HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of February 15, 2005
Agenda 3/1/05
Item 1
February 15, 2005 at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Anderson gave the Invocation and Commissioner
Howell led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Howell, Commissioner
Johnson, and Commissioner Parker.
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry.
Presentation by PEC - LAKEW ATCH Progl'
Index for Selected Lakes Within the City of Ocoe . I ooni)
David Hamstra and Stephen Medeiros of Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. gave a
Powerpoint presentation of the City of Ocoee Stormwater Update.
COlltilll.lallceofPl'esenta.tionforthe$ponsorPlaques of the Involved
Program. (Fire Chief Firstner)
Chief Firstner presented plaques to Louis Fazio, of the Community Relations Division of the
Auto Auction, and to Vicky Ellington, Human Resources Manager for Lowe's.
Presentation - Fire Department Annual Report. (Fire Chief Firstner)
Chief Firstner passed out copies of the Fire Department's Annual Report
Commissioner Howell- none
Commissioner Anderson - asked about the increase in traffic on Lakeshore Drive, and asked if
we can close the road to local traffic only. City Manager Frank said that we should do a traffic
study and see if it is necessary to close the road, he will report back to the Commission.
Commissioner Johnson - 1) mentioned the Florida Auto Auction and Education Committee
"Beach Ball," to which Mayor Vandergrift advised that event had been cancelled at the last
Education Committee meeting because there had not been enough interest, 2) asked Public
Works Director Zaitooni about the installing lights on Maguire Road, to which he advised
Progress Energy has been contacted and they will be giving us an estimate in approximately 45
days, and 3) passed condolences to the family of Greg Barker, a long time resident of the City.
City Commission Regular Meeting
February 15, 2005
Commissioner Parker - 1) announced the City of Ocoee's "Annual Volunteer Appreciation"
event on Saturday, February 26, 2005, 2) announced the Rotary Club of Ocoee's 4th Annual
Wine Tasting at the Equestrian Center at Grand Cypress, and there will be a drawing for a Trip
For Two to San Francisco, and 3) announced the groundbreaking for the Educational Facility at
the Oakland Nature Preserve, 10 Rotary Clubs banded together to celebrate the Club's 100th
Birthday and raised $70,000.00 toward the Educational Facility. The event takes place Saturday,
February 19, 2005, at 11:00 a.m.
Mayor Vandergrift - 1) asked Public Works Director Zaitooni about the construction of the
pier to which he said there is still some work left on it, but it should be completed in the next
few weeks and he will get with Parks and Recreation Director Farmer to make sure the fish
feeders will be rehung, 2) read a card from Theresa Jacobs thanking the Commission for the
flowers, 3) read a letter from the OCPS General Council requesting that the school board be
notified for specific issues, asked that the information be passed on to Community
Development Director Wagner.
Commissioner Howell - 1) passed on a compliment that was paid to the City's Electrical
Inspectors by developers, 2) conveyed his condolences to the Loople family, who lost their 15
year old son last week.
Mayor Vandergrift - 1) announced the Tri-County League of Cities meeting in St. Cloud,
Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005. Mayor Quisenberry of Winter Garden is now the President, and 2)
results of the school naming contest will be announced on Tuesday, February 22,2005.
City Clerk Eikenberry advised of a correction to the February 1, 2005 minutes that were
submitted for approval under Consent Agenda Item #1. She advised the motion under Item #11
was changed to correctly reflect that the motion was made by Commission Johnson, and
seconded by Commissioner Parker.
1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Com
2005, and February 1, 2005, Special Session of Jan
January 24, 2005. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
iltutes of January 18,
005, and Workshop of
2. AppointmelltofAngelaiJto\Vnto Both the EducationColl1ll1issionand the Citizen
Advisory C()uIlcil of the Police Department (CACOIlJ)). (City Clerk Eikenberry)
One application was recently submitted for appointment of both the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police
Department (CACOPD) and Education Commission; therefore, staff recommends the City Commission
consider appointing Angela Brown to both the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department with a
term ending January 1,2008, and the Education Commission with a term ending August 1,2007.
3. AppomtlIleht of Celeste Erway isory Councilo ire Department
(CACOFD). (City Clerk; Eiken
One application was recently submitted for the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire Department
(CACOFD); therefore, staff recommends the City Commission consider appointing Celeste Erway to the
Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire Department with a term ending November 1, 2008.
4. Consideration of Special Event Request for & Public Boatll.ampClosing fOf.iJoat
Rac.esJ\1arch 11-13,2005...(BuildiJlgOfficia Phelps)
Mr. Bill Tetro has made application to the City for a Special Events Permit for outboard boat races that would
require the temporary closing of a City owned street and boat ramp. The event will be held on March 11-13,
2005. The street to be closed is a portion of North Lakeshore Drive and the public boat ramp at Starke Lake.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
February 15, 2005
The following requirements will be met: 1) All residents that will be affected by the road blockage must be
notified in advance; 2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closure in advance; 3) An
emergency lane must be maintained; 4) Proper barricades must be used for blocking the road; and, signs be
posted at the boat ramp in advance to notify citizens of its closing.
5. Consideratio roval for Termination.. ofAgreeDle.llt lVith Prjce (Joustructiol1,Inc.
fOrCol1sfr PtiblicWofksDircctor Zaitool1i)
Staff recommends approval of the mutual termination of the contract and to approve reallocation of project
funds for alternate method of construction and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement.
6. Consideration of a Release and Agreement forConsu ervices with the Human
Resources Director. (Cityl\'.[anage
Authorize City Manager to complete a Release and Agreement to transition the Human Resources Director to a
contractual position ending no later than May 11, 2005, at a non-budgeted, not-to-exceed cost of $20,500.00
and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Release and Agreement.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to pass
Consent Aaenda Items #1 - #6, with the scrivener's error correction on Item #1.
Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Howell away from the dais.
7.1lequestfotRedllction of Fine/Releaseof Lien - MariollA. Bennett Codel$nforcemcllt
Board Case No. 97-015. (Building OffiCial Phelps)
This was an issue that was heard before the Code Enforcement Board on two separate violations: 1) Skirting
needs to be replaced, 2) For overgrown grass & weeds. The Respondent was found to be in violation on both
counts and was provided with time to bring the property into compliance. It was not brought into compliance
within the set period of time. It was brought into compliance on June 6, 1997. Subsequently, fines were
established which accrued to approximately $1850.00. The Respondent has requested consideration and a
reduction of fine. At the January 21,2005, Code Enforcement Board Meeting, the Respondent appeared before
the Board and it was determined by the Board that the fine should be reduced to $250.00.
Building OffiCial Phelps explained how the lien accrued to $1850.00 and that the Board and
City staff recommend the lien being reduced to $250.00.
Mayor Vanderarift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the
Reduction of Fine/Release of Lien in the amount of $250.00, per staff
recommendation. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Howell away from the
8. Consideration of Approval for the City to Pay Registration Fee for a Member of the
HRDB to Attend the National Conference on Leadership Diversity. (City Clerk
The Human RelationslDiversity Board has made a motion at their February 3,2005, meeting to request the City
Commission to consider paying the registration fee of $400.00 for Dr. Frann Kelly Rodriguez to attend the
National Conference on Leadership Diversity, March 17 - 19 at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
February 15, 2005
Mavor VanderQrift, seconded bv Commissioner Parker, moved to authorize the
City to pay the $400.00 reQistration fee for a member of the HRDB to attend the
National Conference on Leadership Diversitv. Motion carried 4-0, with
Commissioner Howell away from the dais.
Commissioner Parker added that it would be a good idea to give all advisory boards a small
discretionary fund for attending seminars and conferences, possibly $2000.00 per year.
City Manager Frank advised that Building Official Phelps is requesting consideration of
removing an item from the list declared as Surplus Items by the Commission on November 2,
2004. Mr. Phelps said that his department now has use for the drafting table, and would like to
remove it from the surplus items slated for disposal.
Mavor VanderQrift, seconded bv Commissioner Parker, moved to approve the
draftinQ table be removed from the surplus list. Motion carried 4-0, with
Commissioner Howell away from the dais.
Commissioner Parker - none
Commissioner Anderson - 1) has a meeting next week with Principal Armbruster regarding the
athletic complex at the new high school, and would like the City staff to work with the school
toward a multi-use complex that the City could use for events, Consensus of the
Commission, without obiection, was that the City Staff work with the school to
assist in whatever way possible durinQ the development of the athletic complex,
as well as PTA's, Bands, Football Clubs, etc. 2) passed along information about a
seminar for Florida Grant Writing Policies and Procedures.
Commissioner Howell - said that Commissioner Anderson is meeting with the Principal of the
new high school, although it is in his District the school belongs to the whole City and he
welcomes any Commissioner's input on the progress of that school.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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