HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem III(A) Acceptance and Approval of Minutes od the Regular Meeting held October 18, 1994 f I DRAFT Subject to Board AGENDA 11-1-94 Item III A Approval MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING HELD OCTOBER 18, 1994 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers and introduced Mayor of the Moment Brandon Sabat, and his family, teacher and principal. MOM Sabat then introduced Pastor Lester Weldon, who led in prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts, who led in the pledge of allegiance. MOM Sabat called the roll and declared a quorum present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Gleason, and Johnson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning Director Wagner, Fire Chief Strosnider, P.P.T.D. Supervisor Elmore, and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Vandergrift presented a plaque and proclamation expressing special recognition of Jennifer Sills for saving her Grandmother's life. MOM Sabat read a proclamation proclaiming Red Ribbon Week - October 23-31, 1994. City Manager Shapiro introduced Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slimick and explained that they are caring for their 100th foster child and had been chosen by the committee for special recognition as the Ocoee Citizens of the Year for 1994. Ms. Shiryl Alcott, and Ms. Janice Beerman, representatives from the Childrens Home Society, presented a plaque expressing their appreciation to the Slimick family for their loving service over the past twelve years. Mayor Vandergrift presented a plaque and proclamation to Doris and Tom Slimick and Family as Ocoee Citizens of the Year. Mr. and Mrs. Slimick introduced their children, thanked the Mayor and the City for the recognition, and also thanked their family, friends, and the Children Home Society for their help in caring for the children. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A and B. Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. City Manager Shapiro explained, in response to questions from citizens and for the record, that the $3.00 in the water bill goes for stormwater drainage improvements, i.e., the $41,000 for emergency pipe repair just approved, $20,000 at Flewelling Drive, and (whatever the final price will be for) the sink hole in Sawmill represent the $75 - $80,000 spent in the last 40 days as a result of the rainwater. Also $100,000 has been spent in the last year and a half for lawnmowers, $185,000 has been budgeted for a machine to work in muck, and the sixth drainage basin study has been finished for $200,000. DRAFT Subject to Board Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting Approval p rova t October 18, 1994 A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 4, 1994. B. Approval and Authorization of Emergency Expenditure in the amount of $41,143 for Leaking Stormwater Joints at 332 Sterling Lake Drive and Lakeview Circle. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC There were no citizen comments at this time. However, immediately following the recess at 8:10 p.m., Mrs. Carmen Helderman, 1901 Adair Street, #7, asked to be heard and requested reconsideration regarding the tearing down of the recreation building on Flewelling Drive because of the numbers of children who must cross Silver Star Road in order to reach the community center. Commissioner Johnson pointed out that there are just as many children on the south side of town who must also cross Silver Star Road to reach the recreation center on Flewelling, and that all areas of the city must be served. Mayor Vandergrift asked that porta- potties be provided for the recreation area if/when the building is demolished. Mr. Shapiro said that he would look into it, but he did not think it would happen. PUBLIC HEARINGS SECOND READING: ORDINANCE NO. 94-26,UPDATING INTERIM SERVICES FEES. This ordinance was presented by title only for the second reading and public hearing. Administrative Services Director Beamer gave the staff report, explained the purpose of this ordinance and that this practice began in 1991 with the adoption of Ordinance No. 91-26. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Gleason, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 94-26 as presented. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Gleason "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye," and Mayor Vandergrift "aye." Motion carried 5-0. CASE NO. 1-4SE-94:W.GDN. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH SPECIAL EXCEPTION (CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 20, 1994.) City Manager Shapiro advised that this item was continued from the September 20, 1994 meeting. City Attorney Rosenthal noted that the City Engineer had not had an opportunity to review the report submitted by Yovaish Engineering Sciences, Inc. and a letter from the attorney for the Seventh Day Adventist Church agreeing to an additional continuance to the next scheduled meeting had been distributed. The public hearing was opened in order to hear comments from citizens present for this hearing. As there were no comments at this time, Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to continue the public hearing to November 1, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. 2 DRAFT Subject to Board Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting Approval October 18, 1994 Mr. Rosenthal asked that the Commissioners save their packets for this item and bring them to the November 1 meeting. RECESS 8:10 P.M. TO 8:20 P.M. VACATION APPLICATION 5' UTILITY EASEMENT ABUTTING LOT 40, LAKE VILLAGE, LAKE OLYMPIA SUBDIVISION. Resolution No. 94-29, abandoning and vacating 5' utility easement abutting Lot 40, Lake Olympia, Lake Village Subdivision. City Attorney Rosenthal presented Resolution No. 94-29 by title only. Planning Director Wagner gave the staff report and advised that staff does not recommend approval of this resolution. The public hearing was opened. Mr. William Herx, agent for Centex Homes and June M. Rhodes, presented the request to abandon and vacate. Mr. John Rhodes, son of the owner, explained that this is a title problem. After lengthy and complicated discussion, City Manager Shapiro requested authorization to work out a solution with City Attorney Rosenthal. Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to continue the public hearing on this item to November 1, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER BUSINESS RESOLUTION NO. 94-27, 3RD AMENDMENT TO FORD MOTOR CREDIT AGREEMENT FOR POLICE VEHICLE PURCHASE. This resolution was presented by title only. Administrative Services Director Beamer gave the staff report, explained that this is for the Police Chief's vehicle, and recommended that the same procedure be followed as for the other vehicle purchases. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to approve the purchase of a 1994 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor for the new Police Chief at the cost of $14,998 (Don Reid Ford) with financing for six (6) payments (semi-annually for three years) at $2,724.19 per payment with an initial documentation fee of $150.00 (Ford Motor Credit Company), adopt Resolution No. 94-27, and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute necessary documents from Ford Motor Credit Company. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, objected to buying items on time and paying interest, as he felt such items should be budgeted and cash should be used for the purchase. 3 DRAFT Ocoee City Comission Regular Meeting Subject to Board m Approval October 18, 1994 RESOLUTION NO. 94-28, STATE WIDE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT FOR CATASTROPHIC DISASTER RESPONSE AND RECOVERY - FIRE DEPARTMENT. This resolution was presented by title only. Chief Strosnider gave the staff report and explained that the one drawback to this Agreement is that the requesting party will be responsible for any Workers' Compensation related issues which might occur while in their responsibility. This issue is a controversial matter which will be resolved very soon, but not signing the agreement until after the issue is resolved would place the City in the position to not receive any funds if a disaster should occur in the meantime. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to adopt Resolution No. 94-28. Motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION RE: LAKESHORE DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS EAST OF CITY HALL. (Continued from October 4, 1994). City Manager Shapiro announced that this item was continued from the October 4 meeting so that the public could be given an opportunity to be advised and be present to speak to the issue. City Engineer Shira gave the staff report and distributed a report prepared by L.J. Nodarse & Associates, Inc. who had conducted a Shallow Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation. This report revealed that the soils are saturated and the recommendation was to keep the road closed another 2 weeks after the rain stops and then open only for limited use, with regular inspections for damage, and progressive use depending on the condition of the road. Mr. Shira repeated the options presented at the last meeting regarding alternative solutions to the problem: (1) reconstruction of the roadway at a cost of $96,000 and (2) removal of the pavement and regrading the area as a part of City Hall lawn at a cost of $80,000, or (3) something else. Mr. Spencer Cross, resident on Lakeshore Drive, pointed out that he has lived on Starke Lake since 1934 and this road was never closed even in high water times. He said also that there was no retention pond to accommodate the run-off from the municipal complex. Mr. Shapiro responded for the record that this building was done according to St. Johns River Water Management District permit requirements and experts have determined that the water from the roof is not contributing to the drainage problem. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky said a study should be done and proper drainage should be put under the road. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to do option number 1 and redo the road when funds are available. Motion carried with 3-2 vote. Commissioners Foster and Gleason voted "no." 4 DRA FT Subject to Board Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting Approval October 18, 1994 Mayor Vandergrift moved to amend the motion to open immediately with caution signs and put in swales. This motion died for lack of a second. Appointments to Boards. PD Citizens Advisory Council - (Continued from October 4, 1994). Commissioner Johnson moved to appoint Mr. Sam Woodson to the Citizens Advisory Council. Before there was an opportunity for a second to the motion, Commissioner Gleason reminded Commission that this item had been continued from the last meeting so that he could contact the only applicant at that time, Mr. Max Paul, about registering to vote. Commissioner Gleason reported that Mr. Paul had not as yet attained his citizenship but was expecting to within the next few months, at which time he would be able to register to vote. There was discussion about whether citizenship was a requirement before serving on a City board. Commissioner Gleason, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, moved to appoint Mr. Max Paul to the PD Citizens Advisory Council subject to a Charter provision to the contrary being checked out by the City Attorney. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to appoint Mr. Sam Woodson to the Code Enforcement Board as an alternate. After some discussion regarding which board Mr. Woodson wished to serve on, Commissioner Johnson withdrew his motion in order to learn Mr. Woodson's preference. STAFF REPORTS There were no staff reports. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Gleason: No comment at this time. Commissioner Combs: 1) Mrs. Myers in Pioneer Key Park I had asked Officer Conyers to attend their neighborhood watch meeting and he said he could not. Why? Mr. Shapiro will inquire. 2) Stated that all Commissioners should be role models to the children and to have children think a commissioner is "cool" because he uses improper language or for smoking or because he has bad habits is wrong, as such an example would defeat the efforts of the schools and the D.A.R.E. program. Any member of the Commission exhibiting such actions in the presence of school children would be displaying poor judgement and poor leadership. Commissioner Johnson: 1) Thanked City Manager and P.E.C. for help in the Amber Ridge meeting re: water/drainage problems. 5 DRAFT Subject to Board Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting Approval October 18, 1994 2) Thanked Public Works for cleaning the sidewalks that were mildewed. Commissioner Foster: Said it is great to be in America. Mayor Vandergrift: 1) Grass is high at Winn Dixie. Mr. Shapiro has already contacted them and the mowing will be done by the end of the month. 2) On Flewelling Street and Suzette where the contract mowing was done, it needs to be done again because the right-of-way was left undone. 3) Parkside and Central Park basketball backboards are missing. 4) At 904 Nicole the quality of the water was questioned. 5) Culvert and drain on SW corner of Aldane Court and Russell not working. 6) Ridgefield holding pond - needs to be fenced if it is going to stay wet. Does this belong to the homeowners or the City? 7) 204 Franklin Street needs mowing. 8) Wants City to be declared a wildlife sanctuary. 9) Wants a list of roads/streets that are sweating, like Acropolis Circle, Olympus Drive, and Lake Olympia Club. One house in this area has a spring coming out of the side of their property. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Jean Grafton, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 6