HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06 Approval of FY 2005-06 Resurfacing Projects a ~C;g,t8': AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: November 15,2005 Lo Item # ~~ Contact Name: Contact Number: Bob Zaitooni 6002 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: FY 2005-06 Resurfacing Projects Background Summary: City's fiscal year 2005-06 budget contains a list of resurfacing projects for implementation. In addition, staff will be adding several miscellaneous projects to be scheduled for completion. For efficiency reasons, staff will be using (piggyback) the Seminole County Annual Bid A/B-378-99/GMG with the Orlando Paving Company, Inc. Issue: Approve use of (piggyback) of Seminole County Annual Bid A/B-378-99/GMG with the Orlando Paving Company. Recommendations Staff is requesting City Commission to (1) approve use of Seminole County Annual Bid AIB-378-99/GMG, and (2) authorize staff to issue a purchase order to OPC for $300,500. Attachments: Estimates from Orlando Paving Company. Financial Impact: Fiscal year 2005-06 budget contains the funds for the listed projects. Type of Item: D Public Hearing D Ordinance First Reading D Ordinance First Reading D Resolution D Commission Approval D Discussion & Direction For Clem's Deof Use: [8J Consent Agenda D Public Hearing D Regular Agenda D Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk D Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) ~.Jf (3 r:r IZI N/A D N/A D N/A center of GOOd Li ....~e... . ..t-~ ~ Commissioners Gary Hood. District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Nancy J. Parker. District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vander!!:rift City Mana!!:er Robert Frank STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Bob Zaitooni, Director of Public Works DATE: November 4, 2005 RE: FY 05-06 Resurfacing Projects ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve use of (piggyback) Seminole County Contract A/B-378-99/GMG and authorize staff to issue a purchase order to Orlando Paving Company for $300,500? BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION The fiscal year 2005-06 budget contains resurfacing projects: . Lyle Street - remaining dirt portion . Mobile Lane and Security Circle - entire length . Charleon Drive - entire length . Hill Avenue - Center Street to Silver Star Road . West Avenue - Center Street to Silver Star Road . Ohio Street - Bluford Avenue to Bay Street . Adair Street - Wurst road to end . Russell - Flewelling to RR track . City Hall/Community Center parking lots In addition to the above budgeted projects, the following unscheduled miscellaneous projects will added: . Hackney-Prairie Park parking lot (Park Impact Fee Funds) . Three (3) miscellaneous large area maintenance patching (from Streets road repair line 5313) . Two (2) speed tables on Montgomery Avenue (1 reimbursable by developer) Table below contains the budgets and estimated contractual costs. The final figures may vary based on the actual tonnage used upon completion of the work. Any final adjustments will be presented to the City Commission for approval at a future meeting. Fiscal Year 2005-06 Resurfacing projects Project Work Description Budgeted Estimated Comments Amount Cost Lyle Street Pave existing dirt portion $8,000 $5,500 Mobile Lane & Security Circle Mill & resurface $50,000 $38,000 Charleon Drive Remove cone. pavement, $45,000 $59,000 add base, grade. and pave Hill A venue Resurface $11,000 $9,700 West A venue Resurface $13,000 $8,700 Ohio Street Resurface $25,000 $10,400 Adair Street Selective base repair & $92,000 $48,000 resurface Russell Drive Resurface $11,000 $6,300 City Hall/Community Center Resurface $35,000 $42,200 Parking Blackwood Avenue (1/2) Mill & resurface 0 $27,000 roadway) Miscellaneous patch works (3) Mill & resurface large area $7,200 $7,200 From road repair account patches on Montgomery, 541-10-5313 Olympus, sterling Lake, and Northern Durango Montgomery A venue Speed Construct 2 speed tables 0 $4,100 $2,050 to be reimbursed by Tables developer Striping (temporary & All projects 0 $25,000 permanent) Parking lot at Hackney-Prairie Fine grade and pave $10,000 $9,400 From Park Impact Fee Funds Park Grand Total $307,200.00 $300,500.00 Staff recommends award of $300,500 to Orlando Paving Company for fiscal year 2005-06 and miscellaneous other projects as listed. RECOMMENDATION Staff respectfully requests the City Commission to (1) approve use of (piggyback) of Seminole County Annual Bid A/B-378-99/GMG with Orlando Paving Company and (2) award authorize staff to issue a purchase order to Orlando Paving Company for the amount of $300,500. ORLANDO PAVING II 4075785251 01/20/05 08:39 [jl :02/04 NO:4:>Y DEPARTMENT Of FISCAL SERVICES PURCHASING AND CONTtlACT.~ DIVISION February 10.2004 Mr. Jerry Denham Yo' . '-5!:.> Orlando Paving Company // 2451 Regent Avenue V Orlando, Florida 32804 RECEIVED FED t 1 2004 Orlando Paving Co. C. c. - u)1f"ue E-V/1)J 5 Subject: Notice of Renewa' for A/B-37.....IGMG - Tenn Contract for Hot and Cold A.phaltlc Cone,." Desr Mr. Denham: Tl1is notice shall serve as authorization to extend the above agreement through March 6. 2005, as approved by the Board of County Commissioners at their regularly scheduled meeting of February 10, 2004. The renewal period from March 7. 2004 through March 6. 2005 was approved with a not-to-exceed amount of $3,500.000.00 per year and in accordance to the price schedule established in the contract and as amended thereafter. Authorization for performance ot professional services by the Contractor under this agreement shalt be in the form of written Release Orders issued and executed by the County on an as needed basis. Appropriate County Departments and Divisions will be notified of this extension. Thank you for your interest in doing business with Seminole County. . PPB upervisor cc: Road8lStormwater Division County Attorney's Office Finance Department 1101 f.AST FilST STlrH SANJ-oIO H :U"H41.8 TEUPHONl (407) (oM.'I'.. fAX 1411n Wl5.79Sfo http://w_.co..minole.R.ul/butinftv/llurt:II.liinll L \( , :il :ii ::a c0JiJ::l !!EnUflD\! 1'- .-_ U (cl ~c:~U= C > ~n\" D~im =:d\ c ~ ~\ ( l ~ ~I C ;j a: <n -:' - u; ~Il ~ -"I L !!l :<1' > ,..lJ -I I "'::: <( .-1 L. z ~l 8 S~~~I I 0 ~i~E-"~T~ 1c:J[J< .\ . <t\ ~KPJlr;:\Ns.r-.l -..J I : == ~T ~L I Z ..." =f[w:" ".. fE ='ANKI..:: - .:,v'O"';K' 'N 5T~'-J-' ~ ~~ 0 ice H,Q. -,.,>./o~ ~l _ \ ~ :..- . '77. Z ltl ;.., :-,..;..-;:. -,' 90' :::\'s'tano[ll~ : U.~,;. : cO IF l'iAl<l MlO >-V \ ~ - II '0 . '17/-', 8\ \?'l \\, II I~ \\~ --2L~'~( ~\1' ID:[~QII~\ ,~ >l~' ~<I" >La <(~~~ ~ ~lum~~~~ \ ' G EEMS ~~ i 'IIGHIOST 'r ~ 1 "" ?' -----, II i CElA'IIftRE ST "r,c, , EST I - r" i lJfIJ\=l\ ~EEES __ 16TH AV 17TH AV < or STARKE LAKE ~ ' , InAK'Nnnn 1 ~1r;;~ I~l ~ \ ' c;k~nonlN }c=J\~ I~DR ~ I ,'^ l APRICQIOE! QI ~~~~i5 " ~:I I ~ Joe- t\LJ '~~!Idl~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ S~~\ \I~g;/> ~ /~ ~ ~ I Y t;j \t1 ~ ~~(i:, 1 ( , :tr~~-?o anLJ~nLJ3D~ ~ 'J ~Ak~:~~~~~\\GEOR . ~ 'i 'I; C"EJ'" CT r q 5j\ '=:0 ~::: I ~'\='I I' ,. U--2l i \ I '^ I ~ '(:<ir ~? ';j"--Gl1 '" \~I~ g \~~"'-..J1UW,~ ~ 't --""':"':::C 1\>= , ORNttO\ CT J.~ 1\5 "l O'b:l~R ~.: ~1J. (;~O\r"'~ \\ Wr q, ! ~ LAKE Ol YAfP/A ~~'.oJ 1 ~ IV ! We I '.\ I '(0 OY~(:" , \\~ ~~1 L~'\ac~l r\ r~~~J"~1-81~P~~ ~\I. ~ kL~\ ~ ~ [5 01 EtA ~HCREGi\u\J~ ~ a ~~ ___._....._............ i:.:-- 4.. _ _.______.____._. ___.__ ___.h_____________.__....____..._. . Adjacent Page; Location Map I :J ~; 2 I 4 5 N ~; I " 7 3 .~:r.~~" i ~y City of Ocoe-= Geagr2.phic Ir.fcrmanon Sj::::rn SOil I) ~oo 1000 feel ~~-_.~ Map Sheet Proauction Date: Januar/ 200J Produced by the City of CecOI! Community OI'J....elcoment Dept. in collabaralian with the FirPo and ?-::Jice C~Ol.s. 5 ORLANDO PAVING tit 4075785251 11/04/05 12:55 I5l :01/02 NO:120 05-757 ORLANDO PAVING COMPANY Q!!t!~J'u; POBOX 5471811 ORLANDO, Fl. 318~ (~Otlt.c:': ALBERT A AJlJIBAV Phone: 407.578.9779 ~XT 13$ FaI: 407-578-5251 CJlY OF OCOEF. 1;0 N I.AKF.SHORE Dk OCOEP., FL 34761 407-905-3100 407-905-3176 HtJl}!W ELMORJ; JolI Name: Dalt of Plan~..:. OCOEE. REPAIRS - SI)EBD 'fAllL1!S Phone: : t.Jlt Revision D.,,,; Subject 10 cl'tc.lil ifpprOVIII. Orlando Paving Company will f\U'nish the following w(lrk: ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRJCE AMOUNT 10 TYPE S-) ASPHAI.T 23 ~,33 Sy 2S.00 5.883.33 ~..-........-- 20 SPEH) lADLES 2.00 EA 2.050.00 4,100.Otl 30 BObCAT MII.I.fNG 120,00 Sy 10.00 1.200.00 GRi\ND TOTAL 511.113.33 NC)l'.I!:S: A. Price inchul(~ One (I) mobilization, if more lilt: required. please odd $2,500.00 per mubili7.ation. Leveling, jf n<<:cssary. S60,OO per tOil. H, Prices do 1lI)1 indudt' cnginec."l'ing, laynut UI' frame cUlllml. C. Prjce~ do 01'1 indllJt' pcrmit!! (If re(luircd) D. No locatiun. adjuSIml'IlI, protection lIn,tOl relocalion of utilities included. E. Tack COal incllltitd It) insure propt~1' bonding hetweell old & new ll!lphalt. F. Wnrk is to be don~ during normal busincll.'! 11(/\11'9 (Ml)ll.hi 711nl-5pm) H. Thick.ocss qunled is "NOMINAl:' Ihicknclls pCI' FOOT s\'ecificQlions unless noted ~llhcrwise. I. PI'ices include all applil:alc !lales tall, 1. Thii pmpnslll is valid hII' work pel'fonncd Ihrough Or.t:rlllht'" 2()05, K. TillS PRO))OSAL IS V AUT> FOR 30 DA YS. FAJI .lJRti TO EXECUTI:: THIS M;Rm~MENT WITIiIN)() DA VS MA Y RF: CAUSE FOR PRICE ADJUSTMf.Nl, L ope WILL ONLY EXI~ClJTI.i A (;ON'n(ACr UPON RECEJl>T OF A COMPLETE. NOTIC.E TO OWNER INFORMATION. (WC WILL NOT ACCI~')'J' ANY WORK BELOW SUfl-Sl1llCONTRAGl LEVEL WITHOUT PRIOR APPROV ^ L N. A minimum tril' chnJ'j,\t' ofSSOOJl() will Ix: ,halgl~d for allY primc ltlld slIlId mUbllil.lllioll oflcss than 1,000 SV. n, 01)(: I.:lln not gllillllll\er drainage Oil plivt!m~nfS with 3 flUC of rullless tJllln 20/.... po No sllw\:ulling will he: Jll'Ovided IIl1d does not idude ilny base !lubgl'udc: or base preparation, PklOR TO COMMENCEMENT 01-' WORK. ORLANDO PAVING COMPANY WILL REQ1JlRF..: I, AI.I, AI'PLlCAIJIF ,\SPl\ALT SPECIFICATIONS AND AN APPROVED SET OF CONTRUCfJON PRINTS. 2. AI,L Nl!.CESSA)(Y NOTICE TO OWNER INFOkMATION, Price for !hi!! work II) bi:: paid in fllll Oil l.:ump)cllolI, or by progress paYllIcnts monthly UJlOII iSS\JlllI\:C of invoice if rnClfe lhall one mom" ,c4uire,1 to compklc, Work 10 he dOlle III ai.'\:tlnlan~ with above stilted !Ipt:cificltiolls lUlU ill It 5ubsl1111tillJ and workmanlike mAnlier acn/rding to !>IandaJ'd l>nlClkl:s. Any flltel'miulI or devialion from above specificotions involving exlrll cosls will be executed unly tlllf1n wtillell orders. anti will become IlII extra charge Over alld above Ihe clltimare. All agreemenb: pege 1 of 2 ORLANDO PAVING 1ir 4075785251 11/04/05 12:55 I5l :02/02 NO:120 cOlltingelltllplln slrilcl!~. ilccidlOlllt.~ or dcllayli beyond (llIr contl'Ol. Owner t(\ ClllTY fiYl\ tornlldu llnd other neCeSS1U)' inslII'lllKC, Oul worker! ore fully covered by Workmcns ('tlmp~nslltion lnsunlOl:e Above lII81ed pric,: h;l~ed upon prt'V11ling custs, llnd ill'ccplancc of this pl'Oposal must be wilhin lhirty (30) days from dale Of pri~es subject to "h6\ng/:. Any poyment:lnul mltdc within thIrty (30) daYN (If due Lillte: shall bellI' interest inlhe llmuunt uf I 1/2% per mOllfh: likewise interest oflhe same rllte shull be due UlI IllY rctainage hcM ulllil paid Cost of colleclion inehllting iI!tomey's fees slull! also be pilld if collection through IIn allomey is neCC!lSlll')I. This propusal is contingenl upon allll !luhjccllo all !llTikc!l, accidents, ~elitht'r urld othcl' dl'CUmSlllm;es lIT cunditions beyond dIe mlllrnl of Orlando 1)l1ving COlllpany, Shnuld lllly other (;01111'81,;1 J()Cun1el1l~ nl' sulx:ontrltcl agreemenls regurdillll II :lpel:ilic ~::~# pmp"..l. d" "''''' or 'his pmpn..l ..ill, in ,II '''''. go".. Ajj;;~~DATE' S,p',","'" '5.2005 NOTE: THIS PIW/"t)SAI." VOID IF NOT AC('F.lYJ'ED WITHIN 'HURTY PO) r>A YS ':ROM ABOVE I)A'l'E. ACCEPTANCI~: I, We the undcr&igll~d. Ilccept Ih~ above propo.'lal and Buthori,c you to proceelt wilh Ihe work as specified, lIubjecllo alllerms clInlained herein. CIJSTOMHR DATE OF ACCF.PTANCE_.........,____ BY TITLE --.-..--'...,...".........".,.'........a"___........",.".'".''' Page 2 of 2 V""MnIolV _"'''.Ion"" W "'t"".J.U.JJ;..J' VU/VJ/VJ 1,,1..;17 LJ' .VI/V' .'V. 1.;1.. 05-522 ORLANDO PAVING COMPANY ~h POBOX 547186 ORLANDO. FL 32854 (~ftn"cf: ALBERT A ARJlBA V PhOD.~ 4"-518-9779 '-';XT 135 F..: 487-~78-!l251 CITY 01; OCOEE 30J MAGl1IRB RD OCOEF.. FL J476 J 41)7.905.3170 407-905-3176 DUDDY ELMORE Jim Name: Date of Plant; HACKNEY PRAl&1l! PA:RK LOT fbw.~ fl!1.; ke~ision Datt: Sllbject ru 1.~ll1dit uppwval. Orlando Paving C(lmpany will furnh,h rhe fl)lIowing work: ... ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 10 l"YPB S.J ASPHALT. HACKNEY PRAIUE PARK 80.00 TN 1I7.S0 9.400.00 GRAN" 'j"O'I'I\I, $9,400.00 N()TR."~ A. Pri(;C! include One l J) mobilization, if lllUre llll! required. plllNe add $2,500.00 per mobilizalion. J~veling, if ncc;cfiSil'Y. 560.00 per ton. 8. Prices do 110t illdudll engineering. Illyout or trllffic culllmJ. C. Price9 do not include pcnnits. (If required) D. No location, adjustment, prutc:ction und.ur relocution of utilities indudl.'d. E. Tack COllt incJudC\llo insure proptr honding between old'" new asphalt. F. Work is to be done during normal business hours (Mon-Fri 7am-5pm) II. '1l1icknclls qUOltd is "NOMINAL" thickuesl\ per FDOT specifications un leu noted olhclwise. I. Prices include all l\ppJicale sulcs tax:. 1. 'J'hi... propulial is villif.l for wl,lrk. perfurmed thruuib Dcu:mber 2005. K. THIS PROPOSAL is VALID H)R 30 VA YS. J;AJl.URE 1'0 EXECUTE nus AGREEMENT WITHIN 3U DAYS MA V BE CAUSF. FOR PRice ADJUSTMfiNT. I.. ope WItt ONI. Y EXECUTE ^ (.'ONTI.AC'I' lJl~N RECEIPT OF A CUMI'LllTf, NO'neE TO OWNER INFORMA'J10N. OJ'C WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY WORK BELOW SUB-SUfJCONTRACT LllVEL WITHOUT PRIOR AI'PROV AL. N. A mininulln tril' ,'harge of .$500.00 wiIJ b.: chllrjed Jor Imy prime lIlld land mobiJi7.ation of less Ihan 1,000 SY. o. ope can nol guarllllfce dmiuage on paVeJ1ltllllil widlll Fllte of Coli less tblln 2%. p. No sawcuttIDg will be 11rovillcd alld docs nol ielude Ilny ba!lc subgrade or base preparation. PRIOR TO COMMHNCEMllNT Of WORK. OIU..ANDO PA VlNG COMI)ANY WILL REQUIRE: I. ALL. ^ PPLlCM11H ASPJ tAt T SPECIFICA'OONS AND AN APPROVf,{) SET OF CON'J'RUCTI0N PRINTS. 2. ALL NF.CliSSARY NOTICE TO OWNER INFORMATION. Prit;.e fur this wurk to be pllid in filII (10 compleliun. or by progre~lJ payments munthly upon issuance of invoice if more tban one month requilcd to complete. Wurk to be done in accordunce with above s'aled llpecificlItiolU and in a lIub't8nti.1 and workmanlike OIl1l1nel' tlccordiog 10 stondlU'd practices. Any allention or devialiun ti'ORl above specificatioll! involvinlC extra COlits will be executed only upon written orders. Ilnd will become an elllnl charge over arid above the elitimllre. All 8arecmcnt!l conringent upon !ilrikc.'.s, accideuts ur delllYs beyond our control. Owner 10 C8ny fire, tOm.do and other neceSlary W$Urllll:ce. Our workers are fully covt'rcd by Worluncns Compensuliol1 hliiurance. Flage 1 of 2 VI\L,I\,U'V r 1\ v J.I'lU m '+VI;.JIO;.J~;;l1 UO/U~/U:> 1:>:.::1'1 lJ' :Ut./Ut. NU:'1.::l4 Abovo lllated pJ~CC: baJicd ul)on prcYlIling 'OSht. Ilnd al;'eptanc~ artllis proposal must bo wilhin Ihilly (30) dayi from dill!: tlr pricell subjecl hi change. All)' payments not made within thirty (30) da.ys uf due date lIh.11 bear inltl"ClIl in the amounll:>f 1 1/2% pet Dlonth: likewise ullel'C~1 of'the sante fllte r.:hall b~ due on any relainagc held until pltid. <.'I)sl of collection illdulling attorney's fees shall also be paid if collection "lI'ough IIn altomey ill nccc5SlU'y. This pl'opo$al ill conlingent Llpan ond subject to all strikcll, occidelllil. wllltthcr alld uther circullIlIlanees or conditions bllyond Lhe cuntrol of Orlando puving Compou)'. ShlJllld ally (1))1:( cunlract documcn16 or subcontract' Ilgrccmcnt5 regarding II spe;ilic pr~ject nnit;1 with the lemlll of this propusal, lbe terms of this proposo'l will, ill 1111 nSe$, govern. Albert Arjiboy. Hslimator IlATE: June 3.2005 NOTE: nns PROPOSAL VOID If NOT ACCEVnm WITHIN nnRTY (30) DAYS I:ROM ABOVfi DATI!. Ac.-"CF.M'ANCE: I, Wt the undersigtlcd. accepltlac Qbove propullltllnd authorize yuu to procud with rhe work as sp:::cificd. subject to all terms comained berein. ClJSTOMER BY DATE OF AC'.cBPTANCE___,.._ , ,___ TITlE .__~ F'ag8 2 of 2 <<e.....D~ /' EXIsT. c ol'lt:. - - - .... ~ ..... ~ (\ ~ - -c, )(" _t-J - ~ " o " )( ,... v " o ~ --- 1 T ...-U-- 'l. 1- ~ ~ G' ~ " tT'1P~ ,tJ\'S"'~4(It- ........- A" 1-" t> ... .., ......,... po. 0 /~2_ Mi)( c.",~ C~....pOe.+ 8cse N p~ ) J -:: ~O ~ ... ( - ~ c OCOEE REPAIRS - SPEED TABLES (05-757) TYPE S-3 ASPHAL T LENGTH ~DTH SY 18 16 ~2.00 15 24 40.00 30 24 80.00 25 30 83.33 235.33 STREET NAME MONTGOMERY OL YMPUS STERLING LAKE NORTHERN DURANGO STREET NAME OL YMPUS STERLING LAKE STREET NAME MONTGOMERY TOTAL BOBCAT MILL LENGTH WIDTH 15 24 30 24 Sy 40.00 80.00 120.00 UNIT PRICE $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 TOTAL $800.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,083.33 $5,883.33 UNIT PRICE TOTAL $10.00 $400.00 $10.00 $800.00 $1,200.00 SPEED TABLES UNITS UNIT PRICE TOTAL 2.00 $2,050.00 $4,100.00 $11.183.33 t " -1 o ....1 of ..b -I o -I ~ , "tJ ;;0 o "tJ o C/) ~ , '" '" -I o > , C/) -I ~ :!:! Z G') ;;0 (!! Qo ~ oIIoo;;oC/);;o:I:O~ :Oa~~=i:!:! C/);;o"tJ:I:O-<Z ~oOJHlo:I:G') ;;~~,~~-:c mz~C/):2,~ ,.. -I VI Z '" 0 -I "tJ - C/) '" I\) W Co o 0) :.... Ut ->. I\,) gw~OO->'->' o 001->'011oo o 0 rmrmmr 'TI~'TI~~'TI ~~~~~~ ow......->.I\,)o . 0>. 0101. W' 0>' . W O1~01gg01 '" -I ....~~~~~~m o. ->.. . 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I\,)WI\,)OO1...... ~ .j:>.O>l\,)wO>:"""oo:""ow'N 1\)00......000->........j:>.......010>00 Ut~!"-!=>......!'JO>I\,)0101W01 0)01011\,)' ....... . . . . . NO>.......j:>.OOOOO.j:>..j:>.WW...... 011oo 0 O>O.j:>.OW01 C/) -I ;;0 m m -I Z ~ 3: m , m Z G') -I :I: ~ o -I :I: C/) -< -I o Z C/) c: Z :::j "tJ ;;0 o m -I o > , en -I ;:0 m mC) -1- ~~ eno C'TI ;:00 'TIC) f)0 -m Zm G) I\,) o o 01 VI\L.I"\I1111.o' r 1"\ v .11U OJ -'VI", I 'W......... , I.'V",,,,,, 11.V' L.r .v,' V" nv.'V.., 05-838 ORLANDO PAVING COM'PANY QuQt~..:&. l' 0 BOX ~47186 ORLANDO. FL 31854 Conllet: ALBEaT A ARJIJlA V Phone: 407-578.97" EX1' 235 Ii'..: 40'7.S7R-5ZSI CITY OF OCOEE 1 SO N LAKESHORE DR OCOE.E, FL 34761 407-90S-3l00 407~90S-3176 uunJJV El.MORE .wll.~ ~.llw;, CHARLEON COURT BAS:E REPAIRS -e!lQIl~; U.\; R\1vilion Qm..; SlINe..:lln creltil IfpprovlIl, Orl;llldu Pavinl;( ComplUIY will furnillh f.hl~ roll()wil\~ wOlk: ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT )0 BASE REPAIRS 1.00 LS 45,500.00 45,500.00 GRAND TOTAL --... 545,500.00 r!j)1....;s:. EXCA V A TE CONCR.BTE 8AS!:, HAUL TO CHY Y ARl>o F.XCA V ATE DIRT TO AU.OW FOR 6" LlMEROCK AND 2" ASPHALT INSTALl. (i" UMf.JWCK DASE PRlMF.P. A~PHALT TO af.t'l.ACEO UNDER RHSlJRJiACING CONTRACr. rNCUJDliS TRAFFIC CONTROL. A. l)riCl~ include One (I) nlObililllltioll. if more iln: requited. please add $2.500.00 per mobilizatioll. Leveling, ifneceltllY, $60.00 per 1011, B.Pth:c, do not incJud~ engineering. layuul or lraflic control. C. J}rices do not incllldt: permits. (If required) no No loclltion. a!.\,ustment. prolection lInc.!.lu lelocltlion ofulilities included. E. Tack coat includt~llll) insure proper bondiJlg bclWCc:ll uld &. flew IIllphl6lt. J:. Work ill to be dOlle during nomlal bllsinc$:1 00111'$ (M~ll1-Fri 7am-5pm) H. Thic\cne911 quoted ill "NOMINAL" thickness per FOOT spc:cificationsunlesli nOled otherwise. 1. J!ricell include 1I11applicale slllell taJl. J. 111is proposlIl is valid for work pC."rf(lrmcd thf<lugh December 2005. K. THIS PROJ)OSA I. IS V AI.,lD fOR 30 DA YS. F AIU JR E TO HXECUTE THIS AOREEMF:NT WITHJN 30 DAYS MA Y BE CAUSE FOR PRICE ADJUS'}MENl. LOpe WJU. ONL Y EXECUTE A CONTRACT lIl'ON RECJ!IPT OF A COMPLliTE NOTJCE TO OWNHR INI''()RMATlON. ()Il(~ Witt NOT ACCEI'T ANY WORK BELOW SlJD-SlJBCONTRACT LEVEL WHliOUT PRIOR AP')ROV A L N. A minimum tril' dUlI!:e of $500.00 will be charged /in ilny primc und SIUld mobih;r.ation of'lcllS than l,OOO SY. O. ope clIn nnt gIll1r3l\1.r:.e draillllge ~)n pllvcmelllll wilh II rille of flllllellll Ihun 2%. p. No fluwculling will be provided Dud do~, nOI ichJdc any base llubgradc or base preparation. l)RIOR TO COMMF.Nt:EMHNT OF WORK, ORLANDO I'A VINCi COMPANY WILL REQI.1JRE: I. ALl.. APPLlCMU.E M,')lIALT SJ)ECIFlCATIONS AND AN APPROVED S~T 01; CONTRUCTION PRINTS. 2. ALL NliCnSSARY NOTICE TO OWNER INHJRMA'JlON. Price for Ihi,. work It) be "aid in filII un cOlllpletlon. UI' by progress paymenlli monlhly upon iSluance uf invoice if more thn one PHage 1 of 2 "''''-"IU'V rRV.I.I't\;l W "tV I 011 VoIr..oI I I 1 1 Vr..1 V') II.V7 LI' .V"V' I'tV.V'" mondl requi,.ed 10 complete. Work 10 be done ill accordance with above stllletl specilications llnd in a substantial and workmanlike manrlel' ilc~,)rdin~ to slandard pntf.'lk~~. All)' alteration or deviiltiun from ubOVl: specifications involving eXitrll costs will be execuled only upon written orderli. Imd will bcc,)me an cXU'Q charge over and above the estimate, All agreements conlingent uroll strik~s, accidents 01' delays bl'YOIld our control. Owner to cany fite, torna41111nd ulher necesliary ;nsurallce. Our workers Ire fully covcJ'(:d by Workmen!\ Cnmpcn!M1tilln InsuranCe. Above allied price has,~1 uJlon prev;tling custs, ond Accepl"llll(~e (lftllis proposal mllst he wilhin tbirty (30) days from da((~ or price!: subjeclln chAng~. Any payments 1101 made within tbirty (0) days of dul,l dule shall bear interest in the amount of I 1/2% per month: Iikewisll imcresl of the S(lIl1t rllte shall be dll~ 011 all)' rctlllnagc: held until paid. enst of collection ind\llHlI1l IIJllomcy'~ rtes sllllllllls\/ he plli\1 if tOlltclioll thnmgh an illlomcy is necessary. This propolull iN contingent upon illl(1 suhject to all strikes, accidents, weather lImll.llher circumstances or conditions bey,[)/\d the control of Orlando Jlavin~ Compllny. Should any othc,. contract documents l)/' subc\)f1trllct agreement!! regarding a "per-if'ie project. conflkl with Ihr. Itrlflll tlf this pmpt/sal, Iht: terms uf Ihis proposal will. in an cues, govem. ~LL O~AND~$ --.-LrI1. .. "'H' Alhert Arjibay, Estimator [}A 1'E: NOVEMJ4ER 2,2005 NOTE: TillS PROrO:;;t\I. VOID If NOT ACCEPTED WITHIN THIRTY (30) DA YS .iROM ABOVE I)A TE. ACCEPTANCE: J, We the undersigner.!, IIn;ept the abuvl' prnptlsal and authorize )'oull.l proceed with tJ,e work AS specified. subject III ulJ terms cOnlailled herein. CUSTOMER DA TE OF ACCEPTANCE___. ___._._..__ TITLE BY F'age 2 of 2