HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem VI(B) Resolution No 94-25, adopting Infrastructure Deficiency Report "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" AGENDA 10-4-94 Ocoee Item VI B S6:3- ° CITY OF COMMISSIONERS .. ` OCOEE RUSTY JOHNSON a 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE PAUL W.FOSTER d OCOEE FLORIDA 34761-2258 VERN COMBS ( 656-2322 JIM GLEASON rE4 •J Op GOGOP QTYMANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: JANET G. RESNIK, CAPITAL PROJECTS/CONCURRENCY ANALYSTX DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 1994 ( ` SUBJECT: CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - ANNUAL REPORT ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve Resolution 94-25 , which formally adopts the annual concurrency report and Infrastructure Deficiencies Map? BACKGROUND Florida law requires that municipalities monitor certain facilities and services for concurrency purposes including traffic circulation, sanitary sewer, potable water, solid waste, stormwater drainage, and recreation. All facilities and services must be available either concurrent with the impacts of new development, or as outlined in Chapter 163 , Florida Statutes, as implemented under Rule 9J-5, F.A.C. DISCUSSION Attached as Exhibit A of Resolution 94-25 is the annual concurrency assessment . Article IX of the Land Development Code requires that the City look at several different areas in determining the status of infrastructure and services in the City. Traffic : The City meets the Level of Service (LOS) D on all roads monitored in the City of Ocoee for current traffic conditions; however, the concurrency management system must also measure the impacts of those developments which have been issued Final Certificates of Concurrency and those vested developments which have held a pre-construction conference and are able to pull building permits . There are four roadway segments over 100 percent of LOS D capacity when these reserved trips are added to existing traffic counts : (1) Maguire Road from Roberson Road to Tomyn Road, (2) Maguire Road from Professional Parkway to State Road 50, (3) Maguire Road from Tomyn Road to Professional Parkway, and (4) State Road 50 from Maguire Road to Old Winter Garden Road. ov- Because there is a margin of error in estimating the traffic counts of proposed development and anticipating timeframes of project build-outs, it is acceptable to allow 15 percent over the maximum LOS D capacity for concurrency purposes . Any segment that shows a figure greater than 115 percent of the maximum LOS D capacity must be planned for improvement as outlined in Rule 9J-5 . The two segments right at 115 percent, Maguire Road from Roberson to Tomyn and again from Professional Parkway to State Road 50, are at that point because of the number of trips reserved for Cross Creek, Plantation Grove PUD' s shopping center, the proposed RaceTrac gasoline station at Marshall Farms and State Road 50, the new State Farm building, two upcoming villages in Wesmere, and the first six lots of the West End Professional Park. To give you an idea of what has been reserved for these six projects, the combined trips represent more than half the traffic that exists on the road today. Because Maguire Road has reached the maximum capacity, the City must decide whether to put the road on a faster schedule fiscally that meets the requirements to allow growth to continue, or put the road on the Infrastructure Deficiencies Map by denying any future projects that impact Maguire Road. The state has relaxed the requirements for concurrency somewhat in that cities may continue to approve projects on a road that has surpassed the maximum LOS as long as the improvement is scheduled to be in place or under actual construction not more than three years after issuance of a certificate of occupancy for such a project . If a different schedule were determined to be fiscally feasible, the Capital Improvements Element of the Comprehensive Plan must correspondingly be updated to include the estimated date of commencement of actual construction and the estimated date of project completion. Sanitary Sewer: There are no deficiencies in this area, even when the flows for permitted but unbuilt development are added to existing flows in the current system. There are two factors involved in measuring the capacity of the wastewater system: (1) treatment, and (2) effluent disposal . With the expansion of the plant to the 3-million gallon treatment capacity, the City has more than half that capacity available for future growth. The limiting factor is the effluent disposal capacity. The City is currently allowed to treat 1 . 5 million gallons per day because of the limitations on disposing of the effluent; however, during the 1994-95 fiscal year, the ponds at the plant site will be reconfigured to increase the amount of effluent disposal capacity. This will increase the amount of capacity under the City' s permit issued by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) . The City is also devising a master plan for implementing a reuse system throughout the City in order to maximize the plant' s treatment capacity for future growth in the years to come. Potable Water: Currently, existing customers in the system are using most of what the City is permitted to pump from its four water plants . The 1994-95 budget includes money for two new wells, one at the Forest Oaks Water Plant and one at the South Water Plant, which will greatly increase the amount of water the City is permitted to pump through the St . Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) . Design of the wells is currently underway and the projects are expected to be bid next month. Both wells are scheduled to be in operation by May 1995 . DEP and the SJRWMD are both aware of the projects and City staff is working with the SJRWMD on revising the permit accordingly. It should be noted that projects that have permits to connect to the water system that have either not completed development or have not yet begun actual construction would put the system over capacity if all of the permitted capacity was in the system today; however, there is more than adequate room with the current water system to service the number of customers that these projects will actually add to the system over the next several months . This is noted to emphasize the importance of the two new wells being added to the system this year. Solid Waste : The City falls well below the six (6) pounds per capita per day LOS. Strong participation in the residential recycling program accounts for the low production of solid waste . Although there is no LOS for commercial solid waste customers, the City does require a letter from IWS, the City' s commercial solid waste collection company, stating that they are aware of each new development and that they have the capacity to serve the projects . It should also be noted that recycling became mandatory for commercial establishments this year and multi- family complexes must have a recycling plan in place by January 1995 . Because of these new developments, beginning this year the City of Ocoee' s concurrency management system will require recycling plans (name of company handling the recycling and the system to be implemented) from all new commercial and multi- family developments . Stormwater Drainage : As part of the overall development review process, all new development must meet all City and state requirements for stormwater drainage . The existing drainage conditions are being analyzed on a basin-by-basin schedule as are the maintenance demands . Recreation: The City far exceeds what is required under the new park land requirement of 4 acres for every 1, 000 residents . Even though the existing facilities meet the LOS, the Capital Improvements Plan includes provisions for both land and recreational facilities to keep the park system ahead of the growth rate . RECOMMENDATION Each of the above described areas is monitored continuously to ensure an adequate level of service and the data are updated as projects complete the development review process or construction begins on vested developments . Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners adopt Resolution 94- 25 which includes the Infrastructure Deficiencies Map which shows no deficiencies in the City. cc : Ellis Shapiro, City Manager Montye Beamer, Director of Administrative Services Russ Wagner, Director of Planning RESOLUTION NO. 94- 25 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, RELATING TO INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIENCIES UNDER THE CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM; ACCEPTING A CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INFRASTRUCTURE REPORT; FINDING THAT THERE ARE NO INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIENCIES WITHIN THE CITY; ADOPTING AN INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIENCIES MAP; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee has received a report from the Development Administrator on the status of all infrastructure covered under the Ocoee Concurrency Management System, said report being attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference made a part hereof ("the Concurrency Management System Infrastructure Report") ; and WHEREAS, the Development Administrator has collected and made available to the public information on certain infrastructure facilities as required by Article IX of Chapter 180 of the Ocoee City Code; and WHEREAS, based upon the Concurrency Management System Infrastructure Report and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 9-5 of Article IX of Chapter 180 of the Ocoee City Code, the Development Administrator has prepared an Infrastructure Deficiencies Map, said map being attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference made a part hereof ("the Infrastructure Deficiencies Map") ; and WHEREAS, the Development Administrator has advised the Ocoee City Commission that, as of October 1, 1994, there are no areas of the City served by infrastructure which do not meet the level of service standards established by the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are made a part of this Resolution. 2 . The City Commission of the City of Ocoee hereby accepts the Concurrency Management System Infrastructure Report attached hereto as Exhibit "A" . 3 . The City Commission of the City of Ocoee hereby finds that, as of October 1, 1994, there are no areas of the City served by infrastructure which do not meet the level of service standards established by the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. 4. Pursuant to Section 9-5.0 of Article IX of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, the Ocoee City Commission hereby adopts the Infrastructure Deficiencies Map attached hereto as Exhibit "B" . The Infrastructure Deficiencies Map will be effective from October 1, 1994 through September 30, 1995 unless revised at an earlier date in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article IX of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida. 5. The Infrastructure Deficiencies Map attached hereto as Exhibit "B" supersedes and replaces all previously adopted Infrastructure Deficiencies Maps. 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of October, 1994 . APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this day of , 1994 . FOLEY & LARDNER APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON , 1994 By: UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. City Attorney C:IWPSI\DOCS\OCOEIPERDDH09.26A 19!26/901 DEBBIEH I PER:dh 2 EXHIBIT "A" CONCURRENCY ASSESSMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES The following inventories, in conjunction with the Infrastructure Deficiencies Map, shall be maintained by the Development Administrator to be used for the concurrency assessment of new development : I. TRAFFIC CIRCULATION A. Design capacity of the roadway network. The attached Table 1 outlines the volumes and capacities of all of the roadway segments monitored by the City of Ocoee . The total capacity (vehicles per day) shown for all roadway segments is for a Level of Service (LOS) D. The Ocoee Comprehensive Plan originally adopted an LOS C for arterials and limited access facilities; however, the City has since made application to the state to change Ocoee' s designation from "Urbanized" to "Urban" . The "Urban" classification allows a municipality to use LOS D in formulating its traffic volumes and capacities for all roadways under Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) functional classification. The Federal Highway Administration and the FDOT approved the new Urban boundary in May 1993 . The City processed a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to formally change the classification which was found in compliance by the Florida Department of Community Affairs in August 1994 . B. The existing level of service measured by the average annual number of trips per day on a roadway as provided by the the Florida Department of Transportation, Orange County, the City of Ocoee, or any other approved source. The figures for existing traffic for the various road segments are shown on Table 1 under Existing Daily Volumes (vehicles per day) . These counts were provided by the FDOT, the Orange County Traffic Engineering Department, and the City' s consulting engineers . Comparing this existing trip data with the Total Allowable Capacity, all segments measured LOS D or better. 1 C. The adopted level of service standards for all roadways classified under the Florida Department of Transportation' s roadway functional classification system. The adopted LOS for all roadways is LOS D. D. The existing unallocated capacities or deficiencies of the roadway network. Looking at existing conditions (traffic on the roads today) there are no deficiencies on any roadway segments . The available capacities under today' s traffic conditions are obtained by subtracting existing volumes from maximum allowable capacities. (See Paragraph F below for a discussion of capacities for roadway segments after reserved trips are added to existing trips . ) E. The capacities reserved for those projects with a Final Certificiate of Concurrency or Transportation Capacity Reservation Certificate. Trips are reserved (for concurrency purposes) for those projects with Final Certificates of Concurrency (FCCs) or Transportation Capacity Reservation Certificates (TCRCs) ; or for vested projects, trips are put into the system as "reserved" once construction has begun on that development . These projects with reserved trips are listed, with their respective traffic volumes, on Pages 2-5 of Table 1 . The total reserved trips for each road segment is on Page 1 of Table 1. For those developments which are currently in the building stage, units which are already adding trips on the road (homes or businesses that are occupied) have been subtracted from the overall total trips that are vested or concurrent (to avoid double counting) . F. The projected capacities or deficiencies due to those projects with a Final Certificate of Concurrency or Transportation Capacity Reservation Certificate. The traffic generated by those projects with a FCC, a TCRC, or those vested projects under construction is recorded in the "Reserved" column of Table 1 . When added to existing traffic, the combined amount may not exceed 115 percent of the maximum allowable capacity for each road segment . The state allows the extra 15 percent because of the margin of error with anticipating the timeframe for build-out of projects . 2 On all vested projects, for example, the developers provide an estimate of what they anticipate building for the year. That estimate is approved by the City for reasonableness and then monitored to ensure that it is an accurate representation of what is actually being built during the course of the year. Based on existing trips plus reserved trips, there are two roadway segments at 115 percent of capacity (Maguire Road from Roberson to Tomyn and Maguire Road from Professional Parkway to State Road 50) and two more segments over 100 percent capacity (Maguire Road from Tomyn to Professional Parkway and State Road 50 from Maguire to Old Winter Garden) . The existing traffic volumes as compared to the maximum allowable capacities on these roadway segments are as follows : Road/Roadway Segment Percentage of Existing Traffic vs. Max. Allowable Maguire Road: Roberson to Tomyn: 68 percent Tomyn to Professional Parkway: 64 percent Professional Parkway to S .R. 50 : 75 percent State Road 50 : Maguire to Old Winter Garden: 90 percent These segments will be monitored closely to ensure accuracy with actual building activity since it is the reserved trips that put these segments over 100 percent of capacity. G. The improvements to be made to the roadway network in the current fiscal year by any approved projects pursuant to previous development orders or permits and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. Clarke Road, north of A.D. Mims Road, is currently under construction by the developer of Prairie Lakes PUD. The section from A.D. Mims to the entrance to Prairie Lake Subdivision is scheduled to be completed during FY 1994-95 . Hackney-Prairie Road is currently planned to be improved to a 2-lane, paved roadway, from Apopka-Vineland Road to Clarke Road during FY 1994-95 . This is a joint project between the developer of Burnden Park subdivision and the City of Ocoee. Monitoring of traffic will occur following completion of these improvements . 3 H. The improvements to be made to the roadway network in the current fiscal year and the first three years of the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan by the City of Ocoee, Orange County, the Florida Department of Transportation, or other public agency and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. There are several projects included in the City' s Capital Improvements Plan that will have direct effects on the overall transportation network by either adding new roads or improving traffic flow on existing roadways . As stated in the previous paragraph, construction will begin on Hackney- Prairie Road this fiscal year with a portion of the project funded by the City. The City' s portion of the Clarke Road extension which will connect Clarke Road with Clarcona-Ocoee Road is also included in FY 1994-95 . And the 1994-95 budget includes improvements at the Kissimmee Avenue and Story Road intersection. Also to be noted, construction funds have been budgeted for FY 1995-96 for reconfiguring the intersection of Marshall Farms Road and Maguire Road. And lastly, money is included in each year of the CIP for the Maguire Road widening project . The money will go either toward engineering work or be used as part of a bonding schedule . I . Annual update of the City' s transportation network as modeled using the Region' s most recent OUATS model. Work is currently being completed on the Road Impact Fee update. This along with the review of the City' s two Developments of Regional Impact yielded a complete analysis of the transportation network. II. SANITARY SEWER A. The design capacity of the wastewater treatment facility. The City of Ocoee has one wastewater treatment facility. It is currently designed to treat three (3) million gallons per day (MGD) . The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Construction Permit allows the City of Ocoee to treat up to 1 . 5 million gallons per day. This figure represents the current permitted effluent disposal capacity of the ponds at the plant site and at the golf course . The City is continuing to work with DEP to further increase the permitted disposal capacity through monitoring of groundwater conditions at both disposal sites . 4 B. The existing level of service standard for average daily flows per equivalent residential unit. The existing level of service (LOS) is calculated by dividing the number of equivalent residential units (ERUs) into the average daily flows represented by the existing customer base. The average daily flow (daily flows were taken from August 1993-July 1994 and then averaged for the 12-month period) is . 820 MGD (820, 000 gallons per day) . There are 2 , 926 customers on the system accounting for approximately 3 , 100 ERUs which amounts to an existing LOS of 265 gallons per day per ERU. C. The adopted level of service standard for average daily flows per equivalent residential unit. The adopted LOS per the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan is 270 gallons per day (GPD) per ERU. D. The existing capacities or deficiencies of the system. Taking the 1 . 5 million gallons per day that the City is permitted to treat and subtracting the current (average) flow of 820, 000 gallons per day, there is 680, 000 gallons per day of capacity in the system. (See Paragraph F below for a discussion of capacities remaining after reserved gallons are added to existing gallons in the system. ) E. The capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt development. For concurrency purposes regarding sanitary sewer, the City of Ocoee defines "approved but unbuilt development" as those portions of a project which have not yet been built but which have sanitary sewer capacity reserved through a DEP permit . Table 2 outlines the projects which fall under this category and the number of sanitary sewer ERUs that have been reserved and are still unused for each of those projects . The current wastewater facility has a treatment capacity of 3 million gallons . The system as permitted by DEP for effluent disposal can treat a total of 1 . 5 million gallons per day or 5, 556 ERUs . With the 3 , 100 ERUs currently in use and the 1, 755 ERUs reserved for unbuilt development (as permitted) , there are 701 ERUs of capacity still available (based on the effluent disposal capacity) . 5 In terms of treatment capacity, with the existing flow and the reserved gallonage, more than half of the 3 million gallons per day is still available to support additional growth beyond the projects permitted today. The City will focus on reuse programs over the next several years to increase the DEP effluent disposal capacity permit in order to maximize use of the plant . F. The improvements to be made to the facility in the current fiscal year by any approved projects pursuant to previous development orders and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. There are no improvements scheduled to be made to the wastewater treatment facility this year by developers which would have any effect on capacities or deficiencies of the overall system. G. The improvements to be made to the facility in the current fiscal year by the City of Ocoee and the impacts of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. There are no scheduled treatment capacity improvements to be made to the wastewater treatment facilities by the City which would have an effect on capacities or deficiencies of the overall system; however, included in the FY 1994-95 budget are funds to reconfigure the ponds at the wastewater treatment plant site which will increase the amount of effluent the City is able to dispose of and allow the City to increase the effluent disposal capacity permitted by DEP. Also, large developments will be encouraged to install reuse lines . III. POTABLE WATER A. The design capacity of the potable water treatment facilities. There are four water plants interconnected in the City of Ocoee permitted to pump a total of 2 . 88 MGD. (This is permitted through the St . Johns River Water Management District . ) The 2 . 88 MGD equates to 9, 600 ERUs using the City' s adopted LOS of 300 GPD/ERU. 6 B. The existing level of service measured by the average number of gallons per day per unit based on the average flows experienced. The average number of gallons per day based on the 12-month average from September 1993 through August 1994 is 3 . 07 MGD. Taking the 15 percent average deduction for unmetered losses for such things as hydrant flushing, leakages, and calibration variances in the meters, the average daily number of gallons actually used by customers in the system is 2 . 61 MGD. There are currently 5, 983 customers representing approximately 8675 ERUs in the system. Taking the number of ERUs and the average flow used by customers in the system, the existing LOS is 300 GPD/ERU. C. The existing potable water storage capabilities of the water system. The water storage capabilities are as follows : Forest Oaks Plant : 400, 000 gallons Jamela Plant : 1, 000 , 000 gallons Kissimmee Ave . Plant : 250, 000 gallons South Water Plant : 600 , 000 gallons Total Storage : 2 , 250, 000 gallons D. The existing minimum water pressure. The Land Development Code requires a minimum water pressure of 20 pounds per square inch (20 psi) . New development is required to show that it meets this requirement (which is usually done through computer modelling) . Existing development is tested by the Ocoee Fire Department on a regular basis through gauging fire hydrants . E. The adopted level of service standards for the potable water facilities. The adopted LOS is 300 GPD/ERU. F. The existing capacities or deficiencies of the system. The existing LOS of 300 GPD/ERU meets the adopted LOS as outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. The 8, 675 ERUs that represent the current customer usage is below the maximum permitted 9, 600 ERUs; therefore there are no deficiencies in the existing system. (See Paragraph G below for a discussion of capacities remaining after reserved gallons are added to existing gallons in the system. ) 7 G. The capacities reserved for approved but unbuilt development. For concurrency purposes regarding potable water, the City of Ocoee defines "approved but unbuilt development" as those portions of a project which have not yet been built but which have potable water capacity reserved through a DEP permit . Table 3 outlines the projects which fall under this category and the number of potable water ERUs that have been reserved and are still unused for each of those projects . With the current water plants, the system is permitted to pump 2 . 88 MGD or 9, 600 ERUs . With the 8, 675 ERUs currently in use and the 1, 890 ERUs reserved for unbuilt development, the system appears to be over capacity; however, of the 1, 890 ERUs remaining to serve "reserved but unbuilt development" , only about 517 are expected to be connected to the system by May 1995 . (See Table 3 . ) And in May 1995, the City is scheduled to have two new wells in service which will increase the number of gallons the City is permitted to pump. This increase in the consumptive use permit is expected to meet the needs of the system for anticipated growth in the City for the next several years . H. The improvements to be made to the facilities in the current fiscal year by any approved projects pursuant to previous development orders or permits and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. According to the City Engineer/Utilities Director, there are no improvements planned by developers that would impact existing capacities . I. The improvements to be made to the facilities in the current fiscal year by the City of Ocoee and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. The City will be adding two new wells to the system during the 1994-95 fiscal year, one at the Forest Oaks Water Plant site and one at the South Water Plant . These projects are budgeted in the Capital Improvements Plan and are currently in the design stage . The DEP and SJRWMD are aware of the projects and once these wells are operating, the consumptive use permit will be revised accordingly to increase the amount of water the City is permitted to pump. 8 IV. SOLID WASTE A. The percentage of the total amount of solid waste disposal capacity allocated to the City of Ocoee by Orange County or other applicable solid waste disposal facilities. The City of Ocoee currently provides residential solid waste collection services . Commercial garbage is franchised to a private contractor. The City of Ocoee does not have a contract with Orange County for a certain allotment of solid waste disposal capacity. Orange County has not notified the City of any limitations or of any maximum allowable waste that will be accepted from the City. To this end, the City will permit additional customers until notified otherwise by the County. Orange County' s landfill permit is valid through December 4, 1997 . B. The existing level of service measured by the solid waste per pound per capita per weekly collection. Orange County currently places no overall limitations on the amount of solid waste generated by the City of Ocoee; however, the City does limit the amount of solid waste it collects from its residential customers and anything over that limit is only collected after the customer pays an additional fee . The current LOS for residential customers is 6 . 0 pounds per capita per day. Service is provided as required by state statute for the separation of Class I garbage from recyclables and yard waste . From July 1, 1993 through June 30, 1994, a total of 5 , 293 . 53 tons of Class I residential garbage was transported by the City of Ocoee to the Orange County landfill . That figure averages out to 441 . 13 tons per month or 882, 260 pounds per month or 29, 409 pounds per day. There are currently 5, 274 residential garbage customers (households) in Ocoee . At 29, 409 pounds per day that equates to 5 . 58 pounds per day per customer or 1 . 86 pounds per day per person. This is well below the 6 pounds per person per day adopted LOS . C. The projected capacities reserved for those projects with a Final Certificate of Concurrency. Because Orange County has not placed any limitation on the amount of solid waste generated by the City of Ocoee, the City will reserve capacity for approved but unbuilt development in one-year increments for those developments that receive Final Certificates of Concurrency. 9 D. The existing recycling criteria as established by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Orange County. The City of Ocoee began its residential recycling program in July 1990 in accordance with state and local regulations . Effective February 1, 1994, commercial recycling became mandatory as well . All multi-family housing within Orange County must begin recycling by January 1995 . Multi-family garbage collection is provided by the City' s commercial garbage collector (IWS) . Recycling services for commercial and multi-family developments may be done by IWS or any independent recycling company so long as they are certified as a recovered materials dealer. V. STORMWATER DRAINAGE A. The existing level of service measured by storm event as determined by the City of Ocoee and its consulting engineers. The City has issued four work orders for engineering study of four of the sixteen drainage basins . All of these studies are currently underway. These studies will result in recommended improvements to be made within the individual basins, will provide estimated capital costs for the improvements, and will recommend general future development guidelines to be applied within each basin. After the engineering studies are completed, the City will begin work on project design for improvements recommended by each study. These projects will include new construction, maintenance of existing facilities, and improvement of existing inadequate facilities . These projects will be prioritized for construction as funds become available. The City will begin a program of identification of drainage easement and right-of-way requirements, including surveys and appraisals . Once this information is collected, the City can begin to acquire these easements and rights-of-way in order to make ditch maintenance a more routine process . This maintenance will allow the conveyance facilities to function at their design capacity. The City has set aside funds in the FY 95 budget for the purchase of a piece of specialized equipment for ditch cleaning. This equipment, called the Menzi-Muck, can travel along the bottom of a ditch, through up to four feet of standing water. This will allow routine custodial maintenance of ditches for which there is limited right-of- way, since the equipment does not need to travel along the top of the ditch bank. Routine custodial maintenance is work for the purpose of maintaining the original design specifications of the conveyance facility. 10 The City is a co-applicant with Orange County for both Part I and Part II of the U.S . EPA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permit application. EPA' s review of the Part I application has been completed, and review of the Part II application is still underway. When issued, the permit will be for a five- year period, and will include requirements for pollutant monitoring and drainage system improvements . B. The adopted level of service standard for storm drainage. The LOS for stormwater/drainage is the ability to contain a 25 year/24 hour storm event, consistent with Chapter 17-25 of the Florida Administrative Code. Development must meet all requirements for stormwater/drainage as outlined in the City of Ocoee' s Land Development Code or other such stormwater drainage approvals as may be required by the Land Development Code or state agencies . VI. RECREATION A. The existing acreage of park land. There are 140 acres of park land in the City of Ocoee . The list of parks with the corresponding acres is attached as Table 4 . B. The existing level of service measured by the number of acres of park land available per 1, 000 residents of the City of Ocoee based on an inventory of park lands in the City and the population of the City. According to the Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEER) at the University of Florida, the latest population figures for Ocoee show 17, 489 permanent residents . With 140 acres of existing park land, that gives the City an existing LOS of 8 acres of park land per 1, 000 residents . C. The existing capacities or deficiencies of the recreational facilities. The adopted LOS for recreation is 4 acres of park land per 1, 000 residents . The City exceeds this requirement with many acres of capacity to support continued growth. 11 D. The capacities reserved for those projects with a Final Certificate of Concurrency. Table 5 outlines those projects with Final Certificates of Concurrency, denoting the population for each project and the capacity (number of acres) each will require. E. The projected capacities or deficiencies due to those projects with a Final Certificate of Concurrency. The total acres needed to support those projects in Table 5 is 1 . 78 acres . The current population of 17, 489 requires 70 acres . The existing 140 acres of park land leaves the City with a capacity of 68 acres . F. The improvements or additions of land to be made to the recreation system in the current fiscal year by any approved projects pursuant to previous development orders and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies. There are no park lands scheduled to be added to the city- wide park system in the 1994-95 fiscal year; however, residential subdivisions are still required by the Land Development Code to provide park land and facilities to serve the residents of their subdivision. This park land is not added to the city-wide system since it is private property owned and maintained by the individual homeowners' associations, however, it does reduce the demand on certain public facilities . G. The improvements or additions of land to be made to the recreation system in the current fiscal year by the City of Ocoee and the impact of such improvements on the existing capacities or deficiencies . There are no park lands scheduled to be added to the city- wide recreation system during this fiscal year. There will be additional recreation facilities when the new Youth Center is opened in the summer of 1995 . 12 TABLE 1 OCOEE ROAD CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1 of 5 Traffic Volumes and Capacities by Road Segments Overall Summary 09/28/94 'v:{:}:.:•::.v.,,,i.}%•?.'h:4`•:'::.4�:,.,..,4Li:.i{:}.:,:i. 4:::n,w::::.......... ,.. .. ...,....,..,., ,:,... ............. .-•• :� .. .::::: ::::v:v:: •,:•:4::.:. ...... .., :•}:•:,:k.K.}:<•?w:i?:;::::::<:}}}?:.:::.:•{:ck...........,.,•::,:,:•::,.;;�I:i►..iii•.;a.::•. :.;...:.::�7iif1..:1�:itt�EBli; :. ..s ,.:.,;.. :.:::•}}:.,......,........ ..E.> �:: :�iiiitillftrta: :R1sa1.'.Yflif:'•ti:C's'-i`illf�.'t�::;#;:;:'':::o:',:<;%: i:t.+1`6tftt'!i`.k:'.•°�'itat)dE .�„4'i•::':.,iiiggiiiiiiggiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiii"•::::iiiiziiii:mi:imaimeimii**:.w:n,,, ..... 4.. .}.{n.,, ...:. .... ...:.. ..•::::. : :•:v:::....... ....... ............. ii A.D.Mims Rd Wurst Rd/Clarke Rd 2 6,587 62 6,649 16,900, 10,251 39% Clarke Rd/Apopka-Vineland Rd 2 5,950 727 6,677 16,900 10,223 40%' Adair St Wurst Rd/Clarcona-Ocoee Rd 2 3,831 0 3,831 9,000 5,169 43% Apopka-Vineland Rd S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 2 12,983 383 13,366 15,100 1,734 89% A.D.Mims Rd/Clarcona-Ocoee Rd 2 9,236 822_ 10,058 15,100 5,042 67% Clarcona-Ocoee Rd/McCormick Rd 2 11,831 25 11,856 15,100 3,244 79% Bluford Ave S.R.50/Geneva St 2 9,814 157- 9,971 12,800 2,829 78%' Geneva St/White Rd 2 9,937 451 10,388 12,800 2,412 81% White Rd/McKey St 2 9,691 199 9,890 12,800 2,910 77%- McKey 7%McKey St/S.R.438 2 10,971 382 11,353 12,800 1,447 89% Bowness Rd (Kissimmee Ave/S.R.438 2 9,417 690 10,107 15,300 931 66%' 5 1 ! _ 4 Clarcona-Ocoee Rd S.R.438/Wurst Rd 2 7,965 22 7,987 16,200 8,213 49% (aka Lakewood Ave) Wurst Rd/Clarke Rd 2 3,872 26 3,898 16,200 12,302 24% Clarke Rd/Apopka-Vineland Rd 2 4,270 11 4,281 16,200 11,919 26% Clarke Rd S.R.50/White Rd 4 11,865 2,014 13,879 33,300 19,421 42% White Rd/S.R.438 4 11,951 3,013 14,964 33,300 18,336 45% S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 4 6,537 1,297 7,834 33,300 25,466 24% A.D.Mims Rd/Clarcona-Ocoee Rd 4 - 263 263 33,300 33,037 1% Flewelling St Ocoee Hills Rd/Russell Dr 2 2,582 0 2,582 8,600 6,0181 30% Fullers Cross Rd Ocoee-Apopka/Clarcona-Ocoee 2 2,910 0 2,910 11,500 8,5901 25% Geneva St Kissimmee Rd/Bluford Rd 2 7,745 210 7,955 14,700 6,745 54% Good Homes Rd S.R.50/White Rd 2 14,347 153 14,500 15,500 1,000 94% White Rd/S.R.438 2 6.963 143 7,106 15,500 8,394 46% I 1: 1 Hackney-Prairie Rd (Clarke Rd/Apopka-Vineland Rd 2 - I 01 0 12,400 12,4001 0% I 1 1>< Johio Shores Rd IS.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 2 I 675 6731 1,348 12,000 10,6521 11% 1 I I Kissimmee Ave IMaquire Rd/Bowness Rd 2 13,287 1,048 14,335 15,300 9651 94% ! I I Maguire Rd Gotha Rd/Roberson Rd 2 7,959 758 8,717 17,400 8,683 50% Roberson Rd/Tomyn Rd 2 11,863 8,149 20,012 17,400 (2,612) 115% Tomyn Rd/Professional Prkwy 2 11,057 7,432 18,489 17,400 (1,089) 106% Professional Prkwy/S.R.50 2 12,971 7,119 20,090 17,400 (2,690) 115% S.R.50/Story Rd 2 11,431 1,295 12,726 15,300 2,574 83% Marshall Farms Rd IS.R.50/Maguire Rd 2 4,280 3621 4,642 11,000 6,3581 42% McKey St (Kissimmee Ave/Bluford Ave 2 11,000 211 11,021 11,2001 1791 98% 1 I,:.. 1 Ocoee-Apopka Rd S.R.438/Beltway 2 8,1841 194 8,378 17,400 9,0221 48% Beltway/McCormick Rd 2 11,082 0 11,082r 17,400 6,318 64% Ocoee Hills Rd IS.R.438/Flewelling St 2 I 4,048 I 0I 4,048 8,600 4,5521 47% Old Winter Garden Rd S.R.50/Blackwood Ave 2 12,5981 924 13,522 15,500 1,978 87% Blackwood Ave/Hempel Ave 2 13,722 442 14,164 15,500 1,3361 91% 1 1 lz 1 Professional Prkwy IMaguire Rd/Old Winter Garden Rd I 2 I 4,1501 1,3671 5,517 10,6001 5,0831 52% 1 I 1 1 Russell Dr IFlewellinq St/Willow Creek Rd 2 2,3321 0 I 2,332 8,6001 6,2681 27% 1 1 1 I 1 S.R.50 9th StlWofford Rd 4 34,000 221 34,221 43,400 9,179 79% (West Colonial Dr) Wofford Rd/Maguire Rd 4 38,215 1,678 39,893 43,400 3,507 92% Maguire Rd/Old Winter Garden Rd 4 39,000 5,076 44,076 43,400 (676) 102% Old Winter Garden Rd/Clarke Rd 4 30,500 5,935 36,435 43,400 6,965 84% Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd I 4 27,500 840 28,340 43,400 15,060 65% S.R.438 E.Crown Point Rd/Bowness Rd 4 13,000 0 13,000 16,600 3,600 78% (Silver Star Rd) Bowness Rd/Bluford Ave 4 9,000 650 9,650 16,600 6,950 58% Bluford Ave/Clarke Rd 2 11,254 2,006 13,260 16,600 3,340 80% Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 2 13,741 2,072 15,813 16,600 787 95% Story Rd 9th St/Wofford Rd 2 7,299 411 7,3401 14,700 7,360 50% Wofford Rd/Kissimmee Ave 2 6,886 94 6,9801 14,700 7,720 47% I 1 1< 1 1> White Rd Bluford Ave/Clarke Rd 2 3,9811 ,1251 5, 106 13,200 8,094 39% Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 2 5,168 243 5,411 13,200 7,789 41%, Willow Creek Rd IRussell Dr/Wurst Rd 2 1 8611 01 861 8,600 7,7391 10% Wurst Rd IClarcona-Ocoee Rd/A.D.Mims Rd I 2 I 6,2371 241 6,261 12,000 5,7391 52%I OCOEE ROAD CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2of5 Traffic Volumes and Capacities by Road Segments Traffic Volume Assignments (Sheet 1) `:•::•:.:}•::::::..}•:..�...........,......._....:.:, ................... ... 09/28/94 .... .... .:x•>i•:%iiia ::i<ii::•:{•}:}}:•}:•;:•}:.}}::•>}::•}:{{:{•}}:•}}:•}}:.. .• :.......... .. ..:. ... : .... .... .. ...... ..... iiiiiii ;:;:,>•y::;:;:{;}:':.4......... ...:.. 4::...............v:...::.::v.:.:::::::•.::.:::.:is{•: .. 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A.D.Mims Rd 1Wurst Rd/Clarke Rd 6 41 10 Clarke Rd/Apopka-Vineland Rd 6 3 I 20 29 Adair St IWurst Rd/Clarcona-Ocoee Rd I 0 Apopka-Vineland Rd S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 69 69 A.D.Mims Rd/Clarcona-Ocoee Rd 63 63 Clarcona-Ocoee Rd/McCormick Rd 25 25 Bluford Ave S.R.50/Geneva St 10 10 Geneva St/White Rd 63 172 235 White Rd/McKey St 47 99 146 McKey St/S.R.438 0 Bowness Rd Kissimmee Ave/S.R.438 217 I ` 217 I Clarcona-Ocoee Rd S.R.438/Wurst Rd 0 (aka Lakewood Ave) Wurst Rd/Clarke Rd 26 26 Clarke Rd/Apopka-Vineland Rd 11 11 Clarke Rd S.R.50/White Rd 200 200 121 521 White Rd/S.R.438 284 242 139 665 S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 131 21 133 285 A.D.Mims Rd/Clarcona-Ocoee Rd 179 141 23 216 Flewelling St !Ocoee Hills Rd/Russell Dr 0 Fullers Cross Rd Ocoee-Apopka/Clarcona-Ocoee 0 I - I Geneva St (Kissimmee Rd/Bluford Rd I 53 I I 53 Good Homes Rd S.R.50/White Rd1 ( 0 White Rd/S.R.438 I 0 Hackney-Prairie Rd (Clarke Rd/Apopka-Vineland Rd I I I 0 I I } L., Johio Shores Rd S.R.I438/A.D.Mims Rd I I I 191 6 25 I k I; Kissimmee Ave (Maguire Rd/Bowness Rd 248 I ( I 248 I Maguire Rd Gotha Rd/Roberson Rd 0 Roberson Rd/Tomyn Rd 5050 Tomyn Rd/Professional Prkwy 50 50 Professional Prkwy/S.R.50 60 60 S.R.50/Story Rd 330 3301 Marshall Farms Rd IS.R.50/Maguire Rd I 330 I I 330 McKey St (Kissimmee Ave/Bluford Ave I I I I 0 1 I I Ocoee-Apopka Rd S.R.438/Beltway 0 Beltway/McCormick Rd 0 Ocoee Hills Rd n.438/Flewelling St I I I 01 Old Winter Garden Rd 1S.R.50/Blackwood Ave 29 291 Blackwood Ave/Hempel Ave 0 9 E l Professional Prkwy IMaquire Rd/Old Winter Garden Rd 10 I I I 10 I I. I I 1 Russell Dr (Flewelling St/Willow Creek Rd I I I I 0 S.R.50 9th St/Wofford Rd 90 90 (West Colonial Dr) Wofford Rd/Maguire Rd 247 247 Maguire Rd/Old Winter Garden Rd 187 187 Old Winter Garden Rd/Clarke Rd 158 158 Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 0 S.R.438 E.Crown Point Rd/Bowness Rd 0 (Silver Star Rd) Bowness Rd/Bluford Ave 0 Bluford Ave/Clarke Rd 60 123 183 Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 193 117 310 Story Rd 9th St/Wofford Rd 35 I 35 Wofford Rd/Kissimmee Ave 29 29 I 1 I White Rd Bluford Ave/Clarke Rd 1161 831 1 11 1 858 Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd I 76 31 18 125 Willow Creek Rd (Russell Dr/Wurst Rd I I I I 0 Wurst Rd iClarcona-Ocoee Rd/A.D.Mims Rd 1 I I I I 0 OCOEE ROAD CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4of5 Traffic Volumes and Capacities by Road Segments Traffic Volume Assignments (Sheet 3) 09/28/94 vii.:^.v�.�}: .. �} g:: :::i:•i:9:>- �f .•..v.:;x:• igiiii..........::::::. . ::::x:::: :i:•:^n'•i:• v c •.•:t;•:•i:tti;- ...;....::. . :: ....... .:iii iii: .. ... ��.`'BRR'r: ?f�:!IF'�t�:?•`.:::isi::i;is�J47�V�FR`ri�{:.F/iR�:� ?�I.1v�.":`•?��'':'�{:twl 'igOlgdegiiii ::� ;:iii:«t i•.>::i st vaiiiiii i":.:.miii:::.:.i.•i:•ii:.i:<:.i:?•ii• ,::x•:t ii••i•:•i:•:•i:.ii••i:•ii:•:•:i i t•: .0!>.t4t��i:•i:•i:•;:•$•ii::;.:.:.:.ii:.i;:;•:•;:.iso:•:tz# :>:::> :•i:i?.if•I:: :s::>ii::::::>:`[ 33 A.D.Mims RdWurst Rd/Clarke Rd 14 1 15 (Clarke Rd/Apopka-Vineland Rd 27 32 59 Adair St Wurst Rd/Clarcona-Ocoee Rd 0 Apopka-Vineland Rd S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 59 4 63 A.D.Mims Rd/Clarcona-Ocoee Rd 59 59 Clarcona-Ocoee Rd/McCormick Rd 0 Bluford Ave S.R.50/Geneva St 46 46 Geneva St/White Rd 18 18 White Rd/McKey St 0 McKey St/S.R.438 0 Bowness Rd Kissimmee Ave/S.R.438 I 0 I Clarcona-Ocoee Rd S.R.438/Wurst Rd 0 (aka Lakewood Ave) Wurst Rd/Clarke Rd 0 Clarke Rd/Apopka-Vineland Rd 0 Clarke Rd S.R.50/White Rd 151 151 White Rd/S.R.438 174 91 80 345 S.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd 385 99 484 A.D.Mims Rd/Clarcona-Ocoee Rd 44 3 47 I Flewellinq St (Ocoee Hills Rd/Russell Dr I 0 Fullers Cross Rd Ocoee-Apopka/Clarcona-Ocoee Geneva St I Kissimmee Rd/Bluford Rd 28 28 Good Homes Rd IS.R.50/White Rd 58 58 White Rd/S.R.438 74 8 82 I ; Hackney-Prairie Rd (Clarke Rd/Apopka-Vineland Rd I 0 I I Johio Shores Rd IS.R.438/A.D.Mims Rd I I 56 56 L _ V Kissimmee Ave (Maguire Rd/Bowness Rd 1 82 I I 82 I E 'V i Maguire Rd Gotha Rd/Roberson Rd 0 Roberson Rd/Tomyn Rd 381 38 Tomyn Rd/Professional Prkwy 38 38 Professional Prkwy/S.R.50 19 19 S.R.50/Story Rd 60 60 Marshall Farms Rd IS.R.50/Maguire Rd I I I 0 McKey St IKissimmee Ave/Bluford AveI I 0 I k Ocoee-Apopka RdS.R.438/Beltway 0 (Beltway/McCormick Rd ( I 0 Ocoee Hills Rd IS.R.438/Flewellinq St I I I 1 i 0I Old Winter Garden Rd S.R.50/Blackwood Ave 1321 132 Blackwood Ave/Hempel Ave 23 23 I I Professional Prkwy IMaquire Rd/Old Winter Garden Rd ' I 19 I I 19 I I Russell Dr IFlewelling St/Willow Creek Rd I I 0 I �.. S.R.50 9th St/Wofford Rd 0 (West Colonial Dr) Wofford Rd/Maguire Rd 68 68 Maguire Rd/Old Winter Garden Rd 147 147 Old Winter Garden Rd/Clarke Rd 270 270 Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 93 93 S.R.438 E.Crown Point Rd/Bowness Rd I 0 (Silver Star Rd) Bowness Rd/Bluford Ave Bluford Ave/Clarke Rd 39 39 25 103 Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd 87 130 50 267 Story Rd 9th St/Wofford Rd 0 6 Wofford Rd/Kissimmee Ave 6 i I I I I White Rd Bluford Ave/Clarke Rd 0 Clarke Rd/Good Homes Rd_ _ 4 L , 4 Willow Creek Rd Russell Dr/Wurst Rd i I I I 0 Wurst Rd iClarcona-Ocoee Rd/A.D.Mims Rd i I I I it 0 OCOEE ROAD CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 5 of 5 Traffic Volumes and Capacities by Road Segments Traffic Volume Assignments (Sheet 4) 09/28/94 ...................................... F vivJ.•.:\ .'.•:::}::'4:•\..v....:.A'4.h,•..:•}:.\�•;...:.;•.•........ •.•... ..�::.i:•:::.yv:i':.:.:.:..•:::i:::•:.t•.:�:: :;i•i:r:.::::.: i.:::•:: :::•:::::: :.::::.:::::: CFC..... 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CAPACITY REMAINING Albertson' s Center Zom, Inc. 6, 107 Amber Ridge G. Russell 9, 900 Cross Creek Horton; Pizzuti; Ryland 46, 800 Griffin Center Triple H Properties 800 Lake Olympia Square Lk.Oly.Sq. Partnership 4, 500 Oaks at Starke Lake Starke Lake Jt . Venture 37, 450 Ocoee Commerce Center Goodman 7, 788 Plant . Grove Commercial Opus South, Inc . 10, 931 Prairie Lakes Silvestri 33 , 600 Shoal Creek White Rd. Joint Venture 26, 100 Silver Bend G&F Land/Builders 22, 800 Silver Glen US Homes 27, 900 Spring Lake Feinstein 91, 259 Waterside Sumac Partners 32, 900 Wesmere Ocoee Partners Ltd. 24 , 600 West End Prof . Park Heller Bros . Groves 43 , 296 Weston Park Unibilt 14, 310 Whitehill Whitehill Gr Ltd;Calton 32 , 700 TOTAL RESERVED SEWER CAPACITY REMAINING 473 , 741 GPD UNDER DEP PERMITS: or 1, 755 ERUs TABLE 3 WATER CAPACITY RESERVATIONS DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPER/OWNER PERMITTED APPROX.. >GALL.ONS CAPACITY. TO BE ADDED BY REMAINING MAY 1995 (GPD) i !:'(GPD) Albertson' s Center CS Associates 6, 300 6, 300 Amber Ridge G. Russell 11, 550 11, 500 Cross Creek Horton;Pizzuti;Ryland 54, 600 11, 200 Griffin Center Triple H Properties 1, 167 1, 167 Lake Olympia Square Lk.Oly.Sq.Partnership 6, 650 6, 650 Lakendon Lakendon, Inc. 22, 166 0 Oaks at Starke Lake Starke Lk Jt . Venture 38, 000 7, 000 Ocoee Commerce Ctr. Goodman 9, 429 0 Plant . Grove Comm. Opus South, Inc. 11, 000 5, 000 Prairie Lakes Silvestri 39, 200 7, 000 Shoal Creek White Rd Joint Venture 30, 450 11, 200 Silver Bend G&F Land 31, 900 11, 200 Silver Glen US Homes 39, 450 11, 200 Spring Lake BML/PRN/JDF 120, 000 9, 800 Temple Grove WM Sanderlin 26, 857 11, 200 Waterside Sumac Partners 35, 500 11, 200 Wesmere Ocoee Partners Ltd. 28, 700 16, 800 Weston Park Unibilt 18, 550 11, 200 Whitehill Whitehill Group Ltd. 35, 400 5 , 600 TOTAL RESERVED WATER CAPACITY REMAINING 566, 869 UNDER DEP PERMITS: 1890 ERUs TOTAL RESERVED WATER CAPACITY TO BE USED IN 155, 217 GPD NEXT 8 MONTHS: or 517 ERUs TABLE 4 INVENTORY OF PARK LANDS PARK: SIZE OF PARK IN ACRES <' Peach Lake Park On Russell Drive; currently has playground and 3 +/- acres picnic areas . Parkside Park Off of Dovetail Drive; currently has two 4 +/- acres practice fields, playground equipment, picnic pavilion, basketball pad, and tennis court . Tiger Minor Park Off of Geneva Street; currently has two tennis 5 +/- acres courts, basketball court, playground equipment, exercise course, and picnic tables . Silver Glen Park In Silver Glen subdivision on Spring Lake; 5 +/- acres currently has four grills, picnic tables, and a linear nature trail . Central Park Complex Flewelling Drive; currently has one football field with concession stand, two little league 23 +/- acres baseball fields, two tennis courts, basketball court, playground equipment, picnic tables, and activity building with bathrooms, kitchen, etc . John Vignetti Park Off Adair Street; currently has two tennis courts, three wall handball/racquetball courts, 22 +/- acres basketball court, two softball fields, BMX course, playground equipment, picnic tables, and two practice fields . Municipal Park Complex Lakeshore Drive area on Starke Lake; currently 10 +/- acres has community buildings, two boat ramps and docks, picnic tables, and walking trails . Forest Lake Golf Club 60 +/- acres * Clarcona-Ocoee Road; 18-hole golf course with natural preservation areas, clubhouse, and * Presumes 255.- of total driving range. 240 acre site benefits Ocoee residents based on usage of course . Senior League Baseball Field Adair Street; currently has one practice field 8 +/- acres and one baseball field with concession stand. TOTAL ACRES OF PARK LAND: 140 TOTAL ACRES TABLE 5 RECREATION (PARK LAND) REQUIRED FOR CURRENT PROJECTS SUBDIVISION PROJECTED NUMBER OF '. POPULATION ! ACRES REQUIRED. :! DEVELOPMENTS WITH FINAL CERTIFICATES OF CONCURRENCY: Prairie Lakes Subdivision, 336 . 34 Acres Phase 1 (112 Lots) Shoal Creek (87 Lots) 261 . 26 Acres Weston Park (72 Lots) 216 .22 Acres Total: 813 . 82 Acres VESTED DEVELOPMENTS Cross Creek, Phase 1 96 . 10 Acres (32 of 158 Lots) Oaks at Starke Lake 81 . 08 Acres (27 of 107 Lots) Silver Bend, Phase 2 162 . 16 Acres (54 of 91 Lots) Silver Glen, Ph. 2 , Viii . 1 105 . 11 Acres (35 of 61 Lots) Spring Lake, Phase 1 120 . 12 Acres (40 of 80 Lots) Temple Grove, Phase 2 99 . 10 Acres (33 of 59 Lots) Waterside, Phase 2A 60 . 06 Acres (20 of 34 Lots) Wesmere, Villages 10 and 11 225 . 23 Acres (75 Lots) Total for Vested Projects : 948 .96 Acres TOTAL FOR ALL PROJECTS: 1761 1.78 Acres EXHIBIT "B"