03-10-2015 Canvassing Board Agenda OCOEE CANVASSING BOARD /AUDIT TEAM Orange County Supervisor of Elections 119 West Kaley Avenue, Orlando, FL March 10, 2015 AGENDA 4:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Board Members: Jean Grafton, Martha Lopez Anderson, Victoria Laney Others Present: City Clerk Eikenberry, City Attorney Cookson Recording Secretary: Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt CANVASSING OF ABSENTEE BALLOTS 1. BRIEFING by City Clerk Eikenberry 2. VOTE TO ACCEPT THE ABSENTEE BALLOTS ACCEPTED BY THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE 3. REVIEW QUESTIONABLE ABSENTEE BALLOTS. 4. LOGIC AND ACCURACY TEST PERFORMED. 5. OPEN ABSENTEE BALLOTS. 6. PRE LOGIC AND ACCURACY TEST & ZERO TAPE. 7. PROCESSING THE ABSENTEE BALLOTS (through the tabulator). 8. DUPLICATING BALLOTS REJECTED BY THE TABULATOR. 9. PROCESSING DUPLICATED BALLOTS. 10. PRINT ABSENTEE RESULTS TAPE. 11. TOTALS SPREADSHEET. 12. CHECK PERCENTILES FOR POSSIBLE RECOUNT. 13. PROVISIONALS. If there ARE provisional ballots, the Canvassing Board would have to vote to continue the Canvassing Board Meeting to Thursday, March 12, 2015, at 5:00 p.m., in accordance with FS 101.048(1), allowing the voter “the right to present written evidence supporting his or her eligibility to vote to the Supervisor of Elections by not later than 5 p.m. on the second day following the election.” Provisional Ballots will be held unopened until the meeting is reconvened on March 12, 2015. If a voter is able to produce such evidence before March 12, 2015, at 5 p.m., these ballots must be counted using the tabulator; they may NOT be hand counted. If there are NO provisional ballots for the Canvassing Board to review, the Post Logic and Accuracy Test should now be conducted by the Supervisor of Elections staff member. After the test is complete, results tape should be removed and “Post Logic & Accuracy test tape” should be written on the tape. CERTIFY THE ELECTION If there are no outstanding or provisional ballots, the Canvassing Board may at this time vote to certify the election.