HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 Approval of Communication/Network Connections for Human Resources Department center of Goocl L . ~~e . 'Vh._ ~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: September 6,2005 Item # .3 Contact Name: Contact Number: Bob Zaitooni 6002 Reviewed By: ~~'___ Department Director: _ __ City Manager: Subject: Communication/Network Connections for Human Resources Department Background Summary: As a part of the plan to relocate the Human Resources Department to Community Center to relieve over-crowding at the City hall, the Information Systems (IS) Department has obtained a quote from CompServ to install the required communication/network connection. The total cost is $2,500 to be funded from the General Fund Contingency. Issue: Approve $2,500 from General Fund Contingency to pay for communication/network connections for HR Department. Recommendations City Commission to (1) consider and approve $2,500 from the General Fund Contingency to install communication/network connections, and (2) award to CompServ. Attachments: Quote from CompServe Financial Impact: The balance in General Fund Contingency is $74,402.00. Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution ~ Commission Approval o Discussion & Direction For ClerK's DeDt Use: ~ Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Regular Agenda D Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk D Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) fI'/l-1>J I () > ~ N/A o N/A o N/A City Manager Robert Frank center of GOOd II -'~ liJ;9"~ Commissioners Dannv HowelL District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Nancv J. Parker. District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift ST AFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mavor and City Commissioners FROM: Bob Zaitooni, Director of Public Works DATE: August 29, 2005 RE: Communication/Network Connections for Human Resources Department ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve $2,500 from the General Fund Contingency to install communication/network connections at the Community Center and award project to CompServ? BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION As a part of the plan to relocate the Human Resources Department to Community Center to relieve over- crowding at the City hall, the Information Systems (IS) Department has obtained a quote from CompServ to install the required communication/network connection. The total cost is $2,500 to be funded from the General Fund Contingency. The quote from CompServ is attached to this report. The remaining balance in Stormwater Operating Contingency Funds is $74,402.00. RECOMMENDATION Staff respectfully requests that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission to approve expenditure of $2,500 from General Fund Contingency to install communication/network connections at the Community Center and award project to CompServ. " , ~ \" ..l '" r t !-.. . ~ ;\ ({T +f" " F.lf/{ rz t S" pdt1 S 1" V e.- " ~ Com':Serv-Y ~ Structured Wiring (Project # 5179) Presented to: City of Ocoee Attn: Mr. Brian Ross 150 North Lakeshore Drive Dcoee, FL 34761 CompServ Inc. will provide wbor and mmeritds to install/12J Informminn Outlets within the Community Center. Each Outlet will consi.q ofl3} 4-pair, Cmegory 5e, Riser Rmed Cables, P} of the cables wiU be tlesignmed for Dma and the remaining cable will he split to III Voice Jades at the outlet locmion (2-pair per jack). Wall Molding wiD be provided and inS/aUeo at the Il} Outlet locations that were identified during the Walk Thru. The voice cabling will terminate within the existing Phone Closer on ,he existing 66 Voice Terminmion Block and lobeleO. {I} Leviton, 48-port, Category 5e Patch Panel wiU be installed wirhin the existing Rack in The Data Closet to replace the existing l4-porr Patch PaneL The 16} existing Dma Cables will be re-terminated on the 48-port Patch Panel along with the new Dma Cob/ing. All new data outlers will be labeled and certified with documented test results being pro\'ided to the customer upon completion of the project. All new voice outlets ,-'ill have a cable audit performed to ensure that the)' are working properl)'. Cat 5e Cable. Riser Rated Data Cat 5e Cable, Riser Rated Voice AT 90 Adapter RJ-45, Cat 5e Jack. Blue for Data White. 4-port Faceplate White, RJ-45, Voice Jack 48-port, Cat 5e Patch Panel Mise Materials (Wall Molding, etc.) Bid Price: $ 2,194.56 ) 7'1. OJ eOe-Oj 2'1'J.S' Material List Hitachi 4 Hitachi 2 Leviton 10 Leviton 24 Leviton 12 Leviton 24 Leviton 1 CS 1 K K Ea. Ea. Ea. Ea. Ea. Ea. Health Central Structured Wiring - 5029 {Wireless Cabling Revision 1} Optional Pricing ,x")... -:-... 2 7 [1] EDCO. Analog HOE, In-line Protector: $ 18.50 each - .., \oJ [1] EDCO, Digital HDA, In-line Protector: $ 19.75 each )( I ~ t ).- ') 7 Customer Acceptance CompServ Representative Client Acceptance Print Name And Title Print Name And Title Date Date OCompServ. Inc. CONFIDENTIAL Page 2 4/~L.J. j , I f f J f I 'V ~-, ; I €:~ ~-".. S"-_. ';;"~"~ (' . R -- ~ 4' - . 1 ~ ~. .. '. ..' "f'T" '-- "~ SOllrceLink Comlllunications9 Inc. fjU'1 ~'5pif\S, , e..- Structured Call1ing So/utiQns 120 West Crown Point Road SuiU 112 Willter Garden, FL 34787 Phone (407) 654-2400 Fax (407) 654-2428 Toll Free (888) 692-5100 PROPOSAL Client: City of Ocoee ISO North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761-2258 Attn: Brian Ross .Job Site: New Human Resource Office Phone: (407) 905-3100 en 1522 Fax: (407) 656-7835 We have prepared our proposal below in Ihis format for your convenience. We apprecio.te the opportunity to estimate this work and look forward to working with you on this installation. Thank You, Jennifer Pippenger SourceU1Jk Communications, lnc. Statement of Work: SourceLink Communications, Inc. will provide labor and materials for the installation of the following: Voice and Data Cablin2 1. Install [24} 4-pair, Category Se, PVC Data Cables to the designated Customer locations in the new Human Resource Office. 2. Install [12J 4-pair, Category 5e, PVC Voice Cables to the designated Customer locations in the new Human Resource Office. 3. Inst.all [1] Leviton, 48 Port Patch Panel in the Data Room onto l.h~ existing Customer Relay Rack. Remove the existing 24 Port Patch Panel and deliver to Mr. Ross for future use. 4. Terminate the Data Cables in the HV AClData Communications Room onto the Leviton, 48 Port Patch Panel. 5. Terminate the Voice Cables in the ElectricallVoice Communications Room onto the existing 66 Block. 6. Terminate the Data Cables at the user end, with a Leviton, RJ 45 Category 5e Jack and mount into a Leviton. 4 Port Faceplate. 7. Terminate the Voice Cables at the user end, with a Leviton. RJ 45 Category 5e Jack and mount into a Leviton. 4 Port Faceplate. Split the Voice Cables, 2 pair /2 pair. Gd W~0S:90 S00C 80 '5n~ 8cPcpS9L0p: 'ON X~~ ~NIl3)~nos: wo~~ 8. Raceway molding will be used only where necessary, for routing the cables to the desired Customer location. Reuse the existing Raceway molding and Surface Mount Boxes whenever possible. Lie:htnine Protection 9. Install [1] Circa, 50pr. 110 Style Lightning Protection Blocks for Voice lerminations, in the Attic space. 10. Install into the Lightning Protection Blocks. [2J Gas Tuhe Modules for the Analog Voice lines, and [12] Gas Tube Modules for the Digital Voice lines. 11. Cross connect the exisung Voice lines onto the Lightning Protection Blocks. 12. Cables will be run in the most appropriate and efficient manner possible following all codes and regulations. 13. All fire wall penetrations will be properly sleeved and fire stopped per all local codes and regulations. 14. Cables will be properly terminated, tested and labeled for future reference. Base Bid Price: $ 3,588.00 Initial Pwne Sn attuche6 sp.cUJ/ wrulitions 011 flOgl 3 rd W~!S:90 S00C 80 '6n~ BCVGvS9L0v: 'ON X~~ ~NIl3)onos: WOo~ The Atblched ProPOSal Price Is Based On the FoUowm2 Conditioos 1. CUAR, UNOBSTRUCIED AND SAFE ACCESS Wll..L BE PROVIDED BY CLIENT TO ALL AREAS 01' INSTALLATIOK INO.l1D1NG aUl NOT LIMITF.O TO CONDUITS. WORK AREAS. LADDER RA(;!(, CLOSF:TI\, ETC. IF CONDUITS HAVE EXlSTL"lG CABLE. SOURCE LINK C".oMMUlI.1CA TIONS, INC. DOES NOT GUARA1'lTEE THAT NEW CABUi WILL PIT IN CONDI1IT. ALL COSTS RELATRD TO A1TEMPTlNG TO FIT CABLES IN CONDUIT WOULD I:lE BlUED ON A TIMti At.m MATERIALS BASIS AT THE RATES DISPLA YW IN THE TIME AND MATERIALS FEE SCIIEDULE. 2. LABOR (U!\L.ESS USl'IID OTIiERWlSE NOTill> IN THE A TTACHElJ !.lID LANGUAGE) WlU. HE PERFORMED IN SHIFI'S NOT TO ExCHIID EIGHT HOURS PER INSTALLER. SH[fTS WILL OCCL'R BETWEE""~ THE HOURS OF 7:00 AM AND 5:00 PM. 3. SOllRCE UNK COMMUNICATIONS, INC. DISCLAIMS ....U. W ARRANTI.I3S, IMPLIED OR OTHER WISE, EXCEPT AS BXPRESSL Y PROVIDED HEREIN. SOURCE LINK COMMtlNlCA'nONS, INC. WARRANTIES THE LABOR WE PERFORM TO HE SUBSTANTIALLY FREE FROM PEPl:!.CTS IN MATERIALS A~D WORKMANSHIP FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE WORK IS COMPUiTl!D. nIB WARRANTY DOES NOT APPL ');"''0 REWORK OR REPAIR 01' 01'HER PARTIES WORK. OUR W ARRM'TY IS I.IMI'I'I::D TO RCPAIRING OR REPLACING (AT OUR OPTION) nm ITI!M(S), WHICH AT THE OPINION OF SOURC6 LINK COMMUNJCA TIONS. INC. PROVE TO BE DEFECTIVE lJ'PON OUR lNSPOC,ION. MATERIALS SOJ.D BY SOL'RCE LINK COMMlJNICA'1'I0NS. L'lc. ARE SUBIBCTTO THIllR MAJI<'UFACTURE1{S' WARRANTY TEJtMS AND OUR WARRANTY DOES NOT INCLUUC THOSE ITEMS. ALTF.RA'l'ION. ABUSE, OR MISUSE VOIDS ANY AND ALL WARRA!-lTlBS, OURS, MANU!'AC'fURER, RETAIL, OR DISTRIBUTOR. 4. PAYMENTTEllMS AHI!: PAYMENT IN fuLL DUE UPON COMPLETION OF PROJ~CT, PAYABLF: IN US FUNDS. 5. P A YMKNT TERMS ARE OUTLlNKD IN THL" PROI'OSAL. IF PAYMENT IS NOT MADE WITHIN THE DI!HNED TERMS A J..ATE FEE OF 5% OF ANY UNPAID BALA."ICE win BE CHARGED PER MONTH. TUE LATE FEE WII.I. BE INCORPORATED 11'11'0 nu: REMAINING BAlANCE. ~ UPDATED INVOICE OU'n..INING All. LATE PEES WILL BE SENT OUT. 6. ANY CHANGES. ADDmONS, OR DELIrrIONS TO OR fROM THE PROPOSAL's ATTACHED STATEMEr-'T OF WORK. BID PRICE, OR CONDmONS ARE TO BE DET/\ILED ON A. SOURCE LINK COMMUNlCA TlONS. INC. CHANGE ORDER SlliNIID BY CLIENT PRIOR TO WORK COMMENCING ON THE CHANGES. 7. SOURCE U"lK COMMUNICA nONS, lNC. RI!SERVES THF. RIGHT TO LIEN JOBS FOR NON-PA YMENT BY CLIENT. K. "nns BID MA Y Bb WITIIDRA WN BY US IF NOT ACCEl'TED IN WRmNG WITHIN 30 OA YS. 9. ALL WORK 1'0 BE COMPLETI5D IN A COMPIlTENT MMiNF;R ACCORDING TO STANDARD PRACTICES. ANy AT .TF.RA TlON OK DEVIA T1~ FROM ABOVE SPECIFICA'MONS INVOLVING EXTRA COSTS WILL BE EXECUTED ONLY UPON WRI1TRN ORDl1R.S, AND WILL BECOME Ao'il F..xTRA CHARGn OVER AND ABOVf, THh ESTIMATE. OWNER TO CARRY FIRE. TORNADO. ANO OTIIER NI1L'ESSARY INSURANCE;. 10. MA11::RIALPRICEINCLUORSM1SCffi.LA!\:..EOUS MATERIAL AND SHIPPING UNLESS OlJTI.lNED ON THE PlRST (1"-) PAOE. II. IF A SCISSOI{ LWl'lS REQUIRED FOR I!IIST ALLATJON DUE TO EXCF-SSIVE HEIGHTS THAT CAN NOT BE REACHED WITH A I..ADDER, ADDmONAL CO!'iTS WILL BE INCURRED. THH COSTS WILL BE JDENTIFJEill ON A CHANGE ORDER FOR THE COST 01" TH.C SCISSORLlFr AND WILL BE IN ADDmON TO "'HE ORIOINAL BASE BID AMOUl\'T. 12. CLIENT IS R~PONSJBLE FOR OBTAINING RIGHTS OF WAY" AND OTUER ACCESS AS D10TEkMINED NECESSARY BY SOl1RCEl.UlK COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 13. iF A PERMIT lj; RflQUlRED SOURCEl..U-;K WiLl, OBTAIN A PERMIT. Ct.:STOMER AGRI:iE..C; TO PAY FOR THE PERMIT A:"lD ALL ASSOCIATED COSTS INCLUDING ADMIJ',;ISTARTIVE COSTS AND ANY eITHER I'llliS DEEMED NECFi.'\SARY BY SOUKCaINK AND LOCAL IURISDIC'nONS. Date: 8/4105 Terms; See Item # 4 above Quote # JP-080405-00 ACCEPTANCE: THE TERMS ON THIS AND TIlE ATI ACHED PAGE INCLt;D1l'iG THE ABOVE WORK DESCRIPTION ARE HEREBY UNDERSTOOD AND ACCEPTED BY nffi UNDERSIGNF.D WHO BY SIGNING THIS lXJCUMENT REPRESENTS lliAT THEY ARE AlITHORlZW TO CONTRACT CLIENT WITH C:Of\;TRACroR ON nm AROVE PROPOSAL AND APPROVE PAYMENT. AurHORlZED SIGNATURF. TITLE PRImED NAME COMPANY PURCHASE ORJ>F.K APPROVAL DATE Pd W~lS:90 S00Z 80 '5n~ 8ZPZPS9L.0P: 'ON X!::i.:! >fNIl3JelnOS: WOel.:! ~~:.J!II"'c;r ~ ~tSPIfl<)tve ~~ August 09, 2005 City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Attn: Brian Ross POC E-mail: bross@ci.ocoee.flus RE: Cabling Quote Wiring Technologies proposes to provide all material and labor necessary to perform lhe following scope of work during nomlal business hours: We will install a total of thirty-six (36) voice and data cables in the Conmumity Center. Twenty-four (24) data cables will be blue in color and will have two (2) cables fWl to each outlet location Twelve (12) voice cables ",ill be white in color and will have one (1) cable nm to each outlet location. The voice cable ",ill be split betv.'een two separate jacks located at the same outlet Data cables will be fWl back to a 48-port Leviton CAT 5E patch panel that will be located in the room Wlder the stairs. Voice cables will be fWl back to a 66-type tel1llination block, which ",ill be located in the Electrical Room All incoming voice lines w111 be protected ",ith EDCO protection modules for the twelve (12) new digital Jines and two (2) analog lines Cable will be nUl back to the Electrical Room to provide cOlmectivity to the new cabling. The blue cable for data will terminate to a blue CAT 5E 8-position. 8-conductor, RJ-45 type jack. The white cable for voice will terminate to two (2) v.11ite CAT 3 6-position. 4-conductor. RJ-II type jacks. There ",ill be three locations that will require Panduit raceway installation. which will temrinate up to three (3) Panduit surface tnOlmt boxes. The total cost for this scope of work is $ 6,255.13 \Ve appreciate Lhe opportunity 10 provide this proposal, should you have any questions, please do not hesitlte to call. Sincerely, Ellis Baumer W..mm!y: Wiring T ",.hnologies wI.mlDls its ins/a n..tion to be trer. ITom de Ii-.ct!< in mIIl.ma Is and worktTllluship fi_'T . peri....! (,f three y""rs from OOlr(lletion date. subject to indi\;dual wammties by nvmutBctun:r.; of specific corrqxrn<:ttIS. .'\buse. ..Ilenttion. or non-s18ndard U!Bgc voids all warranties