HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 17 Retaining of Special Legal Counsel for State Road 50 Community Redevelopment Agency Matters
Meeting Date: March 15,2005
Item #
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
Paul E. Rosenthal,
City Attorney
407 -244-3248
Reviewed By:
Department Director:
City Manager:
Paul E. Rosenthal,
Ci: Attomey
Subject: Retaining of Special Legal Counsel for State Road 50 Community Redevelopment
Ageney Matters
Background Summary:
The City has retained HHI to provide services in connection with the establishment of the proposed SR
50 Community Redevelopment Agency. The Cardwell Law Firm, which has recognized expertise in
community redevelopment matten, is part of the HIll team. The City Attorney and City Manager
have concluded that it would be in the best interests of the City to have David Cardwell of the Cardwell
Law Firm serve as special counsel to assist the City in matten related to the proposed CRA. Mr.
Cardwell's hourly rate is $200. Associates in his finn would be billed at $175/hour.
Should the City Commission retain The Cardwell Law Firm as special counsel to the City on matters
related to the proposed SR 50 Community Redevelopment Agency? . . .
The City Attorney recommends that the City Commission retain The Cardwell Law Firm as special
counsel to the City on matten related to the proposed SR 50 Community Redevelopment Agency and
authorize execution of an engagement agreement by the City Manager.
Draft of Engagement Letter
Financial Impact:
Additional expenses will be incurred by the City for legal services associated with the fonnation of the
SR 50 Community Redevelopment Agency.
Type of Item:
o Public Hearing
o Ordinance First Reading
o Ordinance First Reading
o Resolution
xxO Commission Approval
o Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's DeDt Use:
o Consent Agenda
o Public Hearing
o Regular Agenda
o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney Paul E. Rosenthal
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by ( )
o N/A
o N/A
The Honorable Mayor and City Connnissioners
Paul E. Rosenthal, Esq., City Attorney
March 7,2005
Retaining of Special Legal Counsel for State Road 50 Connnunity
Redevelopment Agency Matters
Staff Reggr!
ISSUE: Should the City Connnission retain The Cardwell Law Firm as special counsel to the City on matters
related to the proposed SR 50 Community Redevelopment Agency? . .
The City has retained HHI to provide services in connection with the establishment of the proposed SR 50
Community Redevelopment Agency. The Cardwell Law Firm, which has recognized expertise in community
redevelopment matters, is part of the mn team However, the scope of services between Mr. Cardwell and
.HHI is limited. The City Attorney and staff would like to expand the scope of Mr. Cardwell's representation
and allow for a direct relationship with the City as the client, rather than as a subcontractor ofHlll.
The retaining of David Cardwell would compliment the legal services provided by the City Attorney in
connection with the CRA. The addition of Mr. Cardwell to our team would allow the City to more effectively
negotiate necessary agreements with Orange County and with developers who may wish to enter into
redevelopment agreements with the City. The City Attorney and City Manager have concluded that it would
be in the best interests of the City to have David Cardwell of The Cardwell Law Firm serve as special counsel
to assist the City in matters related to the proposed CRA. Mr. Cardwell's hourly rate is $200. Associates in his
firm would be billed at $175/hour. Mr. Cardwell is currently serving as special counsel to the City of Maitland
in connection with its CRA
~ ~,e.AtY')" of
March 6, 2005
Paul Rosenthal
Foley & Lardner
City of Ocoee; Community Redevelopment; Speci
sel Services
Dear Paul:
This letter follows up on our recent telephont\..CI
Hall on March 1 st regarding the City of Ocoee (the "€hy") re
"Firm") to advise the City with respect to th ise 0
within the community redevelopment area in th s
Statutes (the "Redevelopment Act").
discussion at City
I Law Firm (the
. t powers
63, Florida
ed pursuant to this engagement
ments of the Redevelopment
h property owners and
questeq'il your or your designee,
intent, development agreements
s of representatives of the City,
elopers; when requested by the you or your
r public bodies; and (vi) responding to
application of the Redevelopment Act and
with you and will be undertaken only when
of our serv
gm upon
ill be d,inated with you as the City\ Attorney and any other
e City>e:g., the City Manager. Our representation of the City on
approval of these terms of engagement.
The purp.~t this~'fter is to set forth the terms of our engagement as special legal
counsel and to provig~ .you certain information concerning our fees, billing and collection
policies, and other tefln~!inat will govern our relationship. Although we do not wish to be overly
formal in our relationship with you, we have found it a helpful practice to confirm with our
clients the nature and terms of our representation. Attached to this letter are the Firm's standard
terms of engagement. Please review these and let me know if you have any questions
concerning our policies.
Our fees for handling this matter will be based on customarily assigned hourly billing
rates to the attorneys, legal assistants or other professionals working on this matter from time to
Paul E. Rosenthal
March 6, 2005
Page 2
time. I will be primarily handling this matter and my current hourly billing rate is $200. Should
other attorneys associated with the Firm be needed, then I will so recommend that they be
included at their billing rate of $175 per hour.
Any costs (e.g., travel, long distance telephone, copying) incurred by the Firm in the
course of this engagement will be billed in addition to our fees. 0 . ings for this matter will
be submitted to you shortly after the end of each calendar month s provided and costs
incurred during the preceding month. If you would prefer so form d timing of billing,
please let me know. Any travel costs will be billed in a ith the limits set forth in
Section 112.061(6), Florida Statutes, or such other limits he City.
If the terms described above and in the att
you and the City, please so indicate by having t
the City and return a copy of this letter to me.
We look forward to working with you.
e satisfactory to
re~lfntative of
We appreciate your decision to retain The Cardwell Law Firm as your legal
counsel. This document explains how we work, our obligations to you, your obligations to us,
what we will do on your behalf, and how our charges will be determined and billed. Experience
has shown that an understanding of these matters will contribute to a better relationship between
us, and that in turn makes our efforts more productive.
Our engagement and the services that we will pro you are limited to the
matter identified in the accompanying letter. Any changes in e Qur representation as
described in the letter must be approved in writing. We wi services of a strictly legal
nature related to the matters described in that letter. ide us with the factual
information and materials we require to perform the se~it ~~tifie tl:11!t e letter, and you will
make such business or technical decisions and dete[.t'Jl'rt~H 1ts are apff iate. You will not
rely on us for business, investment, or accoun . decisions, or expect investigate the
character or credit of persons or entities wi yo ay be dealing, g,.lotherwise
specified in the letter.
representation, several
n which we represent a
In addition to legal fees, our statements will include
out-of-poc hav advanced on your behalf and our internal charges (which
may exceed allocated overhead expenses) for certain support activities.
Advanced expen will include such items as travel, postage, filing, recording,
certification, and r fees charged by governmental bodies. Our internal charges
typically include suc' ms as toll calls, facsimile transmissions, overnight courier services,
certain charges for te inal time for computer research and complex document production, and
charges for photocopying materials sent to the client or third parties or required for our use. We
may request an advance cost deposit when we expect that we will be required to incur substantial
costs on behalf of the client.
We outsource to a printing/coping firm (e.g., Kinkos) for printing or copying of
documents that exceed 50 pages in length. We will bill you the actual cost charged by that firm
for those print or copy jobs.
Terms of Engagement
Page 2
During the course of our representation, it may be appropriate to hire third parties
to provide services on your behalf. These services may include such things as consulting or
testifying experts, investigators, providers of computerized support, and court reporters. Because
of the legal "work product" protection afforded to services that an attorney requests from third
parties, in certain situations our firm may assume responsibility for retaining the appropriate
service providers. Even if we do so, however, you will be responsible for paying all fees and
expenses directly to the service providers or reimbursing us for these <::;~penses.
Billing. We bill periodically throughout the en
and our periodic statements are due when rendered. If 0
amount of our time devoted to the matter, our statemen
statements contain a concise summary of each matter fOf
fee is charged.i~
a particular matter,
are ba d primarily on the
:rendered monthly. Our
. ces are rendered and a
Regardless of the actual time sp~
any service is 6 minutes or 1/10 of an hdttr
communication is now b e-mail, we bill for e-mail m
do not bill for e-mail messages that are solely inquin
Also recognizing the significant use . cemail messag
voice messages received or left by us.
time for
ey client
. ed or sent if stantive. We
a us, availability or scheduling.
also bill for lengthy substantive
r, we reserve the right to
paid within 30 days from the
percent per month (a 15 percent
e date he statement until it is paid in full.
on an individual statement basis. Any
,e apf)lie to the oldest outstanding statement. We
e~tlOn activities are necessary.
customary fo
formats we have
We invite you to discuss freely with us any questions
any matter. We want our clients to be satisfied with
es and, e reasonableness of the fees that we charge for those
rovid€ as much billing information as you require and in such
t you des , and are willing to discuss with you any of the various billing
able th~~!best suits your needs.
Relationships with Other Clients
During the term of this engagement, we agree that we will not accept
representation of another client to pursue interests that are directly adverse to your interests
unless and until we make full disclosure to you of all the relevant facts, circumstances, and
implications of our undertaking the two representations, and confirm to you in good faith that we
have done so and that the following criteria are met: (i) there is no substantial relationship
between any matter in which we are representing or have represented you and the matter for the
other client; (ii) any confidential information that we have received from you will not be
available to the lawyers and other The Cardwell Law Firm personnel involved in the
Terms of Engagement
Page 3
representation of the other client; (iii) our effective representation of you and the discharge of
our professional responsibilities to you will not be prejudiced by our representation of the other
client; and (iv) the other client has also consented in writing based on our full disclosure of the
relevant facts, circumstances, and implications of our undertaking the two representations. If the
foregoing conditions are satisfied, you agree that we may undertake the adverse representation
and that all conflict issues will be deemed to have been resolved or waived by you.
representation a , or upon
spip will end uW s you and we
atf~rs. We hope, of course, that
able at will by either of us. The
. on to pay fees and expenses
By making this agreement, we are establishing th
exercise of your right under applicable ethical rules to object
client whose interests are adverse to yours. If you contest in
confirmation to you that the specified criteria have been
reasonably supporting those facts.
Upon completion of the matt
earlier termination of our relationship, the attorney-c
have expressly agreed to a continuation with respect to
such a continuation will be the case. epresentation is t
termination of the representation will inate your 0
incurred prior to the termination.
terms and conditi
resolve any differences
is engagement consti s your acceptance of the foregoing
is unacceptable to you, please advise us now so that we can
c , c~.fjlete, and consistent understanding of our