HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Consideration for Staff to Precede with a Boundary & Topographic Survey, and Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for the FDOT Surplus Property
Meeting Date: March 15, 2005
Item #
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
J. Antonio Fabre
905-3100 X1 019
Reviewed By:
Department Director:
City Manager:
Subject: Authorization of Staff to proceed with Boundary & Topographic Survey, and Phase 1
Environmental Site Assessment for the FDOT surplus property.
Background Summary:
The City of Ocoee has petitioned Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for approximately four (4)
acres of land along SR 50. The City has requested this land to facilitate a future (north-south) roadway that
will eventually link with the Ocoee Commons PUD Montgomery Avenue and SR 50.
Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners authorize Staff to proceed with a Boundary &
Topographic Survey, and a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment for FDOT surplus property?
Staff respectfully requests the expenditure of Road Impact Fees for the services identified in the attached
work orders in the amount of not to exceed $7,747.50 for a Boundary & Topographic Survey, and not to
exceed the amount of $1,500.00 for a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment in order to acquire the FDOT
surplus land for a collector roadway extension.
Location Map; Southeastern Surveying proposal dated 2/18/05; Mactec proposal dated 2/18/05; Weidener
Surveying and Mapping, P.A. proposal dated 2/11/05; PSI Inc. proposal dated 3/01/05; Nodarse & Assoc.
proposal dated 3/01/05; Universal Engineering Sciences proposal dated 3/05/05.
Financial Impact:
$9,247.50 from Road Impact Fee Fund.
Type of Item:
o Public Hearing
o Ordinance First Reading
o Ordinance First Reading
o Resolution
~ Commission Approval
o Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's Deaf Use:
~ Consent Agenda
o Public Hearing
o Regular Agenda
D Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
D Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept. ~ kOl}
Reviewed by ( )
o N/A
o N/A
o N/A
City Manager
Robert Frank
c.enter of GOOd II
Dannv Howell. District 1
Scott Anderson. District 2
Rustv Johnson. District 3
Nancy J. Parker. District 4
S. Scott Vandergrift
The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
J. Antonio Fabre, Senior Planner (9
Russ Wagner, AICP, Community Development Director
March 3, 2005
FDOT Public Purpose Surplus Property (Physical Address 9969 West Colonial Drive)
Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners authorize Staff to proceed with a Boundary &
Topographic Survey, and a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment for FOOT surplus property?
The City of Ocoee has petitioned Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) for approximately four
(4) acres of land along SR 50. The City has requested this land to facilitate a future (north-south)
roadway that will eventually link with the Ocoee Commons PUD Montgomery Avenue and SR 50.
Specifically, the subject property is located on the north side of SR 50 (W. Colonial Drive) and between
Blackwood Avenue and Clark Road. The property physical address is 9969 W. Colonial Drive and is
identified by the parcel 10 # 21-22-28-0000-00-008.
The purpose of the land acquisition is to implement objectives established in the City of Ocoee
Comprehensive Plan adopted October 1, 2002; specifically, the Montgomery Avenue extension to SR 50
as it was identified in the recommended plan for roadway improvements in the Transportation Element.
Furthermore, the project was identified as part of the Roadway Improvement Master Plan for 2020. The
ultimate goal is to provide a new north-south connection within the City in order to reduce congestion
and provide better access to areas where development is occurring on SR 50 and Health Central
Hospital. Therefore, the surplus property will be for the public purpose use of a roadway construction
and stormwater abatement.
It should be noted that the property was actually requested from FOOT several years ago. It was
delayed because of design considerations with the widening of SR 50. However, this is not an issue
anymore with FOOT. FOOT has authorized to declare it surplus property, which means if relinquished
for a public purpose it will be provided to the City at no cost via a "Quitclaim Deed." Therefore, the City
formally requested the property on June 23, 2004. The City has received preliminary approval on
October 20, 2004 for the surplus request from FOOT. In order to continue with this acquisition, we need
to obtain signed and sealed boundary surveys with legal descriptions. As a result, the City has
requested quotes from our continuing service providers (attached for your review).
Also the City requested quotes for a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (attached for your review).
The purpose of an Environmental Site Assessment is to provide a professional opinion regarding the
possible presence or prior existence of hazardous material or hazardous waste contamination of soil or
groundwater at the site. Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments are standard procedures for any
commercial land transaction. Therefore, in order to ensure the City's interest staff is recommending a
Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment be performed. Pending a favorable Environmental Site
Assessment the City Commission shall officially accept the surplus property via a "Resolution."
Staff respectfully requests the expenditure of Road Impact Fees for the services identified in the
attached work orders in the amount of not to exceed $7,747.50 for a Boundary & Topographic Survey,
and not to exceed the amount of $1,500.00 for a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment in order to
acquire the FDOT surplus land for a collector roadway extension.
Location Map
Southeastern Surveying proposal dated 2/18/05
Mactec proposal dated 2/18/05
Weidener Surveying and Mapping, P.A. proposal dated 2/11/05
PSI Inc. proposal dated 3/01/05
Nodarse &Assoc. proposal dated 3/01/05
Universal Engineering Sciences proposal dated 3/05/05
O:\Staff Reports\2005\SR05015 AF_FDOTSurplusProperty_CC.doc
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James M. Dunn, II, P.S.M.
Larry R. Efird, P.S.M.
Brian R. Garvey, P.E.
Gary B. Krick, P.S.M.
Myron F. Lucas, P.S.M.
Thomas K. Mead, P.S.M.
Timothy Mosby, P.S.M.
James L. Petersen, P.S.M.
Larry W. Prescott, P.S.M.
William C. Rowe, P.S.M.
Marcia E. Russell, P.S.M.
George E. Snyder, P.S.M.
Land Surveying & Mapping Services. Sub-Surface Utility Designation & Location Services. GPS Asset Inventories. Geographic Information Systems
February 18,2005
VIA E-Mail: afabre\al.ci.ocoee.t1.us
Mr. J. Antonio Fabre, Senior Planner
City of Ocoee Community Development Department
301 Maguire Road
Ocoee, Florida 34761
RE: 9969 West Colonial Drive - 4 Acres More or Less - Condemned Borrow Pit
Section 21, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida
Dear Mr. Fabre,
We are pleased to submit our revised proposal for surveying services on the above referenced project.
Provide a Boundary Survey, a Topographic Survey, or a Boundary and Topographic Survey in accordance with Chapter 61 G 17-6 F .A.c.
to include the following:
1. Establish the location of all boundary comers and reset any missing comers.
2. Locate all improvements and utilities, as evidenced by above ground features or as marked by the designated utility company
3. Provide data for any possible conflicts with adjacent properties.
1. Obtain spot elevations at 50 foot intervals on natural ground and existing improvements suitable for interpolation of one foot contours
to be shown on the final drawing.
2. Establish a minimum of two (2) site bench marks.
3. Topographic coverage will be limited to the site plus 25 feet.
4. Locate wetlands line as flagged by clients Environmental Consultant if required.
The final product will be six (6) certified copies and an AutoCAD drawing file on disk for your use.
Our fee for the above referenced work is outlined on the attached fee schedule.
We anticipate completion of the above described work within 45 days after receipt of a written notice to proceed. Payment is expected
within thirty (30) days from date of invoice.
We look forward to the opportunity to work with you on this project.
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Gary B. Krick, P.S.M.
PresidentIProject Manager
If the above scope, period of service and method of compensation meets with your approval, please execute below and fax to
Southeastern Surveying & Mapping Corp. as notice to proceed along with the notice of commencement.
Authorized Signature
Printed Name
6500 All American Boulevard, Orlando, Florida 32810 407/292-8580 Fax 407/292-0141 e-mail: infol!llsoutheastemsurvevina.com
1130 Highway 90, Chipley, Florida 32428 850/638-0790 Fax 850/638-8069 e-mail: infol!llsoutheastemsurvevina.com
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March 1, 2005
Mr. J. Antonio Fabre, Senior Planner
Community Development Department
301 Maguire Road
Ocoee, Florida 34761
Ae: Proposal for Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
4+/- Acre Parcel
9969 W. Colonial Drive
Ocoee, Orange County, Florida
PSI Proposal No. PO-663-5E0021
Dear Mr. Fabre:
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to propose our services to you. Professional Service
Industries, Inc. (PSI) is pleased to submit this proposal for performance of a Phase I
Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at the referenced property. Presented below is our
proposed scope of services, schedule and fee information.
The Phase I ESA will be conducted to search for evidence of recognized environmental
conditions in connection with the subject property. PSI proposes to perform the Phase I ESA in
general accordance with ASTM Standard E 1527-00, Standard Practice for Environmental Site
Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. The scope of services
includes the following activities.
. Review of Provided Information
. Environmental Records Review
. Physical Setting
. Historical Use Information
. Site Reconnaissance
. Interviews
It is proposed that the fee for the performance of the outlined services be determined on a lump
sum basis. The total fee for the scope of services outlined above will be $1,500.00. PSI will
proceed with this project upon receipt of written notification to proceed. PSI will perform the
work in accordance with the existing Continuing Service Agreement between the City of Ocoee
and PSI dated January 4, 1994. Upon authorization, PSI proposes to complete the project and
provide a written report to the City of Ocoee within 10 to 12 working days. Verbal results can be
provided within 5 to 7 working days.
Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 1748 33rd Street. Orlando, FL 32839' Phone 407/304-5560' Fax 407/304-5561
FL Engineering BusIness 3684
CITY OF OCOEE Page 2 of 2
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
9969 W.Colonial Drive
PSI Proposal No.PO.669-5E0021
Please call with any questions you may have, or if PSI can be of additional service. We look
forward to working with you on this and future projects.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey M. Martineau, CHMM
Environmental Department Manager
PSI can provide a complete range of Facility Doctor®services in addition to those listed above.
Should this project or future projects require any of the following services PSI would be pleased
to discuss this further with you.
- Environmental Site Assessments - Asbestos/Lead Consulting
- Property Condition Assessments - Facility/Envelope Engineering
- Remediation Plans&Specifications - Roof Inspections& Consulting
- Materials Testing & Engineering - Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Consulting
- Pavement Consulting - GeotechnicaVFoundation Engineering
February 18,2005
J.Antonio Fabre, Senior Planner
City of Ocoee Community Development Department
301 Maguire Road
Ocoee,Fl 34761
Subject: Proposal for Professional Survey Services
9969 W.Colonial Drive Property
Dear Mr.Fabre:
MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (MACTEC) is pleased to submit this proposal to perform
surveying services at the referenced property. These services will include a boundary and topographic
survey of a 4 acre parcel located at 9969 W. Colonial Drive. Below please find a description of our scope
of services and associated fees.
Pursuant to your letter of January 18, 2005, the proposed scope of services for "Quote Number 1" shall
include a boundary survey of the subject land, and"Quote Number 2 shall include a boundary survey and
topographic survey of the same parcel. We understand that a tree survey is not required for either of these
surveys,and the location of underground utilities within the parcel will not be required.
All survey work will be done in accordance with the Minimum Technical Standards for surveys in
Florida,per Chapter 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code,pursuant to Chapter 472,Florida Statutes.
Final deliverables will consist of six (6) signed and sealed drawings for the site as well as a CD-ROM
containing digital drawing files for the site in AutoCAD drawing file format.
Our lump-sum fee to provide these services is $6050.00 for "Quote Number 1" (Boundary Survey) and
$14,035.00 for"Quote Number 2"(Boundary&Topographic Survey).
Our current workload is such that we will deliver final products within 45 days from a written notice to
We appreciate the opportunity to offer our professional services, and look forward to working with you on
this project. If you have any questions concerning this proposal please contact me at your convenience at
407-253-5500 or at cbgardiner@mactec.com.
g. .c....„/
Charles B.Gardiner,P.L.S.. Michael Jones,P.L.S.
Project Manager Principal Surveyor
Attachment: RFP
PM-Ocoee 9969 W Colonial Dr.doc
MACTEC Engineering and Consulting,Inc.
4150 N.John Young Parkway•Orlando,FL 32804-2620
Ii ASS 0 C I ATE 5, INC.
Geotechnical, Environmental & Materials Engineering
Nodarse & Associates, Inc. (N&A) is pleased to provide this proposal to perform a Phase I
Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) ofthe site referenced above. The purpose of this study will be to
provide a professional opinion regarding the possible presence or prior existence of hazardous material or
hazardous waste contamination of soil or groundwater at the site. Inquiries with respect to asbestos, lead
based paint, lead in drinking water, radon, methane and/or wetlands are not included in the proposed
scope of work.
Our method of performing an environmental evaluation of a site consists of two (2) phases. For most
projects, this approach has been found to be both cost-effective and time efficient in meeting the needs of
our clients. Phase I of an environmental assessment involves a review of the Public Record ofthe site
and an on-site reconnaissance directed by a senior-level professional ofN&A. If the Phase I study
reveals that hazardous waste or materials may have been deposited on or near the property, a Phase II
evaluation (including environmental sampling and analytical testing) may be recommended. The extent
and details of a Phase II study cannot be well defined until the Phase I work has been completed. The
work performed in this Phase I study will be done so in accordance with ASTM 1527-00 standards.
Any or all of the following items should be provided by the client prior to the initiation ofthe assessment,
to assist in the completion of the Phase I ESA in a timely and effective manner:
1. Site plan or survey showing subject property boundaries.
2. Legal description of the subject property.
3. Name and phone numberofa key site contact (someone who has a working knowledge of the
uses and physical characteristics of the subject property).
4. Copies of any previous site assessment reports completed for the subject property.
5. A disclosure of any specialized knowledge or experience relating to the subject property.
Information readily available in the Public Record of past or present activities on the site or in the
vicinity of the site that may have resulted in significant contamination of soil or groundwater or
deposition of hazardous waste or hazardous materials will be reviewed.
A site reconnaissance will be performed to look for visual evidence of past or current deposition of
hazardous materials on or adjacent to the site, as well as to further investigate any areas of concern
disclosed by the review of the public record.
Upon completion of our review of the public record and site reconnaissance, N&A will provide you with
a verbal report of our findings and our preliminary recommendations. Assuming that no further work is
recommended or authorized, a written report will be issued documenting our findings.
1675 LEE ROAD. WINTER PARK. FLORIDA 32789. .TELEPHONE 407.740.6110. <fA)( 407.740.6112
, ASS 0 c: I ATE 5, INC:.
Geotechnical, Environmental & Materials Engineering
Nodarse & Associates, Inc. (N&A) proposes to provide the Phase II ESA scope of services for a lump
sum fee of $1,600.00. This cost does not include the expense of a title search if requested. This cost
estimate includes report preparation and six (6) copies of the report addressed and delivered to the
contracted client only, as well as one (1) digital copy of the report. All otherreport copies and letters of
reliance will be invoiced when they are requested at standard time and material rates. Based on our
current schedule of work, we are prepared to initiate this project immediately upon receipt of your
authorization. We anticipate being able to provide a written report of our findings within 21 business
days of written notice to proceed. We note that our ability to complete these services in this anticipated
time frame may be dependent upon the availability of certain maps, title search completion, records and
personnel. If we have difficulties in this regard, we will inform you at the earliest possible time.
1675 LEE ROAD. >WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789. .TELEPHONE 407.740.6110. <FAX 407.740.6112
MAR-04-2005 FRI 05:32 PM Universal
FAX NO. 4074233106
P. 01
March 5. 2004
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Con&alIIIRII in: Geol.Clhnicll Enginetrlng . Envlronl'lllll\lal ScIences
ConsruclioR Mllerilll r..ling · ThrllCllElllllncpeclklll
Privll8 prClllid.r lnlplClialI
City of Ocoee
301 Maguire Road
Oooee. Florida 34761
Dear Mr. Fabre:
Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. (UES) is pleased to submit our proposal to conduct an
environmental site assessment of the subject property. The purpose of the proposed site assessment
is to evaluate current ~tentlal toxic or hazardous chemical exposures associated with the property.
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Attention: J. Antonio Fabre. Senior Planner
Reference: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
4 acre site (9969 W. Colonial Drive)
Oecee, Orange County, Florida
Ues Proposal No. 392317.1
7 ,005
" f"f;i(""
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We understand that the site approximately 4 acres at 9969 W. Colonial drive. Ocoee, Orange County,
Florida. On this basis, we propose to conduct a Phase I Environmental Assessment as outlined on
the attached Environmental Assessment Project Approach. However, if evidence of potential problems
is found, we will call you with a recommendation and cost estimate for a more Intensive assessment.
The Phase I will follow ASTM E 1527-00 and will include: (1) a review of environmental records to
assess past uses and the potential for past on..site hazardous waste disposal; (2) a site
reconnaissance to evaluate existing site conditions; (3)'review ofhistDrical aerial photographs and land
uses; and (4) a written report that documents work performed, the results of the assessment, and our
conclusions and recommendations.
The scope of work does not include an evaluation of asbestos, lead..based paint, radon, wetlands,
environmental compliance, site geoteohnics (soils. foundations, site retention, etc.) or construction
materials testing. Universal Engineering Sciences can provide these additional services, and we would
be pleased to develop an appropriate scope of work and cost estimate for these services. if you wish.
We will complete the investigation within 45 days of authorization to proceed.
3532 Maggie Blvd. · Orlando, FI 32811 · (407) 423-0504 · Fax (407) 423-3106
MAR-04-2005 FRI 05:32 PM Universal
FAX NO. 4074233108
P, 02
City of Ocoee
UES Proposal No. 392317.1
We propose to conduct the Phase I Environmental Assessment in accordance with our General
Conditions for a fee of $1 ,800.00. This fee proposal shall remain effective for sixty (60) days. Should
you require more than sixty (60) days to formally authorize us to proceed, we request that you permit
us to update our proposal to account for any changes in costs. If you would like us to proceed, please
sign both of the enclosed Work AuthorizationlProposal Acceptance Forms and return one copy to UES
for our files'.
This fee estimate includes six (6) copies of the Phase I ESA report, Additional copies can be provided
at a cost of $0.25 per page, $1,00 per plan sheet, or a minimum of $20.00 per report, pius mailing
costs. ' All reports will be shipped via first class mail on project completion. Shipping via overnight
delivery service will be provided at the client's request at cost plus 15%.
To evaluate this site and to provide you with the best product possible, we require the following
information with your authorization to proceed: contact person at your lending institution; present
property owner and a fifty year chain-of-title: legal description of the property; tax map or plot plan;
parcel number; intended use of property; and any special scheduling consideration. If your chain-of-title
is unavailable, and we are unable to adequately evaluate the historical use of the site to an
undeveloped status by the other sources that we reference, we will obtain the chain-of-title from a
subcontractor on a cost plus 15% basis so we may ~eet our schedule without delay.
Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. appreciates this opportunity to offer our services, and we are
looking forward to the assignment Please call if you have any questions.
Respectfully submitted, '
EK;,cmd '
Enclosures: Project Approach
Work Authorization/Proposal Acceptance Form (2)
General Conditions
02-11-'05 16:07 FROM-Weidener Surveying
T-307 P02/11 U-721
11 February 2005
Reply to: Orlando Office
Mr. 1. Antonio Fabre
City of Oeo..
Community Development Department
301 Maguire Road
Ocoee, Florida 34761
Re: 9969 W. Colonial Drive
Orlando, Florida
Scope of Work, Option No.1
WSM Proposal No.: 0-907.A
WeideDer Surveying" Mappmg, PAt (WSM) is most pleased to provide this
proposal for professional services related to the above captioned project. It is our
understanding that the goal of this project is to acquire the property and build a roadway
on the lands. The site may be generally described as wooded and is an irregular shaped
parcel comprising a little over 4 acres.
Kindly note that WSM has considerable experience and significant local
knowledge that may prove invaluable. This includes many such surveys in Omnge
WSM will provide a Boundary Su.-vcy, as required, accurate to State of Florida
Minimum Technical Standards in Chapter 61017-6, Florida Administrative Code.,
Specifically, the work will include the recovery or establishing of all boundary comers.
All above ground visible improvements pertinent to the boundary lines will be located
and shown.
WSM will provide a drawing in ACAD 2005 Version LDD2, delivering six
signed and scaled copies thereof. A digital file will also be provided.
Regarding fcc, WSM will accept 59,200.00, lamp .am, for the work described
above. Invoicing will be promulgated monthlyand/or at substantial completion of the
worle. Invoicing is due upon presentation and in arrears after 30 days.
1041S N.W. 31 Terr.
MI""', FI. 33172
Tel: (305) 599-6381
Faxr (305) 599-2797
4540 SOUChSide BMf., Ste:. 702
Jadcsonvlllc, FL 32216
Tel: (90<4) 998-0111
fox: (904) qw-0333
5019 \lV, Laurel Street
Ttnpa, FI. 33601
tel: (813) m.si91
51992 Edgewatcr Dr.
0rI6nd0, FL 32804
Tel: (407) 426-8339
fIX: (-407) 426-8349
...00 IIIlyou BIvd.,~. 50
Pensacola, FL 3VS03
Tell (8!iO) 484-!t511
Fax: (850)..71-8422
02-11-'05 16:07 FROM-Weidener Surveying
T-307 P03!11 U-721
Should additional services become necessary, same can be provided via a pew
proposal or hourly utilizing the attached rates. Additional services will not be undertaken
without exp(CSs authorization.
WSM can begin work within 10 business days of our receipt of a written
acceptance of this proposal. The work can be completed within 30 business days
following the beginning of work. weather permitting.
Please carefully review the attacl1ed General Terms and ConditiODS and License
Agreement as same contain the basic parameters regarding how WSM approaches the
work. Our proposal is prepared in concert with these parameters and predicated upon the
terms specified.
Should you wish to accept this proposal and authori:zc the work. kindly sign
where indicated below and return one copy to WSM.
We look forward to working with you on this interesting project Should you
have any questions or comments, please contact me directly. If we have not met your
exact needs please advise so we may revise this proposal without delay.
Very troly yours,
William L. Miller, PLS
Regional Director
cc: Maggie Weidcner, PLS
James P. Weidener. PLS
1) General Terms and Conditions
2) License Agreement
3) RAte Schedule
I accept this proposal and authorize the work by evidence of my signature below.
I have received the General Terms and Conditions and License Agreement and agree to
be bound thereby.
1. Antonio Fabre Dale
City of Ocoee Community Development Department
Weidener Surveying Be Mapping ~A.
02-11-'05 16:08 FROM-Weidener Surveying
T-307 P07/11 U-721
11 February 2005
Reply to: Orlando Office
Mr. J. Antonio Fabre
City ofOco..
Commun~ty Development Deparbnent
301 Maguire Road
Ocoe8, Florida 34761
Re: 9969 W. Colonial Drive
Orlando. Florida
Scope of Work, Option No.2
WSMProposal No.; 0-907.B
Wddaer Svveymg & Mappill" P ~ (WSM) is most pleased to provide 1his
proposal for professional services related to the above captioned project. It is our
understanding that the goal of this project is to aCquire the property and build a roadway
on the lands. The site may be generally described as wooded and is 1m irregular shaped
pareel comprising a little over 4 acres.
Kindly note that WSM has considerable experience and significant local
knowledge that may prove invaluable. 'Ihis includes mlmY such surveys in Orange
WSM will provide a BeDelary and Tep0CJ'8phic SUn'ey, as required, accurate
to State of Florida Minimum T ecbnical Standards' in Chapter 61 G 17-6, Florida
Administrative Code. Specifically, the work will include the rc<:overy or establishing of
all boundary corners. All above ground visible improvementS pertinent to the boundary'.
lines will be located and shoWn. A Topographic Survey will also be perfonned that will
provide elevations of all features where pertinent and spot elevations at a maximum of 50
foot interVals. Should wetlands exist, the approximate limits will be shown, however,
WSM docs not dclineatejurisdictionallimits of wetlands.
WSM will provide a drawing in ACAD 2005 Version LDD2, delivering six
signed and sealed copies thereof. A digital file will also be provided.
Regat'diug fee, WSM will accept $21,850.00, lamp sum, for the work described
above. Invoicing will be promulgated monthlyand/or at substantial completion of the
work. InvoicilU! is due upon presentation and in arrears after 30 days.
~ JlcJcsorMl1e
10418 N.W. 31 Terr. 4S40Southsldc 1lIvd., SIC. 102
MIImI, F\. 33172 JaCkSOnYIIe, Ft 32216
leI: (305) 599-6381 Tel; (904) 998.0111
FIX: (305) 599-2797 Fall: (90<4) 998-0333
5019 W. Llu'el Street
Tampa, Fl33607
Tel: (813) _-8291
F'le: (813) 2U-8996
2992 Edgewacer Dr.
Ortondo, R. 32804
Tel: (..07) 426-8339
Faxl (407, 426-8349
4400 Boyou Blvd., Stc. 50
Pensecole, FL 32503
Tel: (850) 484-551'
FIX: (850) 477-8422
02-11-/05 16:08 FROM-Weidener Surveying
T-307 P08/11 U-721
Should additional serviceS become necessary, same can be provided via a new
proposal or hourly utilizing the attached rates. Additional services will not be undertaken
without express authorization.
WSM can begin work within 10 business days of our receipt of a written
acceptance of this proposal. The work can be completed within 30 business days
following the beginning of work, weathcr pcnnitting.
Please carefully review the attached General T crms and Conditions and License
Agreement as same contain the basic parameters regarding how WSM approaches the
work. Our proposal is prepared in concert with these parameters and predicated upon the
tenns specified.
Should you wish to accept this proposal and authorize the work, kindly sign
where indicated below and return one copy to WSM.
We look forward to working with you on this interesting project. Should you
have any questions or comments, please contact me directly. If we have not met your
exact needs please advise so we may revise this proposal without delay.
V cry truly yours.
!-~:f' fi1~ / ep
Regional Direttor
cc: Maggie Weidencr, PLS
James P. Weidener, PLS
1) General Terms and Conditions
2) License Agreement
3) Rate Schedule
I accept this proposal and authorize the work by evidence of my signature below.
I have received the General Terms and Conditions and License Agreement and agree to
be boUDd thereby.
J. Antonio Fabre Date
City of Ocoe. Community Development Department
Weidener SUlVeying 8c Mapping PA