HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem III (B) Approval and Authorization of Emergency Expenditure in the amount of $41,143 for Leaking Stormwater Joints at 332 Sterling Lake Drive and Lakeview Circle AGENDA 10-18-94 Item III B "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" OOF S.SWt I VANIJE CUK11.T orr .... 5 CITY OF OCOEE RCOMMISSIONERSSTN 150 N.LAI�SHORE DRIVE PAUL W.FOSTER Ci OCOEE FLORIDA 34761-2258 VERN COMBS (407)656-2322 JIM GLEASON CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: October 13, 1994 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Montye E. Beamer, Director fr}� Administrative Services UU SUBJECT: Emergency Expenditure for Leaking Stormwater Joints 332 Sterling Lake Drive and Lakeview Circle The attached memos dated September 2, September 20, and September 22, 1994 from the Public Works Director to the City Manager explained the work to be accomplished for the above-listed stormwater problem. Because this occurred during FY94 and was repaired during that same time frame payment should come from the Stormwater Fund Contingency Reserve which showed $100,190 as of September 30, 1994. The total cost for the project can be summarized as follows; the full documentation is attached. Metro Sewer Services Inc. including additional pipeline sections and structures plus TV $16,647.00 DeWitt Excavating Inc. $24.496.00 $41,143.00 Staff recommends that those expenditures be confirmed and that the monies be moved from Stormwater Contingency (103-538-4900) to Stormwater Capital Improvements (103-538-6302) for proper payment. Attachments MEB/jbw 6 Ocoee o ti a. ^ytFA RAYMOND M. BRENNER or soT/,!/>) PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 560 FLEWELLING AVE. OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2303 (407)877-8420 • FAX(407)656-8504 MEMORANDUM TO: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager t FROM: Ray Brenner , Public Works Director tip' DATE: September 2 , 1994 RE: Storm Sewer Repair - 332 Sterling Lake Drive and 709 - 711 Lakeview Circle The street in front of these locations has started to subside. It has been determined that the storm drains are leaking around the joints and have allowed enough sand to be drawn into them that a cavity has formed above. Metro Sewer was contacted on Wednesday, August 31st to confirm our suspicions . We will have the joints pressure grouted . I estimate that this part of the work will cost approximately $7 , 000 . We will then need to hire a contractor to excavate the area at 332 Sterling Lake Drive and to excavate to undisturbed soil , backfill and compact the excavation , and install new road base , pavement, curb, sidewalk, and driveway approach . I estimate that this work will cost approximately $10 , 000 to $15 , 000 , depending on the size of the excavation . Total cost will be approximately $17 , 000 to $22 , 000 . We will pay for this work from the drainage utility fund . RB:jh 11 C: Jim Shira, City Engineer/Utilities Director 1 Montye Beamer , Director of Administrative Services //1/11; Ii tulv/101) J 511) le+ OCOEE IS A RECYCLING COMMUNITY i i� 4,0 OCC186 `yr\� ,.% RAYMOND M. BRENNER er ,000 • PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 560 FLEWELLING AVE. OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2303 (407)877-8420 • FAX(407)656-8504 MEMOR ANDUM TO: Ellis Shai ro , City Manager FROM: Ray Brenner , Public Works Director DATE: September 20 , 1994 RE: Stormwater lines at 332 Sterling Lake Dr . and 709 Lakeview Circle As previously discussed with you , the leaking joints in the stormwater lines at the referenced addresses have been inspected by the Metro Sewer Services Company . The inspection report is attached. I solicited Metro Sewer Services Company , Greiner , and Meyer Paving to pressure ' rout the leaks in the storm line internally . Their responses are as follows : Metro Sewer $ 7 , 500 Meyer ( proposal retracted ) 20 , 000 Greiner could not get to us for several weeksNO QUOTE • I discovered late yesterday that Metro Sewer Services Company has freed up a crew to begin our project. I discussed this with Montye , as she will prepare the Purchase Order (the funds will come from the Stormwater Utility ) . A Notice to Proceed was given . They arrived on site at + : 00 a. m. today . The repairs should be completed this week , and the excavation of the subsided areas w l l begin , hopefully , next week . This pro.ject should take approxi!„ate l y ten ;a s . I will keep you 'i ;Hf med . RB:jh C: Montye Beamer , [ i rector ,,; Administrative Services 0 . 0EE IS AY r! COMMUNITY ....._..----- SEC �;�_f r Ce✓'��:r: �(&O a v 0 �s RAYMOND M.BRENNER of c000 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 560 FLEWELLING AVE. OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2303 (407)877-8420 • FAX(407)656-8504 MEMORANDUM TO: Ellis Sh pi ro, City Manager FROM: ,\<-- Ray Bre n , Publ Works Di rector/ DATE: Septeme 2 , 199A RE: 332 St< , ng Lake Drive and Laknv i e., Circle The pressure gro'_?t eg of the leaking stormwaLer joints should be completed this week at the subject locations . This will conclude the internal repo i r What remains is the - emoval o ' approximately 20 if of 4 ' sidewalk, removal of 30 if of Miami curb , removal of approximately 100 sy of asphalt and base ori al , removal of approximately 50 sf of St. Augustine sod , e.ej lastly , removal of the concrete driveway approach. P. P. ! . C . will remove and dispose of the excavated materials. The depth of the stcrmwater drain is 10 ' to the invert of the pipe. It is necessary to contract this work , as the city does not own any equipment to perform the compaction construction . Therefore, based on ..fie aboe a , quotes were solicited to perform the external work . Following are the companies and their responses: Amick Construe tion No pt ;.;uo0 al received Meyer ( retrai_td hid ) $23 , 715 (could not free up base crew at this time) Dewitt Excavet oo 24 , 425 S/E Contract:,,. .- No proposal received Due to the sericeeness of the problem, Dc.Htt Excavation Company has been issued a "notice to proceed" , as soon as possible, and no later than five C ) days f r er; receipt of a purchase order from Montye Beamer . It appears a crew will be available to begin excavation on Tuesday , September 27th . Restoration and project completion of road base should be completed within 5 working' yays , and rho a :ohal t e tch could be done the following week . RB: jh C: Montye Beamer , eli-ector ef Administrativ- Services Jim Shira, City Dngineer-/0i: i 1 iLies Director CC:`OEE IS A RECYCLING COMMUNITY -01-94 TKU 04:22 PP METR0 SEWERERVICES I;SC 4-07 3225777 Y �'1 1EWRR 'EMUS,. INC. \A +Complete Pipeline & Structure Rehobilitotion*Power Vacuuming/Set Roda(3r Servtca ,,TY/'Video trtspecttets September 1 , 1994 City of Ocoee 150 Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 32751 FAX 407-877-0392 Attn: Ray Brenner We are pleased to quote on the following services for City of Ocoee. This process will be performed in a timely fashion by trained personnel, The following quote consists of : 1 . Clean pipe approximately 1 to 1-1/2 days at $1,350 . 00 per day. 2c:)°° 2. 2-1/2 to 3 days labor to seal at $1 ,350. 00 per day Z"7 bo 3. Approximately $150 .00 for chemical each leaking joint 4 . Approximately $200. 00 per man hole (,o0 5 . Water hydrant is needed for water to clean with. 6 . Dump site for debris from cleaning the lines is needed. 7 . 12 joints and one man hole need attention and repaired. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to bid on the above work- if there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 9)-,,,,,,,, 2% R.6.-- Dough D. BottsS'-pL7 -- MRTRO SEWER SERVICES, INC. v z_4 l" -' ) `-J CottoL -/") �� cD \( s/ (,) i rJ ) A-6U- pfz,_-_- ( 61-\20 c� y P.O. Box 947660■M&tlond, FL 32794-7660-Seminole County(40713225000.Orange CQunsy(4071831.0111 FL WATS 1(800)226-7607■FAX 1407)322-5777 Nationwide Service OOT-13-94 THtl 1114 M METRO SEWER SERVICES INC 407 3225777 P. 01 A klESEWER SERVICE, INC. •Complete Pipeline & Structure Rehabilitation•Power Vocuuming/let Rodder Service •TV/Video Inspection• • October 13, 1994 City of Ocoee . 150 Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 32761 FAX 407-877-0392 Attn: Ray Brenner I wanted to update you on our project that we have been working on Sterling Lake Drive. Our crews have completed the cleaning and grouting process which will prevent further depressions from appearing in the areas addressed. We have yet to televise the line sections that we have sealed which has been requested. Originally there were twelve joints actively leaking and one structure . After our initial cleaning, I personally inspected these pipeline sections and several more areas (19 joints and 4 structures) were found to have evidence of leaks but were not actively leaking at that time. I had our supervisor Bryant Mulkey call and explain, before we started grouting, what would happen if we just grouted active leaks that these other joints and structures that showed evidence of leaks would start leaking due to the higher ground water pressure caused by sealing the active leaks. It was conveyed to Bryant to do the job right and to complete the job properly which has been done. This also in turn raised the price of the project. The city of Ocoee now has a rehabilitated stormwater pipeline three sections and four structures. A video tape of these areas will follow as requested. If you have any questions, please don' t hesitate to contact me at 407-822-5000. Sin r 3y, � � rrf. � Jerr L Botts Presid t METRO SEWER SERVICES, INC. P.O.Box 947660•Maitland.FL 32794.7660•Seminole County(407)322,5000.Orange County(407)831-0111 F1.WATS 1(800)226-7607•FAX(407)322.5777 Nationwide Service OCT-13-94 THU 02 :39 PM METRO SEWER SERVICES INC 407 3225777 P. 02 *************** METRO SEWER SERVICES, INC. P-o-sax 447o6o * INVOICE * MAITLAND,FL 327$4-7660 * 1407)322-5000 FAX(401)322-5777 ik x x *Yc>x**R x ss Invoice Number: 002160 Invoice Date; 10/11/94 Page: 1 Sold CITY OF OCOEE Job CITY OF OCOEE To: 150 N LAKESHORE DR site: 150 N LAKESHORE DR OCOEE, FL OCOEE, FL 32761 32761 CUSt 1 .D • OCOEE S--number. : 837-12 P.O. Number . . : 6671 rob Started: 09/20/94 P.O. Date • 09/21/94 Due Date. : 10/21/94 Customer #. . . : 343-12 Terms - ON RECEIPT Technician. . . : 29 :ERVICE Net )9-24-94 675.00 PREP WORK 5 MRS 150.00 HYDRAULIC CEMENT )9-26-94 1012.50 GROUT SERVICE 7 . 5 HRS 150.00 HYDRAULIC CEMENT )9-27-94 1012.50 PREP JOINTS 7. 5 HRS 225.00 HYDRAULIC CEMENT )9-28-94 1080.00 GROUT SERVICE 8 MRS 150.00 HYDRAULIC CEMENT )9-29--94 1147.50 GROUT SERVICE 8.5 HRS Subtotal : 5602.50 OCT-:.3-94 THU 02:39 PM METRO SEWER SERVICES It-IC 407 3225777 P. 03 *************** METRO SEWER SERVICES, INC. * '� P.O.BOX 847860 * INVOICE * MAITLAND.FL 32794-7680 * ,* (407)322-5000 FAX(407)922-5777 *************** Invoice Number; 002160 Invoice Date: 10/11/94 Page: 2 Sold CITY OF OCOEE Job CITY OF OCOEE To: 150 N LAKESHORE DR Site: 150 N LAKESHORE DR OCOEE, FL OCOEE, FL 32761 32761 • ,Cost 'I.D - OCOEE S-number. : 837-12 -.P P.O. Number. . : 6671 lob Started: 09/20/94 P.O. Date • 09/21/94 Due Date. : 10/21/94 Customer # . . . : 343-12 Terms • ON RECEIPT Technician. . . : 29 3ERVICR Net 1092.00 104 GALLONS GROUT 10--04--94 1147. 50 GROUT SERVICE 8. 5 HRS 829.50 74 GALLONS GROUT 10-03-94 742. 50 GROUT SERVICE 5. 5 HRS 504.00 48 GALLONS GROUT 10-05-94 1080.00 GROUT SERVICE 8 HRS 577 .50 55 GALLONS GROUT _0--05-94 1147 .50 GROUT SERVICE 8. 5 HRS 819.00 78 GALLONS GROUT Subtotal: 13542.00 II OCT-d3-94 THU 02 :40 PM METRO SEWER SERVICES INC 407 3225777 P. 04 *************** METRO SEWER SERVICES, INC. P.O BOX e4re60 * INVOICE * 4,404171,Ata FL$2794.7660 r * (407)36000 FAX(407)3225777 *************** Invoice Number: 002160 Invoice Date: 10/11/94 Page: 3 Sold CITY OF OCORE Job CITY OF OCOEE To: 150 N LAKESHORE DR Site: 150 N LAKESHORE DR OCOEE, FL OCOEE, FL 32761 32761 D • OCOEE S-number. : 837-12 ' !P.O.' Number. . : 6671 rob Started: 09/20/94 P.O.'• Date • 09/21/94 Due Date. : 10/21/94 Customer $. . . : 343-12 Terms • ON RECEIPT Technician. . . : 29 SERVICE Net 1080.00 TV/VIDEO SERVICE 8 HRS @ $135.00/HR 2025.00 VACTOR SERVICE 23 HRS @ $135 .00/RRA $3105.00 BILLED FOR A TOTAL OF 15 HRS PER QUOTE @ $135.00/HR 'LEASE PAY ON INVOICE Subtotal: 16647.00 Tax • 0.00 Payments: 0.00 Total. . . : 16647 .00 l'ESIITT 11FI!-P;;, ltC. C,.."1-17.0552 P- 02 ,. DeWitt Excavating Inc. P.0,13ox 770237 Winter Garden, FL 34777-0337 (407) 656-1799 rex (407) 658-0552 September 13, 1994 CITY OF OCOEE 150 NORTH LAKESHORE t>,, OCOEE, FL. .34761 ATTN! MR. RAY 11REER PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR V ' SUBJECT: STERLIN(1 LAKE DRIVE REPAIRS . , Dear Mr. Brenner : kind.4 , Below please our proposal to repair th,-.. depression at Sterling Lake Drive as per our discussion: REMOVE ASPHALT, ,CUMI, 5IDEWALX AmD DRIVE WAY - 1 LS----7-4,-500;-00-- MAtNTAINENCE OVi.TPAPPir - 1 LS —3 ,000 .-00 -- EXCAVATE AND BACKFILL AROUND PIPE 1 LS 17 ,246 .00 REPAIR BASE AND ASPHALT 1 LS 2 ,7S0 .00 REPLACE DRIVEWAY,CURB AND SIDEWALK I LS 4_1500 .00 $34 ,996 .00 If you have anyluestions, please call me. r/ ,...-4,) Sincerely, 14.4.4. ,t. 4', . . ,, , _ Dell i 1 t E,x. ;tht . , TTif.,:. _4,-- 1 ‘ C.\\\-‘.3 G) , , ,, , WI:4 624ge, ' a.:-, " . ....___ , ._..s._t , (-__L 0 \) Robert Davila - Project Mana(jer RD/hj 4 , 1 . „ - ii,„, , _,. --,,,, ,..,,fol,, -, --- DEWITT EXCAVATING, INC. 6560552 P. 02 :WIT! , XCAVAT1NO, INC. - . '4. SOX 770337 INVOICE NO: 1274 ENTER ()ARDEN, FL 34777-0337 407) 656-1799 INVOICE DATE: 10/13/94 PAGE: 1 SOLD TO: SHIP TO: CITY OF OCOEE CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE. FL SILVER GLEN STORM SEWER REPAIR 34761 Purchase Order 0 : nfja- _. SPPCA _1_7' ::< UNIT _?B_TGE __AMOUNT SILVER GLEN STORM SEWER RF_PAI 1 . 00L.S. 24 . 496 .00 $24.495. 00 TOTAL W/G TAX $24.496 .00 SALES TAX $0 .00 TOTAL DUE $24 ,495. 00