HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06 Consideration of Approval of Use of the City of Orlando’s Contract B105-2015 for Rehabilitation of Clarke Road Pavement from Silver Star Road to White Road .c.."terof Good Lif-. '\.~. -~. '........ _.~.'... '. :=-.0..............lf"... Q E.... , ,""c . ' . '!'"'' AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: March 1, 2005 Item # fo Reviewed By: ---'- . Department Director: . ~ ~ ~ City Manager: c::::J1. _ ~ Subject: Clarke Road Pavement Rehabilitation, Silver Star Road to White Road Contact Name: Contact Number: Bob Zaitooni 6002 Background Summary: City's current fiscal year budget contains a project for rehabilitation and resurfacing of Clarke Road, from Silver Star Road to White Road. After considerable research and analysis, staff arrived at an engineering solution to rehabilitate and correct deficiencies on Clarke Road within this segment. Staff evaluated the current active governmental contracts and received a quote from Orlando Paving Company based on City of OrJando's Contract BI05-2015. Issue: Approve use of (piggyback) of City of Orlando's Contract B105-2015 and award project to Orlando Paving Company. Recommendations Staff is requesting City Commission to (a) approve use of City of OrJando's Contract BI05-2015, and (b) to award the project for $458,000.00 to Orlando Paving Company Attachments: Quote from Orlando Paving Company. Financial Impact: This project is budgeted in current year (2004-05) CIP. Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution o Commission Approval o Discussion & Direction For C/erl<'s Deot Use: ~ Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Regular Agenda o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) ~~~ [g/ NI A o N/A o N/A City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Danny Howell. District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Nancy J. Parker. District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Bob Zaitooni, Director of Public Works DATE: February 21, 2005 RE: Clarke Road Pavement Rehabilitation, Silver Star Road to White Road ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve use of (piggyback) City of Orlando's Contract BI05-2015 and award the project to Orlando Paving Company for $458,000? BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION The current City budget (FY 04-05) contains a project to rehabilitate and resurface Clarke Road, from Silver Star Road to White Road. A companion project to resurface Clarke Road from White Road to SR 50 is scheduled for fiscal year 2005-06. After considerable research and analysis, staff arrived at an engineering solution to rehabilitate and correct the deficiencies for the segment of Clarke Road between Silver Star Road and White Road. The conditions of this segment are characterized as severe pavement cracking and rutting with localized base failure at locations within the segment. An investigation and report by Universal Engineering Sciences in 200 1 concluded that the pavement has exceeded the designed traffic loading resulting in the block cracking and rutting and general failure in pavement section. The report recommended removal (milling) of the asphalt and top 2" of the limerock and replacing with 3.5 inches of Type S-l and 1 Inch ofFC-3. Further investigation and analysis by staff in consultation with design engineers determined that the top 2" of Iimerock based should only be removed only at locations where the limerock base has failed. In addition, the advances in design mix of asphalt and the new FDOT guidelines recommend use of 2" of Superpave asphalt, traffic level C and I" of Friction Course FC 9.5. Staff evaluated the current active governmental contracts and received a quote from Orlando paving Company based on City of Orlando's Contract BI05-2015 for $458,000.00 for rehabilitation, resurfacing, maintenance of traffic, and striping as shown on the attached quote. RECOMMENDATION Staff respectfully requests the City Commission to approve use of (piggyback) of City of Orlando's Contract B105-2015, and award project to Orlando Paving Company for $458,000. Feb. 9. 2005 2:03PM No.300B p. 1/2 ORLANDO PAVING COMPANY POBOX !4718(i ORLANDO, JI'1, 3J8S4 COIIIItt: ALBERT A ARJIBA Y Pbone: 407-!7"977' EXT US Fal: 407-S78-52S1 Quo., To: CITY OF OCOEE J9b NIt""'. Date of Plans; Reviflon Dale'. CLARK RD WHITE RD TO SILVER STAR ~ fu;. Subject to credit approval. Orlando Pavinl Company will furnish the following work: ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 10 MOBILIZATION l.OO LS 16,800.00 16,800.00 20 MAINT OF TRAFFIC 1. 00 LS 12.000.00 12,000.00 30 TRAFFIC CONTROL OFFICER 96.00 HR. 42.~ 4,080.00 60 MARKERS PA vr REFLECTIVE 470.00 EA 3.65 1,715.SO 70 MILLING 1" AVG 25,500.1)() SY 1.85 47,175.00 80 MaLING 2" A YO 2S,,oo.OO SY 2.00 51,000.00 90 SUPRRPAVE TRAPFIC LEVEL C 3,000.00 TN 65.50 196,500.00 100 FRICTION FC 9.5 ) ,32S.no TN 61UO 90,232.~ 110 DIRECI'IONAL ARROWS 28.00 EA 51.00 1.42800 115 PAVf MESSAGE 16.00 EA 125.00 2,000.00 120 TRAFFIC STRlPE SKIP - WHITE 7.248.lJO LF 0.50 3,624.00 130 TRAFFIC STRIPE SOLID 6" WHITE JO.904.00 LF 0.50 15.452.00 140 TRAFFIC STRIPE SOLID 6- YELLOW 28,984.00 LP O.SO 14,492.00 150 TRAFFIC STRIPE SOLID 12" WHITE 608.(10 LF 1.60 972.80 GRAND TOTAL 5457,471.'0 NOTES: A Price iocludc One (I) mobilization, if mo~ are required. please add 52,500.00 per mobilization. B. Prices do not include engineering, layout or traffic control. C. Prices do DOt include permits. (If required) D. No location, adjustment, proICCtion and.or relocation of\dilitia included. E. TIlCk coat included to insure proper bonding between old 4. new asphalt. F. Work is to be done during IIOnal business boars (Mon-Pri 7slD-Spm) H. Thickness quoted is "NOMINAL" thickness per FOOT specifications unless noted otherwise. I. Prices include all applicate Illes tax. J. This proposal is valid for work pclfonued through April 2005. K. lHIS PROPOSAL IS VALII>:FOR 30 DAYS. FAILURE TO EXECUTE nus AGREEMENT WJ1lDN 30 DAYS MAY BE CAUSE FOR. PRICE ADJUSTMENT. L. OPe WILL ONLY EXECUTE A CONTRACT UPON RECElPI' OF A COMPLETE NonCE TO OWNER INFORMATION. OPe WR.L NOT ACCEPT ANY WORK BELOW SUB-SUBCONTRACT LEVEL WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. J Paee 1 Feb. 9. 2005 2:03PM No.300B p. 2/2 N. A minimum trip charge of $500.00 will be cbarpd for any prime and 5aIId Dlobilizadon of less than 1.000 SY. o. OPe can Dot guaraDtee drainap on plvcments with a rate of fall less than 2%. p. No sawCDltlDa will be provided and does DOt iclude any base subgrade or base preparation. :PR.IOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. ORLANDO PAVING COMPANY WILL REQUIRE: 1. ALL APPLICABLB ASPHALT SPECIFICATIONS AND AN APPROVED SET OF CONTRUCTION PRINTS. 2. ALL NECESSARY NonCE TO OWNER INFORMATION. Price for this work to be paid in full on completion, or by prosras payments monthly upon i6swulce of invoice if more than ODC month rcquUed to complete. Work to be doae in acxordance with above stated specjfications _in a substantial and worlananlike manner accol'ding to Randard practicct. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involvins extra C05II will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an tAUa cbarge OVI:t and above tlte CIWnate. All ap'eeme.nrs c;ontingent upon Slrikes. accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tomado aud other necessary in5urance. OIIr workers are fully covered by WOIkMeos Compeasation IDIWIIlCC. Above stated price b8scd upon prevaliIJg COltS, and accepIamle of Ibis proposal must. be within UWty (30) day. from dale or prices subject to change. Any pl)'lDent5 not IIl8dc within thirty (30) days of due datf shall bear interest in the amount of 1 112% per DlOIlth: libwiIe iatorest of the same rate shall be &lac on any rctainage held until paid. Cost of c;olJ.ectiOD lndudiDC attomey" (ees sba11 al80 be paid if co.l1ectioo through lUl anomey is ~. Thil proposal is contingent upon and subjec:t to all strikes, acc.idellts. weather IDd other circumstances or conditioDJ beyond me control of Orlando Paving Company. Should any other contract doeumcnls 01 subcontrBd apeements NpnlillllllpedfiC project conftict with the termJ of tbis proposal. the terms of this proposal win, in all cases, pern. ORLANDO PAVING COMPANY Albert Arjibay, Estimator DATE: laauary 21, 2005 NOTE: tHIS PROPOSAL VOID IF NOT ACCBPl'ED WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAVS FROM ABOVE DATE. ACCEPI' ANCE: I, We the undersigned, acx:ept the above propoI8l and amhorize you 10 proceed with "the work 8l specified, subject to all terms coJdained herein. CUSTOMER DATE OF ACCEPTANCE BY TIn.e Pate 2 ~'\J I'-=> ~, 0; z: I.t"\"': o ...... ~ o CJ I.t"\ ~ N or-" J:) :0 1.t"\'\J OJ:) ......:::r 0"\..1 N- ...... ::> .- <:r o ::5 z: ><: ::I: ..L. J _2: n:;; "::I: t\:z: 0:...> .... :k: r\~ ....;:).... :)...... 4':5 ~~ , --l = ::::> :..... o ::>- .:.J :I::: -<I: C\.J ~ !)= z:= ...1- =- II: 'J"> l..= I :>~ ~N ~ I II:~ ..1-,. " :> CiTY Of ORLANDO OFFICE OF PURCHASING 8105-201 S January 1 9. 2005 ~:OO pm \.Mual Agreement for Street Resurfacing SEALED BID TABULA liON Richard CasoUQO 7611 OatIl I F~ . ~ l Co;~ COLitr..; of Z,< R I ! ; I Orlando Paving Cel. A Or-ision . 1'00... ~ ~, dq~'-:f{;3~ i I The Middlesex COJIWf'ation i of Hubbard Construction Co. F.-.t4trl-578'-5;)? f Fa: :":ii..Jr"-drz;t; I I l I , , I ! : I -.-.. .,...---. I U~l Quart. . llem Unit Price i Total Un" Price Talal ~.-oblialion I Lump Sum I 1 I 1 $ TO,OOO.OO S 1<1,000.00 $ 90.500,001 $ 90.5li'O.OO ".a!melwnc:e: orT raif:c :. lulT'.p ~m I 1 I 2 S 50.000.00 ; $ 50,OOOJ,tO $12.5.00000 j S 125.000.00 ~llic Cancrele Tn~ S.3 illCl. rllCk CoaJ. 2S bls , Ton : 10.000 I 3 $ 60.00 I S 6OD,000.00 $ 66.40 r S 66<4,000.00 Fricl.zn COlr.ie ,e.~.5om a&!llior.!o conertllt I Ten 8, O<JO i 4 S 68.10 I S 544.80C.OO S 7& .001 $ 624.000.00 RftIWlIlj't eldstn} Aspf\1i! (Jrrfug) ilcl Ar...",1i rnrhlIe 0"-11114' I Sq. Yd 59,500 I 5 S 1.8S, $ 110,075.00 S 2.2:'! S 130.900,()O l'.ef!\Oyullisallg ,o\$phd (ri,~} ~. r~ , .1/4-' to 3-1n" Sq. Yd e,cco T 6 S 2.00 i S ,2.000.00 $ 3.501 S 21.000.00 . -"... ".<:Ipssl Nortlcle usr.g RisEr Rir.!J EA 160 7 $ 300.0J I S 4a,OOO.00 S 400.0D I S 64,000.00 ~I melh-Jd raiv.l-J ling and c~er(~s) incl. ~emam I EA i 30 I 8 S 400.0D '$. 12.000..00 S 550.00 1 S 10,500.00 Adj.JSI t\3ler. ga.s a'ld !H.,lftr lr.oIlies ~. I 20 I 9 S ~25.00 ' S 2,500.00 $ 150.00 S 3,000.00 I<":'-~ malT~:rs . cc.:.rrlinate wi r.cor.p&n~PS EA , 10 ! 10 S 275.00 ; S 2.?5<l..OO $ 750.00 j S .., ,500,Xl , Rl!:mc~ l!nd rEf-~ trx1 l1" :<ncn;e c~,b fS=LMiar Fwtj : ' - 300 11 S 20.00 ' $ 6,OO().OG S 30.001 S 9,000.:>0 '-"" {>:Tlf]\,? ""' r<<pIaote 'Z..o !~'C cum 3.'\C liuJlEr i tF , 'aD .2 S 27.00 ' S 4.860,00 S 35.001 S 0,300.-30 de'~ 1~:- Pa<."Pmi!!'ol "'tr.(.o(~{$. ~l!h-I i EA ! 005 13 S 3.65. S 7!,522.25 S 2.50 ' $ 3,377 .50 ~.... Pil.el'r.e:t. ~"Ile:$. bl-J1! EA. i ~ , 1; S 3,65 S 175..2Il S 3.50 S 163.00 : Re;:~.... f'iio,.lI11'iO:! ;bcloeni.. o&'hi:~ i Eo:.. 59 15 $ -~.65 . S 215..35 S 3.50:>: S 206.50 . )J'~-y:! r.'\..'"f'II'Kl';)l<:!~;C Sloip l.!ne, Y,,:.v.v 1 u= 1,04':) , ~6 S 05~ S 520.00 S 0.50: <: 520.CO ! ~' ',. ;\I~-: ThE;nr:c;i3stK Edge l~ """:I!! , LF \.":29 . 17 S 0.50 S 714.50 S O.GS; S 643.05 I , s ._---_.__..~ -:.. .::: A~.'ll-=- ~~~~ ~u.e Unto, W~e u= 3,422 18 I}.SO. S 4.2i1.l}J S 045 S 3.~~ .. .. ".. .~.~ i';':~s~~ ~ UrlP.,. YeIrN. . . u=- ~,300 . 19 S O.SO; $ 2,1SQ.OO $ 0,45 : So 1,935.00 ... '~4.5' I 2~- --J...-..:-_. "_.. .. ....idiP ~lIrf.:l ~rmopli!1it:'; ;:eclnlMn crou,'Iiok. Qla1:inenl~1 ~.:e, ':tIii~ : S 1.60i S 3,58~.OO S 1.701 S 3,80800 ~4= A.~,'d rt.rnC!='~Slo: ~~id $!Gj.' t.;;', y,n;le LF 9iO! 21 S 5.00. S 4,550.00 S 3.25j S 2,557.50 6" Ak,Ij ~S'\c Eke Lltn~. ~~hi~e LF , ~1.820 22 S 0.50 S 5" 91.j~OO S OAS! S 5,3190-,:) ':'!~i:; Th.err=~'.asi.ic ~~3:~1~! I.:al ilTt~'iS, ",t..t~ i E;:'. 32 23 S =1 GO. S 1632.()) S 49.50 S 1,~84.~~ ."lkyd T~Ptzsiic Bii(e l..1W1e IT.a.rj(i'gs, ,...'tli! . E.i\ I !3B 2~ S 19000: S 18.620.0'3 c: 180.00 i S 17,040.00 ! ro.OO' S '" l00.CO i $- 3uO.00 ::- Alk'~ T."lI?~oiiI'j[i': .~3~2:.es~"$ <slfJ.J. \lilt; r:c.j '.""'~ Et.. ~ :3 i ..,,, S 270 OJ S ...... ..- U2S.Oif '.I~':i nle'Tl'~aS:i& s:t-.:JOI a"ssj,"'lQrna';.~'YJ,. ~1l'te ; EA 9 2C S 125.[~ $ S 200.00 I S 1 < SCoO'lI'?- - 5' A'.Itf::l !~~:.c..:J!:;':;'IC lra~f.l: s:1i~.;t. doWle 'i2~~. I :.F 10.040 '">~ ~_~..OO; S t 0.04:3.00 S 0.90'. S 9.036:~ .- I ~.!...... J" ..\"'r,'rl il-\e:mc.c,aSlI~ Nga fJ1!. ~ t'r---' I u: 15:: i 2;3 S n.5a : s 7~l CO $ 0.45 S 67.5fJ Q ~drslp~ L ')o:.~ I I S 1,1 ;5.00: ~. EA ! ~ :~ jO,.s,~.CG S 7~().CO ! S 6,750-GG ---- - .Ii.i:~, j ~.'S I~: ~Oi:i:c.;c -:e. Loo~$ EA Jj ~c $ 155.CoO. S ..39$.00 S t20.00! S 1.a80.~C ....-- ~ r_citie Mu:"I t!.:;'r. 1 =.::der~ l:- IC~ 31 S 225; S 2L~. CD S ~.\I0 : oS .a DO.OC ~~mc.~.G REplIa. e:u5t.r.1- \I".,/;tj" ~t.tI,,;"'i .. , .- ".- S 25.DO: S lr- ...-~ f" n.o.(,J S ~5.~O ... 9.-'SC.QC ; j .t:.,\: ,j" .;:, ..' . 1 1.85; ....250.00 1 e Gcre .;....,a LF 12.5 3~ ... S 231 25 S 2.CO S i ~ ~._----. .. 5.00' 'S~rr.at~_" ~f~" .::~;a if:oc.:i,'J ~:-:! \...F .;20 1.' ~ S 2:UlO.OO $ 3.00 S 1,2eC.co v- lor'~"jtJ F~:r crr.c~r~ ,.; r.,ctIit',c ;'zlt;c aI ~;:;l'.~C.z!':f \....:.i';~..t;\jc,r~ Hcurs '50t) 35 :3 42.50 S 2~.25a.OO S '8.00 S :4.{)OC'.OO "Offers f:o:-n t~e \;'er:tdois i'5ted 1lerei<1 ale t~e cd~ or.'eiS received time'; as of lhe above oa:?f!in.~ daLe- ar.d ::me, All other offers sllo:nitte-:J in respcnse tc tr.i" s'J;;dt<llior:. 'f :::Ii:Y. are h€reby re}~cl~(j as late." Oage "1 \\ " ~\,1t. .oJ ~~ -::-::: . ''-.1 0;:) Z \J'\:l.... o ...... \J'\ o Cl ~ I'I'l . . N r"':n :0 :0 .f\ :'-.I 0:0 ....... <:r 0:U ~- ......~ 5<:r :5 z: X <I: -L :..;J ~Z f\- \I::J} f\<:I: 05 ....::t::: f\=:;J ....::l.. ;:) .:to Q I1i?€ ---J n:: o u.. I::;) -- .._~ 2::- <r. '0" = ~= ~;r: >1"- (L.O L..C> I )C> ~C\J .. I CZ J<:I: ,~ ) CITY OF ORLANDO Stac}! Mahar OfFICE OF PURCHAS1NG 8105-2015 January 19, 2005 3:00 pm Annual Agreement Jor Street Re~rfacing SEALED BID TABULATiON Rich ard Casolino . i i I , ortando PlI'Iing Co. A Division The i , Mitlllle$ex Corporation of Hubbard Constrllction Co. I : : I : : Qeoscril:tion Unit J QlJlln. Item Uf'lil Price Total Unil P:i(:e I Telal , , I ; 4--;i.:,i'::~;~i.;.j~:~~jf~~;.:;.:;:,'~;};t{.:/j~e.~ii;#~;;::r}i~1:~.~~~f.'~t:r~ :~~fP;~jihi;{ith;fti';~.ii:~~~; .I~~;1, :1:;i;:;;; d;~;:' ::iJ.:t.3JJ.~2;W~ .iJoC}FJ '1i~j~::;i;~ il.:ili.~~~'~t~~ ~.~;~~;~;~~'sP95 - -.. -.-' .... - ... ------ ..... .'-"Ton .j 8.,06i,). r 36' $6S.50 I $ 524,000.00 S &a.OOl $ 544.000.00 : : ; "Total for ;;;tt Items jllCluding Alten\ate: i . i $ 2,086,825.55 I $ 2..392,04-1.95 I 1Vena0f total: I I , IJ 2,08&,825.55 Is 2.,392,032.2:0 !Certificalion Si~ed & Notarized: l i i , Yes . y!}S Re~re.'1ces: I I Yes i Yes ~deadu. Numbef Ole (1) Adt"Dwtedged~ _. f I .. I : Yes Yes Minority Certif\caeiol I I ! NlA I NfA f EApiratlon Date: ! ! NtA NlA laid Bond: I ; Yes Yes Iorigil'lal & Number of Coples; . I 1 orilJinal. 3 c~,es Original. 3 copies I : t "Oiier~ fmr:1 th~ ven~ors list:!d la:e.1I1 ar.: l~ e: ,:r:(,/ or:€(~ recei'led t'~ely as. :;If tne abov? :::1>COH"lg dil~e an~ hme. Ai! olher Qr.e!'S s:Jbmi1\e<I i:'1 response to 'hie <:.ni;.'hhnn if ::lnv. art' here:>..' reiected liS ,:;,:~: Pa~f: 2 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon our site observations and exploratory testing we offer the following opinions and conclusions, along with remedial recommendations for this project. It is our professional opinion, that the pavement section has been over loaded most likely due to construction traffic due to all the new construction (Le,'shopping centers, subdivisions, and schools) over the past 5 to 10 years. The excess traffic loading is resulting in the block cracking and rutting observed, in some locations the pavement section has failed. The radial cracking around the storm drainage structures could be attributed to insufficient compaction during construction or due to joint seepage allowing soil fines to migrate creating the depressions observed. Due to the limited access to the structures we recommend that the storm drain lines at these locations be video recorded to rule out the seepage problem. Based upon the current ESAL studies and projecting an increase in the average daily traffic volumes we offer the following remedial pavement recommendations. We recommendations that the existing asphalt wearing surface and the J9.J;L2 inches of the limerock base course. be milled off t~e roadway from curb line to curb line. After the milling operation we recommend the placement of 3-112 inches Type S-I asphalt hot mix (two, 1-3/41rchJltt~followed by 1 inch of type FC-3 d~Q.?~t9!?!.9.e.2.f.!is~Q.n.c;~~[l)~. This would give the roadway a pavement coefficient value of 4.02. We would recommend that all the milling and resurfacing should conform to the most current Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roadway and Bridge Construction. I I I I I I I I I Page 3 of 5 . .. Cf);ri) (:Z'.};~ \~ ' ."-'" .. ( Iv J'A .... s; (~ J I c-'-'(. .L c. "~', il? t.;.' ~~ ~ f"'.-~I . . . . . . . . . . i ('~ (l CORE DATE SUMMARY SHEET PAVEMENT EVALUATION CLARK ROAD OCOEE FLORIDA Core Friction Structural Asphalt Crack Base Depth Stabilization Depth Depth Depth No. Course Course to base Depth (in) Depth (in) below top of (in) below top of (in) below top of Depth Depth bond % moisture (in) asphalt! asphalt! asphalt! (in) (in) % Moisture & DCP Subgrade Subgrade Subgrade VALUE moisture Content! moisture moisture DCP Value Content! Content! /"""'. DCP Value DCP Value I\J 5/8 2-3/8 Good Thru asphalt into 8"- 13.4% 16-1/4"- 9.4% ,25 27"-38", 3.0%, 23 38"-47".4.4%, 20 47"-70",4.7%,22 base course lej 1/2 1-3/4 Good Thru asphalt into 9"- 12.7% 12-3/4"- 4.0%,25+ 24"-36",4.1%,25+ 36"- 48", 5.2%, 21 48"-60",5.0%, 19 base course 3 7/8 2 Good Thru friction course 8"-11.9% 12-3/4"- 4.0%, 25+ 23"-35", 7.4%, 25+ 35"-47",4.7%,25+ 47"-60", 5.6%, 22 into structural course 4 1/2 1-1/2 Poor Thru asphalt into 8"- 12.7% 15-1/2"-7.1%,25+ 25"-37",4.7%,25+ 37"-49",5.4%,25+ 49"-60", 5.2%, 22 base course 5 3/4 1-1/2 Poor Thru asphalt into 8"-11.6% 16-1/4"- 5.0%, 25+ 27"-39',4.4%, 25+ 39"-52", 5.2%, 24 52"-60", 5.4%, 23 base course ~ 3/4 1-3/4 Fair Thru asphalt into 7"-14.4% 14-5/8"- 8.7%,25+ 24"-36",8.7%,25+ 36"-40", 4.3%, 25+ 40"-60",4.7%,23 base course . \z) 5/8 1-3/4 Good Thru asphalt into n/a nla n/a nla n/a base course 8 5/8 2 Good Thru friction course nla n/a n/a n/a nla 9 5/8 2-1/4 Good Thru asphalt into nla nla n/a n/a n/a base course , 10 3/4 1-1/2 Fair Thru asphalt into n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a base course 11 1/2 2 Good Thru asphalt into n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a base course 12 3/4 2 Fair Thru asphalt into n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a base course Page4of5