HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 Non-Profit Organization Fee Waiver for God’s Factory Church - Special Exception Application center of GOOd l./ ~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: October 18, 2005 Item # :=3 Contact Name: Contact Number: Terry L. James 407 -905-3100/1018 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Non-Profit Organization Fee Waiver Application for God's Factory Church Special Exception Application Background Summary: The God's Factory Church is applying for a Special Exception and requests a waiver of the application fee under the "Policy for Non-Profit Organizations Wishing to Request a Waiver of Development Review Application Fee" approved by the City Commission on February 18,2003. The Church has submitted a written request and the necessary documents to prove its non-profit status. The church is requesting the waiver of the Special Exception application fee of$I,OOO.OO. The church will still be required, under the above policy, to submit the $1,000.00 Review Deposit for the application to cover advertising and miscellaneous fees. Any excess funds will be returned to the church upon written request after the City Commission makes its final determination on the Special Exception application. Issue: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners grant approval of the fee waiver application for the God's Factory Special Exception Application? Recommendations Based on the approved City Commission policy concerning the waivers of the development review application fee for non-profit organizations, the Staff recommends the approval of the fee waiver request by the God's Factory Church. Attachments: Waiver Request Letter received with non-profit documentation "Policy for Non-Profit Organizations Wishing to Request a Waiver of Development Review Application Fee", approved February 18,2003 Financial Impact: $1,000.00 Special Exception application fee reduction. Type of Item: D Public Hearing D Ordinance First Reading D Ordinance First Reading D Resolution For Clerk's DefJt Use: D Consent Agenda D Public Hearing D Regular Agenda IZI Commission Approval D Discussion & Direction D Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk D Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) D N/A D N/A D N/A City Manag-er Robert Frank center of Good II ~~e... . . . .... .l'!?e ~ Commissioners Danny HowelL District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Nancy J. Parker. District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vanderg-rift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Terry L. James, Principal Planner DATE: September 29,2005 RE: Non-Profit Organization Fee Waiver Application for God's Factory Church Special Exception Application ISSUE Should the Mayor and City Commissioners grant approval of the fee waiver application for the God's Factory Special Exception Application? BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION The God's Factory Church is applying for a Special Exception and requests a waiver of the application fee under the "Policy for Non-Profit Organizations Wishing to Request a Waiver of Development Review Application Fee" approved by the City Commission on February 18, 2003. The Church has submitted a written request and the necessary documents to prove its non-profit status. The church is requesting the waiver of the Special Exception application fee of $1,000.00. The church will still be required, under the above policy, to submit the $1,000.00 Review Deposit for the application to cover advertising and miscellaneous fees. Any excess funds will be returned to the church upon written request after the City Commission makes its final determination on the Special Exception application. RECOMMENDATION Based on the approved City Commission policy concerning the waivers of the development review application fee for non-profit organizations, the Staff recommends approval of the fee waiver request by the God's Factory Church. Attachments: Waiver Request Letter (no date) with non-profit documentation "Policy for Non-Profit Organizations Wishing to Request a Waiver of Development Review Application Fee", approved February 18,2003 To Whom It May Concern: We would like to request a special tax exemption as a State of Florida Not-For-Profit Corporation. Our certification number as God's Factory Christian Center Inc. is 205A00052995. Our purpose is to establish a church at 485 Silver Star Road in the city ofOcoee. We hope to be an asset to the community, not only as a worship center but in benevolence as well. I appreciate your consideration. /fl~ Steve Rohr President 407-654-2944 August 19, 2005 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Glenda E. Hood Secretary of State . I --.. 0a1s f-r2ctQf1 CUt u if Cl1 STEVE ROHR 1302 OLYMPIA PARK CIRCLE OCOEE, FL 34761 The Articles of Incorporation for GOD'S FACTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER INC. were filed on August 19, 2005 and assigned document number N05000008544. Please refer to this number whenever corresponding with this office regarding the above corporation. The certification you requested is enclosed. PLEASE NOTE: Compliance with the following procedures is essential to maintaining your corporate status. Failure to do so may result in dissolution of your corporation. A corporation annual report must be filed with this office between January 1 and May 1 of each year beginning with the calendar year following the year of the filing/effective date noted above and each year thereafter. Failure to file the annual report on time may result in administrative dissolution of your corporation. A federal employer identification (FEI) number must be shown on the annual report form prior to its filing with this office. Contact the Internal Revenue Service to insure that you receive the FEI number in time to file the annual report. To obtain a FEI number, contact the IRS at 1-800-829-3676 and request form SS-4. Should your corporate mailing address change, you must notify this office in writing, to insure important mailings such as the annual report notices reach you. Should you have any questions regarding corporations, please contact this office at the address given below. Justin M Shivers, Document Specialist New Filings Section Letter Number: 205A00052995 Division of Corporations - P.O. BOX 6327 -Tallahassee, Florida 32314 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION In Compliance with Chapter 617, F.S., (Not for Profit) AR17CLB 1 NAME The name of the corporation shall be: GOO'S FACTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER INC. AR27CZB 11 PRI.NClPAL OFnCB The principal place of business and mailing address of this corporation shall be: 1302 OLYMPIA PARK CIRCLE OCOEE, FL.34761 AR17CLB m ftJRPOSB The purpose for which the corporation is organized is: THIS CORPORATION IS ORGANIZED FOR EXCLUSIVELY RELIGIOUS PURPOSES COMMON TO A PASTORAL MINISTRY AS DEFINED BY SCRIPTURE AND WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTION 501(CX3) OF THE UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. "GO FORTH AND MAKE DISCIPlt;S OF ALL NATIONS." ART.lCLB IV JEANNBR or BLBCT.lON The manner in which the directors are elected or appointed: DIRECTORS SHALL" BE APPOINTED BY THE PASTOR. AFTERWAR'oS, THE ELECTION OR APPOINTMENT OF A DIRECTOR SHALL BE AS STATED IN THE CORPORATION BYLAWS ARTICLE IV (3). ARnCLB V lNlTIAL DlRBC2'ORs AND/OR OTncBRS List name(s), address(es) and specific title(s): TO BE APPOINTED. ARTICLB VI INn7AL RBGlS1ZRBD AGBNT AND SmuT ADD.RBSS The name and Florida street address (p.O. Box NOT acceptable) of the registered agent is: STevE ROHR 1302 OLYMPIA PARK CIRCLE OCOEE, FL.34761 ....~ C> --....... (}"l . " -c; ~ po :::0 c: :r:rr1 U) .." >-1 '.J)"P Vj r- v>:::o M'1-< rT1 ~'::> .." 0 -r'1 :J: ~ ,-C.n - ,:::J. -I .. ::::~ .-:=;1 -:J rr-i M2'1C.lZ m ~2'OR The name and address of the Incorporator is: STEVE ROHR 1302 OLYMPIA PARK CIRCLE OCOEE. FL34761 **************************.*..******.************************************************* HtlVIng been named lIS regl#ered agent to tlCCept service 01 p1'OCl!SSlor the Gbow! sttItetI COt'fJOrtllitm at the place tksigntIted inthisJ~ertlfl. -'l-f~._~"". _"_. . ___........ '.n."""_. . ~I!f;;, ~~ · . ,r/n4-c?t?J' S " egistered Agent Date SignaturelIncorporator Date CITY OF OCOEE POLICY FOR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS WISHING TO REQUEST A WAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ApPLICATION FEES The Ocoee City Commission has approved the following policy for non-profit organizations wishing to request a waiver of development review application fees. This policy will be provided to the applicant at the Pre-Application Meeting with the Community Development Department, or prior to that meeting. Applicants acting on behalf of non-profit organizations may request the City Commission to consider a waiver of only the following application fees: 1) Annexation, 2) Standard Rezoning, 3) Joint Planning Area Amendment, 4) Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment, and 5) Special Exception. These five (5) types of applications are administrative in nature and are considered to be part of the "general entitlement" phase of the development review process. When a project reaches the development plan stage, extensive technical review is necessary. The review of subdivision plans and site plans requires a significant amount of staff effort. Often the actual cost staff time spent exceeds the flat fee collected for this purpose. Those applications requiring technical review are considered to be a part of the "permitting" phase of the process, and the City Commission believes that all applicants should pay fees incurred as part of this phase of the development review process. Application fees that will not be waived include those for Subdivision Plans, Site Plans, Platting, PUD Rezoning, and Concurrency Management, among other technical reviews. In addition, all reimbursable fees charged to the applicant for such expenses as advertising, court reporting, legal, consultant and engineering costs for traffic studies, etc. will not be waived. If an applicant would like to request a waiver of fee payment, it must be submitted to the Planning Division prior to the application being processed. Once the Planning Division receives the request [for the fee waiver] in' writing, it will be placed on the next City Commission meeting agenda, given that the request is made at least one week prior to that meeting. The application [those 5 types of applications listed in paragraph 2, above] will not be processed until City Commission has taken action in response to the [fee waiver] request, and all application forms and materials are submitted. Any requests for waiver of fees must be done in advance. Once the application is processed and the 3D-day review period begins, there will be no retroactive reimbursement. Non-profit organizations will continue to benefit from not paying transportation impact fees, without needing to make a request. Also, it is necessary that the applicant provide a $1,000 review deposit per project, which is a security for payment of reimbursable fees. The remainder of the $1,000 deposit will be returned to the applicant upon project completion, after all reimbursable expenses have been paid. This policy was approved by City Commission on February 18, 2003. Note: Emphasis highlighted and clarification [bold in brackets] added. O:\Development Review\Fees & Account Info\Non-Profit Fee Payment Policy.doc