HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem VII(D) Appointment of a Voting Delegate For the National League of Cities Annual Business Meeting f Agenda 09-21-04
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y Item VI.D.
Date: September 14, 2004 Meeting Date: September 21, 2004
Subject: National League of Cities' Annual Business Meeting
Issue: To be eligible to cast a city's vote(s)each voting delegate and alternate must be
officially designated by the City.
Recommendation: National League of Cities is holding their Annual Business Meeting on
Saturday, December 4, 2004, at the Congress of Cities in Indianapolis,
Indiana. As a direct member city, City Commission should appoint a
voting delegate and alternate to vote at the Annual Business Meeting.
Background Summary: As a direct member city, elected officials are entitled to vote at the
Annual Business Meeting. Based on the population of the city,
each member city casts between one to twenty votes.
Fiscal impacts: N/A
Commission Action:
Reviewed by City Manager —�
Reviewed by City Attorney /A
Reviewed by Finance ✓N/A
Reviewed by N/A
To strengthen
and promote
cities as centers
of opportunity,
al& August 16, 2004
National League
TO: City Clerks of Direct Member Cities
1301 Pennsylvania Ave.,N.W.
Washington,DC 20004-1763 FROM: Donald J. Borut, Executive Direct
Fax: 202-626-3043 SUBJECT: Congress of Cities Voting and Alternate Voting Delegates
2004 Officers The National League of Cities' Annual Business Meeting will be held on
President Saturday, December 4, 2004, at the Congress of Cities in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Charles Lyons As a direct member city, your elected officials are entitled to vote at the Annual
Arlington,Massachusetts Business Meeting. Based on the population of the city, each member city casts
First Vice President between one to twenty votes. The number of votes each city is allowed can be
Anthony A.Williams found on the table on the reverse side of this memorandum.
Second Vice President To be eligible to cast a city's vote(s), each voting delegate and alternate must be
James C.Hunt
Council Member, officially designated by the city using the attached credentials form. This form
Clarksburg,West Virginia will be forwarded to NLC's Credentials Committee. NLC Bylaws expressly
Immediate Past President prohibit voting by proxy. The voting delegate must pick up his/her voting
John DeStefano,Jr.
Mayor, credentials BEFORE the Annual Business Meeting and must be present at the
New Haven,Connecticut Annual Business Meeting to cast the city's vote(s).
Executive Director
Donald J.Borut
Your city's elected officials should be made aware of this request so that
decisions can be made on who will be the voting delegate and alternate at the
Annual Business Meeting. Before the Congress of Cities,NLC will be sending
out a special edition of the Policy Informer summarizing the proposed National
Municipal Policy amendments and resolutions that are to be voted on at the
Annual Business Meeting. This information should be shared with your voting
We ask that you return the completed form to NLC on or before October 8,
2004. Please follow the instructions on the card for filling out the form and
make a copy for your own files. A pre-addressed envelope is attached for your
convenience. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Keith Kirk at
kirk@nlc.org or(202) 626-3176.
Past Presidents:Karen Anderson,Mayor,Minnetonka,Minnesota•Clarence E.Anthony,Mayor,South Bay,Florida•William H.Hudnut,Ill,Vice Mayor,Town of Chevy Chase,Maryland•Sharpe James,
Mayor,Newark,New Jersey•Brian J.O'Neill,Councilman,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania•Directors:Lorraine Anderson,Councilmember,Arvada,Colorado•Ronald Bates,Mayor Pro Tern,Los Alamitos,California
•Phil Bazemore,Mayor Pro Tern,Monroe,North Carolina•Daniel Beardsley,Jr.,Executive Director,Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns•Conrad W.Bowers,Mayor,Bridgeton,Missouri•Rozelle Boyd,
Councillor,Indianapolis,Indiana•Kenneth Bueche,Executive Director,Colorado Municipal League•Leo V.Chaney,Jr.,Councilmember,Dallas,Texas•Roger C.Clear,Mayor,Bolingbrook,Illinois•Roosevelt
Coats,Council Member,Cleveland,Ohio•Lisa Dooley,Executive Director,West Virginia Municipal League•C.Virginia Fields,Manhattan Borough President,New York,New York•Clay Ford,Jr.,Mayor Pro Tern,
Gulf Breeze,Florida•Del Haag,Councilmember,Buffalo,Minnesota•S.Ellis Hankins,Executive Director,North Carolina League of Municipalities•Ken Harvard,Executive Director,Association of Idaho Cities•
Lester Heitke,Mayor,Willmar,Minnesota•Ruth Hopkins,Councilmember,Prairie Village,Kansas•Ted Jennings,Mayor,Brewton,Alabama•Willa Johnson,Councilwoman,Oklahoma City,Oklahoma•Helen
Kawagoe,City Clerk,Carson,California•Joseph Maestas,Councilor,Espanola,New Mexico•Cynthia McCollum,Council Member,Madison,Alabama•Rudolph McCollum,Jr.,Mayor,Richmond,Virginia•
Don Moler,Executive Director,League of Kansas Municipalities•Carlton Moore,Commissioner,Fort Lauderdale,Florida•Joe Moore,Alderman,Chicago,Illinois•Nancy Nathanson,Councilmember,Eugene,
Oregon;•Kathleen M.Novak,Mayor,Northglenn,Colorado•Alex Padilla,City Council President,Los Angeles,California•Bart Peterson,Mayor,Indianapolis,Indiana•Margaret Peterson,Councilmember,
West Valley City,Utah•Terry Riley,Council Member,Kansas City,Missouri•John Russo,City Attorney,Oakland,California•Jeanie E.Smith,Executive Director,Mississippi Municipal League•Shep Stahel,
Deputy Mayor Pro Tern,Plano,Texas;•Ted Tedesco,Mayor,Ames,Iowa•Liberato Silva,Vice Mayor,Flagstaff,Arizona•Dan Thompson,Executive Director,League of Wisconsin Municipalities•Dick Traini,
Recycled Paper Assembly Chairman,Anchorage,Alaska
Number of Votes—Annual Business Meeting
Direct Member Cities
Article IV, Section 2 of NLC's Bylaws specifies the number of votes that each direct
member city of the National League of Cities is entitled to cast at the Annual Business
Meeting at the Congress of Cities. All member cities are required by the Bylaws to cast
unanimous votes.
Under 50,000 1 vote
50,000—99,999 2 votes
100,000— 199,999 4 votes
200,000—299,999 6 votes
300,000— 399,999 8 votes
400,000—499,999 10 votes
500,000—599,999 12 votes
600,000—699,999 14 votes
700,000—799,999 16 votes
800,000—899,999 18 votes
900,000 and above 20 votes