HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 Consideration of Piggyback of Seminole County Contract A/B-378-99, Term Contract for Hot & Cold Asphalt Concrete; and Approval to Award Resurfacing Projects to Orlando Paving Company for $158,298 AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: February 1, 2005 Item # 3 ~ ~ /i --- Contact Name: Contact Number: Bob Zaitooni 6002 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: FY 04-05 Resurfacing Projects Background Summary: City's current fiscal year budget contains a list of resurfacing projects for implementation. Staff evaluated the current active governmental contracts and received quotes from Orlando paving Company and Ranger Construction based on the governmental contracts, Issue: Approve use of (piggyback) of Seminole County Annual Bid AlB-378-99/GMG and award for construction. Recommendations Staff is requesting City Conunission to a) approve use of Seminole County Annual Bid AlB-378-99/GMG, b) to award the project for $158,298 to Orlando Paving Company and, c) approve a contingency amount of$3,OOO. Attachments: Quotes from contractors. Financial Impact: $145,500 was budgeted for the projects in FY 04-05. The lowest quote received for the budgeted projects will result in $11,825 shortfall. Staff recommends deferring a capital sidewalk project on Ocoee Hills Road at $10,000 and resurfacing of Russell Drive at contract cost of $7,258 in order to complete the project. Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution o Commission Approval o Discussion & Direction For C/~rk's DeDi Use: ~ Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Regular Agenda o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution ,-z,5' - 05' ~ N/A o N/A o N/A Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) City Manager Robert Frank CeP-ter of Good LJ~" 8@ti Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J, Parker, District 4 Mayor S, Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Bob Zaitooni, Diredor of Public Works DATE: January 24, 2005 RE: FY 04-05 Resurfacing Projects ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve use of (piggyback) Seminole County Contract NB-378-99/GMG and award the resurfacing projects to Orlando Paving Company for $158,298? BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION The current City budget contains resurfacing projects included the following locations: Spring Lake Hills Spring Lake Circle Audrey Street Phyllis Street Mabel Street Peach Lake Manner Lady Avenue Ursula Street Perce Street Doreen Avenue Maureen Avenue Jemima Avenue Mona Avenue Mona Court Miscelhmeous Russell Drive Center Street The lowest bid for the locations listed above is $157,325 from Orlando Paving Company. This amount is $11,825 higher than the budgeted amount of$145,500. Therefore, in order to accomplish the projects as planned, staff recommends deferral of the following projects: · Resurfacing of Russell Drive from Flewelling Avenue to RR crossing ($7,258 contract amount) · Sidewalks on Ocoee Hills Road ($10,000 budgeted amount) This change would provide an additional $17,258 to offset the shortfall. In addition, staff recommends addition of the following projects to the award: Resurfacing of Log Run Court This project had already been approved for funding by the City Commission in fiscal year 03-04 for drainage and resurfacing. The drainage portion of the project was completed in last quarter ofFY 03-04. The resurfacing portion remains to be completed at a cost of $3,200. $6,500 was budgeted for the resurfacing in FY 03-04 from Stormwater Projects Funds. Speed Tables for White Hill Subdivision Four (4) speed tables are to be installed on Robyn's Glenn Road and Misty Meadow's Drive at a cost of $5,000. Bid separately, from the resurfacing projects would result in higher prices. Staff recommends funding for installation of the speed tables as planned. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Project Budgeted Actual Comments Amount Contract Cost Sprin~ Lake Hills 50,000 43,531 Peach Lake Manner 60,000 88,025 Russell drive 10,500 0 Defer project Center Street 25,000 18,542 Ocoee Hills Sidewalks 10,000 0 Defer prQ1ect White Sneed TablesHill 0 5,000 FY 04-05 Budsreted 155,500 155,098 Log Run Court Totals Speed 3,500 3,200 From 03-04 budgeted Stormwater Projects Fund Tables Grand Total 159,000 158,298 Staff recommends award of $158,298 to Orlando Paving. In order to account for miscellaneous and unforeseen expenditures, staff recommends designating a contingency of $3,000 from the General fund contingency for the project. The total project budget would be $162,000. RECOMMENDATION Staff respectfully requests the City Commission to: . Approve use of (piggyback) of Seminole County Annual Bid AIB-378-99/GMG . Defer 2 budgeted capital projects on Ocoee Hills Road and on Russell drive and add installation of four (4) speed humps in Whitehill subdivision . Award project to Orlando Paving Company in the amount of $158,298 . Designate $3,000 from General Fund Contingency for any cost overruns VI\ L1\I'I \,IV r "V .I'I\J &J .,.",.",""'---_. --..-. ~ ---+ -. DEPARTMENT Of fiSCAL SERVICES - - PURCHASING AND CONTRACT!t DIVISION February 10, 2004 Mr. Jerry Denham tl/ ' '-;0 Orlando Paving Company / 2451 Regent Avenue Orlando, Florida 32804 RECEIVED FEB 1 1 ZOD~ Orlando PavIng CQ. c.~- - W;P~ E-VI1~5 Subject: Notice of Renewal for AJB..31B-9J/GMG - Te"" Contract for Hot and Cold Aaphaltlc Concrete Dear Mr. Oenham: This notice shan serve as authorization to extend the above agreement through March 6. 2005, as approved by the Board of County Commissioners at their regularly scheduled meeting of February 10, 2004. The renewal period from March 7, 2004 through March 6, 2005 was approved with a not-to-exceed amount of $3,500,000.00 per year and in accordance to the price schedule established in the contract and as amended thereafter. Authorization for performance of professional services by the Contractor under this agreement shall be in the form of written Release Orders issued and executed by the County on an as needed basis. Appropriate County Departments and Divisions will be notified of this extension, Thank you for your interest in doing business with Seminole County. cc: Roads/Stormwater Division County Attorney's Office Finance Department 11tH (,AST flllST sn.-n SANH)RD H :':.1"7'1-14'.8 TELEPHONf l4(t7) (r...~.7t16 FAX 14'17) I.OS-79!ib http;//www.co....miltoleo.fI.ul/bulinr.5lI/..urt:hasil.1I v"..".,.,v ,,,. ....."'" till .-. -. -.-- 1 _1'__''''_ ----" L.J ......-. ...~.._~ PRICE EFFECTIVE S.ptember 20, 2004 - ITEM DESCRIPTION FO,B PLANT TOT AL5 F.O.B. JOB SITE , - V. Al TERNA TE V (Plan 539,951 ton $46,951 ton County) Materials Only: 1.0 539.95/ ton $46.95 / ton Cold Mix Asphaltic Concrele 2.0 Type $-1 Hot Mix Asphlatic $33.46 I ton $40.46 1 ton Concrete 3,0 Type 5-3 Hot Mix Asphaltic $36.301 ton $43.20/ ton Concrete -. ---- 4,0 Type FC-2 ~ Friction Course $41.62/ ton 148,62/ton I(wi!~out GTR) 5.0 Type FC-3 - Friction Course $40.46/ ton $47.46/ton I(without GTR) - 6,0 $34.55 / ton $41.15 J ton Type 3 - Hot Mix .m' ,-. -. ---- . PRICE EFFECTNE 'aptamber %0, 2004 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE 0-50 51-150 151-300 Over 300 Tons/Job Tons/Job Tons/Job Tons/Job 1.0 TonslR Tons @ Ton8 A.-. Ton8 (82 Type 8-1 Hot Mbc Asphalt $86151 ton $71.461 ton $56.46 I ton $48_46 J ton Concrete --.- "--"---"--. -- T 9t!! em TonS-em Tons (tD T ona llIi 2,0 Type 8-3 Hot Mix Asphalt $87,30 I ton $16.30 I ton $57,30 I ton $54.30 / ton Concrete - - _",...- T0060i Tons <m Tons D __ To!!,s @ 3.0 - Type FC-2 Friction Course '93.12/ ton $83,12 J ton 163,121 ton $57,12Iton (without GTR) 4.0 Tons C Tons @ Tons ft Tons @ Tvpe FC-3 Friction Course $92,98/ ton $79.961 ton $82.961 ton $56.46 , ton (without GTR) 5.0 ~..L Tons ft Tona lm Tons @ ...............-...- Type 3 Hot Mix Asphaltic $87,05/1Dn $72,05/ton $57.05/ ton $49,05 1 ton - Tons C -~Tons at Ton. tl:t Tons @ 60 FC-2 with 12% Rubber $109,381 ton $91,38/ ton $71.38/ ton $66.36 f ton 7,0 T on8 tm . Tons @ Tonatm Ton8 C - FC-3 with 5% Rubber $108.09/ ton $88.09 I ton $68.09/ ton $61.09/ ton 8.0 -- Tons @ Tons @ Ton, @ Tons @ FC-2 with 3% Polymer $118.12 fton $93.12/ ton $73,12 I ton $67.12/ ton 9.0 Tons em Tons @ TonI @ T ona em FC-J with J% Polymer $117.96/too $90.96 / ton $70.96/ ton 564.97/ ton ....,...,..,-,..,.......... ,n. .,.,y m -,.v,.",,,,,,,,c...,,J1 0.11110.1/0.1.1 1.1.V7 lJ' .V"Vc. I'4V.'70'" CITY OF OCOEE STREET RESURFACING 2006 STREET NAME LENGTH WIDTH SY TONI UNIT PRICE TOTAL RUSSELL 641 24 t ,709,33 94.01 517 .20 $7,257.83 LADY AVE 1725 24 4,800.00 253,00 $57.25 $14,484.25 URSALA 1150 24 3,066.61 188.67 $57.26 $9.656, t 7 MONA 1523 24 4,061.33 223.37 $51.25 $12,788.12 DOOREEN 2210 24 6,893.33 324.13 $54.10 $17,536.61 MAUREEN 1568 24 4,181.33 229.97 $57.25 $13,165.97 PEARce 465 24 1.240.00 68.20 $77,20 $5,265,04 JEMIMA 918 24 2,608.00 143.44 $71.20 $11.073.57 MONACT 100 24 266.67 14.67 $B8.76 $1,301.87 MONA CT CULDESAC 40 40 558,22 30.70 $88.15 $2,724.82 TOTAL THIS AREA 21,'14." 1,550.17 $15,213.05 SPRING LAKE 650 24 1,733.33 95.33 $77 .20 $7.359.73 SPRING LAKE CIR 1952 24 5,205.33 286.29 5S7.25 516.390.29 AUDREY 660 24 1,466.67 80,67 $77.20 56,227.47 MAILE CT 460 24 1.226.67 67.47 $77.20 $5,208.43 PHYLLIS 737 24 1,965.33 108.09 $77.20 18,344.81 TOTAL THIS AREA 1''''1,33 137.85 $43,130.73 CENTER 2003 28 6,231.56 342.14 $54.10 518,541.99 LOBRUN 244 24 660.67 35.79 $88.75 $3,178.07 TOTAL THIS AREA .,812.22 371.112 $21,711.05 TOTAL JOB 4.,884.4" 2,581.54 $110,101.14 ......... . U L..IIJV-," , I UL.., 1.........L.. l"UI.~l-1 "-U..........IU"-..."UII r. UULf UUL 01/1812005 14:43 DS0119 City or OI:OCC Street Puving .... Don Kcs1inS BID TOTALS 8iditem Description QunntilY Units Unit Price Bid Tot11 10 Area #1 inc Russel SL through Monn Ct Cui de GaC 1,550.170 TN 59.55 91.31 :1.62 "oU1.l Area III 592.312.62 20 ~e~ 1/2 .in\; S~rinB TAKe throuGh pbyliss Sr. 21 Milling 111 spnng 1m mODI; cnlb line only 631.850 TN 61.50 39,227.78 8,718.000 LF 1.60 13,948.80 T atal Area #2 553.176.S8 3D Area #3 ine Center Dnd t.ogron 378.530 TN 62.70 23.733.83 TolD) Area #3 S23,133.8~ 40 Speed Humps @ Robyn's Glenn R.ood 4.000 SA 930.00 3.710.00 Toml Speed Humpll 53.720.00 Bid Toto! ----> $112.943.03 -'*Noles: Item9 in imlics Me NOI1-Additive. DU/JoJ: 111& fltj(Jrlt 'It/CIS /IIiCW()! A l 1fI/,4fJ 1'101 C/!.tN I1lttl,'pP (hJ8E I1Cve,Pff() dtz, ~ \Ie if eo, M/r If .,. /If *$1 "'Pfl,1 We ~lJlJ. 111$ (JAY Cd", cr';' ~ ~ ~ " . . P/4IC-H AT /,IIJ{ fiMe /.1 "'" ClJrAt dl'CAIIS-E /IF .L,;?IIJ4 Asllh/.Jt.-7; ~i/;t, ~0fl.<;"6' IAt;GIZQ4fE 1'~/~ Wk'/;(! tI,q1l./i ..t.V 6''''f V, /N"''''''' Pd>r ( ,4,NT/l5.. {Jv~ 1