HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 12 Appointment of Alternate Member to Code Enforcement Board. 8!~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: September 6, 2005 Item # t [) Reviewed By: Contact Name: Brenda Brasher Department Director: Beth Eikenbe Contact Number: X 1026 City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Appointment to Code Enforcement Board (three-year term) ^ :'if Background Summary: The Code Enforcement Board was created by Ordinance No. 741 on June 16,1981. The purpose of this board is to review infractions of the City Codes, negotiate compliance and impose fines for failure to comply. The board consists of seven (7) regular members and two (2) alternate members. At this time, there is one (1) opening for an alternate member to serve a three-year term. Applicants, James Morton (District 2), Steven Ballard (District 2), and Ronald Strosnider (District 4) have indicated interest in serving on the Code Enforcement Board. Issue: Should James Morton, Steven Ballard, or Ronald Strosnider be appointed as an alternate member to the Code Enforcement Board? Recommendations: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners appoint one (1) alternate member from the attached application of James Morton, Steven Ballard, or Ronald Strosnider, to serve a three-year term on the Code Enforcement Board. Attachments: Board Applications Member List Financial Impact: N/A Type of Item: (please mark with an "xj Public Hearing - Ordinance First Reading - Ordinance Second Reading - Resolution - Commission Approval -X Discussion & Direction Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. For Clerk's DeDt Use: Consent Agenda - Public Hearing X Regular Agenda N/A N/A CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Created by Ord. #741 on 6/I6/81/Amended by Ord. #1004 on 9/1/87/ #89-43 on 11/21/89/ #95-06 on 3-7-95 Members must be City residents per ~ 7-5.A, Code of Ordinances (three (3) year terms) (7 regular and 2 alternate members) Members District Phone Number Term Expires 1. Carole Amey 401 S. Bluford Avenue Ocoee, FL 34761 3 407/656-5315 (H) 407/925-1472 (C) CCAmey@msn.com June 2008 2. Randy Chancey (Vice-Chairman) 1856 Sparkling Water Circle Ocoee, FL 34761 4 407/293-6251 (H) 407/828-5231 (W) 407/893-1843 (P) randY.chanceY@disneY.com June 2008 3. Robert Donenfeld 2600 Coventry Lane Ocoee, FL 34761 4 407/523-6479 (F) 407/761-7977 (C) rdonenfeld@earthlink.net June 2008 4. Robert Godek (Chairman) 1316 Olympia Park Circle Ocoee, FL 34761 2 407/877-0973 (H) 407/420-6665 (W) 407/466-4428 (C) rhoodek@tecooartners.com June 2008 5. Bill Henderson 1115 Kimball Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 1 407/656-7487 (H) 352/589-3026 (W) 352/483-6018 (C) brh((i>-prinole.com billhenderson777@yahoo.com June 2006 6. Michael Hopper 1405 Daria Street Ocoee, FL 34761 2 407/656/2720 (H) 352/536-6880 (W) 352/536-6866 (W) mhoooer317((i>-yahoo.com June 2007 7. Lee Ann Stanley 563 S. Bluford Avenue Ocoee, FL 34761 3 407/993-4020 (H) leeannstanley@aol.com June 2006 1 Alternates 1. Denise M. Lenko 417 Sterling Lake Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 4 407/822-4786 (H) 407/902-8703 (C) 407/298/3755 (W) threerivers 77@hotmail.com June 2008 2. OPEN Attorney Fowler & O'Quinn, P.A. Mary Sneed, Esq. Empire Building 28 W. Central Blvd. Orlando, FL 32801 407/425-2684 (W) 407/425-2690 (Fax) RESIGNED John H. Linebarier 2005 John Konicek 2005 Updated/bb/August 29,2005 2 HH th3: 1 J t-l ~U~~ S~~ 1Ia 39'i1d l. 2. CITY OF OCOEE APPLlCA110N roB. SERVING ON CI'lY BOARDS (I'Ie8e Priet Uf:iW.r) . -10'0 e. Lo..t<t-5h~(.>l DR. Name: J" *11 &1 ht?A-t#? IJ E-mailAddlaa: ~~s Ir-~" ~ f?1f"U U... "~""e f ~~: 7~ e ll'tl(F"';.IkAt: LJ^ HamePhoDc:",;,.~-6{"-6 "'~9' '< City, s.., Z1p: i?..- ~ I!l E ~ ( ~~. ~b I ~..: Ift~~ (kll't ..i ~,"4H~"',,~ BwiDenPbaae: j-" .:). 71f" ~ ':;1~ I ~Addreu: Ihl. 11~~id1~5+t./t/:;o 2~d h~~~~t:: :-:: ;~ 3P~ Brief SummIzy ofE4tabODlBd~; ... 1/ .- of } r-: 17 6 ~) ... R1"4) .~~ .b. ~~.,~ E ~ t.'I".: 7 f"~ - i ''5_,..r)l'~{~ "5c..r"''''r ..of: t~_.-1r..,~""_" /'0' ('e-...~","_ " I' 3. 4. S. 6. NoNo ................ :...... '+1', ~ _ ..,....~." A-srt~ ....':IiP -., I Yea~ Na_ YeI No ..If..- Yes No ...c: Ves= No ')<' 1. 8. 9. 10. 11. Are you a U.s. dtiaa? Yea. 'f AleYOQ.~vater? Yel-;C:- Residcat oflbe City for 6 DiODlI!s or lo&1JC:1?- Do you bold public office? Arc you employed by 1ho City? 00 yuu BOW ICI'IIe 01\ a Cily Bead or ~'1 PLeASE CHECK mE BOARDS WHICH IN'I'im.EST YOU : lmlica!:a 11l iR:rrelIt .. first choice. "1 &eCOIlId choiice - II .. · GIIlenll E~' ~... . ..rdef ucaeat Trwt had "rdef~ CitiIeu AdriImy COIIlId ... fire... BuHa ~---1)hoe Boerd CJtIMa A1IvIIo!y CORdI Pub.......... ~ .,....... BoaN ........... Beud ~..I"",., /" .. -4. ",,<-A · A c::....... · 'PaIim 0IIatn' _4~fI' IletiIWlelllt TI'lUl hlICI JIaenI 01 'butoes I ..~ CoIIlIlSllletva tlI .. fINANCIAL DIIICLOSVU. lOUIS AU UQVIUIJ POLLOWING AfPOI!In"MDiT WbIt 1Cbool4oa)'0Il' dW41DeD4? (Only b EdDcatia!l Commi8aioD) r:L~'9t t!!.,..,.~/~} 6--...hI",A-I..et -;:'L'_ Wf!'I +- 0 ~ k_.:> ~ 12. Why do YOIl tbiB yuu 1ft CfUIIifieclID crve em thiI bo8cl? ~.....~. ~..~ ~~~ t=!r,'-:f ~';,-:! h~~+:--'" _: ...;; t" ;J 1-: ~t!: : p... TJr,....)71.<; -t.... vr,..~';" TC('~ '-r"'-"r" 1:3. Please and/or orber inf~ 10 asisl ('..(JII'ImilWm ill1Dllki.Bl appoiBlme:ms. SIONAnJRE ~ DATE: 3 - 1).... c> ~- Now. ) ~ a5Dc1tiwo bON! YEA1l en. dlSDof~"" (1) U yotI1IaYe ay qIIIISIiuaa. pi.- clI11 Ole City CletIt'. cdBc6 . {4O't) 90S.) )(J5. O'J!O~ NOJ.~ 7~:Q~ Caa7/hTJCQ bTF.RqCq/Clb 1. 2. ., .J. 4. 5. 'I07~ 'f1;'~:J7~ 6. Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes ~ Are you a registered voter? Y es ~ 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? 8. Do you hold public office? 9. Are you employed by the City? 10. Do you no"v serve on a City Board or Committee? PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU: No No District # ;;2. Yes -L-. No Yes No __ Yes No~ Yes No I/'" 11. Indicate your degree of interest as first choice - # I, second choice - #2. etc -1fJ- .;. General Employees' Retirement >;< Board of Adjustment Trust Fund Board of Trustees Citizen Advisory Council for Fire Department Human Relations/Diversity Board Citizen Advisory Council Parks and Recreation Advisory for Police Department Board ~, *' Code Enforcement Board PersOlU1e1 Board Community Merit Review Awards Board '" Planning & Zonin.g Commission '" Police Officers' and Firefighters' Construction Board of Retirement Trust Flmd Board of Adjustment and Appeals Trustees *"'Education Commission Z5::i31l.. flllt ~i) * ** FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT What school does your child attend? (Only for Education COllU1ussion) 12. 13. SIGNATURE Note: (1) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. (2) If you have any questions. please call the City Clerk's office at (407) 905-3105. 1029 Featherstone Circle Ocoee, Florida 34761 (407) 291- 1 086 (home) (407) 432-3700 (cell) STEVEN P. BALLARD PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE A responsible and challenging position with an organization offering opportunities for grovl'th and advancement SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS . More than 15 years of progressively responsible mortgage lending and financial experience. . Proven expertises in conforming mortgages and sub-prime lending. e Strong management, recruitment, training, supervisory, and motivational capabilities. . Demonstrated ability to manage multiple complex projects simultaneously and bring each to a successfu I completion on schedule. . Excellent communication, interpersonal, and client relations skills. . Highly organized, detail-oriented and self-motivated. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE August 2000 To Present Mason Dixon Funding, Inc., Fairfax, Virginia LOAN OFFICER Originate FHA, V A, and Conventional Mortgages. Produced $19,000,000 in 2003 production consisting of new purchase business and refinances developed primarily through Realtor and customer referrals. September 1998 To August 2000 Peoples Savings Bank, Fairfax, Virginia LOAN OFFICER Originated FHA, V A, and Conventional mortgages. Marketed services to Realtors and through direct mail and adveltising. September 1994 To September 1998 Option One Mortgage, Vienna, Virginia SALES TRAINER Selected to train account executives in the east coast region of this \vholesale lender specializing in non-confonning mortgages. Responsibilities were expanded, after eight months, to training new and existing staff members in the company's I) regions throughout the United States. Prepared and conducted comprehensive training programs encompassing sales techniques, product knowledge, industry regulations, and company policies. Developed and implemented a peer training program through which top producers in each region assisted the development of new account executives. Created monitoring system to gauge results. Initiated a bonus system for rewarding peer trainers for excellent results. Significantly increased company's mortgage production throughout the United States. Number of account executives generating more than 15 mortgages per month increased from 22 in December 1996 to 37 in 1997. April 1993 To September 1994 1990 To 1993 1989 To 1990 1988 To ]989 ]986 To 1987 1979 To 1986 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE, 9/94 - 9/96 Developed wholesale broker business for sub-prime lender. Established and maintained effective relationships with mortgage brokers. Trained broker loan officers and guided the development of their sales and advertising programs for this niche market. PerfOlmed tield underwriting. Generated up to $3 million of business per month. Maintained consistent closing of 45-50 percent. National Ciry Mortgage Co., McLean, Virginia LOAN OFFICER Originated FHA, V A and Conventional mortgage business. Produced $14 million in mortgages in one year. Marketed services by establishing relationships with real estate agents. Commercial Credit Corp., Fairfax, Virginia BRANCH MANAGER Directed the activities of six staff members in producing consumer loans volumes of up to $ I million a month, mostly in 2nd trust real estate loans. Responsible for all administrative and reporting functions of the branch. J. H. Publishing & Communications, Inc., Falls Church, Virginia VICE PRESIDENT Responsible for daily operations and advertising sales for two monthly publications, a medical profession newspaper and residential real estate guide. Recruited. trained and managed staff of seven employees. Centrust Mortgage Corp., Annandale, Virginia LOAN OFFICER Originated FHA, V A, and Conventional mortgages. Assisted in training new loan officers. Carey Winston M0I1gage Corp., Oakton, Virginia LOAN OFFICER Produced SJ I million in new loans during first year in business by establishing effective working relationships with real estate agents. Provided high level of service to generate customer satisfaction, repeat business and refelTals. SUMMARY OF PRIOR EXPERIENCE Began in the insurance profession as an agent and eal11ed progressive promotions to agency Vice President. Administered agency operations. Trained new sales staff members. Extensively involved 'with launching an agency including securing licensing and contracts with major carriers. Employers were EPIC Realty Insurance Service, Falls Church, Virginia, 1985-86; Government Services Insurance Agency, Bethesda, Maryland, ] 982-85; and VM! Insurance Agency, Arlington, Virginia 1979-82 EDUCA nON AND TRAINING Licensed Florida MOJ1gage Broker Licensed Florida Real Estate Sales Associate NOlthem Virginia Community College, Annandale, Virginia Studies in Business Management 1970-72 American Management Association Graduate of 16-week Effective Management Course, 1971 Completed extensive professional development courses in finance, human resource administration, management and marketing 1. 2. CITY OF oeOEE APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS (please Print Legibly) /J r? d? S'I Name: ;t6NtlLU t/ 57f(05A{d.6e.E-mailAddress.~.~C'htF";:'RdN €J A 0<' , co...Y! Home Address: '3o//C CJOrJi (j 5"-:{ (j t..c s fJ..? Home Phone: J71cJ? - ~ ? 9 > .y 01 ~ City, State, Zip: 0 c.J!J t3,G F//9 3 Cj 16 ( Business: R (i 77 ~ 6" /) Business Phone: "V.:1 ? - 3' <. S- I':<"")? Business Address: Brief Summary ofEdu~ion .~d Experience: /-#74 5:i Iura! 5c.rnt; !3r:].S/;/.t::X: CL.r..l-5S~ =:, ; rl,khz F-::/J(;4:Tlo.-y CO,.zQ"F.S I 3. 4. 5. 6. Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes ~ No Are you a registered voter? Yes....!::::.- No Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Do you hold public office? Are you employed by the City? Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS 'WHICH INTEREST YOU: District # 4 Yes J.--"' No Yes No v-' Yes No r--' Yes --;:::::;-- No 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Indi d f' firth' ..LI1 d h' ..LI2 cate vour egI'ee 0 mteres as S c Olce. TT I secon c Olce - Tf ,etc. * General Employees' Retirement * Board of Adjustment Trust Fund Board of Trustees Citizen Advisory Council for Fire Deoartment Human Relations/Dlversity Board Citizen Advisory Council Parks and Recreation Advisory for Police Deoartment Board I * Code Enforcement Board Personnel Board Community Merit Awards Review Board * Planning & Zoninl! Commission * Police Officers' and Firefighters' Construction Board of Retirement Trust Fund Board of Adjustment and Appeals Trustees **Education Commission ti~! fW!3 i:3 .~~ 3 '3 Htrt * ** FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORLYIS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT What school does your child attend? (Only for Education Commission) 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board? Ii 4-0 j -.f P / ;../ ~/P-!? -(~oAJ!7'S 4/1 0 Fj./I1ih/J':V.z. lA..' //'1j f1-1/J-fl'f C /.-:ry Co Ii 'PC:.: , , 13. Please attach resume and/or other infonnation to assist Commission in making appointments. SIGNATURE If fl4r-'Y-~.;r-.f( DATE: ;? ~ /() ~(r S Note: (1) Application effective for ONe YEAR from date of completion. (2) If you have any questions, please call the City Clerk's office at (407) 905-3105. O:BOARDLlSTSlBdApplJune2004.doc