HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem III(A) Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 6, 1994 and Budget Public Hearing held September 7, 1994 f DRAFT AGENDA 9-20-94
4 Item III A
Subject to Board
MEETING HELD September 6, 1994
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order in the commission chambers at 7:30
p.m. Reverend Dillard Burgess led in the prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led in the pledge
of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Gleason, and Johnson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, Assistant City Attorney Duke Woodson,
Administrative Services Director Beamer,Personnel Director Psaledakis,Planning
Director Wagner, Recreation Director Beech, and City Clerk Grafton.
Mayor Vandergrift read a Proclamation proclaiming City Government Week - October 23-29,
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, and C. Commissioner Foster corrected the
minutes in item A to read "serious illness in the family" instead of "death in the family."
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the consent
agenda as corrected. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 16, 1994.
B. Approval and Acceptance of Declaration of Surplus Equipment and Notice of Auction.
C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Non-Exclusive
Easement Agreement with Chris B. and Sheri L. Bode for Improvements over
portions of Reba Avenue.
Mrs Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, expressed appreciation for the lights that were put up
in Pioneer Key Park I.
First Reading of Ordinances. Second readings and public hearings are scheduled for
September 20, 1994.
Ordinance No. 94-24, rezoning per Case No. R94-07-2:Winter Garden Seventh Day
Adventist Church.
This ordinance was presented by title for the first reading. Mayor Vandergrift announced the
time and date of the second reading and public hearing.
Subject to Board
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting Approval
September 6, 1994
Resolution No. 94-18, relating to Job Descriptions: Battalion Fire Chief, Carpenter.
This Resolution was presented by title. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner
Gleason, moved to adopt this Resolution adopting job descriptions for Battalion Fire Chief and
Carpenter. Motion carried 5-0.
Set the date for workshop to discuss signs for builders/realtors.
During a brief discussion, Commissioner Johnson asked that a copy of the Orange County Anti-
Clutter Ordinance be provided for Commission to review before the workshop. Consensus was
reached to hold the workshop on September 20 at 6:00 p.m.
Discussion re: Participation/Observance of Jerusalem's 3000 year Anniversary.
Commissioner Gleason, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, moved to rename one of the City
parks for one month in honor of Jerusalem's 3000 year anniversary in 1996, and leave it to staff
discretion to choose the park. Motion carried 5-0. This proclamation will be on the September
20, 1994 agenda.
Appointment to Boards
Recreation Board
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Gleason, moved to reappoint the followin'
members to serve another two year term to expire October 1996: William Chambers, Nancy
Reill M.L. "Ski." Davis John Boston and Gordon A 9 .le.ate. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Shapiro reported receiving an invitation from West Orange Healthcare Foundation to take
part in its 1994 Festival. Commissioner Gleason, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved
to take an active t art in the su• .ort of the activi as a Deluxe S.onsor for '4 200 takin' the
funds from contingency. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Combs:
1) Expressed concern for the safety of school children walking by the new Shoal Creek
Subdivision as the sidewalk will be within 2 feet of the road. Mr. Shapiro will get
written report on Wednesday regarding this.
2) Good Homes Plaza Shopping Center has had a problem with drainage and high grass for
over a month and some action should be taken.
3) Reported a tree down on South Lakewood and Sasabe.
Commissioner Gleason:
1) Thanked Finance Department for promptly distributing the Water/Sewer refunds as
Commission authorized at the last meeting.
Subject to Board
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting Approval
September 6, 1994
2) Congratulated Commission and Staff for the new municipal complex and thanked
Administrative Services Director Beamer, Personnel Director Psaledakis and Secretary
Gosnell for the smooth move into the new facility.
3) Thanked Secretary Fran Gosnell for managing the Wastewater Plant grand opening
ceremony so well.
4) Encouraged citizens to vote on September 8.
5) Reported that Mayor Land of Apopka gave him the updated figures on local population
and Ocoee now officially has more citizens than Apopka, making Ocoee the third largest
city in Orange County.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Asked when the Flewelling/Ocoee Hills Road intersection will be repaired. Mr. Shapiro
said he is trying to get it done before the proposed date of September 9, but may not be
2) Commended Mrs. Gosnell for the great job on the Wastewater Plant grand opening.
3) Expressed appreciation for the signs regarding parking trucks in Brentwood.
4) Asked if the septic tanks that had been installed for the temporary quarters of City Hall
could be used for restrooms for the Starke Lake Park area. Mr. Shapiro advised that the
permit for the septic tank had been a temporary permit but that he would inquire about
having it made permanent, and he would also ask direction from Commission regarding
the placement of the restrooms.
Commissioner Foster:
Commended Mayor and Board of City Commissioners for keeping the City going in his absence.
Mayor Vandergrift:
1) Asked when the roads next to City Hall would be opened. Mr. Shapiro said that
Lakeshore Drive will be opened as soon as it is dry enough and Vignetti Drive will be
opened when the holes can be repaired, probably Wednesday.
2) Asked if the boat ramp could be opened with a sign to "use at your own risk." Mr.
Shapiro said that it would not be wise as there would still be some liability.
3) Said it is necessary to set an election date for 1995 and some action should be taken
quickly to get it before the voters in this November election. Mr. Shapiro advised that
he has asked the City Attorney to provide the last date a matter could be presented for
referendum regarding another issue and will be discussing it with him on Wednesday.
4) Expressed concern about dry retention ponds being wet even in dry weather and said he
has suggested to Lake Olympia that they syphon the water out of their retention ponds
to save the growth.
5) Lake Olympia gutter drainage is still dangerous. Mr. Shapiro pointed out that is the
responsibility of the Homeowners Association.
Subject to Board
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting Approval
September 6, 1994
6) Reported a pot hole on Essex Drive.
7) Since the school bus no longer transports some of Ocoee children to school, street
crossing signs are needed at A.D. Mims Road and Clark Road.
8) Said he had asked for "No Thru Traffic" signs at Hallmark Subdivision and instead a
"Dead End" sign had been put up right at the entrance. Mr. Shapiro said that if the
Police are going to cite someone the sign needs to be up close to the entrance.
9) Reported that the Rails to Trails grand opening was well organized and well attended.
10) Announced a special sale at Albertson's.
11) Announced West Orange Walkathon called "Gallup for Gillespie" scheduled for October
7 to benefit Mrs. Kay Gillespie, a teacher at West Orange, who had been injured. Those
who wish to participate should contact Ms. Cynthia Alderman at 656-2424.
12) Displayed a plaque received from Ocoee Jr./Sr. Football League in appreciation for
Commission's support of the youth.
13) Announced the American Heart Association Bowlathon October 1 and 2.
14) Mentioned the need for a library and Mr. Don McCuiston, 900 Nicole Boulevard,
reinforced his statements. Commissioner Gleason and Mr. Shapiro both advised that the
local percentage of library users was not high enough to warrant a library even though
many people say they want one.
15) Advised that the Post Office will cooperate with providing a commemorative pictorial
cancellation for Founders' Day with the only cost to the City being the artwork for the
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
Subject to Board Item III A
Mayor Vandergrift called the special session to consider the tentative millage rate and tentative
budget to order at 7:00 p.m. in the commission chambers and upon calling the roll declared a
quorum present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Gleason, and Johnson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative
Services Director Beamer, Finance Manager Horton, Personnel Director
Psaledakis, and City Clerk Grafton.
Mayor Vandergrift announced that this was a public hearing on the tentative budget and
proposed millage rate for the City of Ocoee. Notice of this hearing was contained in the Notice
of Proposed Property Taxes mailed by the Property Appraiser. The City Commission has
previously set a proposed millage rate of 4.00 mills which represents a 2.59% increase in
millage over the rolled-back rate of 3.899 mills.
City Manager Shapiro advised that the percentage rate increase of 2.59% millage over the
rolled-back rate necessary to fund the budget millage rate of 4.00 mills is proposed in order to
cover the health insurance increases, the addition of several employees, and a $100,000 above
ground fuel tank (per EPA).
Comments by Citizens.
There were no citizen comments made at this time.
Comments by Commissioners.
Commissioner Combs complimented staff for the best budget he has reviewed in six years on
the Commission.
Commissioner Gleason pointed out for the record, "In the majority of the neighborhoods of
Lake Olympia, Lake Olympia Club, Silver Glen, and the Hammocks the assessed taxable value
of the homes was reduced. Whether we approve the budget as is or even went with the rolled-
back rate those neighborhoods experienced a reduction in their property tax bills; so I find it real
hard to use the terminology that we have had a tax increase when we are holding the same
millage rate for the fifth year that we have done in the previous years, so mathematically I'm
not so sure how the taxes have gone up and also for the record, on my particular case, between
going with the budget changes versus the non-changes amounts out to $11.36 a year difference,
which amounts to $.95 a month, so I don't think that there's much of a savings or much of a
rolled-back on the other rate, and if it's done on a value of $137,000, uh 538, I could imagine
that savings must be $3.00 - $4.00 maybe on some of the average homes. So, quite honestly,
I don't think that we'd be giving anybody any kind of significant break or tax break or any
Subject to Board
Ocoee City Commission Special Budget Session
September 7, 1994
money in their pockets at all by going with the rolled-back rate."
Administrative Services Director Beamer stated for the record, "The 2.59% increase is far as
the proposed millage over rolled-back, what in a dollar amount that adds up to is $47,349."
There was discussion here regarding the meaning of truth in millage, and several questions were
raised about line items, but no substantive changes were proposed.
Motions by Commissioners for amendments to the proposed tentative budget.
There were no amendments made to the proposed tentative budget. Therefore there was no need
to recess to recompute the proposed millage rate.
City Attorney Rosenthal announced again that the proposed millage of 4.00 mills which
represents a 2.59% increase in millage over the rolled-back rate of 3.899 mills which is the
proposed tentative increase in property taxes.
Motion to adopt the tentative millage rate.
Commissioner Gleason, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to adopt a tentative milla'e
rate of 4.0 mills for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1994 and ending Se.tember 30, 1995.
There were no comments from citizens present, nor were there any further comments by
Commission. Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Vandergrift voting "nay."
Motion to adopt the tentative budget.
Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt the tentative
bud.et of the Ci of Ocoee distributed alon. with the bud.et messa.e of the Cit Mana.er
dated August 25, 1994, such tentative budget bein' for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1994
and ending September 30, 1995. There were no comments from citizens, nor were there any
further comments from Commission. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion to schedule the public hearing on September 21, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the
community center to adopt the final millage rate and budget.
Commissioner Johnson seconded b Commissioner Combs moved that a sublic hearin. to
consider the final millage rate and final budget be scheduled for September 21, 1994 at 7:00
p.m. at a Special Meeting of the City of Ocoee City Commission to be held at the Ocoee
Community Center, that the hearing be advertised in accordance with the provisions of Section
200.065, Florida Statutes, and Section 7 of the Articles VI of the Ocoee City Charter, that the
a. ro.riate Resolutions necessa to adopt the final millage rate and final budget be pre•ared
b the Ci staff, and that all other action necessary to comply with the re.uirements of Section
200.065, Florida Statutes, be undertaken. Motion carried 5-0.
Subject to Board
Ocoee City Commission Special Budget Session Approval
September 7, 1994
Announcement by Mayor Vandergrift of end of hearing and date for final millage and final
budget hearing.
Mayor Vandergrift announced the end of the hearing and that the final budget and final millage
hearing would be held September 21, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ocoee Community Center, 125
N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor