HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of January 18, 2005, and February 1, 2005, Special Session of January 24, 2005, and Workshop of January 24, 2005
OCOEE, FL 34761
BUSINESS 407~905~3140
FAX 407~905~3129
Rob Frank, City Manager
Brenda Brasher, Deputy City Clerk
Richard F irstner
February 7, 2005
I am requesting your consideration to be included on the February 15, 2005 City
Commission agenda for the following:
I. Complete the presentation for the sponsor plaques of the "Fully Involved"
program. Two sponsors were presented plaques onJanuary 18,2005. Plaques will be
presented to Louis Fazio, Florida Auto Auction and Vikki Ellingson, Lowes.
2. Present the Commission with the first Fire Department Annual Report.
The presentation should take a total of 10 minutes combined.
Thank you for your consideration,
January 18, 2005 at 7:15 P.M.
Agenda 2/15/05
I tern 1
Mayor Pro Tern Anderson called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Parker gave the Invocation and Rosemary Wilsen led
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum
Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift (absent), Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Howell,
Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Parker.
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry.
Presentation of Sgt. Mike Alexander to City Commission for Promotion from Officer to
Sergeant. (Police Chief Goclon)
Presentation - CACOFD/ Fully Involved Program. (Fire Chief Firstner)
The following residents spoke on the issue of Forestbrooke:
1. William Flannigan, Jamber Drive
2. Kris Bauske, 238 Beacon Point Drive
3. W. Martin Davison, 3193 Jamber Drive
4. Ron Barrett, 3130 Jamber Drive
Residents complained that they were told this would be a gated community with swing gates, and
fully secluded by walls. They were told the tollgates were temporary until construction was
completed. They are now being advised that the tollgates will remain, and there will be no
further construction of swing gates, exterior walls, or fencing.
Consensus of the Commission was to have staff and the City Attorney strategize about what
can be done with the issues of gates and security and other LDR inconsistencies that exist in
Forestbrooke, and how to assist residents in getting what they were promised by the developer.
Direction was given by Commissioner Parker for staff to review and tighten the ordinance so that
this does not occur in the future.
The following residents spoke on the issue ofWestyn Bay:
1. Barry Bunn, 2555 Azzurra Lane
2. Gary Baugh, 2400 Azzurra Lane
3. James and Cindy Morgan, 2450 Azzura Lane
4. Robert White, 700 Magenta Drive
Community Development Director Wagner and City Attorney Rosenthal addressed two
main areas of concern: 1) The developer allowing other residential sections (Cambridge Homes,
Eagles Landings, and the townhomes now being built) to become a part of the Westyn Bay gated
community and share amenities. City Attorney Rosenthal said the original developer
City Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2005
agreement with the City of Ocoee predates the existing developer's ownership of the property
and the agreement provided for a second access road or alternatively an access road through
Eagles Landing. There is nothing that can be done unless residents want to take recourse with
the builders if a misrepresentation was made to them as potential buyers. Community
Development Director Wagner said the townhouses have been approved and there will be a
pedestrian access gate into Westyn Bay. 2) The block wall that was supposed to go around
Westyn Bay has never been completed. Community Development Director Wagner said he
will check into the status of the wall. Consensus of the Commission was to have Commissioner
Howell meet with residents and discuss issues regarding the wall, parking around shared
amenities, and the possibility of changing the notification process to residents. Community
Development Director Wagner said there may be a provision in the Code where we can revisit
the issue of parking if there is not an adequate amount, but that issue would probably best be
handled through the developer since it is all completely on private property.
Rosemary Wilsen, 1019 Shady Maple Circle, said that she is still having problems with garbage
not being picked up, it was missed again twice last month. She asked about status with the
City's contracted garbage hauler. Public Works Director Zaitooni said they are being
monitored and their performance has improved, and they will pay penalties if there is no
justifiable explanation as to why pickups were late or missed.
Commissioner Howell- none
Commissioner Parker - none
Commissioner Johnson - none
Mayor Pro Tem Anderson - said the State of the City address was well done, and thanked
Mike Armbruster, Frances Watts, Jean Grafton, Mr. and Mrs Hendrix, Mr. and Mrs. Woodson,
and all who attended the address.
1. Approval and..Acceptance.of theRegularCityColDlDissioul\fiutltesofJanuary4, 2005.
(City Clerk Eikenberry)
2. Appointment of Sally Laubelltha.la.ndSa.llyMillertolhe Citizen Advisory Council for
Ocoe.e.F'ire DepartItlel1t(cci\.ccQF'I)). ((]ityClerk[l5il<eIlberry)
Two applications were recently submitted for the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire Department
(CACOFD); therefore, staff recommends the City Commission consider appointing Sally Laubenthal and Sally
Miller to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire Department with terms ending November 1,2008.
3. Consideration to Reorganize the Utilities/Engineering aJ"tlllent.(Human Resource
Director Diedl"ich)
The City currently operates the Utilities and Engineering functions under a single department. After evaluation
by DRMP consultant Charles Smith, the City Manager has determined to reorganize the UtilitieslEngineering
Department by establishing a separate Utilities Department and Department of Engineering.
Page 2 of6
City Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2005
4. Consideration of1\.PPfoyalfor:Fire D ferFllridsFor the Purchase
LaptopCompllters(MDTs).(Fire Chle Irstner)
The FY2004-05 budget approved $31,300 in account 001-522-00-6405 for the purchase of six (6) laptop
computers (MDTs) and supporting equipment and software to be installed in Fire Department response
vehicles. Due to improved technology and the decision to purchase more durable equipment, the actual current
cost of the equipment is $35,850. This creates a shortfall of $4,550 in account 001-522-00-6405.
5. Consideration of County Wide Com .liance dIl1terlocal Agreement.
(Building OfficiaJl'helps)
The Florida Building Code Act of 1998 created a unified state wide building code to be uniformly in effect
throughout the state of Florida beginning January 1, 2002. Section 553.37(4)(b)(7), Florida Statutes, required
each county and municipality desiring to make local technical amendments to the Florida Building Code to
establish, by interlocal agreement, a countywide compliance review board to review any amendment to the
Florida Building code.
6. Consideration to Authorize $42,000 from Stormwater COBtmgeBe)' Project
Replacement of 220 Feet of Stormwater Pipes on Flewelling A.xen n val to
Award Bid to RangerCollstructioIlIndllstries,Inc. (PublicWol'ks Irector aitooni)
The existing stormwater pipes have failed causing considerable erosion and flooding problems. Public Works
has made temporary repairs, however, permanent replacement is needed prior to the next rainy season to avoid
major flooding and erosion. Investigations show that 220' of pipe must be replaced. Staff solicited 3 quotes with
the lowest quote from Ranger Construction Industries, Inc. at $39,840.05.
Consideratiollto 1\.lltl1oriie $10,000 fronlStormwater....Golltillgellcy. Funds for Repairs
to 54" RCPPipe3l1dDl'ail1ageJul1ctiOl1Box at 1603 . I Lane; I to
A.wardlJid to Millerl'ipelille(0orporatioll. (Public Works Dl
The 54" RCP drainage pipe and junction box have separated at various joints resulting in underground low
discharge causing considerable depression effecting the easement and private property at 1603 Ison Lane. Due
to the depth (over 20' deep) of the pipe and the junction box, out-sourcing to a specialized contractor is
necessary. At least 3 specialized contractors were contacted with only one contractor, Miller Pipeline
Corporation responding.
8. Consideratio.nJo1\.uthorizeJ)eIllolitiolland DisposalofCityOwncd Homes at 20 West
McKey, 28 West McKey, and 20IN. Bluford Avenue. (Plllllic Works Director
The condition of homes at 20 W. McKey and 28 W. McKey has deteriorated requiring constant maintenance
and causing potential hazard and unsafe conditions. The newly purchased property at 201 N. Bluford Avenue
was purchased for the purpose of constructing a stormwater pond. Staff is requesting authorization to demolish
and dispose of all 3 residential dwellings as time permits.
9. Consideration to Approve $4000.00{rolDtheStorlDwater.Operating<Bontingency fund
for Soddingofl\1arlene Pond; and Approval to Purchase Sod from S&K.Sod Company,
Inc. (public Works Director ZaitOOlli)
The modifications and final grading of the pond are nearly complete and ready to be sodded. The project funds
authorized by the City Commission on February 17, 2004, from the stormwater operating contingency funds
were not carried forward to the current fiscal year and the remaining unused balance ($6,780) was rolled into
the current year stormwater operating contingency funds. The cost of sodding the banks of the pond and seeding
the bottom is estimated at $2,000. An additional $2,000 is needed to construct a concrete access for the heavy
maintenance vehicles and installing a gate.
1O.Authorize SalcofCityPropefty'(PublicW orks Fleet Xard)at370EIlterprise Street,
Ocoee, FL 3~76I;and 1\.lltl1or~~1\.~yert~seIll~lltJqr Bid. (Publi orks Director
Zaitooni) '/f;.t{iltJ1.lJJfl1/j'1llt{fJDif11JJfilfllj{iiliilJJJi;;Jiflfi HEA
City's fiscal year 04/05 budget contemplated sale of the existing Public Works Fleet property at 370 Enterprise
Street and to use the proceeds to build a new Public Works building and fuel station at Public Works property at
301 Maguire Road. The property has been appraised at a value of$525,000.
Page 3 of6
City Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2005
11. Consideration of 3- Year Lease/Purchase . e Vehicles & General Government
Equipment for FY 04/05.< (purchasing Agen
The budget for Fiscal Year 04/05 includes the lease-purchase of police vehicles and equipment for general
government for the Police and IS/General Government departments. The State of Florida and the Florida
Sheriffs Association (FSA) & Florida Association of CountieslFlorida Fire Chiefs Association bids were
reviewed for the best pricing based on factors such as price and options available. Staff recommends that the
City Commission 1) Approve piggybacking on the Florida Sheriffs Association & Florida Association of
Counties, and the State of Florida contracts for the listed vehicles, and 2) Authorize staff to secure financing
through Suntrust Bank for the vehicles and equipment listed, and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to
execute the lease-purchase agreement and related documents prior to the January 31, 2005, closing date.
Consent AaendaVote:
Mayor Pro Tem Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to pass
Consent Aaenda Items #1 - #11 as presented, with corrections on Item #9 and
Item #10 pulled to be heard separately. Motion carried 3- 0, with Mayor
Vanderarift absent and Commissioner Johnson away from the dais.
12. An Qrdill.an.ce Relating t()R()adImp ees. (Community Devel()pmenfDirector
Whit Blanton, Renaissance Planning Group, gave a Power Point presentation of the proposed
changes in Road Impact Fees, a summary of increased costs, and comparisons to other Cities. A
table was presented showing recommended increases in impact fees for over 40 types of
residential and non-residential structures. Recommended increases for all were over 100%.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance.
Mayor Pro Tem Anderson opened the Public Hearing.
Ron McKey- Homebuilders Association of Central Orlando, expressed concerns over proposed
impact fees, asked for time to research staffs figures and discuss them with staff and asked if
impact fees could be phased in one-third at a time.
Bill Fagen - Ocoee Commons, asked how these impact fees would apply to his project, which is
already in progress. City Attorney Rosenthal clarified that the ordinance stated if someone has
a building permit application in the City on the day of the adoption of the ordinance, and receives
the building permit within 90 days of the adoption, they will pay impact fees under the old fee
Public Hearing was closed.
Consensus of the Commission, without objection, was to have staff set up
meetinas with Homebuilders Association and Developers, the first meetina within
the next two weeks. The second readina and Public Hearina of the Impact Fee
Ordinances should take place on March 15, 2005.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2005
Parks and Recreation Director Farmer gave a Power Point presentation of the proposed
changes in Impact Fees, and a summary of increased costs, and comparisons to other Cities. The
recommended increase was from $500.00 to $1,640.00 per dwelling unit.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance.
Mayor Pro Tern Anderson opened the Public Hearing. Those with questions regarding impact
fees spoke under item #12. No one wished to make further comments under this item. The
Public Hearing was closed.
City's fiscal year 04/05 budget contemplated sale of the existing Public Works Fleet property at 370 Enterprise
Street and to use the proceeds to build a new Public Works building and fuel station at Public Works property at
301 Maguire Road. The property has been appraised at a value of$525,000.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Anderson, moved to
authorize the sale of City Property and authorize advertisement for bid, amendina
the minimum bid requirement to $600,000.00. Motion carried 4- o.
Commissioner Johnson left the meeting at 9:55 p.m.
14. An Ordinance Relating to FirelInpacfFees. (Fire ChiefFirstner)
Fire Chief Firstner gave a Power Point presentation of the proposed changes in Impact Fees, a
summary of increased costs, and comparisons to other Cities. The recommended increase was
from $0.182 per square foot to $672.00 flat fee for residential, and from $0.284 per square foot
to $0.50 per square foot for non-residential.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance.
Mayor Pro Tern Anderson opened the Public Hearing. Those with questions regarding impact
fees spoke under item #12. No one wished to make further comments under this item. The
Public Hearing was closed.
An Ordinance Relating to Police Impact Fees. (Police Chief Goclon)
Police Chief Goclon gave a Power Point presentation of the proposed changes in Impact Fees, a
summary of increased costs, and comparisons to other Cities. The recommended increases were
from $172 for a 2000 sq ft home (8.6~ per square foot) to $501.04 per dwelling unit for
residential and from 9.7~ per square foot to 33~ per square foot for non-residential
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance.
Mayor Pro Tern Anderson opened the Public Hearing. Those with questions regarding impact
fees spoke under item #12. No one wished to make further comments under this item. The
Public Hearing was closed.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2005
16. Sewer and Water Capital. Charges....EnactmertfofEscalatio:llClause. (<:itfEllgineer
and Director of Public UtilitiesWbeeler)
No additional action was necessary. The Consensus of the Commission was to go ahead with the
adjustment in water and sewer capital charges in compliance with Chapter 173, Paragraph 21 and
Paragraph 37.
City Manager Frank reminded everyone that the meeting for the Northwest Area Study will be
January 24, 2005, at 6:30 p.m.
Commissioner Parker - none
Commissioner Howell- none
Mayor Pro Tern Anderson - 1) reminded everyone about the Town Hall Meeting, tomorrow
night at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Conference Room with State Rep. Brummer, 2) said Friday
he would be able to Judge the Community Champions awards if the Mayor is unable to attend, 3)
thanked staff for the great job on the State of the City Address, and 4) wished Mayor Vandergrift
The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
Page 6 of6
Agenda 2/15/05
Item 1
January 24, 2005 at 6:30 P.M.
Northwest Sector Study
Mayor Vandergrift called the workshop to order at 6:32 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Howell (absent),
Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Parker.
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry.
1. Presentation of The Draft of the Northwest Sector Plan (Renaissance Planning
Community Development Director Wagner introduced the item and advised the Commission
to keep in mind that this area of the City can potentially have 25,000 more residents and all three
of the scenarios described in this study show greater intensity that what is in our current
Comprehensive Plan. Four different land uses will be presented, one being our current land use,
and three scenarios of different land uses. The market demand at this time is leaning more toward
residential because of the rising housing values. Mr. Wagner said he thinks it would be wiser to
be cautious on zoning decisions and react to market demands, instead of overzoning either
Commercial or Residential land use that won't get developed in the future.
Whit Blanton, Renaissance Planning Group began the presentation by introducing Julie Salvo,
of Renaissance Planning Group who is the Project Manager, Mike Henry and Jay Morris of
Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt who did the Utilities Analysis, and William Owens of Real
Estate Research Consultants who did the market study.
Mr. Blanton stated that the NW Sector is the City's last remaining growth area; there are over
1,600 vacant developable acres in NW Ocoee; and demand for growth is constrained by lack of
utilities. Mr. Blanton gave an overview the Northwest Sector Study explaining these seven
areas: I) Develop (three) land use scenarios, 2) Conduct market analysis/evaluate water and
wastewater capacities, 3) Evaluate land use, transportation, and fiscal impacts of the scenarios, 4)
Refine scenarios, 5) Make recommendations, 6) Prepare capital improvements plan and phasing
strategy, and 7) Implement the plan.
I 2. Discussion of The Proposed Development Scenarios with Public Input
I. Lengthy discussion ensued among Commissioners, regarding the utilities and infrastructure
issues, cost effectiveness of schools and public facilities, how the estimated revenues were
figured, demand and potential for growth in the Northwest sector, Ocoee's role in the region vs.
the Northwest Sector, the opportunity to build an educational/recreational research park on the
City-owned land that would support college or professional offices, and changing demographics
of the City with so many new residents.
Mayor Vandergrift announced that there would be a five-minute break, and residents could
come up and look at the maps and information and give input after the break.
Ken Ardegus, 120 McKey Street, Living Waters Church, will be building a future church a the
northeast comer of Ocoee Apopka Road and West Street, and would like to be considered during
the whole process.
Karla Baker, owns property at Ocoee Apopka Road and Fuller Cross, would like the City to
consider more Commercial space in their vision for the future of the Northwest Sector. Six acres
is not sufficient to make a real nice commercial area. Commissioner Johnson agreed that this
area would work well with a larger Commercial section and we should look at how to expand the
Commercial area and maybe ad a park.
Aaron Gorovich, Clarcona Road and West Street, said it would be better to wait and see where
the market goes before the zoning is decided. Would like to see the City give serious
consideration to Mixed Use.
City Attorney Rosenthal said Orange County may have to approve changes under the terms of
our JPA Future Land Use Map which shows most of this area as residential.
Community Development Director Wagner said, as far as the demand for the number of
schools needed, if you look at the broad area, the number of dwelling units does not really change
that much under different scenarios because it balances out; where you have more commercial,
you may have a higher number intensity of units elsewhere. We will be looking at the number of
units in our existing land use vs. the number of units in any of these scenarios.
Mayor Vandergrift asked the City Planner get with the County staff regarding a County
ordinance that is being considered to change the Charter regarding number of required schools
based on number of dwelling units.
Monica Isaac, owns property at 2119 West Road, asked that they do not tie developer's hands
with zoning that does not meet the demands and needs of the community. She feels property
owners should have input into the process. She feels High Density would work in this area such
as an upscale high rise.
Commissioner Anderson thinks that the City should be conservative determining land uses in
the beginning and developments can be reviewed on a case by case basis, to determine if it
should be changed from low or medium density to high density. Community Development
Director Wagner added that he has been approached my many developers that are considering
townhomes or condominiums because of the close proximity to the golf course.
Mayor Vandergrift said this is a visioning process at this time, and the land use should be
reconsidered on a regular basis to keep up with the demand of the community.
Community Development Director Wagner said the main priority at this time is how to get a
trunk line and get sewer up to that area.
Mr. Blanton said he will work with Mr. Wagner and make whatever changes need to be made
based on comments made tonight, and bring it back at a future meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
January 24,2005 at 6:15 P.M.
Agenda 2/15/05
Item 1
Mayor Vandergrift called the Special Session to order at 6: 17 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Howell (absent),
Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Parker (arrived 6:22 p.m.).
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry.
1. Consideration For Execution of Agreement With Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP).
Public Works Director Zaitooni said this is a follow-up to the September 28, 2004 meeting
where the Commission approved submitting a grant to DEP for $850,000.00 to be used with
funds from other sources, including the City, to address a regional drainage pond in the NW area
of the City. The grant has been approved and the agreement must be signed and returned to DEP
by the end of the month. This project is primarily designed to treat stormwater in the area of
Pioneer I and Pioneer II and surrounding areas before it goes into Lake Apopka. City Manager
Frank said the total project over the next four years is estimated to be about 2.6 million dollars.
We have additional funds we can designate to this project from the Water Management District,
and there will be some City funds needed.
Mavor Vanderarift. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve the
execution of the aareement with Florida Department of Environmental Protection
(DEP). Motion carried 4- 0 with Commissioner Howell absent.
The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
February 1, 2005 at 7:15 P.M.
Agenda 2/15/05
Item 1
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Parker led the Invocation and Boy Scout Troop 198
led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a
quorum present.
Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson (arrived at 7:22 p.m.), Commissioner
Howell, Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Parker.
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry.
Presentation of Chair to Retired Ofc. William Simon. (Police Chief Goclon)
Proclamation - Black History Month
Commissioner Parker - advised of the 4th Annual Wine Tasting Event by the Rotary Club on
February 26, 2005, and the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner for City volunteers and board
members, also on February 26,2005. She said those who are unable to attend the Wine Tasting
can still participate in the raffle drawing for a trip for two to San Francisco, which includes hotel,
rental vehicle, and wine country excursions.
Commission Johnson - none
Commissioner Anderson - asked Public Works Director Zaitooni to explain the work being
done on Silver Star Road this week. Mr. Zaitooni explained that DOT is working to repair
shoreline erosion along the north side of Starke Lake that was affecting the Silver Star Road.
Commissioner Howell - reminded residents of the Super Bowl Party at the City gazebo on
Sunday, February 6,2005, at 5:00 p.m. It is free to residents and there will be a barbeque.
Mayor Vandergrift - I) displayed and read a plaque presented to the City from the Ocoee
Bulldogs, 2) gave the City Manager a Project Memorandum from PEC regarding the
determination of the trophic state index for selected lakes within the City of Ocoee, he would
like the engineers give a presentation at a future Commission meeting to help determine the best
way to preserve the lakes, and 3) reminded everyone to cast ballots for the naming of the new
high school, ballots are located at City facilities and should be turned in to the City Clerk's
City Commission Regular Meeting
February 1, 2005
1. Consideration ofApproVarofColl1munity Merit AWatds ovelllber2004CycIe.
(Assistant to the City ManagerShira)
The application window for this cycle was November 1 through November 30. The City received 12
applications. The Community Merit Awards Board respectfully recommends funding the applications for a
total of $5,000 this cycle. This will leave $5,000 for the second cycle, which takes place in April.
2. Consideration.....of...Additional..Travel Funds For Political (]onsllltantl...ollis Rotulldo.
(City Manager Frank)
Mr. Rotundo attended more legislative meetings than anticipated, therefore exceeding the travel allowance of
$2000 for the year 2004. Additional required funds of $115.76 from commission contingency is needed to
pay the balance ofMr. Rotundo's travel for 2004.
3. Consideration of Piggyback of Seminole County Contract AIB-378-99 Ter tract
for Hot & Cold Asphalt Concrete; and Approval to A\Var e cts to
Orlando Paving Company for $158,298. (Public Worksl)ir
The City's current fiscal year budget contains a list of resurfacing projects for implementation. Staff
evaluated the current active governmental contracts and received quotes from Orlando paving Company and
Ranger Construction based on the governmental contracts. Staff is requesting City Commission to: a)
approve use of Seminole County Annual Bid A/B-378-99/GMG, b) to award the project for $158,298 to
Orlando Paving Company and, c) approve a contingency amount of$3,000.
4. Consideration litanllllreauofIllvestigatiottlFloridaUepartlllent of Law
Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement. (Police Chief GocIon)
The Mutual Aid Agreement between the member agencies of the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation and
the Florida Department of Law Enforcement expired December 1,2004. The Metropolitan Bureau of
Investigation (of which the Ocoee Police Department is a member) would like to renew its Mutual Aid
Agreement with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement through December 1,2007.
5. (QOl1si<ieration of DataSharillg Consortium Agreement. (Police Chief GocIon)
The Cooperative Research Agreement for the Public Safety Technology Center at the University of Central
Florida (Data Sharing Consortium) allows member law enforcement agencies to have access to law
enforcement computer files of its fellow members. The information can be used to prevent and solve crimes.
The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approved the purchase of the server required to
become part of this consortium in the FY200412005 budget. The amount authorized was $15,705. The
server, software, and associated costs totaled $13,273.76, leaving $2,431.24. It is requested that $1,699.67
from the remaining $2,431.24 be authorized to pay for the annual maintenance fee/membership costs to UCF
as the sole source for this program.
6. Consideration of Award of Bid #B05-05, Fuel Storage & Pump Station. (Purchasing
Agent Tolbert)
This fiscal year's budget contains $75,000 for the complete installation of a new fuel storage and pump
station to be located at the Public Works Facility, 301 Maguire Road. The bid was publicly advertised on
December 5, 2004, and opened on January 13, 2005. There were three (3) responses to this bid and staff
recommends awarding the bid to American Compliance Technologies, Inc. as the most responsive and
responsible bidder
7. Consideration of 4-Year Lease/Purchase with Sun stLeasing Corp. for New
Citywide Vehicles and quipment; and Author tioll of Use of.. Various
Governmental..Contrac hePl'ocurement of these Vehicles and Equipment.
(PurchasillgAgent Tol e
Authorization is needed to piggyback the FSA and FDOT contracts for the lease-purchase of the vehicles and
equipment listed. Authorization is also needed to declare Heintzelman's Ford as the best source vendor for
the purchase of the dump truck and claw truck. The dump truck came in over budget; therefore, authorization
is needed for a budget transfer in the amount of$I,797.00 from the Right-of-Way Maintenance account to the
Streets/Traffic account. It is also the intent of Staff to consolidate the financing for the vehicles and
equipment being purchased in order to realize a savings on the interest rate. This lease-purchase agreement is
for four (4) years, and is the second of two lease agreements needed to complete the financing for the current
year budgeted city vehicles and equipment.
Page 2 of6
City Commission Regular Meeting
February 1, 2005
8. Consideration ofReIle}Yalof Sludge HallliJlgContract (City Engineer Wheeler)
The City of Ocoee is currently engaged in a contract with Shelly's Septic Tanks to haul dewatered sludge
from the Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 1800 A.D. Mims Road to their disposal and treatment facility
located at 104 E. Ponkan Road, Apopka, Florida. This contract will expire February 28, 2005. The existing
contract has a provision in which the contract terms and conditions can be extended for a two-year period,
which would enable the City of Ocoee's Wastewater Department to continue with the same contract without
having to formally rebid the work. Shelly's is also requesting an increase of 3%, which is also a condition
under the current approved contract with the City of Ocoee.
Consent Aaenda Vote:
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to pass
Consent Aaenda Items #1 - #8 as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
ADD ON ITEM - Donation to Winter Garden BPOE
Commissioner Johnson asked if the Commission would consider donating money to
the Winter Garden BPOE (Elks Lodge) Charity Ball again this year. Ocoee residents
are involved in this organization.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to
contribute $1000.00 to the Winter Garden Elks Lodae #2165 to be taken from the
same commission budaet line item as last year. Motion carried 5-0.
9. Ocoee Business Park - Phase 1, Lot 2 - PreliminarylFinal (Large
(Senior P abre)
The proposed c Site Plan will be an ustriallcommercial fl
Ocoee Business Park Subdivision as ot 2. The site itself consists of appro
situated est side of HM Bowne oad ap . tely 1,375 feet south of t t
intersectio. ere will be a total of (4) four 30,000 squar ory, structures on the site consisting of
a combined total of 120,000 square feet of indus triall commercia pace.
Senior Planner Antonio Fabre gave a presentation on this item and described infrastructure
items such as water retention, landscaping, sitting areas, and bicycle racks that will have to be
completed before the CO is issued.
C. Bruce Gordy, representing Ocoee Business Park, stated his case.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to approve
the Preliminary/final (Larae-Scale) Site Plan for Ocoee Business Park. Phase 2.
Lot 2. with landscapina requirements per staff recommendations.
Commissioner Anderson made a motion to amend the oriainal motion to include
that the buildina permit would not be issued until road improvements alona HM
Bowness Road were completed. Motion died for lack of second.
After discussion. a vote was taken on the oriainal motion. Motion carried 4-1.
with Commissioner Anderson opposed.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
February 1, 2005
10. i ration of Potential Solid Waste Co Within the City Limits.
li ctor Zaitooni)
The City curr the collection and disposal 0 the debri cial
establishment 0 pursue and enact a residential constru
demolition de ns for under Chapter 143 of Ocoee City Code. A notification
letter to all known cember 6,2004, to serve as the 45- 'tten notice to potential
displaced private companies as required by Section 403.70605(3)(b)(2), Florida es.
Public Works Director Zaitooni explained the options to be considered in order to proceed
with residential construction and demolition debris franchise, as provided for under recent
amendments under Chapter 143 of the Ocoee City Code. The current franchise expires August
2006. There is a potential opportunity to combine commercial and residential C&D services
upon expiration of the current commercial franchise contract. City Attorney Rosenthal said
this Public Hearing discharges the obligation to give notice to current haulers, all of who
received a letter that the City is considering this. Another letter should be sent out when
something is going to be implemented, advising them of the start date of the program.
Mayor Vandergrift requested that Public Works Director Zaitooni bring back information
regarding the cost to provide commercial services in-house, and if it would be able to pay for
itself and pay some of the cost of residential services to keep those rates moderate.
City Attorney Rosenthal said all of the logistics need to be worked out. The commercial rates
were previously established as a result of a bidding process, and then incorporated into a
resolution. He also stated that the time frame starts from the date of the implementation notice,
not the hearing date. If a company is currently providing service in the City of Ocoee there are
statutory protections saying the City cannot adopt a franchise and displace you from that service
for three years from the date of the Notice to the Providers. This Public Hearing is not that
notice. There will be a period of time over three years where the City will have franchised and
unfranchised, regulated and unregulated haulers in the City. There is a provision where the City
or another franchisee may "buyout" one of the unfranchised haulers if it makes economic sense.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the
Public Hearing was closed.
Mavor Vanderarift, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson, moved to direct staff to
proceed with residential construction and demolition debris (C & D) franchise in
the City Limits and develop a service plan based on unlimited haulers, limited
haulers, and in-house service, and establishment of appropriate service and
franchise fees. Motion carried 5-0.
Page 4 of6
City Commission Regular Meeting
February 1, 2005
11. Discussion re: Mos
community and the CI
lem' mosquito contro
pro Ie program to address t
by t e uito control program
services requested.
ntrol. (Pu. orks Director Zaitooni)
sion had reques luate the potential an
in the City h c ed Clarke Mosquito 1 to
in the City. Clarke has ed a proposal for consideration
between $76,000 to $150,000 annually depending on
Lengthy discussion ensued regarding 1) receiving some tax money from the County for taking
over mosquito control in our City, 2) spraying on demand for special events, 3) what type of
chemicals will be used, 4) if chemicals will be harmful to other insects such as butterflies, 5)
how much of a reduction in mosquitoes will occur, and 6) requesting information as to where
and when the sprayings will occur. Public Works Director Zaitooni said this item would be
brought back in March.
Mayor Vanderarift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to direct staff to
brina back a contract for approval, with services up to $50,000.00, providina
information on the scope of services that will be provided by Clarke Mosquito
Control, and piaaybackina off of the current contract from Seminole County.
Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Howell- none
Commissioner Parker - none
Commissioner Johnson - 1) asked Public Works Director Zaitooni to look into street lights on
McGuire Road from Moore Road to the City Limits, Mr. Zaitooni said he would get with
Progress Energy for cost estimates and bring back a report. The street lights on Silver Star Road
are also in progress, simultaneously with lights being placed on Highway 50, 2) asked about
Thombrook Road to which City Manager Frank said that Parks and Recreation Director
Farmer will be handling that.
Commissioner Anderson- said he is in the process of scheduling a meeting with the developers
of Forestbrooke to discuss the swing gates and fencing concerns brought up by residents at the
last Commission meeting.
Mayor Vandergrift- 1) reminded everyone to vote for the name and mascot of the new high
school, 2) read a letter from resident Eric Barnett regarding a problem he is having with roofing
work that was done at his residence on 2617 Greywall Avenue and questioned the way the City
handled the inspection process. Building Official Phelps explained what has occurred thus far
and said the issue will be discussed in greater detail with the City Manager and City Attorney on
Thursday. City Attorney Rosenthal advised that the Commission does not have the authority to
direct the Building.Official on how to handle individual cases.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
February 1, 2005
The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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