HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06 Consideration of Change Order #1, Bid #B05-05 for $2,710.50 to American Compliance Technologies, Inc. for Fuel Station center of Good LI .'~ OC~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: April 19, 2005 Item # {, Contact Name: Contact Number: Bob Zaitooni 6002 Reviewed By: ~ Department Director: # City Manager: ~ , ---..... Subject: Change Order #1, Bid #B05-05, Fuel Station Background Summary: Staff solicited a cost proposal from the selected City vendor, American Compliance Technologies, Inc., to change the proposed attached fill port for the new fuel tanks to 2 indep~ndent remote fill ports. This change is for simplifying the filling process and increased safety of the system. The cost of this change is $2,710.50 as outlines on the attached cost proposal. Issue: Change Order # 1 - Change from attached fill port to 2 remote fill ports. Recommendations City Commission to approve Change Order #1 for $2,710.50. Attachments: Cost Proposal, Changer Order Form Financial Impact: City had budgeted $75,000 for the new fuel station in FY 04-05. The lowest bid for the construction was $65,000 already approved and awarded by the City Commission American Compliance Technologies. The total of this Change Order ($2,710.50) and other changes ($4,815.00 if approved) for the transfer of the fuel monitoring system will remain below the budgeted amount. Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution o Commission Approval o Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deaf Use: (8:J Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Regular Agenda i:8J Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk D Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) IZI N/A D N/A D N/A C.enter of Gooclll .....l~ q~. Commissioners Dannv Howell. District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rustv Johnson. District 3 Nancv J. Parker. District 4 Mavor S. Scott Vanderln'ift Citv Manager Robert Frank STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mavor and City Commissioners FROM: Bob Zaitooni, Director of Public Works DATE: April 11, 2005 RE: Change Order #1, Bid #B05-05, Fuel Station ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve Change Order #1 for $2,710.50 to American Compliance Technologies, Inc. for the change from an attached fill port to 2 remote fill ports? BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION Staff solicited a cost proposal from the selected City vendor, American Compliance Technologies, Inc., to change the proposed attached fill port for the new fuel tanks to 2 independent remote fill ports. This change is for simplifying the filling process and increased safety of the system. The cost of this change is $2,710.50 as outlines on the attached cost proposal. City had budgeted $75,000 for the new fuel station in FY 04-05. The lowest bid for the construction was $65,000 already approved and awarded by the City Commission American Compliance Technologies. The total of this Change Order ($2,710.50) and other changes ($4,815.00 if approved) for the transfer of the fuel monitoring system will remain below the budgeted amount. RECOMMENDATION Staff respectfully requests that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission to approve Change Order #1 to American Compliance Technologies, Inc.; and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Change Order. Bid No. BOS-05, Fuel Storage & Pump Station Change Order #1 - Addition of the remote fill ports Original Bid: Total Change: Total Bid to-date: $64,975.00 $ 2.710.50 $67,685.50 All work shall be per terms and specificatic)ns provided in Bid #D0S-05 with no additional time extension. ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY This day of , 2005 APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING BELDON ,2005 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY & LARDNER LLP By: City Attorney e3/1B/2ee5 11:32 B635341133 ACT ENVIRCNo1ENTAL PAGE e2/64 ACT PROJECT 7685.01 CONTRACT NO. PO 1415900 1'1tO.JECT: City ofQf;o~ Public Work$ Facility IN"'t) TO OWNER I CONSVLTJ.\NT: Mr. Terry Rced 301 MlllUirc Road Ocoee, Florida (........) (Cift, 51MC,~) (Clcy. Stale. Z;,.) (PIo-> 0:..) 407.905.3100 (-) 407-905-3] 76 (fAIl ne clllltftet is lIcreby .-r.... u4 ...... oM folic...: CHANGE ORDER NO ONE ITEM DESCRIPTION: DATE: 03-18-05 Removal of attaccd fill port trom W1Ic: to two independent remote fill pons. The attached fill port design ~entS a problem with elevation and access for S<ltVi~ing. Additionally the pokntial for cross contamination. of fuels is possible when servicing as a result of both hose connec;tions being located within the same servicing sump box. To remedy this, ir is recommended to provide a seperare remote fill station for each fuel type. This will provide fur better accessibility, product isolanon. waste segregation, and spill control. COSts of remote fill units include primiDi and umhanc paint to matCh tank. ADDmONAL COST: (2) EACH HNCH REMOTE CONTAINMENT Fn.L BOX (2)EACH INSTALLATION WITH FlTI1NOS I ATTACHMENTS 5935.00 $670.25 $1,870.00 $1,340.SO CREDITS: A1l'ACHED FfLL BOX -$500.00 . TOTAL ADDITONAL: $2, 710.50 It is mU1U~ acrc:e4 that 1M contract price is INCREASED n 710.50 payable/deductible immedlaely upon completicm of the work called for in this order-. As a result of this change order. the time (or completion of tbe above-mentioned contract is hereby eXtended by an additional 2 days. ~~.s change =I:.incorporared into and governed by the above mc:1Jtioncd contrllCf and is . ...r;--~ _ ~..oo T.......... lolL) (000.-1 "Ill...,..., AIIMI) 03/18/2005 11:32 8635341133 ACT ENVl R(J\/Mt:,N I AL r-1-l\X. V'f'V" TANK ELECTRICAL CONDUIT PLAN o EXISDNG ElECTRICAL PANEL PROVIDE 121 3(4 -INCH CONDUIT . . . . . . . . : .. o ( , . L I ) 0 D1mL ~~R _ o ( D I\lACIC svsm" J e[r o C I I GA$Cl\.iNE llISI'INSEIl )0 )0 . : 0 :~ :l! :,: ~ : : 8 o C '-- ~.............. .................~ - ~............................................: CONCRETE TANK PAD' L~ ~ PAD AREA CONDUIT DETAIL, - DETAIL -q, P\IIolP CONIliOI. "., I'\.I'o1p COMllCl PO<to -\0 ...- t - ( .-.... ...." -- lII'Ol.Y ,. PROVIDE (2] 314 . INCH CONDUIT NOTE: - Electrlcol to be installed pel NEe - 70 Qnd NFPA requirements for Flammable ond Combustible liquids. Closs 1, Division 2. Tank PlXYlpei ore rated for 1/3 HP @ 208 - 230 volt. I ~ ~ . . j t I') I') of of :r I') n I') I:) 0 .~ ..., .. .... 2 .... n. 5) 5) :'-l ..... :0 .... ..... ...., S) TANK 6" -- 4" '-- ~ ., 18" TYPICAL CONCRETE PAD FOR AST INSTAlLATION :c: ( PAD lENG1H = 34' - 0. J I.. ( TANK lENG1H "" 31' - 2") J 1_ ~ . .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. , ........ .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. p .. .. .. . .. .. ~ .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .... .. .. .. . .. .. . ~ .. .. . .... . .. .. ~ . .. .. .. .. . ~ .. .. . .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .... .. . .... .. . . .. . .. 11""""1 ..... ...~. _. . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "I' . . . -- - .. " . ------ . I . - ---- . .... . -- - . . . - 14' . . " . . . .-- . . . . . . . .. . r. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . - - . .,~ l.;f Ia. . . . . . . ...... .... . .. '" o o~ .. 48" o o o o .. .. lYPICAl.. REMOTE FILL o .. o 48" :. 314~ ~ · ': \.J./'" · · · · · .. ~ ' · ~~. /1 ~.. ~: ~ ' .,: :. ~ ~ 18" : NOlE: 24" . Concrete pod to be 3500 psi. #3 rebel grid 12.lnch oe. Suspend and suppolt at 1.5-lnch 'rom bottom and outside fotm. Foofel placement centered on tonic cradles. Bollards to be 6.lnch schedule 4Ocorbon steel. 72-lnch length. conclete filled. Inset 24.lnch bls. concrete placed for 1 a-Inch peJlme1er with 6.lnch base. DISClAIMER: ThiS is a ooncep1 desJon 10 em!;! in the engineering 000 developmenT or a $Uiloble pad lor &lJPport~ on abOvegrourd storage 101\\ os. dimensioned. Sullob~ ~\JSlments should be made baSed upon sound engineering practi.oe ord the loCaUon oIl1'le pod. No ~obilily 6 assumed for thiS concept or deslQl). . .. o o o o I t 6" 118"