2019-004 Authorizing the City to Execute a State Highway Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement with FDOT RESOLUTION NO. 2019-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A STATE HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STATE ROAD RIGHT-OF- WAYS BY THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Resolution pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the State Highway Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement, Contract No.: ASB34, between the City and the Florida Department of Transportation, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. SECTION 3. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of the Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. nA PASSED AND ADOPTED this x day of 4/1.1 , 2019. APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rustyo (SEAL) COMMISSIO AT A MEETING HELD ON ,2019, UNDER AGE A ITEM NO. 'y FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY COMMISSION AT A MEETING APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY THIS 2-4 DAY OF /VAL— ,2019. Shuffield,Lowman&Wilson P.A. By: ' :colt :tiAn, City - 11.iLa't^ IDA DEPAI4 AIE YrT Oil t A\iiVMSPOR AII t1 IN 11 IG I I l��r� Y (VIS I' 11°, A N (I M F MOR R AN) I I N,I O �`� (� R, I�, w"�I I", I �� a" I a baa a ,, 11 A!'490�,. T his a'y(x UT'\41'a'N't . Gartered this -' 16 daaY or AP/UG- ?t)l Cl hy and [Ile 1 oridaa I)qxn1,rrent or 'hunsluartawra, at es�raal7s>raerat argcnc) of the or I"lagaislaa, llel inaalicr cnIled tlIc I)Ii;PAIZ°I'M1":aNT and the (it), or move, e, a nrunicilral esarlrs)aatirarr duly enacted gander the lows ' of the Startc sal Hs>ridaa, hcrelnal'tcrcnllcd the L(WAL (A)VL;RNA'll"`NF, Rh (:.'I'rAL. I3I":I �rlt"l'��vil�,l�°"Iy%laaiatltcraaaur�cd�,etl�rl` saali�tiaaaaaraaalcl al'aanetisrnaditl` the `itaatc sof' C�`IsariKla 1lithAwsay `ystcna, the purpose I € . y, Irrrs csanstructed rsaadv��aay, roadside areas. and ancdians srar that pan of the Suite I h h"my system "AdAn the limits sal`thc LA('AL G(;)N'F'I~I9 i\,'lldiN'L or ad.jaacent t0: € Mutual henelit in sn I Ice.tiv,ely Ill(1,�15, the LOCAL (mC)'1�1";l�i'�°6M�Il"sN"I" anal<na��r-Ics1 yes that tlaea�e is arra( naaantainhT, these areas and the 11,0CINI, (.0VI{;I(N'i41l" N`F is of the salairas>n than said rsnOway, rWide areas nild nredisan snips shall he atn,arcdy,Gly Innintariared: the looks herew nrratuaally recc�garize the need for cattcring RHO an ,6 greemcnt dcsigmOng and setting forth the reslysraasibihlics orcaach party; 1��IIJa,IZI:r ;, the LO("AL (A)VI?I(Na'IFII";N`L'. by lZessrintisair daalcal the polo,day srf`?1405> _ l .�tpl � atlaclresl Ircrcts� ars I" �,IIII31 I'"f'�" stiha�(r by icferc:arcc hereto shall hecsarne a mart hereon. desires to carter into this Agreeniern and authoraz.cs its srl Beets to do ssr. NO NNI "I`11h;ltl":1"'OI�(I°;, [ear ,.acrd ill esansideraati<nr of mutual hencfits to Flow each to each other" the parties CMT'naant and aagrce ars 1,61lo s: I i hhc 11AWA1, (A)VIa:RN NII?N'l' shall be leslumisihle tear nuatinc° araaiaa mance aacthAics srf" all rsaaadw le:aatu CS Within the I)'h;111A1I `I°f4A1°;N` s aitht sitkt,ay l aaviittr, limits described in I?AIIIMA, "B ". sar saahscslras'nt aarnenAl lindis arrutuaally aak w"l ulmn in "bring 1p hs111 lmimics, l'or the purlrsassa sat, dais Ap,rcenacnt, the arraairatcn+auaee <actiVilks tsa he pet linmed hy dre LWAL (AO1'I+;I(NaNIla:w {are debated ill EXHIBIT "(:"' (nos deMwd by amcndcd dedrihisrrrs agreed aapm in ktiAhg by hath looks, '. IS I,O(AL U)NIVIVd 1101"1' shall lrerlbrnr Ore anaintenoncc aaenvitics ars described in VA111131,1° "('"' ill aacc.ordance with I)I";1'aW"I AII?ChT publications: aa) tMailliellaircc I6611r! Pro,'.,rararr (MRP) I hnsllNmk. lnwsl edition, Mikh h, I -e erence herelo shall become as pall heresrf. ]lie aaMiks shall W Per k7riraed in a rnnnns r Tw rewrots in ar nrin'inraaatt FMFt i score saf 810. w . rt a�,a ' ..'t.l FINANCIAa t�)ROP c r No.: a�ru IRM � ��, :.I% �13. ORLANDO OPERATIONS b) '")(YF Swndard Plans, currcnt Khm wvAh Iw r0 rove hemm s;hMI become: a pa" hcreoC. �) Mme 1A)CAL, (A)Vl;RNrNIEP11' shall be respotmiblc Nu numhorinl;; nmamintenarnce olmcramticmn.� and the ruamintcrmarncc of tramrl)c ("Cv10] ") throughout time tertmr of the A1.,,rccnmcnt iu amccor'darrrcc^ wwill, time, lamest edition Or [1)(Yl' Standard `,pecilicartions, Section 102, ']'Ile 1A)CA1, W)VI?IMV11a:i T is rcsponsiblc, l'or the miew'clopnmcnt ol'am \UA plan and ma loner anry t 1hulges ic) than Idmi as nvcmoryr. The '1VU plan shall be in "mcnAnklmce Ath the lam "Tsion of p'I)t;Yl Slamndarrd I'hm ImIcx 102 IN ,.cries. 4) I lle I)1a;1',dili`1'Nl1?AT may, at its di~ crit on, perhorm perr' colic insperuli is crf'aur�� s�, <tll 0certi,, , II' it is determined that "Illy'".' or the roamdwvaty leartures del)nccl in 1;X1III l'I" 4'(- "Iyer not hcilq! maintained ars retluired by this Almrrccnmcmml, time I)E1'AR°L'tN!Ih;i' T will issue ar notice ol'such deficiency' to the LOCAL GO"'w"I;1tNM1?Ws poumt of contatj by, cM,il or certified Matil, Ile M'AL, GOVERNMENT shall have thirty (it)) duy s to correct the deficiency (ics) anti to uotilf the 1)EPA ICIFNI l+;iNT by° ernaril or cer tied rnnil, ihatt the delicienc), (ies) bars bean corrcctcd. If sand deficiency or dtliciencies a iv not emmrrcc.tcd wvilhin Ohs blue period (he. DEA1rw'1'It"Ilyi' T may at its option, proceed ars follovw�s; at) MAIN len the roa d" my heartures declarrc,cl deViciemtt with the DEI'Alt`I'tVIEAT or I)IIA'"A1Z'1'NlENT t'mmmntr<rctcar':s rnartcriall, quip mment and persmmcL The netuaml cost for sueh morlc wQl be daltrcted from payment to the: LOCAL GOVERNMENT: or b) Fenn We this Agreement in accordance with the; q,>r'OVisio ns orthis Agreement. 5) In (Ile we'll of ar (_iovernor Declared Wa erky, am nmuml clisarster or signilicantl occurrcrmce (hurricamrme, tornatdmm, velmicle accident, h"m/"IrdotrS wVarstc spills, etc:,) the "HAL AL. (A)V1;12N"Ml+yNT and the 1)ImmTimi`r'`L" w emmopeoc a.(i coordinate the use oftheir respeetivc resm:)urccws to provide Forcleaum up, rcnmoval, and disposal ofdebris err cattier substarnces front the DEPARTNIP',N]"s right of wvamy described in 1ry;C,ll1Brr "B" or any amemled hinits mutually atpmed upon in wvddng I, berth parties hereto. The. DEPAhi`I"N11+:w W not deduct any pay mcnt to the 1,OCAL. (,A)VE12NrVllr;ls,T, costs liar hmmpatir-mrmeni or performa nce ofany ny activity carr part thcreo6'delined in L< X1 L1131"L" "C", ars as result of such event and the redirection emlJ,0(:."AL, (A)Vli:RNr`v11;rwr wes toww<mrds lireIillnmeni ofthew responsibility rnmderthisarticle. I his prrrarl.mph shall rmmrt be irmterpreted ter reduce the I,O('A1., (A)VIa:12.G"0110'1''s right to co mpcnsartio) or rcrimbursermmc°rmt ])-out army other Sources SO: 11"NIA) liam' the debris renmovol or anther activities o(' time 111)CA1, (;OV1,1 i (L1a;Bw['I' sulmsemlm.memimt to o nog ni disaster or arc'cAnt. 6) I)nriimp OR: Wrrrm Whis Aprcenlent. lime 1)1,x1'/' I1 '1'Q1IVAT may From lune ter tirue crrlaart e ill tramrta,ponotion prmmlccts on Ilk' "WS eovcred by this arlr,rec;rmmcrrt. so lue cml' these prempcc'ts nmamy involve the 1)L;1'AICTIVIVAT5S cormstrtretion Lmdnrctor temporarily assunming nmaintermarnce responsibility I'or time "is OF OW jmrmrjM In (hart event, the I) EPAI('1'mVI1CNT wN notill the I,OC:'AL G(WE1ZNr"v11r;NT or the limits of die project aml die time I'ranmsa:r Iol (hart I)rojcet, I)uril1'9 (hart time amd For those lirmmitS, timer LOCAL GOVVRNN1U',N' ` may be relca sc°d From its obligatiion to perl'trr rim maintenance on those roartls ml time c°cop a pens; o4m to be Imalid under this Agivement may be rc:clnccd 161111C dUrattiou crl'ilme cr>nS(ruclion projcci. I he reduction irr comnlmcnsattimmn sltalPl he bamscd on dw IWWW used to irritiamllw ccnnqnrte the amount mrl'eolurmeiisartimmn rrrRler this r' �l!rccrrrcmmmt. Ile IA)CAL MVL;ItNAI1a;C+ F wAH he 140hed or the amount ol'the reductioor ars part cmi'ihe al mrenmcn[iemrrecl rmotiec, t'�r AM Al t��rmmrrr (�I No � 1��1Y � L: '�i U„ csd�rrrr�c.m Nmm,:'��;133w� .��_... � .. , A WINs Agi-ccimn I has been exemaed hyo I he 1ximics, the D EPAR]IIEYr".i I I issuca Notice to to the LOCAL GOVERNMENT whiching, he sen' 11' 111,1il -it (lie DETARTNIENTs dise"etion, 1 lie terra of dris Agwitent comnlows on the enow date orthe Notice to Proceed and "ill (!()Htil)HC low a period or three (3) years horn the efroctivC (late (n) the Notticc io Proc(,�cd. I his AywanclH nava bc rowwcd Aw a peAW that nwnot exceed ollo. Illrev (1) ycar tcrill. 2) A re'llewal may be nHWe a[ Ic discwtimi 41ho: DIAMMAJENT and "AH he suNaq to &c swmc and conditions sci Wh in this Agrect-nol. A rene"al shall be c(mtbwcni upon sRHsQcmry ivrAwnunce MIUMmis Ig the IM&PAirrmilwir ond surd al to HIC av"IHIMPY of AM Renewals inusl he alujunih! al'recd UPOn by b(lh 1MHVs and in Wing nmI numi he executed Imior to the cxjAmlAmi date of JS preceding lei In, 3) In the event flik Agreement CXMILIS beyond the 1)1i',J)/RTNIENTs, cm-rclit l:jsc,,jl N°cal that l)ct,,iljs ,Italy` I of each y'C"Ir alld ClIdS 11.1110 30 01' each succecdhW year, the IDCAL G0\;FRNNIFNT and the DI"TARTMEAT IMOMIFY We At the State or FloridYs perAnnance and ohligkon to Imy under this contract is contingent upon arld nmwnl aftrvoprialion by We 1,egisi,alkire, In addition. Section 339J 35(69ah Florida Stwrimt:4 is inemporated by refewnco and is so Nadi herein hek"v to Mom: F. S -339. 135(0)((t) --, Yhe Deparlmem, eIurilrg tuav Fiseell Yctn% shall mol eATCMI lnollev, illcul. (tqv lnlhilihv, or elder illto (11ry Colltrao-I which, by its /cruls, illvolve's. tll�v cxpelulilllre qI'moln"t,i)l exccs. v o/ the emunnus hirci, eted as awdh6k for cqwmhnmv ckriqq swh MNC(d Qjr. /50, (WIMMUZ Nyfal , I - wrillell, muf/c ill viol(Itiou ol this suhscclioll is marl/ (Illo' voi(l, mul ml moln"s, niql, he pai(I louler such colltracl. 771c t)(purtliwill v/11111 rcquire (I .yhflcmcla /rom /hc ( ompiroller of the Apul -Inn 'I It thot /Illulv (Ire ovoilithleprior to ciflerill,(" illto 411rv .with ('oluract')"errrty e,rthcrr hirrclJrr, COMMilme' It Nothing, /lei vil Ishoh' pre vel 11 the makiiig q/ ( 00""I'lim inn, (Upw hut tull, Colltivelso moele Ahofl bc execulorl, olO,fiw the value 114MVS to he remilere(I or (IL~�rec(l to hc p(liol lor ill -SucceMilig fisco0vars'. p( trogi wph shillt be incormwil/M wiltaim hi al/ ( °ojljj,41c,/ey ol'Ille I)eInIrlinew which uPC /gar err? amoull/ hi nown of S25400 Ortel hvhlg it levinpi. lrctherm ow 1mv. I 'I hr DFAIA I?IAIFNF agwes 10 pay the IIH W MVERAINIENI" follo%viriu a Nwice to Piocccd. cmilimsookin 1')r the cost of nwdwcmuwc asdc,,jbcd in the i"Folvisi(His Action of lids Agrecinvni, 'Ile Payment will be 1w+the dn"m of S150LOO rwI qum Ica, equaling 10 $312MM Iver year row Q (lunation (Ifthe tella 2) Pavnwnl shall he nulde only Mer reccipt oryAhxis alld serr<wcits prm ided in Section 2 1.�.422, Florida Statutes. Detailed quarterly invokcs and on, assowiarted documents, AwImling Ndairimunwe iefaljagcljjcnt Systcm (kINT�') breakdown of call acliN,ilies, shall be stiblIdIted W the MITARTNIFAT's llrojccl Adill ill i.Sl lator: Reece I hitchisoll, Deliver v shad be efloct" 1011 rCCCil)l Of'ZI 1)1'01)Cl' LIUMIC]'ly iH\roi(`0 vivird any rcquhni associated docunicniv a) huml lvccjPt, the DEPARTMENT has seven ( /) mirkii),,2, days tea illspect and applo\,e (I,(,, t"(Iods and services, Unless Aw"M sIvARd hovin. I lie M."PARTMI'AT has (, , �()) clays to COMM I No : A5 FINANMI P1100 ( I NOA 244299O ' 8 dcliva^r n reclues't tin imyriaacnt (vouc:hol to the Debarment of Id"Micc. Me twenty (tit) claws are nacaasured Crania the IwWr Of OW shale the utvcrice is rcceived, at the lowitkul stated hercin, or the goods and scrvic,e,s are rcc'eivccl, insl,rcetc;cl and alrlar(:1%cd, b) Airy, i1cnnIty I'€ar delay ill laarYInent shall be ill <rCCOrdalr e with Section 21 5A21 Florida ` taatartc.4. Section 215A22(5), Horids Staatutes. lannfies Oml ;all purchnsinp Agreements bctwveen as Rate ;atac:rlcy and a vendor, alalriicable M Illus WimE shall include a rotate°nacrat or, wvmhVs ri,phts aarrcl ill(, Sl;atc's reslronsibil'ties under dais ffl(c' rrns.leVs rights OWN iaaclaMe being Iarank4d with tile manic and telephone nurnber of the Vendor Oraabudsnaaan %vithira tlae I)cpurtnaciat of I'raaarac°ill `crvicc�s, cl II` payment is not available wwithiti firrty (40) daays, a separate interest 1acraaaht as eslaahlishccl lrursuarat to Scction 21:.422. FIoriclaa Statutes, wilI be clue, and pywhlc. in addition tea the iravoica�. "Mount, to the LOCAL CrC]rVELCNrWlla:NT Interest Iacnaagtiesall' less than one (SI JW) dollar sbnll ¢scat be c.raforced unless the L,C)C'A11, GOVh;RNMh;NI' requests payment, lnvaaiccs, %which laaa%,c hccn returned to the LOCAL. GOVERNMENT because Of LOCAL AL, GO"N,AI4;LtNNrlhaP T larehaarartion errors, %viii result in a delay in the payment. 71'he irawrcaiec paayiaaent rcclrrireraacnts do not staar°t until ar properly completed invoice is rmw vcd by the DEPAIC"I'r1'lla: a, d) A'w Vendor (yr bmisman has been cslablishcd %within the I epartnacnt of financial `>erviccs. 'I'lae duties cal' this individual include acting as an adviwate Cor vendors "to maty be experiencing Problems in obtaining timely payments) Am" tlae DEI'A11tTNIIIEi" Y Llae Vendor ()nabudsraaarn taaaay be contacted at (85M 41 131516 or by calling the Departnactal of l irrancial Ser�w icc;s (,onsuraaer I lotlinc, 1-800-342-2762. 3) bills torr fecs or other carnaperrsation tirr services or expenses shall be submittal ill detail sufficient for a proPer Pr-caaudit And I)osUM(lit thereof. )) Records ofcosis incanted under the terms orthis Agreement shall be mainwhwd mk rnmk aavailahlc upon. rec artist of the Ula;l'AIt7'IVIENci' at all times during the lwdod or this Iq rcemcnt and Or three () years after filial paymcrat is made. Copies of these docuraaerats arad records shall be furnished to the IJIIi;I'eilt`I'i"wlEr I" upon request, Records of costs inetuTed include the LOCAL CaOVE1MNlla;i"`r°'I''s general accouraling records and projcet records, logolaer %villa .suplaoning da:rcumetats and rccaarals or the LOCAL C'MEI2NNIL?NT, all subconlractaars periollnirafi w%orle, and all 01her rc•cords of tlac 1,0(/\J, GONI +;RNNIh;NT and suhco nlractors consickowl lwuc"arY 4 the I)ETA41CTNIENT for a propc,.r audit car casts. C �(""Jlill'IC 11 This. A` gree neral or any Pam weivor is subject to termination at the discrclic9ra of tyle I) IITrOlt`I'aNIFAT under. auav of t1ac following conditions: ra) lea the u'verat the I crislature krils tar make an araraarrrl a alrirrnprialiora tea part' Irrr the LOCAL GOVEI, NNIIa;u�"T's sc,rwices to be Ira.^rrrarrncd bca-o r ld r. Irl I hc:° LOCAL CSO\AI^;RNeNIEAT has not cmnplicd %vitt the provishvis of thrw Agreement as described hewin. or has denaonstraled a laatlern ofrcpand nota-conapionce. c) 1lie I lITA1.It`I NIFNT dc:terraaines that tlae'Apreement is rao lon,r:cr leaasiblc. 7} l;itlacr' batty laaray teriatinatc this Agreement in %writirar.a %with thirty (30) days` notice. Clavi Pana:r I%0FINAr`tr rnr P1(oar a r talar ° w14?1, ,`I�, it NO'1'I('I?S AND POIN_l'S_OI� CON'I'A('"I All correspondence rcgardrtl�, this Agm melt shallj he directed to the f(}IImvilw points (l,colitact: at) FM' the DFPAR'I'NIEN'I': 'Title; illsiul(Cnaucc N111n,1MM ('ontr•HOS Name: hence' I lulchison Address: FI)OT Orlando Opera(ions. 420 Kndstrcct Road, orlando. 1,'[. 32824 'I clephonc: 32 1 -319-8106 f:nlail: rence.hutchisorl'(rdol.stalle.11.us h) For the LOCAL GOVVRN11VWI': 'Title; Public Works Dil.edm Name: Stephen C, Krug,, P.1;. Address: City OfOcocc. 301 klaguirc [load. OCocc, FI. 34761 "telephone: X107-905-3170 f:maiL skrugQr`ocaec.org ADDI'T'IONAL PROVISIONS AND I,l?GAL IZI? t1llzl NJEN'I'S ]) LFGAL REQtl1ltl?1V1FN'I'S. '!'Itis Agl'Cenlerlt is CNccutcd and entered into in the State of Florida and will he cous(rued, per•lornlccl, aril cnforecd in all respects in strict conkHOty "it lord, state. and Wend IMNS, RlICS. and rcgulati()rts. a) ]fany term or provision ol'the Agreement is tbtiud 10 he illegal tlr uttcillt)rceahlc, the rcnlaiudcr ell the rlcrccnlenl will remain in full 1OrCC and el'lcc( and such terill or provision will he (iccmed Stricken. h) The Imst. covEi NVI mil. shall allo" public access to all doCUnle111S, papers. ICttCrS, or other' material subject to (he provision" of (.'I1r111ter 119. I'lorida StiltUICS. ;Intl mule ()I- recti\ ed hr the LOCAL GONJAMM EN'I' in con,jtrnction With this ,1\grceillCnt. I:atilure t)y the I,OCAL (,)VERNtl1101' tel grant such public access shall 11C 91 -{funds iilr imincdiaste unilateral cancellation ()]'this A,rccnlcnt hti the DEPAR'l'IMEN'T. c) I'hc LOCAL GOVERN'i1'lh;N 11' aitd the DEPAR'I'i1•IlN11' a�sree that (Ile GOVERNNI FN Il', its employees, contractors. suhcon(ratctors, consuII'Mits. a nd sul7 consultants arc not agents oFlhc DEPAIZ'I't�'IFY11' as a result ol'this Ag-I-cclimil. d) The LOC. W. GOVEIZTMEN'r shall not cause any liens or cncumb,,ances to attach to an�portion ofthe DFPAR'I'1N'11?N1's richt ol'na�. e) Nothing herein shall he construed as a wiliver o}'either party "s SM'Crri,"n inlnlunit). ') PUBLIC FNI'1'TY (•IlINJI':.'I hr LOCALG(?1'I:lt;\'111;15'1'aftirnls That it isofthe I)roxisionsc1f, Section 28Tl33(2Hay Florida Statutes. A person oralllvhafe 11ho ham peen plalccd on tilt con%icted vcnclor list following a conviction fill. a pulpit cntil� crime rm1N not stlhnlit a1 hid on a corltracl to prop ide ani �_nocls or ser%iccs to a Iluhlic cinity, mai no( submit as hid on al. contract %pith a Iluhlic cntity for the construction or repair ofa public huildirn.� or public %V(Wl�, may not suhutit bids on Icascs clfrcasl property to it Iluhlic cntit�. nlay not he a\%ardcd or perform work ars a ccmlraictor. supplier, suhcontractor. or Cow cane i No.: ASB34 FINANrIAI ('Rm r i No.:,_44298-1-7H-t}.1 cailistaltalll alnder a contract 1rr'Ith ally public elitity, and Illay hilt, transact hllsincss ecilh ally Iaublic: c°Illi'ly in exCcss oftlie threshold mr1oulll laroe'icic�ai in Section 287.111 I IIoa'kh T aIute° for (.` VII l( RM Y TWO I"rrr. as I)e.g"i(r(1 oFthirty six (36) momlis from file date onccinf.! ialaced on tllc convicted vendor list. The 1,0CAL (;0N'H;i NN,1F,NT ,q!rces that it shall Ilot violate `~section 287.133(2)(a), Floriclaa ` laatutcs, aarlcl I'ulther ackilowIc(lgcs and aa!,wcs tllaat any conviction (lllr'lll)?, 'the term of this Agreellient may. resuh in the termilialioll of (his A rc clocnt. t) L.IN AL1'1'110RIZED r\1,11�',NS, 'llic Nvui (:caalsicler the employment of uninihorized ahcns oacto l�Jaii(alahraatNiarnc�',c��ltt,ri:ata�,gc for teror aliaii�atcctr.ionacVrl�talll cle\}�'rc^c�llil��llla�. Section 2'/4A(c)of the lnlrnigr�llicIN1 �rn(l 4) NO�u^v DiSC:`R1M1NA"1"1C 51. The MMU. MJri'L;RMST "Ill Ilrlt discl"Hllin ale against Up, eaillaloyce employed ill the Iaerlolinancv ofthis Agreement, or against any applicant fiat elopiloyincnl hccaalse ol'aagc, etlaraicity.. race, religious helid', (lisaah HQ% nat camd Wgin, or seg. The 1,()C A1, (M'1IItl`rCiA9l PIF shall p71'a vWe a hamssnlln".1 ce \Wlllace, All any allegalion o1 hnrassment given priority attention aall(l action I))' niarnaagement, The, 1,0CAL. (,OAf1?NT''r'a1IEN11' shall insert sinlilaar iirov,isicaats ill all contracts and stihc(alatmus liar services by this ("Agreement. 5) IDISUMMINX1'ORY 'Via;iAD01? LIST. The I,OCfAI, (;( VIAI,w'N11a na aannis that h is asyA'au'C or alta: P"(Wisions of Sc•c:tion 28T 13(1 2Xa), 11oriclal ;4taltalt(iw An entity or anviaatc %rho has been 11ac al on the discriminatory vendor list rnaay° rlcat submit to hill oil a c°cantracl to pirovide ally goods or sel-vic,cs to a public el'ltity, May 'lot suNnh a Idd on a contract \1'at11 a Iluhhc clitky f r the constk iclion or wpialr of as public huilding OF IitlhliC Work. may not sarhlnit hills on Icaases of real I)rcallChy to a iluhlic entity. May not be a\val'dml (w perform %vork as al contactor supilahek sWxMuw1w% or c'onsultarit under a contnu whh wiy public entity, and may not transact business vvitll any public entity. The 1_,OGM (;OVEItNM1 PTIl" rurther agrees that it shall not violate `section 287,.134(2)(a), 1'Ical da Slaatulm mal aacl<iRmledgcs arul agreeS that pilaacclliclit oil the list (luring, the: lain of this f' 1gg't,ellicill may result in dw terrilivaition of' this Agreeluc ill. 6) ATTORNEY FFFS, l,.ach Party shall hear its o"il aaltarrney's 10cs and costs. 7) `1 R AVK1. 11mm shall he no reialibru'seanent for travel u:xliOascs under this Apeci-hent. 8) lq?ESEl('VA"1'1ON (11a' HIJIM1I00 No delay arr omission to excmisc ony right. ilari= or WilleLk aeul'tling to either FOnly upin Wadi or alcl'aull1 by eithur Party mulcr this a' givemellt, will ianpiaair arty stip rib°tat, I1(rt cr or rclllcdC oreithcr pall): nor 4611 "moll dd ay or oillission he ccrnstllicd aas aq Nuiver ol'lally breach or (lcfiltllt or anlY siillila r hlVaauh M (Icl"lu1t. 9) N10IDIFICEATIOCwl. I his i' grc:cin(°nt anan nol be mo(lilic'cl ullless (lcanc, so in .r tili(laaf', (:xceuta:cl kY both Paartics to this Agreciliellt. 10) N'OW ASSIGNiAila;N'I'.'Ihe 1.,OQA1, (A)A"Ia;R2011,;i'A'"I` maay not assign, sllhliccose, or otlaer,vv ise transri r its riphts. (static°s, or obligations tall(ler' this rAg�,rc�calI Ill \01l(ialt the Iariiar icritten t:caaasCnt of thu aa:ssiLnrnc'llt. suhlicerlse, lar traausl 'l. oc:c°uirinla i\ithout alae required prior vNrittell aalilir"if orwe DEPARTMENT AL("1'Ml?a"ST "�ill be aunt incl MY Vie IllCP Alt'1`uA1FjV'i' vFill at all ihnc°s be cntitle(I to assign or tr mskr its Hplus, malates, or ohHVallicaris talmor this Agrve"wnt to aallcatlicr tro�el'aanae stall crl'tit�' ill the State Or Fl0l'ida. nlic,ll givinl linear Nvritten notice to the 1.(W AL (wOVI+:RNN,11?� V` Ill the ev(,�lrl I '. 44? 1 1..a h t11 (aar^airaria:�No: ;�'���.�.:� t"iwnrai klaP_ I laalu N c"a aa .,.e, � _w. ...,,_._._ that the DEPARTMENT approves transfer ofthe LOCAL GOVERNMENT's obligations, the LOCM, GOVERNMENT remains responsible for all work performed and all expenses incurred in conneetion with this Agreement. 11) The LOCAL GOVERNMENT agrees to include the following indemnification in all contracts with contractors, subcontractors, constlltants, 2111 subconsultants, who perform work ill connection with this Agreement: "The contractot' / SnbeontraetOr / cottsultattt / subconsultant shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the State of Florida, Department of Transportation and all of its officers, agents or employees froth all suits, actions, claims, demands, liability of any nature whatsoever arising out of, bCeanSC of, or due to arty negligent act or occurrence of 011lission or commission of the contractor / subcontractor / consultant / subcotisultant, its officers, agents or employees," 12) BINDING AGREEMENT. This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and assigns. Nothing i1t this Agreement is intended to Confer any rights, privileges, benefits, obligations, or remedies upon any other person or entity except as expressly provided for in this Agreement. 13) INTERPRETATION. No term or provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted for or against any party becaLlSe that party or that party's legal representative drafted the provision. 14) ENTIRE AGREEMENT. '['his Agreement, together with the attached exhibits and documents made a pati by reference, embodies the entire agreement of the Parties. There are no provisions, terms, con(litions, or obligations other than those contained in this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes all previous communication, representation, or agreement, either verbal or written, between lite Parties, No amendmelit will be effective unless reduced to writing and signed by an authOriZe(j. officer of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT and the authorized officer of the DEPARTMENT or his/her delegate. 15) DUPLICATE ORIGINALS. 'I'll is Agreement may be executed in duplicate originals. 16) E -VERIFY — the LOCAL GOVERNMENT shall: a) utilize the U.S. Department of l-lontcland Security's E -Verify system to verify the entploylucnt eligibility of all new employees hired by the LOCAL GOVERNMENT during the terns of the contract; and 1_i) expressly require any subcontractors performing work or providing services pursuant to the state contract to likewise utilize lite U.S. Department Ofllonteland Security's GVerify system to eerily the employment eligibility of all new employees hired by the subcontractor (luring the contract term. The remainder of this page is irrlenlionullY Taff blank CONTRACT No.: ASB34 FINANCIAL PROJECT No.: 244298-1-78-04 7 1 7) Hie 1'alrtics a arae k) umnjdy xvitll s,.t 5(5), ldoridn Staltcrn, and to iilowpclrsltc in A McmHructs tllc rlhlitaa d tl to c:rnmp n %vit11 s,?t).G155(5), lloriclal Startrltcs. 1?l1?Mf`1`1( IN IN NN'1'1"N1,;,! S NVIIER1?C)Ie'. 11w rutivs llaivc cTIMcd th"Q prc,�cnts t4) I)c:� c, M.�c�lrtccl 1112 Llan and al� hrm Am%wittcll. Ii,,. _a ray` �'# r»it Printed Narrllc_ Acs. : Printed 1` anic <l,� °I` do 1,Cgal l Apprc1val: AIalll I Iyrlla ll, 1'' rector of I ra llsport"Itioll Operations Printed Name & I itle 1 rl Approval: CrlN P rM(r 4 0 ntul : ........ ft"�1;r3 1 r:iIUrar IN hirulr a lill 7,•� ��'1�.:a.l l� IMS �, CITY OF OCOEE SIGNATURE PAGE Florida Department of Transportation I lighway Maintenance Memorandum Of Agreement, ASB34 APPIZOVED: ATTEs'r: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johns'"I , (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY TI IE CITY OF OCOEE, FLOR I DA; APPROVEI,D AS TO FORM AND I LEGALITY this ..2'Pr-lday of SHUFlULD, LO MAN & WILSON, P.A. 13y: APPROVED BY THE OC OEE CITY COMMISSION ATA MEETING HELD 20 U N I ) +EZ Ak G�(I,--'d —A—I -'. F-- —EM -- - N - - 0-.4'