07-12-2022 Minutes ocoee florlda MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ACTING AS THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY Tuesday,July 12,2022 I. CALL TO ORDER-6:30 pm A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum Present: Chair Lomneck,Vice-Chair Mellen, Member Kennedy,Alternate Member Keller Absent: Member Forges,Member Williams Also Present: Development Services Director Rumer,Zoning Manager Whitfield,Assistant City Attorney Drage, Recording Clerk Heard C. Annual Elections Chair Lomneck opened the floor for nominations of the Chair and Vice-Chair. Election for Chair Vice-Chair Mellen nominated Chair Lomneck for Chair for a term ending July 2023; Moved by Vice-Chair Mellen, seconded by Member Keller; Motion carried unanimously with Member Forges and Member Williams absent. Election for Vice-Chair Chair Lomneck nominated Member Kennedy for Vice-Chair fora term ending July 2023; Moved by Chair Lomneck, seconded by Vice-Chair Mellen; Motion carried unanimously with Member Forges and Member Williams absent. IL CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of the Planning&Zoning Commission Meeting held June 14,2022. Motion for Approval of the Consent Agenda: Moved by Vice-Chair Mellen, Seconded by Member Keller; Motion carried unanimously with Member Forges and Member Williams absent. 1 Planning&Zoning Commission July 12,2022 III. OLD BUSINESS -None IV. NEW BUSINESS —Public Hearings (7:02 pm) A. Variance Request for VMG Shoppes at 101 West Silver Star Road,VR-22-04. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, July 7, 2022) Development Services Director Rumer presented a brief overview of this variance request,which is located at 101 West Silver Star Road and is zoned C-2 (Community Commercial District). He explained in 2021 this property received site plan approval and permitting for the construction of a one(1) story 6,300 SF office building with 1,200 SF of covered porch area. Adjacent to the west is the CSX Transportation railroad right-of-way. Construction of the project is currently underway and the building foundation and walls are in place; however, CSX Transportation has recently asserted that it owns fifteen (15) feet of property in addition to their right-of-way. In an effort to keep the project moving forward, the applicant is conceding the ROW line as presented by CSX Transportation, which will require them to remove parts of the building already built within the alleged ROW and an additional three (3) feet buffer. The applicant is requesting this variance because the three-foot buffer is less than the minimum 10-foot side yard setback requirement. The Board had no comments or questions. The applicant was present for questions. The Public hearing was opened.As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was closed (6:37 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, actinq as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of the Variance Request for VMG Shoppes at 101 West Silver Star Road, VR-22-04, based on factual interpretation of the code requirements, as presented by staff, and public testimony related; Moved by Vice-Chair Mellen, Seconded by Member Kennedy; motion carried unanimously with Member Forges and Member Williams absent. Zoning Manager Whitfield advised the applicant was not present for the next item, Item B, and asked the Chair if he would like to move this item down on the agenda. Chair Lomneck said the applicant was not present at the last meeting either; however, they could move to the next item and come back to Item B. 2 Planning&Zoning Commission July 12,2022 (Item B Heard out of Agenda Order 7:33 pm) B. Isaak Malka Property Annexation, Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential, Rezoning from County A-1 to City PUD & Preliminary Subdivision Plan; Project No(s): AX-04- 22-24,CPA-2022-003,RZ-22-04-37 &LS-2022-005. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, June 2, 2022)—Continued from the June 14, 2022, P&Z Meeting Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of this property, which is approximately 5.08 acres and currently vacant, zoned Orange County A-1, and located south and west of Desert Candle Drive, east of the West Orange Trail and north of the West Road unimproved right-of-way, approximately 200 feet north of SR 429. The applicant is proposing to annex the subject property into the City, amend its future land use map designation from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential, and reclassify the zoning district from County A-1 to City Planned Unit Development (PUD) in order to develop a single-family attached residential subdivision. This parcel is located within the Joint Planning Agreement(IPA)with Orange County, which will need to be amended prior to the zoning reclassification. Zoning Manager Whitfield explained the applicant is proposing a 48-lot two (2) story townhome subdivision with a proposed density of 9.4 units per acre. She further showed the Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP) and noted various revisions made by the applicant and conditions recommended by the City's Development Review Committee(DRC).The applicant has been asked to provide a traffic study to determine the impact this development could have on the intersection of Fountains West Boulevard and West Road and its proportionate share contribution,if any,toward the cost of the traffic signal installation at this intersection. Potable water and wastewater utilities will be provided by Orange County Utilities (OCU). The City of Ocoee would provide reclaimed water service. Discussion: Ben Beckham, P.E., Applicant, Madden, Moorehead & Stokes, LLC, Maitland, FL, stated he is present for any questions. The Public hearing was opened.As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was closed Member Kennedy stated at the last meeting residents were present, and he asked what their concerns were. Zoning Manager Whitfield stated they wanted to know if this development would have its own amenities, because non-residents have been utilizing their amenity center. She informed them this proposed development will have two parks, a dog park and people park. Chair Lomneck asked whether the 22 visitor parking spaces will be enough. Mr. Beckham stated the current plan has 22 visitor parking spaces, but they will add more if they are able to. Discussion ensued regarding on-street parking. (7:52 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of Isaak Malka Property Annexation; Project No: AX-04-22-24, subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Keller, Seconded by Vice-Chair Mellen; motion carried unanimously with Member Forges and Member Williams absent. 3 Planning&Zoning Commission July 12, 2022 Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of Isaak Malka Property Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential; Project No: CPA-2022-003, subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Vice-Chair Mellen, Seconded by Member Keller; motion carried unanimously with Member Forges and Member Williams absent. Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of lsaak Malka Property Rezoning from County A-1 to City PUD; Project No: RZ-22-04-37, subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Vice- Chair Mellen, Seconded by Member Keller; motion carried unanimously with Member Forges and Member Williams absent. Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of Isaak Malka Property Preliminary Subdivision Plan; Project No: LS-2022-005, subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Keller, Seconded by Vice-Chair Mellen; motion carried unanimously with Member Forges and Member Williams absent. (Item C Heard out of Agenda Order 6:40 pm) C. Ocoee Crown Point PUD (Tract 9 & 47) Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan for a Mixed Use at Fullers Cross Road & Ocoee Apopka Road,Project No. LS-2022-003. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, July 7, 2022) Development Services Director Rumer presented a brief overview of the proposed Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan, which is approximately 17.96 acres and located on the northeast corner of Ocoee Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road. The project lies within the Crown Point PUD and is zoned "Planned Unit Development" (PUD). The Future Land Use designation for the subject site is "Commercial". He explained the proposed project is a 330 unit multi-family development, which will consist of three(3) buildings.Building 1 will be four(4) stories with 186 units.Building 2 will be five (5) stories with 72 units and tuck-under parking, and Building 3 will be five (5) stories with 72 units and tuck-under parking. The development also proposed a retail portion consisting of two (2) buildings with up to 7,500 SF with a minimum front setback to Fullers Cross Road and Ocoee Apopka Road. Development Services Director Rumer explained the proposed three(3)access points as follows: 1) Full access on Fullers Cross Road that utilizes cross access with the existing Glad Tidings Church, which is adjacent to the parcel on the east side. The applicant and the Church are still working on the final design of the cross-access; 2) A right in/right out on Ocoee Apopka Road about midway north of the intersection of Ocoee Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road. The access is primarily for retail users; 3) Full access on the project's north side on Ocoee Apopka Road. The entrances into the apartments will be gated with a vehicle turn-around before the gates. 4 Planning&Zoning Commission July 12,2022 Charlie Potter, P.E., AVID Group, LLC, Palm Harbor, FL, stated he is really excited about this project, and they worked diligently with staff on the site plan;and further,the DRC had very minor site plan comments.He said they are aware of potential issues with the access point with the church to the east,which will need to be finalized. Chair Lomneck opened the public hearing. Pastor Gary Howell, Glad Tidings Church, shared his concerns with the shared access point off of Fullers Cross Road. He stated the church has a school, which brings approximately 200 cars per day for drop off/pick up. He is concerned with the gated access to the apartments,which may cause traffic backups/stacking. He is concerned about security issues for the school. He further stated he is concerned the residents of the apartments may utilize the church's parking lot if the developer does not install a fence or wall between their properties. Chair Lomneck closed the public hearing. Discussion: Chair Lomneck asked whether a roundabout would be more beneficial at the entrance to the apartments and church than the current layout. Development Services Director Rumer said there are a number of options, because that access will be full access. He further explained that there is not a requirement for the developer to install perimeter walls or fencing. Chair Lomneck asked if they could make a recommendation for that.Development Services Director Rumer indicated the board can make a recommendation. Vice-Chair Mellen inquired if moving the access point off of Fullers Cross Road to the west of the current entry point would be more beneficial. Development Services Director Rumer explained that was the location of the access point on their first site plan; however, it had to be moved further away from the traffic light at the Fullers Cross Road/Ocoee Apopka Road intersection. Member Keller stated a fence should be installed between the apartments and the church. Chair Lomneck asked the applicant whether they have thought about putting up a fence or wall. Mr. Potter stated they have not started the final site plan yet; however, they want security as well. Chair Lomneck stated he does not see a way to fix the Fullers Cross Road access point at this time, but recommended to place a brick wall in between the properties. Member Kennedy asked the applicant to comment on Pastor Howell's concern that the residents would park in the church's parking lot. Mr. Potter expressed he believes they are making considerable concessions, because their current proposal is to build a third of the density of what the PUB allows. He further explained the access off of Fullers Cross Road and stated the proposed plan gives the church their own traffic lane that goes directly to the church. Member Kennedy stated he does not care for the joint access off of Fullers Cross Road. He asked whether the apartments will be low income or subsidized,to which Mr. Potter answered in the negative. Chair Lomneck inquired if the retail will have any drive-thrus. Development Services Director Rumer answered in the negative, and further stated there will be a list of some prohibited uses. Chair Lomneck invited Pastor Howell to state some closing remarks. 5 Planning&Zoning Commission July 12, 2022 Pastor Howell expressed he appreciates the developer's willingness to sit down and talk with the church, and hopes they can come to an agreement. He stated he learned that the retail portion has an entrance from Ocoee Apopka Road and an exit onto Fullers Cross Road, which is another concern. He explained the church always knew there would be a store developing on that parcel; however, they never anticipated residential apartments, which changes the dynamics. (7:07 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of Ocoee Crown Point PUD(Tract 9 &47) Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan fora Mixed Use at Fullers Cross Road & Ocoee Apopka Road; Project No. LS-2022-003, with an added recommendation to add a non-natural buffer, fence or barrier, subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Vice-Chair Mellen, Seconded by Member Keller; motion carried unanimously with Member Forges and Member Williams absent. (Item D Heard out of Agenda Order 7:08 pm) D. Ocoee Crown Point PUD (Tracts 6C,6E,6F,6D &33)Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan for a Mixed Use Development, Project No. LS-2022-006. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, July 7, 2022) Development Services Director Rumer presented a brief overview of the proposed Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan, which is located on the west side of Ocoee Apopka Road and on the north side of State Road 429 and is approximately 16.19 acres. The project lies within the Crown Point PUD and is zoned "Planned Unit Development" (PUD). The Future Land Use designation for the subject site is "Commercial". He explained the proposed project is a mixed-use development consisting of 301 multi-family dwelling units and 20,000 square feet of commercial retail space within nine(9) buildings. The proposed mixture of buildings includes two (2)mixed-use buildings with residential and commercial space, one (1) live/work building, one (1) stand-alone retail building,and five(5)multi-family residential buildings.Two(2)of the five(5)residential buildings will be townhome-style multi-family residential buildings. Stormwater ponds are provided via existing offsite retention. Development Services Director Rumer further explained the surrounding roadways and indicated Ocoee Crown Point Parkway will be extended south in the near future to meet up with East Crown Point Road. This extension will alleviate traffic on Ocoee Apopka Road. The project is served by three (3) entrance points: 1) Access and a new public road at the existing roundabout on Ocoee Crown Point Parkway; 2) Full access on Ocoee Apopka Road north of the signal for the West Orange Trail; and 3) Full access to the south side Tract, which will be the entrance into the future OCPS Technical School. Discussion: Holly Collins-Garcia,Applicant, Wire Development, LLC, Tampa, FL, explained their live/work units they developed in Windermere at The Retreat in Summerport, which promote community businesses. She further stated they have been working with Orange County and the City to create a place to relax such as a coffee or ice cream shop off the trail. 6 Planning&Zoning Commission July 12, 2022 The Public hearing was opened.As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was closed. Vice-Chair Mellen asked whether there is a site-line map for the community next to the proposed four-story building.Development Services Director Rumer stated the neighboring homes are not adjacent to the parcels. There is an open space,wetland track, and stormwater pond in between. Member Keller asked how big the sidewalks will be on Ocoee Apopka Road. Abdul Alkadry, P.E., Harris Civil Engineers, LLC, Orlando, FL,answered the sidewalks will be six-and-a-half feet wide. Member Kennedy stated he has not seen the live/work concept, and Ms. Collins-Garcia explained the concept in more detail. He advised he is concerned about anonymous foot traffic into the community from the West Orange Trail. (7:32 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of Ocoee Crown Point PUD (Tracts 6C, 6E, 6F, 6D & 33) Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan for a Mixed Use Development, Protect No. LS-2022-006, subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Kennedy, Seconded by Member Keller; motion carried unanimously with Member Forges and Member Williams absent. V. MISCELLANEOUS - (8:00 pm) A. Project Status Report Development Services Director Rumer updated the Board with the following: • The August 9th P&Z meeting has been moved to Tuesday, August 30th at 6:30 p.m. • Chair Lomneck inquired about when the Lakewood extension will be finished. Development Services Director Rumer stated the final infrastructure is coming together and the roundabout will soon be under construction. • Member Kennedy inquired about the timeline of when restaurants may be looking to come to the north side of the city. Development Services Director Rumer explained Orange County traffic counts; and further, stated a rise in traffic trips needs to happen in order for restaurants to be established in a particular area. • Vice-Chair Mellen asked when local businesses, like The Ocoee Taco Company, will be able to connect to the sewer lines. Development Services Director Rumer explained where the City placed the new force main; and further, stated he believes a new water and sewer line will be going in with the Taylor Street realignment project. • Chair Lomneck asked when the Unity Park will be open. Development Services Director Rumer said he will get a project management update later this week. B. July Calendar-No updates 7 Planning&Zoning Commission July 12,2022 Motion: Move to adjourn the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting: Moved by Member Keller, Seconded by Member Kennedy; motion carried unanimously with Member Forges and Member Williams absent VI. ADJOURNMENT - 8:05 pm ATTEST: APP' VED ‘0.0"- 11111111 K thy ard, Recording Clerk Bad o eck, Ch.'r ...„ 8