HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-05-2018 Minutes A. FIFTY
ocoee WEST
Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive
September 5,2018 MINUTES 6:00 p.m.
I. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum (6:02 p.m.)
CRA Chair Wilsen called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 6:02 p.m.
in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Deputy City Clerk Heard called roll and declared a
quorum present.
Roll Call: Chair Wilsen, Vice-Chair Grogan, Member Johnson, Member Firstner, Member
Oliver, Member Duncan, and Member June
Also Present: City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, Assistant City Attorney
Crosby-Collier, and Deputy City Clerk Heard
II. Public Comments -None
III. Approval of Minutes of the April 12,2018,Regular CRA Board Meeting (6:03 p.m.)
Vice-Chair Grogan, seconded by Member Johnson, moved to approve the CRA
minutes of the Meeting on April 12, 2018, as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
Assistant City Manager Shadrix announced the City has officially hired Ginger Corless, AICP,
CPRP, as the Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator. He informed them
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless will be presenting the bulk
of the meeting tonight; and further, informed them that she prepared the original Downtown
Masterplan for the City and carries a tremendous amount of experience and expertise within the
planning and design field.
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IV. Fourth Amendment to Development and Economic Incentive Agreement—City
Center West Orange Phase 1
Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier announced this is an informational item only and will
be before the City Commission soon. She indicated the reason for this Fourth Amendment is to
extend dates for the following: Building plan review discount, transportation impact fee credits,
parks and recreation impact fee credits, acdeptance by the City for certain public roads and the
pond. The new expiration date is September 18, 2019.
Assistant City Manager Shadrix explained the City hired Economist Steve McDonald with
GAI Consultants who performed an analysis which indicated this extension would not affect the
City, which is why City staff will be recommending approval when it goes before the City
Chair Wilsen asked whether a consensus of the board is warranted. Assistant City Attorney
Crosby-Collier answered a consensus is not needed.
Chair Wilsen asked the board if anyone had any questions, which no questions were asked. She
further asked the board if anyone was not in agreement with this extension to which no one
indicated they were.
V. Update on Existing Projects (6:09p.m.)
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained the packets
placed in front of them. She announced the City has submitted the 2016/2017 Annual CRA
Report to the Florida Redevelopment Association (FRA) for an award, which they will hear back
in approximately two weeks. She invited the members and community to visit the new CRA
office, which is located within City Hall on the first floor. The CRA continues to brand their new
name and logo, and a new stationery package has been completed.
She updated the board indicating the landscape enhancement on Old Winter Garden Road is now
complete and looks great. The South Blackwood Refresh will be starting soon as well as the Old
Winter Garden Road Beautification Phase 2 (S. Blackwood Ave. to Hempel Ave.). The
streetscape designs will be done in-house by Urban Designer Peter Kisicki who is a landscape
She indicated the South Bluford Corridor Plan is moving forward, which is a very important
study for the CRA as well as the City as a whole. This study will analyze the connectivity
between people, bikes and cars along with looking at the aesthetics, utilities and functionality.
This Study will also address the transition from the downtown to the CRA District. The North
Blackwood Avenue Streetscape project is currently with the engineers and the conceptual plan
should be available in November with 60 percent of the documents finalized.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless was very excited to
announce the FDOT landscaping grant for $775,000 over a two-year fiscal period has been
approved. This grant is for landscaping the SR 50 medians from SR 429 to Good Homes Road
with landscaping installation scheduled approximately March of 2019. She updated the board
regarding Fifty West Wellness Park, which will be a half-mile walking trail with workout
stations and will be located in between South Bluford Avenue and Ocoee Commerce Parkway.
As connectivity is especially important with parks, the CRA is considering incorporating the
ponds by the police station and Old Winter Garden Road. There were no questions by board
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VI. Proposed FY 2018-2019 Budget(6:I8 p.m.)
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained the FY
2018/2019 budget is $2,738,448, which is a 114 percent increase over last year. This increase is
due to the receipt of $1,105,406 for the Maguire Property Settlement and cash carried forward
from FY 2017/218 budget. The estimated revenues total $2,738,448; and because of increased
property values and new businesses, there is an 88.8 percent increase in the City and County
increment. She further explained the estimated expenditures for FY 2018/2019 total $2,738,448.
She highlighted Capital Expenditures, which entails on-going projects from FY 2017/2018 and
new projects and advised the board of a new line item entitled "Land Acquisition/Incentive
Programs," which represents the CRA's interests to find opportunities within the redevelopment
district for acquisition and opportunities for public private partnerships. The CRA also wants to
research incentives and grant programs for developers, business owners as well as tenants within
the district.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless followed up by stating
in November they will be bringing forth a new grant program for the board's review and
approval. She asked the Board if they have any comments and/or questions.
Member Oliver inquired about the marketing plan to promote Fifty West. Deputy
Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained staff will be
discussing at a future meeting with this board a tiered approach of how they will be marketing
and reaching out to current businesses and property owners within the district; and further, staff
will be seeking recommendations from this board on marketing and communicating to potential
developers to bring their businesses into the CRA District.
Chair Wilsen inquired if any board members have any questions and/or concerns, which none
were made.
Assistant City Attorney Crosby-Collier read the title of the resolution.
Vice-Chair Groqan, seconded by Member Oliver, moved to adopt CRA Resolution
No. 2018-001 adopting the CRA Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. Motion carried
Member June inquired if there is a long-range financial plan in conjunction with their CRA
budget. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained when
the CRA was established in 2006, a 30-Year CRA Plan was put in place as well. The CRA
Target Areas Special Development Plan was formed in 2010, which established even more
defined specified plans and goals. She stated she has already gone back and reviewed the 2006
plan; and further, over the next year staff will be looking at refining the plan, because according
to State Statute, the CRA has to show that everything they are working on correlates to a goal,
project or policy that was identified in the 2006 CRA Plan. She further explained that the
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majority of CRAs do not see any increment until their 10th year to which this CRA is currently
in their 12th year.
Chair Wilsen mentioned the 30-Year CRA Plan will be very interesting for this board to see,
because most of this board was not around then. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA
Administrator Corless said she will send the board a link to the plan, because it is their
responsibility to validate that staff is staying on course.
VII. Set FY 2018/2019 CRA Board Meeting Dates (6:29 p.m)
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced the CRA is
changing to a fiscal year calendar and asked the board to pick their meeting dates for Fiscal Year
2018/2019. She informed the board that it is required to have at least four (4) meetings per fiscal
Chair Wilsen asked every member their preference on future meeting dates. Member June
mentioned he has a conflict with Tuesday, February 19, 2019.
Member Johnson, seconded by Vice-Chair Grogan, moved to schedule the Fiscal
Year 2018/2019 meeting dates to the first Tuesdays before the City Commission
meetings; November 20, 2018; February 5, 2019; May 7, 2019 and September 17,
2019. Motion carried 7-0.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless advised each board
member will be receiving a complete packet before each meeting; and further, if they have any
questions and/or concerns, please speak with her prior to the meeting.
VIII.Board Member Comments
Vice-Chair Grogan shared he has been present since the beginning, and he is very excited to
start to see this area change along with the revitalization of the downtown.
Member Duncan shared that he thinks the medians along Old Winter Garden Road look
fantastic. He has heard a lot of great comments about them from Health Central.
Member Johnson advised Member June of how he may be able to calculate future cost
estimates of projects.
Member June clarified that because this board makes decisions, he wants to make sure that the
game plan will be followed through and executed, but he understands the game plan will be
modified as they continue to meet.
Member Johnson shared he believes the landscaping on Old Winter Garden Road is looking
really nice and will come together very well when it continues down Hempel Avenue.
Member Firstner stated everything looks good, but he is concerned with the pond at the future
Wellness Park site and whether it will be incorporated into the park and who will be maintaining
it. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless informed the board
an amenity within a city park utilizes a management plan along with a design package. Staff will
be modifying the pond drainage plans; and further, the environmental components and how the
City manages it will be included in the planning package.
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Member Oliver announced he thinks everything looks really great. He stated educating the
public about the CRA and their projects is very important to him.
Member June announced that the Health Central Hospital Board is very appreciative of the new
Chair Wilsen shared she is very pleased with Health Central's new University of Florida Health
Cancer Center located within the CRA, which will allow the CRA to prosper, and it is a
wonderful advantage for local residents.
Member Duncan announced the skilled nursing facility will be opening in mid to late February;
and further, stated the hospital will be improving their entryways into the new cancer center to
tie in with the new landscaping that the CRA installed.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
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