HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 05 Quarterly Financial Report–First Quarter Fiscal Year 2005 AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: 03/01/05 Item # 5' Contact Name: Contact Number: Donald Carter Reviewed By: Department Director: I City Manager: / ' ; I --'J II - -' }l.'~ ,{/t {/ /- _( I ~, /' -/. ,.J! -vi ., . l) Subject: Background Summary: FY 04/05 First Quarter Report Issue: N/A Recommendations N/A Attachments: FY 04/05 First Quarter Report Financial Impact: Report gives status of finances for the first quarter. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDf Use: _____ Consent Agenda _____ Public Hearing _____ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rustv Johnson. District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift City Manager Robert Frank STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Donald Carter, Finance Manager DATE: February 7, 2005 RE: Quarterly Financial Report-First Quarter FY 2005 Attached is the Quarterly Financial Report for the first quarter of fiscal year 2005. The report summarizes financial activity for the period October 2004 through December 2004. Revenues are being collected as anticipated for all funds. Expenditures are being closely monitored and are within expected ranges. Staff continues to look for new ways to increase revenues and/or reduce expenditures without compromising the levels of service to the community. I ., 'c T)l1Of OCOEE " n ..~ QUARTERLY REPORT 8T QUARTER tAL YEAR "'_,w,..~~'_ ,.'JpJ "~~-. 5 ~Hl ~ City Manager Rob Frank Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy Parker, District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift Quarterly Financial Report Fiscal Year 2004/2005 First Quarter The City of Ocoee is a municipal corporation of the State of Florida operating under a commission/manager form of government. A residential community, the City has a land area of approximately 20 square miles. Ocoee is home to approximately 30,000 residents ranking third in population of the cities in Orange County. Recreational facilities include a multi-purpose recreational complex, tennis courts, outdoor basketball courts, baseball fields and a football field. Ocoee has twelve developed parks and an 18.hole public golf course. The City has three fire stations located strategically throughout the city, including the recently completed construction of a new fire station/administration building at the comer of Bluford A venue and Columbus Street to replace the existing Fire Station One. In addition the City has completed the beautification of McKey Street and the downtown area funded by an $850,000 grant from the State. Ad Valorem taxes are levied at the rate of 4.5789 mils. The City provides water and wastewater services, garbage collection, stormwater management, and police and fire protection to its residents. In 1987 Ocoee began a growth pattern that continues today. The City secured funding for design, construction and improvements to Maguire Road, Professional Parkway and other roadways. Maguire Road has been expanded to four lanes in the southern portion of the community, which will initiate further land development. The West Oaks Mall and Super Wal-Mart are two of the largest retailers in the city. The city currently employs 312 individuals. ............................ City ofOcoee. 150 N Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee. Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100. fax: (407) 656.8504. www.ci.ocoee.fl.us The Quarterly Financial Report presents the results of financial activity of the City for a three-month period. This fIrst quarter report summarizes the activity for the months of October, November and December 2004. Reyenues and receipts are presented for the General, Storm Water, Water/Wastewater, and Solid Waste funds. Actual receipts (revenues) and expenditures are compared to the adopted budget to assess potential overages/shortages in budgeted line items. Comparisons with figures for last fiscal year are included to indicate the differences by year in the adopted versus actual, sin~e budgeting techniques remained relatively uniform from one fiscal year to the next. The Capital Projects Report, Debt Statement, Impact Fee Reports, and Investment Schedule are included as part of the Quarterly Financial Report. Revenues are compared to expenditures to determine how daily operations may be affected by shifts in income-producing sources. This difference is important in cash flow management to ensure monies are available for budgeted expenditures. Table 1 shows revenues currently exceed expenditures for all funds except Solid Waste fund. Cash carryforward amounts have, not been posted to the accounts. These amounts are typically recognized in the second quarter. TABLE 1 Storm Water Utility Water/Wastewater Utility Solid Waste Utility $8,015,685 $336,219 $1,698,742 $461,619 . . ~ ....', .,,; - ,',: Revenue vs. Expenditures by Fund Fund Revenues General Fund $277,762 $1,472,478 $456,260 Expenditures are grouped into four categories: Personal Services, Operating Expenses, Capital Outlay, and Transfers Out. Funds are earmarked for expenditures either through the budget process, the capital improvements element of the Comprehensive Plan, bond indebtedness, impact fee restrictions, water deposit repayments, or loan restrictions. II GE ,,,\s eo 100 eo General Fund The General Fund is the principal operating fund of the City. The General Fund budget for FY 04/05 is $25,435,100. All general tax revenues and other receipts that are not allocated by law or contractual agreement to another fund are reported in this fund with the related expenditures. General Fund accounts for the activity of twenty-four departments and divisions. Revenue Analvsis The graph on page 3 provides a comparison of revenue receipts in dollars for first quarter fiscal years 2003/2004alld 2004/2005. Current year revenue receipts are detailed on page 4 and charted on pages 5-7. As a basis for measurement, revenues are anticipated to be 25% collected at the end of the quarter. Overall, General Fund revenue receipts at the end of this quarter are above anticipated with 31.5% realized compared to 32% at the end of first quarter last year. This is due primarily to the strong collection of property taxes. Receipts for Property Taxes are $3,803,320 (61.67%) collected compared with $2,637,501 (48.33%) this time last year. Franchise Tax receipts consisting of revenues from electric, gas, and solid waste are above anticipated at 27.23% realized. Revenue for Utility Taxes ($602,734) are slightly above anticipated with 26.68% of budgeted realized. Licenses and Permits are slightly below anticipated, but is expected to pick up as the year continues. Building Permit reyenue is well below anticipated with 107 residential and 8 commercial building permits issued for first quarter FY2005 compared with 173 Residential and 1 Commercial at this time for FY2004. Three years of building permit activity are graphed on pages 8-9. Intergovernmental Revenues are funds received from other governmental agencies. Receipts for first quarter FY2005 are below anticipated with 21.51 % realized. Operating Reyenue for Windermere Fire protection is due in two installments- February and May, with the capital charge due in October and March. Installments are current. 1 County Six Cent Gas Tax (Local Option Gas Tax), Telecommunications Service Tax, and Half-Cent Sales Tax have been received slightly below anticipated. Other Governmental Revenue consists of the .Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) and a Byrne Grant for the police department. The LLEBG is funding the purchase of 5 digital in-vehicle camera systems, while the Byrne Grant is used for a DUI Officer. The required 25% match for the Byrne Grant is reflected in the department expenditures. Charges for Services consisting of zoning, annexation, development review, program activity and sale of maps and publication fees are 20.7% realized. Fines and Forfeitures are being received below anticipated with 21.23% collected ($48,614). Miscellaneous Revenue consisting of returned check charges, special street lighting fees, interest earnings, and administrative fees for police security is 9% realized. The city property on Enterprise Street (old Public Woks facility) has not been sold, thus reflecting a low percentage of revenue realized for this category. Interest earnings are 58% realized with $49,665 earned. Expenditure Analvsis Page 10 contains pie charts indicating the composition of expenditures for first quarter 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 for the General Fund. The Budget versus Expenditure report (page 11) shows for eac~}epartment, the amount spent and percentage of the budget the amount represents for the quarter. The variation in the percentages represents the timing and types of expenditures for the departments, i.e.- dues, contracts and capital items. Overall, expenditures for General Fund are 21% of budgeted. Capital Outlay expenditures for General Fund are detailed on page 12. The use of Purchasing Cards was implemented to help expedite receipt of goods and services necessary for the day-to-day operations of the City. Budget transfers authorized by the City Commission from contingency appear on page 13 for the quarter. Staff continues to closely monitor expenditures in relation to revenues to track any indicators of a downturn in the receipt of revenues. 2 D a CITY OF OCOEE FIRST QUARTER REVENUE COMPARISON I o UTILrrYTAX LICENSE & PERMITS INTER- CHAA.GES FOR FINES & FORFEITURES MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFERS IN GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES REVENUE REVENUE 10 Fiscal Year 03-04 I!!I Fiscal Year 04-05 3 (." '.,~!;.;>.;; -':', FRANCHISE TAX PROPERTY TAX $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 I I D I I D D I D D a CITY OF OCOEE REVENUE ANALYSIS REPORT GENERAL FUND ARST QUARTER 2004-2005 REVENUE BUDGET RECEIVED PERCENTAGE DESCRIPTION ;'/ AMOUNT FIRST QUARTER REALIZED BEGINNING CASH BALANCE $315.000 $0 0.00% PROPERTY TAXES 6,167,205 3,803,320 61.67% FRANCHISE TAXES 1,855,000 505,068 27.23% UTILITY TAXES 2,259,500 602.734 26.68% LICENSES AND PERMITS 2,368,910 532,307 22.47% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 7,615,210 1,637,927 21.51 % CHARGES FOR SERVICE 443,300 91,743 20.70% FINES AND FORFEITURES 229,000 48,614 21.23% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 827,500 74,121 8.96% TRANSFERS IN 3,354,475 719,851 21.46% GENERAL FUND TOTALS $25,435,100 $8,015,685 31.51 % 4 City of Ocoee General Fund Revenue Graphs First Quarter 2004-2005 D I Property Taxes I Franchise Taxes 27.2% .7% D I n Franchise Fees are being received slightly above anticipated with 27.2% received. This is up from the 24.1 % collected at this time last year. to been received compared 61.7% of Property Tax revenue has 48.3% for the first quarter last year. D I Licenses & Permits Utility Taxes D 22.5% IPi "'- I . I I 5 22.5% of the revenue from Licenses and Permits has been received. This is down from the 52.3% relized during the first quarter last year. Utility Taxes are slightly above anticipated, with 26.7% received. This is up from the 23.3% received last year at this time I I a D I City of Ocoee Fund Revenue Graphs Quarter 2004-2005 I Genera I First Charges for Services Intergovernmental Revenues I I I 20.7% ,:~'f.rf'0 W---~ ~- ....' ;,~-':;A~::,,~"~pj:.:~-_. . _~~t_- - .~---- . 21.5% 78.5% I Charges for Services are being realized below anticipated, with 20.7% received compared with 20.9% last year at this time. 21.5% of Intergovemmental Revenues has been received. This is slightly down from the 22.6% collected first quarter last year. I Miscellaneous Revenue Fines & Forfeitures c I I 9.0% 21.2% ~ . . .. . . 78.8% D D I n 6 9.0% 91.0% Miscellaneous Revenues are well below anticipated at realized. Fines and Forfeitures are being realized below anticipated, with 21.2% received compared to 32.4% collected in the first quarter last year City of Ocoee General Fund Revenue Graphs First Quarter 2004-2005 Fund Transfers 7 21.5% Fund Transfers are made on a monthly basis and are below expected. lIP . " , I I I I I I I I I t - I I CITY OF OCOEE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY I 80 I I I I I I u I I I I I 8 70 60 , .~ 50 , ! . ~ It ;,;, [ - November December January February March April May June July August September - - - - - - GI Fiscal Year 02-03 o Fiscal Year 03-04 o Fiscal Year 04-05 .~ :Pl ,:'; ;.~ ~ )1 ~ 40 30 20 10 October o CITY OF OCOEE COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY ---, , I , ':'i , . September o 9 August July June o Fiscal Year 04-05 ., May April EJ Fiscal Year 03-04 ~ ~ , November March February iii Fiscal Year 02-03 '~:I "I ! , I I I . L 6 5 3 2 1 January December October I I I I I I , , 4 I I I I I I D I D I I I I I I 10 CITY OF OCOEE FIRST QUARTER EXPENDITURE COMPARISON GENERAL FUND FY03/04-FY04/05 Fiscal Year 03-04 Fiscal Year 04-05 First Quarter Expenditures First Quarter Expenditure Capital Transfers Capital Outlay Out Operating Transfers 1.5% 9.4% Expenses Outlay Out t 20.3% 2.2% 8.0% 1 . ' , . . , Personal Personal Services Services 71.5% 69.6% CITY OF OCOEE EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS REPORT GENERAL FUND FIRST QUARTER 2004/2005 ,. '.......,- DEPAR, 511-00 Legislative 512-00 City Manager 512-01 Community Relations 512-10 City Clerk 513-00 Finance 513-20 Information Systems 513-30 Human Resources 514-00 Legal 515-00 Planning 516-00 General Government Services 517-00 Public Works Administration 519-00 Facilities Maintenance 521-00 Police 522-00 Fire 524-00 Building 529-00 Communications 539-00 Cemetery 541-10 Streets/T rafflc 541-20 Right of Way Maintenance 541-40 Fleet Maintenance 546-00 Engineering 572-00 Recreation 572-10 Park Maintenance SED.~ ~, ""'" .. .,' .~,' "..,.., '. ' .,"''ift,' ~-.",...." " ARTEK:;' .,;': '" ." ' $49,587 72,661 67,824 52,199 157,937 78,222 92,030 14,353 133,061 606,951 46,578 87,799 1,445,360 1,148,907 251,670 149,633 85 200,247 105,639 41,842 130,048 194,829 273,853 $178,350 283,395 380,835 283,980 759,695 342,215 416,735 279,500 624,420 3,818,325 197,050 464,560 6,261,375 4,445,380 1,271,185 741,670 3,700 1,309,610 661,425 153,140 561,865 1,035,865 960,855 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $25,435,130 $5,401,315 liB' T 28% 26% 18% 18% 21% 23% 22% 5% 21% 16% 24% 19% 23% 23% 26% 20% 20% 2% 15% 16% 23% 19% 29% 21% 11 CITY OF OCOEE CAPITAL PURCHASE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 FIRST QUARTER DEPARTMENT ITEM PURCHASED BUDGETED ACTUAL DIFFERENCE AMOUNT COST CITY MANAGER LAPTOP COMPUTER (1) $4,200.00 $3,088.22 $1,111.78 CITY CLERK DESKTOP COMPUTER (1) $2,000.00 $1,875.00 $125.00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT KVM SWITCH $3,800.00 $3,094.87 $705.13 . FIRE CONTROL STATION ALERTING SYSTEM $37,000.00 $29,016.23 $7,983.77 BUILDING DESKTOP COMPUTER (1) $2,200.00 $1,875.00 $325.00 PUBLIC WORKS-STREETS ICE MACHINE $3,500.00 $1,873.95 $1,626.05 PLANNING DESKTOP COMPUTER (1) $2,100.00 $1,843.02 $256.98 PUBLIC WORKS-ROW MAINTENANCE SINGLE DRUM ROLLER $8,500.00 $7,650.00 $850.00 RECREATION-PARK MAINTENANCE LIGHTS-SORENSEN FIELDS $44,395.00 $44,392.00 $3.00 12 DEPARTMEtIT~L., ,.. BUDGET TRANSFER ,.1 GENERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL GOVERNMENT LEGISLATIVE GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY OF OCOEE GENERAL FUND BUDGET TRANSFERS FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 FIRST QUARTER 001-516-00-4900 CONTINGENCY 001-516-00-4905 SENIOR PROGRAM-WATER TAX 001-516-00-4900 CONTINGENCY 001-516-00-4906 SENIOR PROGRAM-WATER FEES 001-516-00-4900 CONTINGENCY 001-516-00-4907 SENIOR PROGRAM-SOLID WASTE 001-516-00-4900 CONTINGENCY 001-511-00-8200 COMMUNITY PROMOTION 001-516-00-4900 CONTINGENCY 001-516-00-3400 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Q~.QF, ".;j('\;::~: SFERt'~'*'~'.h,,':o"1 ',~...". "~ttON $3,660.00 SENIOR CITIZENS PROGRAM $36,590.00 SENIOR CITIZENS PROGRAM $45,590.00 SENIOR CITIZENS PROGRAM $500.00 WEST ORANGE H. S.-HORSE $10,000.00 DESIGN-ORIGINAL FIRE STATION #1/ MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 13 "fills page IntenllonallY \eft. blan\<. Ce{\ter of Good LilT' <,\-~e ~ I' 8i A iBR f lh\S page 80 'lill5 '96 '!i7 100 60 StormWater Utility Fund The Storm water fund accounts for the stormwater utility fee revenues and the related expenditures for drainage, stormwater, and other related projects. Monthly fees are assessed at $5.00 per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU). This department maintains over fifty retention ponds and is responsible for vegetation control in and around the ponds, swales and wet areas. This department repairs the pipes, inlets and fencing that surrounds these areas. Currently there are 6 employees in this fund. As of December 31, 2004 there were 10,095 Stormwater accounts compared to 9,522 accounts at December 31, 2003 representing a 6% increase in the customer base. The Stormwater fund budget for fiscal year 2004-2005 is $1,615,000. Revenue Analysis Current year revenue receipts are detailed on page 15 and charted on page 16. Stormwater Fund revenues are 20.82% realized overall compared to 25.8% for first quarter last year. Charges for Services ($332,517) are 25.5% realized. Interest Earnings are above anticipated with 46.3% realized. Expenditure Analysis Page 18 contains pie charts indicating the composition of expenditures for first quarter 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 for the Stormwater Fund. The Budget versus Expenditure report (page 18) shows the amount spent and percentage of the budget for the quarter. Expenditures for the Stormwater Fund are 17% overall. Transfers are made monthly for the debt service payments on the 1996 Storm Water Utility Promissory Note that was restructured in November of 2002. The annual debt service for this fiscal year is $191,890. 14 This page intentionany left blank. center of ~"o-e ~ ,.~ Good LiTri/]g CITY OF OCOEE REVENUE ANALYSIS STORMWA TER UTILITY FUND FIRST QUARTER 2004-2005 "'. , RECEIVED:':,. ..,:,. . ~,.,;,-~",. .'- ~...:i"'; . ,'.'RI~S~~I!b\R~~~:: BEGINNING CASH BALANCE 305,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,302,000 332,517 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 8,000 3,702 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND TOTALS $1,615,000 $336,219 o 0.00% 25.54% 46.28% 20.82% 15 I I I Stormwater Fund Revenues First Quarter 20.8% 16 79.2% Stormwater Fund Revenues are currently being received below anticipated, with 20.8% realized as compared to 25.8 % for the same quarter last year. CITY OF OCOEE FIRST QUARTER EXPENDITURE COMPARISON STORMWATER UTILITY FUND FY03/04-FY04/05 Fiscal Year 03-04 Fiscal Year 04-05 First Quarter Expenditures First Quarter Expenditures Personal Transfers Services Out 30.2% 53.5% - ---.L. ;'.' I Operating Cap~al Capital Expenses Outlay Outlay 22.5% 2.3% 2.4% 17 ~---~ i. ..:....-_----~ I , I I I I I I I I I I . ,~:i!;' ,~-.~~,' :~~ ,'~:j~ ., >. .i:D6PJ.\R~MENT 538-20 Utility Operating CITY OF OCOEE EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS REPORT STORMWATER FUND FIRST QUARTER 2004/2005 $1,615,000 $277,762 $1,615,000 TOTAL STORMWATER FUND $277,762 . /. . '.PERCENT USED 17% ,17% 18 WATBWWAST ~WAT f- .D 1his eo '.~ '95 'eo '97 100 00 Water/Wastewater Utility Fund The Water/Wastewater fund is an enterprise fund. Operations of this fund are financed and managed in a manner similar to private business enterprise. This fund accounts for the operations of the City's water system and wastewater collection and treatment plant. All activities necessary to provide these services are financed in this fund. The 2004/2005 budget for this fund is $6,581,760. There were 10,009 and 6,502 water and wastewater customers at December 31, 2004 respectively compared to 9,858 and 6,374 customers at December 31,2003. This represents a 1.5% increase for Water and a 2% increase for Wastewater customer base. Revenue Analysis Current year revenue receipts are detailed on page 20 and charted on page 21. Revenue for the Water/Wastewater Fund is 25.8% realized compared to 31 % for first quarter last year. Water Utility Fees ($850,937) are 30% realized while Wastewater Utility Fees ($672,295) are 21 % realized. Revenue and Maintenance Fees include annual and monthly billings for Water (176% realized) and Wastewater (6% realized). Receipts for Water Connection Fees and Other Water Charges (cut-off/cut-on activity and late fees) are 5% and 29% respectively. Interest earnings are 69% realized. Transfers In reflects the monies from the General Fund for the leased site of the recreation facility. Expenditure Analvsis Page 22 contains pie charts indicating the composition of expenditures for first quarter 2003/2004 and 2004/2005. The Budget versus Expenditure report (page 23) shows the amount spent and percentage of the budget the amount represents for the quarter. Actual expenditures for the first quarter are 22% overall. The public relations campaign (POWR) is funded in the Water Operating division. A portion of the annual debt service payment for the 1997 and 2003 bond issues is funded in the Water Operating and Wastewater Operating divisions. 19 1\lis page Intentiona\l~ leI\. blan\(. ret\t.et of Good Ll' . e~ 11111 ^"~ r ~ ... rg ~ ~ CITY OF OCOEE REVENUE ANALYSIS REPORT WATERlWASTE WATER UTILITY FUND FIRST QUARTER 2004-2005 NUE BUDGET RECEIVED PERCENTAGE PTlON AMOUNT FIRST QUARTER ~~LIZED CHARGES FOR SERVICES 6,558,260 1,681,165 25.63% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 18,000 16,202 90.01% TRANSFERS IN 5,500 1,375 25.00% WATER UTILITY FUND TOTALS $6,581 ,760 $1,698,742 25.81 % 20 I I I 21 " WaterIWastewater Fund Revenues First Quarter ~ ~25.8% 74.2% .. """,> ..,.. Water and Wastewater revenues are being received slightly above anticipated. CITY OF OCOEE FIRST QUARTER EXPENDITURE COMPARISON WA TER/WASTEWA TER UTILITY FUND FY03/04-FY04/05 Fiscal Year 04-05 First Quarter Expenditures Fiscal Year 03-04 First Quarter Expenditures Personal Services 25.4% Transfers Out 41.6% Personal Services 25.5% 22 \ Operating lExpenses 32.9% "i.... Capital Outlay 0.1% Transfers Out 48.1% a a D a I D D I o a I I I a u CITY OF OCOEE EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS REPORT WATERnNASTEWATERFUND FIRST QUARTER 2004/2005 . ~. ',~", "': t~ I" . '"' DEPARTMENTr": :< 'tPERCENT ',;,-},:,~;/~:~"" '"'!(1; .: .', ..- ..U' S.ED' . .. ",,~'~" . ' ,," ' ." . l 533-00 Water Operating 535-00 Wastewater Operating $3,234,665 3,347,095 $727,856 744,622 23% 22% $6,581,760 $1,472,478 22% TOTAL WATERlWASTEWATER FUND . ~. 23 SOLID W AS'TB f of Good Lj~~ This page intentionally left blank. center <),"'o.e so 100 so '84 '95 'liB '87 Solid Waste Fund The Solid Waste fund is an enterprise fund. Operations of this fund are financed and managed in a manner similar to private business enterprise. This fund accounts for the collection and disposal of commercial and residential garbage. All activities necessary to provide such service are accounted for in this fund. The city contracts out the collection of commercial and yard waste refuse. There were 9,119 solid waste residential accounts at December 31,2004 compared with 8,663 accounts at December 31,2003 representing a 5.3% increase. The budget for fiscal year 2004/2005 is $1,740,000. Revenue Analvsis Current year revenue receipts are detailed on page 25 and charted on page 26. Solid Waste Fund revenues are 26.5% realized compared with 17% for first quarter last year. Solid Waste Fees ($435,8855) are 25.2% realized just as anticipated. Interest earnings at $1,789 are only 14.9% realized. Expenditure Analysis Page 27 contains pie charts indicating the composition of expenditures for first quarter 2003/2004 and 2004/2005. The Budget versus Expenditure report (page 28) shows the amount spent and percentage of the budget the amount represents for the quarter. Expenditures for the first quarter are 26% of budgeted. 24 1\\\5 page \otent\ona\\Y Ce'(\ter of ~"O-e ~ ~ Good LiT1il1g \eft b\ao\{' CHARGES FOR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE SOUD WASTE FUND TOTALS CITY OF OCOEE REVENUE ANALYSIS REPORT SOLID WASTE UTILITY FUND FIRST QUARTER 2004-2005 BUDGET RECEIVED PERCENTAGE AMOUNT FIRST QUARTER REALIZED $1,728,000 $435,855 25.2% 12,000 25,764 214.7% $1,740,000 $461,619 26.5% 25 - I I I I I I I I ~ I I D I I I . . . Solid Waste Fund Revenues First Quarter , , 26.5% 26 Solid Waste revenues are being received above anticipated. 25.0% of solid waste fees have been collected compared to 17.0% for first quarter last year. CITY OF OCOEE FIRST QUARTER EXPENDITURE COMPARISON SOLID WASTE UTILITY FUND FY03/04-FY04/05 Fiscal Year 04-05 First Quarter Expenditures Fiscal Year 03.Q4 First Quarter Expenditures Personal Services 8% Capital Outlay 8% Personal Services 43.5% =-~~".......-~ ":J'-~~-- . ~ _,_.~J .-.- -.,,-:.~ ~ J' -~ ~ -. "/ - - - - _ -'-";':~~o.,.::~...~.- ...~ \ -- i "-.-"'- "/ -.,~ '-'-, -- ----. ~_. - _.- - - ----- ~-.~ ---._-._~.__. 27 Operating Expenses 84% Operating Expenses 56.5% D I I o I D D a D I D I I U I This page intentionally left blank. center <\,~e , ~ of Good LiT?~ Supplemental Information Capital projects financed through bond issues are tracked by phase and expenditures; these have been listed on pages 30-33. The Debt Statement (page 34) details outstanding obligations of the City used to finance these projects and the source of security for the debt. Currently, the City has $57,825,079 in outstanding debt. The investment portfolio contained $28,739,367 at December 31, 2004 and is detailed on pages 35. Funds are invested in government backed notes. All investments are in accordance with the City's adopted investment policy. Funds necessary for operations are taken from the investments in a timely manner. Impact Fee activity is detailed on pages 36-39 for Road, Fire, Police, and Recreation. Debt Service is currently paid out of road impact fees (Clarke Road and the 1998 Transportation Bond Issue), police impact fees (police building-current), fire impact fees (fire stations), and recreation impact fees (recreation facility). ........................... 29 1\\i5 page intenti CITY OF OCOEE GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FIRST QUARTER FY 2004-2005 SAWMILL RETAINING WALL $125,000 $16,876 CONSTRUCTION 13.5% PHASE COCA COLA PROPERTY $5,800,000 $5,416,887 CONSTRUCTION 93.4% PHASE ,~" ~,f: ~_, .;,' , 'iJ!.'1 .'iiST_rDArEl 'tOMPLETION 2003-05 99-2005 30 CITY OF OCOEE TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL PROJECTS FIRST QUARTER FY 2004-2005 PROFESSIONAL PKWY PROJECT $4,474,852 $3,581,970 CONSTRUCTION 80.0% PHASE 98-2005 ~ .~. OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD $2,723,825 $1,582,463 CONSTRUCTION 58.1 % PHASE 99-2005 31 CITY OF OCOEE STORMWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS FIRST QUARTER FY 2004-2005 ::~~~t~:~, '" - -~7-==~=-_~_3~--~-~~3~~6; LOG RUN COURT $50,000 $25,040 CONSTRUCTION 50.1 % PHASE 2004-05 CENTER STREET DITCH $650,000 $13,236 2.0% DESIGN PHASE 2004-06 32 CITY OF OCOEE WATERJWASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS FIRST QUARTER FY 2004-2005 ;& :.~~. ~j~~~~r'~~,"""~~?:~?T::~~~'-- :.;;~f;\i~uJf;;Z~~t~~ ~~~~'_.7~.~ _. ~--__ =- c-~:." ~~ . -, ...~"'~.~..~ ~~.,'~'~~G.~~:;~~ 'l~l;;.'i"''''''i.'..". ':',: ,.;:.,' ," .[Q\ ,'l,:ii@~'~ -'l ~'~"l~I{"'{UI;..",. . ., ,~1";~ ...' ' . - .~", Z'1' "1"\ ,,'\=;'" ~, ~!~~:,..! l' ;-., . ~ . <", ~. ,'. . ~ ~,.,..~ . j~ ~ _" ....Ie...: ""'-- ~ t=J" ~>' ,,-~'j..-L<.,,-,:,\ rr'o....- f, \... \'--- h '":' I. "~I ~"'..""\"I ~~ :~:~'~c1.~ ~~~~"f't3'~t OLD WINTER GARDEN RD. CONSTRUCTION UTILITY LINE RELOCATION $1,000,000 $305,949 30.6% PHASE 2004-06 . . CONSTRUCTION MAGUIRE RD PUMPING STATION $1 ,SOD, 000 $9SS,S63 63.7% PHASE 2002-oS DESIGN JAMELA ELEVATED TANK $650,000 $301,420 46.4% COMPLETE 2002-05 SR 50 FORCE MAIN RELOCATION $1,SOO,000 $9,110 0.6% DESIGN PHASE 2004-06 33 Direct City Debt Transportation Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2002 due 10/1/2015 Stormwater Utility Bonds, Series 2002 Capital Improvement Revenue Bond Series 1999, due 10/01/2028 Transportation Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1998, due 10/01/2017 Water and Sewer System Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2003 due 10/1/2033 Water and Sewer System Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1997 due 10/1/2027 Non-Advalorem Revenue Notes 2000 due 12/1/2010 Total Direct Debt CITY OF OCOEE DEBT STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2004 General Obligation Debt $ General Fund Revenue Debt Utility Fund Revenue Debt Source of Security Local Option Gas Tax and Public Service Taxes $1,205,000 $ 1,190,000 Stormwater Utility Fees Covenant to budget and 10,135,000 appropriate annually from non-ad valorem revenues and impact fees Local Option Gas Tax and Public Service Taxes 17,475,000 Net Revenues and Impact Fees 13,740,000 Net Revenues and Impact Fees 8,735,000 5,345,079 Budget and Appropriate -0- $ 34,160,079 $ 23,665,000 34 CITY OF OCOEE INVESTMENTS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2004 INVESTED .;i;",. . ';:;j':;i,:i:t\Jf' . PORTFOLIO STI CLASSIC FUNDS MUTUAL FUNDS 34 11,990 RAYMOND JAMES ACCOUNT 10041873 SECURITIES 2,620 515,028 RAYMOND JAMES ACCOUNT 11129676 SECURITIES 34,726 10.620,394 SUNTRUST ACCOUNT 4444 SECURITIES 48,730 13,735,950 . /. SUNTRUST ACCOUNT 4494 SECURITIES 21,849 $28,739,367 3,856,005 $28,739,367 $107,959 MARKET VALUE 11,990 515,028 , 10,620,394 13,735.950 3,856,005 CURRENT YEILD 1.13% 2.03% 1.31% 1.42% 2.27% 35 CITY OF OCOEE IMPACT FEE STATUS REPORT FIRST QUARTER - FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 FUND 106 ROAD IMPACT FEES BALANCE FORWARD $5,540,602 CURRENT QUARTER REVENUE $455,002 CURRENT QUARTER EXPENDITURE ($628,965) ENCUMBERED ($55,420) INTEREST EARNED $21,780 ENDING BALANCE AT 12/31/04 $5,332,999 36 CITY OF OCOEE IMPACT FEE STATUS REPORT FIRST QUARTER-FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 FUND 107 FIRE IMPACT FEES RESTRICTED BALANCE FORWARD $991,073 $450 CURRENT QUARTER REVENUE RESIDENTIAL $41,294 $0 NON RESIDENTIAL $214 $0 TOTAL CURRENT QUARTER REVENUE $41,508 $0 . j CURRENT QUARTER EXPENDITURE RESIDENTIAL ($267,000) $0 NON RESIDENTIAL $0 $0 TOTAL CURRENT QUARTER EXPENDITURE ($267,000) $0 ENCUMBERED $0 $0 INTEREST EARNED $1,378 $2 ENDING BALANCE AT 12/31/04 $766,959 $452 ** Restricted funds are comprised of Windermere R & R 37 CITY OF OCOEE IMPACT FEE STATUS REPORT FIRST QUARTER - FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 FUND 108 POLICE IMPACT FEES BALANCE FORWARD $622,137 CURRENT QUARTER REVENUE RESIDENTIAL $19,513 NON RESIDENTIAL $73 TOTAL CURRENT QUARTER REVENUE $19,586 CURRENT QUARTER EXPENDITURE ($15,894) ENCUMBERED ($3,287) INTEREST EARNED $2,435 ENDING BALANCE AT 12/31/04 $624,977 38 CITY OF OCOEE IMPACT FEE STATUS REPORT FIRST QUARTER - FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 FUND 110 RECREATIONAL IMPACT FEE BALANCE FORWARD CURRENT QUARTER REVENUE CURRENT QUARTER EXPENDITURE ENCUMBERED - /. INTEREST EARNED $1,027,105 $28,500 ($50,000) $0 $2,925 ENDING BALANCE AT 12/31/04 $1,008,530 39