HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem V(C) Lake Bennet Preliminary Subdivision Plan 1 i AGENDA 11-1-94 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Item V C Oc• =@ V..... ° CITY OF OCOEE RUSTY JOHNSON oN D150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVEPAUL W.FOSTER OCOEE FLORIDA 34761-2258VERN COMBS yv (407) * JIM GLEASON 'Ppp��, CITY MANAGER OF G00 ELLIS SHAPIRO SRP-459 STAFF REPORT DATE: October 27 , 1994 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Russell B . Wagner , Planning Director/ SUBJ : LAKE BENNET PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN APPROVAL PROJECT NO. 93-010 ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Lake Bennet , a commercial development . BACKGROUND: Lake Bennet is a commercial subdivision located on a 32 . 49 acre tract situated north of State Road 50 , east of Lake Bennet . The property is currently zoned "C-2" , Community Commercial District which provides for a variety of moderate intensity commercial uses . As proposed the development consists of eight commercial parcels of various sizes designed to accommodate uses such as a bank, restaurants , convenience store, offices , shopping center , retail stores and a nursing home . The attached concept plan indicates a potential layout for the proposed development . ANALYSIS: The Lake Bennet development provides for a significant amount of roadway improvements both on and off site . In addition to an extensive first phase internal street system, the development incorporates significant improvements to State Road 50 and to Blackwood Avenue. Specifically, this includes extensive paving improvements providing deceleration lanes and a left turn lane on State Road 50 , turn lanes on Blackwood Avenue leading into and out of the project , and traffic signalization upgrades at the main intersection of State Road 50 and Blackwood Avenue. Only one left turn traffic movement is proposed from State Road 50 to Blackwood Avenue at the signalized intersection. The other two access points to the development are limited to a right-in only between Lots 1 and 2 and a right-in/right-out only between Lots 3 and 4 . Staff Report - Lake Bennet (PSP) October 27 , 1994 Page 2 The proposed alignment of Blackwood Avenue and Maine Street permits significant flexibility in the choice of options for the northerly extension of Blackwood Avenue . This roadway will serve adjoining properties and ultimately tie into Montgomery Avenue south of White Road. This layout also sets the stage for the eventual extension of Maine Street over to Bluford Avenue as called out in the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. As planned, the development also maintains a significant buffer area around Lake Bennet itself and provides for an inter-connected series of drainage retention ponds to serve individual lots . An oversized water line will be extended from State Road 50 north through the development to provide service to future developments north and east of the site, and a new force main will also be extended through the site including a new lift station to be constructed along State Road 50 . This development is subject to the Lake Bennet Centre Developer ' s Agreement (dated August 19 , 1986) which was created when the property was originally annexed and rezoned. Various amendments to this Agreement are proposed by the developer to conform to current project parameters . The major changes proposed to this Agreement are specified on Sheet 5 of 5 of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan. In general , the developer will still dedicate all rights-of-way for Blackwood Avenue (California Avenue) and Maine Street at the time of platting . First phase paving will include approximately 780 feet of Blackwood Avenue, all internal streets as shown in Phase One on the plans , and improvements to State Road 50 . These improvements are in lieu of paving Maine Street . Instead, Maine Street will be paved during Phase Two of the project which is acceptable from a transportation and safety standpoint . Twenty- five percent (25%) of the cost of the traffic signal on State Road 50 will still be provided or the upgrade cost will be paid for , which ever is greater . The enhanced landscape buffer and setback along Lake Bennet will remain; however, the developer proposes to delete this requirement on the north boundary of the property and replace it with a standard buffer meeting current code requirements . The oak hammock area will definitely be preserved under the new agreement , and formal conservation areas will be established to protect this area and the Lake Bennet shoreline. Staff Report - Lake Bennet (PSP) October 27 , 1994 Page 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission met on October 26 , 1994 and held a public hearing on the Preliminary Subdivision Plans . Only one citizen had questions regarding the Plan, and the Planning Commissioners had limited discussion regarding proposed traffic improvements and buffers . As a result , the P&Z voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Lake Bennet Preliminary Subdivision Plans as signed and sealed by the Project Engineer on October 19, 1994 . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Development Review Committee met on October 17 , 1994 , and unanimously approved the Preliminary Subdivision Plans as submitted, subject to Amendment of Note #11 in the Conditions of Approval . This condition, as now amended in the plans , requires the formal modification of the Lake Bennet Centre Developer ' s Agreement prior to Final Subdivision Plan approval . Based on the DRC action and this change having been made to the plan, Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plans for Lake Bennet as signed and sealed by the Project Engineer on October 19, 1994 . RBW/emk Attachment cc : John Moseler , ZOM Lake Bennet , Ltd. Phillip Hollis , Hollis Engineering, Inc . t The Orlando Sentinel WEDNESDAY;October 19,=1994 NOTICE OF PUEUC NEARING Cmc of OCOEEE NOTICE OF HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ocoee wE hold a Public Hearing on Oclober scheduled meeting.994 at their anti the Board of City Commis- sioners will hold a Pubic Nem kg on November 1,1994 at their ragBo ularly i meetings v scheduled e Mut at 730 pm..or as soon thereafter as possible,in the Commission Chambers, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee.Florida to consider approving LAKE BENNETT Preliminary Subdhi- sion Plans. The legal description and site lo- cation are as A 32 acres more or less portion of Section 20,Township 22,Range 28 and being subiect to any Fights-o4 1Weragytior Easements metes-and-boundsdA description is available forrin- spection at the Relining Depart- ment, epartment, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee,Florida The site Its locat- ed oafed ore he northwest goner of the S.R.50 and Blackwood Ave- nue intersection. Copies of the proposal may be serried n the Ocoee Planning Deportmernt, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive,between the hots.of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday Ityough 232 Friday,Interestedear at the hdgpsrties may and be heard with reaped to the pro- pout.My parson who desks@ to.appeal arty y decision made �ngsdse�e record hearingsc the pro- ceedYg�and for this pupae may to ensure that a vr- badm record of the proceed- the(s) I made which incl des testimony and evidence uJeri Grafton,City which the k.City of Ogee CORA161012 Oct 19,1994 no c Y-Aa� r) H If I vj HOLLIS ENGINEERING IN CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS 605 E. Robinson St., Suite 450 Orlando, Florida 32801 (407) 422-1118 VICINITY MAP N.T.S. 'K TIF 0; F 0C0EE Lv 010T 1 r� CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS 605 E. ROBINSON STREET, SUITE 450 ORLANDO, FL. 32801-2037 (407)422-1118 (407)841-9149 FAX DATE SEPT 1994 PROJECT K- ^ K 0 E3 E M F##J ET CLIENT ZOM DEVELOPMENT, INC. 2269 LEE ROAD, SUITE 101 WINTER PARK, FL 32789 SHEET OF 5 LBCOV JJ AGENDA 11-1-94 Item V C T11 ING SY�MBW LINES ... ............................ ............ I.............. ............. .............................._....................... CENTER LINE FDOT - -- -- �' - CHAIN LINK FENCE A AREA FBcC FRAME AND COVER PC POINT OF CURVATURE :............. -............. M.............:.............. 1. GUARDRAIL AB ANCHOR BOLT FD FLOOR DRAIN PCC POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE " - - -SHORELINE ABD ABANDONED) FDN FOUNDATION PEP POLYETHYLENE PIPE -- AC ACRES) FDOT FLORIDA DEPARTMENT PI POINT OF INTERSECTION ATR AC -FT ACRE FOOT/FEET 10 OF TRANSPORTATION P/L PROPERTY LINE TYPE 6 INLET ACP ASBESTOS CEMENT PIPE FF FINISHED FLOOR POB POINT OF BEGINNING ADDL ADDITIONAL ' FG FINISHED GRADE POJ PUSH ON JOINT ADT AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC FH FIRE HYDRANT PP POWER POLE AL ALUMINUM F&I FURNISH AND INSTALL PR PHONE RISER ALT ALTERNATE FIG FIGURE PRC POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE GUY POLE AM BEFORE NOON FIN FINISHED PRESS PRESSURE :.COUNTY AMP "' AMPERE(S) FIT FITTING PROJ PROJECT APPROX APPROXIMATE FL FENCE LINE PROP PROPOSED ARV AIR RELEASE VALVE FLR FLOOR PRVC POINT OF REVERSE VERTICAL CURVE ARW AIR RELEASE VACUUM VALVE FLEX FLEXIBLE PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT ASPH ASPHALT FLG FLANGE PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH ASSY ASSEMBLY FM FORCE MAIN PT POINT OF TANGENCY AVE AVENUE FND FOUND PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE AVG AVERAGE FPH FEET PER HOUR PVMT PAVEMENT AZ AZIMUTH FPM FEET PER MINUTE PWR POWER ......... ... _...... :. UNDERGROUND FPS FEET PER SECOND SECTION CORNER R }' TELEPHONE CABLE FT FEET/FOOT BL BASELINE FTG FOOTING Q FLOW RATE BLDG BUILDING r W CURB BLVD BOULEVARD ^BM BENCH MARK GA GAUGE R RADIUS BND BOUNDARY GAL GALLON RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE 80 BLOWOFF GALV GALVANIZED RCPA REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ARCH BOC BACK OF CURB GM GAS MAIN RD ROAD BOT BOTTOM GPD GALLONS PER DAY RDY ROADWAY BRG BEARING GPH GALLONS PER HOUR RED REDUCER BS BOTTOM OF SLOPE GPM GALLONS PER MINUTE REF REFERENCE - BV BUTTERFLY VALVE GPS GALLONS PER SECOND REINF REINFORCE(D) GR GUARD RAIL REQD REQUIRED GRD GROUND/GRADE REV REVISE/REVISION CAP CAPACITY GSP GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE RPM REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE CB CATCH BASIN GV GATE VALVE RR RAILROAD CC CENTER TO CENTER GV&B GATE VALVE AND BOX RT RIGHT CEM CEMENT GW GUY WIRE RV RELIEF VALVE. CF CUBIC FEET CWT GROUND WATER TABLE R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY CFM CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE RWM REUSE WATER MAIN CFS CUBIC FEET PER SECOND C&G CURB AND GUTTER HB HOSE BIBB CI CASTIRON HDW HARDWARE S SOUTH CIP CAST IRON PIPE HORIZ HORIZONTAL SAN SANITARY SEWER CJ CONSTRUCTION JOINT HP HORSEPOWER S8 SPLASH BLOCK C/L CENTER LINE HR HOUR SCH SCHEDULE CLP CONCRETE LIGHT POLE HT HEIGHT SD SIDE DRAIN CLR CLEAR/CLEARANCE HW HEADWALL SDN SHELF DRAIN CLSCLASS HWL HIGH WATER LEVEL SE ' SOUTHEAST CM CONCRETE MONUMENT HWY HIGHWAY SEC SECONDS CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE HYD HYDRAULIC SECT SECTION CMPA CORRUGATED METAL PIECE ARCH SH SHEET CND -- CONDUIT SHTG SHEETING CO. COUNTY 1-4 INTERSTATE HIGHWAY SIM SIMILAR CO CLEANOUT IA INTERSECTION ANGLE SA SETBACK LINE COL COLUMN ID INSIDE DIAMETER SL SLOPE' COMP COMPLETE IF INSIDE FACE SM SHEET METAL CONC CONCRETE IN INCHES SPEC SPECIFICATION(S) 1. CONN CONNECTION INL INLET SQ SQUARE p CONST CONSTRUCT(ION) INS INSERT SQ IN SQUARE INCH(ES) CONT CONTINUOUS INST INSTALL SQ FT SQUARE FOOT/FEET COORD COORDINATE(S) IP IRON PIPE SQ 'YD SQUARE YARD(S) COR CORNER IR IRON ROD SR STATE ROAD CPLG COUPLING INT INTERSECT/INTERSECTION SS STAINLESS STEEL CPP CONCRETE POWER POLE INV INVERT ST STREET CS CONTROL STRUCTURE STA STATION CTG''" COATING i STD STANDARD CTR CENTER JB JUNCTION BOX STI. STEEL CTV, CABLE TELEVISION JCT JUNCTION STR STRUCTURE CULV CULVERT JST JOIST STS STORM SEWER CY 'CUBIC YARD JT JOINT SUP SUPPORT CYC l CYLINDER SUSP SUSPEND/SUSPENSION SVC SERVICE L LENGTH SW SOUTHWEST DBL DOUBLE LAT LATITUDE SWK SIDEWALK DEG OR DEGREE LATL LATERAL SYM SYMBOL(S) DEFL DEFLECi(10N) LB POUND SYMM SYMMETRICAL DEPT DEPARTMENT LF LINEAR FEET/FOOT SYS SYSTEM DET DETAIL LG LONG DHWL DESIGN HIGH WATER LEVEL LIM LIMIT(S) DI DUCTILE IRON LP LIGHT POLE T TANGENT DIA DIAMETER LONG LONG TB TURFBLOCK DIAL DIAGONAL LT LEFT T&B TOP AND BOTTOM DIM DIMENSION LWL LOW WATER LEVEL TBI . TEMPORARY BENCH MARK DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE TC TIME OF CONCENTRATION DISCH DISCHARGE M TD TRENCH DRAIN DIST DISTANCE M-AINT MAINTENANCE TDH TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD DMH DROP MANHOLE MATL MATERIAL TECH TECHNICIAN/TECHNICAL DN DOWN MAX MAXIMUM TEMP TEMPORARY DRN DRAIN MECH MECHANICAL TL TERMINAL LAMPHOLE DWG DRAWING ME MITERED: END TOB TOP OF BANK DWY DRIVEWAY MFR MANUFACTURER TOC TOP OF CURB MGD MILLION GALLONS PER DAY TOS TOE OF SLOPE MH MANHOLE TOT TOTAL E EAST MHC MANHOLE COVER TS TOP OF SLOPE EA EACH MHWL MEAN HIGH WATER LEVEL TWP TOWNSHIP EC EDGE OFCONCRETE MIN MINIMUM TYP TYPICAL ED ENERGY_ DISSIPATOR MISC MISCELLANEOUS EF EACH FACE MJ MECHANICAL JOINT EFF EFFLUENT MLP METAL LIGHT POLE UD UNDERDRAIN EG EXISTING GRADE MLWL MEAN LOW WATER LEVEL UG UNDERGROUND E/L EASEMENT -LINE MON MONUMENT UON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ELB ELBOW MPH MILES PER HOUR UTC UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE CABLE ELEC ELECTRIC MSL MEAN SEA LEVEL ELEV ELEVATION MTG MOUNTING ELLIP ELLIPSE/ELLIPTICALVB VALVE BOX ENC ENCASEMENT VC VERTICAL CURVE -ENG ENGINEERING) N NORTH VCP VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE EOR- - ' EDGE OF PAVEMENT NA NOT APPLICABLE VERT VERTICAL - EQ EQUAL/EQUATION N&C NAIL AND CAP VPC VERTICAL POINT OF CURVE EQUIP EQUIPMENT NE NORTHEAST VPI VERTICAL POINT OF INTERSECTION EQUIV EQUIVALENT NG NATURAL GROUND VPT VERTICAL POINT OF TANGENCY ESMT EASEMENT NIC NOT IN CONTRACT EST ESTIMATE NO OR # NUMBER EW EACH WAY NOM NOMINAL W " WEST EWL ENDWALL NTS NOT TO SCALE W/ WITH EXC EXCAVATE/EXCAVATION NW NORTHWEST WM WATER MAIN EXIST EXISTING NWL NORMAL WATER LEVEL W/O WITHOUT EXP EXPAND/EXPANSION WP WATER/WEATHER PROOF EXT EXTEND/EXTENSION 0 WPP WOOD POWER POLE OC ON CENTER WS WATER SURFACE OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER WSWT WET SEASON WATER TABLE OE OR EQUAL WT WEIGHT OPNG OPENING WV WATER VALVE OPP OPPOSITE WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC ORCP OVAL REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE WWM WELDED WIRE MESH OS OUTFALL STRUCTURE OVFL OVERFLOW OVHD OVERHEAD YD YARD YR YEAR misc & AND @ AT 0 DELTA f T11 ING SY�MBW 7", PROPOSED 'SYMBOLS LINES STORM DRAIN 100 LF STS 24 RCP ® 0.20% 100 LINEAR FEET STORM PIPE BOUNDARY 24" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ® 0.20% UD 6 PVC CONSERVATION UNDERDRAIN 6" PVC PIPE SETBACK C/LCENTER LINE �— DRAINAGE FLOW DIRECTION Uj Q D 0 0 0 — CHAIN LINK FENCE FDOT INLET TYPE 1 . � N M d' to cD L-100 � � U 81 CONTOUR FDOT INLET TYPE 2 EASEMENT FDOT INLET TYPE 3 Lli w x x x— FENCE FDOT INLET TYPE 4 = V � b 0 FDOT INLET TYPE 5 GUARDRAILcD o � U I - LOT LINE FDOT INLET TYPE 6 W Of CD_ J I- Agft S P/L PROPERTY LINE MANHOLE z CD W W RETAINING WALL LAM MITERED END SECTION R/W SLOPE DIRECTION ARROW son -- -- RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE FOR POND SIDE SLOPE o—IS' 101.39 • • SETBACK LINE ® SPOT ELEVATION SHORELINE STORM INLET �. Z — - SWALEMWE O HIGH AY & UTILITIES LL_ TREELINE W INNOEM ® L.I BOUND CORNER Ld o SANITA CONCRETE O 100 LF AN 520 S 8 PVC 0.40% 100 LINEA R FEET a COUNTY ROADS >- SANITARY 8" PVC F- PIPE ® 0.40% SLOPE U DETAIL REFERENCE CLEANOUT 8 DOUBLE SANITARY ® DUMPSTER PAD SERVICE 108.25 FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FM 4 PVCFORCE MAIN TYPE A 1,"!/ FHA LOT TYPE 4" PVC PIPE GUY POLE - -- 'MANHOLE HANDICAP PARKING ATE R Cc WM 6 PVC95 INTERSTATE ROADS WATER MAIN 6" PVC PIPE ` LIGHT POLE �--{ 11 1/2- BEND NO PARKING SIGN 22 1/2' BEND 11 12 14 13 SECTION CORNER 45' BEND i 50 STATE ROADS si 90' BEND -�— MISC ROAD SIGN I=i TEE TRAFFIC FLOW Fri CROSS - _ PAVEMENT MARKING ' -) UTILITY POLE '' /� -�J { + DOUBLE DETECTER b RPMATED CHECK VALVE CIVIL ENGINEERS ' BLDG OR STRUCTURE LAND SURVEYORS DOUBLE WATER 605 'E., ROBINSON STREET, i SERVICE �� TYPE F CURB & GUTTER SUITE _450 GATE VALVE ORLANDO, FL. 32801`=2037 . (407)422--111'8 i MIAMI CURB (407)841-9149 FAX FIRE HYDRANT ACCT 26074.' 1 CROSS SECTION DETAIL O METER _ DATE SEPT 1 X93 SCALE NA NOTES: D REDUCERNOTES TREE TYPES SHALL BE REFERENCED BY LEGEND DESIGNED MJC , ON APPLICABLE DRAWING SHEETS. CHECKED 2. EXISTIN-G CONSTRUCTION FEATURES MAY BE SCREENED KDB BLOWOFF« N DRAWN MJC 0 DRAWING SHEETS TO PROVIDE CLARITY. _. fir ,. SH Z: 26074 a > � BENSYM LINES ... ............................ ............ I.............. ............. .............................._....................... CENTER LINE FDOT - -- -- �' - CHAIN LINK FENCE CONTOUR .............. ............. ........... I. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. .............. EASEMENT FDOT FENCE : ............... A.......................... r............ <......................... :............. -............. M.............:.............. 1. GUARDRAIL -� - -- -- - - - EXISTING PLATS ......... ..............;........................... ,`,........................ :•ll. .......................... l.. ......................... ^.......... RETAINING WALL ................................................................................................................................................... RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE " - - -SHORELINE _....._ SWALE TYPE 4 INLET SANITARY ---.-- •--•. -� �m- SANITARY SEWER LINE -- CLEANOUT TYPE 5 INLET FORCE MAIN MANHOLE ATR Water main 6 vc pipe 10 GATE VALVE `W (k FIRE HYDRANT TYPE 6 INLET WATER METER STORM DRAIN HIGHWAY & UTILITIES 7", PROPOSED 'SYMBOLS LINES STORM DRAIN 100 LF STS 24 RCP ® 0.20% 100 LINEAR FEET STORM PIPE BOUNDARY 24" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ® 0.20% UD 6 PVC CONSERVATION UNDERDRAIN 6" PVC PIPE SETBACK C/LCENTER LINE �— DRAINAGE FLOW DIRECTION Uj Q D 0 0 0 — CHAIN LINK FENCE FDOT INLET TYPE 1 . � N M d' to cD L-100 � � U 81 CONTOUR FDOT INLET TYPE 2 EASEMENT FDOT INLET TYPE 3 Lli w x x x— FENCE FDOT INLET TYPE 4 = V � b 0 FDOT INLET TYPE 5 GUARDRAILcD o � U I - LOT LINE FDOT INLET TYPE 6 W Of CD_ J I- Agft S P/L PROPERTY LINE MANHOLE z CD W W RETAINING WALL LAM MITERED END SECTION R/W SLOPE DIRECTION ARROW son -- -- RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE FOR POND SIDE SLOPE o—IS' 101.39 • • SETBACK LINE ® SPOT ELEVATION SHORELINE STORM INLET �. Z — - SWALEMWE O HIGH AY & UTILITIES LL_ TREELINE W INNOEM ® L.I BOUND CORNER Ld o SANITA CONCRETE O 100 LF AN 520 S 8 PVC 0.40% 100 LINEA R FEET a COUNTY ROADS >- SANITARY 8" PVC F- PIPE ® 0.40% SLOPE U DETAIL REFERENCE CLEANOUT 8 DOUBLE SANITARY ® DUMPSTER PAD SERVICE 108.25 FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FM 4 PVCFORCE MAIN TYPE A 1,"!/ FHA LOT TYPE 4" PVC PIPE GUY POLE - -- 'MANHOLE HANDICAP PARKING ATE R Cc WM 6 PVC95 INTERSTATE ROADS WATER MAIN 6" PVC PIPE ` LIGHT POLE �--{ 11 1/2- BEND NO PARKING SIGN 22 1/2' BEND 11 12 14 13 SECTION CORNER 45' BEND i 50 STATE ROADS si 90' BEND -�— MISC ROAD SIGN I=i TEE TRAFFIC FLOW Fri CROSS - _ PAVEMENT MARKING ' -) UTILITY POLE '' /� -�J { + DOUBLE DETECTER b RPMATED CHECK VALVE CIVIL ENGINEERS ' BLDG OR STRUCTURE LAND SURVEYORS DOUBLE WATER 605 'E., ROBINSON STREET, i SERVICE �� TYPE F CURB & GUTTER SUITE _450 GATE VALVE ORLANDO, FL. 32801`=2037 . (407)422--111'8 i MIAMI CURB (407)841-9149 FAX FIRE HYDRANT ACCT 26074.' 1 CROSS SECTION DETAIL O METER _ DATE SEPT 1 X93 SCALE NA NOTES: D REDUCERNOTES TREE TYPES SHALL BE REFERENCED BY LEGEND DESIGNED MJC , ON APPLICABLE DRAWING SHEETS. CHECKED 2. EXISTIN-G CONSTRUCTION FEATURES MAY BE SCREENED KDB BLOWOFF« N DRAWN MJC 0 DRAWING SHEETS TO PROVIDE CLARITY. _. fir ,. SH Z: 26074 a > � BENSYM STORM SEWER a FDOT TYPE 1 INLET ' . ' `" UNDERDRAINf `` FDOT TYPE 2 INLET 3x CURB INLET r. FDOT TYPE 3 INLET MANHOLEY' ....`� FDOT TYPE 4 INLET MITERED END FDOT TYPE 5 INLET 10 STORM INLET FDOT TYPE 6 INLET HIGHWAY & UTILITIES '.. wu BENCHMARK ' �' STATE ROADS - BOUND CORNER MISC ROAD SIGN :.........................................................: CONCRETE GUY POLE UTILITY POLE :.COUNTY ROADS YARD LIGHT INTERSTATE ROADS ...... ......._ GAS MAIN LIGHT POLE - CABLE TELEVISION ` BURIED rf r< MISCELLANEOUS SIGN ...... . ... . ....._ ........_ ELECTRIC CABLE OR CONDUIT, BURIED ::.'. ......... ... _...... :. UNDERGROUND SECTION CORNER R }' TELEPHONE CABLE EDGE OF PAVEMENT _ EDGE OF PAVEMENT i W/O CURB r W CURB 7", PROPOSED 'SYMBOLS LINES STORM DRAIN 100 LF STS 24 RCP ® 0.20% 100 LINEAR FEET STORM PIPE BOUNDARY 24" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ® 0.20% UD 6 PVC CONSERVATION UNDERDRAIN 6" PVC PIPE SETBACK C/LCENTER LINE �— DRAINAGE FLOW DIRECTION Uj Q D 0 0 0 — CHAIN LINK FENCE FDOT INLET TYPE 1 . � N M d' to cD L-100 � � U 81 CONTOUR FDOT INLET TYPE 2 EASEMENT FDOT INLET TYPE 3 Lli w x x x— FENCE FDOT INLET TYPE 4 = V � b 0 FDOT INLET TYPE 5 GUARDRAILcD o � U I - LOT LINE FDOT INLET TYPE 6 W Of CD_ J I- Agft S P/L PROPERTY LINE MANHOLE z CD W W RETAINING WALL LAM MITERED END SECTION R/W SLOPE DIRECTION ARROW son -- -- RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE FOR POND SIDE SLOPE o—IS' 101.39 • • SETBACK LINE ® SPOT ELEVATION SHORELINE STORM INLET �. Z — - SWALEMWE O HIGH AY & UTILITIES LL_ TREELINE W INNOEM ® L.I BOUND CORNER Ld o SANITA CONCRETE O 100 LF AN 520 S 8 PVC 0.40% 100 LINEA R FEET a COUNTY ROADS >- SANITARY 8" PVC F- PIPE ® 0.40% SLOPE U DETAIL REFERENCE CLEANOUT 8 DOUBLE SANITARY ® DUMPSTER PAD SERVICE 108.25 FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FM 4 PVCFORCE MAIN TYPE A 1,"!/ FHA LOT TYPE 4" PVC PIPE GUY POLE - -- 'MANHOLE HANDICAP PARKING ATE R Cc WM 6 PVC95 INTERSTATE ROADS WATER MAIN 6" PVC PIPE ` LIGHT POLE �--{ 11 1/2- BEND NO PARKING SIGN 22 1/2' BEND 11 12 14 13 SECTION CORNER 45' BEND i 50 STATE ROADS si 90' BEND -�— MISC ROAD SIGN I=i TEE TRAFFIC FLOW Fri CROSS - _ PAVEMENT MARKING ' -) UTILITY POLE '' /� -�J { + DOUBLE DETECTER b RPMATED CHECK VALVE CIVIL ENGINEERS ' BLDG OR STRUCTURE LAND SURVEYORS DOUBLE WATER 605 'E., ROBINSON STREET, i SERVICE �� TYPE F CURB & GUTTER SUITE _450 GATE VALVE ORLANDO, FL. 32801`=2037 . (407)422--111'8 i MIAMI CURB (407)841-9149 FAX FIRE HYDRANT ACCT 26074.' 1 CROSS SECTION DETAIL O METER _ DATE SEPT 1 X93 SCALE NA NOTES: D REDUCERNOTES TREE TYPES SHALL BE REFERENCED BY LEGEND DESIGNED MJC , ON APPLICABLE DRAWING SHEETS. CHECKED 2. EXISTIN-G CONSTRUCTION FEATURES MAY BE SCREENED KDB BLOWOFF« N DRAWN MJC 0 DRAWING SHEETS TO PROVIDE CLARITY. _. fir ,. SH Z: 26074 a > � BENSYM r ' e N ItSt 0 C -- a r.: N 19 _ 20 } 21 OCOFE _ CEMETERY it, } } - a 0 PGs /,v Loy SEC 20 -P1 26 i , D s o 3 •..; .ti/off ru � /.t/E of r./E S t,/ %4 . 5 E %4 � v t I ' � � I �{ ,i A teas } o aB G SE c T iON PO ZZ Z8 i �1 �E Cj ,y _ aw. i I .-7 / `� `v \ Z t .SES 20" ZZ-ZO • ' -1 O - - I F.vD /'•I.P MAGU/RE I Lr+wa, i ` � t- - - S. .55 S �E M /�E �.T �UN/.t/Peo✓Eo>/ // / o;S S OGS �✓ AIRPORT �M �E� } I W• q o z 1 _Cn _ -- _ 14 \ \\ \ \ 33 34 -- - vi 8 LL w -GOTHA W W X \ \\ � � i (,0.2.VE .V , �+ • � \---"�'� �P I� 1 �`�- � .. • I.... - iLi � Q I 1.1 lE6uCc44csfME 1%Er4/c 1 5.P/' \ -� / • u°' t T 22 $ N !SE1 W/Til/ESS �+�t A�� \ \\ jT.23In 4 T' ' �1 100 OCA Bio v Al r 5 E/t/C/i'29,4Cf//06NT # ------- _ FNo : I v Co,2N6e ,vor st'r i Pae G�4 ENCPLWC4E5 0.3E �\ ir;✓ \\�\ � r�oue. � \ - -.---� O � 4'cv+. c/.vk F-Evcs E.viceoAures a:9'E. '� � � per• � \ \ \ Evice04C,v//16 \\ Cr \/TNL'$5 �. 9.3 I \ SO , SO V Z (1% UJ \ \ \ 1 O. g • S. of F6,vc6 3, x -� .- (� m l STEED TWL' W�/o•P✓G. w W Z F�v�eoac/+i�G \ v > m / W� e965wTLY PLANTED C17-AOu5 T2�c5 V 00 t \ /NGeU4GN/NC, % y� \ e i \ C0Q Q '% // SET wi rvESS Cae . M B- 45 7 ,Row .ENGEoAGRMENT DETAIL a � CD �`; W `„�E'< )E.'c.. E_ -'' � n i\\� �•• iii � N• 890 Z7'/ W hcr cr Q o /\ ^ L /00 DESCR i PT I O14: 10 / W Y Southwest 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of Section 20 Township 22 South, W < } / 2Z a Range 28 East, LESS: Beginning 2,451.5 feet West of East line of said Section and 1,138 feet North of the South line of said 2 0 Z Section, run N.00°30100".E 215.00 feet; thence N.89°20'00",1.1 208.75 N Z - ,,� feet and thence South 176.00 feet; thence S.68000100"`:E 90,5 feet; W a thence S.88°15100".E 122.00 feet to a POINT OF BEGINNING; ALSO a � L IAAE TABLE LESS: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Southeast 1/4 of _ o said Section run East X5.00 feet; thence North 160.00 feet; U- gEAP;a`y 5rOv E �/ r\ (�(thence Hest 35.00 feet; thence South 160.00 feet to POINT OF ,5 L {L / i/ BEG itlNING; all 'be ing in Orange County, Florida. � Al° B'3 "�✓ 3s oo' t� - XP 41, s ------- - ---- Z 8g 2 7 ', P �P / �� /Q y> / / a AND ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT lands conveyed to the State of Florida by SURVEYOR'S CERTIFCATION J S �7' 50' O 7 "E 90 So " ycos.� ►� / (iii \' i QO P �OQ�o / O 4 -1-` Quit -Claim Deeds recorded in Deed Book 728, Page 110, and Deed Book 752, co 5 �D .� --' Pabe 161, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida. 3 rl/ t This survey is made for the benefit of: Q Q -� s 8� 09.. Z9 .E, /2 3 �/ ' �i�,L os �.. �o P hti2i 0 5 88`/s'�"E /zz Cao' �eEc �� (/P L �� �- Containing 37.900 Acres more or less and subject to an easements, rights -of- / � / 1 Y � SUN BANK N.A.; S moi/ Gid• 70 00'E Z/4. 53 ' !M�45.� / way and restrictions of record. /� p �{� / -- - a �/5• Q� ' � QEC.) �' _ � ,l) ` �' TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE CO., INC.; l Q xt 'LOM LAKE BENNET, LTD.; !i (ZS .NATES: - • NIAGUIRE, VOORHIS & WELT'S, P.A. Bearings show1 /4 of thec utheast 1n hereon are based on the South line of the Southwest -/� wlee , / // ( � S 1/4, Section e�o!¢+ / I hereby certify that this survey, dated September 7, 1939, A 1&14�- J/ PO. f3. PARG�Z .� 20-22-28 being N 89832131" W tan assumed meridian). I-s�« (a) was made on the ground and platted under my supervision aria correctly GAY w� ` J2NCZ"6MW4 /� ° � " z o - Elevations shown hereon are based on Orange County Eng, shows (i) the boundaries and areas of the subject property and the size, N / ZZ' N 27 /3 ,.V. / �Z92. 8o &; s- 96Z7'/ 'E 3 oy 'o' location, and type of buildings and visible improvements thereon and the oN� _- � ��'�/"' Dept, Datum as derived from Benchmark L-408-030, a R.R. distance therefrom to the nearest facing exterior property lines of the subject spike in North face of power poI e*Mo-85119across from propcny, (ii) the location of all rights-of-way, casements and other matters -�_ Vo. 996 West Hwy. 50 on South side of Hwy. Elev. 121 .721. of record which are reflected on Schedule B -Section II'of Mortgagees Title Insurance Commitment No. 47-900446.2690 issued by Transamerica --- - Title Insurance Company on August 10, 1939 affecting or benefiting the , y ed b Description and survey based on information ' furnish object property, and (iii) al ting dedicated public street providing y access to the subject property, together with the width and name thereof; .^ LAS \ 11/ .`i /Q. SQ / SD ' °� 1` '�� %- 1 0, J Ly i -- s 1 � / `� \� a f t �� \ ` 5•A z� 4' �+. � in , c1 lent in Comrfionwealih land Title Insurance' CO. Commitrent b'cc A' / i. S 4 No. 814-111586. are(� o �`� t,t' ` ,t"� t, �A ----- ,s 16 (b) .upon sthea subject aro property bs shown y noted, ent n nvad'ace ten g (tt t f'OC. Pwe-L �, P 1 P P Y Y P J property, ) 3 - � The North�30,00 feet of the Sou est � 1/4 of the Southeast ,$ � L'o•e,vE � -SEc T -in•./ 10 z2 zeencroachments on adjacent property, street, or alleys by any improvements1 /4 of Sect ion 20-22-28 Is a platted Right -of -flay based on on the subject property, (iii) party walls, (iv) conflicts or protrusions, (v) "hlap of Ocoee" P.B. "A", Pg. 101 , but I s not a -maintained overlaps or boundary line disputes, or (vi) casements above ground which QP Le&eA/O Right -of -Way per the Orange Co. Right -of -Way Dept, arc in use and not of record;���[[[ X This property i s subject to additional right- (c) Notes building setback lines on the subject property per City of Ocoee 0 o $�T IAE /OA//COD A//7;/0,,4,- 8108 Zoning Department; ,pEsc,�/PT/c��cl � = Fout/o of -way dedication per the developers agreement • " "CWZO�S DT/lE,G�11// ,(/nT��with .the City of Ocoee. (d) shows adequate ingress to and egress from the subject property is provided �s That Part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeust 1/4 of Section 20, Township Otiw odEeNEao �t/ieEs m state Road 5o the same bring paved, with dedicated public right o maintained by State of Florida, Orange County; � 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, being more particularly Accordingto Flood Insurance Rate Ma Community Panel No. 120179 w described R gefollows: p y (e) Meets the "Minimum Technical Standards" for surveys s. forth by the f 0175C, Orange County, Florida, map revised June 15, 1984, portions of the Florida Board of Professional Land Surveyors in Chapter 2IHH-6, Florida zproperty adjacent to Lake Bennet lying above the 100 year flood elevation of Administrative Code pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. Commence at the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 MOT E 118 feet (Zone A-4) Hein Lone "C". Said map also shows a Flood Zone "A" x of said 1Sect ton 20; thence run N.00° 15 1 17" .E along the East line of said The PLAT OF THE TOWN OF OCOEE. as recorded In Plat Book "A", Pages 100-101. at the No comer of the property for which 'base flood elevations and (f) shows that the parcels comprising the subject property as described in this Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 for a distance of 75.00• feat to the Pub I is Records of Orange County, F i or i da. shows a 60.00 foot Right -of -Way survey share common boundaries there being no hiatus parcels between Q 9 Y flood hazard factors have not been determined. This area was scaled from ., •h Right -of -Way line of State Road 50 and the Point of Beginning of the . Nora for Maine Street which lriudes the North 30.00 feet of the property them; 0 1 ow i n described bed arce i of land:;. : said map and is approximate. ° f I 9 P described bed hereon . 1 n that there are no legal i descr i pt i ons or dedications i ons (g) shows that the subject property contains 37.900 acres, and 1650912 square for public roadways In said PLAT OF THE TOWN OF OCOEE and no other formal - "Building Setbacks" per "Table 5-2" of the Land Development Code for C-2 feet; aria Thence continueN.00°15'17".E along said East line for a distance of 580.80 for said Right -of -Way has been uncovered by Donald W. McIntosh �t dedicationsg Y t m districts and parameters specified On page 18164, Article VI,`Section 6- (h) shows that the properties are or are not located in a flood plain or a flood feet thence run N89°27 ! 13".W .parallel with the North Right -of -Way line of Associates i ates Inc. as of this date the North 30.00 feet of said property may e. •' n ' ' � prone arca, and the flood map number from which this information was rate Road 50 --for a distance,of 300 -.00 -_-feet; thence run S.00°15'17".W s 10(I), Commercial :and Industrial Uses", whichever are greater. obtains. S ..._._ - � or may not be dedicated. parallel with the East line of the Southwest -=114, of the Southeast 1/4 of No comers set on Parcel 1 this date. DONALD W. MCINTOSIT. ASSOCIATES, INC. aforementioned Section 20 for a distance of -580.80 feet to the North _ Right -of -Way line of State Road 50; thence run S.89°27 1 13" . E along said ' Topographic data shown hereon was obta:-ted in February 1986 and has not .. to -Wa line for a distance of 300.00 feet to the Point of t Right -of -Way been updawed. - , . . North i gh n Beginning. :, - Keith Ruddick, PLS #2617 Q H -$ bJecr to blanket easements ,n L City of Ocoee Waste Water Developers p State of Florida V1.0 aAreement recorded in Offl sir'•. Records Book 39,4 7, Page 947: 0 Containing 3.99. acres more or less. Z NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED f3-/35 oc/42 G;Z�l co MARGRET S. AND SHEPPARD H. MURRAY BARBARA Y. AND MATTHIAS ROBERT SCHWIND� 600 SHERIDAN BLVD., ORLANDO, FIL 'ter, 25 BUILDING SETBACK LINE REFER TO REVISED00 DEVELOPEMENT AGREEMENT N ��,•�t ECISIING 30' RIGHT:OF WAY/ =N 88'55'24" W- - - - - - �- _ 1121.19' F �® 30' DDITIONl L RIGHTzOF WAY tO` BE DEDICATED - - - :�, \ \ 't: ��2 " RARY 6LOWOFF 474 M C. DAVIS ; � t,rai» WILLIAM . s ... I.. ..1 r .__. `,,, y..� �_ , A' ':. w� RICHARD W. AND MARCIA L. DAVIS 2049 JOHIO SHORES DR. i� : 25 ~ FER CONS; WALK L� ',.,\ Q In �d 7ER TEVALVE.P.O. BOX 296 ORLANDO, FL 32818-9026 R' ,,,OCOEE, FL 34761-0296 �c - _ 7 A N 86'09'29" W scv ` 50;; BUILDFNG SETBACK LIEfTION'RETENTION123.81 ' opo i PHASE 2_\ \�A� N 67'50'07 W b" O :� 1_ FUTURE 12"'P.VC. 90. APPROXIMATE FUTURE OF OAK WATERMAIN -•a �.` �.4 RETENTION 1I:, `, o HAMMOCK -RPR MCIWMSH SURVEY ' DATED 9-15-86,), TO BBQ., PRESERVED 275 A�,iFT. •• t ; , p z / � r 5 ON TE TI RETTTI RE N d•, � t "i'r "A r - ERLINE _ - WAT 6 - '^��s is -,,.." '4 ,r ��-'•is „.•�.. /o." t' u- ,,::. sem,,.' EASEMENTS ry>,�, N�RSING HOME t >,. s k . �, � ; q•�. r sr: 48 `LOO S.F. , 1 ,fh DAILY TRIP 305 '� "3 '••",,� `) 'y mss.. '+' Q,F _ .C.' .\ �'. • 'ry '"'-�' v.. 't .:,}' tnp, r.!•- tit / u,•R:'• 40".7 r 16 t+Q / %J 48 SOILS DIVIDE r „ f, /.. r 12 P.V.C. WATERMAI LINE -101 `O,p /?'f� ;RETAIL 3,3,000 YENM CONSERVATION ' ` \ 9i,L9 �' DAILY TRIP 24; a' EASEMENT LINE \ aD ti h r" 25' ABOVE A.C.O.E. '� � h � o, `'k F JURISDICTION LINE / ^O/ T MPGR .=Rl' 15' BUIL BML INVESTMENTS AND f ' JEROME D. FEINSTEINLd ` 2� BLOWOFF \° 890 S.R. 434 \ �nPPP ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL 32714-7013`��" WM STUB'•, / A o` ` JURISDICTION LINE LOCATED . �� �=� 125' UPLAND BUFFER FROM 4 7 , `50'^ PUBLIC ;R -O- �! 100 YEAR ( S.) FLOOD LINE z o0 AS PER S.J.R.W.M.D.8" STU `ti i•8 �rUB N 4o �' •.-. 'ti{ 4Ei 3h. `i 46 ao .r'T^_, \" ,rr:'r u�, ' ,.di ~�+� iff f. ` r^ \� ;�,. ll 745.0' : \ x.,V. Ir� N)C`;sZSJ*''x�.,F .t,Ty,: .a- :T �vr ,u R,T) I 443, - APPROXIMATE NORMAL HIGH WATER LINE + �� 0 rR A .• w °4 � _ ACTUAL, 10 R RA - 30? (TYP.) YEA -"" V.=`i 18.3 a2` � 4 ? F.I.S.) FL QyELE- ` DOUBLE__ YELLOW •, LANDSCAPE BUFFER TO BE k .• _{� CITY O OEE # PROVIDED BY EACH LOT 02 ' ON FINAL SITE PLAN .,`; \ \ AROUND LAKE BENNET f 5 _s 3 r ; 'I 100 YEA (F I.M.A.) A-4 if ti" N 03 i FLOOD 1(118')3� y^ LO PAN ...._... _ ._ _ ,... `\ . IN 00 N i' N?k RETAIL 52,000 S.F. a v 3 ,: DAILY TRIP 3905 , D E 10 MITERED ,, _..... <,__ _ 1 SECTION (TYP.) , r. • _• - ETAIL OFFICE' r-. N t s'c• ! z �. J �. tt �.,;>,' S.F. '� � 00 40 x. , rn _ "a O V- C0 s sr ..x ,nt .3r - M 1 A. o - • f r `Y P 70 1 w� 6 I Y .. �r. AIL J-, E / t Y L HILL (TRUSTEE) .�,;r .; �:� CARE ( �K. �,. CE k. TR AN t< NCE �, N TRA .,n. E b ± z' G :, BLVD. �- � - E. CENTRALr a . EP 608;«r �'� � I r m ORLANDO FL 32801-2967 ps P �; x -a o O�Q� Fir• f /r' I ,� �� ' WM STUB� .�'r�i •`'-' 8 STUB Y , OU �A .L CON L TT sra k �; 1 '`r i r STR11C RE (T ) ^ r� - STUB QDb 8 , S 89.28'37" E -� 35.00' S 00°09'53" W :• L T AMERICAN MEDICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. AND ROBERT F. EVANS JR. 23 OSCEOLA AVENUE ORLANDO, FL 32801-2845 JURISDICTION LINE LOCATED AS PER A.C.O.E. CONSERVATION EASEMENT LINE :o "' TRACT A 30x30 __.._.__. LIFT STATION TION REIIN Ft " � /F1'• ,tij, � � 4 I x /� r'' 35' BUILC mfr .X \' AF /' ACCESS EASE .,.c2F ME15l N a r :ter: L-17 t rY��-: r. �p'�. e:�f""��:nEa�,:}',�r�cft�a�.�.nFSF=1�.,�i,.c>•' �.,reAs-�ee'iea`iFieFsssui -c .,K� ,.,A ^��;c, d �C'6 fJI ' d�� f, /t l r:;'i� '�Mi q�•i,.,�p xS -w's'� •-c'�'�-x��xs,..���`�rh t -�T :c, vtix v .,a ,_ l..✓.. },3; rrc.%s-k�ia� . ; c, . V \\\ ; .. !! t r "yit` +, :4ti /.K' . ':�_ Y:Y''�t'� rSS, u y1 :c. c a ?Y•�' .4 a..�t F = :.Y \ '�i,' ,.�, ',x,^.: .A.,/• ; ✓' kiv ..,.L� . X�lr7 :47r'l. - S-. ..._..,.+. r , ,. F � �2�,r .3�}s:L::-.: z..... ,..+,-:.:,���a �.� Su:>.n: ,c, -'•a �x y - f NRAD 50.0'4 t! 2 rV ; RETAIL/OFrICE p -' 4,000 S.F yE/VrRq ! o RETAIL 12,500 S.F. I �rM , / DAILY TRIP =123 NCE t ra ,ii t = � DAILY T' IP 1,178 I ;Q 20' SANT ' P 0PbSED a RETAIL 3,600 S.F. it > 150' SETBACi LINE WM STUB DAILY IRI ' 2,275 j = _._ _,,,9ANIT*WESMT.<' ( .� ,,P 150' SETBACK UNE { 7 _ w WM STUB ` fl - 1 - - `� - - F'• RETENTION RETj NTION "RETENTION 4, ,34 AC 51 22 STS 14l'.'., RC o f- - ," pxistin 2 5 . aa_ .-x.qn r. w _ RIS L• c, -�ST4P �-- � � .k� k r „ ,,...:- ._..- . e....-, // .,,,, ,...,:. -.. 'L'S 'k t' ��Ja: 3::f..�f <Td.'S.a.,,..t`53ri.>. .�'`Sc, Jv.fi�„�. ,.�'� '•� i4 . L .. y.�IL=. LAR.: : V,fiY ,� }x' �'z`ro.c •' � .x tt 2�K`f.iG':X.• vv GRAPHIC SCALE 100 O 50 ,oD 200 400 Zoning SUE DA T JAE C-2 ( IN FEET ) Land Use 1 inch = 100 ft. COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION NOTE: NO S.J.R.W.M.D. LINE ON SITE. JURISDICTION LINE LOCATED Setback Requirements AS PER A.C.O.E. Minimum Front Building Setback 25.0'/ 50.0' ON ARTERIALS Minimum Side Building Setback 10.0' g Minimum Rear Building Setback 20,0' {a ,�. ,� Setback from CL of S. R, #50 150.0' M ., �� Max. Building Site Coverage 607 Max, Impervious Surface 70% Max, Building Height 45' t, IiON .5 4 `ti, r NOTE: The City of Ocoee requ i res a Buffer Zone of 25, 0', consisting of beryls, `:w .`�. _ walls, and/or fences, and landscaping between residential and commercial uses. 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN PER SHOAL CREEK STUDY t B r APPROX. 25' ABOVE Solis Type 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN The sols information shown hereon ;s based on the Soi( Survey of Orange ` r= ' County, Florida, issue date August 1989, rood Zone ,i I _ This site is in Flood Zone C , A4 and iAi according to the Flood Insurance Rate Map 5 1984 , Revision date June 1 179 0175 C , Number 120 MANHOLE (CONTROL STRUC`fURE /SMART BOX) Rate Map Community i ty Panel N ± Cormlun i ty Pane( Number 120180 00050, issue date October 23, 1981, R i F.E.M.LINE: SOILS DIVIDE .._.. \ ZONE ""'�� LINE _.. \ . „ ' A, Areas of 100 -year flood; base flood elevations and flood hazard factors not determined. A4, Areas of 100 -year flood) base flood elevation for Lake Bennet - 118 c. Areas of minimal flooding. VG SETBAC` LINE , ,' ` � r Ld f �l ✓ rt INAL ALIGNMENT : D34 W NING M AS TERT P O OCOEE Area Calculations LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO f (w; y5 LOT 1 (Commerc i a l) 1,33 acres 5.877 <hs kap,, I KAZAROS BROTHERS 0.87 acres 6.60% INVESTMENT TRUST LOT 2 (Commerc i a ( ) f r t LOT 3 (Commercial) 0.79 acres 10.46% LOT 4 (Commercial) less Lake 2, 28 acres 4, 037 LOT 5 (Commercial) less Lake 4,41 acres 20, 827 8,06 acres 13,73% --., h LOT 6 (Corhrlerc i s t) less Lake =ro " ,�� o 5.57 acres 21.437 STO ,} t r ,Q ,S ENT v � ( TYPE III REFL3. DO acres 25.25% tCTOR ( LOT 7 (Cornrlerc i a ( ) 5 .I ' LOT 8 (Commercial) t` 5i 14y ,u rJ f Tract A (Lift -Station) 0.02 acres Tract B 1.61 acres 4 ^i Right of Way 4,55 acres I� Tota f ( LESS LAKE) 32,4 acres r<` f---- oa .�m �`'4 '> , � i I•'' DOUBLE YELLOW STRIPS M N 9'` r ri k �" Utility Companies 1 ........... a� s � S DISTRICT URAL GA OF OCOEE V.>:. POPKA NAT CITY t LAKE A R SUPPLY POTABLE NATE �,�'->, � " NATURAL GAS,' �,iN ENTRANCE 12184W. COLONIAL DR. WATER DEPARTMENT t o P.O. BOX 771275 150 N LAKESHORE DR. „= I WINTER GARDEN, FL 34777-1275 OCOEE, FL STOP�� �' (407) 656-2734 (407) 656-2322 35' R (TYP) 7f5 RALPH C. AND JOHN S. KAZAROS RICHARD H. AND ROBERTS. KAZAROS Ih P.O. BOX 15606 TELEPHONE, UNITED TELEPHONE CO. 1 OCOEE _ SYSTEM CITY OF _ WASTEWATER .. ..-'•••-'�- r SANITARY ORLANDO, FL 32858. ' 33 N MAIN STREET SEWER DEPARTMENT C14 ALFRED P.O. BOX 770339 150 N LAKESHORE DR. 'y WINTER GARDEN' FL 34777-0339 ..- - :.,.. . TRIP OCOEE, FL C LINE - _, ��7,� �-��>� I ;4 , -WHITES KENT NG SETBACK I 407 877-5376 _...._.-__:_ _.�•• -�13' I ( ( ) (407) 656-1150 h�Y hE 3K DOUBLE YELLOW STRIP'S CABLE, CABLEVISION INDUSTRIES INC. ELECTRICAL FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION 10 LANDSCAPED j A � 844 MAGUIRE RD. 1150 N ORANGE AVE. BUFFER : OCOEE, FL 34761 P.O. BOX 417 BLACKWOOD AVE. (407) 656-8035 WINTER PARK, FL 32790 c. G (407) 629-1010 'iF'r r '' ;'�.`'Y,�'`•�`Yk::t;. ti , ':;` t�:;. fiiSt✓ �: x' Y t�� ; �, , ' :'' - - C$ I OVERALL PROJECT IDENTIFICATION ' SIGN.EASEMENT OWNERIDEVELOPER 36 / RETAIL 3,400 S..I 4 r ._,E,...)...�_ "M, O LAKEZOM BENNET LTD, HOLLIS ENGINEERING, INC. \ DAILY "TRIP 901 - �� s, ( RIGHT OF WAY TO BE DEDICATED 2269LEEROAD 605 EAST ROBINSON STREET �Y EASEDE+4T x FUTURE RIGHT OF WAY TO BE DEDICATED SUITE 101 SUITE 450 �....._. L 10' LANDSCAI?x :' ' WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 BUFFER � u 1 (407) 644-6300 (407) 422-1118 :t I I 02 - WM STUB x *y rJ 50' R (TYP) 25 ADDITIONAL RIG T OF ? 50' R (TYP) 27W -To -CLRRR'RUAIJ - - - ... _ - , r ,.�.. ._a!OF :'-.�i.•+n- r JV Yc" 4� - 3.��. , n-65j'-.�• +. +' a ,:,z'z'1 ^`fie -r. tH:: Ei. .��9 ;t h' w3e3•YF� �'� 0� H :A i 0 1 siTNC-�� W�- Y S ..z r �-Q,• ., ' --. 9- r .-'Fsr�.u:^ ,•. .. , x y.'. .r \^�' .:. .. .. e. t, - .t 1' Cr . r. " .:x".. » Z'r. z zr a .:..,. ,- ;� , • . y,.c � . ... x . � x, , ,,ot`r'4 , _� �it-,L^ .i �v�l� Xs• . <: ' rY"i' "..... ; r, , ex.^• "iT v . t >4�X �-'1-•" •:r, qtr X"' xs;;�.� � _ h :.._.�: �_ ��..s_._, ..w ♦. � NOTE: ® ,.� -- .. „ . -. _ �_ . ,� - F° -`'"",s' '.'v--@f;'r'�".-•:F`+". f§'..��.:8"-�`":.wi?s�"•af'wn""i.'`c'+. '"�'Yw-c-,.,t."i,t •i.. - .s.. s,,�+- _ _ • .� �, . _.5,s���:�-� ';i! _`�',•� ,��:. �-;�,�'a'�-'t;t'�u;w�,�-��:>��.�- NZ�°.+_� n,.r �:. (.3W' ..,i'=iia.,ms.. .s,: T ;`, + w- --••RIGHT I /RIGHT OUT ONLY �--` ' �UjDRA NAGE RETENTION ARE S I A _ w__........_ _._.. ,.� _._-..._.._.. _ ARE SHOWN ONLY AS REFERENCE � #� RETENTION AREAS WILL BE .._,. v,...e..,...,,. __ s' ,�s FtF�z�:�: T.x�.'�` 4ix'��r:7�+���:''+Y,''t".""'.',��.:ti�- Yc"K rrr;�r.�rz• DO NOT ENTER SI 448' ACTUAL RE TIO 240' SUBMITTED AT THE TIME OF FINAL - 411 330 ,� A' -169' 240' � 200' � ENGINEERING FOR EACH PARCEL. 1----127' -- 81 y f FRANCES S. PIGNONE CS CSZ C f OZ REPRESENTING _ - - r 5 ANGELINE J. 'SHARP 1720 E. GATLIN AVE. B t ORLANDO, FL 32806-7150 WEST ORANGE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL I P.O. BOX 771107 -` WINTER GARDEN, FL 34777-1107 SOILS LEGEND 3 BASINGER FINE SAND, DEPRESSIONAL 4 CANDLER FINE SAND, 0 TO 57 SLOPES 6 CANDLER-APOPKA FINE SAND, 5 TO 127- SLOPES 34 POMELLO FINE SAND, 0 TO 57 SLOPES 46 TAVARES FINE SAND, 0 TO 57 SLOPES 47 TAVARES-MILLHOPPER FINE SAND, 0 TO 57 SLOPES SOILS INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE SOIL SURVEY OF ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ISSUE DATE AUGUST 1989. 7 24' CLEAR ZONE 24' CLEAR ZONE 24' CLEAR ZONE 21.6' S' 18.6' 10' 19.6' 5' 17.4' 10' 15.6 5' 21.6' 10' EOP R/W LINE EOP EOP R/W LINE R/W _LINE jcyl 10:1 - 10:1 41 6.1 6.1 -- ~ 4:1 6.1 ... _ FLAT - _. FLAT FLAT ^" rCS2 SWALE CROSS SECTION CS3 SWALE CROSS SECTIONCS1 ION SWALE CROSS SECT_ - N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. - -) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1) PRIOR TO THE APPROVAL OF FINAL SUBDIVISION PLANS FOR THE PROJECT, OR POR11ON THEREOF, THE APPLICANT OWNER WILL NEED TO APPLY FOR AND OBTAIN A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY PURSUANT TO ARTICLE IX OF THE OCOEE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. NEITHER THE REVIEW OF THE APPLICATiON/PROJECT BY THE CITY NOR THE GRANTING OF ANY APPROVALS IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH REVIEW SHALL BE CONSTRUED TO GRANT THE APPLICANT/OWNER ANY ENTITLEMENT TO OBTAIN A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF CONCURRENCY WITH RESPECT TO ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE PROJECT OR TO CREATE ANY EXEMPTION FROM THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE IX OF THE OCOEE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 2) THE CITY IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF F.S. CHAPTER 163 CONCERNING MORATORIUMS OF THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. THE CITY HAS NO LAWFUL AUTHORITY TO EXEMPT ANY PRIVATE ENTITY OR ITSELF FROM THE APPLICATION OF SUCH STATE LEGISLATION AND NOTHING HEREIN SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS SUCH EXEMPTION. 3) ALL PARKING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF OCOEE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR EACH PARCEL. 4) A 10' WIDE LANDSCAPE BUFFER WILL BE PROVIDED ALONG S.R. 50 AND BLACKWOOD AVENUE. 5) STORMWATER RUNOFF FOR THE VOLUMETRIC PREPOST DIFFERENCE FOR THE O 25 YEAR / 96 HOUR STORM SHALL BE RETAINED ON SITE. DETAILED RETENTION POND DESIGN, INLCUDING GEOTECHNICAL INFORMATION, WILL BE PROVIDED WITH THE FINAL ENGINEERING PLANS. 6) ALL STORMWATER PONDS ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY EACH LOT OWNER. 7) A 5' SIDEWALK WILL BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG ALL R/W S AS REQUIRED BY THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE VI -3-H. 8) ALL FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS WILL BE DETERMINED AND DESIGNED WITH FINAL ENGINEERING PLANS. 9) 100 - YEAR FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY ALONG LAKE BENNET IS 118 M.S.L. THE NORTHEAST 0 1 CORNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE "A" . APPLICANT TO APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE FEMA FLOODPLAIN DETERMINATION LETTERS AND "LETTER OF MAP REVISION" (LOMR) OR 'LETTER OF MAP AMENDMENT' (LOMA) PRIOR TO FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN SUBMITTAL, FOR ALL FEMA FLOOD ZONE AREAS. A FIELD LOCATION SURVEY OF THE 100 YEAR CONTOUR LINE WILL BE PROVIDED WITH THE FINAL ENGINEERING PLANS. 10) AT ALL CORNERS AND WHERE APPLICABLE, SIDEWALK ACCESS RAMPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO PERMIT PASSAGE OF THOSE WHO ARE PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED. 11) THE "LAKE BENNET CENTRE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT- DATED AUGUST 19TH, 1986 WILL Q BE FORMALLY AMENDED PRIOR TO FINAL SUBDIVISIM?13N APPROVAL BASED UPON, 1) THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT AS SPECIFIED ON SHEET 5 OF 5 OF THE PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISON PLAN, AND 2 ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY NECESSARY TO ENSURE PROPER LEGAL FORM AND THE INCORPORATION OF ALL APPROPRIATE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 12) ALL ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENTS SHOWN O1 THE SUBDIVISION PLAN WILL BE PRIVATE EASEMENTS IN FAVOR OF THE OWNERS OF ALL OF THE LOTS WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION, THEIR SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS, EMPLOYEES, INVITEES, TENANTS AND GUESTS, WHICH EASEMENTS WILL BE SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, AND WHICH WILL ALSO BE FURTHER DEFINED AND DELINEATED IN A DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, AND EASEMENTS TO BE RECORDED AT THE TiME OF THE RECORDING OF THE PLAT. FEE SIMPLE TiTLE TO THE LAND UNDERLYING THE EASEMENTS WILL BE OWNED BY THE OWNER OF THE LOT ON WHICH EASEMENTS OR PORTION THEREOF, LIES. THE PRIMARY OBLIGATION FOR MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OF THE IMPROVEMENTS CONTAINED WITHIN THE EASEMENTS WILL BE ALLOCATED TO THE OWNER OF LOT 7 BY THE ABOVE -REFERENCED DECLARATION. THE COST AND EXPENSE OF SUCH MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT WILL BE ALLOCATED AMONG THE OWNERS OF ALL OF THE LOTS COMPRISING THE SUBDIVISION PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS IN THE DECLARATION, INCLUDING PROVISION FOR ASSESSMENT AND LIEN IN THE EVENT THAT ANY SUCH LOT OWNER FAILS TO PAY ITS PROPORTIONATE SHARE. 13) BASED UPON FINAL ENGINEERING AND FINAL PLAT REQUIREMENTS, ACCESS RIGHTS TO S.R. 50 & BLACKWOOD AVENUE FROM ALL LOTS EXCEPT AT THE APPROVED LOCATIONS, WILL BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF OCOEE. 14) ALL LEGAL INSTRUMENTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION DOCUMENTATION, EASEMENT AGREEMENTS AND WARRANTY DEEDS CONVEYING PROPERTY TO THE CITY OR PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION MUST BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO PLAT APPROVAL. 15) NO ACCESS TO MAIN STREET WILL BE PROVIDED TO LOT #6 IN PHASE 1. 16) A DETAILED ANALYSIS OF SIGNALIZATiON, GEOMETRY AND LANE CONFIGURATION AT S.R. 50 AND BLACKWOOD AVENUE WILL BE CONDUCTED AS PART OF THE FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN REVIEW AND INCORPORATED INTO THOSE PLANS. 17) COPIES OF THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONS DRIVEWAY AND DRAINAGE 1A CONNECTION PERMITS WILL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO FINAL SUBDIVISION PLANS APPROVAL BY THE DRC. R PA LAKE BENNET CENTRE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT AUGUST 19th 1986 The Owner shall submit a subdivision plat of the Property dedicating to the City thirty feet (30') for road right-of-way along the north side of the Property and thirty-five (35') for road right-of-way along the east side of the Property. Such dedication shall be at the sole cost of the Owner and shall be documented by warranty deed to the City in form and substance satisfactory to the City and its attorney. In addition, Owner shall provide the City with a title opinion or a title insurance policy evidencing the unencumbered ownership of such right-of-way. Prior to or contemporaneously with the issuance by the City of building permits on the Property having a cumulative square footage of 20,000 sq./ft. or more: A. The Owner shall improve California Avenue along the Property's east boundary line and Mane Street along the north boundary line to two-lane paved roads in accordance with standards of the City. When and if building permits are issued by the City for land (other than the Property) fronting on either California Avenue or Maine Street, the City shall reimburse to Owner that portion of Owner's construction cost in improving California Avenue and Maine Street calculated as follows: the portion to be reimbursed to Owner shall be fifty percent (50%) of Owner's total construction cost (as evidenced by its completed road construction contracts for both California Avenue and Maine Street) multiplied by a ration, the numerator of which shall be the number of front feet on California Avenue or Maine Street in the land parcel for which a building permit is being issued and the denominator of which shall be the total number of front feet of land fronting on California Avenue and Maine Street across from the Property. The City's reimbursement obligation to Owner hereunder shall apply for a term of five (5) years from the date said road construction improvements are completed. In the event the City adopts a citywide transportation impact fee ordinance, the Owner shall be entitled to a credit against any road impact fees otherwise required under such ordinance for an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the cost of constructing the road improvements to Maine Street and California Avenue required hereunder (exclusive, however, of the cost of improvements to California Avenue within 100 feet of its intersection with Highway 50). B. The Owner shall contribute twenty-five percent (25%) of the cost of signalization of the proposed intersection of State Road 50 and California Avenue at such time as a warrant is issued by the Florida Department of Transportation. 3. If required by the Owner for development of the Property, Owner shall pay the full initial cost of extending a water line easterly along the northerly right-of-way of Highway 50 to the boundary of the Property in a size adequate to service the projected development and future system expansion as specified by the City. To the extent it is reasonably within the control of the City, City shall cooperate in attempting to reimburse to Owner a portion of its cost from connection fees or other assessments levied upon other landowners and developers who may benefit from the extended water line within five (5) years from the date of such extension. The intent of the parties as evidenced in this paragraph shall be the subject of a further water line extension and reimbursement agreement to be mutually agreed upon by the parties. 4. All buildings on the Property shall be set back from the north boundary of the Property and the normal high water line of Lake Bennet a minimum of one hundred feet (100'). 5. Prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for improvements on the Property, the Owner shall complete, to the City's satisfaction, an irrigated professionally designed landscaped buffer bordering the north property line and the Lake Bennet shoreline. Said buffer shall be at least seventy- five feet (75') in depth and shall be comprised of existing vegetation and supplemented with vegetation and berming to enhance the natural beauty of the area. Water retention and detention facilities may be located within said buffer areas as approved by the City engineer. 6. Development of Lake Bennet Center, including site plans, building set-backs(other than as stated in paragraph 3), building plans and other permits or approvals shall be in compliance with all City and State ordinances and regulations and shall be reviewed with specific attention to the following issues: A. In addition to access from the Property to Maine Street and California Avenue, Owner shall have only two (2) entrances from the Property directly to State Road 50. B. Owner shall make every reasonable effort to preserve the existing oak hammock in the northwest corner of the Property and incorporate it into the landscaped buffer area. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Owner, its successors and assigns as owners of all or any portion of the Property. The terms, conditions and restrictions contained herein shall be specifically enforceable by the successors or assigns of the Owner or by the City of Ocoee. 7. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida at owner's expense and shall constitute a covenant running with the land. However, nothing contained herein shall limit the right of the City to prescribe other conditions on the development in accordance with applicable City ordinances and land regulations in effect at the time of development. 8. Upon satisfaction of the conditions set forth herein, the City shall, upon request by Owner or its successors, execute a document in recordable form acknowledging the completion and/or satisfaction of the conditions contained herein. Recording of such a document in the Public Records of Orange County shall serve to cancel and terminate of record this Agreement, which shall thereafter be of no further force of effect. Unless so canceled, this Agreement shall be perpetual in duration. 9. This Agreement and provisions contained herein shall be controlled and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. 4' 1 7' —2_ %,0,- 4% -CONC SIDEWALK (TYP) I 902G 2-0111-%-- LAKE BENNET CENTRE AMENDMENTS TO DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT 90' R W ZONING 1. (AMENDING PARAGRAPH 1) LAND USE (1) f 16.0' _ TRIPS - The road right-of-way to be dedicated by the Owner along the east COMMERCIAL 5' 5.0' 2' 24' 1.33 13.34' 1.33'24' 5' BANK 3,400 S.F. 901 side of the Property; will be forty-five feet (45') instead of the COMMERCIAL RETAIL CONVENIENCE STORE 2,500 S.F. 1,178 3 COMMERCIAL RETAIL FAST FOOD 3,600 S.F. 12115.0' 4 COMMERCIAL OFFICE GENERAL OFFICE 4,000 S.F. thirty feet (30') required by Paragraph 1 of the Developer's 5 COMMERCIAL OFFICE GENERAL OFFICE 40,000 S.F. 701 6 COMMERCIAL NURSING HOME NURSING HOME 120 BEDS 305 7 COMMERCIAL Agreement. Additionally, the right-of-way to be dedicated by the SHOPPING CENTER 52,000 S.F. 3,905 8 MEDIAN CURB (TYP) RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER 33,000 S.F. 2,478 TOTAL PROJECT TRIPS 11,867 Owner along the southern five hundred twenty feet (520') of the INTERNAL CAPTURE (3) 196 PASS—BY (4) 5,643 NET EXTERNAL VOLUMES 6,028 1. RETAIL LAND USES WERE ASSUMED IN LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 IN ORDER TO GENERATE DAILY TRAFFIC easterly boundary will taper from a width of forty-five feet (45') ACTUAL LAND USE MAY VARY BUT WILL FALL WITHIN RANGE SHOWN. FDOT TYPE A FROM THE 5th EDITION OF I.T.E. TRIP GENERATION. LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 ARE 8.0' 8.0' 8 ARE BASED ON FITTED CURVE EQUATIONS. 3. INTERNAL CAPTURE IS ASSUMED TO BE AN 8.75% INTERACTION BETWEEN OFFICE AND NURSING HOME WITH THE SHOPPING CENTER, BANK, FAST FOOD RESTAURANT AND CONVENIENCE STORE. to a width of fifty five feet (55') at State Road 50, as shown on the FROM THE ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE TABLE 5.B. BANK 70% CONVENIENCE STORE 51% FAST FOOD RESTAURANT 48% attached plan. 1-1/2" TYPE S-1 STANDARD CURB &GUTTER 2. (AMENDING PARAGRAPH 2A) ASPH CONC (TYP) (TYP) FDOT TYPE F The improvements which are required under Paragraph 2(A) of the / Developers Agreement which will be required in order to allow development / of Phase 1 of the Property are the roadway improvements shown for Blackwood Avenue, 'including traffic signal modifications, on the attached plan at the intersection with State Road 50 and for a distance of approximately seven hundred eighty feet (786) to the north of the intersection as well as Streets A & 12"( TYP) 6" THICK STABILIZED S U B G R A D E (TYP) �-- B. All other improvements required by Paragraph 2(A) of the Developers 12" (TYP) — Agreement must be completed prior to or contemporaneously with the 8" SOIL CEMENT BASE 3000 PSI (TYP) issuance of any building permit within Phase 2. Phase 1 of the Property will include Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, and Phase 2 will consist CONC SIDEWALK (TYP) 12" SUB BASE COMPACTED TO 95% MAX DENSITY (TYP) of Lots 7 and 8, all as shown on the attached plan. All reference to California Avenue In the Developer's Agreement shall mean and refer to Blackwood Avenue. The Rights of Way for Phase 2 roads will be dedicated as part of the Phase 1 plat. (902C ICAL RIGHT OF WAY SECT-101INT 3. (AMENDING PARAGRAPHS 4 AND 5) The one hundred foot (100') setback required by Paragraph 4 of the Developer's Agreement and the landscaped buffer required by Agreement to the N. T. S. Paragraph 5 of the Developer's will not apply north boundary line of the Property. The one hundred foot (100') setback from the normal high water line of Lake Bennet as required in Paragraph 4, and the seventy-five foot (75') landscaped buffer bordering the Lake Bennet shoreline, as required by Paragraph 5, will continue to 'apply. The only setbacks and landscaped buffers required on the north boundary lines of Lots 6 and 8, as shown on the attached plan, shall be otherwise required by the City of Ocoee Land Development Regulations. Provided, however, if Lot 6 is developed and used for a nursing home (and related and ancillary uses), the setbacks and landscaped buffer on the north boundary line of Lot 6 shall be twenty-five feet (25). 4) A At the time of platting of phase # 1 of the property, Owner/Developer shall dedicate to the City of Ocoee the Highway 50, 55' R W Blackwood Avenue and Maine St. Right of Way, including Tract "A" and "B". Such dedications shall be at the sole cost and expense of 38' Owner/Developer ;and shall be documented by a warranty deed in a form and substance satisfactory to the city. Owner/Developer shall 5' 6' 36' also provide the city' with a title opinion or a title insurance policy evidencing the unencumbered ownership of such Right of Ways. A15) The Owner shall contribute the greater of twenty-five percent (25%) of the 2' cost of the existing signalization of the intersection at State Road 50 and Blackwood Avenue or the modification of signal as warrant is issued by the 6' Florida Dept. of Transportation at the time of final plat. 1-1/2" TYPE S-1 6) 0 Prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for lots 4, 5 or 6, ASPH CONC (TYP) --®- the owner shall complete, to the city's satisfaction, an irrigated, -�---- professionally designed' landscaped buffer bordering the Lake Bennet shoreline. Said buffer shall be at least seventy-five feet (75') in depth and shall be comprised of existing vegetation and berming to enhance the natural beauty of the area. Water retention and detention facilities may be located in sold buffer areas as approved by the city engineer. 12" (TYP) --j (see developer's agreement.) 8" SOIL CEMENT BASE 3000 PSI (TYP) 7) 0 Owner/Developer will preserve the existing Oak Hammock In the northwest comer of the property, Incorporate it into the landscaped buffer area CONC SIDEWALK (TYP) 12" SUB BASE COMPACTED TO 95% MAX DENSITY (TYP) and designate by conservation easement on the plat. This conservation easement shall be maintained by the property owners. A conservation easement shall be granted to the city pursuant to section 7-6 of the Ocoee Land Development code and section 704.06, Florida Statutes. Such easement agreement must be in a form and substance acceptable to 9 2 ICA '"MIGHTA Y SECT I L"WiN the city and recorded at the time of platting. 8) The LAKE BENNET CENTRE AMENDMENTS TO DEVELOPER'S "CONDITIONS N. T. S. 1A AGREEMENT will 'contain all OF APPROVAL" as set forth In the preliminary subdivision plan. 50' RIGHT OF WAY 28, 7' 4' MIAMI CURB (TYP) 50' RIGHT OF WAY 1 1/2" ASPH TYPE S-1 2%°-- 2%,�,.._ SIDEWALK -=- 12" 4' 7' 28' 7' 4' MIAMI CURB s (TYP) 1 1/2" ASPH TYPE S-1 I —2%� 4% 2% 2%4%_ ---�•-/-12" SIDEWALK 8" SOIL CEMENT BASE (TYP) I —0 -00-- 12" SUB B' ;OMPACTED (TYP) I I WAY » %% SECTIUIN N. T. S. POTENTIAL DAILY TRAFFIC GENERATION PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT i i I -CONC SIDEWALK (TYP) 8" SOIL CEMENT BASE (TYP) I I 12" SUB BASE COMPACTED (TYP) 1 1 � I PROPOSED WATER MAIN MIN. 36" COVER 9 0 2 E TYPICAL RIGHT `OF'V.VAY"B" SECTION N.T.S. 80' R W 15.50' 4' 8.25' 2' 18' 1.33' 12.84' 1.33' 18' 2'1 8.25' 4' MEDIAN CURB (TYP)C/L FDOT TYPE A PROFILE GRADE POINT STANDARD CURB & GUTTER 1-1/2" TYPE S-1 I (TYP) FDOT TYPE F 1/0 4% ASPH CONC (TYP)--\ 4%117- ---�- -_,® 2% --a-12" (TYP) 12" (TYP) CONC SIDEWALK (TYP) ��MUM vIM 2% - 6" THICK STABILIZED SUBGRADE (TYP) -8" SOIL CEMENT BASE 300 PSI (TYP) -12" SUB BASE COMPACTED TO 95% MAX DENSITY (TYP) LL ENTRANCE ROAD SEC'T'ION V) O O 00 O - O O W ry U U a a C3 w 5 5 W d 00 in d u7 W i\ co m O LLI L j ry a- < c s. C) �-;�n z O to ry U F— Lv n Ili! Q ry I- 07 z n 0 Li LLI Q O Li J W ry UJ0 Co W LIJ O ® v O 11 O f— U UJ NuINEERHIMU9 1111111111 RPORATED CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS 605 E. ROBINSON STREET, SUITE 450 ORLANDO, FL. 32801-2037 PHONE # (407)422-1118 FAX # (407)841-9149 ACCT 26074 DATE OCT. 1994 SCALE N/A DESIGNED KDB CHECKED KDB DRAWN MJC SHEET OF 5 Z: \26074\NOTE.DWG LOT ZONING PROPOSED USE LAND USE (1) SIZE TRIPS 1 COMMERCIAL RETAIL BANK 3,400 S.F. 901 2 COMMERCIAL RETAIL CONVENIENCE STORE 2,500 S.F. 1,178 3 COMMERCIAL RETAIL FAST FOOD 3,600 S.F. 2,275 4 COMMERCIAL OFFICE GENERAL OFFICE 4,000 S.F. 123 5 COMMERCIAL OFFICE GENERAL OFFICE 40,000 S.F. 701 6 COMMERCIAL NURSING HOME NURSING HOME 120 BEDS 305 7 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER 52,000 S.F. 3,905 8 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER 33,000 S.F. 2,478 TOTAL PROJECT TRIPS 11,867 INTERNAL CAPTURE (3) 196 PASS—BY (4) 5,643 NET EXTERNAL VOLUMES 6,028 1. RETAIL LAND USES WERE ASSUMED IN LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 IN ORDER TO GENERATE DAILY TRAFFIC VOLUMES. ACTUAL LAND USE MAY VARY BUT WILL FALL WITHIN RANGE SHOWN. 2. ALL TRIPS RATES ARE TAKEN FROM THE 5th EDITION OF I.T.E. TRIP GENERATION. LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 ARE BASED ON AVERAGE RATES. LOTS 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8 ARE BASED ON FITTED CURVE EQUATIONS. 3. INTERNAL CAPTURE IS ASSUMED TO BE AN 8.75% INTERACTION BETWEEN OFFICE AND NURSING HOME WITH THE SHOPPING CENTER, BANK, FAST FOOD RESTAURANT AND CONVENIENCE STORE. 4. PASS—BY PERCENTS ARE TAKEN FROM THE ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE TABLE 5.B. BANK 70% CONVENIENCE STORE 51% FAST FOOD RESTAURANT 48% SHOPPING CENTER 52% i i I -CONC SIDEWALK (TYP) 8" SOIL CEMENT BASE (TYP) I I 12" SUB BASE COMPACTED (TYP) 1 1 � I PROPOSED WATER MAIN MIN. 36" COVER 9 0 2 E TYPICAL RIGHT `OF'V.VAY"B" SECTION N.T.S. 80' R W 15.50' 4' 8.25' 2' 18' 1.33' 12.84' 1.33' 18' 2'1 8.25' 4' MEDIAN CURB (TYP)C/L FDOT TYPE A PROFILE GRADE POINT STANDARD CURB & GUTTER 1-1/2" TYPE S-1 I (TYP) FDOT TYPE F 1/0 4% ASPH CONC (TYP)--\ 4%117- ---�- -_,® 2% --a-12" (TYP) 12" (TYP) CONC SIDEWALK (TYP) ��MUM vIM 2% - 6" THICK STABILIZED SUBGRADE (TYP) -8" SOIL CEMENT BASE 300 PSI (TYP) -12" SUB BASE COMPACTED TO 95% MAX DENSITY (TYP) LL ENTRANCE ROAD SEC'T'ION V) O O 00 O - O O W ry U U a a C3 w 5 5 W d 00 in d u7 W i\ co m O LLI L j ry a- < c s. C) �-;�n z O to ry U F— Lv n Ili! Q ry I- 07 z n 0 Li LLI Q O Li J W ry UJ0 Co W LIJ O ® v O 11 O f— U UJ NuINEERHIMU9 1111111111 RPORATED CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS 605 E. ROBINSON STREET, SUITE 450 ORLANDO, FL. 32801-2037 PHONE # (407)422-1118 FAX # (407)841-9149 ACCT 26074 DATE OCT. 1994 SCALE N/A DESIGNED KDB CHECKED KDB DRAWN MJC SHEET OF 5 Z: \26074\NOTE.DWG