HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of September 20, 2005, and October 4, 2005, and Final Budget Hearing of September 29, 2005 MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION September 20, 2005 at 6:45 P.M. Agenda 10/18/05 Item 1 I SPECIAL PRESENTATION Introduction of Hurricane Evacuees from New Orleans - Mayor Vandergrift, Ryan Colbert and Martha Lopez-Anderson gave an overview of the events from the Ocoee resident's trip to Mobile, Alabama, through to the current needs of the Hurricane Katrina evacuees that came back to Ocoee and are temporarily residing at the Best Western Hotel. The Orange County Schools came to the hotel and all the children have been enrolled in school. They are now seeking jobs, housing, and household goods to start their new lives. Doris Paige, one of the evacuees from New Orleans, thanked all ofthe people ofOcoee for their generosity. Presentation of Proceeds from Lemonade Sales from the Children of Wesmere Subdivision to the Ocoee Relief Fund. Children of Wesmere Subdivision presented the Mayor with cash, checks, and rolled coins totaling $1105.50. The Relief Fund now totals $4,745.75 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tem Anderson called the regular session to order at 7:35 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Parker gave the Invocation and Cub Scout Pack #217 led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and determined a quorum was present. Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift (arrived at 8:30 p.m.), Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Howell, Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Parker. Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry. I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentation - Human Relations/Diversity Board (HRDB) to Present Their Strategic Plan, Logo, Brochure, and Flyer for Sunday Founder's Day Activities - Chairperson Lopez- Anderson. (Mayor Vandergrift) Martha Lopez-Anderson distributed flyers with the HRDB's newly designed LOGO and Board Summary, their strategic plan, and their schedule of events for Founder's Day on Sunday, October 16, 2005. She asked for the City's approval to use the new logo on future printed media. Mayor Pro Tem Anderson said he thought the City should reimburse Martha for her expenses. City Manager Frank said that we do not have line items for individual boards, but we can reimburse Boards for specific expenses with prior approval. Mayor Pro Tem Anderson also asked City Attorney Rosenthal to look into whether City Boards could become 501-C3 Non-profit organizations. Ms. Lopez-Anderson said she has run into difficulties trying to obtain grant money without that status. City Attorney Rosenthal will research it and get it bring it back at the next meeting. Ms. Lopez-Anderson will bring back figures as to the cost of creating/printing the Board flyers. Consensus of the Commission to put the HRDB's fivers and Founder's Dav schedule one the website. City Commission Regular Meeting September 20, 2005 I Emergency Item Mayor Pro Tem Anderson declared this an emergency item. City Attorney Rosenthal said the BP Twistee Treat approvals, are scheduled to expire on September 30, 2005, and they are requesting an extension. Scott Glass, representing BP Global Alliance, said the budget required for this is outside of their normal business model, due to relocation of the Twistee Treat, and sewer system issues. He requested a 30-day or 60-day extension. Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve a GO-day extension. Motion carried 4-0. with Mayor Vandergrift away from the dais. I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC James Fleming, 511 Orange Avenue, said he has made a request in the past and would like the City to still consider naming a section of Washington Street (Bluford to Lakewood) or the new road (Montgomery to Blackwood) to "Griffin Lane". He said J. Ben Griffin was a WWII Veteran, Korean War Veteran, a State Representative, and a leader of the community in the 1950's. He was born in Ocoee and died here. Commissioner Anderson suggested we look into changing Montgomery Road to Griffin Road in the area north of Orlando Avenue. Consensus of the Commission. without objection. was to have staff look into that road. and other roads. parks. and buildings to see if there is something coming up that the Commission can consider naming after Mr. Griffin. I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Parker reminded everyone to come out for this year's extended Founder's Day event on October 14, 15, and 16, 2005. She said on Friday night Gary Lewis and the Playboys will be the featured act and she displayed their albums from the 60's. The headliner Saturday will be country singer Sawyer Brown, and on Sunday there will be gospel music and Motown oldies by Klassique. There is something for everyone, food, crafts, rides, a classic car show, and much more. Commissioner Johnson said on Friday October 1, 2005, the annual Founder's Day golf Tournament will be held, beginning with registration at 11 :30. Dinner, prizes and give-aways will follow the event. Call David Wheeler for information at 407-905-3100 Ext.9-1504. Commissioner Howell thanked the employees of the Waste Water; Utility Plant, who raised $800 last week for the hurricane relief program. I Commissioner Anderson- said there is a very important meeting df the Wekiva River Basin Commission on September 22, 2005, at 1 :30 - 5:00 p.m., at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Altamonte Springs. Information is on our website. Residents who have septic tanks should be heard because there may by mandatory upgrades that could cost up to $13,000. Cub Scout Leader David Blasik introduced members of Cub Scout Pack #217 that were at the meeting in order to earn their "Citizenship" merit badge. Page 2 of9 City Commission Regular Meeting September 20, 2005 I E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval andAcceptanceofthe Minutesofthe.Budget WorkshopsofAugust 10th and August 17,2005. (City ClerkEikenberry) 2. Reappointments ofFour(4)Members to Parks alldRecreationAdvisory Board. (City Clerk Eikellberry) The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board was created by Ordinance No. 908 on September 2, 1986. Its purpose is to advise the Mayor, the City Commission, City Manager, and Parks and Recreation Director on the operation of the city's parks, recreational facilities and programs. The two-year terms of Bradley Campbell (attended 10 out of 14 meetings), Joseph "Jay" Hembree (attended 7 out of 14 meetings), Robert McKey (attended 12 out of 14 meetings), Thomas Werts (attended 8 out of 14 meetings), and Rosemary Wilsen (attended 7 out 11 of meetings) ends October 1,2005. They have indicated they are willing to serve another term, if reappointed. 3. Appointment(s) to the PersonnelBoard. (CityClerkEikenberry) The Personnel Board shall consist of five members appointed by the City Commission for terms of three years. The membership shall consist of at least one (I) employee, one (1) City Commissioner, one (1) person who holds a management position with the City, and one (1) citizen of Ocoee who is not employed by and does not hold office with the City. All members of the Personnel Board must be qualified electors of the City. Any City employee, City Commissioner, or person holding a management position with the City who is appointed to the Personnel Board in order to remain a member of such Board. The Personnel Board has not met several years. The terms of the Board expired in March 2005. At this time, the Personnel Rules and Regulations are being revised, and it is necessary to reestablish this Board to assist in reviewing the proposed revisions and to make recommendations to the Commission. 4. Approval to Expend and/or Donate Forfeiture Funds to Law Enforc.elDentRelated Uses/Charities.i(Police . ChiefGoclon) Per Florida State Statutes 932.7055 "...any local law enforcement agency that acquires at least $15,000 pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act within a fiscal year must expend or donate no less than 15 percent of such proceeds for the support or operation of any drug treatment, drug abuse education, drug prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, or school resource officer program(s). 5. Approval of PoliceTaserPurcbase.(PoliceChiefGoclon) Tasers have been proven to reduce officer and resistant subject injuries during confrontations that turn physical or which have the propensity to turn physical. The Ocoee Police Department wishes to supply all of its officers with Tasers to help protect themselves and others during such incidents. The Tasers and related equipment would be purchased out of police forfeiture funds. The department currently has 25 X-26 Tasers, not enough to issue one to each officer. 6. 1\pprovalofPlat for QcoeeCommonsPUn Lot Dl Re-Plat. (City.EngineerWheeler) This item was jJulledfromthe Consent Agendato be considered separately Approval of Change Order No.4 on the Ocoee Crown Point PUD with Mastersite Development. (City Engineer Wheeler) The Engineering Department requests that the City Commission approve Change Order no. 4 with Master Site Development, Inc. on the Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase I Infrastructure Project for the close out of the project as originally designed. The change order results in an increase of $142,505.00, with an increase in contract time of thirty calendar days. 7. Approval and Authorization for theOcoee Crown Point PUDPhase Ib Infrastructure Project. . (City Engineer Wheeler) The Engineering Department requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve the overall project and in so doing approve Change Order no. 5 with Master Site Development, Inc. for the constructed improvements, the Second Amendment to Interlocal Agreement Regarding Coca-Cola Property, and the Amendment to the VHB, Inc. Agreement for construction administration services related to this project. The total cost of the Phase 1 b Infrastructure Project is $1,122,260.00 and will be funded in part from Ocoee and OCPS, based upon a 60-40 split, respectively. Page 3 of9 City Commission Regular Meeting September 20, 2005 8. Approval of Hydrilla Treatment for Lake Olympia. (Public Works Director Zaitooni) This item was pulled from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Commissioner Anderson asked to pull Items 6 and 9 from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to pull Items #6 and #9 from the Consent Aqenda. Motion carried 4-0, with Mayor Vanderqrift away from the dais. Consent Aqenda Vote: Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to approve Consent Aqenda, Items #1,2,3,4,5,7 ,and 8, as presented. Motion carried 4-0, with Mayor Vanderqrift away from the dais. 6. Approval of Plat for Ocoe.eCommons PUULot...Dl Re-Plat. (CityEngineer Wheeler)Pulledfr01ntheCOnsent Agenda to be heard separately. Ocoee Commons PUD is located at the northeast corner of Colonial Drive (State Road 50) and Blackwood Avenue. This re-plat is for Ocoee Commons PUD Lot Dl, which consists of 3.793 acres of commercial development. The applicant is requesting to split Lot Dl into 2 lots, Lot 1 and Lot 2 as shown on the attached plat. All required documentation pertaining to the re-platting of this lot has been reviewed and approved by City staff. Commissioner Anderson said he pulled this item from Consent to have the developer explain why it appears we may not be getting a restaurant, as they previously advised. Mr. Fagen, Managing Member of Ocoee Commons and Developer of the Shoppes of Ocoee, said they have been in contact with many high quality restaurants and currently have submitted legal leases to three restaurants (Panera Bread, Chipotle, and Camilla's). They have not been able to get a commitment yet. He promised to give a 200% effort to continue trying to locate a restaurant for that site. The reason for the split, or re-plat, is to accommodate the Central Florida Cardiology Center, who has contracted with them to purchase the north part of the site. Mr. Fagen said if the City has any contacts regarding restaurants, he would be happy to meet with anyone who might be interested in the site. Mayor Vandergrift joined the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve the Plat for Ocoee Commons PUO Lot 01 Re-plat, per staff recommendations. Motion carried 5-0. 9. Approval of Hydrilla Treatment for r.ake>Olynlpia. (Public.Works .lJirector Zaitooni) PulledfromtheConsel1tAgel1da tobeheardsepardtely. An aquatic plant analysis for Lake Olympia conducted by the University of Florida revealed that Hydrilla was present at 70% of the stations where data was collected. This is considered to be at aggressive level requiring treatment. Based on this information, staff has contacted State Department of Environmental Protection for a permit to treat Lake Olympia with Sonar (Fluridone) at a rate of 18 oz per acre for Hydrilla. City will piggyback Orange County's Term Contract Y5-106-NW with Aquatic Weed Control, Inc. for this treatment. The cost of the treatment is $19,894.00 to be funded from the General Fund Contingency. Page 4 of9 City Commission Regular Meeting September 20, 2005 Commissioner Anderson said he pulled this item to discuss why the City has no public access to this property. Public Works Director Zaitooni said there is no public access at this time, and if the Commission desires, it can be done in the future because there are some undeveloped properties that can be developed. The issue now is to treat the hydrilla and prevent it from spreading into Starke Lake and Prima Vista. He said this is an aquatic herbicide; we will get a permit from DEP, notify property owners, and then apply it over a lO-day period. Property owners will be given notice not to consume fish from the lake for an additional 14 days after the treatment is complete. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Mayor Vanderarift. moved to approve Hydrilla Treatment for Lake Olympia, per staff recommendations. Motion carried 3-0, with Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Howell away from the dais. PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. Special Exception for a Telecommunications Service Facility. Advertised in Orlando Sentinel Classified on September 8,2005. (Senior Planner Fabre) The applicant has proposed a telecommunications facility on a 10,000 square feet lot adjacent to the Ocoee Shopping Center parking lot. The telecommunications facility will be utilizing a 165 feet high monopole with a 5 feet high lighting rod. The applicant is also proposing flush-mounted antennas, which are less intrusive than conventional antennas, and has proposed a limit of 24 mounted antennas. Senior Planner Fabre gave a report on the telecommunications facility being proposed, and said staff recommends approval of the telecommunications service facility utilizing a monopole tower. Mike Burkead of ComSoEast, and Tim O'Shaugnassey of TB Com Properties answered technical questions regarding the 165' tower height, the 105 mph wind capacity, visibility aspects, non-interference with television reception, and multiple use capabilities which would improve service on cell phones. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. RP. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., expressed his concerns for the low visibility of the tower. He would like the City to look into placing a flag at the top of the tower. James Fleming, 511 Orange Avenue, said he is in favor of putting up the tower. Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve the telecommunications service facility utilizina a monopole tower. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Howell away from the dais. Page 5 of9 City Commission Regular Meeting September 20, 2005 REGULAR AGENDA 11. Amendment t()c;ity l\.fauagcrEmployment Agreement Extending Term Thereof. (City Attorney Rosenthal) The City entered into an Employment Agreement with Robert D. Frank dated June 21, 2004. The term of the agreement is scheduled to expire on September 30, 2005. At a Workshop Meeting held on September 7, 2005, the City Commission provided direction to the City Attorney regarding a proposed amendment to the Agreement which would extend the term of 2 years, increase the base salary and vehicle allowance, and waive the requirement for Mr. Frank to reside in the City during the term of the Agreement. Commissioner Parker, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the first amendment to the City Manaaer Emplovment Aareement, extendina the term of 2 years, increasina the base salary and vehicle allowance, and waivina the requirement for Mr. Frank to reside in the City durina the term of the Aareement. Motion carried 5-0. 12. Discussion .on Sanitation Curbside & Commercial Contracts and Future Direction. (Public W()rks Direct()r Zait()oni) City's Commercial & Multi-Family Contract and the Residential Yard & Bulky Waste Contract will expire in August 2006. City will have the option of extending the Contracts for another two (2) years or negotiate a limited term service with the current hauler. Additionally, the current residential garbage and recycling hauler, Waste Services of Florida, Inc. (WSI) has indicated the desire to be released from their contract with the City due to the restricted terms of the contract and City's dissatisfaction with their performance. The mutual termination will be negotiated to include interim service until such time that a permanent solution is in place. Preliminary analysis by staff has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to negotiate a mutual separation with WSI and seek a solution, which will encompass all sanitation services. Primary options to consider include (1) phased-in in-house operations, and (2) an RFP process for a re-packaged sanitation service by a private hauler. Staff requests direction from City Commission regarding the available options. The City can also choose to require WSI to perform the work per Contract. Commissioner Johnson wants to have Public Works Director Zaitooni look into costs of going back to an "in-house" department of sanitation. City Attorney Rosenthal said there are various ways to approach a contractor who is in non- compliance with their contract 1) work with them on a cooperative basis until the City decides where to go next, possibly bringing it back in-house. There would be a mutual termination of the agreement with no litigation, 2) Strict enforcement of the contract, and going after them for damages, attempting to go after the bond, etc. They could contest this and cause lengthy litigation. 3) Look for something between the two and negotiate with the hauler. Public Works Director Zaitooni said staff is recommending the first approach; to work with the hauler in the interim to ensure that our service remains in place, until we are able to bring service back in to the City. The hauler expressed that they want to get out of the contract, so there is now mutual interest from both parties to work it out amicably. Consensus of the Commission was to have staff produce a report with recommendations on how we should handle this issue, and the associated costs. Page 6 of9 City Commission Regular Meeting September 20, 2005 City Manager Frank said once the information and figures are obtained, the Commission should consider a workshop to discuss this at length. Waste Services of Florida should also attend the workshop. Discussion Re.: West Qrallge Chamber Discover. Advertisement. (Multi- Media/CommullityEvelltsManagerElliott) The West Orange Chamber is preparing its 2006 Community Profile and Membership Directory. The ad rates are as follows: 1/8 page = $695, 1/4 page = $1098, 1/2 page = $1895, and a full page = $2995. All advertisements are full color. The cost of all ads includes a direct hyperlink to the City's web site on the West Orange Chamber's community profile network. The Chamber prints 5,000 copies. Traditionally the city has reserved a Yz page, full color advertisement in the magazine. Mavor Vanderarift seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve the % paae. full-color advertisement in an amount not to exceed $1895. to be taken from the Commission Continaencv Fund. Motion carried 5-0. 14. West Orange/South Lake Transportation Task Force Dues. (Multi- Media/Co nllnllllityEventsMallagerElliott) The City of Ocoee will be hosting the organizations annual update meeting on October 6, 2005, at 10 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers. Attendees include the County Mayor, Commissioners and the Department of Transportation's District Secretary, and many State Representatives. However, we have not paid our yearly 2005 municipal dues yet due to a perceived limited benefit associated with the continuation of membership. The Task Force has been an integral factor in the widening project along State Road 50, in which of course the City will benefit. Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Mavor Vanderarift. moved to authorize payment of 2005 Municipal Dues in the amount of $5.000 from General Fund Continaencv. Motion carried 5-0. Without obiection. the consensus of the Commission was to continue this item to the Commission Meetina on October 4. 2005 with reaard to the 2006 Dues. and have a member of the Task Force speak before the Commission to aive an accountina of their expenditures. 15. Discussion Re: WesfOl'ange Chamber of Commerce Board Appointment. (Mayor Vandergrift) Commissioner Howell. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to appoint Commissioner Johnson to the West Oranae Chamber of Commerce Board. Motion carried 5-0. 16. Discussion on Hurricane Katfina Relief Efforts. (CommissionerAllderson) Commissioner Anderson said he spoke with Public Works Director Zaitooni to get costs at repairing the city-owned house at 210 North Bluford Avenue, in order to use it for relocation of some of the evacuees of Hurricane Katrina. Public Works Director Zaitooni submitted an estimate of $4,900 to make the necessary repairs. Commissioner Anderson asked for Commission input. Page70f9 City Commission Regular Meeting September 20, 2005 Commissioner Johnson said we have people in our City in need, and we have not offered them housing. He thinks everyone should continue their efforts to assist the hurricane victims, both privately and at their jobs, but the City should not use taxpayer's money to provide housing. Public Works Director Zaitooni asked that they please remember that we purchased this property to be a retention pond, and it may become difficult to get them out. Commissioner Parker said we need to continue doing all the things we are doing as a community to raise funds, but the City should not get involved in providing housing. Mayor Vandergrift said there is a difference between the poor people here and those who were forced from New Orleans because they lost everything in the hurricane. They are searching for temporary housing until they can get on their feet. The consensus of the Commission was that everyone should stay involved in assisting and fund raising as part of the community. but as a City. we should not provide city-owned property for housing. STAFF REPORTS Community Events Manager Elliott asked if the Commission would approve the MVP Grant disbursement of $2500 to the Christian Service Center; they were approved in 2005, but because of code requirements, were not able to get the project done. They have now located a company that can do it for less, and want to move forward. They will be using the money to repair a fence. Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to authorize payment of the $2500 MVP grant to the Christian Service Center. Motion carried 5-0. Community Events Manager Elliott said 1) she is still working on the Bill Breeze dedication, and will be in contact with Commissioner Johnson about it, 2) the Founder's Day information was placed on OGTV, and a new corrected flyer has been circulated, 3) the Sexual Predator's Committee is being handled by the Police Department, 4) the flyers are ready to go into the Pioneer Key II neighborhood regarding upcoming road repair, and 5) the staff feels that it would be better to have a separate event for the V 01unteer Appreciation Dinner, other than including them in Founder's Day. Consensus of the Commission was for staff to come up with a better plan. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker - appointed Allison Resnick to the Sexual Predators Task Force. Commissioners will bring back more names at the next meeting. Commissioner Johnson- 1) asked the City Manager to write a letter to Kay of West Oaks Mall in an attempt to find out why they are not participating in this year's Founder's Day Golf Tournament, 2) asked for a proclamation for Alan Badger, a former High School Teacher, Concensus of the Commission. without obiection, was to do a Proclamation for Mr. Badaer. 3) asked if we can look into hiring someone to promote the City to solicit restaurants and other desirable businesses to move into our City. City Manager Frank said he would look Page 8 of9 City Commission Regular Meeting September 20, 2005 into that, and 4) said VIP Tickets for Founder's day are on sale at the Beech Center, they are $20 for all three days. Commissioner Anderson - reminded everyone of the meeting on the Wekiva Study at Embassy Suites on September 22,2005. Commissioner Howell asked Public Works Director Zaitooni to look at the repairs on Adair Road. Commissioner Anderson- said he stili had Hurricane Relief t-shirts for sale for $10. Shirts can be purchased by calling Mike Miller at 407-877-3019. Mayor Vandergrift- 1) said it is Homecoming week at Ocoee High School, and they will be crowning their first Homecoming Queen, 2) said ongoing efforts are still being made for the evacuees of Hurricane Katrina who came to our City, interested parties can go the Best Western Hotel any evening at around 6:30 -7:00 p.m. and find volunteers and families from New Orleans in the courtyard, and 3) reminded everyone of the Winter Garden event at Moon Cricket on October 1, 2005 to raise money for Hurricane victims. !ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9: 15 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, CMC City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 9 of9 Agenda 10/18/05 Item 1 MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION - SPECIAL SESSION September 29,2005 at 7:00 P.M. SPECIAL SESSION - FINAL BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the special session to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Connnission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and determined a quorum was present. Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift, Connnissioner Anderson, Connnissioner Howell, Connnissioner Johnson, and Connnissioner Parker. . Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry. I PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Vandergrift announced that this was an advertised Public Hearing to finalize the budget and adopt a final millage rate for the City Of Ocoee. The City Connnission has previously approved a tentative millage rate of 4.95 mills, which represents a 20.27% increase in millage over the rolled-back rate of 4.1158 mills. A. Briefing by Director of Finance on the percentage increase in millage under the roll-backed rate necessary to fund the budget and the specific purpose for which ad valorem tax revenues are being increased. Finance Director Horton said the budget is balanced on a 4.95 millage rate, which represents a 20.27 % increase in millage over the rolled-back rate of 4.1158. Ad valorem tax revenues are being increased to provide funding for operating expenses, personnel, capital improvement projects, and the purchase of equipment and vehicles. 1. Connnents by Citizens. Max Jacobs, 2247 Mountain Spruce Street, says he is concerned that the City is not bringing accountability and tax relief to the residents of Ocoee through the budget process. He said that the residents should have justification for the new budgeted positions, telling them how it is going to improve their services. He felt the Connnission should vote on the rolled-back millage rate. Commissioner Johnson raised a question as to whether or not Mr. Jacobs should be allowed to continue, since he had gone over the allotted time. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Mavor Vanderarift. moved to allow Mr. Jacobs to continue speakina. Motion carried 3-2. with Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Parker opposed. 2. Connnents by Connnissioners. Ocoee City Commission Special Session - Final Budget Hearing September 29, 2005 Commissioner Parker said that growth is a big factor in this City, you cannot keep delivering the same serviced to a larger number of people without expanding the employee structure. The Assistant to the City Manager has been discussed since Ellis Shapiro was City Manager. She said our Corrnnunity Relations Department has done everything they have been asked to do, and she is certain they will continue to do so. Our budget process has gone the way that every budget process in every corrnnunity has gone, and the public and the Connnission have had access to the budget for a few months and have had ample time to meet with staff and ask questions. Commissioner Anderson said he does not feel we are addressing the police and fire issues in a pro-active manner, he is not in favor of some the new budgeted positions, he is not happy with the methodology of the salary survey, and he would like to see the money from some of the new positions placed into contingency and use them for projects or an increase in the COLA. Commissioner Howell said he is not in full agreement with the salary survey, and there are new positions that may not be needed. He said he agrees with 80% of the budget, but disagrees with some areas. Commissioner Johnson said he doesn't like being told he doesn't have accountability, when he works hard to understand all that is going on. He trusts the City Manager to do his job. All Connnissioners have to make difficult decisions according to what they feel is right, and residents should not accuse them of not being accountable, just because they have a different opinion. City Attorney Rosenthal explained the order in which the budget process must follow, in that the first thing addressed would be to any and all amendments to the proposed tentative budget, by changing or deleting specific items that were previously adopted in the tentative budget. He also advised that this budget does not obligate or require the Connnission to adopt the salary survey, the funds will be placed in contingency, and the salary survey will come back to the Connnission as a separate action. 3. Motions by Connnissioners for amendments to the proposed tentative budget. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to eliminate the followina positions and all eauioment related to such oositions. and to remove fundina associated therewith from the budaet: Assistant Citv Manaaer. Code Enforcement Suoervisor. Parks and Recreation Ooerations Manaaer. Park Ranaer. Communitv Relations Administrative Aide. and addina back the Assistant to the Citv Manaaer oosition. No vote was taken at this time due to further discussion. Commissioner Howell asked for a RECESS to recalculate the effect of this motion on the tentative budget and proposed millage rate. After the recess, Finance Director Horton advised the effect of eliminating five positions and adding back one position, as stated in Connnissioner Anderson's motion, results in a $190,580 difference, dropping the millage rate to 4.83 from the current 4.95. Page 2 of7 Ocoee City Commission Special Session - Final Budget Hearing September 29, 2005 Commissioner Howell said he agrees with the previous motion, except the Assistant City Manager. If we do pass a motion to delete positions, he would like to see the money go into the contingency fund. Commissioner Anderson said he was trying to come up with something that would reduce the millage rate back to last years rate, and placing money in contingency would not do that. Discussion occurred between Finance Director Horton, City Attorney Rosenthal, and the Corrnnission regarding what steps would be necessary to bring the millage rate back to last year's rate of 4.5789 with regard to projects and additional contingency that were added to the budget and adopted at the tentative budget hearing, which brought the millage rate up from 4.5789 to 4.95. Vote was taken on previous motion. Motion failed 1-4. with Commissioner Howell. Mayor Vanderarift. Commissioner Johnson. and Commissioner Parker opposed. Commissioner Johnson. seconded bY Commissioner Parker moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet. to remove all of the capital proarams added at the tentative budaet hearina and remove the additional $159.000 placed in continaency at the tentative budaet hearina. leavina the budaet as oriainally presented by staff. Motion failed 2-3. with Commissioner Howell. Commissioner Anderson. and Commissioner Parker opposed. Commissioner Parker said she thinks those additional projects added were things that really needed to be done, and things we have been promising the residents. Rosemary Wilsen, 2019 Shady Maple Circle, said she did not previously understand that the City Manager's proposal to bring in an Assistant City Manager and eliminate two other positions is actually creating a cost savings to the City of $7,000.00. She said she is in favor ofrnaking those changes, now that she understands that. She said she still has doubts about the Assistant Parks and Recreation Director (Operations Manager). She thinks we should not eliminate the capital projects to reduce the budget, because they are items that are really needed. Mayor Vandergrift said those additional capital projects would be done eventually, eliminating them from the budget this year does not mean they will never happen. They should go through the CIP process. Commissioner Parker said the items on the capital projects list, such as traffic calming and street lighting, are things that the residents asking for right now. They do not want to wait 3 years for them. Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to amend" the adopted tentative budaet. to delete the Code Enforcement Supervisor. Parks and Recreation Operations Manaaer. Park Ranaer. and the associated eauipment. and place the money into continaency for salaries or other proiects. Motion failed 2.3 with Mayor Vanderarift. Commissioner Johnson. and Commissioner Parker opposed. Page 3 of7 Ocoee City Commission Special Session - Final Budget Hearing September 29, 2005 Jim Sills, 205 South Lakeshore Drive, said a lot of time has been spent putting this budget together, including the additional projects, why don't we just pass the budget at 4.95 mills and move on. The funds are in contingency for the wage and class study and that can be decided later. The budget comes annually, if the positions don't pan out, they can be eliminated while they are still on probation. We are not a small town anymore and we can't think like a small town. He is a taxpayer, but he feels the budget should be adopted at 4.95 mills with all projects included. Rosemary Wilsen, said the Conunission shouldn't "nickel and dime" everything; something has to be approved because it is the final budget hearing. She believes the Park Ranger position is needed to keep our Parks safe and secure. Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to make no amendments to the adopted tentative budaet. and to adopt Ordinance No. 2005. 012. settina the millaae rate at 4.95 mills for the FY 2005.2006. Vote was taken after discussion. City Attorney Rosenthal advised that motion would be considered on the basis that there had been no amendments to the adopted tentative budget. Therefore, the proposed millage rate is 4.95 mills, which represents a 20.27% increase in the millage rate over the rolled-back rate of 4.1158 mills. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift said he feh the salary survey has errors, and he thinks we should do an inside survey. He would like to take the $247,000 and roll back the budget and millage rate, and do a new survey and go from there. He said that as long as there are 12 police officer positions vacant, it does not make sense to place six more positions. He would like to pursue Robocops and other technological means for law and traffic enforcement. Police Chief Goclon said he could hire 12 officers tomorrow, but it would not be the type of officers you would want in the City. We need to make tough decisions now, about how to entice better quality officers, or we will pay the price in the long run. We are in the process of hiring people with the new qualification requirements that eliminate college requirements and eliminate two years prior military or law enforcement experience. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to give the money for the positions in the budget and look into ahematives if the positions are not filled. Mayor Vandergrift also stated he does not have a problem eliminating the $490,000 worth of eIP projects because they have not gone through the due process of the Capital Improvements procedure. He is not sure about some of the assistant director positions, and he does not agree with the purchase of the stump grinder. After the discussion. a vote was taken on the previous motion. Motion failed 1-4. with Commissioner Howell. Commission Anderson. Mavor Vanderarift. and Commissioner Johnson opposed. Page 4 of 7 Ocoee City Commission Special Session - Final Budget Hearing September 29, 2005 Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet. by deletina two items from the list of four proiects that were previously adopted: Street Liahtina at $175.000 and Downtown Parkina at J98.000 for a total of $273.000. Director of Finance Horton advised of the recomputed proposed millage rate if this motion passed, which would be a 4.7788 proposed millage rate, which represents a 16.1086 % increase over the rolled-back of 4.1158 mills. Vote was taken after the recalculation. Motion failed 2-3. with Commissioner Howell. Commissioner Anderson. and Mayor Vanderarift opposed. Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet by removina $159.000 from continaencv. Motion carried 4-1. with Commissioner Anderson opposed. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet by deletina Parks and Recreation Operations Manaaer. Code Enforcement Supervisor. and the Park Ranaer positions. and reclassifvina a Code Enforcement Officer to Code Enforcement Supervisor at mid-year. No vote was taken at this time due to subseauent amendment. Commissioner Parker said she can live with the change in the Code Enforcement, but feels the two additional positions in the Parks and Recreations are necessary because that department is the most directly impacted by the growth of the City. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker amended the motion to amend the adopted tentative budaet. to leave the Park Ranaer position in the budaet and to add the Parks and Recreation Operations Manaaer in at mid- year. Motion carried 5-0. Director of Finance Horton advised of the recomputed proposed millage rate if this motion passed, would decrease the budget by $236,285.00, changing the proposed millage to 4.8018 mills, which represents a 16.6674 % increase over the rolled-back of 4.1158 mills. Vote was taken on the oriainal motion. as amended. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift clarified that the intent of this motion and amendment was to hire a Parks and Recreation Operations Manager in at mid-year, leave the Park Ranger position in the budget, eliminate the Code Enforcement Supervisor position, and reclassify a Code Enforcement Officer to Code Enforcement Supervisor at mid-year. B. Announcement by Director of Finance of the recomputed proposed final millage rate and the percent by which the recomputed proposed rmllage rate exceeds the rolled-back rate. This percentage is the proposed final percentage increase in property taxes. Page 5 of7 Ocoee City Commission Special Session - Final Budget Hearing September 29,2005 City Attorney Rosenthal announced that the recomputed proposed final millage rate is 4.8018 mills, which represents a 16.6674 % increase in millage over the rolled-back of 4.1158 mills. 1. Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2005-012, setting fmal millage rate. Commissioner Howell. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to adopt Ordinance 2005-012. establishina the millaae rate for ad valorem taxes of 4.8018 for the Fiscal Year 2005-2006. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 2005-012 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING A MILLAGE RATE FOR AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE CITY OF OCOEE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2005, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2006, STATING THE PERCENTAGE, BY WHICH THE MILLAGE RATE EXCEEDS THE ROLLED-BACK RATE COMPUTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 200.065, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR MILLAGE ADJUSTMENT; PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF TAXES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. a. Connnents by Citizens - none b. Connnents by Connnissioners Commissioner Parker - said she felt that they were presented with an excellent budget. This was a long process, but they have come to compromises that address the resident's needs, and took care of some of the concerns. Commissioner Johnson - agrees with Connnissioner Parker Commissioner Anderson - said he would like to see the salary survey money that is put into contingency, apply public safety money (police, fire, connnunications) to their departments, and take all the remaining money in contingency and put in toward increasing the COLA to 3%. Commissioner Howell - said he would rather discuss the salary survey at the next workshop; we need to look at items such as pay for higher-ranking people in the fire department. Mayor Vandergrift- said we have watched democracy in action, heard from the public and the Connnission, and came to a compromise with dialogue and debate and a lot of patience. He thanked the Connnission and staff for their patience. c. Vote on motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2005-012, setting the final millage rate. After discussion. a vote was taken on the previous motion. Motion carried 5-0. City Attorney Rosenthal announced that the name of the taxing authority is the City of Ocoee. The rolled-back millage rate is 4.1158 mills. The percentage by which the proposed millage rate exceeds the rolled-back rate is 16.6674 %. The millage rate adopted by ordinance 2005-012 is 4.8018 mills. Page 60f7 Ocoee City Commission Special Session - Final Budget Hearing September 29, 2005 2. Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2005-013, adopting final budget. a. Connnents by Citizens - none b. Connnents by Connnissioners Commissioner Johnson said this is one of the most interesting budget processes he has ever participated in, but it was good that everyone could compromise and come together to accomplish this. He apologized to Mr. Jacobs for trying to keep him from speaking beyond his allotted time earlier this evening, and said everyone is entitled to speak their opinion. c. Vote on motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2005-013, adopting the final budget. Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt Ordinance 2005-013. adopting a final budget for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1. 2005. and ending September 30. 2006: the final budget. as amended. will be attached to this ordinance as Exhibit "A". Motion carried 5-0. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 2005-013 AN ORDINANCE OF mE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A FINAL BUDGET FOR mE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2005, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30,2006; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I C. Announcement by Mayor Vandergrift of end of budget public hearing. The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift Page 7 of7 MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION October 4, 2005 at 7:15 P.M. Agenda 10/18/05 Item 1 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Parker gave the Invocation and Commissioner Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and determined a quorum was present. Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Howell, Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Parker. Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry. I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Commissioner Howell asked the Mayor for permission to make a statement. Commissioner Howell announced his resignation from the position of District 1 City Commissioner, effective October 19, 2005. He said this has been a difficult year, but it has opened his eyes to what is important, his wife and family. He has enjoyed serving the community and helping people, but he can no longer put his wife and family through any more of this. He will attend the next Commission meeting, and he asked that Gary Hood be placed on the agenda to be considered for filling his seat until the next election. Presentation by the Ocoee Middle School of Funds Raised for the Ocoee Relief Fund. Dawn Euwin, Assistant Principal of Ocoee Middle School, introduced members of FF A and Junior BETA Club of the who jointly raised funds and presented the Mayor with a check in the amount of $5364.95 for the Ocoee Relief Fund to assist with the victims of Hurricane Katrina, now living in Ocoee. Mayor Vandergrift advised he had to leave the Commission Meeting to attend another meeting. Presentation of Recognition for Outstanding Service to Engineer Steve Ellis, Engineer Ken Strickland, and Engineer Carl Curtis. (Fire Chief Firstner) Presentations of Promotions in the Fire Department (Fire Chief Firstner) Presentation of Sprint Underground Cable to City Commission by Chris Love and Peter Freeman from Sprint. Consensus of the Commission. without obiection. was to allow Sprint to move forward with the plans. as presented. City Commission Regular Meeting October 4, 2005 I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Pablo Quinones, 720 Lake View Drive, said he has an urgent need for volunteers for the School Advisory Committee Members at the new Ocoee High School. It is mandated by the state, and they will lose lottery funds if they don't form the Committee. He asked that we post it on our website. Contact Ocoee High School regarding the School Advisory Committee at 407-905- 3000 or fax 407-905-3099. The committee must reflect the diverse makeup of the school. James Fleming, 511 Orange Avenue, commented about Item #7 regarding amending the Purchasing Policy. He said he felt that the City Manager should be able to select bids up to $50,000 without requiring Commission approval; the staff needs more flexibility for purchases. I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Parker- gave City Clerk Eikenberry the report from the 79th Annual Florida League of Cities conference to be kept in the City Clerk's Office if anyone is interested in seeing it. She said it showed how she voted as the voting delegate on behalf of the City. Commissioner Johnson- reminded everyone of the Founder's Day Golf Tournament on Friday, October 7,2005, registration at 11 :30. There will be dinner and prizes following the event. City Engineer Wheeler said at this time they have 36 foursomes signed up, but there are still six spaces open. Tickets are $60 per person, $240 per team. It will be at Forest Lake Golf Course on Clarcona Ocoee Road. There is a hole-in-one contest, sponsored by Guardian Westshore Financial Services. They still need hole sponsors. No one leaves without a prize. Commissioner Howell- no announcements Commissioner Anderson- told everyone about the Ocoee Lion's Club Turkey Shoot on October 8, 22, 29, and November 12, 2005 on Ocoee Apopka Road, across from the West Orange Girls Softball Complex, 9:00 a.m. - 4 p.m. This is to help support the local area Lion's Clubs and charities. For further information contact David Wheeler at the City of Ocoee. Parks and Recreation Director Vito Petrone gave an update on the upcoming Founder's Day events including the Golf Tournament, Poker Run and the Louis Fazio 5K Run on the weekend before the three-day event, and the actual Founder's Day events on October 14, 15, and 16,2005. He urged everyone to come out for a great weekend. VIP tickets are still on sale for $20 for all three days. All concerts are free to the public. I E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of September 6, 2005, City Manager Contract Work Shop of September 7, 2005, and September 15, 2005, Special Budget Session. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Page 2 of5 City Commission Regular Meeting October 4, 2005 2. Authorizatioll for Appraisal . .es ontwo(2)Parc.els .ofLa.ndOWnedby the. Orlalldo-OrangeCountyessway Authority. (Senior Pla.nnerFabre) Parcel 62-105 - The City of Ocoee has petitioned the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority to acquire :1:2.69 acres of land along SR 429. The City has requested this land to facilitate a future roadway that will eventually link Roper Parkway with Bowness Road. The purpose of the land acquisition is to implement objectives established in the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan adopted October 1, 2002; particularly, The Roper Parkway extension as it is identified in the Recommended Roadway Improvements section of the Transportation Element. Parcel 62-129 - The City of Ocoee has also petitioned Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority for :1:12.97 acres of surplus land along SR 429. The City has requested this land to facilitate an environmental educational park that would also function for wetland restoration and drainage enhancement. This park would ultimately feature benches, walkways and informational signage and the City has approximately $550,000 available from St. John's Water Management District for this program. Staff requests authorization of the expenditure of $2,500 from of Road Impact Fee Account for Parcel 62-105 and $3,500 from the Recreational Park Impact Fee Account for Parcel 62-109 for the valuation services of both parcels. 3. Approval and Authorizatiollfor Temporary Closing of City Owned Streets for Ocoee Founder's Day 5KRoad Race. ( Comnmuity Developlllent DirectorW agner). The event will be held on October 8, 2005, from 7am until 9:30am. The streets to be closed are Clarke Road, White Road, Orlando Avenue, Stinnett Drive, E. Lakeshore Drive and Vandergrift Drive. The following requirements will be met: 1) All residents that will be affected by the road closings must be notified in advance; 2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closings in advance; 3) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades; 4) An emergency lane must be maintained during the event. 4. Appr()valalld. Authorization forOFemporaryClosing ofCityOWnedStreetsf()r Ocoee Founder's Da.YE'estivaland..Parade. (ColIllllunity Development Dil'ectofWagner). The event will be held on October 14-16,2005. The streets to be closed are Flewelling Avenue, Rewis Street, Bluford Avenue, McKey Street, Cumberland Avenue, Oakland Avenue, and S. Lakewood Avenue. A portion of S. Lakeshore Drive will be closed on October 13th at noon. The public boat ramp at Starke Lake will be closed beginning on October 14-16. The following requirements will be met: (l) All residents that will be affected by the road blockage must be notified in advance; (2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closure in advance; (3) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades; (4) An emergency lane must be maintained during the event. 5. Consideration of Traffic Enforcement Agreement with City of Ocoee and the Wentworth Homeowners' Association,Inc. (Police Chief Goclon) A traffic enforcement agreement is required by Florida State Statutes 316.006(2) for the Ocoee Police Department to have authority to enforce traffic laws upon the private roads within the limits of the gated subdivision. Wentworth Homeowners' Association, Inc. is requesting such an agreement. 6. Approval.of PlatIor OcoeeCrown PoinfPUD (City Engineel' Wheeler) Ocoee Crown Point PUD is located at the northwest corner of Ocoee-Apopka Road and the Western Beltway (State Road 429). This plat is for the Ocoee High School, new roadway improvements, a lift station and the associated master surface water management system, which consists of 66.74 acres. The high school has been in session since August 8, 2005. All required documentation pertaining to the platting of this development has been reviewed and approved by City Staff. COnsent Aflenda Vote: Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve Consent AQenda. Items #1. throuQh #6. as presented. Motion carried 3-0. with Mayor VanderQrift absent and Commissioner Howell away from the dais. Page 3 of5 City Commission Regular Meeting October 4, 2005 I F. PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE SECOND READING 7. Qrdinance ADlending Chapter 21 ].>urchasingCode.(Continued froDl.September 6, 2005) (Advertised in Orlando Sentinel Classified on August 21,2005). (PllrcbasingAgent 'Tolbert) Staff recognizes that enhancements and revisions to the existing purchasing ordinance are periodically necessary to streamline the procurement of commodities and contractual services for the City. The recommended changes address these issues and the increase in cost of items. The major revisions contained in this ordinance are: I) the approval levels for purchases have been increased for department directors and the City Manager, 2) the number of quotes for each level has been revised, 3) amends definitions, 4) amends exemptions, and 5) clarifies some procedures. Procedures have been reviewed and will be updated to reflect the changes in this ordinance once adopted. Assistant City Attorney Storey read the title of the ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Anderson opened the Public Hearing. Mayor Pro Tem Anderson asked that it be noted that James Fleming made comments regarding this item earlier, under Public Comments. Mayor Pro Tem Anderson closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to adopt on second readina, Ordinance 2005-014, amendina Chapter 21 of the Code of Ordinances entitled "Purchasina Policy". Motion carried 4-0, with Mayor Vanderarift absent. ORDINANCE FIRST READINGS 8. Ordinance ADlending Ordinance No.. 96-19,/Section4 re:.....GeneraIEmpl(}yees' Retirement Tl"l1sfFund.(Hulllan ResourcesDirectorCarnicella) The Money Managers for the City of Ocoee Municipal General Employees' Trust Fund have recommended to the Pension Board they consider amending the authority of the Money Managers to invest funds within certain limits. The revisions contained in this amendment will allow the Money Managers to invest in common stock, capitol stock and convertible securities at market, rather than at cost, and not to exceed seventy percent of the Fund, rather than sixty percent of the assets of the Fund. The Money Managers and the Attorney will be available for the reading at the Commission meeting. Assistant City Attorney read the title of the ordinance. The second reading of the ordinance and Public Hearing will be held on October 18, 2005, at 7: 15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard. 9. Ordinance Amending Ordin.ance <No. 96-20, Section 4, .re:PoliceOfficers' and Firefighters' Retiremen tTrust Fund. (H umanResources. ])ireCtor Carnicella) The Money Managers for the City of Ocoee Municipal Police Officers' and Firefighters Trust Fund have recommended to the Pension Board they consider amending the authority of the Money Managers to invest funds within certain limits. The revisions contained in this amendment will allow the Money Managers to invest in common stock, capitol stock and convertible securities at market, rather than at cost, and not to exceed seventy percent of the Fund, rather than sixty percent of the assets of the Fund. The Money Managers and the Attorney will be available for the reading at the Commission meeting. Page 4 of5 City Commission Regular Meeting October 4, 2005 Assistant City Attorney read the title of the ordinance. The second reading of the ordinance and Public Hearing will be held on October 18, 2005, at 7: 15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard. I G. REGULAR AGENDA 10. Appointmentsto the Sexual Predator Local OrdinaIlc.e Committe.e (Police Chief Goclon) On September 20,2005, Commissioner Parker nominated Allison Resnick. Mayor ProTem Anderson added a nomination for Rosemary Wilsen. I H. STAFF REPORTS None I I. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker - apologized to anyone who may have been trying to reach her by email. Her laptop is not working, and she will respond as soon as possible. Commissioner Johnson - none Commissioner Howell- none Mayor Pro Tem Anderson - none I ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 5 of5