remaining surrounding land to the east and west is in the City's jurisdiction and is designated residential R-1A zoning to the west (across SR 429)and R-IAA to the east(Ingram Estates). The City Commission, on December 2, 2003, reviewed and approved the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for McCormick Woods with a condition to make the sidewalks in Tract"C" and Tract"I"6-feet wide. Subsequently, the conditions have been met with this Final Subdivision Plan submittal. DISCUSSION: As shown in the Final Subdivision Plan, McCormick Woods will be developed in two phases, and include a 1,000 SF community meeting building and recreation facilities. The future Phase Three conceptual drawing of lots and road layout is provided for informational purposes only, although the amenities were designed assuming that Phase Three will have a total of 30 lots at built-out. The internal road stub-outs will connect to the future Phase Three, although a temporary turnaround will be provided until a connection is made. Both the McCormick Road and Ingram Road entrances will be gated. On McCormick Road, there will be a left turn lane, which will serve this subdivision and Irmalee Lane. Along the length of the subdivision, Ingram Road will be improved to 24-foot curb and gutter. Left and right turn lanes into the subdivision at both entrances will be provided. A northbound left turn lane on Ingram to McCormick Road will also be built. Anticipating the future need for a southbound right turn lane on McCormick Road to Ingram Road, an additional 10 feet of right-of-way will be dedicated by the property owner to Orange County. Along the Expressway, homes will have a 20-foot wide landscape buffer (Tract "G") that will be planted along the entire eastern boundary. Bicycle-pedestrian access easements (Tract "C" and Tract "I") will be provided between McCormick Woods and the Middle School in two locations. There will be a 6-foot brick wall with appropriate landscaping along McCormick and Ingram Roads. Water and wastewater will be provided by Orange County. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed the McCormick Woods Final Subdivision Plan on September 17, 2004. The DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Final Subdivision Plan, subject to the developer making minor changes to the plans as discussed and noted on the Planning Comments correspondence. These changes were made and shown on the plans date stamped "Received October 4, 2004." PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On October 12, 2004, the Planning & Zoning Commission held a public hearing to consider the proposed Final Subdivision Plan for McCormick Woods. A request was made by the developer to build the required community building at the 50th residential lot built-out of the subdivision. The intent was to provide visual protection by the subdivision residents in order to secure the building from vandalism. The request was collectively agreed to be forwarded to the City Commission for their consent. The Planning & Zoning Commissioners further discussed the benefits of having a 6-foot wide sidewalk along McCormick Road and Ingram Road. The FSP shows a 5-foot wide sidewalk on McCormick Road along the length of the subdivision. A discussion was raised in making the sidewalks 6-feet wide due to the close proximity of the future school site. The Planning &Zoning Commissioners inquired if the developer had already agreed upon having 6-foot wide sidewalks along McCormick Road and Ingram Road. Staff agreed to research the preliminary documentations and agreements on the matter. After finishing its deliberations, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted unanimously (8-0) to recommend approval of McCormick Woods Final Subdivision Plan, as date stamped by the City "Received October 4, 2004,"with a condition to ensure 6 feet wide sidewalks along Ingram Road and McCormick Road. Subsequent to the meeting, staff has confirmed that the sidewalk along McCormick Road should have been 6 feet wide, instead of the proposed 5 feet width. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendation of the DRC and the Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plan for McCormick Woods, as date stamped received by the City on October 4, 2004, with a condition to install a 6 feet wide sidewalk along both McCormick Road and Ingram Road. Attachments: McCormick Woods Final Subdivision Plan,date stamped October 4,2004. O:\Staff Reports\2004\SR04064 CC.doc DEVELOPMENT /NFORMA77ON Land Area Phase 1 49.76 acres Phase 2 20.14 acres Total 69.90 acres Zoning Single Famlly Residential Existing - R -1A Existing Land Use Vacant / Single Family Residence Proposed Lend Use Single Family Approx. Number of Proposed Lots 182 Approx. Proposed Density 295 units/acre Maximum Heigh t J5 ft (2 Stories) Typical Lot Sire 8,750 sf, Minimum Lot Area 8, 000 sf Minimum Lot Width 70 ft Minimum Living Area 1,200 sf Minimum Yard Setback; Front, 25 ft. Side: 7.5 ft. Side Comer. 25 ft. Rear., 25 ft. 35 ft. Along McCormick & Ingram Roads * Irregular Lots Front Yard Setback Distance Is Indicated at the Minimum Required Lot Width Phasing Two Phases Schools Elementary - Clorcono Middle - Ocoee Middle High - West Orange Sewer now - 55,800 gol. per day Water Flow - 65,100 gal, per day (Fire Now per Sub. Reqs) Stormwater Provide Retentlon/betention System on-site per Sub. Reqs 100 Year Flood Site is located within Flood Ione "X" (Area determined to be outside 500 year flood plain) Wetlands There are no wetlands on site Existing Vegetation: Planted Pines All Landscape Islands Wthln Roadways will be Owned do Maintained by the Home Owners Association TRACT OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE TABLE Tract Description Ownership Maintenance A Stormwoter Management Area - Dry Retention Pond Homeowners Association Homeowners Association B Stormwater Management Area - Dry Retention Pond Homeowners Association Homeowners Association C Recreational Area - Park Homeowners Association Homeowners Association D Lift Station Orange County Orange County E Private Right -of -Way (phase 1) Homeowners Association Homeowners Association F Starmwater Management Area - Dry Retention Pond Homeowners Association Homeowners Association C 20' Landscape Buffer Homeowners Assoclatfan - Homeowners Association H Dedicated R/W (109 Orange County Orange County 1 Pedestrlon / Blcyr.Je Homeowners Assoclation Homeowners Assoc/atlon J Private Right -of -Way (phase 2) Homeowners Association Homeowners Association K Dedicated R/W Orange County Orange County L Dedicated R/W City of Ocoee City of Ocoee LAND DESCRIPTION: A TRACT OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST % OF SAID SECTION 32; THENCE NORTH 89'19'46" EAST (BASIS OF BEARINGS) ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST % FOR 2044.97 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 01'06'43" EAST, 287.79 FEET; THENCE NORTH 04'11'37" EAST, 350.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 09'54'10" EAST, 201.03 FEET; THENCE NORTH 08'18'41" EAST, 306.03 FEET; THENCE NORTH 03'28'08" EAST, 167.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'34'25" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY OF MCCORMICK ROAD AND A LINE 30 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST % OF THE NORTHWEST % OF SECTION 32 FOR 477.98 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'32'14" EAST ALONG A LINE 30 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST % OF THE NORTHEAST % OF SECTION 32 FOR 1289.27 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00'02'30" EAST ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF INGRAM ROAD AND A LINE 30 FEET WEST OF AND, PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST % OF THE NORTHEAST % OF SECTION 32 FOR 1297.11 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 00'21'34" EAST ALONG A LINE 30 FEET WEST OF AND PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST % OF THE SOUTHEAST % OF SECTION 32 FOR 304.82 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89'32'14" WEST, 529.09 FEET, THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A TANGENT CURVE, BEING CONCAVE TO THE NORTH, HAVING A RADIUS OF 900.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30'3432", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 480.28 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00'27'46" EAST, 334,40 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89'32'14" WEST, 39.02 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00'27'46" EAST, 822.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88'11'51" WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST % OF THE SOUTHEAST % OF SECTION 32 FOR 269.01 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00'0725" WEST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST % OF THE SOUTHEAST % OF SECTION 32 FOR 1321.66 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89'19'46" WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST % OF SECTION 32 FOR 600.96 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. As -Built Information As -Built Information will be required with the following information: A) Sanitary Sewer 1. Top elevation of each manhole frame and cover. 2. Invert of each line entering and leaving each manhole structure. 3. Length of each run of main between manholes (center to center) 4. Actual grade of pipe between manholes. 5. Locate all service wyes from downstream manhole with depth at lot line and distance from the main line. 6. Locate with measurements from permanent visible objects all fittings/accessories not visible from the surface (minimum two point ties). B) Storm Drainage 1. Top elevation of each manhole frame and cover/grate as well as all other structures (headwalls, control structures, etc.) 2. Invert elevation of each line entering and leaving each structure, including underdrain pipes, 3. Inverts of all mitered end sections. 4. Actual grade of pipe between the structures. 5. Invert elevation and two horizontal ties from permanent visible objects to all storm stub -outs. C) Water System and Forcemains 1. Actual lengths of pipes between branches and valves in the run, 2. Locate with measurements from permanent visible objects all fittings/accessories not visible from the surface (minimum two point ties). 3. List the depths of the lines at all valves, fittings and fire hydrants. Final Subdivision Plan FOR _[cCo_rxLIC� ooc�s Conditions 1) The City of Ocoee is subject to the terms, provisions and restrictions of Florida Statutes Chapter 163 concerning moratoria on the issuance of building permits under certain circumstances. The City has no lawful authority to exempt any private entity, or itself, from the application of such state legislation and nothing herein should be considered as such an exemption. 2) Stormwater management shall be provided consistent with the requirements of the Ocoee Land Development Code and the St. Johns River Water Management District 3) The foundation for each single family residential dwelling unit to be constructed on the property shall have an elevation which exceeds the applicable 100 -year flood elevation by a minimum of one (1) foot 4) Intentionally deleted. 5) All easements shown on the Final Subdivision Plan will be sized to meet City requirements and appropriately shown on the Final Subdivision Plan. The Final Subdivision Plan will also provide for V utility and drainage easements on all side lot lines, and 10' utility and drainage easements adjacent to all street rights-of-way on the platted lots. 6) All wall and landscape easements shall be maintained by the Home Owners Association, except that all grass and landscaping on the house side of the wall shall be maintained by the lot owner. The land burdened by such easements shall be owned by the individual lot owners. 7) All onsite utilities including electrical, cable TV and telephone shall be placed below ground. 8) Proposed facilities within the park site (Tract "C") shall be tot lot, benches, picnic tables, volleyball court, bikelwalking path & a community meeting room. 9) The lift station within Tract "D" shall be fenced with black, vinyl chain-link fence, with posts and rails painted black, and shall be back no less the 25' from any street. Such lift station shall also be screened with hedge4ype shrubbery, such as viburnum or ligustrum. 10) Prior to or at the time of recording of the final plat for phase 1, all of the following must occur (at no cost or expense to the city); (a) the lift station site shall be conveyed to the County by warranty deed in form and substance 'satisfactory to the County free and clear of all liens and encumbrances; (b) the lift station, force main, and all associated sewer lines shall be constructed, accepted by the County, and conveyed to the County by Bill of Sale; and (c) a sewer easement in form and substance satisfactory to the County shall be granted in favor of the County over the force main and sewer lines; provided, however, if the Developer provides a performance surety in accordance with the requirements of the Ocoee Land Development Code, then all of the events set forth above must occur prior to issuance of a Certificate of Completion. 11) Each fire hydrant shall be OSHA Yellow in color and a blue reflective marker shall be affixed to the street in the center of the lane closest to each hydrant 12) All drainage, utility and maintenance easements shall be for the benefit if the Home Owners Association. The land burdened by such easements shall be owned by the individual lot owners. The drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated to the perpetual use of the public at the time of platting. 13) All tracts which are to be owned and maintained by the Home Owners Association shall be conveyed to the Home Owners Association by warranty deed at the time of platting. 14) All access rights to McCormick Road & Ingram Road for lots adjacent to these roads, shall be dedicated to the City of Ocoee at the time of platting. 15) The Developer shall construct appropriate curb cuts to enable access ramps at all right-of-way intersection (and other areas as reasonably required) in order to accommodate access to sidewalks and - streets for persons who are in wheelchairs and other persons who are physically challenged. Sidewalks abutting each platted lot shall be constructed at the time a house is constructed on the lot When sidewalks are constructed on comer lots at certain locations, the sidewalks will be extended to the curb and the appropriate ramps will then be constructed. Sidewalks adjacent to common areas shall be constructed at the time of the permanent construction of the adjacent common area. 16) All screen walls, landscape buffers, entry and comer landscape improvements, and sidewalks along McCormick Road, Ingram Road, and adjacent to Tracts A, B, C, D, E, H,1, & J shall be completed prior to issuance of the Certificate of Completion of Phase 1. 17) The plan shows available pad size for reference only. For each individual lot, the buildings shall not exceed 4D% lot coverage and the total of all impervious surfaces shall not exceed 50% lot coverage. 18) Street lights will be installed by Developer prior to certificate of Completion at his expense, and the cost of operations will be assumed by the developer in accordance with Ordinance 95-17. 19) All underground utilities shall comply with Ordinance No. 95-17, which requires pedestal -mounted utility boxes to be placed back off the street, no more than 5 feet forward of the front building setback line; on all residential lots which are less than 70 feet in width where the lot abuts the street right-of-way line. 20) No person shall undertake land clearing or the removal of any protected tree without first obtaining a permit from the Building Department. The removal of protected trees shall be minimized to the maximum extent possible and no authorization shall be granted to remove a tree if the Developer has failed to take 4 reasonable measures to preserve protected trees. 21) All legal instruments, including but not limited to the declaration of easements, covenants and restrictions, association documents, and deeds conveying Property to the homeowners association, shall be approved by the City prior to plat approval. 22) Existing trees 84nch dbh or larger (other than citrus trees or "trash" trees) located along proposed locations of buffer walls or road right-of-way lines will be preserved if at all possible. The buffer walls and roads will be designed around those trees to incorporate them into required landscape buffers and as sheet trees. 23) The existing grades on the individual lots containing protected trees will be maintained as much as possible to preserve existing protected trees. For lots containing protected trees, there will be no grading or other construction on individual lots, except as specified in the Final Subdivision Plan, until building permits are issued for those lots. 24) Any damage caused to McCormick Road or Ingram Road as a result of the construction activities related to the project shall be promptly repaired by the Owner to the applicable governmental standards at the Owner's sole cost and expense. 25) The subdivision plat shall provide that all subdivision lots for single4amily residential dwelling units shall not have direct vehicular access to McCormick Road and Ingram Road. 261 Nothing herein shall be construed to waivean vision of -i-fl, d D I of Approval 31) The developer shall construct the following roadway improvements: Left and right tum lanes on McCormick Road into and out of the subdivision; pave Ingram Road along the length of the project site, 24' curb and gutter with tum lanes (Standard city section); dedicate 10' additional ROW on McCormick Road in the vicinity of Lots 172-176 for a future right tum lane. The developer shall also construct a northbound left tum lane on Ingram Road at intersection with McCormick Road, which will be paid for by the City in the form of an impact fee credit to the Developer. Offsite improvements shall be constricted with the infrastructure in Phase 1. (Prior to Cert of Completion) 32) Intentionally deleted. 33) Each Phase will be able to stand alone with regard to access, recreational facilities, stormwater management and utilities. Phase 1 construction may include mass grading of the site. 34) All roads within the subdivision will be owned & maintained by the homeowner; association, 35) The developer shall comply with Ordinance No. 2001-19 relating to community meeting rooms. 36) Notwithstanding the conveyance of the stormwater retention ponds to the property owners association (The "Association") or any provision to the contrary contained in these Conditions of Approval, the developer shall remain responsible for the maintenance of the Project's stormwater management system (SMS), including all stormwater retention ponds, until such time as: (1) the entire SWMS for the project is constructed and appropriate certificates of completion issued by both the City and SJRWMD, (ii) the stormwater retention ponds intended to be conveyed to the Association have in fact been conveyed to the Association, (iii) the Association is designated as the maintenance entity on the records of SJRWMD and all transfer records required by SJRWMD have been executed and accepted by SJRWMD, (iv) the City has been provided with a copy of the developers proposed maintenance plan with respect to the SWMS, and (v) the City has been provided with a written statement from the Association acknowledging receipt of the Developers proposed maintenance plan with respect to the SWMS and that the Association is responsible for the maintenance of the SWMS. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the project shall comply with all city ordinances regarding the maintenance, repair and operation of stormwater ponds that are in effect at the time of approval of a plat for any protion of the property. 37) All Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions affecting the Property shall include the following >: provisions: (i) Provision allowing the City to levy, collect, enforce assessments for maintenance of common areas if Association fails to do so or fails to maintain assessments at a level allowing for adequate maintenance. (0) Provision granting the City the right, but not the obligation, to maintain/repair the SWMS and obtain reimbursement from the Association, or from the Developer if (1) turnover of control to the members has not occurred, or (2) if the Developer is still responsible for maintenance of the SWMS. (iii) Provision providing that the SWMS will be transferred to a responsible operation/maintenance entity acceptable to the City in the event of dissolution and that if dissolution occurs without such approval then the City may continue to levy and collect assessments and impose liens with respect thereto notwithstanding the dissolution of the Association. (iv) Provision that the Association shall at all times be in good standing with the Florida Secretary of State. (v) Provision that at the time of turnover of control of the Association to the members, the Declarant shall deliver to the new Board of Directors the maintenance plan for the SMS accompanied by an engineer's certification that the SWMS is functioning in accordance with all approved plans and permits. To the extent that any such engineer's report indicates any corrective action is required the Declarant shall be required to diligently undertake such corrective action at the Declarant's expense and to post a cash bond with the Association for the estimated costs of such corrective action, (vi) Provision that no property owned by the City or any other governmental entity shall be subject to assessments levied by ft Association. (vii) Provision that any amendment to any provision affecting the City requires the consent of the City in an Instrument recorded with the amendment (viii) The Articles of incorporation and Bylaws of the Association shall be consistent with the forgoing provisions. 38) Removal.of existing protected trees will be limited to clearing road right-of-way and retention areas as detailed in these plans. All existing protected trees on individual lots will be evaluated at the time a building permit is issued for that lot, to determine whether or not each tree needs to be removed. 39) The wall and landscape easements along McCormick Road and Ingram Road shall have shade trees planted every 50 feet and shrubs planted along at least 25 % of the length of the well. These structures shall be constructed at least 5 feet back from the road right-of-way. 40) Each subdivision plat, or other recorded document, shall include an easement for pedestrian and bicycle -riding purposes over the paved streets and sidewalks in favor of all students and their parents/supervisors traveling to and from schools. The easement may restrict access to the time in which public schools are open for use by students (and 90 minutes before and 90 minutes after the schools are open for use by students). No other facilities shall be used by the beneficiaries of the easement, such as, without limitation, common areas and recreational facilities; all common areas and recreational facilities shall .be totally for the benefit of the residents of the subdivision. The restrictive covenants shall set forth the procedures for assuring the ability to utilize the foregoing easement. 41) Tract "H" which is to be owned and maintained by Orange County shall be conveyed to Orange County by warranty deed at time of platting of Phase 1. 42) Phase 3 shown hereon is for informational purposes only. The lot and road layout therein is conceptual only. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as approval of development of Phase 3. At such time as the owner of Phase 3 desires to develop Phase 3, the owner or Phase 3 shall submit the necessary applications and process plans consistent with the then applicable Land Development Code and City regulations. 43) The sidewalks in Tract "C" and Tract "r' shall be 6 feet wide. 44) Pursuant to Ordinance #2001-18, all subdivision signage must be consistent with the legally assigned name of the subdivision. Any subsequent change to the name of the subdivision must be approved by the City Commission. OWNER 00 ( 4 2004 I (1-M Or_ OOOEE J, pro a an eve opment Code excel to the extent expressly set forth on the Waiver Table. SHEET TITLE 5101W GROVE, LTD. P.O. Box 770609 (407) 648-8484 UTILITY COMPANIES: 1 Typical Sections 27) A perpetual, non-exclusive easement for access over all Internal roadways and paved areas shall be Overall Plan WINTER GARDEN, FL. 34777-0609 WATER / SEWER ORANGE COUNTY UTILITIES DEPT. 407-836-7200 granted in favor of the City of Ocoee and other applicable authorities for law enforcement, fire, and other OWNER/ APPLICANT/ ' McCORMICK ROAD, LLC. P.O. Box 770609 (407) 648-8484 109 E. CHURCH STREET ORLANDO, FL. 32801 Grading & Drainage emergency services. . DEVELOPER: WINTER GARDEN, FL. 34777-0609 ELECTRIC PROGRESS ENERGY Pond Details 28) Any existing walls are to be abandoned. ENGINEER: JUNE ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS. INC. 407 839-6000 ( ) E. CROWN POINT ROAD 407-905-3302 19-20 Landscape Plans P.O. Box 770609 WINTER GARDEN, FL. 34787 29) Each residential building lot shall have a minimum of 3 trees per lot, and 1 street tree, with a minimum WINTER GARDEN. FL. 34777-0609 TELEPHONE SPRINT size of 10 feet in height, and 2 inches diameter at breast height (DBH). SURVEYOR; CEMS CONSULANTS, INC. 407 877-7979 ( ) P.O. BOX 770339 407-814-5373 568 WEST SILVER STAR EXT. WINTER GARDEN. FL 34777-0339 30) The project is proposed to be gated and shall comply with all applicable Orange County ordinances and OCOEE, FL. 34761 resolutions with respect to gated communities, including but not limited to Article VIII, Chapter 34 of the CABLE BRIGHTHOUSE NETWORKS 407-295-9119 Orange County Code, as well as any amendments to that Article that may be enacted thereto: All GEOTECHNICAL YOVAISH ENGINEERING SCIENCES, INC, 407 774-9383 ( ) 844 MAQUIRE BLVD, 000 Fl.. 34761 references in said County Code Chapter to the "County" shall be deemed to refer to the "City" for purposes ENGINEER: 953 SUNSHINE LANE , of this requirement Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the City adopts an ordinance regarding ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL. 32714 GAS LAKE APOPKA NATURAL GAS DISTRICT 407-656-2734 gated communities prior to approval of a plat for any portion of the project, then the project shall comply with 1320 S. VINELAND ROAD AD any such ordinance adopted by the City.34787 WINTER GARDEN. FL. LOCATION MAP Overall Plan 1 " = 400' INDEX OF SHEETS SHEET TITLE No. Cover Sheet 1 Typical Sections 2 Overall Plan 3 Tree Survey 3a Overall Water System 3b Overall Sewer System 3c Layout & Geometry 3d Grading & Drainage 3e Paving & Utilities Plan & Profile 4-11 Offsite Improvements 12-12a Pond Details 13-14 Site Details 15 Water & Sewer Details 16-18 Wastewater Pump Station Details 19-20 Landscape Plans L1 - L2 General Notes: 1. All stormwater pipe joints to be wrapped with filter fabric in accordance with DOT index 280. DATE REVISION 3/12/04 City / County Comments 7/6/04 City / County Comments 9/20/04 DRC Comments NAME CHECKED JAS RAJ JAS RAJ JAS RAJ 1� c 10' 41' Right -of -M andscape/ 9, 24" WON Easement Type 'f' Const. 4' Node -) C Conc. Sidewalk Miami Curb Centerline 41' Right 24, 1--•�--- -- LondscopI Medio" 7 � ► /2' mist Mt. s-a r,� � ,y 10' Match Landscape/ Exist. Wall Easement , A j12" - StobAze Top 6" 4, to 50 psl FBV, Min. L6" Soil Cement Bose Course Compacted /2' Subgrode Compacted to 95X Mom. to 98X Max. Density (AASHTO T-134), Density (AASHTO T-180) Asphaltic Prime Coot Applied at at5gal./sf 'Alternative 6" Limerock Base Course Compacted to 9590 Max. Density (AASHTO T-180), Asphaltic Prime Coat Applied at 0.159ai./sf with 12" Subgrade Compacted to 95% Max. Density (AASHTO T-180), lop 6" Stabilized to 50 psi FBV Min. ENTRANCE ROAD SECTION N. TS. Curb Pamment A. r Hondicop Romp TYPICAL SIDEWALK INTERSECTION DETAIL N.T.S Future Curb & Gutter Const. �.� B 20'R or as Shown on Plans A�`1%% C 1/2" Exp. Joint 1 1'-2"I A C B Valley Gutter Curb & Gutter PLAN 1'-10" 1=2" 3/4"R 7 1/2, 6 1/4„ 7 1/2" X-C I SECTION AA 6" 1-6" 1' 10" 1'-2" 3/4 "R 1/2" 6,1/4" 7 1/2" 8" SECTION BB 6"1-10 1'-2" 3/4'R 6 1/4" 7 1/2" 8" X-6" SECTION CC VALLEY GUTTER N. TS 10' 25' Right -of -Way Centerline 25' Right -of -0b 10' Unlit Match Utility ff, 24" 12. 12' 24" f11 y Exist. Easement Easement Varies See Plan Varies See Plan 1 1/2" Thick Type S-3 f/4"x1.0' Asphaltic Conc. 1100, 12v Const. 4' Wide Conc, Sidewalk Stobxze Top 6" to 50 psi FBV Min. Miami Curb 4 6" Soil Cement Base Course Compacted 12" Subgrode Compacted to 959 Max. to 989 Max. Density (AASHTO T-180), Density (AASHTO T-180), Top 6" Asphaltic Prime Coat Applied at 0.15go1./sf Stabi zed to 50 psi FBV Min. *'Alternative 6" Limerock Bose Course Compacted to 95% Max. Density (AASHTO T-180), Asphaltic Prime Coat Applied of 0.15gal./sf 12" Subgrode Compacted to 95% Max. Density (AASHTO T-180), Top 6" Stabilized to 50 psi FBV Min. TYPICAL ROAD SECTION Mrs. R/W Ct 35' Setback 30' 30' to, Wall / 36' Wide Landscape for turn lanes Easement 5' 4' 12' 12' Min. Payed Paved Mofch Exist. 's o 1 y�92 ,yh Grade �Ec• 1 FF 155.0 Type "F" Curb & Gutter &_"Proposed Drainage Pipe Const. 5' Conc. Sidewalk Propsoed Landscaping 6' Brick Wall Exist. Grade (Ingram Road) TYPICAL OFFSITE ROAD SECTION "A' N. T.S. R/W Lane f0'-0' Londsmpe Easement 20. 5'07. Light Broom Stroke Fiaish Finish Grade --1 " 1/4" R. ir 7,*T tkick Cop Tree 1 24'x24" P2oster, w/ 2 /5 Rebor WALK SECDON DUMMY GROOVE 3000 psi ConcreteI 1AS " 1/4" R. any Opposite Corners, 20' oa • •� �. S ( ••: .: •f• 4 .•• •• .• TO ORANGE COUNTY DATUM UPON COMPLETION. See Genera/ Note No. J. See Sheet 5 Of 6 For 3' Slab Quonlitles Columns 20' O.C. max. M5g CONCRETE SLAB (CY) 0 SODDING (SO. YDS.) D X A 8 C E F G Singie Double Til le Qucd. N Single Double Triple Quod. Single Double I Triple Quad. Pipe I Pipe I Pipe I Pipe I Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe 5. e p 20-0' 0.0 Max, or 1/2 ve Ucal Exp. of Columns Length of Walk Provide at Every Sidewalk Intersection �a I CONSTRUCTION JOINT Note: Use 6' Thick Concrete Along all Retention Pond Tract Frontage SIDEWALK Brick w/ Raked ..bivt N. T.S. Certificate �a SHEET 2'-7' 2.27' 4.09' 636' 1 4.03' 8 w 4,63 7.2/' 9.79' Hedge . I 1.19 0.57 0.87 1.15 1 /5Rebor vert. 23 26 29 -6, to8'W1-4'ac. 2140" 2.36 5.12 5.03 141 7.75 10.58 /3. 12/ 0. / 3I l.65 25 3/ 35 t3 E a 6.42' 625' Dimensions permitted M allow use of 8' standard pipe lengths. O 10.40' O X1.10' Dimensions permitted to allow use of l2' standard pipe lengths. AO Concrete slob shall be deepened to form bridge across crown of pipe. See section below. 4' 3'-5" 2.53 7.18 a /' 7.03' a 11' 173' 5.50 8.92' 12.J3' 15.75 1.25 0.85 430 1.75 8 32 3 - 3' to 5' Nail - 6' ac. 5 - 1431 14.'/87'11.03 2.24 6.67 / Zl.92 1.33 3 2.2/ 4 6 - 305 13.37 16.42 /3.03 n 2.45 7.25 /3.25 /9.25 25.25 1.38 2.7 3.9/ 38 4 5/ 58 - Under X Wo/i - 8' as a000 8 -6 3.56 /9.55 P3.!/ /9.03 23 3.00 9.00 ll. 26.00 34.50 1.50 2.45 4.66 6.87 9.07 47 56 66 7 9 -2' 3.73 21.62 25.35 21.03 25 3.18 9.5 18.75 .92 37.08 1.54 2.88 5.54 8.18 49 59 69 8o 5 3.30 k7.16 i 16 40/6 TO JIB 6.27 fi3 _,jr- 2 0 Rebor Cont 2'-0' 4'-0' O Columns Columns Shall be Spaced 0 20' a. c. (See Londscapeing Sheets) Note: See Condition of Approval 33 and Landscape Plan for more Information about the location of the wall within the wall and landscape easement (Landscaping per City of Ocoee) BRICK WALL DETAIL AT.S Wldth as Noted on Site Plan 20. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT Light Broom Stroke Fiaish Finish Grade --1 " 1/4" R. ir 7,*T WILL DETERMINE IF A PERMIT IS NECESSARY. DIMENSIONS 5'-0" Apart Max. WALK SECDON DUMMY GROOVE 3000 psi ConcreteI 1AS " 1/4" R. \ -") 112 1/4' A • •� �. d'. ••: .: •f• 4 .•• •• .• TO ORANGE COUNTY DATUM UPON COMPLETION. See Genera/ Note No. J. See Sheet 5 Of 6 For 3' Slab Quonlitles ALL STORM PIPING JOINTS SHALL BE WRAPPED PER F.D.O.T, INDEX 280. M5g CONCRETE SLAB (CY) 0 SODDING (SO. YDS.) D X A 8 C E F G Singie Double Til le Qucd. N Single Double Triple Quod. Single Double I Triple Quad. Pipe I Pipe I Pipe I Pipe I Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe 5. e p 20-0' 0.0 Max, or 1/2 Expansion Joints 40=0" O.C. Max Length of Walk Provide at Every Sidewalk Intersection CONSIRUC7701V JOINT CONSTRUCTION JOINT Note: Use 6' Thick Concrete Along all Retention Pond Tract Frontage SIDEWALK DETAILS N. T.S. Certificate 35' Setback RIW 30' 30' 10' Wait / Landscope Easement 5' 5' 9' 4' 12' 12' 4' 4' Min. I Sodded I Paved I Paved js 1yk1°`9 /4"/ft. �I FF 155.0 2 4 Shoulder (Sodded) u+ w 0 Proposed Sidewalk Propsoed Landscaping 6' Brick Wall Exist. Grade (McCormick Road) TYPICAL OFFSITE ROAD SECTION "B' N. T.S. Match Exist. Grade (. �'�1 Beveled Or Round Comers y/ y I I C3 I I _-__ _____-==_---_----�- Concrete Slob, 3' Or 51' Thick, O in Reinforced With WWF 6x6-W1.4xW1.4 TOP VIEW -SINGLE PIPE SYaAe 1 - Gen ro ,yo fe See .r Or 5}t 40 & 2 Deepen Aramd Ouisfd� ._ Edge Of Pipe For 52 Sla o Concrete Pipe I I Connector - Saddle ,:>�* 2'1,Not Less Than D No Pipe Joint Permitted *4 Bar--- Unless ed 8 The Engmeer E (Pipe To Be included Under Unit Price For mitered End Section) SECTION Paid For As Pipe A DATE 3/12/04 7/6/04 ` Side Ditch Grade-' j 5' Sod re: 49 Jitters To fe Pipe For Pipes 18" And Smaller. 2d For Pipes 24"And Larger. 29 Jilten To f Pipe For Pipes 18" And Smaller. 1.4 For Pipes 24' And Larger. REVISION NAME CHECKED City / County Comments JAS RAJ City / County Comments JAS RAJ �o STANDARD CONCRETE MIAMI CURB N. TS. GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CLEARING, GRUBBING, EXCAVATION, EMBANKMENT, GRADING, GRASSING, STORM PIPE, STORM STRUCTURES, UNDERDRAIN, PAVING, CURBING, SIDEWALKS, WATER MAINS, WATER SERVICES, SEWER MAINS AND SERVICES, AND MATERIAL TESTING SHALL CONFORM TO CITY OF OCOEE AND TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, MOST RECENT EDITIONS 2. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 4:1 SHALL BE SODDED, 3. ALL PROPOSED GRADES SHOWN ARE FINISHED GRADES. 4. THE FLOWLINES OF ALL CURBS SHALL BE GRADED TO OBTAIN A MINIMUM GRADE OF 0.249 AND SHALL DRAIN POSITIVELY TO ALL INLETS. 5. BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY CEMS CONSULTANTS, INC. 6. UTILITIES SHOWN WERE LOCATED FROM BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATION AND PROTECTION OF ALL UTILITIES THAT MAY EXIST.'. 7. ELEVATIONS WERE BASED ON ORANGE COUNTY DATUM. 8. EXISTING ZONING OF THE SUBJECT SITE IS R -IAA. 9. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE WHICH SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE PLACEMENT OF SILT FENCES, STACKED HAY BALES OR OTHER SIMILAR STRUCTURES ALONG THE PERIMETER OF THE SITE. THIS WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AS OUTLINED IN F.D.O.T. STANDARD INDEX #102. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AN EROSION PROTECTION PLAN PRIOR TO PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING. THE MEASURES SHOWN HEREIN ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED. ADDITIONAL CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE UTILIZED AS NEEDED, DEPENDENT UPON ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. 10. STRIPPINGS AND ALL UNCLASSIFIED MATERIALS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM RETENTION AREAS AND ROADWAYS AND DISPOSED OF ONSITE AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEERING SO AS NOT TO AFFECT BUILDING LOT PADS. 11. SOILS REPORT BY YOVAISH ENGINEERING SCIENCES, INC„ RETENTION FACILITY BERMS, ROADS AND UNDERDRAINS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS DIRECTED. 12, CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY JUNE ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. OF ANY PROBLEMS REQUIRING DEVIATION FROM THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AS -BUILT INFORMATION TO ENGINEER ON THE FOLLOWING ITEMS; PAVING GRADES AT POINTS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS; ALL STORM STRUCTURE AND PIPING INVERTS AND LOCATIONS; ALL WATER MAIN, SERVICES, FIRE HYDRANTS, VALVES, AND BLOWOFF LOCATIONS; ALL SEWER LINES, SERVICE LATERALS & VALVES. 14. STORM PIPE MEASUREMENTS SHOWN ARE MEASURED TO END OF MITERED END SECTIONS AND TO THE CENTER OF STORM -, STRUCTURES. SANITARY PIPES ARE MEASURED TO CENTER OF STRUCTURES, Beveled Or Round Corners "' _ 15. INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNERS WILL BE REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT i � � i' DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS AT THE TIME OF HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS WHERE REQUIRED ALONG RETENTION PONDS & COMMON AREAS. - - - - - - _ L 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE PLACEMENT OF ALL UNDERGROUND CONDUITS NEEDED FOR U11UTIES AND IRRIGATION. _ I I 17. CONTRACTOR SHALL AQUIRE, REVIEW, AND MEET ALL CONDITIONS I 3 OF PERMITS PERTAINING TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT - - I INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CITY OF OCOEE, ST. JOHNS - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - r- RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF I I ( ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION, AND ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. - - - - - - - - - .1_�- - - L 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE PLAT FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT AND - - - - I - - - - _ '= = NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN PLAT AND (� I CONSTRUCTION PLANS. I 19. FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED (MAX. 12" LIFTS) AS SHOWN BY THE PROPOSED ELEVATIONS AND TYPICAL SECTIONS AND COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 989 MAXIMUM DENSITY (AASHTO 1, T-180) AS VERIFIED BY A SOILS ENGINEERING COMPANY % RETAINED BY THE OWNER. SUITABILITY OF FILL MATERIAL /X SHALL BE APPROVED BY A SOILS ENGINEER. Concrete Slab, 3' Or 51' Thick, 0 Reinforced With WWF 6x6-WI.4xWl.4 - TOP VIEW -MULTIPLE PIPE NOT& See sheet 6 for details and notes. Typical Sections McCormick Woods 20. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT IF ANY DEWATERING SHALL BE REQUIRED. IF REQUIRED SJRWMD WILL DETERMINE IF A PERMIT IS NECESSARY. DIMENSIONS AND QUANTITIES GEOTECHNICAL CONFIRM LOCATION OF ANY REQUIRED ROADWAY UNDERDRAIN. 22. FIRE HYDRANTS TO BE IN PLACE, APPROVED & OPERATIONAL PRIOR TO ANY BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. 23. PERMANENT BENCHMARKS, WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS, SHALL BE CERTIFIED TO ORANGE COUNTY DATUM UPON COMPLETION. See Genera/ Note No. J. See Sheet 5 Of 6 For 3' Slab Quonlitles ALL STORM PIPING JOINTS SHALL BE WRAPPED PER F.D.O.T, INDEX 280. M5g CONCRETE SLAB (CY) 0 SODDING (SO. YDS.) D X A 8 C E F G Singie Double Til le Qucd. N Single Double Triple Quod. Single Double I Triple Quad. Pipe I Pipe I Pipe I Pipe I Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe 5. e p /57 -7' 492 .18' 4 5 1. ' 4.63 7.21 .7 12.J7' 1 0.38 0.58 77 1 24 27 30 le P- 497 2.74 471' 256 44,•` 4.92 7.75 X1.58 42/ 0.44 0.65 0.81 1 22 25 28 3l _Tr__ / 3.56 1.73 5.5 8.92 /2.33 i 0.54 0.83 / 1.42 28 32 4'-3' 2.15' 4.95 7.W__P2. 6.08 /0.33 9 18.83 129 0.66 1.09 3l 36' 5'-r 2.25' 6.08' 3 9 2.24 6.67 1/75' 16.83' 21.9 1.33' 0.61 1.38 1.95 1 28 34 39 45 4 .2/ 5 97 1. 0 4 43 50 6 _ 43' 76` I 2.65 7.83 14.58 21.33 28.06 1 42 1.13 2.04 2 3 84 39 47 4 54'7 -8" 252 .44 11.96 8.56 / 2.83 8.42 16.08 23.75 31.42 l.46 !.3! 2.44 3.58 34 42 59 8'-6' 2fi2 /0.56 /3.18 9.56 l4' 3.� 9.00 11.50 26.00 34. 1.50' J.51 2.89 4.28' 36 45 55 64 9. 2.71 ll. 14.3 /0. l5 !8 .58 /8.75 .08 1.54 1.68 3.25 4.84 48 68 /0'-0' 1 . 11.56 /6' 3.30 10.16' 20.16 3O.A61 40.16 1.58' 1.89 3.74 5.59 7.45 40 5/ 62 73 Certificate 4d Slope SHEET 2'-7' 2.27' 4.09' 636' 1 4.03' 8 1.22' 4,63 7.2/' 9.79' 12.37 1.19 0.57 0.87 1.15 1.44 23 26 29 32 2140" 2.36 5.12 5.03 141 7.75 10.58 /3. 12/ 0. / 3I l.65 25 3/ 35 t3 E a 6.42' 625' Dimensions permitted M allow use of 8' standard pipe lengths. O 10.40' O X1.10' Dimensions permitted to allow use of l2' standard pipe lengths. AO Concrete slob shall be deepened to form bridge across crown of pipe. See section below. 4' 3'-5" 2.53 7.18 a /' 7.03' a 11' 173' 5.50 8.92' 12.J3' 15.75 1.25 0.85 430 1.75 8 32 3 4'--3. 70 5 11.95 / 2:00 6.08 14 /8.83 1 I 17 1 6 41 46 5 - 1431 14.'/87'11.03 2.24 6.67 / Zl.92 1.33 3 2.2/ 4 6 - 305 13.37 16.42 /3.03 n 2.45 7.25 /3.25 /9.25 25.25 1.38 2.7 3.9/ 38 4 5/ 58 48' 6 -9" 3.22' /5.43' i .6 15.03 F3 2.65 7.83 /4.58' 21.33' 28.08 1.42 1.85 3.30 4.73 6.17 41 48 56 63 (I4 P.8 .4 Qq 1.4 1 .1 77 7 569 8 -6 3.56 /9.55 P3.!/ /9.03 23 3.00 9.00 ll. 26.00 34.50 1.50 2.45 4.66 6.87 9.07 47 56 66 7 9 -2' 3.73 21.62 25.35 21.03 25 3.18 9.5 18.75 .92 37.08 1.54 2.88 5.54 8.18 49 59 69 8o 5 3.30 k7.16 i 16 40/6 TO JIB 6.27 fi3 (. �'�1 Beveled Or Round Comers y/ y I I C3 I I _-__ _____-==_---_----�- Concrete Slob, 3' Or 51' Thick, O in Reinforced With WWF 6x6-W1.4xW1.4 TOP VIEW -SINGLE PIPE SYaAe 1 - Gen ro ,yo fe See .r Or 5}t 40 & 2 Deepen Aramd Ouisfd� ._ Edge Of Pipe For 52 Sla o Concrete Pipe I I Connector - Saddle ,:>�* 2'1,Not Less Than D No Pipe Joint Permitted *4 Bar--- Unless ed 8 The Engmeer E (Pipe To Be included Under Unit Price For mitered End Section) SECTION Paid For As Pipe A DATE 3/12/04 7/6/04 ` Side Ditch Grade-' j 5' Sod re: 49 Jitters To fe Pipe For Pipes 18" And Smaller. 2d For Pipes 24"And Larger. 29 Jilten To f Pipe For Pipes 18" And Smaller. 1.4 For Pipes 24' And Larger. REVISION NAME CHECKED City / County Comments JAS RAJ City / County Comments JAS RAJ �o STANDARD CONCRETE MIAMI CURB N. TS. GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CLEARING, GRUBBING, EXCAVATION, EMBANKMENT, GRADING, GRASSING, STORM PIPE, STORM STRUCTURES, UNDERDRAIN, PAVING, CURBING, SIDEWALKS, WATER MAINS, WATER SERVICES, SEWER MAINS AND SERVICES, AND MATERIAL TESTING SHALL CONFORM TO CITY OF OCOEE AND TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, MOST RECENT EDITIONS 2. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 4:1 SHALL BE SODDED, 3. ALL PROPOSED GRADES SHOWN ARE FINISHED GRADES. 4. THE FLOWLINES OF ALL CURBS SHALL BE GRADED TO OBTAIN A MINIMUM GRADE OF 0.249 AND SHALL DRAIN POSITIVELY TO ALL INLETS. 5. BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY CEMS CONSULTANTS, INC. 6. UTILITIES SHOWN WERE LOCATED FROM BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATION AND PROTECTION OF ALL UTILITIES THAT MAY EXIST.'. 7. ELEVATIONS WERE BASED ON ORANGE COUNTY DATUM. 8. EXISTING ZONING OF THE SUBJECT SITE IS R -IAA. 9. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE WHICH SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE PLACEMENT OF SILT FENCES, STACKED HAY BALES OR OTHER SIMILAR STRUCTURES ALONG THE PERIMETER OF THE SITE. THIS WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AS OUTLINED IN F.D.O.T. STANDARD INDEX #102. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AN EROSION PROTECTION PLAN PRIOR TO PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING. THE MEASURES SHOWN HEREIN ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED. ADDITIONAL CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE UTILIZED AS NEEDED, DEPENDENT UPON ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. 10. STRIPPINGS AND ALL UNCLASSIFIED MATERIALS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM RETENTION AREAS AND ROADWAYS AND DISPOSED OF ONSITE AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEERING SO AS NOT TO AFFECT BUILDING LOT PADS. 11. SOILS REPORT BY YOVAISH ENGINEERING SCIENCES, INC„ RETENTION FACILITY BERMS, ROADS AND UNDERDRAINS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS DIRECTED. 12, CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY JUNE ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. OF ANY PROBLEMS REQUIRING DEVIATION FROM THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AS -BUILT INFORMATION TO ENGINEER ON THE FOLLOWING ITEMS; PAVING GRADES AT POINTS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS; ALL STORM STRUCTURE AND PIPING INVERTS AND LOCATIONS; ALL WATER MAIN, SERVICES, FIRE HYDRANTS, VALVES, AND BLOWOFF LOCATIONS; ALL SEWER LINES, SERVICE LATERALS & VALVES. 14. STORM PIPE MEASUREMENTS SHOWN ARE MEASURED TO END OF MITERED END SECTIONS AND TO THE CENTER OF STORM -, STRUCTURES. SANITARY PIPES ARE MEASURED TO CENTER OF STRUCTURES, Beveled Or Round Corners "' _ 15. INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNERS WILL BE REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT i � � i' DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS AT THE TIME OF HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS WHERE REQUIRED ALONG RETENTION PONDS & COMMON AREAS. - - - - - - _ L 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE PLACEMENT OF ALL UNDERGROUND CONDUITS NEEDED FOR U11UTIES AND IRRIGATION. _ I I 17. CONTRACTOR SHALL AQUIRE, REVIEW, AND MEET ALL CONDITIONS I 3 OF PERMITS PERTAINING TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT - - I INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CITY OF OCOEE, ST. JOHNS - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - r- RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF I I ( ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION, AND ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. - - - - - - - - - .1_�- - - L 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE PLAT FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT AND - - - - I - - - - _ '= = NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN PLAT AND (� I CONSTRUCTION PLANS. I 19. FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED (MAX. 12" LIFTS) AS SHOWN BY THE PROPOSED ELEVATIONS AND TYPICAL SECTIONS AND COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 989 MAXIMUM DENSITY (AASHTO 1, T-180) AS VERIFIED BY A SOILS ENGINEERING COMPANY % RETAINED BY THE OWNER. SUITABILITY OF FILL MATERIAL /X SHALL BE APPROVED BY A SOILS ENGINEER. Concrete Slab, 3' Or 51' Thick, 0 Reinforced With WWF 6x6-WI.4xWl.4 - TOP VIEW -MULTIPLE PIPE NOT& See sheet 6 for details and notes. Typical Sections McCormick Woods 20. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT IF ANY DEWATERING SHALL BE REQUIRED. IF REQUIRED SJRWMD WILL DETERMINE IF A PERMIT IS NECESSARY. 21. PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF BASE MATERIAL CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE GEOTECHNICAL CONFIRM LOCATION OF ANY REQUIRED ROADWAY UNDERDRAIN. 22. FIRE HYDRANTS TO BE IN PLACE, APPROVED & OPERATIONAL PRIOR TO ANY BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. 23. PERMANENT BENCHMARKS, WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS, SHALL BE CERTIFIED TO ORANGE COUNTY DATUM UPON COMPLETION. 24. ALL STORM PIPING JOINTS SHALL BE WRAPPED PER F.D.O.T, INDEX 280. 25. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION PLAN APPROVAL, FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. I June. Engineering Consultants, Inc. JOBNO. 99 .� 71 E. Church Street Orlando, Florida 32801 Certificate of Authorization #00008507 SHEET Ph. 407-839-6000 Fax 407-839-6020 2 DRAWN BY: DATE CHECKED BY: DATE SCALE CLK 10/9/03 I RAJ 10/9/03 As Noted I OF 20 I SAMPLE CaMPUTAIIaV ar GRADLVG CONIRa• LME A -F FOR A Lor oN AN R1511 15 US" a5X SIRE" WIN JO' SE18AL7ir 50'BDLUNG DEPTH AND 2X SHALES 1X SHALES A L>.vb-tap on lot-11he extenslon of NO totcomer A-8 Parkway sktoe 12' gross and walk of f/4_ / R (29A . . . (aJ? (0.21 8-c Side swatx 90' gross ' . . . . . . . . . . . . C -D Swale tum with 10' radios: 16' gross (1.81 Q41 (a91 (0.21 D -E Rear swde 35' gross of f/4' / ft . . . . . . . . (0.61 (0.27 (43 (af E -F Protective rear slope up ban ht9h-Point of sw*ex . . . . B -G Lot depth at swde V& . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 varies varies Sub -told A -F from carb-tap to ground of rear buidlg wall . . . (3.3'7 (1.77 Minimum rim from wrb-10P to slob Noor: . . . . . . . . . . ("1 (2.22 _ - _ _ 0 _ A_ ♦ ♦ q - ----- -_ - ---`r- ---- ----------------- '---- -- -v --'--- -----'-" Gam ---`'---'-'t_''„♦ +-` __=-�" ♦ - ---- -- ----- `'•--- -----'--♦-___-_'-_' ` ' - _-'-- __'__-_"_ -------------- ----------! / : - -�'=____-� ------------------S*tE ROAD 429 (R/W K474P Iia ts� -- --- - - _-- - - -` �"- ---- ---_=--w--= -----= ---- '------� _ _ :,p-=-= - - - ----- ` -- --n__ ti-== _`~-------`--- --- ------------------------- ----_-_--______-__--_------`---_---------- ------------- " "------------------ - - -- - - - _-- ♦ .V6 M ---------------------------- -k ----------- ----- --- - - `'` 4 4 b"� ````'------- ---- ♦ _ - - - `---- ---- ---- -- 5---$°53'17" W 287 78° - _ --- __ _ �'-----=-- ----------= ------ ------ --- =-___ ----- ------------------ -------- -------- w----------------- ----- ---------__-=-_=_=______---__-___ ------------------------_-----_--------- -------- ------------------------- 9bL---- ZEE - --- -----Ile 350'00 ��♦ -- _ -------- --------------- -=- -----==-_-_ _=-__==�_=------- --------- �--------�� ��--:,�_'?. 3'JN3J HNII NI ,9 - _� - - --- --- `- --- -- -- _-- - - -- -- ----- { ��" `;�'�-, ° ---- -- '♦ -----------=-------- ----------------- ,' \ 1 ' I i ♦' i A i ' A ' `'`r » A -- - - - w �♦ _4 -' A• ` 1 ' p _ ; 1 , Tract G -- ----- ` ' ` - --------------- _ ` '_ -------------------- - s��---------------- --------------�___- m -� ,� t------ " 1 { 4 1 t 39 { 40 = �__--B 20 Landsca a ---------`------------ ---- --- -------------- 1 1 ; Te ,porary ' = 1 1 , I P 4 `` -- , r--- _--- - 1481 1 148.1 1 1 -. ---- { r--------------- Tu� Yround-' -- ,yrs { 1 ; 4 rA Buffer _ i t---------- i Easement ; ---------------- --------------------------- r-------------- �� ;I ,. 1 - Pond A N ;---------------; �/�' _0 42 �•s, 4 Sidewalk (as part ° » " '; ` ��' ; t_______________ ! , / j ;'• -�, ,--14a.2 _ of infrastructure) Tract A ______________ .r�♦ i 1 I. 1 "f i . ,D1 r _ J"' r---------------- ---- 38 1 Pha e ti `----------- r 1 ---------- ( Q- ` 1 . 1 • ,.?y . ,. 1 r 20' 0 S e 3 "�"♦ i d� f4�,3� � . .-- t 43 �,�,------------------------------------------ -m rainage,Xasement ----- `I _ ------------- -------------- L--------------' -------- eA Q o 14 "� 148 2 I , , 1 { I , 1 1 �------`--I------, i t '1g,•-♦ i i i , , . ? _ �-oro _ r-_•-�-_- ' -__ --- '� 1 .✓ t O %I I ``--- -----`-_l 1 1 ♦' 4�.5 1�0•'l� � ® >y ------------------------ T-- - ------ - L__-__..____-_ _, PE 'A' LOT GRADING I i Cyt i I ; ,k6'?___148.3 _ -- 0 ` o .�-------'--- _ I r ------- __, `•--------- ac' 1---------------� � I , w 'b1 A � kb' >� �f�0------��6 -, -'��' --� -- r-------- t CP 1 r-_-_____-_-__ 1 i N. TS. i I i ;' i ? f B �~ C ; C C C C 1 \I , •> 1 ; d��Y^ �--- ; � ' ? { ' 1 1 j` 1 1 1 1 1 � 57 .-�t-.-58 148.7 ti 45 ! 51 1 1 1 5`3 1 1 _ 54 = 55 �_ �' = Q 1 1 - . ---------- ---- 0 t Q ti o C t z 50 1 1 52 I I t l �•-� 1 1 1 1 -..--� ,--'' ` ` _ ' 1 .149 149.2 a6 r /'. 149_ ; i I .0 i `---------- --' � � � r----------------, , E '' i li � 49 , �..�� 149.0 _+_ , ! ' •, - -: 6 � � 149.0 _.1^ , 1 / ! t:: , �' ` I i ; /R -'-•---A , //' ,.✓''� , ; 148^7 !A - X9'1 L_ Ate. ' ' L _ L L ..: a� _-�•y, ; s ` --- ► 1 .4 I � 35 ,/^ 148.3 - r ------- L ---------- -----, ' 149.2 > 47 - 1 1 1 3 Tem or '---------------� , 'Cons+, ;ErOS/OIT; �OntrOl ;V/Ce ; p Y ( I � ,,tib` •\ ��? �' B \ 148.1 t.-,- '3 , » „ , Turn, rpund ; Ease .en t r � 1 "`'' •---- "♦ t i i 1 i i .{ ' , ; ; 1 1 ♦ , L-'''� ♦• +0 i ' ♦ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ` ' , / O' -�/ W _•� • / ' ~ • 1 "v "v "� V" V q � � 6" i V i i \ i r ; ,1 "♦ � r ; .�" ; ; Private �I.R7; \, •• •1 r '� 9 � i q•1 6 - , L 4V �1r 6 j y'0" gyp♦ O 1 1 I " ; ;•,1, -_--- 1 �q .: _.-- i♦ ---------- ��---------------- � � � � Right -of -,43y,,,%, .•' _ ---�°� , - �: � _'� � _ , - _ r` ♦. r . 1 q•0" 1 1 r w yw�" "♦ -- -------9°52'35" E 61.73'I` °� _ A ' ;ti, \ 6 Tract " ,r'' \� ,,�--�", - { ;--A } A = ? •-'r'I A ,� I- A` - 6` A /. �' . r- A - 64 t i 63 = 62 j 61 ► 60 I 59 1 rA----------- ' iI _ _ --- 1 " w V ♦ w Ir w O 0 O �P HCl' b" °' _ __ 7 b" i ' " 14s. O O O r 5 ! 30N3J 38IM 0388V9 ,i ---=\ - �- ----� 1 I -----:-� -' 34 - ' l 14',q �, 1 65 151.1 ; 151.1 ; I 151.0 i ; I 1 { I I ;Y=------- h i A .' `, .. ; O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ho' 1 '151.7 1 >• _ , I ! 151.0 i 1 t 15 .0 .� ♦ - ' , _ - ' � 1 � 66 1 ,1 S � � ' I------ I '' x ' , ' 51.0 , z0 1 1 r � -•• O 150.7 � � ---*-- ©•' , r------ ,q r' t t y i------- i------ -- , �" O0 �,♦ ---''_ 1 149.7 t 1, 1 1 \♦\ 1 1 ♦ / A o - m c I ; 149.9 1 50.2 ; f O \� ' ` O 150.2 I L._- 9 " 1 33 67 ♦ Q •o C• � I I M, ' . ; ; `♦ 1, 000 SF Enclosed .� 8 �` --- ' ('�_--' t--------- ? r% \'\, 149.1 .1 / 150.0 ti'''-- -------------- _ '___ ; r_I ; X00' 1 151.9 ss ; ` ---- A--- a k - \ - r -� r--- r_____ ; Pond "C" Community Meeting's A\'�\. /V6" ' . ''�-� - rAN t A ? i A ? { A { 1 iA � � i A i r --'--A----- i Room (F.F. 149.00) , » /� ,� �% �; ,/ \�` _ ,-- -' t 5 Tract F'` ❑ 32 \� See Sheet 15 for Tr ./'`''" \` 148.8 / \ ,-'' 1 : 1 1 i r . i i ; . o, 8 A ` ` A t 15 151.9 I i 152. f 1 152.4 i 1 152.6 1 152.8 ; ' ---- 7 Q 0 0 De tad) --' Re 1 ar,�r { ; d 1 , ♦ , r---- A -,-- ' Y Y .• w \?� \ 4 ` \ \i , 1 1 7 ! , ! i ? 0 i ? {_ i ' �------------� `1 6• 1 1 ,-' 151. i 152.2 ♦♦ °�♦ 1 a� \� 68 \ ' ��/ A r�y�. ----- ------ •�-, ' ��----' ,o �, W �" w - f-' 48.1 1t'1hi N�_ ! o• • " _ - --g% + i 141 r- -, 1 - - --- 4 i \ 151.0 '' ,r • , 1 �' 152.4 " 20 Pedestrian Easement �� ` r = ; 1 •146.81 g� i _ --------'---------- A _ 740.�� A t' A i ? 26 ` � 1''`\�, ♦ 1' A\ �ri ` ' `� I4 .o 122 _ , 8 4 _ 1._;� - ( - -'r;- � -_--,;--- 27 i ; = 49. ,�,i' A `♦\, / rp `. I 69 \ \ '"'/ Y r_--- li _--- { 149.5 t; = 149.7 149.9 1 25 T47.4 f 149.1 1 .0 err JAI A a i ! t ! i 1 t ' 147. AN \ ,' \ 0 ti 6 k99 h01 Ok , Ofp H !� ------ 'r9 r------- ><-� n �\ 149.9 / l 93 pA' --- - -- --- h - - -a--i------- ------ --. S00°2746rE 822186' `Po { `°� ' ' `�` . • B - 0- V 1 k cP o I ro. ` / ` 70 ' \ ` �� � � r- { i 1 �-` I = ; / A , 1 �kL 152.4 y`♦ m o r r ` �� B I i B t i 4, i _•, r --------- v--------------------------------- S 8 9 3 �' 4 W o r r 4 �� 150.8 f 3 14 S00 27 46 E 334,4t� 4s.� 24 7 `� A\,\ r / A \ ,/,--'' t ' ®� B i B i !� j - fffyyyy ' ' 152.4 .6, ty t , O I m ` --- / -- \ 150.2 147. e`, �`� 151.6 152. t i 152.4 ,�,� f 1 �] __ �,� 92 / B t 151.9 t � 1 1 1 152.E 152.8 ; `---�---�; :• ? c39 OG --- �. \` / 0 71 ! i1 i ! ! I r ! t t i ; 151.1 1 � 8 �.�' v � ® ` r.� S ; _ ----- ? ? ----- '' L---- -{ ' _ , �' r .r -------------n r.► ? z i ; , _ / , -: --- �- `�;_ 149.8 15 7 ' j \ ♦: \ ' p p -' , o • B , ., ,�� t Con�z %6 Conc. Sidewalk A $' % ~`\, �`� d r B !1 \ 151.1 i o r----------- -F'� / A 14as �� - - �. 1 ti �" Jft49• 23 I A �'�% ,'� 91 �\ 94 �. 'moo i ® o I A � 151.1 • 72 f5 7 0 151.1 Lift Station ,� .`� 'I -1 1 1. r-� ++ » , � �`-�`.,��;' ^ `` 150.7 I •cf' % / 149. B �\ f . (3 � � r- , • X00 i.---152.8 _ Tract D `..�, , f \\ \� A • 0 22 ` rz♦ ! ,q\`\ `� 90 4 / \ O �\20' Drainage Easement SAMPLE COMPUTATION OF GRAM COMM LINE A -F FOR A LOr ON AN RESUL7S USING 0.5X VREErWIN J0' SETBACKS 60' BtIILLYNO DEPTH AND 2X SHALES IX SHALES A Curb -top on lot-Itne ext&Wm atNgh lot toner A -B Pakway dope: 12' gross and walk of 1/4' /ft, (20 . . . (0.31 (a27 BC --DC Skk 90swde.' Boss (1.81 (a91 Pioteclsriveok D-£ $ide swde: JO' gram . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 (a(Q6) (a5) (a32 Sub-totd A-0 ham curb -top to ground of rear buidhg ran. . . . (262 (L62 Minkrwm rise ham orb -top to slob Boor. . . . . . . . . . . (3.17 (217 / \\ �, 14 . r 07 L- `150.8 f �• 148 73 15 .0 .\ 151.6 B \' 4L` o ! , ,w\ \ .f Phas �e--' d°` `_____, • h1 �t 153.0 f e I N 150.6 \\ `�`\ f 149. � `\ cam` 96 ' ! 4.0.` /'-_ 4 `` ; '`, i '---- � - , . � y ------__• Post (�pttms: 2- x 4• or ' ( w J 2/•11 ` ! -A \- ? !' 14 8 ,I♦,� � 151.4 1 0.0 - `,\ �` : ;B �, ) ; -- A --- 2 1/? Mh, DIo. Wood Sled 1 6' Moz ' S0' i 0 • % �`') 1.JJ tbeiFt Mkr.) O lI t 151.1 1 • o i 7e} % 151.6 1 �•° / B� \ ' Pond Fuer Fobrlo (/n / 9 Cmlama,ce With J _ -_ #`�! •�h 151.0 `'T ; '�� 149.E Existing Well to be Tra�ot »B» sea 965 IT 4pea) O ; - - �-_-/ l , ;�. .� 1 ` 0 ♦' Removed / Abandoned 1 ;-____-- -_ . \h = I 153.12 ♦' _ O 1 i r-.. 1 ',r j A .,\- 151. s/ as per SJRWMD t B I A 88 ''`` i i ~'\. �'• II Requirements ! i ? �! c ' A, ' ~\` ~�� , (r _ _0 r s I • h9 75 j 1 152.3 ! , e I B `�, 0 20 Drainage Easement ! / `, \; \�0 1534-r--' A, Eierotion 1' ----------- ' ' 151.5 ! t-- ,.o, 'u� ; 98 50 143.5 iA i ' -x-wr a ,--.- 152.2 B i ---1- --A_ 1 -`'pry-----------=-1 I u, I U ; ---0- ry 19 - r Optiond Post Positions L----151_9 i 0 76152.4 0� 0� __ \\ Oil ---`' 00 ' -- ` 0� ; �y0' •;' . --------3 r -: 1--_-_, r h 15.8 "♦ .--_ f S_---»-•_ j 7c_ i - 3 ; «h + -r-�4 - n r t 1- ----- 1 O1 �;w A ------` , '`Q -'-, I I t --'' t 1 , i i I ? _ '% • ___`-___---_-J r»_---_-----__ ♦ D B + TeNPnnd 0 Post Position i i i i ~ i i ` , �, Middle School Site , A A e �-' B _ r-------`----_+ t r ' 1 � t t r 1 t 1 .i r t , 1 ! I. I I (Coated 20' rorad Flow) 18 i / 1 1 1 / , 1 1 1 / i� O % A O 24 2 t' 2 t; i i i 1 t; i i I , I 1 1 1 i i i 13 13 3 3 , 3 ♦" 1 (�.•: , n firer fobnc y,`'1 '`,� �� I ; I 86 ? I O ? ; ' 1® 1'` i J�_ 1 1"� ' ? �` ; ? • °tiej; t W. 152.2 , a 1 1 , , , , / 1 1 1$3.3 1 1 1 ,r 152.7 152 152. 7 1 77 I 152.6 152.8 -! ; i ; ? r_� , .� Q �- ! / ! --194_2 -- ' I Sif flow---t--� 0. ? ; , ? t---' / J '!= L'=---_' t_---- y ---- ! ' ' L__ --j`` I �'---_-j©� 1' p t _ --� ----, y 1525 1 •o 0 -- > s h ' - -- --n- .m♦' I 17 ' ,,t r------ ------- r-- -_ ' y'' �� �`r'°Y•`•`/- A " 1 `'` I • A ; 1 /1 ry' ; 152.8 war , I a --t ' - - �T --I Section ---------------,I 78 1 8.5 r - '15_---- ♦ aS _ �- I ?- - A ----y' •>`h0' ' 152fg ----f j - ---152_8 __� s ! �-m -� ` ., . _ . ry '`, _ i� - ^. k �, 6 --- lar Under the Cnntroct Unit Pike fa Stoked Sit Ferree_C09 ��• _ ' t`��6 0 ' 0 1 Nater Sit fence to De Patd (1 f% t 16 t r :'`----- -, r-_ - +, - T • r; -_---_ -a - ` ` _ - ' h,' ,4 ` rS A I , _A_ ; ,1.9•_______ , '-i / i __� ' i i 'r i __�• ___ '`" , , - a_:, _.d4 _t Ih _ F •,,` ``''�`. / / _ / = 1 t, I t- , t 'I t ) t 1; TFENCE >ry 153.1 t !' ,�- O I : t O i I I A t , A , , A ' i -- `A - ; ' A ti� / A 9L-� _� - ' i --- t -;�" I , �4 s 1 , A T YPE B L O T GRA D/NG TYPE Ill SIL �_ _r_ o o"�----- - �? 79 : - ; 84 1 c_ -- r;. _ 1 .s_. t i- 12 I 1 -.- - - ; ; "i---114 9ti`1' 1 ,s ' Ei -- 99 1 i 1 1 i 1 i 1 " r-- ------ 1• ' 153.3 153 7 , �. \• , �' 2 -' 11 -- ; , - 1.1 _ , NTS (� 1 1 1 1 1 1 I. 1� 1 � . 1 0 :' .O t C� • •� i Q153 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 ''" ._._-_- _-- 153.3 i I 153.4 ' 'Y -133 4 I 153.2 1 i 153. 1l - 753Q __ 152.8 t 152.5 ' 152.5 i I 153.6''` N. l0 1 A r '� >- =-' _- TS. ;(::I , ,--_--_-- �''-J L___-___ ' -/ 1 1530 1 1-- _ 1 •rte -y"�- 1 .1 , / 1 �` t _ Const. Erosion Contra! Device--; ------------; L_:: --=s- -}=---- ===i -� �_--------------- -- •_----__-_------. L_-------3 L----------- t ti g A 1 A A ----- e., Silt Fence) ;til y t___ ---- . ? 83 - i c i � �� - I 6 153 4 "J' ._-' "' 0 ry 9 k� fig. Jk ry9 :r •� �--- r-- A 1 4j1�1 5 .8 - p I 154.7 1 `'�.. I' r�- A - - ---- 0- ---- y- -- h o �• -- 1 , T 154.7 ; •O 4 ---� - ---- --- - ---==� --- --- - �,. SAMPLE CQMPUTABaV OF GRADING CONTROL LINE A -F FOR A LOr ON AN RESULIS USING 0.5X SIREET, WIN 30' SETBACK, 60' BUILDING DEPIH AND 2% SHALES 1X SHALES A Curb -top on lot-Gne oxtmAn at high lot comer A-8 Parkwoy stupe: 12' gross and wait of 1/4' / ft (2X1. . . . (O.J� (AJ7 B -C SbW Swale: Jo' gross . . . . . . . . . . . . C -D swde tum with fo'rod W fa' grass . . . . (a 61 (a41 (aJl (a2 D -E Front scale 40' gross at 1/4• / R. C -F Stile Swale 90' grass . . . . . . . . . (a8� (.8I (a43 (a9, T YPE 'C' L 0 T GRA DING N. T.S. ' tri__--------- /- --------- 1 1 / 1 S 1 14 ; - _ 1 ! A ; ; A ; ? A i ? A i A I �``• • 14 ? i A ? A A ? ? A A y♦ -- ---- --- 1 1 1 .re -- ; ____--------- r----�- ---, , '�' - I A i 1 1 / i I 1 I I I 1 , 1 1 `,�� 1 1 i A �: - / , `' ^ • r A - 1 ; 1 ` I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? ` 1 ? I 1 • �_"_- 7 - L___-___ ____J • • 1 ,i1 1 , i ' i 1 1 / T / 1 1 1 i 1 s 4&-, , -.. OI�� I 0(S-` 0� 1 1 10 1 111 11 �� ' a 1 1 1 1 1 1 153.2 ,, 81 82 i 10 I 155 0 l 1 136:5 _� . _ L -15E+. Q i? `� 155 � -`-+ ==-------= I - 1 4fJ ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 / .� -a__� 1 \ \ ♦ __-__-'• _. A i I 155.2 155.2 ' ` ;-_�� ' i L•______' :----__' 1 i ---- ' Z-----_' {{ ?:r j --- - -- - --;-- ♦'w I 1�? r ------- o 'r 'rS�-----i----- � 1!' _- ---- �S d-__� ' � ? � �� S d� 1 � �:? t `r 1��, t = 1 '! ' i ' A ON EROSION CONTROL NOTES Tract l (to be: ' UVI ? 1�;' ; .. . _'-.. ...._._ .. -: `._._ .. �. - . T•• _ 1509 stabilized & sodded) (� i__ --+ r Y Y d • -•• ' 1 JL Amb ,s' 1. All areas disturbed and not touched in thirty days shall ' ti D Streel be seeded and mulched. Const. "6' Conc. ' y • .. -., i. -.-ZI ; 6 - Sidewalk ' _ _ ,\g�; ry6 ry0 ��1 ; yJ j�' �6 aNO0 2. Contractor to provide control of airborne dust during t i ,� - r-�r---- -S ---�'` k-� -' �" -'�- --�' - rt- -a -- r , r' __+__ '1 -_ -`1 .i , 1`''' 1- ••.yyy �N i i i 1 / 1 / , 1 1 i 1 t construction as required. _ I C i yy i ;� i A I 1 A A== A ? A--- ' A ! A = A �� A`. i ;`- :� A I 1 != A i _I _ A s �' _ ,tr A 3 i A I!i = A ';; i A �'',- - ' , -_ ' _ i' 1 ♦ ` , i 1 ; ' O O t ' r r 18 ' . t ��' i 1 /� �► . _ -'� ! ' 7 --_ 12 --t -1 }- - 9- a= ; ? i;' ; i 8 : r 7 , 7 t i ? I I 155.6 155. ,� t 15 I 156.7 ; 155.7 i 155.7 ` - ' i ti' 3. All inlets shall be protected by hay bales. w,(a` .-' �' 154 ' -[ 1550 I I 155.1 55.3 I 155.4 ' _ t' T 156.0 I 1 - !! 154.5 1 154.6 I dr� ' ? r t i ? I r, v 1 r \, _-� ` 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ' I I 1 ; - 1 2 ; I i ,154.6 .1 154.1 1 153.4 1 1E - � � � '<''L8 .!-_ t_--_ ''__-__ -'I ''_____ J i._-__-_ '-l_-_--_� � � -" 1 ' .i ' °' �_ .i 'r___--- � L .i L---__ •"-1 .�`--_- 4. All sediment erosion control 'measures shown herein - - - 7� _ I ___--- N _ A rr ,r, >:� I _ ss aSs, s, f S� aS,r A3. = t 52• '�3`d-' 152 _! ' are the minimum required. Additional controls to be:, - ------ -- --- -- - - - - ---- ---------- -- - ----- -- - -- ------ - -- --- - -------------------- -------- `'� _ `� _--- --'"------- -'s - `'-- --"' ----- ---s --- ___ .- -_� utilized as needed. Inrin ,�. ♦ 153 - - - ---- - - _ - . I if O N CP ; O W t_L_1 m ' = O O to 31OHNVW W801S `�,`Jft,4 i to ` '` , 1 y; O ` , I A • = V N O X O I ' . ( 00 rn o 1' r J ,� -1•-� t,0 LO 00 O 14i 00 I II L_ -0 O . ' Const. 6' Brick Wall Q 'c: O O 1 ♦" Along McCormick Rd. -�-' o Op `� J (C)S3 and Tract "A" :3�' t4it o v Const. Left Turn lone 0 & Right Turn ^ Lane/Toper (to meet o o rn FDOT design Index) O'o 0 0 C ,) Tract "K" - Dedicated -1., Right -of -Way •� Q m (n 0 Connect Into Future Water s v & Forcemoln (Orange •� U -1- � County Utilities) o v ♦ e ` 4 4- malee Lane W w v o ti f (50' RAW) N I Q rn 00 Temporary Jumper Connection to Re -Use System Z A' I ' Q � 'Provide Lock Box Labelled "Orange County Utilities" 0- X v j With Key to Access Gate (to be built prior to acceptance by Orange County Utilities) (Final Lock ° ao 1 Box Design Shall be Submitted to Orange County 6 ( Utilities Prior to its Construction) Opticom System Shall be Provided for Proposed Gate for Emergency Access g_ ' _ ♦0 �'- - - ti ♦-y- - -,- - - - r -- (24 " " H " 20' Dra/na a Easement s 1, 30N3J 3NIM 90H Pave Ingram Road the Length of Zoning Ri-AA Zoning A -i g Tract "L" Zoning A-1 the Project to Meet City Code 6' Brick Wall (see detail) Const. Left Tum tone & DATE REVISION 10' Wall/Landscope Easement Right Tum Lane/roper (to meet FDOT Design index) Const. 5' Conc. Sidewalk 3/12/04 City / County Comments Provide Lock Box Labelled "Orange County Utlllties" Temporary Jumper Connection With Key to Access Gate (to be built prior to 7/6/04 City / County Comments to Re -Use System acceptance by Orange County Utlllties) (Final Lock g/10/04 County Comments Box Design Shall be Submitted to Orange County Utllitles Prior to Its Constructlon) 9/20/04 DRC Comments Opticom System Shall be Provided for Proposed Gate for Emergency Access �NOWNV war dare O v o O o � low v da% V 1 1 1 i♦ 1 1 x Tract "H" 1 1 !10' Wall/Londscope Easement 1 Const. 6' Brick Wall (see Detail) LEGEND i Existing Contours Const, 5' Conc. Lot Number 12 1 Sidewalk Direction of Flow r� 1 Existing Grade X79.3 Proposed Grade (_]� Proposed Pa vem en t 1 Storm Structure ■ ,r Sewer L aterol Double Sewer L a t. Water Service '- I Double Water Ser. Wcter Main 8" WM ScnitarSewer S Stormpipe I FgMV � ddM �4♦ Fire Hydron t Storm Inlet Con cre to ` I Plan & Profile Sheet # NAME CHECKED Soil Type JAS RAJ Gate ? olve X JAS RAJ Soils Boring + AB -1 JAS RAJ Water Blowoff Q JAS RAJ Conservation Line A. 100 Year Flood Oif 140.5 148.0 81 G. V \ / 2" Blo woff - I ase 3 ( 3 � i t OOCEA WR 41 L ............... 42 Tract A 43 37 !a 36 8" PVC 45 S0 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 � I 58 49 I 48 ' 47 ' t, Temp rary Jtuaper i •�� 46 ' ' _ �•_ ._._-- _ - - " ►' St - - - -- • ..r ection / Doubl etor C • ii ..w.w • eeek Val I - - mbly , 2" Blo off •� • 8" PVC r il' �� � � �'� _ `� moi► ��►' ��" �Q> �' �3ry �� �� i PVC I�r � WA m ®Z041W71141i ®-� m mrow„. Middle School Site LEGEND 77 Existing Contours Lot Number 12 Direction of Flow Existing Grade X9.3 PMposed Grade e ! Proposed Povement 17 ' . 8” PVC � ■ ' r_..' w r ' 'r '-r w • w-+-w--.r w--- �r-'- • w--• Water Service r ---w r--= w r -w Water Main 8" WM Sani tar Sewer I S I _street-----] Fire Hydrant 9-4 Storm Inlet j, - - Plan & Profile Sheet f 16 ' • CHECKED . � i 8" Tee • rrwlw JAS RAJ 80► PVC JAS RAJ Soils Boring +AE -1 JAS RAJ Water Blowoff I(TYP) , 99 JAS RAJ Conservation Line 11 116 11 114 11 a t I• ' ( I t ! ' 7 • ) ' 80 83 I1. � I ' ' 8" PVC ' I» 0 0 0 Water Service LILJ • . • 8" PVC " ._--- -- --r.�-- o _ - � rr-w—r _! --n r w---�._ r-- r - _ 8" G. V• I 8" PVC FH ( , ) .. .. .. .. ' FH 8" PVC 2" Blowoff .F -W •.r -- – I" PVC G. V. Blowoff DATE REVISION 3/12/04 City / County Comments 7/6/04 City / County Comments 9/10/04 County Comments 9/20/04 DRC Comments I I I I i I i I I I Exist. 24" DIP Water Main �8" G. V. Wet Tap into Exist, Water Main -malee Lane (s0' R/W) Note: 1. All water mains are 8" PVC (C900) unless otherwise noted. 2. All water and reuse water service laterals shall have a backflow preventer. O U N C� o - O 00 N O V �.•� 0 00 X11 00 C -o o C) 'C. O 0 4.j O O d- Uj �- zz x U) o c � c: -o 2 O o +' � Wo U Z N I— O o ao � � o •� Q (A O Y W 0) D Wv o N O WU coFW.. Cr` o0 00 p m Q� Dov 1 I I I I LEGEND Existing Contours Lot Number 12 Direction of Flow Existing Grade X9.3 PMposed Grade Proposed Povement Storm Structure ■ Sewer Lateral Double Sewer L a t. Water Service `— Double Wo ter Ser. C Water Main 8" WM Sani tar Sewer S Stormpipe Fire Hydrant 9-4 Storm Inlet j, Con cre to Plan & Profile Sheet f NAME CHECKED Soil Ty pe JAS RAJ Gate Valve D4 JAS RAJ Soils Boring +AE -1 JAS RAJ Water Blowoff Q JAS RAJ Conservation Line 100 Year Flood , FDEP Water Separation 14a5 (1) Horizontal Separation Between Underground Wates' Mains and Sanitary or Storm, Wastewater or Storm water Fore Mains, Reclaimed Water -Pipelines, and On -Site Sewage Tmatment and Disposal Systems (a) New orrelocaterl, underground water mains shall be laid to pmvide a horizontal distance ofat least three feet between the outside of the watermain and the outside ofany existing orproposed storm sewer, stormwater force maim orpipeline conveying reclaimed waW regulated under Pad Bl ofChapter 62-610, F.A.C. (b) New or nelocate4 underground water ma shall be kid to provide a harizontal distance ofat least tbree feet and preferably ten fee4 between the outside ofthe watermain and the outside ofanyexistrng orpmposed vacuum -type sanitary sewer. (c) New orrelocated, underground water ma shall be laid to provide a horizontal distance ofat least six feet; andpreferably Gen feet; between the outside of the watermain and the outside ofany existing orpnoposedgraW0A-orpressuro-type sanitary sewer, wastewater force main, orpipahne convoymgmclaimed waternotiegulated underPartRT of Chapter 62-610, FAC. Theminimum bmizontrl separation distance between water mains and gravity -type sanitary sewers shall be reduced to three feet where the bottom of the watermain is laid at least six inches above the top ofthe sewer. (d) New or zclocate4 underground water mains shall be laid to provide borzantal distance ofat least tern feet between the outside of the watermain andallparts ofany existing orpmposed "on-site sewage treatment and disposa/system"as deBbedin Section 381.0065(2), F.S., and Rule 64E-6002, F.A.C. (2) Vertical Separation Between Underground WaterMamsand SrriitayorStorm Sewers, Wastewater or Storm water Force Mains, and Reclaimed WaterPipelines (a) New orrelocated, underground water main crossing any existing orpmposed gravity -or -vacuum -type sanitarysewer or storm sewer shall be laid so the outside ofthe watermain is atleast sir inches, and preferably 12 inches, above or at least 12 incbes below the outside ofthe otherpipeline. However, it ispreferable to lay the watermain above the otherpipellne. (b) New orrelocated, underground water mains ennssing any existing orpmposed pressure-type sanitary sewer, wastewater or stormwater force main, orpipellne conveyingrcclanmed water shall be laid so the outside ofthe watermain is atleast 12 inches above or below the outside ofthe otherpipc ne. However, itispmIerable to lay the watermain above the otherpipehne. (c) At the utility crossing described in paragraphs (a) and (b) above, one full length ofwater main pipe shall be centered above or below the otherpipeline so the watermain joints are at least duce feet from all joints in vacuum -type sanitary sewers, storm sewers, stormwater force maing orpipehnesconveying reclaimed www regulated under PartlllofChapter 62-610, FA. C., and at least six feet from alljointsingravity-orpressure-typesamiarysewers, wastewaterforcemams, orpipehnesconvoymgmelaimed wat+er•not regulated underPartlll ofavpter 62-610, F.A.C. (3) Separation Between Water Mains and Sanitary or Storm SewerMaaboles (a) No water maia shall pass through, or come into contact with, anypart of sanitary sewer manhole. (b) Efiecdve August28, 2003, water ma shallnot be constructed or altered to pass through, or come into contact with, anypart ofa stozm sewermanhole or inlet structure Where itis not technicallyfeasmble or economicallysensible to comply with this requirment (i.e., where there is a conflict in the muting ofa watermairn and a storm sewer and where alternative muting ofthe watermain or the storm sewer is not technically feasible oris not economically sensible), the Department shall allow exceptions to this requirement (I e., the Department shall allow construe on ofcontliotmanholes), but suppliers of water orpersons proposing to construct conflict manholes mustfrrs' t obtain a specific permit from the Department in accordance with Part V of this chapter and must provide in the preliminary design mxnrt or drawings, specifications, and design data accompanying thefr permit application the following information; ' 1• Technical or economicjusdBoation far cad conflictmanhole. 2. Astatementidcnhfymgthepadyrospofimbleformamftmmgeaehcon&ctmanholc 3. Assurance ofcompliance with the design and construction requirements in sub -subparagraphs a through d below. a. Each watermaw passing through a conflict manhole shall have a flexible, watawobt joint on each side of the manhole to accommodate differential settling between the main and the manhole. b. Within each conflict manhole, the watermain passing through the manhole shall be installed in a watertight casing pipe having high impact strength (i e., having an impact strength at least equal to that of0.25-inch-thick ductile iron pipe). e Each conflict manhole shall bave an access opening, and shall be sized to allow for easy cleaning ofthe manhole. d Gratings shall be installed at all storm sowerinlets upstream ofeach conflict manhole to prevent large objects from entet ng the manhole. (4) Separation Between Fire HydrantDzains and Sanitary ofStorm Sewers, Wastewater or StormwaterForce Mains, Reclaimed Water Pipelines, and On Site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems New or relocated Src hydrants with underground drains shall be located so that the drains are atleast three feetfrom any existing orpmposed storm sewer, stmmwaterforce main, orpipchne conveyingmclaimed waternegulated underPartfll ofCAepter 62-610, F.A.C.; at least three feet; and preferably ten fee4 from any existing orpmposed vacuum type sanitary sewer, at least six feet, and preferably ten feet, from any existing orpre posed gravity -or pressure-t"wsanitarysewer, wastewater forcemaiq orpipc aeconveyimgreclamredwaternotrcgulatedunderPartllfofMapter 62-610, F.A.C.; and at least ten feet from any existing or proposed "on-site sewage treatment and disposal systatn"as defined in Section 381.0065(2), F.S., andRule 64E-6.002, FA.0 U OOCEA &MER 41 / Troct A 38 43 ase443 ' 37 I e R r m 61 1 VC 00) Florct Main m ir MoNgo" I FAAW�Q EVA, %§ OW6,05", " 7, VIAA Q'7 ---""_iAr.�.�.�.`�1-.r��►:.-ion-. �r 1 =! ® BD , mdhMANPhase I .• � lr m r • Middle School Site ■ I i I- - 78 85 "1 A. ee.17 , 16 I I ' • 79 84 I 99 2 2 12 2 119 1 11 116 1 114 1� r 15 I I • 80 ' • I � 1 I • � ��� '� � � '� � 110 111 11 74 • 81 82 � 10 � 137-11 .. .. .. Ij -------------- -- ---- I----- -- - - -- - ------ --- ---------- % ` Jr- ---------- ----- --------- - ----------------------- Ingram ----------------------- ----- ----------- -- --- -------- -- - ---- Ingra_ - - - - - - - -y-=- - - �•-- - - - - - (24 ------------------------------------- ----- ------------------------------------------- -- -------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------- Extend Son. Manhole Across Ingram DATE REVISION Road for Future Connection 3/12/04 City / County Comments 7/6/04 City / County Comments 9/10/04 County Comments 9/20/04 DRC Comments I I i Exist. 12" PVC Forcemain Wet Top into Exist. 12" PVC I Forcema)7 (with a horizontally installed plug valve abandoned in the open position and a vertically Installed gote volve) '�I'r_ malee Lane 50' R W I i O V N �� o I w C14 r' 00 O o O n 0 004 00 1 C O •t\ Q O O -F� 0 O � �LL- Z*Zx� tnoCU - V) C -0 0 4 v o Wo U L- N h - O •o o -C o Q) :3 •� Q m �V) o 0 0 w> �l0 v C- C) W U o N O p WU cow C� 00 �1 �m W �Z � ov W " J O Note: All Gravity Sewer Lines Shall be 8" PVC (SOR 35) Unless Otherwise Noted. LEGEND Existing Contours ,•j1��__ �' Lot Number 12 Direction of Flow Exis tin q Grade XI9.3 Proposed Grade Proposed Pavement Storm Structure ■ Sewer L sterol Double Sewer Lot. --� Water Service '— Double Water Ser. '— Water Main 8" WM Sonitar Sewer S Stormpip e Fire H dron t * Storm Inlet Concrete : a: Plan & Profile Sheet # NAME CHECKED Soil Type JAS RAJ Gate Valve D4 JAS RAJ Soils Boring +AB -1 JAS RAJ Water Blowoff Q JAS RAJ Conservation Line 100 Year Flood Ok SANPICE COLIPUTAIION OF GRADING CG14M. LVE A -F FAR A LOT ON AN a5X S7R££T, WN 30' SMACK 60' BUILaNC DEPIN AND 2X SWALES RESULTS MG 1X SWALES Curb-topt-Ane extension of h kf caner A-8 Pa:Iy skpa 12' grass and walk o�/4• / 1L (2X1. (017 (0.21 B -C Side sro/e 90 gross . . . . . . . . . . . 1X SWAIES (0.97 C -D Swale tum with to;%&us 16' gross.. . . . . . . . . (Q41 (0.2 D -E Rear swde: 35' gross of 1/4•/ R.. . . . (Q6) (a3) (0.1 E -F Pratectne rear skpe up bom nigh -pont of sroke (a) (QJ) Sub-foto/ A -D From curb -too to ground of roar buidng wall . . . B -C Lot depth of swde groda. . . . . . . . . . voras ,arias Sub -told A -F from curb -top to grauad of rear burldng wall. . . . (21) { X48.6 � ' Molmwn rbe b"am curb -tap to slab 6ocw . . . . . . . . . . (38) (22) T YPE 'A' L 0 T GRADING N. T.S gyp` �4'�♦'• 9�p` 0`py ----------- Ile ------------------- ' • y ,,`` may♦. p` ,1 9d rV O h I � ' w w�------------------ - -_-_------- - f4� � _ S00027'46'E 822,86' --------------------------- t t I T YPE 'B' L 0 T GRADING N. T.S. SAMPLE CONPUTA170N OF OR ONO CONTROL. LINE A -F FAR A LOT AN AN D.5X S7REET, WN V' SE784M 60' BUILDVG DEPIN AND 2X SWALES RfSUL IS US/NC 1X SWALES A A -B SIMPLE C WPUTAn0N OF GRADNO GAMBOL. LINE A -F FOR A LOT ON AN RESULIS U&NC 0.5X SNar,, WM 30' SE7B4% 60' BU4UNC DEPTH AND 2X SWALES 1X SWAIES A Curb -top oA lot -Ina exfenskln of high lot roma A -B Parkway slope.• 12' grass and walk of 1/4' /ft. (2V (0.31 (Q21 B -C Side 1 90' grins . . . . C -D Protective 1, gr . . . . . . . (1.81 (Q51 (Q91 (Q7 D-£ Side swaI& 30' gross . . . . . . . . . . (Q6) (QJ) Sub-foto/ A -D From curb -too to ground of roar buidng wall . . . (267 (L67 01mum r/se from curb -too to slob floor. . . . . . . . . . . (3 f) (21) T YPE 'B' L 0 T GRADING N. T.S. SAMPLE CONPUTA170N OF OR ONO CONTROL. LINE A -F FAR A LOT AN AN D.5X S7REET, WN V' SE784M 60' BUILDVG DEPIN AND 2X SWALES RfSUL IS US/NC 1X SWALES A A -B Curb -top on lot -Ina extemk„ of high lot caner Parkway sfope: 12' grass and walk of 114"1 ft, (2* . . . (0.3) (QJ1 B -C C-0 SA*swam: JO' grass . . . . . . . . . . . . Swale tum with 10' radirx 16' gross . . . . . . . . (0.6� (0.41 (QJl (Q21 D -E Front swda 40' gross of 1/4• / 1t. (QB (a41 C -F Side swot 90' gross . . . . . . . • . . (1.8� (a9) T YPE 'C' L 0 T GRADING ATS. G7 17 1---------------- ----------I r----------� ;-- `\ --------- --------- -- ------------- y , I I ,-------------- I b�� { i �"` i •p"`` i A i= A -------------; 1 ; 1 1 a 39 40 i B 1 1 I I 1 I I I 1 ° ' I I _ ' 1 1 1 1-------------' r---------------� ; , ; { L----------' ; { 148.1 ! ; r48.1 ! t 41 'I. ..--------- 1 r--------------- '----------_•' i '---»-----r ' 1 jf I � 1 • • - --- _ 4 '---------------I j 6" i `---------------------------------------------------- -. {------------= I B ->;- I / ; -- r--------------- L '-- `--------------- dill I �;-------- - = 1 ; ; A: ; ----- Q ' i---------------) 0`5 j . 148 ; 'a • 1 N-' 43 ;•p !a . �--------------- -- - 1 ''` 1 I 37 y° `-- 8 --' is Vol -------- - t,"; °,. i'-- 44 ;� \ - `-- I. - - - - -_ 4 . , 1 `� ' --- --------- - m , 148.7 , - - '--- ' R -- 1 r----- - � , �__--, , • ; 149. �,. \k-.-} -------- l j ; -"--_ _A �'�- \/%"-- 48 i 148.7 a , C I ---� ; 35 47 \ t Z------, r°---- '--------------------�---------- ------ { c F 41' --------------------------- i k60 r _----�k6o -'M«»_« kk6o _ --�k60 52 s O e 53 i~ �, 54 i 55 _ �-•�- 57 -; �' ; 58 -'' � `50 40� I � � � i 149.0 ! � ' t 149 � fiAB 7 t i- 148.6 { X48.6 � ' ; 148.4 w 149.0 - --- ---- I ----- ' 8. 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I A'' yh r� ; A 3 t 1-'' ; °; I t 11 It --------- _ 12 `t -1 r- -� _i-- -10- -1 --� _T Q- - 154.3 a- 155.0 155.1 55.3 t 155.4 I 18�it ii 55. t` 156.0 ; f I ` /� 156 - ; 156.7 155.7 1 I 155.7 ; 1 .2 154.6 154.1 r 154.6 _t _i_�! ; { i 0 ; �tk NI IIVN N =135---------3 ! ? 1 I DI -s - N c1b. C5 EE � Iwt.t (L o V) 1 b� ,d i m(A_M O N 0�4 U _J ,IZ� ( O X 00 IN. O) O 1 if )� 00II 00 I !� O (� 'L O _WO ' 4 OO J 16,`1 5 `` a Y to o C L2t" 1 -0 O ' O L_ N F- O .o o \ 6 1 ,I N m LLJ C C- v CYC `r ° U N OO U O w\ N ti ww a 0)m o 00 , r d pU t , SA ; 1 1 ' , I I 1 SA ! I 1 { I, ; 1 1 I 1 1 SS , , , O , I O 'Co 2W -----4'�-�` ------ - ---d'4 ------------ - *r°G---------------<i�------------- --'t�' `-------- - ----4+----------- - ---�'--------�L------FT �C=----------------------------�---►-= `\ DATE REVISION 3/12/04 City / County Comments 7/6/04 City / County Comments 9/10/04 County Comments 9/20/04 DRC Comments 1 r ` I 1 , i 1 1 I I 1 I I 4� II 1 1 LEGEND Existing Contours L o t Numb er 12 Direction of Flow .I Existing Grade x79.3 Proposed Grade .4' Proposed Pavement Storm Structure ■ • Sewer L ateral Double Sewer Lot., Fn .0 Lo Water Service I I Z � rn Double Water Ser. 023i Water Main 8" WM I � Sanitary Sewer S Storm i e 1 . 4� ( Fire Hydron t'" Storm Inlet Concrete a I Plan & Profile Sheet # NAME CHECKED Soil Typ e JAS RAJ Gate Valve D4 JAS RAJ Soils Sorin +A8-1 JAS RAJ Water Blowoff Q JAS RAJ Conservation Line 100 Year Flood waiOF= -TTT ■wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww��wwwwwwwwwwww.�..w....�.�_..--_----_---_-���wwwwww�ti��i��� II �■ 1■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■w���w�����■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■11■■�■1111■ ■■■/ G1:7■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/■1■moi.%111■ DATE I REVISION I NAME MOMEME■ Emmomm1 Lff issu!! sommo m somilm s smoking O■OKO M /MOM ■ U B'>MN! It Sol ommmmom NNI N EMMMMM-w! NNI! NNI•MMEN DATE i a l*,m,IS1_'1/. ON 6. The existing atilibes have been Treiar verities _ _ TYPICAL PA VEMENT WIDENING SEC TIC I. TIIft7a �. �_._w tire.MW. w - CHECKED BY: DATE RAJ 8/5/03 9 41V HO V Z 4 in N Const. 75 LF 24" RCP 0 2.78' --- .o - O G� Const 'J-7" Manhole Top 150. 0 . Inv. 145.59 JG' V� Const. Conc, Mitered End Section w/ 5'x5' Conc. Splash Pad Inv. 143.50 0 "e. \ 0 0 Const. Type "D" Inlet (Emergency Outfoll Structure) Top 149.10 Inv. 142.99 CO Const. Vertical Impervious Barrier (as per Yovaish Engineering Sciences Seepage Analysis Report Dated January 13, 2004) X , , , 00 X , � K X i \ 1 5 ,c 1 1 P r Const, Conc Mitered End Section w/ 5'x5' Conc. Splash PO '+ Inv. 143.50 Const. 50 LF 24" RCP ®2.38. Cb Const. "J-7" Manhole Top 150.0 (D O l Inv. 144.69 G �O C\l J ' See Sheet 11 I MAINTENANCE BERM 10' 2' TRENCH I` --j COMPACTED FILL EI,..14 r 4 1: DRY BOTTOM POND ELEVATION VARIES --.....: ;:::%;::::rte+'S+i+ el. "A" 2—LAYERS OF 6 MIL GEOMEMBRANE (P.V.C, POLYETHYLENE OR H.D.P.E) OR CLAY CORE ALTERNATIVE TYPICAL CROSS—SECTION VERTICAL IMPERVIOUS BARRIER POND A NOT TO SCALE Design High Water (100)r. 24hr.) Elevation 143.02 V Sodded Srdeslope J f. Seed dr Muleh Berra 5 Bottom £levahcw 143.50 TYPICAL POND 'B' SECTION Mrs. Design High Water (100.r: 24hr.) Elevation 144.65 v sodded Skteslape J t Seed � Mulch —\ Bim' 5 Bottom —Elevation Yanks 139.5-140.5 TYPICAL POND 'A' SECTION • t0' Maintenance Berm Sodded Berm Top o/ Bank Elevation 150.00 EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION VARIES to, I'Nointtwoncee FZ I � Sodded Berm Top o/ Bonk Elevation 146.00 1 L 4 DATE POND A POND A DESCRIPTION SECTION 1 SECTION 2 el. 'A" +139 +135 MAINTENANCE BERM 10' 2' TRENCH I` --j COMPACTED FILL EI,..14 r 4 1: DRY BOTTOM POND ELEVATION VARIES --.....: ;:::%;::::rte+'S+i+ el. "A" 2—LAYERS OF 6 MIL GEOMEMBRANE (P.V.C, POLYETHYLENE OR H.D.P.E) OR CLAY CORE ALTERNATIVE TYPICAL CROSS—SECTION VERTICAL IMPERVIOUS BARRIER POND A NOT TO SCALE Design High Water (100)r. 24hr.) Elevation 143.02 V Sodded Srdeslope J f. Seed dr Muleh Berra 5 Bottom £levahcw 143.50 TYPICAL POND 'B' SECTION Mrs. Design High Water (100.r: 24hr.) Elevation 144.65 v sodded Skteslape J t Seed � Mulch —\ Bim' 5 Bottom —Elevation Yanks 139.5-140.5 TYPICAL POND 'A' SECTION • t0' Maintenance Berm Sodded Berm Top o/ Bank Elevation 150.00 EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION VARIES to, I'Nointtwoncee FZ I � Sodded Berm Top o/ Bonk Elevation 146.00 1 L 4 DATE REVISION NAME CHECKED Pon d DetG#S McCo/r mic/'t//Wo o ds June Engineering Consultants, Inc. JE 232 S. Dillard Street, Suite 201 Winter Garden, FL. 34787 C Certificate of Authorization #00008507 Ph. 407-905-8180 Fax 407-905-6232 JOB NO. 99 0335 9/10/04 County Comments JAS RAJ SHEET I j OF 20 9/20/04 DRC Comments JAS RAJ DRAWN BY: DATE CHECKED BY: DATE SCALE CLK 10/9/03 RA 10/9/03 1" = 50' I - ----- --------- - ............ - - ---- --- GENERAL NOTES I Inlet 1, The finished grade and slope of the inlet tops are to conform with the finished cross Fillet Each Back Comer (Inlet Top Type 6 slope and grade of the proposed sidewalk and/or parkway. Required When Round Symmetrical About 1) 2'-0' i'-6" 10)' Bottom Or Riser U ' 2. When inlets are to be constructed on a curve, refer to the plans to determine the radius No. 5 Bars Q 12` I A and, where necessary, modify the inlet details accordingly. Bend steel when necessary. Q 5' Ctrs. 7" 6" 6" 6" No. 4 Top Bars (Provide Horiz. No. 4 Bottom Bar 14 0 6" o.o.��" P 3. All reinforcing steel shall havio' minimum cover unless otherwise shown. inlet tops shall Hook On Throat 6` 6` 6" Slope To Match Adjacent Curb With 2" Top Radius 15 0 5" O.C. t = be either cast -in-place or precast concrete. End Of Top Bar I I1 And 3' Bottom ChofnferljFr Radius o Normal 6• � 9` i 4. Precasting of this inlet top will be permitted. Precast units shall conform to the dimensions -= ' © -•� �-1}= I"� Gutter B — `4 shown or in accordance with approved shop drawings. Request for shop drawing approval ^ I Llne i N shall be directed to the State Drainage Engineer. 1 �� 5. Concrete meeting the requirements of A.S.LM. C 478 (4,000 P.S.I.) may be used in lieu Z ro I I �� I M Inlet Glotiarxd Post Positions 8�' 1 of Close - concrete for precast units, manufactured in planta which are under the Standard Q I Operating Procedures for the inspection of precast drainage products. c a _ C � 0 1 , �__� I 8. The comer fillets shown for rectangular throats are necessary only when throats are to be Post tions 2' x 4' or o ®6"Ctrs t-�-..I Lw P ( M— 1 used in conjunction with circular inlet bottoms or when used on skew with rectangular 2 112- in, Dia Wood Steel T1Prficl le Post Posltkn m E aro Q inlet boxes. 6 Maz pp US a.o a i,�-Comer Fillet (See Note 6.) A 7, For inlet bottoms see Index No. 200. 1,33 Lbs/Ft. Mtn.) (Canted 20' Toward Flor) z — �_ 3" 6" 5'-0" 16-1. S-6" 6" 3" F711er Falirk (M S, I Conformance With n Fuer Fabric - • c -' .o No. O 6" Ctrs. Horiz. » 4Sec. 9B5 FOOT i I o € m o J �_ 10 -6 8, These inlet tops are designed for use with standard curb and gutter Type E and Type F. • ) " J'Chomfe » No. 4 0 8" Ctrs. Vert. Locate outside of pedestrian crosswalk where practical. a = _ o. 4 Dlag. Bars 3 -6 6 g = `�� Sr7t Floc o r 6" TOP VIEW --�- aT 9. See Index 201 for supplemental details. •� roI Sidewalk-1Inlet Box Or Rise �I 10. All steel used for frame and cover shall meet the requirements of ASTM A-36. (Steel Cover Shown) Ditch Ditch To Be Pold For Umita Of Inlet Construction To Be Paid For 11, Either east iron covers or steel covers may be used. Iron covers shall be Class No. 30 Elevation Section �� ® O --_— SECTION AA As Curb de Gutt = ' As Curb de Gutter castings in accordance with ASTM A-48, F.L. Of Gutter 12. When Alternate "G" Cover is specified In pians either the cost Iron cover Apron Curb &Gutter 1'-B" o 10" .o and galvanized steel frame or the the galvanized steel cover and frame must molllul�I�I� curb dt Gutter �II�IIImii--_----- — � 1 be used. Covers are to be grouted in accordance with the grouting detail shown on sheet 2 of 2, in lieu of tack welding. o I 13. Inlet to be paid for under the contract unit price for Inlets (Curb)gType ), Partial Inlet Completed Inlet Ditch Bottom Inlet Each, 3'-0" 8'-0" 2'-6` 3'-0" Note Silt Fence to be Paid for Under the Contract Unit Price for Staked Silt Fence (LF). Gutter Tronaitio Gutter Tronait(on Protection Around Inlets or Similar Structures SECTION BB TYPE N SIL T FENCE (Curb inlet Tap Type 6 Symmetrical With Left Half) INLET TYPE 5 N. T,S .2" V-3" 9" _ Tjpe A or B Fence Note: Bales to be Stacked at the j l L.}. lNo. a top Bottom s Direction of the Engineer. Intermediate Bar // J 0 5 Bars r' I I. No. 4 i ottom Bors ®5" Ctrs. (Discontinued When Loose Sora Placed by Shovel and Space Between Adjacent T! Lightly Compacted Along Upstream ThaLongitudinal8Centers) Closer Face of Bales SECTION PP Bales Backed by Fence +' +'-6» OD TOP MODIFICA11ON FOR TYPE E CURB No Placement of Material, Machinery, Temporary Soil I I Thea. atter a, Grad Deposits or Additional Fill or Asphalt Pavement for Drip Line I 1 Vehicular Circulation Shall be Placed any Closer to any Tree Than The Drip Line, No Attachments of Wires ( �� Except Protective Guide r1res Shall be Attached to any Tree. no Change of Grade More or Less Than 6 Inches May be Made Within the Drip Line of a Tree Unless 2 x 4 Fence SECTION Qa Shown on the Approved Site Development Plan. SKETCHS SHOWING FRAME SEAT AND THROAT RECESS Orange Plastic Mesh Fencing At Time of Construction (Per F. D.O.T. Index No. 102) E T/ON EROSION! RO TEC TION DE TAILS CURB INLET TOPS T YPICAL TREE PRO T C TYPES S&6 N. T.S. N. T.S. IVinyl Sheathed EAW Steel Cable 11111110 I (9800 Lbs. Breaking Strength) With Galvanized Connectors (Tool Free Disconnect) Closed Cell Solid Plastic Foam " Slotted PVC Connector Pipe Flotation (6" Dia. Equiv.) (12 Lbs. (Metal Collar Reinforced) Per Ft Cell olid Plastic Foam Per Ft. Buoyancy) Post (Options: 2" x 4 Or °• Flotation (8" Dia. Equiv.) (17 Ibe. 2}" Min. Die. Wood; Steel 6' Max. 1.33 Lbs/Ft. Min.) j Polypro Rope 18 Oz. PVC Fabric(300 psi Test) Reinforced ' C (600 Ib. Breakin ('18 Oz. Nylon Reinforced c 18 Oz. Nylon Reinforced Strength) PVC Fabric (300 psi Test PVC Fabric (300 psi $ y Stress PlateGolvanized Chain Test) With Lacing Grommet �} Galvanized Cho J � Volleyball Court Const. Handicap Space Const. 55 LF 4" PVC _ TYPE . yb TYPE NN Striping & Signage (SDR35) 0 0.5090 o a -5' Std. (Single Panel For Depths h or Less). Cr � D2=5' Std. each (Additional Panel For Depths 5'). Curtain To Reach Bottom Up To Depths of to Feet, STAKED TURBIDITY BARRIER Two(2) Panels To Be Used For Depths Greater Than 10 Feet Unless Special Depth Curtains SPecificoily Coiled For In The Plans Or As Determined By The Engineer. NOTICE: COMPONENTS OF TYPES - AND •••- MAY BE SIMILAR OR IDENTICAL Const. 6' ode, 6" j- a TO PROPRIETARY DESIGNS. ANY INFRINGEMENT ON THE PROPRIETARY Thick Conc. Sidewalk RIGHTS OF THE DESIGNER SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER. SUBSTITUTIONS FOR TYPES - AND N- SHALL BE AS 25' APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. t- FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERS 1000 sf Enclosed co , Community Meeting GENERAL NOTES LEGEND barriers ROOM f0' 3' 12' 5' 12' ,�pO o • Pile Locations 1 contract unit id ice for Rootin to be Tu biditidBarrier,under LF the do 1' ~~ Proposed Toe Of Slope P g y 0 +�'B• N f 1 s ® Dredge Or Fill Area 2. Staked turbidity barriers are to be paid for under the contract 148' o F Const. Asphalt 11 ++ 1 c unit price for Staked Turbidity Barrier, LF. t� t � � -•t Mooing Buoy w/Anchor x1stinCousewoy l� _ —+ Anchor 8' 9' 9' �. w <=> Brier Movement Due To Current Action .r. Shore Line god q, o� �9,typical mF Const. 4" Solid White Shore Line Limits Of Const. Striping / / • • i • • Current Shore line Tot Lot Picnic Const. 1" PVC (Seh40) Limits or cane Water Service Line / Table / �• ,1r� 'Structure Alignment Turbidity Ile / • • I • i Barriers / / • . .'. Note: a / / / we " NOTES - C14 Turbidity barriers for flowing streams and tidal / a • / / •' :•". •� 1. Turbidity barriers are to be used in ail permanent bodies of water regardless of water depth. creeks may be either floating, or staked types / or any combinations of types that will suit site N / / ' " '. conditions and meet erosion control and water 2. Number and spacing of anchors dependent on current velocities. N / g / , • ... 9 P quality requirements. The barrier type(s) will be at the Contractors option unless otherwise / •A, 3. Deployment of barrier around pile locations may vary to accommodate construction operations. N / / ?" , specified in the plans, however payment will �; . N / 4. Navigation may, require segmenting barrier during construction operations. plans under the pay Item(s) established a in the pians fa~ Floating Turbidity Barrier and/or e.`..'. :"• ' 5. For additional information see Section 104 of the Standard Specifications. Staked Turbidity Bonier. Posts in staked W / / ,d '• turbidity barriers to be installed to vertical / `• position unless otherwise directed by the ' '� ..• ' Engineer. M / ; ° •� .'t .�.: �; •• TURBIDITY BARRIER APPLICATIONS C9 Swing Set M/ ° ••,�• /// c �( / DATE REVISION NAME CHECKED JOB N0. • June Engineering Consultants, Inc. 99 0335 J M / r ( / 9/20/04 DRC Comments JAS RAJ Site Detcils 232 S. Dillard Street, Suite 201 Vinter Garden, FL. 34787 CCertificate of Authorization #00008507 SHEET fn .t1 Ph. 407-905-8180 Fax 407-905-6232 PARK SITE PLAN Mc Corm icl� Woods DRAWN BY: DATE CHECKED BY: DATE SCALE 15 CLK 2/2%1 RAJ 2/2%1 As Noted OF 2 0 1" = 20' 0 96 U V TO M ?r! M t0 c� N T_ 3 v M M O M 0 M O N M Cl) in O U 16 U 0 CROWN TRENCH IN TRENCH WIDTH VARIES UNIMPROVED AREAS TRENCH WIDTH VARIES W/ SIZE OF PIPE CROWN TRENCH IN j3" MIN,) (SEE TYPE B W/ SIZE OF PIPE UNIMPROjVED AREAS BEDDING AND TRENCHING • (SEE NOTE 8) DETAIL TWN) HER FINISHED GRADE FINISHED GRADE •, • . • : ' , , . • • • , • ; SEE NOTE.' E 4 Sad SEE NOTE W 2 .4 z SOd Ir ! 1 Beveled Or Round Comers L l' I Beveled Gr Round Corners COMMON FILL COMMON FILL I 12' (71P z ^ e4 12" (TYP.) ° \ , SELECT �, SELECT c� . COMMON W o COMMON 8 W it • -i - - FILL m Z SELECT COMMON FILL UNDISTURBED FILL m W W W �j EARTH a � BEDDMG ROCK `� o � a ° c u ° 1O'�' SEE NOTE 3) PIPE BEDDING 3LL 3 (SEE NOTE 8 & 9) A * UNDISTURBED EARTH NOTES NOTES: 1. PIPE BEDDING• SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 959 OF THE 1. PIPE BEDDING: SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95X OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. =.- 2. TRENCH BACKFILL: COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 959 OF THE 2. TRENCH BACKFILL: COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 952 OF THE\+ MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHM T-180. Concrete Slab. 3' Or 5j' Thick, 0 3. PIPE BEDDING U17LIZING SELECT COMMON FILL OR BEDDING ROCK IN 3. USE TYPE A BEDDING TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AS DIRECTED Reinforced with WWF 64-1141.4M.4`" Sod ACCORDANCE WITH TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL MAY BE BY THE COUNTY. ° REQUIRED AS DIRECTED BY THE COUNTY, 4, (*): 15' MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24', AND 24' MAX. 4. (*): 15" MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24-, AND 24" MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24" AND LARGER. S' Soy TOP VIEW -SINGLE PIPE FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24" AND LARGER, 5, WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION, 5. WA7ER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONS7RUCT70N 6. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE 6. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WTH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. °ezri pores dee A DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. 7. REFER TO SECTION 32.5 OF THE MANUAL FOR SHEETING AND BRACING 7. REFER TO SEC71ON 32.5 OF THE MANUAL FOR SHEETING AND BRACING IN EXCAVATIONS, 3' Or 5Li' IN EXCAVA7)ONS 8. GRAVITY SEWERS SHALL UTILIZE TYPE A BEDDING, IF REQUIRED BY THE Deepen Around Dutsidq ,` i ��' 8. FINAL RESTORATION IN IMPROVED AREAS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH Edge Of Pipe For 5 $I * •., COUNTY. BEDDING DEPTH SHALL BE 4" MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS ;, or 2,, B Concrete Slab, 3" Or 54" Thick,1. ;o �S� ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF GOVERNING AGENCIES. SURFACE THAN 15 AND 6' MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER 16" AND LARGER. "^ ' ALL APPLICABLE A WJIN/N ORANGE COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL COMPLY WITH 9. DEPTH FOR REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL GOVERN DEPTH OFRESTOp Reinforced with WWF 6x6-W1.4xwt.4 REQUIREMENTS OF RIGHT-OF-WAY UTILIZATION RECULA77ONS AND ROAD BEDDING ROCK BELOW THE PIPE. COUNTY SHALL DETERMINE IN THE Concrete CONS7RUC77ON SPECIFICATIONS. FIELD REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL TO REACH ° SUITABLE FOUNDATION. Pipe Connector TOP VIEW -MULTIPLE PIPE Saddle -,e * Side Ditch Grode �Ot,GS 2 TYPE B BEDDING AND TRENCH/NG DE TA /L T YPE A BEDDING A ND TRENCHING DE TA /L 2' Not Less Than D *4 �r to MOTET See sheet 6 for details and noses. No Pipe Joint y The 6" 5' Sod Unless Approved 8 The E lneer N. T.S. E *Slopes Al Miterr To f Pipe For Pipes /8' And Smaller, N. rS. Paid For As PJpe Culvert F (Pipe To Be lnohxled Under Unit Price For Mitered End Section) 2d For Pipes 24" And Larger. 2d Mtten To f Pipe For Pipes l8' And Smaller. SECT/ON hl For Pipes 24' And Larger. 1 U11e Watcr Sepatalion (1) Horizontal Separation Between Underground Water Maus and Sanitary or Start. Wastewater or Stomrvater Force Mains. Reclaimed WaterPipelinsa and On -Site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems. (a) New w relocated, undergmund watur mams :dial! ho laid to provide a hamrc(mtal distance of at least thtcc Icul NAwcan'Im owtsido of the wwir main and the ouWdc of any existing wpruptimd al(at scwar st(mnwatur f(m:e main, 1w Pipeline amvcying nxlaim(xi waurrcgmlahxl under Part IIT of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C. (b) New or relocated, underground water mains shall be laid to provide a horizontal distance of at least three feet and preferably ten feet, between the onside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed vacuum -type sanitary sewer. PRECAST TEE (c) New w rel(xauxl, underground water maims shall ho Laid w provide a hnriz(mtal distance of at lewd six feet. and Taed(rahly umfc co, between the outside of the water main and the outside or any existing or proposed gravity -or pressure-type sanitary sewer. wastewi ter forte main, or MANHOLE ° ' .° INFLUENT SEWER pipeline conveying reclaimed water not regulated underpart iII of chapter 62.610, FAC. The minimum horizontal sepaution. distance between watermains and gravity -type sanitary Sewers shall be reduced to three feet where the bottom of the water main ' laid at least six inches WALL - (SEE NOTE 2) � above the top of the sewer. (d) New (mrelueauxLunfkagrmundwatermsims:�hallhclaid topmvi(kh(a�umtaldidanceofslleast Unfeet between oubrideafthowat(= °• '� CONCRETE ENCASEMENT main and all parts of any enlisting or proposed "on-site sewage treatment and disposal system" as defined in Sexiim 381.0(165(2), F.S., and Rule Bas 6.00z,F•Ac• ser( OF VERTICAL PIPE (2) Vertical S(paration lielweem t faderground Wat r Mains and Sanitary or Sham. Sewers, WaALwate=au-%unnwat(r i'( • ' Mains, and INLET ��� WaterPip�ine� TROWEL-FlMSHED CONNECTION •� • • I ;:. DROP PIPE (a) New or relocated, underground water main scrossing any existing orproposed gravity-or-vacuum-typew3itarysewer i stotmsewershall CONCRETE BENCHING AS REQUIRED .• (SEE NOTE 1) he laid so the outside of the water main is at least sir inches, and prefcrahly 12 inches: above or at least 12 inches below the (artside of the other pipeline. HowTvcr, it is preferable to lay 10 the water main above the odor pipeline. 2n pipeline. Ncw w rel(x ataxl, underground water mumu eaepasing any cxisiing (a Prupuscxl pn swrrc-type sanitary sew err, wadewat w summwater Tum CONCRETE BASE SEE MANHOLE • • t METALLIC LOCATING WIRE main, or pipeline conveying reclaimed water shall be Laid so the outside of the water main is at least 12 inches above or ow the outside of the CONNECTION 9O BEND other pipeline. however, it is preferable to lay the water main above the other pipeline. FINISHED GRADE 0.0 1 DETAILS ' '• •: (c) At the utility croming described in paragraphs (a) and (b) alcove one fulllength od`watermaim pipe shall be cemtetcd shove or below the other pipeline so the water main joints are at least three feet from allJoints in vacuum -type sanitary sewers, storm Sewers, ktomtwatar force MANHOLE STANDARD DROP DETAIL main.+, or PiPelines e(mvcying xcalainied water regulated under D'art 111 of ChalA r 62-610,1�.A.C., and at le ast six fexiflrreaa�ri all joints in I gravity -or pressmAype sanitary sewers, wastewater force mains, or pipelines conveying redaime d water not regulated ur der Part ITT of Chapter i' MAX. D 5 62-610, F.A.C. (3) Separation Between Water Mains and Sanitary, or Stamm Sewer Manhole. (a) No wdet main shall pass threwgh, or come inul c(mlact with, any Part (f a sanitary : *w 111anh(dc. (b) Effective August 29, 2003, water mains shall not be constructed or altered to pass through, or come into comma with, any part of a storm PVC WATER MAIN sewer manhole or inlet structure. Where B is not technically feastble or economically sensible to comply with this regmir (i.e., where their OR FORCE MAIN is a cau ict in the routing cf a water main and a start sewer and where alternative routing of the water main or the stomt sewer is not � PRECAST technically fewtible w is not economically 4ew ihle). the Department :shall allow excepb(rns to this requirerne nt (i.e., the D)�faatment shall allow MANHOLE FRAME &COVER MANHOLE .; PRECAST dim.•dructiom of conflict mamholaij but:mpPliea:s of water w perms pmp>.sing art awmoaruct aamtlict manholes must first o •' a spaxtiGc Pa nit MEIAWC LOCATING WIRE SET COVERS FLUSH IN (SEE STANDARD DETAIL) STAIN LESS STEEL from the Department in accordance with Part V of this chapter and must provide in the preliminary design repel or dra gs speciticatiom% and 1 MAX. � PAVED AREAS & AT FRAMES BEDDED IN MORTAR WALL :. BAND MANHOLE design data accompanying their permit application the following imfotmation: ELEVATIIONS SHOWN IN 1. 1'echnica! or economic justification foresuch cori8iexmanholc. T-- UNPAVED AREAS. ° WALL 1 2 COURSES OF BRICK MIN. Astaumemtidentifying the party resp(msiblefor maintaining each conflict manhulm (MAX.)2. 3. Assurance of compliance with the design and construction requirements in sub -subparagraphs a. through d. below. shall 1'-6" MIN. N 4 COURSES M a. Each water main passing through a conflict manhole all have a flexible, watertight joint on each side of the manhole to accommodate 33 0' MAX.MAX• 41 diti'cromtial settling between the main and the manhole , Y YA 5" -0" PVC CAST IN-PLACE ' h. Within each conflict manhole, the water main passing through the manhole shall be installed in a watertight casing Pipe laving high impact SEAL > 15 DIA PVC :drength (i.e., having an impwA drength at leant equal lothat of 0.25•inch4 hick ductile ism pipe). EPDXY COAL TAR COATINGS INSIDE Ww OUTSIDE amu• _ STAINLESS STEEL c. Each conflict manhole shall have an access opening, and shall be sand, to allow for easy cleaning of the manhole. b a' 4 ' • • PER SPECIFICATIONS 4'-0" 5" MIN.INER�Acts a PIPE CLAMP d. Gratings shall be installed at all storm sewer inlets upstream of each conflict manhole to prevent large objects fimr.ertteiing the manhole. (4) Separation Betwom lire Hydrant Drains and Sanitary of Stott Sewers, Wastewater or Stomtwater!force Maim, Reclaimed Water :• a r ' ° ' RESILIENT � • Pipelines, and On -Site Sewage Treatment and Disposal System New or relocated fire hydrants with tmdeagmund drains shall be located au PRE -MOLDED • ; a ;• PRE-PRINED �: ' '•• �,•' •' that the drains are at least throe fed 1hun any existing w prtgxxc l sunm:w•war, summwatat f(mu: main, orpipelim: catvaymg reclaimed want BENCHING PER SPECIFICATIONS D o w JOINT SURFACES WMN CONNECTOR regulates! under Part III of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C.• at least three feet, and preferably ten feet from my existing orpropomd vacuum type �TtvE �.;•.. a wwwt�R (RUBBER BOOT) sanitary sewer, at least six feet, and preferably ten feet, from airy existing or proposed gravity -or pressure-type sanitary sewer, wastewater%ce > ( _WRAPPER T ) main,orpipeline conveying reclaimed water not regulated tmderPart lllmfChapter 62-610,!'A.C.; and atleast tenfeetfremany existing ar REINFORCEMENT AND JOINT 'S i.;'.�'_ BE R°1d1�D) STANDARD PRECAST MANHOLE DETAIL TO BE DESIGNED BY ` "�• '•'' '' " prulxxwel"am-ate sewage treatment and disp(rW :system" as defined m Sexton 3RI.0065(2), F.5., and Rule 641:-6.1102, I+.A.C. NOTES: THE ENGINEER AND SQUEEZE -OUT 8" MIN. PIPE CONNECTION 1. PVC PIPE SHALL REQUIRE INSULATED METALLIC LOCATING WIRE APPROVED BY THE '� .--� caNPIErEO LOCATION OF PUBLIC WATER SYS.YEM MAINS IN ACCORDANCE WITH F.A.C.RU.LE 62-555.3]4 Other Pie P Horizontal Separation Crossings (1) Joint Spacing Crossings Furl Joint Cea ntered Water Main DIMENSIONS AND QUANTITIES :12 inches is.theminimum, Water Main Storm Sewer, 3 ft. minimum except file statin sewer, then Stormwater•Forte: Mm.ln, See General Note No. J. See Sheet 5 Of 6 For 3" Slab Otontliles M 5J'CONCRETE SLAB (CY) 0 5000/NG (SO. YDS.) D X I A I 8 I C E F G Single Double Triple Quad. N Single Double Triple Quad. Single Double Triple Om d. Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe PJpe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Slope=-Lr ` 21-71 1.92 2.18 4.10' 2.06 51 1.22 4.63' T.2/' 9.79 /2.37 /.19 0.38 0.58 0.77 0.96 2124jo 2 - 1.97 2.74 4.71 2.56 6 1.4/ 4.92 7.75 /0.58 1.21 0.94 0.65 0.87 22 25 28 31 l' 3. 6 7 1. .75'1.25 0.54 0.83 / 28 4- ' I ' 4 95' 7.10' 4 8 -2.W-6.06w 3 14.5 ' 18. / 0.66 /.09 1 l.9/ 31 40 5 - 2.25 6.08 8.J31 5.56 91 2.24 6.67 Il.75 16.83 1.33 0.81 1.38 1.95 2.51 28 34 39 45 9.55 6.56 /0 2.45 7.25 13.25 !9. 5 25.25 1.38 0. 1.70 2.45 3.19 30 3T 43 8.33 // .65 .8 /4. 1.4 1.13 39 47 54 9.44' 11.96 8.56' /2 2.83 8.42 /6.08' 23.75 3/.42 1.46' 1.31 .44 3.58 4.7 34 92 51 59 b 56 ! .18 /4 00 00 IT 1.5/ 4.28 45 5 64 W 91-0 11.68 14.39 10.56 /5 3.18 9.58 1 •7 27,92 3T.08 1.68 3.25 484 4 48 58 66 15.60 /1.56 /6 3.30 10.16 20J6 16,40.1 /.591 5.59 7.45 40 51 62 73 1'0 ft. proferred 3 ft. minimum 4d Slope Water Main 4. 6' 8 / Alitmate 6 ft. minimum - _ Water Main Water Main.-► Gravity. or Pressure 10. tL preferred 12 inches;is lite minimum, water Main Sanitary Sewer. Sanitary Sewer Force Main, 6 ft. minimum (3) -t0" 12 0 ' 9 14' 4.92 7.75 /3.42 hal 0.66 0.99 / 1.65 28 / B E n 6.42' n 6.25' Dimensions permitted to allow use of 8' standard p/pe lengths. 0/0.40' O 10.10' Dimensions permitted to allow use of 12' standard pipe lengths. 00 Concrete Slab shall be deepened to form bridge a roes crown of pipe. See section below. 3- 3 7.18 0 7 o u / 7 .50 l I 1.75 3 jcr 4'-3' 2.70 9.25' 11.95 9.03' /3 ZOD 6.OB /0.33 19.58' 18.83 I. IID 1.79 239 3.05 3/ 36 41 46 5 - 2.87 1►. 1 I .l II.O 15 ll.TS 16.83 1.33 .08 34 46 52 4 6'-tY 3.05' 13.33 13.03 l7' 2.45 725 /3.25' 25.25 1.38' 2.76 3.91 38 44 51 18.65 15.03 / 2.65 .83 4 28.08 4 7&17 41 40 56 63 - 20. 17.03 2. 3 .92 23.75 31.4 /.46 2./4 .95 52 61 69 8 - 3.56 19 55 23./! /9.03' 23 3.00 9. /7.50 26. 34. / 5t7 2.45 4.66 6.87 43 66 75 9 -2 3.73 25.35 2/.03 25 3.18 9.58 /8.75' 27:9 37. ! 54 2.88 5.54 8./B 10.84 49 59 BD 1 - l 22.68 26. 3.30 10.16 20.16 30.16 3.18 6.2T 1 4 63 4 SEE NOTE.' E 4 Sad SEE NOTE W 2 .4 z SOd Ir ! 1 Beveled Or Round Comers L l' I Beveled Gr Round Corners COMMON FILL COMMON FILL I 12' (71P z ^ e4 12" (TYP.) ° \ , SELECT �, SELECT c� . COMMON W o COMMON 8 W it • -i - - FILL m Z SELECT COMMON FILL UNDISTURBED FILL m W W W �j EARTH a � BEDDMG ROCK `� o � a ° c u ° 1O'�' SEE NOTE 3) PIPE BEDDING 3LL 3 (SEE NOTE 8 & 9) A * UNDISTURBED EARTH NOTES NOTES: 1. PIPE BEDDING• SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 959 OF THE 1. PIPE BEDDING: SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95X OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. =.- 2. TRENCH BACKFILL: COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 959 OF THE 2. TRENCH BACKFILL: COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 952 OF THE\+ MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T-180. MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHM T-180. Concrete Slab. 3' Or 5j' Thick, 0 3. PIPE BEDDING U17LIZING SELECT COMMON FILL OR BEDDING ROCK IN 3. USE TYPE A BEDDING TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AS DIRECTED Reinforced with WWF 64-1141.4M.4`" Sod ACCORDANCE WITH TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL MAY BE BY THE COUNTY. ° REQUIRED AS DIRECTED BY THE COUNTY, 4, (*): 15' MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24', AND 24' MAX. 4. (*): 15" MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24-, AND 24" MAX. FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24" AND LARGER. S' Soy TOP VIEW -SINGLE PIPE FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24" AND LARGER, 5, WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION, 5. WA7ER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONS7RUCT70N 6. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE 6. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WTH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. °ezri pores dee A DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. 7. REFER TO SECTION 32.5 OF THE MANUAL FOR SHEETING AND BRACING 7. REFER TO SEC71ON 32.5 OF THE MANUAL FOR SHEETING AND BRACING IN EXCAVATIONS, 3' Or 5Li' IN EXCAVA7)ONS 8. GRAVITY SEWERS SHALL UTILIZE TYPE A BEDDING, IF REQUIRED BY THE Deepen Around Dutsidq ,` i ��' 8. FINAL RESTORATION IN IMPROVED AREAS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH Edge Of Pipe For 5 $I * •., COUNTY. BEDDING DEPTH SHALL BE 4" MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS ;, or 2,, B Concrete Slab, 3" Or 54" Thick,1. ;o �S� ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF GOVERNING AGENCIES. SURFACE THAN 15 AND 6' MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER 16" AND LARGER. "^ ' ALL APPLICABLE A WJIN/N ORANGE COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL COMPLY WITH 9. DEPTH FOR REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL GOVERN DEPTH OFRESTOp Reinforced with WWF 6x6-W1.4xwt.4 REQUIREMENTS OF RIGHT-OF-WAY UTILIZATION RECULA77ONS AND ROAD BEDDING ROCK BELOW THE PIPE. COUNTY SHALL DETERMINE IN THE Concrete CONS7RUC77ON SPECIFICATIONS. FIELD REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL TO REACH ° SUITABLE FOUNDATION. Pipe Connector TOP VIEW -MULTIPLE PIPE Saddle -,e * Side Ditch Grode �Ot,GS 2 TYPE B BEDDING AND TRENCH/NG DE TA /L T YPE A BEDDING A ND TRENCHING DE TA /L 2' Not Less Than D *4 �r to MOTET See sheet 6 for details and noses. No Pipe Joint y The 6" 5' Sod Unless Approved 8 The E lneer N. T.S. E *Slopes Al Miterr To f Pipe For Pipes /8' And Smaller, N. rS. Paid For As PJpe Culvert F (Pipe To Be lnohxled Under Unit Price For Mitered End Section) 2d For Pipes 24" And Larger. 2d Mtten To f Pipe For Pipes l8' And Smaller. SECT/ON hl For Pipes 24' And Larger. 1 U11e Watcr Sepatalion (1) Horizontal Separation Between Underground Water Maus and Sanitary or Start. Wastewater or Stomrvater Force Mains. Reclaimed WaterPipelinsa and On -Site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems. (a) New w relocated, undergmund watur mams :dial! ho laid to provide a hamrc(mtal distance of at least thtcc Icul NAwcan'Im owtsido of the wwir main and the ouWdc of any existing wpruptimd al(at scwar st(mnwatur f(m:e main, 1w Pipeline amvcying nxlaim(xi waurrcgmlahxl under Part IIT of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C. (b) New or relocated, underground water mains shall be laid to provide a horizontal distance of at least three feet and preferably ten feet, between the onside of the water main and the outside of any existing or proposed vacuum -type sanitary sewer. PRECAST TEE (c) New w rel(xauxl, underground water maims shall ho Laid w provide a hnriz(mtal distance of at lewd six feet. and Taed(rahly umfc co, between the outside of the water main and the outside or any existing or proposed gravity -or pressure-type sanitary sewer. wastewi ter forte main, or MANHOLE ° ' .° INFLUENT SEWER pipeline conveying reclaimed water not regulated underpart iII of chapter 62.610, FAC. The minimum horizontal sepaution. distance between watermains and gravity -type sanitary Sewers shall be reduced to three feet where the bottom of the water main ' laid at least six inches WALL - (SEE NOTE 2) � above the top of the sewer. (d) New (mrelueauxLunfkagrmundwatermsims:�hallhclaid topmvi(kh(a�umtaldidanceofslleast Unfeet between oubrideafthowat(= °• '� CONCRETE ENCASEMENT main and all parts of any enlisting or proposed "on-site sewage treatment and disposal system" as defined in Sexiim 381.0(165(2), F.S., and Rule Bas 6.00z,F•Ac• ser( OF VERTICAL PIPE (2) Vertical S(paration lielweem t faderground Wat r Mains and Sanitary or Sham. Sewers, WaALwate=au-%unnwat(r i'( • ' Mains, and INLET ��� WaterPip�ine� TROWEL-FlMSHED CONNECTION •� • • I ;:. DROP PIPE (a) New or relocated, underground water main scrossing any existing orproposed gravity-or-vacuum-typew3itarysewer i stotmsewershall CONCRETE BENCHING AS REQUIRED .• (SEE NOTE 1) he laid so the outside of the water main is at least sir inches, and prefcrahly 12 inches: above or at least 12 inches below the (artside of the other pipeline. HowTvcr, it is preferable to lay 10 the water main above the odor pipeline. 2n pipeline. Ncw w rel(x ataxl, underground water mumu eaepasing any cxisiing (a Prupuscxl pn swrrc-type sanitary sew err, wadewat w summwater Tum CONCRETE BASE SEE MANHOLE • • t METALLIC LOCATING WIRE main, or pipeline conveying reclaimed water shall be Laid so the outside of the water main is at least 12 inches above or ow the outside of the CONNECTION 9O BEND other pipeline. however, it is preferable to lay the water main above the other pipeline. FINISHED GRADE 0.0 1 DETAILS ' '• •: (c) At the utility croming described in paragraphs (a) and (b) alcove one fulllength od`watermaim pipe shall be cemtetcd shove or below the other pipeline so the water main joints are at least three feet from allJoints in vacuum -type sanitary sewers, storm Sewers, ktomtwatar force MANHOLE STANDARD DROP DETAIL main.+, or PiPelines e(mvcying xcalainied water regulated under D'art 111 of ChalA r 62-610,1�.A.C., and at le ast six fexiflrreaa�ri all joints in I gravity -or pressmAype sanitary sewers, wastewater force mains, or pipelines conveying redaime d water not regulated ur der Part ITT of Chapter i' MAX. D 5 62-610, F.A.C. (3) Separation Between Water Mains and Sanitary, or Stamm Sewer Manhole. (a) No wdet main shall pass threwgh, or come inul c(mlact with, any Part (f a sanitary : *w 111anh(dc. (b) Effective August 29, 2003, water mains shall not be constructed or altered to pass through, or come into comma with, any part of a storm PVC WATER MAIN sewer manhole or inlet structure. Where B is not technically feastble or economically sensible to comply with this regmir (i.e., where their OR FORCE MAIN is a cau ict in the routing cf a water main and a start sewer and where alternative routing of the water main or the stomt sewer is not � PRECAST technically fewtible w is not economically 4ew ihle). the Department :shall allow excepb(rns to this requirerne nt (i.e., the D)�faatment shall allow MANHOLE FRAME &COVER MANHOLE .; PRECAST dim.•dructiom of conflict mamholaij but:mpPliea:s of water w perms pmp>.sing art awmoaruct aamtlict manholes must first o •' a spaxtiGc Pa nit MEIAWC LOCATING WIRE SET COVERS FLUSH IN (SEE STANDARD DETAIL) STAIN LESS STEEL from the Department in accordance with Part V of this chapter and must provide in the preliminary design repel or dra gs speciticatiom% and 1 MAX. � PAVED AREAS & AT FRAMES BEDDED IN MORTAR WALL :. BAND MANHOLE design data accompanying their permit application the following imfotmation: ELEVATIIONS SHOWN IN 1. 1'echnica! or economic justification foresuch cori8iexmanholc. T-- UNPAVED AREAS. ° WALL 1 2 COURSES OF BRICK MIN. Astaumemtidentifying the party resp(msiblefor maintaining each conflict manhulm (MAX.)2. 3. Assurance of compliance with the design and construction requirements in sub -subparagraphs a. through d. below. shall 1'-6" MIN. N 4 COURSES M a. Each water main passing through a conflict manhole all have a flexible, watertight joint on each side of the manhole to accommodate 33 0' MAX.MAX• 41 diti'cromtial settling between the main and the manhole , Y YA 5" -0" PVC CAST IN-PLACE ' h. Within each conflict manhole, the water main passing through the manhole shall be installed in a watertight casing Pipe laving high impact SEAL > 15 DIA PVC :drength (i.e., having an impwA drength at leant equal lothat of 0.25•inch4 hick ductile ism pipe). EPDXY COAL TAR COATINGS INSIDE Ww OUTSIDE amu• _ STAINLESS STEEL c. Each conflict manhole shall have an access opening, and shall be sand, to allow for easy cleaning of the manhole. b a' 4 ' • • PER SPECIFICATIONS 4'-0" 5" MIN.INER�Acts a PIPE CLAMP d. Gratings shall be installed at all storm sewer inlets upstream of each conflict manhole to prevent large objects fimr.ertteiing the manhole. (4) Separation Betwom lire Hydrant Drains and Sanitary of Stott Sewers, Wastewater or Stomtwater!force Maim, Reclaimed Water :• a r ' ° ' RESILIENT � • Pipelines, and On -Site Sewage Treatment and Disposal System New or relocated fire hydrants with tmdeagmund drains shall be located au PRE -MOLDED • ; a ;• PRE-PRINED �: ' '•• �,•' •' that the drains are at least throe fed 1hun any existing w prtgxxc l sunm:w•war, summwatat f(mu: main, orpipelim: catvaymg reclaimed want BENCHING PER SPECIFICATIONS D o w JOINT SURFACES WMN CONNECTOR regulates! under Part III of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C.• at least three feet, and preferably ten feet from my existing orpropomd vacuum type �TtvE �.;•.. a wwwt�R (RUBBER BOOT) sanitary sewer, at least six feet, and preferably ten feet, from airy existing or proposed gravity -or pressure-type sanitary sewer, wastewater%ce > ( _WRAPPER T ) main,orpipeline conveying reclaimed water not regulated tmderPart lllmfChapter 62-610,!'A.C.; and atleast tenfeetfremany existing ar REINFORCEMENT AND JOINT 'S i.;'.�'_ BE R°1d1�D) STANDARD PRECAST MANHOLE DETAIL TO BE DESIGNED BY ` "�• '•'' '' " prulxxwel"am-ate sewage treatment and disp(rW :system" as defined m Sexton 3RI.0065(2), F.5., and Rule 641:-6.1102, I+.A.C. NOTES: THE ENGINEER AND SQUEEZE -OUT 8" MIN. PIPE CONNECTION 1. PVC PIPE SHALL REQUIRE INSULATED METALLIC LOCATING WIRE APPROVED BY THE '� .--� caNPIErEO LOCATION OF PUBLIC WATER SYS.YEM MAINS IN ACCORDANCE WITH F.A.C.RU.LE 62-555.3]4 Other Pie P Horizontal Separation Crossings (1) Joint Spacing Crossings Furl Joint Cea ntered Water Main Water Main Alternate 3 ft. minimum :12 inches is.theminimum, Water Main Storm Sewer, 3 ft. minimum except file statin sewer, then Stormwater•Forte: Mm.ln, 6 inches is the minimum -end Reclaimed. W ater (2) 12 inches is preferred Water Main - Wrier Main Altcmate3 ft, i 'ifs nn - ~� Vactinm Sanitary Sewer 1'0 ft. proferred 3 ft. minimum 12 inches preferred 6 inches minimum. Water Main Alitmate 6 ft. minimum - _ Water Main Water Main.-► Gravity. or Pressure 10. tL preferred 12 inches;is lite minimum, water Main Sanitary Sewer. Sanitary Sewer Force Main, 6 ft. minimum (3) except for gravity sewer, then. 6 inches is the minimum.and Reclaimed Water (4) 12 inches is preferred on -Site Sewage Treatment & .1641. minimum - 'Disposal S stem. (a) Water main should cross above other pipe. When watermain musi'bebelow other pipe, the minimum separation is 12 inches. (2) Reclaimed water regulated under Part711 of Chapter 62.610, F.A.C. (3) 3 ft. for gravity sanitary sewer where the Bottom of the water train is laid at least 6 inches above the top of the gravity sanitary sewer. (4) Reclaimed water not regulated under Partiii of Chapter 62.610, F.A.C. Dtrdat.w -TIN duarea( b FravM a ter tau rornteaee arty. Mer refer r FAX.Role 62453J14 braaraNul coai(rutkI rgarrtaeaer. (10 GAUGE COPPER) CAPABLE OF DETECTION BY A CABLE LOCATOR COUNTY. 9 9 SaUWE OUf 2. AND SHALL BE BURIED DIRECTLY ABOVE THE CENTERLINE OF THE PIPE. T-9,� �91--T LOCATING WIRE SHALL- TERMINATE AT THE TOP OF EACH VALVE BOX 3. AND BE CAPABLE OF EXTENDING 12' ABOVE TOP OF BOX IN SUCH A BEDDING ROCK 2" MIN. NOTES: MANNER SO AS NOT INTERFERE WITH VALVE OPERATION. 1. DROP PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE OF EQUAL SIZE AND MATERIAL AS THE INFLUENT USE DUCT TAPE AS NEE CESSARY TO HOLD WIRE DIRECTLY ON THE TOP OF THE PIPE. CAST - IN-PLACE PRECAST MONOLITHIC CONCRETE BASEBASE SEWER. 2. AN OUTSIDE DROP CONNECTION SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL INFLUENT LINES WHICH NOTES: HAVE AN INVERT 2' OR MORE ABOVE THE MANHOLE INVERT. 1. MANHOLE SHOWN IS FOR SEWER SIZE 8" THRU 24 SEE SECTION 2014.3 of THE 3. ALTERNATE WATER TIGHT CONNECTION DETAILS FOR CONNECTION OF 24" DIAMETER MANUAL FOR MANHOLE DIAMETER FOR SEWERS LARGER THAN 24". PIPES AND LARGER MUST BE APPROVED BY THE COUNTY. 2. DROP CONNECTIONS ARE REQUIRED WHENEVER INVERT OF INFLUENT SEWER IS 24" OR MORE ABOVE THE INVERT OF THE MANHOLE. SEE MANHOLE CONNECTION DETAILS, 3. APPROVED CONCENTRIC CONE DESIGN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE. PIPE LOCA TING WIRE DETAIL PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE MANHOLE -CONNECTION DETAILS N. T.S. N. T.S. N. TS, DATE REVISION NAME CHECKED � JOB N0. 9/0/04 County Comments JAS RAJ Water & Sewer Details June Engineering Consultants, Inc. E 232 S. Dillard Street, Suite 201 Winter Garden, FL. 34787 99-0335 C Certificate of Authorization #00008507 SHEET Ph. 407-905-8180 Fax 407-905-6232 AllcCormick Woods DRAWN BY: DATE CHECKED BY: DATE SCALE 16 CLK 2/20/01 RAJ 2/20/01 N TS. OF 2 SET TOP OF VALVE BOX LOOP WIRE SET TOP OF VALVE BOX LOOP WIRE ?,OqBLE 24MIN.)OX TO FINISHED GRADE TO FINISHED GRADE CONCRETE COLLAR CONCRETE COLLAR IN UNPAVED AREAS IN UNPAVED AREAS FINISHED GRADE RAISED 1-1/2" LETTERS FINISHED GRADE FINISHED GRADE FLUSH WITH TOP OF COVER Z CAP •r• ••r'� •': r.Y•.' f,, •,,y. i... " ••' ' '\ J:'. ,t p• • 4 . ''••A:, . ADJUSTABLE SCREW ;" ''; ADJUSTABLE SCREW �"`'''i: ' �: ".�;' : 17. " AVE GE Cp TYPE DUCTILE IRONCOMPACTED SELECT z '^ .';. • ..:'�; `' :=—COMPACTED SELECT 2 GATE VALVE ' TYPE DUCTILE IRON �... COMMON FILL g VALVE BOX �. �+ COMMON FILL VALVE BOX i.. ". —TEST STATION o —TEST STATION SEE NOTE 2 co PLUG 2" 900 BEND SANITARY ALIGNMENT RING LOCATING WIRE VALVE LOCATING WIRE RESILIENT SEAT VALVE BOX SHALL REST ° 6" F�OR110 M. J. GATE VALVE ON BEDDING ROCK NOT ° ° ° PICK NON PENETRATING WATER MAIN ON VALVE OR PIPE AND ° OR RECLAIMED SHALL BE CENTERED 6" BEDDING ° ALIGNMENT RING »� ON OPERATING NUT ROCK PLAN WATER MAIN (SEE NOTE 3) ° ° 2" 906 BEND _ ° ° RESTRAINED JOINT 6" BEDDING ROCK DUCTILE IRON MACHINED WATER MAIN SURFACES UNDISTURBED 24" t 3/8" _ 1-1 /2" MIN. 6" BEDDING ROCK EARTH (SEE NOTE 3) NOTES: (� �T 4-3/4" MIN. NOTES: 1. PVC PIPE OR DUCTILE IRON PIPE EXTENSIONS SHALL NOT BE USED ON VALVE BOX TAPPED CAP 1. PVC PIPE OR DUCTILE IRON PIPE EXTENSIONS SHALL NOT BE USED ON VALVE BOX INSTALLATION. ELEVATION INSTALLATION. 2. THE ACTUATING NUT FOR VALVES SHALL BE EXTENDED TO COME UP TO 1 FT. DEPTH 2. THE ACTUATING NUT FOR VALVES SHALL BE EXTENDED TO COME UP TO I FT. DEPTH BELOW FINISHED GRADE. BELOW FINISHED GRADE. 3. BEDDING MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO FDOT NO. 67 AGGREGATE. NOTES: 3. BEDDING MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO FDOT NO. 57 AGGREGATE. 4. WIRE SHALL TERMINATE IN TEST STATION BOX. 1, ALL 2" PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 GALVANIZED STEEL 4. WIRE SHALL TERMINATE IN TEST STATION BOX. 5. VALVE BOX SHALL REST ON BEDDING ROCK NOT ON VALVE OR PIPE AND SHALL BE OR BRASS WITH THREADED (NPT) JOINTS. CENTERED ON OPERATING NUT. BL O WOFF VA VE DETAIL STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER GA TE VAL VE AND BOX DETAIL PLUG VALVE AND BOX DETAIL N. T. S N. T. S. N. T. S N. T. S 24" x 24" x 6" THICK CONC. PAD TYP. EACH VALVE BOX. 3" DIA, BRONZE DISC ANCHORED IN 9ONC. PAD L40BARS ALL 3" DIA, BRONZE $TAMP AS RE)Q D UND DISC ANCHORED IN (SEE NOTE 1 7 CONC, PAD STAMP SIZE OF VALVE AS REQ'D. VARIES VARIES TYPE OF VALVE : • • TT_'• HYDRANT Uj LOT UNE WITH SERVICE _1° OPERATING ;.:.% .. NUT 20 NOTE.' — �, 6 BRANCH SEWER MAIN 3 — DIRECTION & N0. �� :.•:. o� Sub—Grade Cut to be compacted to 9590 Max. Density as Determined by AASHTO T 180 w SIZE VARIES CLEAN—OUT 4• :; HO E NOZZ Cut to be Replaced with an 8" 3000 PSI High Early Concrete to Top of Existing Bose. w 6" 45° (rn,•) OF TURNS TO o BEND OPEN `.' " �•' " • .• 24S SQUARE Q!2 AS REQ'D. Cut Area to be Plated or Protected on the Day of Pour. Existing surface to be Saw Z WYE WITH SEE NOTE 1 ' 6" BRANCH VALVE BOX "''"� ' s ' ' • s • ' ' ROUND AND 6 ICK PUMPER NOZZLE Cut to on Area 5 Feet Beyond Base Cut. REINFORCED CONCRETE WaE WITH AND COVER • • i� SHEAR P FACING STREET CLEAN—OUT REMOVABLE 6" 450 (TYP.) '; s ' • NOTE 2 AD. SEE SEE NOTE 1 PLUG BEND ;t 6 BRANCH — Concrete Replacement VALVE COLLAR 2500 P.S.I.P.S•1, � •�. 2 4 AT 9" Z SEE DETAIL) z LOT CONCRETE MIN. ANCHORS AOROUD 8" High Early Concrete Permanent Hot Asphalt Replacement LINE Applied in 2 Inch Maximum Layers 3 DOUBLE MIN. ® Hot Patch WYE UNIMPROVED CONDITION 5' T 5' T PLAN TOP FLUSH WITH COMPACTED M ACTED t M J HYDRANT FINISHED GRADE cn _ FINISHED GRADE 9�� ASPHALT SURFACE SEE NOTE 3 ANCHORING TEE "Izzz�z/SLOPE TO 12" MIN. Ut VAI '''• a ; �,.• � 1.0% MIN. ExistingBase Existing Bose (TYP.) $ASS ROTATE _ TERMINAL DEPTH 30° (TYR) SPRING UNE 6" REDOING ROCK T AS REQUIRED FOR (SEE NOTE 3) SEWER MAIN MIN. 4* x 18T LONG OST VALVE ANDSE T GATE M J ANCHORING )P I ( HOUSE SERVICE VALVE BOX ) » COUPLING Subgrade ►� (3' MIN•)(TYP.) AND COVER WH 3 DIAMETER ( ) Existing Subgrade (Compacted to '_F SEE DETAIL 959 Maximum SINGLE DOUBLE (NP') GROUT ASI SHOWN IN GENERAL NOTES.' Density) I ' PAVEMENT RESTORATION LATERAL LATERAL IMPROVED CONDTITION ABOVE, 1, Base Replacement Shall be 3000 psi. 1. Longitudinal Cuts May Require High Early Strength Concrete. Overlay/Resurfacing of the Complete NOTES: NOTES: 2. Asphaltic Concrete Surface Material COT Width of the Travelled Way. PROFILE 1. BRONZE IDENTIFICATION DISC SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL VALVES 16" AND 1. FIRE RANT SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITHOUT A WEEP HOLE, Shall be Replaced with the Same 2. Cuts at Intersections of Streets LARGER, OR AS REQUIRED BY THE COUNTY FOR CRITICAL OFFSITE VALVES. OR WITH A PERMANENTLY PLUGGED WEEP HOLE. General/ may Require a Complete NOTES: 2. VALVE COLLAR DIMENSIONS MAY BE REDUCED TO 18 X 18 X 6 WHEN THE 2. THE DEVELOPER MAY INSTALL THE SHEAR PAD RECESSED UP TO Type of Material that Existed of —III I I (- Utility Pipe y y q p BRONZE IDENTIFICATION DISC IS NOT REQUIRED. the Time of Removal,- or as Approved Overlay/Resurfacing to the End of 1. CLEAN–OUT (SHOWN SHADED) SHALL BE INSTALLED 8Y THE BUILDER 4 INCHES BELOW FINISHED GRADE AND SOD THE RECESSED SECTION. d by the. County Engineer. All Return Rodll, and also to a IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD PLUMBING CODE. 3, CLEARANCE BETWEEN BOTTOM OF BOLTS AND TOP OF SHEAR PAD "itJ. Minimum County Concrete Surface Point ten (10) Feet Beyond the 2, LOCATE SINGLE LATERAL AS CLOSE TO LOT LINE AS POSSIBLE, SHALL BE A 6" MINIMUM. co Overlay Thickness Shall be one (1) Cut, Whichever is Greater. 25' MAXIMUM. o Inch, or as Approved by the County 3. Actual Requirements Will be as 3, INVERT OF SERVICE LATERAL SHALL NOT ENTER SEWER MAIN Engineer. Stated on the Approved Permit. BELOW SPRING LINE. N 4. All Joint Cuts Shall be Mechanically r"Z Sow Cut. FINAL RES TORA AON — TYPICAL OF MAJOR OPEN CUTS STANDARD ROe"ADWA Y OPENCUT DETAIL SERVICE LA TERAL DETAIL VAL VE COLLAR DETAIL FIRE H DRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL nN. T.S. N. TSN. TS. N. T.S M M O i h t� O DATE REVISION NAME CHECKED June Engin ering Consultants, Inc. JOB N0. M 3/12/04 City /County Comments JAS RAJ VI/a ter �c Sewer De tai/s ,E 71 E. Church Street Orlando, Florida 32801 99-033,>` a 9/10/04 County Comments JAS RAJ Certificate of Authorization 00008507 SHEET o y Ph. 407-839-6000 Fax 407-839-6020 MC Corm ick Wo o ds DRAWN BY: DATE CHECKED BY: DATE SCALE W CLK 6/5/99 RAJ 6/5/99 N. T.S. OF M. U i U 01 POST PIPE BRAID CLAMP (TYP) --� 118" THICK X 1" WIDE X 12" LONG MULTISTRAND TINNED COPPER BRAID FENCE RAIL POST GROUNDING CLAMP FINISHED GRADE NO. 210 TINNED TO PUMP STATION COPPER GROUNDING Water Meter CONDUCTOR PERIMETER FEMALE QUICK CONNECT AND CHAIN -LOCK CAP. \� CCES HATCH CAP PLUG VALVE GREATER POS TATION PER COUNTY 6 FT. / : ---i- THAN 4" WHEEL RESENTENTATNE EPR REP lo, PDLL DIMENSION D / r'. LENGTH OF PUMP ACCESS DIMENSION E JAS RAJ OPERATED ALUMINUM ACCESS FLANGED RISER BASE ELBOW TO EDGE OF PIT DIMENSION G WALL SLEEVE & HATCH W/ LOCKSET VALVE BOX HATCH OPENING DIMENSION H POWER COMPRESSION AND RECESSED HANDLE / ,, �• ,' / , CABLE B ELEVATION T SEAL J VALVE BOX &COVER 30 X $0" CONIC. FINISH GRADE PROTECTIVE 148.75 CHECK VALVE STAINLESS STEEL COLLAR B" THICK LINER LAG PUMP ON ELEVATION W W4 -EVER & PRE URE GUAGE I LEAD PUMP ON (INVERT OF GRAVITY PIPE) ELEVATION X 6' Wide Conc. Sidewalk WEIGHT ELEVATION Y 129.5 FLOOR OF WET WELL ELEVATION Z Utility Easement FINISHED GRADE ELEV. U ,.•• ; � = ;,,,•y, ._�.• � t . � �. METAL ACCESS w COVER Const. 105 LF 8" PVC PET COCK VALVE z •. / (SDR 35) ® 0.2890 • GROUND S.S. CLAMP, TYPE 31613.8. y * : Const. San, Manhole SLIDE • - • Top 148.80 MULTI -STRAND TINNED HEAVY DUTY F, c i z Inv. 137.01 1" Water Main TYPE 316 S.S. LIFTING CHAIN ,�-1! r ,. _-W am ,,, ;« �t r -� PLUG VALVE MJ TEE GRIDICOUNTERPOISE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) y ;,, •:� •, � I Const, 72 LF 8" PVC DUCTILE IRON PIPE } I : I :: (SDR 26) @ 0.281 Const, 10' Wide 6" Thick- (RESTRAINED JOINT) S.S. PIPE SUPPORTS I I " `"�•r�'' (3000 psi) Concrete Access Drive + - SPOOL PIECE Const. 6" PVC Force Main Const. 12 LF 8" PVC ELEV. X (SDR 35) ®0.281 I I •' ' Const. San. Manhole GROUND CLAMP, BOLT TO FRAME Top 148.60 kk I ', • I Inv 136.80 Const. San. Manhole Top 148.40 LEAD PUMP ON OUTLET PIPE In v. 136.83 31V PVC Const. 38 LF 8" PVC C W •: Const. 12 LF 8" PVC (SDR 35) 0 0.28°7. 1 a ; I 25 (SDR 26) 0 0.28.7 �+�• ; Emergency Pumpout I (SEE NOTE 2) Reduced Pressure Backflow ,. 17' } 10' Preventer (See Detail) ; $ TUNNY Nl 5' NT utility I I Esmt I Esmt 6' Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link Fence Stabilize & Sod (12' Wde) Areas }'�'� 251 with all Posts and Rails Painted Black Adjacent to the Proposed San. I I •-„ `''`'' 1.OEACH PUMP SHALL BE FITTED WITH 6 FEET (6140") OF TYPE 316 SS, Lines 4" of Bedding Rock With 3/4" CHAIN ATTACHED TO THE LIFTING MECHANISM AND AIR CRAFT NOTES: Polyethylene Film Liner Under Rock Control Panel G�`�• Lift Station Tract (See Detail) DOOR PROVIDE WATERPROOF CAULKING WHERE GROUND CABLE AND CONDUIT # 6 -12 O.C. E.W. Hose Bibb PENETRATES WETWELL TO PREVENT INTRUSION OF GROUNDWATER AND ESCAPE OF Const. San. Manhole f0' Utility Easement SEAL FOR FORCE MAINS. VAPORS FROM WETWELL Top 148.00 STEEL ANCHOR BOLTS TO 2. INSTALL GROUND WIRE SO THAT IT WILL NOT CROSS CLEAR OPENING OR PREVENT OR Inv. 136.94 EXTEND r INTO BASE. PUMP S TA TION SITE PLAN MAX. DENSITY PER Scale: 1 " = 20' POST PIPE BRAID CLAMP (TYP) --� 118" THICK X 1" WIDE X 12" LONG MULTISTRAND TINNED COPPER BRAID FENCE RAIL POST GROUNDING CLAMP FINISHED GRADE NO. 210 TINNED TO PUMP STATION COPPER GROUNDING COUNTERPOISE CONDUCTOR PERIMETER FEMALE QUICK CONNECT AND CHAIN -LOCK CAP. GROUNDLOOP FENCE POST GROUNDING 1.1 RVI ll�wl�I�Im0lilt `O)II Lrf=„w'4'Ih!��IiI���'Irv)IIr'llvllr����l,i�� ����' •�._�I�`'�a/�I''�'I� J CJ r. F.. OUTLINE • ► ESS F, PUMP • �• • OPENING OPERATOR SPOOLCABLE 'F GROUND TEST ENCLOSURE ONE TYPICAL PER STATION � G PUMP 1 ABLE HOLDER ELEC.PANEL RACK AND CONTROL PANEL G01 G I BOND #4 STRANDE TINNED COPPER TO ACCESS COVER AND 2/0 STRANDED FRAME TINNED COPPER TO ., FENCE TO FENCE VALVE VAULT (NOTE #2) BOND #4 STRANDED TINNED COPPER TO ACCESS COVER AND FRAME LJ fh G COUNTERPOISE2J0 STRANDED TINNED COPPER MIN. 30" BELOW GRADE NOTES: 1. DETAIL IS GENERIC. SPECIFIC LOCATIONS OF EQUIPMENT MAY VARY. 2. TIE TO FENCE, MINIMUM 2 LOCATIONS. NOT REQUIRED WHERE PVC COATED, BLOCK, OR WOOD FENCE IS INSTALLED. 3. PROVIDE EXOTHERMIC WELDS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE S TA TION DE TA GROUNDING /LPUMP_ -- - N. T.S. 3" PVC FLOOR DRAIN RESTRAINED MJ (TYP.) PUMP S TA TION PLAN N. T.S. BROOKS PRODUCTS 10" X 17" SERIES 36 PRE -CAST PULL BOX, OR EQUAL CONCRETE 3" HIGH LETTERS CAST IN COVER GROUND TEST WELL LIFTING HOLE RECESSED HOLD DOWN (TYP) _ CAST IRON COVER DRILL & L2" MECHANICAL CONNECTION--/ NO. 210 AWG TINNED COPPER GROUNDING CONDUCTOR TO COUNTERPOISE GROUND ROD GROUND TEST WELL N- T -I? . ,r OF BEDDING ROCK WITH POLYETHYLENE FILM LINES UNDER ROCK- �`- CONTROL . PANEL A 1" WATER MAIN WATER METER PUMPS SHALL BE., MANUFACTURER: YGT ;MODEL: 312 IMP: '�4 - - - D/A: 4» - MM, SPEED: _ 1750 RPM. DISCHARGE SIZE 4 /N.; VOLTAGE.' 2.10 •' HZ.: PHASE., 3 H. P.: 10 MIN. SOLID S12E.' 3 IN.; CURVE. 3127 . OPERA77NG CONDITIONS SHALL BE 306 GPM AT 53.0 FEET 7DH. -CHAIN LINK FENCE PRECAST EMERGENCY PUMP OUT CONNECTION DEDICATED TO ORANGE UM ALUMINUM ACCESS 4• D.I.VENT r D.I. V CONC. TOP FEMALE QUICK CONNECT AND CHAIN -LOCK CAP. LIMITS OF CCES HATCH CAP PLUG VALVE GREATER POS TATION PER COUNTY 6 FT. AND RECESSED AND S.S. SCREEN ---i- THAN 4" WHEEL RESENTENTATNE EPR REP WELL PDLL DIMENSION D OUT ( RAJ LENGTH OF PUMP ACCESS DIMENSION E JAS RAJ OPERATED ALUMINUM ACCESS FLANGED RISER BASE ELBOW TO EDGE OF PIT DIMENSION G WALL SLEEVE & HATCH W/ LOCKSET VALVE BOX HATCH OPENING DIMENSION H POWER COMPRESSION AND RECESSED HANDLE CABLE B ELEVATION T SEAL J VALVE BOX &COVER 30 X $0" CONIC. FINISH GRADE PROTECTIVE 148.75 CHECK VALVE STAINLESS STEEL COLLAR B" THICK LINER LAG PUMP ON ELEVATION W W4 -EVER & PRE URE GUAGE I LEAD PUMP ON (INVERT OF GRAVITY PIPE) ELEVATION X 133.5 WEIGHT ELEVATION Y 129.5 FLOOR OF WET WELL ELEVATION Z FINISHED GRADE ELEV. U ,.•• ; � = ;,,,•y, ._�.• � t . � �. METAL ACCESS w COVER PET COCK VALVE z 2• DIA. $CH. 40 i • GROUND S.S. CLAMP, TYPE 31613.8. _ k1 BOLT TO COVER " " 1/8 THICKX 1 WIDE SLIDE • - • MULTI -STRAND TINNED HEAVY DUTY F, c i z • TO GROUND COPPER BRAID TYPE 316 S.S. LIFTING CHAIN ,�-1! r ,. _-W am ,,, ;« �t r -� PLUG VALVE MJ TEE GRIDICOUNTERPOISE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) (SEE NOTE 1) DUCTILE IRON PIPE BROWN ROTATED 90- KOR-N-SEAL BOOT (RESTRAINED JOINT) S.S. PIPE SUPPORTS " `"�•r�'' FOR CLARITY •, + - SPOOL PIECE ELEV. X +. LA UMP O ELEV F3" SCH 40 PVC LOOR DRAIN GROUND CLAMP, BOLT TO FRAME LIQUID LEVEL o •' LOPE CONTROLS LEAD PUMP ON OUTLET PIPE 31V PVC C 112 PER FOOT AWG TINNED N0BOTH �+�• ; PUMPS OFF r=LEV.Y.4 COPPER GROUNDING (SEE NOTE 2) GROUT O BASE ELBOW CONDUCTOR LEV. Z • ETV 1.OEACH PUMP SHALL BE FITTED WITH 6 FEET (6140") OF TYPE 316 SS, 3/4" CHAIN ATTACHED TO THE LIFTING MECHANISM AND AIR CRAFT NOTES: RATED 114" S.S. CABLE PROVIDED BETWEEN THE CABLE HOLDER 1. ON COVERS WITH MULTIPLE DOORS, PROVIDE BRAID FROM FRAME TO DOOR ON EACH G�`�• 1 AND THE CHAIN. 2. WALL PENETRATION SHALL BE WITH WALL SLEEVE COMPATIBLE DOOR PROVIDE WATERPROOF CAULKING WHERE GROUND CABLE AND CONDUIT # 6 -12 O.C. E.W. W/ LINER AND RESILIENT SEAL BOOT FOR GRAVITY OR MODULAR PENETRATES WETWELL TO PREVENT INTRUSION OF GROUNDWATER AND ESCAPE OF UNDISTURBED SOIL OR MIN. 314 DIA X 11" STAINLESS SEAL FOR FORCE MAINS. VAPORS FROM WETWELL SELECTED COMMON FILL STEEL ANCHOR BOLTS TO 2. INSTALL GROUND WIRE SO THAT IT WILL NOT CROSS CLEAR OPENING OR PREVENT OR COMPACTED TO 98% EXTEND r INTO BASE. IMPEDE NORMAL METHOD OF REMOVING FLOATS OR PUMPS. MAX. DENSITY PER AASHO T-180 PUMP S TA TION S ECT/ON COVER AND DOOR GROUND/NG DETAIL N. TS. N. T.S. 1.1 RVI ll�wl�I�Im0lilt `O)II Lrf=„w'4'Ih!��IiI���'Irv)IIr'llvllr����l,i�� ����' •�._�I�`'�a/�I''�'I� J CJ r. F.. OUTLINE • ► ESS F, PUMP • �• • OPENING OPERATOR SPOOLCABLE 'F GROUND TEST ENCLOSURE ONE TYPICAL PER STATION � G PUMP 1 ABLE HOLDER ELEC.PANEL RACK AND CONTROL PANEL G01 G I BOND #4 STRANDE TINNED COPPER TO ACCESS COVER AND 2/0 STRANDED FRAME TINNED COPPER TO ., FENCE TO FENCE VALVE VAULT (NOTE #2) BOND #4 STRANDED TINNED COPPER TO ACCESS COVER AND FRAME LJ fh G COUNTERPOISE2J0 STRANDED TINNED COPPER MIN. 30" BELOW GRADE NOTES: 1. DETAIL IS GENERIC. SPECIFIC LOCATIONS OF EQUIPMENT MAY VARY. 2. TIE TO FENCE, MINIMUM 2 LOCATIONS. NOT REQUIRED WHERE PVC COATED, BLOCK, OR WOOD FENCE IS INSTALLED. 3. PROVIDE EXOTHERMIC WELDS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE S TA TION DE TA GROUNDING /LPUMP_ -- - N. T.S. 3" PVC FLOOR DRAIN RESTRAINED MJ (TYP.) PUMP S TA TION PLAN N. T.S. BROOKS PRODUCTS 10" X 17" SERIES 36 PRE -CAST PULL BOX, OR EQUAL CONCRETE 3" HIGH LETTERS CAST IN COVER GROUND TEST WELL LIFTING HOLE RECESSED HOLD DOWN (TYP) _ CAST IRON COVER DRILL & L2" MECHANICAL CONNECTION--/ NO. 210 AWG TINNED COPPER GROUNDING CONDUCTOR TO COUNTERPOISE GROUND ROD GROUND TEST WELL N- T -I? . ,r OF BEDDING ROCK WITH POLYETHYLENE FILM LINES UNDER ROCK- �`- CONTROL . PANEL A 1" WATER MAIN WATER METER PUMPS SHALL BE., MANUFACTURER: YGT ;MODEL: 312 IMP: '�4 - - - D/A: 4» - MM, SPEED: _ 1750 RPM. DISCHARGE SIZE 4 /N.; VOLTAGE.' 2.10 •' HZ.: PHASE., 3 H. P.: 10 MIN. SOLID S12E.' 3 IN.; CURVE. 3127 . OPERA77NG CONDITIONS SHALL BE 306 GPM AT 53.0 FEET 7DH. -CHAIN LINK FENCE LIMITS OF SITE TO BE ON 6" CONCRETE DEDICATED TO ORANGE CURB ALL AROUND COUNTY JOB NO. 99- 0335 LIMITS OF ��- UTILITY 6 FT. EASEMENT ---i- DIMENSION C RAJ WELL PUMP DIMENSION D OUT ( VAULT PE CONN EI I g DRIVEWAY I I 16' WIDE I V-0" PANELS SWING GATE 3' A1NH. GRAVITY SEWER �--MANHOLE A THIS DIMENSION SHALL BE AT LEAST EQUAL TO THE DEPTH OF THE WET WELL W NOTE: 1. MINIMUM 20'-V ACCESS DRIVEWAY FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT TO THE GATE SHALL BE PROVIDED ON NON-RESIDENTIAL ROADS. 2. ENGINEER SHALL PROVIDE A SCALED (1" = 20' MIN.) SITE SPECIFIC DETAIL 3. WASHDOWN WATER SOURCE CAN BE RECLAIMED WATER ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS. TYPICAL PUMP_ S TA TION -SITE PLAN N. TS. GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL NON STAINLESS STEEL OR ALUMINUM EXPOSED METAL OUTSIDE THE WET WELL SHALL BE PRIMED AND COATED WITH TWO COATS OF EXTERIOR PAINT. 2. THE INSIDE AND THE OUTSIDE OF THE VALVE VAULT SHALL BE PAINTED. 3. THE WET WELL EXTERIOR SHALL BE PAINTED AND THE INTERIOR SHALL BE LINED. THE FILLET AND THE BOTTOM OF THE WET WELL SHALL BE COATED WITH 100 % SOLIDS EPDXY COMPOUND THAT WHEN APPLIED SHALL RETAIN A MIMNIMUM THICKNESS OF 125 MILS. 4. ALL LOCATIONS WHERE GRAVITY PIPES ENTER OR LEAVE THE WET WELL SHALL BE MADE WATERTIGHT WITH AN APPROVED BOOT. 5. ALL LOCATIONS WHERE PRESSURE PIPES ENTER THE WET WELL SHALL BE MADE WATERTIGHT WITH A WALL SLEEVE AND SEAL. 6. THERE SHALL BE NO VALVES OR ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOXES IN THE WET WELL 7. WET WELL COVERS SHALL BE ALUMINUM WITH 316 STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE WITH LOCK BRACKET. 8. ALL HARDWARE IN WET WELL SHALL BE 316 STAINLESS STEEL. 9. SUBMERGENCE REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE MET AS MINIMUM. 10. ALL CONNECTIONS IN THE WET WELL AND THE VALVE VAULT SHALL BE FLANGED JOINTS. ALL REMAINING CONNECTIONS BETWEEN THE WET WELL AND THE CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING FORCE MAIN SHALL BE RESTRAINED MECHANICAL JOINTS. 11. CHECK VALVE ARM SHALL BE LOCATED WITH THE SAME ORIENTATION (i.e. ALL ARMS ON THE LEFT SIDE OF VALVE) DESCRIPTION SYMBOLS DIMENSIONS ELEVATIONS THICKNESS OF WALL DIMENSION A JOB NO. 99- 0335 DATE DIAMETER OF WET WELL DIMENSION B 6 FT. 3/12/04 WIDTH OF BOTTOM FILLET DIMENSION C RAJ SHEET 19 OF 20 C/L TO CIL OF PUMPS DIMENSION D JAS RAJ LENGTH OF PUMP ACCESS DIMENSION E JAS RAJ WIDTH OF PUMP ACCESS DIMENSION F BASE ELBOW TO EDGE OF PIT DIMENSION G SCALE As Noted VALVE BOX HATCH OPENING DIMENSION H 6 FT. Min. VALVE BOX HATCH OPENING DIMENSION I TOP OF WELL ELEVATION T 4 FT. 81N. Min. 149.0 FINISH GRADE ELEVATION U 148.75 HIGH LEVEL ALARM ELEVATION V 134.50 LAG PUMP ON ELEVATION W 134.0 LEAD PUMP ON (INVERT OF GRAVITY PIPE) ELEVATION X 133.5 PUMPS OFF (TOP OF PUMP VOLUTE) ELEVATION Y 129.5 FLOOR OF WET WELL ELEVATION Z 128.0 NOTE: * THESE DIMENSIONS SHALL BE SET AS PER PUMP MANUFACTURERS REQUIREMENTS `U� Stan dcrd De tails Was te wa ter Pump Stc tion Exhibit IV June Engineering Consultants, Inc. I •� 232 S. Dillard Street, Suite 201 Winter Garden, FL. 34787 C Certificate of Authorization #00008507 Ph. 407-905-8180 Fax 407-905-6232 JOB NO. 99- 0335 DATE REVISION NAME CHECKED 3/12/04 City / County Comments JAS RAJ SHEET 19 OF 20 7/6/04 City / County Comments JAS RAJ 9/10/04 County Comments JAS RAJ DRAWN BY: DATE CLK 2/20101 ICHECKED BY: -DATE 1 RAJ 2/20101 SCALE As Noted `U� POWER DISCONNECT MOUNTING BRACKET 3" GA VANIZED GALVANIZED PIPE SCH, 80) PIPE CAP (TYP.) METER BASE ALARM LIGHT WITH BY-PASS �� L C � O O DPs � me 1-1 2 MIN. CONTROL Ft P-0-0-1 INTERLOCK /„ o o P MOUNTING BRACKET PANEL/,� c LA o c ENCASED IN 01 ® ® CONCRETE -ERATOR Cr PM N SEAL OFF ® O O ® - RECEPTACLE no MOTOR CONDUCTOR O O low HOSE BIB — ' " CONDUIT 0M am 2 SCH, 80 O O ®® PVC (SEE NOTE 2) ® 0 ~ — ALARM 1 Mes M CONTROL CONDUIT ® ® Hoe HORN ❑ R3 2" SCH. 80 PVC ® ® ❑ a N NOA NOA Im 0 POCKET ® ❑ D \ �/� / Rt / �/ PAD �/ •'//�/%/� /� ® LOCK 171 F 1 BRACKET MS 1 MS 2 Z C4 v //y mco DOOR STOP �A CH PM 0 WITH LOCK FRONTS o a1 as INCOMING . /.��. .,� rl��iil/! / �,�rT,l/� MOUNTING POWER SWEEP ELBOWS BRACKETS � S c TTS c O 0 f2 EACH) MAX. 10' APART) RODS NOTES: 1. OUTER BOX SIZE SHALL BE 'A MINIMUM OF 24"W X 36"H X 10"D OR AS NOTES; APPROVED BY THE COUNTY, NOTES: 2. FOR STATIONS WITH PUMPS RATED 20 HP OR GREATER, OUTER BOX SIZE 1. MAIN CIRCUIT TRANSFORMER REQUIRED FOR 480 VOLT 1, DRAWING IS SHOWN FOR 230 VOLT POWER SUPPLY, THE LOCATION OF METER AND MAIN POWER DISCONNECT SHALL BE REVERSED FOR 480 SHALL BE 30'W X 42*H X 10"D AND SHALL HAVE 2 LATCHES ON THE SUPPLY ONLY. DEAD FRONT. VOLT SUPPLY, 2. WHEN TWO (2) SEPARATE CONDUCTOR -TYPE MOTORS ARE USED, CONDUIT 3. DRAWINGS SHALL BE REVISED FOR STATIONS WITH PUMPS RATED GREATER SHALL W INCREASED TO 3". THAN 47 HP AND SUBMITTED TO THE COUNTY FOR APPROVAL. 3. POWER SUPPLY SHALL BE UNDERGROUND ON THE LIFT STATION SITE AND SHALL BE 3 PHASE FROM A 3 PHASE SOURCE ONLY. PUMP S TA TION CONTROL DUPLEX CONTROL PANEL DUPLEX CONTROL PANEL PANEL INS TALLA TION DETAIL ENCLOSURE DEAD FRONT LA YOUT ENCLOSURE SUBPANEL LAYOUT N. T. S N. T. S N. L S. ABBREV. to AH ALARM HORN AL ALARM LIGHT ASB ALTERNATOR TEST SWITCH 230 v '�Il� CONTROL CIRCUIT BREAKER CCT YB YS 1 D 1 PUMP 1 DRB I DUPLEX RECEPTACLE BREAKER 3 PKSE I EMERGENCY CIRCUIT BREAKER ETM I ELAPSE TIME METER t -On I FUSE FL IHER .4W I FLOAT REGULATOR G I GROUND GR HOA HAND -OFF -AUTO -SELECTOR HSS E LA Y8 2 D 2 PUMP 2 MCB MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER N I MAIN CIRCUIT TRANSFORMER MT I MOISTURE AND TEMPERATURE FAILURE LIGHT MS I MOTOR STARTER N NEUTRAL OR I OVERLOAD HEATER PA I POWER AVAILABLE LIGHT 3 REQUIRED. 1 EACH PHASE PAA PUMP AUTOMATIC ALTERNATOR PL PILOT LIGHT n PHASE MONITOR R F3 ucT 'III, RL RUN INDICATOR RTS PM TS TERMINAL STRIP 40 II12W THERMAL TERMINAL STRIP F Ph. 407-839-6000 Fax 407-839-6020 20 W I / Exhibit V IIIA RE AL Pu CLK 2/2%1 RAJ 2/2%1 As Noted 8 1 N A Y 1 OL 1 T15 R21 8 RE AL 6 8 TEST PM 7 H A R3 2 8 8 5 YS 2 a 2 ITS 6 SWRCH R4 FL 1 AL 2 6 py 8 N R5 3 M 1 2 4 1 o R5 - �- - 2 7 6 ~8 "v 75 W OCT F2 24 v PL4 RTS FR4- BTS 4 7 8 --- R3 0 pL 2 7 RIS RTS 3 1 R3 FR 3 5 6 2 7 R1 4 R2 1 P12 3 1 ABBREV. ITEM DESCRIPTION AH ALARM HORN AL ALARM LIGHT ASB ALTERNATOR TEST SWITCH CCB CONTROL CIRCUIT BREAKER CCT I CONTROL CIRCUIT TRANSFORMER DR I DUPLEX RECEPTACLE I G.F.I. DRB I DUPLEX RECEPTACLE BREAKER ECB I EMERGENCY CIRCUIT BREAKER ETM I ELAPSE TIME METER F I FUSE FL IHER FR I FLOAT REGULATOR G I GROUND GR I GENERATOR RECEPTACLE HOA HAND -OFF -AUTO -SELECTOR HSS HORN SILENCE SWITCH LA LIGHTNING ARRESTER MB MOTOR BREAKER MCB MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER MCT I MAIN CIRCUIT TRANSFORMER MT I MOISTURE AND TEMPERATURE FAILURE LIGHT MS I MOTOR STARTER N NEUTRAL OL I OVERLOAD HEATER PA I POWER AVAILABLE LIGHT 3 REQUIRED. 1 EACH PHASE PAA PUMP AUTOMATIC ALTERNATOR PL PILOT LIGHT PM PHASE MONITOR R RELAY RE RESISTOR RL RUN INDICATOR RTS I REGULATOR TERMINAL STRIP TS TERMINAL STRIP TTS THERMAL TERMINAL STRIP ,49 Galy. Cups 2=O" Max. 10 =0" TO CENTER MAX Spacing Top Roil Post Cop 19 Tie Imes Post Stretcher 12" 0. C. Corner o Bars 1 Fabric Line Post 3/8" Round F! 2„ Truss Bars Tension Wire (See Note /0 Geode Turnbuckle 2500 P.S.I. Concrete --� 12" �71 6" 6„ 12"1.. - Fence Detail Gate Post Gate Comer 3/8" Adj Gate Frame Gate Post Fabric Truss Rods 2500 P. S. Center Stop �'•. Concrete 12 x12"x12" 6'J Double Swing Gate Detail RTS FR 2 Rt5 R1 R2 NOTE: 3 4 RI 1 3 PLI 2 7 NO TES: 6 8 R1 1 1 2 7 1 2 1 . TRUSS BARS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH GATE SECTION AND THE FIRST SPAN ON EACH SIDE OF A CORNER POST ONLY. NOTES: 1. MAIN CIRCUIT TRANSFORMER REQUIRED FOR 480 VOLT SUPPLY ONLY, . BLACK 19NYL COATED CHAIN LINK FENCE, WITH POLES AND RAILS PAINTED BLACK. DUPLEX CONTROL SCHEMA TIC PUMP S TA TION CONTROL PANEL LEGEND CHAIN LINK FENCE DETAIL N. TS N� TS. N. T.S. DATE REVISION NAME CHECKED Standard Details June Engineering Consultants, Inc. I JOB NO. 99-0335 .E 71 E. Church Street Orlando, Florida 32801 SHEET WGsteWGter Pump 5tGtl*on C Certificate of Authorization #00008507 Ph. 407-839-6000 Fax 407-839-6020 20 I / Exhibit V DRAWN BY: DATE CHECKED BY: DATE SCALE CLK 2/2%1 RAJ 2/2%1 As Noted OF 20 ..... ....... . ....... . . . ....... . ... . . . .... ... . ....... ....... ....... ...... ....... ___ ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... . ..... .... .... . . ... . ..... ... ....... ... . ... -.1 —, 11 -1......«» . . ....... . -1 ... ............... . ;;, ......,..»,i. . ............ . ...... ,� .................... . ....... ....... . ...... . ... ...... ....... .............. ....... ..... fz:4: — --------I SR 427 R—O—W BUFFER PLAN 'A' 1 $I= 300-011 ■ . ....... . . . ..... . . ....... .. . ...... ...... . ....... . -., ,/ : ... ....... ...... ..... . ...... . . .... ...... . ..... .... . . ...... .. ... ....... . .... . ....... . ... .. ..... ........ ........ .. ...... . ..... ... ... . . .... 4- 7 .... ... .... . ..... . ....... . .... ...... . ....... . ..... . ........ . .... . ..... . .... ....... ....... . .... ... . ..... . ....... . ... ........ . .. ....... ...... . .... ... .... .... . ....... ....... I . . ...... J/ ........ . ....... ....... ....... .... . . .. ....... ....... ... . . . . .. . ..... ....... ... ....... ..... . ..... . . .... .. . ..... ...... ,7 . ...... ... . . .... .... . ...... ...... 7: 7. . ....... ..... .. . . ....... . -7. SR.427-R-0—W ...... .... ....... .... . . . . . ....... ....... . ....... ..... ....... .. ....... .... — ------ . ..... ..... BAHIk tOD- . . .. ...... « ... ....... . ...... . . ....... . ... ....... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 26 QV (50' Od) 20' BUFFER 80—,.LJ BAHIA SOD . . ....... . 'ell 'AHIJ SR 427 R—O—W BUFFER PLAN 'B' is$ = 301-7-011 I • . ....... ... A . . ...... .... \J _q 6 1 2 r o NO 111 V1'17� A. A-1 I L ------ L --------- J L -------- __J ---1 1 70 8—LC 3' OC• — — — — — — — — — 8—VO QTY.to C/L •(TYP. QTY. •EACH I EDGE) FOR Of wa��I/colurnns FOR EACH HEDGE) 10 .17 15 QV 0 Trom �osernent line 7() < 70 70-1111i,• 70 7u 50' OC 142e, & I AB AH ILA D_441664t..- - - - 7A 2X!A IA 'N I W, . ................................... ------------------------ . ..... .. . ... . .... -.AW AU A& ML m�" am a I 0 N13 /* AA \�D Q) 178 181 182 (D) 17 18 iN 'af ��° `° (ID 8—LG 3' OC (TYP. QTY. 13- T -T to"C/t Q0, VC T 0 of Nypll�/Colu ns FOR EACH HEDGE) a -VO '!(Typ. qw. FA easem4nt Hne McCORMICK RD. 76 70' 1U, FOR E 1XH -fiEDGE) 7 70 i 41J" -d- B OD BAHIA SOD X Wd Ma Eft "S --------------- A WALL AND LANDSCAPE— ASEM-ENT.. ..... ..... M, INGRAM RO/fu 1 14/28/04 JSL PER REVISED SITE PLAN AND CITY REVIEW COMMENTS 1/15/04 8/2/04 EES N (TYP.) 00 PER REVISED SITE PLAN AND CITY REVIEW COMMENTS emurti 9/31/04 PER REVISED UTILITY PLAN AND CITY REVIEW COMMENTS No. I Date Revision Description J. SCOTT LIBERTY, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FL. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT NO. 1476 PH: 407-719-2124 5621 REVELWOOD LOOP, WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32792 McCORMICK WOODS OCOEE, FLORIDA Project LANDSCAPE PLAN Sheet Title (SEE SHT. L-2) MA TCHLINE E PARK & LIFT STA. TRACTS 'G' & D 1 = 301-0ll JSL Drawn JSL Check AS SHOWN Scale 1/15/04 Date EES N (TYP.) 00 Job No. G emurti 0 3-PV_1 A.Ww- VW 17-Q 9 Fn 4 PARK & LIFT STA. TRACTS 'G' & D 1 = 301-0ll JSL Drawn JSL Check AS SHOWN Scale 1/15/04 Date Job No. Sheet L I of 2 ,��'I' • • it ,' .•�WT a . r 'l ®®� R • 6 ` 11! e ' • • ( it �0U ns _ • / _ • - ALAI HE ® _ OC i �- - Vi► O " • �/' I o r ' � . • , i ail IX11 _ ■�• Vii e • 11- EACH H�! X11 . . LLJ IN • I I �� I� II ■ : I ., I • ®r i� 44 ' • 1► , I f 'I i • Sr f II I I I I I I I V13 ■ ISEE CIVIL ■ . - . 6—RR 92' 6ELEVATION • 1��p►�� Abi 11 LC i. , _ 3—RR 1, , .d . � '■ - _Ap • '� , ``I ,� �C►�or ,EIS►7—LIL; Lk .•q �T •_ y y, 9 -PV 13— - • �� • 3 • ►fit ��•���� - - \ 0000000, 11 PC •� �4 34 RA 7—LC 30—AN 4—PV J.:.n.. so I q��.....n. 0 // :; 8—RR — a' - SEE CIVIL P LPN S FOR WALL » SOD SOD_"». PLAN, SECTION & ELEVATION »"" f n Wn •.. /!'� .......... 4 . hoD SOD » _ ............ �f SOD s. I SOD'r ».� I .........» "» "."»...»............................. » a,"" __..». r ».f............................ -�.,..»..........---................. L3—WR — — — + SOD � i HA SOD ,,n.n n £ •" " 10—LC 6—RR OD £ 9—PV 11—LC '° 3—RR 7—LC r---------------- SEEI CIVIL PLANS FOR WALL PLAN, SECTION & ELEVATION 30—AN INGRAM ROAD ENTRANCE PLAN I 7 -LC 1 "= 20'-0" 3—PVI o .. Pi ANIT i icT KAr,( nPKA1(,V PnAn P-K1TPAK1(_P PI A1\1 \ 1 11 1 I_ 1 V 1 1 v 1 %0%., v 1 % 1 V 1 1 v. 1 N v. • v V— 1 V .. ♦ r If . v I. . I-• •. v QTY SYM COMMON NAME (BOTANICAL NAME) 1 "= 20'-0" SPECIFICATIONS TREES: 114 QV LIVE OAK (QUERCUS VIRGINIANA) .............. _� 65 GAL MIN., 12' HT., 2-1/2" DBH MIN., 5' CT, 50' OC 4 PD DATE PALM (PHOENIX DACTYLIFERA) 10' CT. HT. TO BOTTOM OF NUT, SPECIMEN 119 LJ TREE—FORM LIGUSTRUM (LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM) FORM SAUCER 65 GAL, 8' HT., 6' SPR., MULTI—TRUNK, 4' CT. TO CONTAIN RUNOFF Drip Line 24 WR WASHINGTON PALM (WASHINGTONIA ROBUSTA) I I 10' OA. HT., 5 FULL FRONDS MIN. CLEAN BACKFILL MIX. WATER &TAMP SHRUBS: 7 CR SAGO PALM (CYCAS REVOLUTA)) TO REMOVE AIR =III=III— III= 15 GAL MIN., 36" SPREAD, ONE WELL—DEVELOPED HEAD POCKETS - - ; 427 VO SWEET VIBURNUM (VIBURNUM ODORATISSIMUM) REMOVE ORGANIC 2 x 4 Fence 3 GAL, 24 HT., 24 SPR., FULL, 3 OC AND MAN—MADE BURLAP 1 MATERIAL ENTIRELY. . ' ; ,;�`� �Y " "n••n. ' "'• , 231 LC GLOSSY PRIVET / LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM VARIEGATUM) r'' r 3 GAL, 18 HT. SPR., FULL, 30 OC OR AS NOTED 137 RA DWARF INDIAN HAWTHORN (RAPHIOLEPIS INDICA 'ALBA') 2" MULCH 3 GAL, 12" HT./SPR., FULL PLANT, 30" OC SHRUB DETAIL 99 RR DWARF AZALEA (RHODODENDRON INDICA 'RED RUFFLES') Orange Plastic Mesh Fencing 3 GAL, 12" HT./SPR., FULL PLANT, 30" OC SCALE: NOT TO SCALE No Placement of Material, Machinary, Temporary Soil 99 PC PLUMBAGO (PLUMBAGO AURICULATA) a \ Deposits or Additional Fill or Asphalt Pavement for 3 GAL, 15" HT./SPR., FULL PLANT, 30" OC Vehicular Circulation Shall be Placed any Closer to 95 PV VARIEGATED PITTOSPORUM (PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA VARIEGATA) T Th Th D • L' N Attachments of Wires 3 GAL, 15" HT./SPR., FULL PLANT, 30" OC VEHICULAR ROUND—ABOUT any ree an a . v £ne, o Except Protective Guide Wires Shall be Attached to any Tree. 6 Inches 152 AN ANNUALS 6" POT, 12" OC, TO BE SELECTED FOR TIME OF PLANTING AS SHOWN Scale 1/15/04 Date Job No. no Change of Grade More or Less Than 1 "= 20'-0" May be Made Within the Drip Line of a Tree Unless SOD: ST. AUGUSTINE FLORATAM (STENOTAPHRUM SECUNDATUM 'FLORATAM') Shown on the Approved Site Development Plan. BAHIA SOD: ARGENTINE BAHIA (PASPALUM NOTATUM) SEE PLANS FOR LOCATIONS FIVE 2"x4"x1G" WOOD BATTENS SECURED WITH TWO 3/4" STEEL At Time of Construction BANDS TO HOLD BATTENS IN PLACE. 4 , PLANT NOTES TREE P R 0 TE C TI O N SPREAD 5 LAYERS BURLAP DO NOT NAIL BATTENS TO PALM. �i 2"x4" BRACE 3" MULCH 1). ALL LANDSCAPED AND SODDED AREAS DELINEATED ON THESE PLANS SHALL BE3" EARTH SAUCED 2"x4"x3' STAKE IRRIGATED WITH AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM PROVIDING 100% HEAD—TO—HEAD COVERAGE. V:riGI� TO HOLD WATER Ia►�J/Lli�r+li 2). ALL LANDSCAPED BEDS SHALL BE TOP DRESSED WITH 3" OF PINE BARK NUGGET MULCH.- �r xr:;. :2.3 �:- —EXISTING PLANT SO THAT TOP OF ROOT?: 4—PV J.:.n.. so I q��.....n. 0 // :; 8—RR — a' - SEE CIVIL P LPN S FOR WALL » SOD SOD_"». PLAN, SECTION & ELEVATION »"" f n Wn •.. /!'� .......... 4 . hoD SOD » _ ............ �f SOD s. I SOD'r ».� I .........» "» "."»...»............................. » a,"" __..». r ».f............................ -�.,..»..........---................. L3—WR — — — + SOD � i HA SOD ,,n.n n £ •" " 10—LC 6—RR OD £ 9—PV 11—LC '° 3—RR 7—LC r---------------- SEEI CIVIL PLANS FOR WALL PLAN, SECTION & ELEVATION 30—AN INGRAM ROAD ENTRANCE PLAN I 7 -LC 1 "= 20'-0" 3—PVI o .. Pi ANIT i icT KAr,( nPKA1(,V PnAn P-K1TPAK1(_P PI A1\1 \ 1 11 1 I_ 1 V 1 1 v 1 %0%., v 1 % 1 V 1 1 v. 1 N v. • v V— 1 V .. ♦ r If . v I. . I-• •. v QTY SYM COMMON NAME (BOTANICAL NAME) 1 "= 20'-0" SPECIFICATIONS TREES: 114 QV LIVE OAK (QUERCUS VIRGINIANA) .............. _� 65 GAL MIN., 12' HT., 2-1/2" DBH MIN., 5' CT, 50' OC 4 PD DATE PALM (PHOENIX DACTYLIFERA) 10' CT. HT. TO BOTTOM OF NUT, SPECIMEN 119 LJ TREE—FORM LIGUSTRUM (LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM) FORM SAUCER 65 GAL, 8' HT., 6' SPR., MULTI—TRUNK, 4' CT. TO CONTAIN RUNOFF Drip Line 24 WR WASHINGTON PALM (WASHINGTONIA ROBUSTA) I I 10' OA. HT., 5 FULL FRONDS MIN. CLEAN BACKFILL MIX. WATER &TAMP SHRUBS: 7 CR SAGO PALM (CYCAS REVOLUTA)) TO REMOVE AIR =III=III— III= 15 GAL MIN., 36" SPREAD, ONE WELL—DEVELOPED HEAD POCKETS - - ; 427 VO SWEET VIBURNUM (VIBURNUM ODORATISSIMUM) REMOVE ORGANIC 2 x 4 Fence 3 GAL, 24 HT., 24 SPR., FULL, 3 OC AND MAN—MADE BURLAP 1 MATERIAL ENTIRELY. . ' ; ,;�`� �Y " "n••n. ' "'• , 231 LC GLOSSY PRIVET / LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM VARIEGATUM) r'' r 3 GAL, 18 HT. SPR., FULL, 30 OC OR AS NOTED 137 RA DWARF INDIAN HAWTHORN (RAPHIOLEPIS INDICA 'ALBA') 2" MULCH 3 GAL, 12" HT./SPR., FULL PLANT, 30" OC SHRUB DETAIL 99 RR DWARF AZALEA (RHODODENDRON INDICA 'RED RUFFLES') Orange Plastic Mesh Fencing 3 GAL, 12" HT./SPR., FULL PLANT, 30" OC SCALE: NOT TO SCALE No Placement of Material, Machinary, Temporary Soil 99 PC PLUMBAGO (PLUMBAGO AURICULATA) a \ Deposits or Additional Fill or Asphalt Pavement for 3 GAL, 15" HT./SPR., FULL PLANT, 30" OC Vehicular Circulation Shall be Placed any Closer to 95 PV VARIEGATED PITTOSPORUM (PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA VARIEGATA) T Th Th D • L' N Attachments of Wires 3 GAL, 15" HT./SPR., FULL PLANT, 30" OC 1 4/28/04 PER REVISED SITE PLAN AND CITY REVIEW COMME TS 2 8/2/04 PER REVISED SITE PLAN AND CITY REVIEW COMMENTS J. SCOTT LIBERTY, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 3 9/31/04 PER REVISED UTILITY PLAN AND CITY REVIEW COMMENTS FL. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT N0. 1476 PH: 407-719-2124 5621 REVELWOOD LOOP, WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32792 No. Date Revision Description McCORMICK WOODS OCOEE, FLORIDA Project 11W4011 0211111110mam Sheet Title Qf �l o Date JSL VEHICULAR ROUND—ABOUT any ree an a . v £ne, o Except Protective Guide Wires Shall be Attached to any Tree. 6 Inches 152 AN ANNUALS 6" POT, 12" OC, TO BE SELECTED FOR TIME OF PLANTING AS SHOWN Scale 1/15/04 Date Job No. no Change of Grade More or Less Than 1 "= 20'-0" May be Made Within the Drip Line of a Tree Unless SOD: ST. AUGUSTINE FLORATAM (STENOTAPHRUM SECUNDATUM 'FLORATAM') Shown on the Approved Site Development Plan. BAHIA SOD: ARGENTINE BAHIA (PASPALUM NOTATUM) SEE PLANS FOR LOCATIONS FIVE 2"x4"x1G" WOOD BATTENS SECURED WITH TWO 3/4" STEEL At Time of Construction BANDS TO HOLD BATTENS IN PLACE. PLANT NOTES TREE P R 0 TE C TI O N SPREAD 5 LAYERS BURLAP DO NOT NAIL BATTENS TO PALM. 2"x4" BRACE 3" MULCH 1). ALL LANDSCAPED AND SODDED AREAS DELINEATED ON THESE PLANS SHALL BE3" EARTH SAUCED 2"x4"x3' STAKE IRRIGATED WITH AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM PROVIDING 100% HEAD—TO—HEAD COVERAGE. TO HOLD WATER 2). ALL LANDSCAPED BEDS SHALL BE TOP DRESSED WITH 3" OF PINE BARK NUGGET MULCH.- xr:;. :2.3 �:- —EXISTING PLANT SO THAT TOP OF ROOT?: r f is i PLANT 3" .. ��^ GRADE 3). ALL TREE SAUCERS SHALL BE TOP DRESSED WITH 3" OF PINE BARK NUGGET MULCH. BALL IS 2" ABOVE BACKFILL :< ABOVE FINISHED GRADE OR IMPORTED :;:vx:; EX. GRADE f;•' 4). IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO BECOME FULLY FAMILIAR SOIL WITH ALL EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND TO STUDY ALL SUBSURFACE UTILITY PLANS PAINT ALL CUTS OVER I" DIA. _ — AND ARCHITECTURAL PLANS SO AS TO PREVENT DAMAGE DURING THE INSTALLATION — — OF THE LANDSCAPE MATERIAL. FLAG GUYING WIRES WITH ¢ _ SURVEYOR TAPE X BALL DIA. 5). STAKING OF TREES IS AT THE OPTION OF THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. >:.•.2• O HOWEVER, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN ALL TREES AND SHRUBS IN AN UPRIGHT PLUM CONDITION. RUBBER HOSE 1" DIA. TO PROTECT TRUNK 6). THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO ~ 3" HIGH EARTH SAUCER , ARCHITECTURAL OR PAVED SURFACES. GUYING WIRES 2 STRAND TWIST Y 7). ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE GRADED FLORIDA NO. 1 ACCORDING TO THE GRADES 12 GUAGE WIRE FORM _ AND STANDARDS OF THE FLORIDA NURSERYMAN'S ASSOCIATION. 3 2"XX24" PRESS TREATED SAUCER MULCH BACKFILL 4 +'"o::.r S). ALL TREE CALIPER DIMENSIONS SHALL BE MEASURED 54�� ABOVE THE TOP OF THE STAKESS—TOP OF STAKE _ OR IMPORTED SOIL �•oa. 2"x2"x4"0' STAKE " 2x4' BRACKET ROOT BALL 6" ABOVE GROUND _ (_ I I II I (I . I I — 01 LIMIT OF MULCH • 9). THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSURE THAT PROPOSED LANDSCAPE BEDS DO NOT INTERFERE WITH PROPOSED DRAINAGE PATTERNS.CLEAN BACKFILL 2"x4" BRACE 10). THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL WARRANTY ALL SHRUBS FOR A PERIOD NO MIX. WATER & TAMP TO REMOVE AIR I I—III—III—I I I—III—III= SHORTER THAN 90 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE CLIENT POCKETS —i I I—III—III—) (I—III—I AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ALL TREES SHALL CARRY A MINIMUM ONE YEAR WARRANTY. ALL WARRANTY RESTRICTIONS SHALL BE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED IN REMOVE ORGANIC BURLAP WRITING AND SHALL BE PART OF THE BIDDING DOCUMENTS PROVIDED TO THE CLIENT FROM TOP 1/3 OF ROOT BALL. 2 X BALL DIA. BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. REMOVE MAN—MADE 11). BEFORE PLANTING OR SODDING THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW THE SITE BURLAP MATERIAL ENTIRELY. GRADING AND DRAINAGE AND SHALL INFORM THE CLIENT OF ANY DRAINAGE PROBLEMS OR INADEQUACIES. TYPICAL TREE PLANTING DETAIL PALM PLANTING DETAIL 12)• GRADING AND DRAINAGE DESIGN FOR THIS SITE IS BY OTHERS. 13), CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PLANT AND SOD QUANTITY TAKE—OFF BEFORE PRICING. PLANT LIST QUANTITIES PROVIDED FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY. 1 4/28/04 PER REVISED SITE PLAN AND CITY REVIEW COMME TS 2 8/2/04 PER REVISED SITE PLAN AND CITY REVIEW COMMENTS J. SCOTT LIBERTY, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 3 9/31/04 PER REVISED UTILITY PLAN AND CITY REVIEW COMMENTS FL. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT N0. 1476 PH: 407-719-2124 5621 REVELWOOD LOOP, WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32792 No. Date Revision Description McCORMICK WOODS OCOEE, FLORIDA Project 11W4011 0211111110mam Sheet Title Qf �l o Date JSL Drawn JSL Check AS SHOWN Scale 1/15/04 Date Job No. Sheet L 2 of 2