HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem V(A) Approval and Acceptance of the Budget Work Session Minutes of September 2, 2004 DLit?4?? Agenda 09-21-04
Item V.A.
Mayor Vandergrift called the Special Session to order at 7:00 p.m. The roll was called
and a quorum declared present. Mayor Vandergrift announced this was a public
hearing on the tentative budget and proposed millage rate for the City of Ocoee.
Notice of this hearing was contained in the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes mailed
by the Property Appraiser. The City Commission has previously set a proposed millage
rate of 4.5789 mills, which represents a 6.2858% increase in millage over the rolled-
back rate of 4.3081.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Howell, Anderson, Johnson, and
Parker. Also present were City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, Acting City
Clerk Brasher, Finance Director Horton, Finance Supervisor Carter, and Budget
Analyst Brosonski. Department Directors were present in the audience in order to
respond to any questions.
Finance Director Horton announced that the percentage rate increase of the tentative
millage over the rolled-back rate that is necessary to fund the proposed budget is
6.2858%, ad Valorem tax revenues are being increased by $672,702 to provide funding
for operating expenses, programs, capitol improvement projects, and for the purchase
of equipment and vehicles.
The public hearing was opened.
As there were no citizens present to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Johnson said he did not think the new Water Conservation
Coordinator position should be a pay grade 11 and he would like to see it changed to
pay grade 9 or 10 due to the limited requirements. He further stated that other pay
grade 10 positions in the City require college degrees, years of supervisory experience
and this is not required for the Water Conservation Coordinator position. Human
Resources Director Diedrich said the initial pay grade was a 10 and was moved up to
an 11. Commissioner Johnson proposed to change the pay grade to a 10 with an AA
degree. Commissioner Parker said she agreed with Commissioner Johnson.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to amend the
Tentative Budget of the City of Ocoee along with the budget message from the City
Manager dated July 29, 2004, along with the changes resultina from the Budget
Workshop in the following manner: 1) Change the Water Conservation Coordinator
position from pay grade 11 to pay grade 10 in the Utility Fund 2) Require an AA degree
for the Water Conservation Coordinator position 3) Move any excess funds resultina
there from to the Utility Fund Continaencv. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner
Howell away from the dais.
Ocoee City Commission Special Session
September 2, 2004
City Attorney Rosenthal announced the Final Millage Rate of 4.5789, which exceeds
the rolled-back rate of 6.2858%, and the proposed percentage increase in property
City Attorney Rosenthal read by title Ordinance No. 2004-20.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to adopt the
Tentative Millage Rate of 4.5789 mills for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2004.
and ending September 30. 2005. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Howell away
from the dais.
City Attorney Rosenthal read by title Ordinance No. 2004-21.
Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt the
Tentative Budget of the City of Ocoee along with the budget message from the City
Manager dated July 29. 2004. along with the changes resulting from the Budget
Workshops and as amended at this meeting, such tentative budget for the Fiscal Year
beginning October 1. 2004, and ending September 30. 2005. Motion carried 3-1 with
Commissioner Anderson voting no and Commissioner Howell away from the dais.
Mayor Vanderarift, seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved that a public
hearing to consider the final millaae rate and final budget be scheduled for September
20. 2004. at 7:00 p.m. at a Special Session of the City of Ocoee City Commission to be
held at the Ocoee City Hall Commission Chambers, that the hearing be advertised in
accordance with the provisions of Section 200.065, Florida Statutes. and Section C-37
of Article VI of the Ocoee City Charter. that the appropriate Ordinances necessary to
adopt the final millaae rate and final budget be prepared by City staff. and that all other
action necessary to comply with the requirements of Section 200.065. Florida Statutes,
be undertaken. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Howell away from the dais.
Adjourn at 7:22 p.m.
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