12-05-1996 Minutes MINUTES OF THE OCOEE PERSONNEL BOARD MEETING HELD DECEMBER 5, 1996 City Manager Shapiro explained the purpose of the meeting and the process with the Employee Committee for the two issues on the agenda. He said, pursuant to the City Charter, the Personnel Board was being asked to review the recommendations that had been approved by the Employee Committee (with input from employees), the City Attorney and staff, and the Board was asked to determine if changes were needed before the recommendations were submitted to the City Commission. Selection of a Chairman Member Resnik was selected as Chairman, and he called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. The roll was called and a quorum was declared present. PRESENT: Debbie Bertling, Jean Grafton, Betty Hager and John Resnik. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, Director of Personnel/Employee Relations Psaledakis and Deputy City Clerk Green. ABSENT: Commissioner Johnson(due to family illness). QUESTIONS/COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE -None. DISCUSSION REGARDING PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES Director of Personnel/Employee Relations Psaledakis said that the Employee Committee had reviewed the Personnel Rules and Regulations and proposed revisions to the grievance procedure and disciplinary procedure. She read the letter sent to the police and fire unions and explained the City's obligation to them regarding notification. Chairman Resnik asked who might be the City Manager's designee, and Mr. Shapiro said it might be an individual, such as a department head, serving as Acting City Manager in his absence or an Assistant City Manager, Administrative Assistant or Deputy. Member Grafton asked how Mr. Shapiro would feel if an employee went to the Grievance Committee instead of to him. Mr. Shapiro said he had no problem with it and thought the Committee was a good thing. He then explained. Member Grafton asked if the employee with the grievance would be responsible for providing information to the Personnel Director to be distributed to all the board members. Ms. Psaledakis said she assisted the employee and monitored the process. Responding to a question by Member Hager, Mr. Shapiro said that no one could be denied a hearing. She asked if the process would change if the form of government changed. Mr. Shapiro said it would be possible in that case. Mr. Resnik asked if in Step 3.2.f"interested parties" meant "appropriate parties." Mr. Shapiro explained that "appropriate" could be a value judgment, while "interested" was the legal term. Ocoee Personnel Board December 5, 1996 Ms. Psaledakis explained that the grievance process should make department heads more accountable and responsible in dealing with the issues. Mr. Shapiro said he rendered his decision based on what he believed was fair and courtjustifiable. Discussion followed. Ms. Psaledakis said she felt the Hearing Committee was a good step as an option for employees and that those who served on the Committee took their job seriously. Discussion followed. Mr. Resnik asked how many grievances were heard in a year, and Mr. Shapiro said there were 15 to 20 per year. Discussion ensued about frequent causes for grievances. DISCUSSION REGARDING PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Mr. Resnik asked for clarification of the term "loitering" in Group I Offenses,15.03 Types of Offenses (3). Ms. Psaledakis advised that hanging around someone who was trying to work and impeding that person's ability to work would be loitering. Mr. Shapiro said another type of loitering would be union soliciting on the job. Mr. Resnik asked about 15.03 Types of Offenses (8)regarding the bulletin board, which Ms. Psaledakis explained He requested clarification on 15.03 Types of Offenses (11). Mr. Shapiro explained that excessive absences, even with a doctor's excuse, could be due to drinking, drug use or personal problems. Discussion followed regarding 15.03 Types of Offenses (5) and (6),penalties, and drug policy. Member Hager, seconded by Member Grafton, moved to recommend that City Commission approve the changes as proposed. Motion carried 4-0. Adjournment • The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Attest: A'1'ROA: G -a-AI J a � • Marian Green, Deputy City Clerk John Resnik, Chairman L