HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06 Approval to Award Bid #B05-09-R Construction Services for Pre-Engineered Public Works Buildings AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: 9/6/05 Item # to Contact Name: Contact Number: Joyce Tolbert 1516 Reviewed By: ' Department Director: ~~ City Manager: ~ ' , Subject: Award of Bid #B05-09-R Construction Services for Pre-Engineered Public Works Buildings Background Summary: The scope of work includes services for construction of the pre-engjneered Ocoee Public Works Buildings. This is a "turn key" contract to furnish, construct and/or install, and make operational, the specified buildings for the Public Works Department at 301 Maguire Road, Ocoee, Florida 34761. Issue: A.ward the bid for the Construction Services for Pre-Engineered Public Works Buildings to Britt ~onstruction, Inc. Recommendations Staff recommends that the City Commission: 1) Award B05-09-R to Britt Construction, Inc., and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and staff to execute all necessary contract documents between the City and Britt Construction, Inc. for $876,142.00, provided that the contractor has obtained the required bonds and insurance coverage. 2) Approve a budget adjustment to make $1,000,000 available in FY's 04/05 and 05/06 for this project. In the current (FY 04/05) and the proposed FY 05/06 budget, there is a total of $760,000 for this project. Therefore, it is necessary for the City Commission approve an additional $240,000 from (1) savings from the Clarke Road project for the amount of $1 00,000 from Capital Projects Fund (317), and (2) $140,000 from Sanitation R & R fund (411) for a total budget amount of$I,OOO,OOO. Attachments: 1. (3) Bids 2. Bid Tabulation 3. Recommendation memo Financial Impact: "i 1 million Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution I8l Commission Approval o Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Dept Use: o Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Regular Agenda o Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk t8J Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) ~l~~,~M v~~ L~ [ZI N/A o N/A o N/A Commissioners Dannv Howell. District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rustv Johnson. District 3 Nancy J. Parker. District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vanderg-rift City Manager Robert Frank STAFF REPORT DATE: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agento/' August 29,2005 TO: FROM: RE: Award of Bid #B05-09-R Construction Services for Pre-Engineered Public Works Buildings ISSUE Award the bid for the Construction of Pre-Engineered Public Works Buildings to Britt Construction, Inc. BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION The scope of work includes services for construction of the pre-engineered Ocoee Public Works Buildings. This is a "turn key" contract to furnish, construct and/or install, and make operational, the specified buildings for the Public Works Department at 301 Maguire Road, Ocoee, Florida 34761. The bid was publicly advertised on July 10, 2005 and opened on August 11, 2005. There were three (3) responses to this bid: 1. 2. 3. Britt Construction. Inc. Southern Building Services, Inc. Ruby Builders, Inc. Item #3, Building #2 $876,142.00 $902,543.00 $964,551.26 Attached is a copy of the bids from each bidder, along with the bid tabulation. All bids and complete specifications and plans are available in the Finance Department for review. Because this is the construction of a publicly owned building, the specifications and drawings are not considered public record and the bidders had to verify their identities and sign a Confidentiality Agreement with the City. Due to budgetary constraints, we are recommending (1 ) reiection of Items L 2, 4, 5, and 6; and (2) award of Item #3 only. The Public Works Department and Finance Department have reviewed all bids. Staff recommends awarding the bid for Item #3, Building #2 to Britt Construction, Inc. as the most responsive and responsible bidder, per the attached memorandum from Bob Zaitooni, Public Works Director. Staff is also recommending approval of a budget adjustment to make $1,000,000 available in FY' s 04/05 and 05/06 for this project. In the current (FY 04/05) and the proposed FY 05/06 budget, there is a total of $760,000 for this project. Therefore, it is necessary for the City Commission approve an additional $240,000 from (1) savings from the Clarke Road project for the amount of$100,000 from Capital Projects Fund (317), and (2) $140,000 from Sanitation R & R fund (411) for a total budget amount of$I,OOO,OOO. Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift center of Good L . <\.~e _ ....1~iQ , ~ Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 City Manager Robert Frank MEMORANDUM TO: Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agent FROM: Bob Zaitooni, Public Works Director DATE: August 26, 2005 RE: Recommendation for Award - Bid #B05-09-R, Construction Services for Pre- Engineered Public Works Building - Rebid COPIES: Rob Frank, Wanda Horton, Pam Brosonski, Terry Reed Staff has reviewed the bids received from three (3) contractors as listed below: Southern Building Services, Inc. Ruby Builders, Inc. Britt Construction, Inc./Calcutta Construction, Inc. After careful evaluation of the bids, we have determined that the most responsive bid is from Britt Construction, Inc., with overall (Items 2 through 7) and for Item #3 - Building #2 (Main Building), which is the priority project for the City. Due to budgetary constraints, we are recommending (1) reiection of Items 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6; and (2) award of Item #3 only for the total of $876, 142.00 to Britt Construction, Inc. In your staff report, please include a budget adjustment request to make $1,000,000 available in FY's 04/05 and 05/06 for this project. In the current (FY 04/05) and the proposed FY 05/06 budget, there is a total of $760,000.00 for this project. Therefore, it is necessary for the City Commission to approve an additional $240,000 from (1) savings from the Clarke Road project for the amount of $1 00,000 from Capital Projects Fund (317), and (2) $140,000 from Sanitation R & R fund (411) for a total budget amount of$I,OOO,OOO. The City ofOcoee Public Works. 30 I Maguire Road. Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3170 . fax: (407) 905-3176 . www.ci.ocoee.fl.us Public Works Building, Page 2 The additional $123,858 ($1,000,000 less $876,142) will be used to fund (1) a new lift station since the current lift station will remain in use for the Police Department; (2) adjustment of existing water supply utilities and power connection for the new building; (3) construction of the vehicle wash bay (without the filtration system); (4) new furnishings to replace aged and dilapidated furniture; (5) miscellaneous required surveying & geotechnical sampling; and (6) project contingencies. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at extension 6002. RZ BID TABULATION FOR: BID #B05-09-R CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR PRE-ENGINEERED PUBLIC WORKS BUILDINGS 8/11/052:00 p.m. a Bid Security yes yes yes Signed Original & yes yes yes (2) Copies References/Experience yes yes yes Equipment Listing yes yes yes Summary of Litigation yes yes yes License Check yes yes yes Subcontractors & Suppliers yes yes yes Lump Sum Bldg #1 Item 1. $ 204,225.00 $ 250,761.59 $ 218,343.00 Storage Area Only Lump Sum Bldg #1 Item 2. $ 233,063.00 $ 306,715.89 $ 346,637.00 Storage & Pole Barn Lump Sum Bldg #2 Item 3. $ 876,142.00 $ 964,551.26 $ 902,543.00 excluding Items 4,5,6,7 Lump Sum Bid Item 4. $ 58,275.00 $ 61,828.00 $ 57,788.00 Filtering/Recycling Sys-Wash Bay Lump Sum Bid Item 5. $ 3,000.00 $ 3,225.00 $ 7,813,00 Vacuum & Air Station Lump Sum Bid Item 6. $ 6,000.00 $ 10,500.00 $ 16,441.00 Video Security System Lump Sum Bid Item 7. $ 123,375.00 $ 29,400.00 $ 53,877.00 Relocation of Utilities & Lift Station TOTAL LUMP SUM BID Items #2 thru #7 $ 1,299,855.00 $ 1,376,220.15 $ 1,385,099.00 BB/15/2BB5 21:31 4B765635Bl OCOEE FINANCE PAGE 02 City Manu:er Robert Fl'ank Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift APPARENT BID ERROR NOTIFICATION And/Or VERIFICA nON OF BID PRICE ~ d;d ~D~ V ~\ \\t~ TO: Britt Construction, Inc. 419 East Oakland Avenue Oakland. FL 34760 Re: Bid #B05-09-R~ Clarification of bid item Dumber 3, "in words" 1 ~. (\ ~"' j) ~A-i-cl- ' of h6 JI;t- r~ ~wrkDn do hereby Authorized Representative Company Name . acknowledge that there is an apparent addition/multiplication error on the bid Jjwe submitted (or Bid No. BOS-09-R. Construction Services for Pre-Engineered Public Works Buildings-Rebid; and by signing this document I1we am requesting that the bid I/we submitted for this project reflect the following changes and/or clarifications: ( " ~'~T~&.W/i\tA\ ~~/l)~(7)no +hLYld-1J'ci ~k,-1-l1.Q) (use separate sheet showing changes or clarifications if necessary). By signing this document, I/We understand that if this document is not received by the City of Ocoee with explanation by Friday, August 19, 20"5, my bid may be construed 8S non-responsive. ~~ ~~L-. co?..r N.... ~~ Authori7.ed Signature (manual) e (\:e-L~ b~' Namerritle (please print) ~ r ~ day of AcJj;~2~ Notary Public - State of~br~olR County of~/n((- ~I\Ol2mQ 0.. r{Cf* Signature of Notary Public Sworn to and sUbscr7"be before me this Personally Known_ or Produced ldentification_ (Type of Identification) City ofOcoee' 1:50 N Lakcshorc Drive. Ocoee, Florida 3476J phone: (407) 905-3100' fax: (407) 656-8504 . www.ci.ocoee,f1.us uln ffH05-09-H CONSTR1JCn01"1 SEHVICES FOR PRE-ENGINEERED FIJll~,[(' VVORKS BUILDINGS-REBID 1. Lump Sum Bid for Building #1. St"r~I~~ Area Only: $ 2 0 4 , 2 2 5 . 0 0 'Tho H..nfu:d Ft:l.lI:' 'n-Ut:ull 'Tho anJre:J 'Tha1tv Fl.\B DJ.JJgrs"_-_~ dollar~ and 2Ero cents 2. Lump Sum Bid for Bnitdiug.#lo Storage.&~ Pok B~l'n: $ 233,063.00 Two Hundred Thirty Three Thousand S_i..~.{t~'tbr~~,---- dollAl's nl1d zero cents 3. Lump Sum Bid for Bn;ihling #7\ ex~hl{Hhg i_k,~_',15 (I, 5, 6 &7 below: $ 876,142.00 __ ' Eight Hundred Sev~'nl:y si;~~ncf ON hun~-{6IT1+'H.d) _,' _._ __.___~ _~~'.. '- 0 me find __ zero cents 4. Lump Sum Bid fOl' W~l:-:h Bay 8, FiHeril,lgIRe<') <Jillg System:$ 58,275.00 Two Hundred SeventY2,'iye,_ __~ doll3J~":]nd zero ., -.-." ,..-.- . - Fifty Eight Thousand cents 5. Lump Sum Bid for VH'''HH! 8< ,Ih: ~tMhH: $_ __.2~,OOO. 00 'T'nrpp 'T'n()ll~'3.Clnd....._~,' _~~ dollm~: nnd __ zero 6. Lump Sum Bid for Vidp.!.l Sp~'HifJ ~lYBkm: $__-__~f 000.00 Six Thousan<;L____- _-___~ dollar".:mrl zero cents cents 7. Lump Sum Bid for Rel('<'~tilm lif UtiJiti",,~ ~{ LiH S4~1.lion: $ 123,375.00 One Hundred Twenty Three Thousand Tl~r_ee.Ji~lnd.J:,ec1r181:l>M~i'i.lilQ'LFive Dollars & zero cents TOTAL (1 through 7) LUMP SUI\,R BlU: $,1,299,855.00 One Million Two Hundred Ninety Nine Thousand .Eisrh t H~ndJ(I'9nlarif~1n{Ity Five Dollars & zeroc6iti1ts The City reserves the righf;J.(rJ delf'le ,m)"portion i~fthe bid items above in order to meet budget constraints. Britt Construction, Company Name Inc. R. Neil Britt, Pr~side_l,l_L Authorized Officer (print) If /k..-f~ef{:'-;-: Authorized Signature 8-11-05 Date B05-09-R 31 ATIACHMENT"G" ORIGINAL SWORN STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECIlON 287.133(3)(a) FLORIDA STATUTES ON PUBUC ENTiTY CRIMES THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER. . OFFICE AUTHORIZED TO ADMINIS'i'ER OATaS. 1. This swom statement is submitted to City of Ocoee (print name of the public entity) by R. Neil Britt, President (Print individual's name and title) fur Britt Construction, Inc. (Print name of entity submitted sworn statement) whose business address is: 419 East Oakland Avenue, Oakland, Fl. 34760 ? and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this swom s (If the entity_has no FEIN, ) 2. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes. means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with any agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of anv other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bnoery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. 3. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" as defmed in Paragraph 287 .133( l)(b), Florida Statutes. means a finding or guilt or a convicrion of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or s~te triai court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or infonnanon after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdic-'.., non-jury trial, or entry of ltpiea of guilty or nolo contendere. .. -.:.- . QJII .,.. "_ _._,.-'=--..a/...... 4. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287 .133( 1)( a), Florida Statutes. means: A. A predecesso!" 01' successor or a person convicted of a public entity crime; or B. An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who bas been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "9.ffiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownershiP by one person of shares constituting a contro~g interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not:tair market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be a prima facia case that one person controls another person. A peISon who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 moi1tbs' sball be considered an affiliate. 5. . I understand that a ''person'' as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1){e). Florida Statutes. means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States With the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts for the provision of goods or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term. ''person'' includes those officers, directoIS, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in.managemem manen~ ' 6. Based on information and beliet: the statement, which I have marked below, is true iJi relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement (indicate which statement applies). . s:\l'R1 - Cmcat\2OO3IS - HomIIIdo Blcm 1\Pno-Bid l'iIcs\Mulcr Bid l'adcaga.cloc 1lcv.7131103 ~ Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any of its officers, directoxs, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, nor. any affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. The entity submitting this swom statement, or one or more of its officers, directors, executives, partners, sbareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, or an affiliate of tb~ entity bas been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent,to July 1, 1989. However, there has been a subsequent proceeding before a Hearing Officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Order entered by the Hearing Officer determined that it was not in' the pUblic interest to place the entity submitting this swom statement on the convicted vendor list. (attach iI. , copy of the final order) I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUBMISSION OF TInS FORM TO THE CONTRACflNG OFFICER FOR TIlE PUBUC BNl'ITY IDENTIFIED IN PARAGRAPH 1 (ONE) ABOVE IS FOR THAT PUBLlC EN11TY ONLY AND THAT TIllS FORM IS VALID THROUGH DECEMBER 31 OF THE CALBNDARYBAR IN WIDCH IT IS Fll..ED. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM REQUIRED TO INFORM THE PUBliC ENTITY PRIOR TO ENTERING INTO A CONTRAcr IN EXCESS OF THE TIlRESHOLD AMOUNT PROVIDED IN SECfION 287.017, FLORIDA STATUTES FOR CATEGORY TWO OF ANY CHANGE IN THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN TInS FORM. ./f /l~ ~ Signature Swom to and SUbs7ib d before me this ---q--' day of C~ III l. ~- . 20 c0 :S' (J Personally known _or produced identification_. i'\ <. ~~~~~~~~f f{\o\ 'lT~ ~ L'1 My Commission Expires ~"s-,- () ~ (Type of identification) name of Notary Public) !' S:\PJIJ - Cum:at\2OO3lS - HemIIIdo EIem l\Pre.Bid FileslMastor Bid l'1Il:b&e-cIoc llev.7131103 18. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS OF PRE- ENGINEERED BUILDINGS OR COMPONENTS: NAME/ADDRESS/FEDERAL Ln. NO./CONTACT PERSON/PHONE #: Lifetime steel - Bill Ewer 904-389-5616 1949 Jersey street, Jacksonville, Fl. 32210 Semble It, Inc. John 352-53b-~lUI 840 s. Grand Highway 62B, Clermont, FI. 34711 (Attach additional sheets if necessary) ~ The bidder certifies that the bidder has investigated. each company listed above and has received evidence that it m?intains a competent and capable staff that is technically and financially capable of performing the pertinent work and that it has done similar work in a satisfactory manner. It is further acknowledged by the Contractor that any CHANGE in the companies listed above shall require the City of Ocoee's approval before any work shall commence by the new party on this project. See "Scope of Services" section. 19. LIST OF EQillPMENT ANn VEIDCLES: Please list year, make & model of an equipment and vehicles that "will be used on thir r;roject induding whether OIvned OT leased. If leased please provio.~, nam~ or lessor. N/A B05-09-R 18 20. REFERENCESIEXPERIENCE OF BlDDER WITH SIMILAR WORK The Bidder must demonstrate that'it has the experience to perforn:l services similar to those required for this project. The bidder shall provide information regarding its experience on similar projects within the past five (5) years. INCLUDE AT LEAST ONE (1) GOVERNMENTAL REFERENCE and two (2) References concerning projects that include pre-engineered commercial buildings. See "Scope of Services" section. DATE OF CONTRACT/AMOUNT OF PROJECT/CLIENT'S NAME AND ADDRESSI TELPHONE NUMBERlEMAIL ADDRESSINAME OF CONTACT See Attached List Have you any similar work in progress at this time? Yes~ No business 1986 Length of time in Bank or other fmancial references: Wachovia Bank, Dillard Street, Winder Garden 407-6~b-404b (Attach additional sneets if necessary) ']; SrJlv.IT\v:..R"! ()F ~=TK:;:;ATIOT,J; Pro'vicie' a summar" or any litigation. claim(s), bid or contract dis]J1.lte(s) rJ.ied 'DY OJ' agaills"t tllt bidder IL Hi':':: past rIVe ()! years wIlier: 1::: relmed to the services that the bidder. iJrGilidec II: tn:: reg-c;~,' CaUl's::' o:ousines::.. Tile. smnmary shall stare the nature of the J.itigatior.:., claim, OJ contact dispute, :.:. brief descriolior, of tb.t case. the outCome or projected outcom~, and the moneTary amounts involved. If none, please so state. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) None B05-09-R 19 BRITT CONSTRUCTION, INC. CITY OF OCOEE Project Name: Incubator Facility Phase 2 Owner: Seminole County Port Authority (SCOPA) 407-322-4798 1510 Tastner Place, Sanford, Fl. Contract Amount: $288,900.00 % Complete: 1998 Project Name: Bartow Regional Operations Center Owner: Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services 850-488-7551 Architect: MRI Architectural Group, Inc. Contract Amount: $4,280,549.65 Completion Date: June 2001 % Complete: 100% Project Name: Dewitt Excavating New Office/Shop Owner: Dewitt Excavating, Inc. 407-656-1799 Architect: Harter-Adams, PA Contract Amount: $497,533.12 % Complete: 100% Completion Date: August 2001 Project Name: Calvary Church of the Nazarene Apopka, Inc. Owner: Calvary Church 407-889-2148 Pastor Jim Page Architect: Architects in Partnership Contract Amount: $1,193,325.00 % Complete: 100% Date of Completion 2002 Project Name: Calvary Church of the Nazarene Apopka, Inc.- GYM Owner: Calvary Church 407-889-2148 Pastor Jim Page Architect: Architects in Partnership Contract Amount: $430,004.80 % Complete: 100% 2002 Project Name: Crane Institute of America, Inc. Owner: Jim Headley 407-675-6969 Architect: Harter-Adams, P.A. Contract Amount: $581,403.14 % Complete: 100% Project Name: West Orange Door Manufacturing Co., Inc. Owner: R. Neil Britt/John Arellano 407-656-0850 Architect: Harter-Adams, P A 1370 Gene Street Winter Park, Fl. 34760 Contract Amount: $1,300,000.00 Completed: April2004 BRITT CONSTRUCTION, INC. CITY OF OCOEE Project Name: Faith Family Community Church of the Nazarene, Inc. Owner: Pastor Rick Page 407-877-7735 Contract Amount: 1,500,000.00 Completed: September 2005 Project Name: West Orange Lumber Distribution Center Owner: R. Neil Britt/John Arellano 407-656-0580 Architect: Harter-Adams, PA 1370 Gene Street Winter Park, FI. 34760 Contract Amount: $1,800,000.00 Completed: October 2005 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS OF PRE- ENGINEERED BUILDINGS OR COMPONENTS: 18. NAME/ADDRESS/FEDERAL I.D. NO./CONTACT PERSON/PHONE #: Ludwig Buildings, Inc. 521 Timesaver Avenue Harahan, LA 70183 Kirby Building Systems 124 Kirby Drive Portland, Tennessee 37148 Brevard Construction 2023 N. Carpenter Road Titusville, FL 32796 Elite Contracting, Inc. P.O. Box 207 Adel, Georgia 31620 Contact Person Trip Ludwig 504-733-6260 Contact Person 615-325-4165 Contact Person Martie Gordon 321-269-2929 Contact Person David Dobransky 229-896-7569 (Attach additional sheets if necessary) The bidder certifies that the bidder has investigated each company listed above and has received evidence that it maintains a competent and capable staff that is technically and financially capable of performing the pertinent work and that it has done similar work in a satisfactory manner. It is further acknowledged by the Contractor that any CHANGE in the companies listed above shall require the City of Ocoee's approval before any work shall commence by the new party on this project. See "Scope of Services" section. 19. LIST OF EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES: Please list year, make & model of all equipment and vehicles that will be used on this Project, including whether owned or lease. If leased please provide name of lessor. 2002 Ford F250 OWNED 2005 Ford F350 OWNED 2005 Ford F250 OWNED 2001 Ford F150 OWNED 1998 Jeep Cherokee OWNED 1995 Partner Compactor Forklift TCM 1998 3 Northstar 20 horse 5500 generators OWNED OWNED OWNED 2005 Bobcat T190 OWNED B05-09R 18 SUBCONTRACTORS a) Electrical. & Lighting Subcontractor Pro Delta b) Mechanical Subcontractor Ewing's Contracting Services c) AC & heating Subcontractor Ewing's Contracting Services d) Concrete slab & sidewalk subcontractor Southern Building Services, Inc. e) Concrete block wall subcontracor Southern Building Services, Inc. t) Rough and finish plumbing subcontractors Partin Plumbing Services g) Interior framing and sheet rock subcontractors Southern Building Services, Inc. h) Doors & windows subcontractor Southern Building Services, Inc. i) Temporary Worker Agencies Workers Temporary Staffing, Inc. Note: Licenses provided on final pages of bid package. 20 . REFERENCES/EXPERIENCE OF BIDDER WITH SIMILAR WORK The Bidder must demonstrate that it has the experience to perform services similar to those required for this project. The bidder shall provide information regarding its experience on similar projects within the past five (5) years. INCLUDE AT LEAST ONE (1) GOVERNMENTAL REFERENCE and two (2) References concerning projects that include pre-engineered commercial buildings. See "Scope of Services" section. DATE OF CONTRACT/AMOUNT OF PROJECT/CLIENT'S NAME AND ADDRESS/ TELEPHONE NUMBERlEMAIL ADDRESS/NAME OF CONTACT 4/15/2003 255,979.00 Best Carpet Center Bo Barnes 352-343-0027 324 Burleigh Blvd, Taveres FL. 32778 e-mail not available 7/8/2004 979,890.00 City Of St. Cloud Kristin Caborn 407-957-7243 1300 9th Street, St. Cloud FL. 34769 kcaborn@stcloud.orQ 12/24/2004 15,544.00 Air Liquide America L.P. Ken Biggers 713-402-2329 9857 Bachman Road, Orlando, FL. 32824 e-mail not available Have you any similar work in progress at this time? Yes _X_ No _' Length of time in business 7 years Bank or other financial references: Wachovia Bank, contact Andy Roberts AmSouth Bank, contact Felicia R. Lewis (Attach additional sheets if necessary) 21 . SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), bid or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the bidder in the past five (5) years which is related to the services that the bidder provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. If none, please so state. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) N/A B05-09R 19 BID FORM, BID # B05-09R CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR PRE-ENGINEERED PUBLIC WORKS BUilDINGS-REBID $~!~6~L13.DO 2. lUmpe~m Bid for Building #1, Storage & Pole Barn: $ 3L1 (0, LP'6-:t-. Db Jnrlffnh11nr:lt?(j fvJZ...b'-SJ X' dollars and H La -ttlous(,{ QS/\c'hun tUt1tnft[N sevw ~. ~11J.e Sum Bid for Builaj.Qg # 2, eXcluding items 4,5,6, & 7 below: ~L2ZI ':)U~ '?c7U !!JrvfJ n ~ O~g~/ttfb~~ :rf1J%!1onars and reJlQ cents 4. lump Sum Bid for Wash Bay & Filtering/Recycling System: $ 5T:~~ .DO Pi-fhJ~~~ff}~,~(jnti.S.LVfJl dollars and ::cetLo cents hutml f j 0 e., I (rfJf~~ 5. lump S m S(ti'for acuum &. Air St~tion: $ -=1-, <2> f ~ . ()D dollars and 7:::f 12 0 cents $~ \}fo L\:W l. 00 dollars and ~~ cents $ ;f:.~ ,~7=t-.OO -..:Ll2 cents cents cents .LL.krY5 I w:l J I 00 T{fJ 1) . cents Southern Building Services, Inc. Company Name Date B05-09 31 66/17/2065 62:52 4676563561 DCOEE FINANCE PAGE 02/02 ~ S. Scott VaXJdsrgrift ce'Otet of Good l.j ~'}>e !;>~ Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Nancy J. Parker. District 4 Citv Manae'er Robert Frank June 17,2005 ADDENDUM NO: TWO (2) CITY OF OCOEE BID #BOS-09 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR PRE-ENGINEERED PUBLIC WORKS BUILDINGS This Addendum shall modify and become a part of the original Bid Documents for this project. This Addendum is intended to clarify start time, completion time, liquidated damages, and to move the bid date to June 30, 2005. Changes aDd/or Clarifications to the bid document! are as follows: 1. Bid opening date changed to June 30.2005 at 2:00 p.m. 2. Estima.ted project start date is mid August 2005. 3. Contract completion time is one bundred fifty (ISO) calendar days. 4. Liquidated damages: The Contractor acknowledges that the Owner will incur damage if the Work is not completed within the agreement time in an amount that is impracticable to ca.lculate. Therefore, the parties agree and acknowledge that the Contractor, and it surety, if any, shall be liable for and shall pay the Owner the sum of $500.00 as liquidated damages, and not penalty, for each calendar day of delay, until the work is substantiaJJy completed. If after substantia} completion, the project is not finally completed in accordance with the requirements of the oontract documents, the Contractor shall pay to the Owner as liquidated damages, and not as penalty, for. such delay, the sum of $250.00 per calendar day until the project reaches final completion. These liquidated damages shall be payable in addition to any additional expenses, costs or damages payable by the Contractor to the Owner under the contract documents, for reasons other than late completion, and shall not exclude recovery by the Owner of damages for reasons other than delay or late completion. ~ ~~Agent All Bidders shall acknowledge this Addendum by completing the section below and attaching to the front of your bid, Bidder: Rubv Bliiidkrs. Inc. / /1 ~~j/;zfl{)/ Signature: Name and Title: A. Jeffrey Suberman, President City ofOcooo. 150 N Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100' fax: (407) 656-&504. www.ci.ocoee.fl.us 06/15/2005 03:15 4075553501 DCOEE FINANCE PAGE 03/05 5. Smoke detectors shall be wired as a part of building construction and the fire protection contractor shall provide smoke detectors. 6, Fleet storage and offices shall be air-conditioned. 7. Heat pumps are not required. Items modified by tbe City ], All rooting for material shall be colored metal and not galvanized. Color to be chosen by the City upon award to the contractor. Contractor shall provide color chart for the selection and prior to ordering of the material. 2. Method offastening roofmatenal shall be STANDING SEAM rather tha.n exposed fasteners as indicated during the meeting. 3. Change the stucco finish for Building #2 to include: . Stucco the north side of building, 1:2~ high x 70' long. . Stucco the east side (facing street) of the building, 12'high x 70' long for the office area., and 16' high x130'long for tbe warehouse/fleet areas. Area above the stucco area shall be upgraded architectural meta) skin with contrasting colors. Contractor shall provide color chart for selection of color. 4. Contractor shall provide soffits for the under the overhang, edge and comer ca.ps, moldings to seal an exposed building areas. 5. All horizontal and vertical gutters shall be of contrasting colors as chosen by the City. 6, R.elocation of 8" water main is eliminated from the bid. Contractor shall provide lump sum bid to relocate a fire hydrant and install all necessary plumbing and connections per City codes. 7. Copy of Chapter 6-14 City land Development Codes, Commercial and Industrial Development Regulations, is enclosed for applications. 8. Exterior, building mounted lights meeting the specifications in Ocoee Land Development Codes Chapter 6.14 under site Ii ghting aTe required. 9. Illuminance levels for interior and exterior lighting shall meet the requirements listed under Ocoee Land Development Codes Chapter 6-14, Site Lighting. Attachments: Revised Bid Fonn. Pre-Bid Conference Sign in Sheet. Questions from R&R Air Conditioning Chapter 6-14 All Bidders shall acknowledge this Addendum by completing the section below Ill1d attaching to the front cfyour bid. Proposer: Z~lkj . A. Jeffrey Suberman. President Signature: Name and Title; 20. REFERENCESIEXPERIENCE OF BIDDER WITH SIMILAR WORK The Bidder must demonstrate that it has the experience to perform services similar to those required for this project. The bidder shall provide information regarding its experience on similar projects within the past five (5) years. INCLUDE AT LEAST ONE (1) GOVERNMENTAL REFERENCE and two (2) References concerning projects that include pre-engineered commercial build~ngs. See "Scope of Services" section. DATE OF CONTRACT/AMOUNT OF PROJECT/CLIENT'S NAME AND ADDRESS/ TELPHONE NUMBER/EMAIL ADDRESS/NAME OF CONTACT July, 2004 $4.5 million School Board of Brevard County, 2700 JudQe Fran Jamieson Way Viera, FL 32940 321-633-10001 johnsona3@brevard.k12.f1.us 1 Art Johnson November 2002 $908,000 Strube Properties 2814 Silver Star Road, Orlando 1407-293-6810 May, 2001 $16.9 million Orange County Public Schools, 6501 Magic Way, Orlando 32809 407-317-37001 syedk@ocps.k12.f1.us/ Kay Syed Have you any similar work in progress at this time? Yes_ No X . Length of time in business 46 years Bank or other financial references: Fifth Third Bank, 1500 Lee Road, Winter Park, FL 32789 407-644-2265 Gloria Sprankel (Attach additional sheets if necessary) 21. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), bid or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the bidder in the past five (5) years which is related to the services that the bidder provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. If none, please so state. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) RBI vs. David Condon - this case was recovering unjust financial gains by Mr. Condon. This was settled in bankruptcy court. Gold Mechanical vs. RBI - GM claimed a balance due on a project. RBI had a different view as to how much was due. The case was settled out of court. CDS Sitework YS. RBI - CDS had a claim for extra work. RBI disputed this claim. The case was dropped. Meyer Laminates vs. RBI - Meyer was a supplier to TriCity Cabinets and had persevered their right to payment. Tri City Cabinets went out of business and RBI settled out of court. RBI YS. Aldon Bookhardt Roofing - ABR abandoned a project after the hurricanes of 2004. RBI had to hire another roofer to finish the project. This case is still pending. B05-09 -R 19 18. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS OF PRE- ENGINEERED BUILDINGS OR COMPONENTS: N~ADDRESS/FEDERAL LD. NO.lCONT ACT PERSON/PHONEii: 637 1997 Rlveer Company Ryan 1-269-- MMR / Agosto Erectors Marl< 407-651-2282 Southern Storage Systems Marl< 407-302-4405 Viking Security Bryan 407-447-9490 Floz-on Painting David 407-466-3311 RD Martin Company Linda 904-998-7644 Glenco Industries 407-688-0651 Wamco Scott 407 -831-0548 ANRDoors Russ 407-880-4664 McCartney & Company, Inc. James 407-843-1553- Modern Plumbing, Inc. Jeff 407-327-6000 Universal Engineering Brittany 407-423-0504 Central Enviromental Rich 407-295-7005 Brevard Constructors Marty 1-321-269-2929 Pace Electric Brad 407 -~55-3200 The bidder certifies that the bidder has investigated each company listed above and has received evidence that it maintains a competent and capable staff that is technically and financially capable of performing the pertinent work and that it has done similar work in a satisfactory manner. It is further acknowledged by the Contractor that any CHANGE in the companies listed above shall require the City of Oeoee's approval before any work shall commence by the new party on this project. See "Scope of Services" section. 19. LIST OF EQUIPMENT AND VEIDCLES: Please list year, make & model of all equipment and vehicles that will be used on this Project, including whether owned or leased. If leased please provide name of lessor. B05-09-R 18 " BID #B05-09-R CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR PRE-ENGINEERED PUBLIC WORKS BUILDINGS-REBID 1. Lump Sum Bid for Building #1, Storage Area Only: $ 250,761.59 Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty One dollars and 59." cents 1. Lump Sum Bid for Building #1, Storage & Pole Barn: S 306.715.89 Three Hundred Six Thousand Seven Hundred Fifteen dollars and 89 cents 3. Lump Sum Bid for Building #1, excluding items 4,5,6 &7 below: $ 964,551.26 Nine Hundred Sixty Four Thousand Five Hundred Fifty One dollars and 26 cents 4. Lump Sum Bid for Wash Bay & FilteringIRecycling System:$ 61,828 Sixty One Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Eigllt dollars and Zero cents 5. Lump Sum Bid for Vacuum & Air Station: $ 3,225 Three Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Five dollars and Zero 6. Lump Sum Bid for Video SecuriQr System: S 10,500 Ten Thousand Five Hundred dollars and Zero cents cents 7. Lump Sum Bid for Relocation of Utilities & Lift Station: S 29,400 Twenty Nine Thousand Four Hundred dollars and Zero cents TOTAL (1 through 7) LUMP SUM BID: $ 1.376,220.15 One Million Three w..""~" l':~"~ntl' l':ir Thousand Two Hundred Twentl!follars and 15 cents The City reserves the right to delete any portion of the bid items above in order to meet budget constraints. Ruby Builders, Inc. Company Name Authorized Signature August 11,2005 Date B05-09-R 31 RUBY BUILDERS tNCOP'I"ORA1EO Ceoee Construction Servi es for Pre-Engineered Public Wo s uildings Attn: Joyce Tolbert, Purch sing Agent Ocoee, Florida 34761 1. General conditions osts are applied proportionately 0 g the different bid items. There is roject overhead applied proportio at y to bid items 1, 2 & 3. If one or mo e of the items is not selected, the roj ct overhead must be addae bac to the other bid items. 2. Impact fees not incl ded in bid pricing 3. Metal building man facturer will provide shop drawin p r specifications. Does not include found tions. Owner to provide permit w g. Changes to the bid drawings on th permit drawings are not included Qualifications to proposal ffrey Suberman President Ruby Builders, Inc 3039 SILVER STAR ROAn ORlANDO, FLORIDA 32008 PHONE: (4071 293.6217 FAX, (407) 293,6461 www.fllDyblJilderfl.com