HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-09-2023 Agenda Packet OCOEE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers 1 N. Bluford Avenue Ocoee, Florida May 9, 2023 AGENDA 6:30 PM REGULAR PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING • CALL TO ORDER Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call and Determination of Quorum • CONSENT 1. Minutes of the Planning & Zoning Meeting Held on April 11, 2023. • OLD BUSINESS • NEW BUSINESS 1. LDC Update - Articles II, V, & VI Relative to Kennels/Pet Care, Clarification on Impervious Surface Materials, and Correction of Scrivener's Errors. (Zoning Manager Whitfield) • MISCELLANEOUS 1. June Planning & Zoning Meeting Date Discussion 2. May Development Status • ADJOURNMENT Notice: Any person who desires to appeal any decision at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for this purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk’s Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting. MORE THAN ONE COMMISSIONER MAY PARTICIPATE OR HEAR DISCUSSIONS REGARDING A MATTER WHICH WILL COME BEFORE THE COMMISSION FOR ACTION. Page 1 of 34 MINUTES CITY OF OCOEE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (Acting as the Local Planning Agency) REGULAR MEETING APRIL 11, 2023 6:30 pm • CALL TO ORDER Chair Lomneck called the regular session to order at 6:30 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Chair Lomneck, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Recording Clerk Heard called the roll and declared a quorum present. Present: Chair Lomneck, Member Crocker, Member Forges, Alternate Member Keller Absent: Member Mellen, Member Williams Also Present: Development Services Director Rumer, Zoning Manager Whitfield, Assistant City Attorney Drage, Recording Clerk Heard Chair Lomneck welcomed a new member, Joe Crocker, to the Board. • CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting held on February 14, 2023. Motion for Approval of the Consent Agenda: Moved by Member Keller, Seconded by Member Crocker; Motion carried unanimously with Members Forges, Mellen & Williams absent. (Member Forges is present.) • OLD BUSINESS - None • NEW BUSINESS 1. Siri Office Building Market Street ROW – Annexation & Rezoning to PUD (AX-03- 23-03 & RZ-23-03-03). (Zoning Manager Whitfield) Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the subject property which is approximately .372 acres in size and is comprised of the Market Street right-of-way (ROW) and Arlington Avenue ROW. The subject site is adjacent to and has been included as part of the design for the Siri Office Building PUD Land Use Plan (LUP), fka 3872 Old Winter Garden Road PUD LUP. The applicant has submitted this request for annexation and classification of the vacated ROW site to PUD. This application does not propose any new development, but rather, per the approved Amended Siri Office Building LUP, the vacated ROWs will be developed with parking spaces, landscaped buffer, a garbage Page 2 of 34 Planning & Zoning Meeting April 11, 2023 2 | Page dumpster, a small stormwater pond, and vehicular interconnect to the property immediately to the west The applicant was present for questions. The Board had no comments or questions. Chair Lomneck opened the public hearing. Elmer Carrier, Ocoee Resident, asked if a notification was sent out regarding the footprint revision in 2022. Zoning Manager Whitfield explained the revision was a non- substantial change which is a Commission Consent Agenda item, thus notification was not required. Mr. Carrier further stated he is concerned that the trees in between the PUD and the adjacent residential community to the south are currently not protected. Chair Lomneck closed the public hearing. (6:41 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of the Annexation for Siri Office Building Market Street ROW (AX -03-23-03), subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Keller, Seconded by Member Forges; motion carried unanimously with Members Mellen and Williams absent. (6:42 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of the Rezoning to PUD for Siri Office Building Market Street ROW (RZ-23-03-03), subject to resolution of the remaining staff comments before the City Commission meeting; Moved by Member Forges, Seconded by Member Keller; motion carried unanimously with Members Mellen and Williams absent. 2. 608 E. Silver Star Road - Maravilla Holdings Property - Annexation & Rezoning to R-1A (AX -03-23-04 & RZ-23-03-04). (Zoning Manager Whitfield) Zoning Manager Whitfield announced this item has been rescheduled to a future date to be determined. Page 3 of 34 Planning & Zoning Meeting April 11, 2023 3 | Page 3. Heartland Dental - Colonial Drive Preventative & Comprehensive Dentistry - Sign Variance (VR-23-01). (Zoning Manager Whitfield) Zoning Manager Whitfield presented a brief overview of the subject property which is located on a corner lot at 1110 Blackwood Avenue. The applicant is requesting two (2) variances to Section 8-6A, Article VIII, as follows: Variance #1: A sign height of six (6) feet, in lieu of the maximum three (3) feet, representing a 100% increase in sign height for the west elevation sign. Given the overall height of the building where the sign is proposed to be located and the fact that the west elevation wall sign is below the maximum 36 SF sign size (at 28.26 SF), staff supports the 100% increase in sign height. Variance #2: A sign size of 70 SF, in lieu of the maximum 36 SF, representing a 94% increase in sign size for the north elevation sign. The north elevation sign also exceeds the maximum sign height by 1.67 feet. However, as this increase is less than 5% above the 3-foot maximum and considering the scale and varying roof lines of the building, staff does not identify an issue with the additional 1.67 feet as the City has provided similar consideration for other signs when the overall sign size meets the Code. Zoning Manager Whitfield explained Article IV, Section 4-9A, requires the applicant to demonstrate compliance with four (4) criteria in order to be granted a variance approval; and further, stated the applicant’s and staff’s responses to the four (4) criteria. She displayed the proposed plans for the signs and explained staff’s recommendations are the following: Variance #1: APPROVAL of the variance request to Section 8-6A(1) and (2), Article VIII, for the west elevation wall sign and allow the 28.26 SF sign at a height of six (6) feet in lieu of three (3) feet, representing a 100% height increase, and Variance #2: DENIAL of the variance request to Section 8-6A(1) and (2), Article VIII, for the north elevation wall sign and NOT allow a sign size of 70 SF in lieu of 36 SF, representing a 94% increase in sign size, for the north elevation wall sign Member Forges asked about the sign placement. Keishaun Greaves, Applicant, explained his position stating he does not believe approving this special request would confer special privileges and does not believe the bigger signs would be a hindrance to anyone else. Chair Lomneck opened the public hearing. Barb Simon, Orlando Resident, stated she represents a neighboring business and believes approving this variance would grant this business a special privilege that neighboring businesses were denied, which would not be fair. Page 4 of 34 Planning & Zoning Meeting April 11, 2023 4 | Page Dr. Tommy Dorsey, Applicant/Owner, stated he is the current dentist at Heartland Dental Colonial Drive and has been practicing in Ocoee for 16 years. He drives on Blackwood Avenue daily, and believes it will be a hazard for motorists to try to see the sign on the building because of the building setback and trees. He suggested a slightly larger sign will keep traffic moving and possibly prevent accidents. Chair Lomneck closed the public hearing. Chair Lomneck stated most sign variances do get denied. Member Forges asked what the typical building size is for this particular franchise. Keishaun Greaves, Applicant, stated this building is the standard size for all of Heartland Dentals within the State of Florida. (7:01 pm) Motion: Move that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, recommend to the Ocoee City Commission Approval of Staff’s Recommendations with respect to the Heartland Dental Variance Request, based on factual interpretation of the code requirements, as presented by staff, and public testimony related; Moved by Member Forges, Seconded by Member Crocker. Assistant City Attorney Drage explained to the Board they should vote “yes” only if they approve of both recommendations presented by staff. Motion carried unanimously with Members Mellen and Williams absent. • MISCELLANEOUS 1. Project Status Report Development Services Director Rumer updated the Board with the following: • Announced currently there is a Special Election scheduled for Tuesday, June 13th, which is this Board’s regularly scheduled meeting night. He explained staff will poll the Board to find alternate meeting dates for June and July. • Welcomed new member, Joe Crocker, and advised three members have terms expiring this June. After those appointments are made Assistant City Attorney Drage will be holding a Sunshine Law training. • Announced the roundabout is now open at Fullers Cross Road and Lakewood Avenue, and the next step is paving up to 2nd Avenue. • The Inspiration PUD is finishing up the commercial sites, Rusteak is now open, and the townhomes are in their final stages. • Staff is currently working on a 2020 - 2045 Comprehensive Plan Update. Staff will be bringing forth goals & objectives to this Board as the Land Planning Agency (LPA). A Preliminary Land Development Code update will also be coming to this Board in the near future with a consulting service to assist in adopting the best LDC for the citizens of Ocoee. Page 5 of 34 Planning & Zoning Meeting April 11, 2023 5 | Page • Member Keller shared his concerns regarding traffic access with a church being built on the corner of Sawmill Boulevard and Apopka Vineland Road. • ADJOURNMENT - 7:11 pm ATTEST: APPROVED: __________________________ _______________________ Kathy Heard, Recording Clerk Brad Lomneck, Chair Page 6 of 34 City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org CITY OF OCOEE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION (Local Planning Agency) STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: May 9, 2023 Item #: 1 Contact Name: Anoch Whitfield, Zoning Manager Department Director: Michael Rumer Subject: LDC Update - Articles II, V, & VI Relative to Kennels/Pet Care, Clarification on Impervious Surface Materials, and Correction of Scrivener's Errors. (Zoning Manager Whitfield) BACKGROUND SUMMARY: With respect to impervious materials, the City has been experiencing significant increases in Code compliance issues relative to the application of impervious surface materials on residential lots and its impacts on open space and drainage on the property and for the surrounding area. Specifically, there is an increase in cases or situations where property owners are requesting or have illegally installed synthetic mulch, turf, gravel, rocks, pavers, roofed pergolas, sheds, tents/canopies and other impervious materials and surfaces throughout their entire back yards or sometimes the back yards and side yards, thus eliminating open space and altering drainage flows on their lots or redirecting drainage from their lots to off-site areas. Currently, Section 2-4, LDC, does not define "impervious materials". Instead, it has a definition of "impervious lot or site coverage"; however, that definition speaks more like a purpose and intent language. There is also a definition of "impervious surface coverage"; however, it defines impervious surface coverage as a "percentage of the lot land area that is covered with impervious materials" but does not actually define impervious materials. Additionally, the open space provisions in Section 5-4 and the parking provisions in Section 6-4 seem to contradict each other and need to be clarified. Section 6-4H(2), in the parking regulations, establishes a 2-foot setback from the side and rear property lines where neither paved nor unpaved materials can be installed. This Section of the Code reads as follows: (2) Residential driveways, parking spaces, motor courts, sidewalks, etc.: Any residential sidewalk, driveway, parking space or other vehicle circulation area whether of a paved surface such as asphalt, concrete or brick, or of an unpaved surface such as gravel or mulch shall be set back at least two (2) feet from the side or rear property lines. The provisions of this Code shall also apply to prohibit the diversion of drainage from vehicle parking or circulation areas onto adjacent properties. However, Section 5-4K, in the open space regulations, states that impervious surfaces include “impervious mulch” and that impervious mulch cannot be installed in the open space areas required for the lot. This Section defines “impervious mulch” as stone, gravel and rocks used for landscaping”. Section 5-4K, LDC, currently reads as follows: K. The required open space area for a single-family residential lot shall not include covered area with any impervious materials such as stone, gravel, rock or impervious mulch materials. In no case shall any impervious materials, other than those required for sidewalks, driveways or parking area aprons, be placed within public or private roadway rights-of-way. For the purposes of this subsection, impervious mulch materials are defined as any material that significantly limits the absorption of stormwater into the ground, such as stone, gravel and rocks that are used in landscaping. Staff has identified a need to make a distinction between the use of natural mulch for landscaping, where there is no compaction of the ground, and the use of natural or synthetic mulch and other impervious materials (such as rocks and gravel) for parking areas and where ground compaction occurs, which inhibits the ability of water and rain to be absorbed naturally into the ground. Below is a summary of the proposed LDC amendments: 1. Clarify the definitions of impervious surface materials, and Page 7 of 34 City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org 2. Modify Section 5-4K and Section 6-4H to clearly state that impervious materials within the 2-foot side and rear setbacks are not permitted in order to preserve the required open space and maintain drainage flows and needs of the lot, and 3. Modify Section 5-4K and Section 6-4H further to clarify that natural mulch (such as pine straws/needles, pine bark, etc.) shall be considered "pervious" materials and shall be allowed in the 2-foot side and rear yard setback areas and in open space areas when they are used for landscaping but shall be considered as "impervious" materials and shall not be allowed in the 2-foot side and rear setback areas and open space areas when they are used for parking. With respect to animal kennels and pet care services, there are insufficient provisions in the Code to meet the needs of the general public. Currently, Section 2-4 Definitions only has two (2) definitions related to animals and pets. Specifically: Section 2-4(167) defines “Kennel, Pet” as “any lot or premises on which are kept four (4) or more dogs, more than six (6) months of age, including a veterinary clinic, animal grooming or pet shop”, and Section 2-4(328) defines “Veterinary Clinic or Hospital” as “any building or portion thereof designed or used for the veterinary care, surgical procedures or treatment of animals, but not for the sale, breeding, grooming or boarding of well animals or for pet shops”. There is a definition in Section 2-4(17) for “animal hospitals”, but defers to the Veterinary Clinic definition. The above definitions attempt to create a distinction between pet kennels and veterinary clinics/animal hospitals; however, Table 5-1 Use Regulations Table only has one (1) category for animal-related uses, titled “Veterinary Hospitals and Kennels when confined within structure”, which groups the uses in both definitions together, and that one category of use is only permitted in the C-3 and I-1 zoning districts. Table 5-1 makes no distinction between more intense animal-related uses, including canine protection training and boarding type facilities (such as dog breeding, dog kennels and veterinary clinics/hospitals that board sick and well animals overnight) and less intense animal-related uses, including non-boarding type facilities (such as pet grooming or pet training/basic obedience facilities that do not include over-night boarding or kenneling). Currently, the City has pet grooming facilities within the C-2 and certain PUD zoning districts. Staff feels that there should be a distinction between establishments/uses offering daily animal/pet services, such as grooming and training (basic obedience training), where the animals are dropped off and picked up by their owners in the same day versus establishments/uses offering animal boarding and animal breeding overnight for one (1) or more nights. Also, the City has recently adopted Ordinance 2021-057 which prohibits the retail sales of cats, dogs, and rabbits in the City, which also necessitates the need to update the definition of a kennel, which currently includes pet shops. Below is a summary of the proposed LDC amendments: 1. Revise the definition of “Kennel, Pet” to read as follows: “A place where dogs and other house pets are kept, sheltered, boarded, or bred for compensation and facilities for protection training. For activities related to the retail sale of dogs, cats and rabbits, refer to Section 43-3 of Article I, Chapter 43, Code of Ordinances.” 2. Add a new definition for “Pet Care Services” to be defined as follows: “Services identified in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for pet care services, including, but not limited to, pet grooming, pet-sitting/walking, and basic obedience training services, include non-medical activities and services which improve the appearance, obedience and hygiene of dogs, cats and other small animals or household pets. Pet care services do not include and forbid protection training services, pet kennels, or the kenneling or over-night boarding or sheltering of dogs and other pets. 3. Modify Table 5-1 to add a new use category for “Pet Care Services when confined within Structure” and to allow this use in the A-1 and A-2 zoning districts, all the Commercial zoning districts and the I-1 zoning district. Lastly, the proposed ordinance seeks to correct scrivener's errors in Table 5.1. Over the years, the “Agriculture” (less intensive uses) and “Agriculture Processing” (more intensive uses) use categories changed their order of appearance in the Uses Regulations Table 5-1 multiple times, and the majority of the time, the determination of use (P, S or prohibited) went with their respective use categories. However, in 2014, this did not happen, and the “Agriculture Processing” use category (which is more intensive) became permitted in every zoning district while the Page 8 of 34 City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org less intensive “Agriculture” use category became prohibited in every zoning district. The proposed ordinance will reverse the "P" and "-" in the table to correct this error. Staff feels that the proposed amendments will provide needed clarity in the Code. ISSUE: Should the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency (LPA), recommend approval of Land Development Code (LDC) amendments to Section 2-4, Article II, Section 5-4 and Table 5-1, Article V, and Section 6-4H, Article VI, relative to the definition and use of impervious surface materials and regulatory provisions for animal kennels and pet care services, and to Table 5-1, Article V, to correct scrivener's errors relating to the agriculture and agricultural processing use categories? RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency (LPA), recommend approval of Land Development Code (LDC) amendments to Section 2-4, Article II, Section 5-4 and Table 5-1, Article V, and Section 6-4H, Article VI, relative to the definition and use of impervious surface materials and regulatory provisions for animal kennels and pet care services, and to Table 5-1, Article V, to correct scrivener's errors relating to the agriculture and agricultural processing use categories. ATTACHMENTS: 1. LDC Update_Animals & Pet Care_ISA_Scriveners Errors 2. Advertisement Page 9 of 34 ORDINANCE NO. XXXX-XX (LDC Update for Animal/Pet Care, Impervious Surface Areas and Correction of Scrivener’s Errors) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CITY OF OCOEE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ARTICLE II, SECTION 2-4 DEFINITIONS, ARTICLE V, SECTION 5-4 AND TABLE 5-1 RELATING TO IMPERVIOUS SURFACE MATERIALS, ANIMAL-RELATED USES, AND CORRECTION OF SCRIVENER’S ERRORS, AND ARTICLE VI, SECTION 6-4H RELATING TO IMPERVIOUS MATERIALS; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, as provided in Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, the City of Ocoee (the “City”) enjoys all home rule authority, police power, land development and zoning authority, and governmental and proprietary powers necessary to conduct municipal government and perform municipal functions; and WHEREAS, the City may exercise any power for municipal purposes, except as expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, the City has identified internal inconsistencies and issues in Articles II, V and VI of the Land Development Code relative to the definition and application of impervious surface materials for vehicular and pedestrian circulation areas and the regulatory provisions on animal and pet care services; and WHEREAS, the City has identified scrivener’s errors in Article V, Table 5-1 Use Regulations Table, relative to agriculture and agricultural processing use categories; and WHEREAS, the City has found it is necessary to resolve such internal inconsistencies, issues and scrivener’s errors in order to ensure the health, safety, and general welfare of the public; and WHEREAS, on May 9, 2023, the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, held an advertised and publicly noticed public hearing and recommended approval of the amendments proposed by staff to revise Articles II, V, and VI as prescribed herein; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission, in good faith, determines that this Ordinance is in the best interest of the City and its residents and promotes the health, safety, and welfare of the public; and WHEREAS, following the advertisement and duly noticed public hearing on the Ordinance on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, the Ocoee City Commission approved the amendments to Section 2-4, Article II, Section 5-4 and Table 5-1, Article V, and Section 6-4, Article VI of the LDC. Page 10 of 34 -2- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are hereby ratified and confirmed as true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. AUTHORITY. The Ocoee City Commission has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 163 and 166, Florida Statutes. 3. AMENDMENT OF THE LDC. Section 2-4, Article II, Section 5-4, Article V, and Section 6-4, Article VI of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code are hereby amended to read as depicted in Exhibit “A” and Table 5-1 of Article V of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code is hereby amended to read as depicted in Exhibit “B”, with underlines representing additions and strike-throughs representing deletions, relating to impervious surface materials, animal kennels and pet care services, and corrections of scrivener’s errors. 4. CONFLICT. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, Resolutions, or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby made ineffective to the extent of such conflict. 5. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. 6. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Ocoee City Commission that the provisions stated in this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City; and that sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered and the word “ordinance” may be changed to “chapter”, “section”, “article”, or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions; and regardless of whether such inclusion in the Code is accomplished, sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered, and the correction of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, without the need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or re- codified copy of same with the City Clerk. 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ________ day of __________________________, 2023. [Space intentionally blank] Page 11 of 34 -3- ATTEST: Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Rusty Johnson, Mayor FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this ______ day of ______________, 2023. SHUFFIELD LOWMAN & WILSON, P.A. By: City Attorney ADVERTISED ___________________, 2023 READ FIRST TIME _______________, 2023. READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED _______________________________, 2023. UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. _______ Page 12 of 34 -4- EXHIBIT “A” Section 2-4, Article II, Section 5-4, Article V, and Section 6-4, Article VI of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code are hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE II *** § 2-4. DEFINITIONS. *** (90) Coverage, Lot: Lot coverage shall be expressed as the percentage of the lot or parcel covered by all buildings and other impervious materials located thereon, calculated by dividing the area of the building and impervious materials divided by the gross lot or parcel land area. (See also: Impervious Surface Coverage.) *** (159) Impervious Lot or Site CoverageMaterial: Limitations on allowable impervious lot or site coverage are established for the following purposes Any material that redirects or modifies the flow of water horizontally along a surface or that prohibits, prevents or otherwise significantly limits the natural absorption of water directly into the ground, including concrete, asphalt, pavers, pervious pavers, gravel , rocks, solid decking, synthetic mulch, synthetic turf, and roofs impervious to weather . Pervious materials used in landscaping will be considered imper vious when used in parking areas or used for parking: (a) To provide sufficient area on each building site for landscaping and open space. (b) To protect existing vegetation including trees. (c) Sufficient recharging of aquifer. (160) Impervious Surface Coverage: The percentage of the lot land area that is covered with impervious materials , calculated by dividing the impervious material area by the lot land area. Impervious surface coverage areas include such areas as buildings, swimming pool decks, solid decks, patios, tents, driveways, etc. Standard engineering coefficients of permeability may be utilized for mixed surfaces. (See also: Coverage, Lot coverage) *** (167) Kennel, Pet: Any lot or premises on which are kept four (4) or more dogs, more than six (6) months of age, including a veterinary clinic, animal grooming or pet shop A place where dogs and other house pets are kept, sheltered, boarded, or bred for compensation and facilities for protection training . For activities related to the retail sale of dogs, cats and rabbits, refer to Section 43-3 of Article I, Chapter 43, Code of Ordinances. *** (185) Lot Coverage: See: Coverage, Lot. Page 13 of 34 -5- *** (238) Pet Care Services . Services identified in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for pet care services, including, but not limited to, pet grooming, pet - sitting/walking, and basic obedience training services, include non -medical activities and services which improve the appearance, obedience and hygiene of dogs, cats and other small animals or household pets. Pet care services do not include and forbid protection training services, pet kennels, or the kenneling or over -night boarding or sheltering of dogs and other pets. (244) Porch or Open Porch : A roofed-over space, with the roof impervious to weather, attached to the outside of an exterior wall of a building, whic h has no enclosure other than the exterior walls of such building. Open mesh screening shall not be considered an enclosure. *** ARTICLE V *** § 5-4. OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS OF ZONING DISTRICTS. Limitations on required minimum open space and maximum impervious lot or site coverage are established for the following purposes: (a) To provide sufficient area on each building site for landscaping and open space. (b) To protect existing vegetation including trees. (c) Sufficient recharging of aquifer. Thus, the following requirements are intended to provide exceptions to or to qualify and supplement, as the case may be, the specific district regulations set forth in Article V: A. An Oopen space , as defined in Section 2 -4 of Article II of this Code, or lot area required for an existing building, or structure or lot shall not be counted as open space for any other building or, structure or lot. B. Open eaves, cornic es, window sills and belt courses may project into any required yard a distance not to exceed two (2) feet. Open porches , as defined in Section 2-4(244) of Article II, or open fire escapes may project into a front yard a distance not to exceed five (5) feet. C. Where the dedicated street right -of-way is less than fifty (50) feet, the depth of the front yard shall be measured starting at a point twenty -five (25) feet from the edge of right -of- way. C.D. Any pedestrian walkway or path, patio, driveway, parking space o r other vehicle circulation area, regardless of materials, including asphalt, concrete, pavers, pervious pavers, gravel, synthetic turf, and impervious mulch, shall be set back at least two (2) feet from the side and rear property lines. Pervious materials used in landscaping will be considered impervi ous material when used for parking. The provisions of this Code shall also apply to prohibit the diversion of drainage from vehicle parking or circulation areas onto adjacent properties. Page 14 of 34 -6- D.E. No dwelling shall be erected on a lot which does not abut at least one (1) street, which is at least forty (40) feet in widt h, for at least twenty (20) feet. The street shall form the direct and primary means of ingress and egress for all dwelling units. Alleys, where they exist, shall form only a secondary means of ingress and egress. E. The owner of any lot of record existing at the time of the adoption of this Code that does not meet the above criteria may apply to the Board of Adjustment for a variance for the construction of a single -family home. The Board of Adjustment shall make a recommendation and the City Commission sha ll determine that there is reasonable access to the property, and that this action will create no adverse impact on adjacent properties, before a variance is granted. F. Accessory buildings which are not a part of or attached to the main building may be built in the rear yard, but shall not cover more than thirty (30) percent of the rear yard. G. On any corner lot, the applicable front yard setback shall apply to both street frontages. In cases where (1) two (2) corner lots adjoin at the end of a block, (2) the single-family dwelling units are designed rear -to-rear, and (3) there are no garage or main entry doorways exiting to the side front yard, then in such cases, the front side building setback shall be reduced to fifteen (15) feet from the property line. The foregoing provision applies only to new single-family dwellings for which building permits are obtained after January 15, 2008. H. On any corner lot on which a front and side yard is required, no wall, fence, sign, structure or any plant growth which obstruc ts sight lines at elevations between two (2) feet, six (6) inchesand one-half (2½) feet and ten (10) feet above any portion of the crown of the adjacent roadway shall be maintained in a triangle formed by measuring from the point of intersection of the fro nt and exterior side lot lines a distance of twenty -five (25) feet along the front and side lot lines, and connecting the points so established to form a safe sight triangle on the area of the lot adjacent to the street intersections of minor and collector streets. The same distance for the intersection of any street with an arterial street as defined in the Comprehensive Plan shall be forty (40) feet. I. An attached or detached private garage or carport which faces on a street shall not be located closer than twenty-five (25) feet to the street right -of-way. J. Open porches may extend into the rear yard in residential districts provided that: (1) The open porch does not cover more than thirty (30) percent of the rear yard; (2) The open porch does not increase the maximum impervious surface of the lot to be greater than fifty (50) percent; (3) The open porch is no closer than seven and one -half (7½) feet to the rear lot line and no closer than seven and one -half (7½) feet to either side lot line; and (4) The open porch does not extend into any utility, drainage or landscape easement or conservation area. K. The required open space area for a single -family residential lot shall not include covered area with any impervious materials such as stone, gravel, rock or impervious mulch materials as defined in Section 2 -4 in Article II of this Code. In no case shall any impervious materials, other than those required for sidewalks, driveways or parking areadriveway aprons, be placed within public or private roadway rights -of-way. For the Page 15 of 34 -7- purposes of this subsection, impervious mulch materials are defined as any material that significantly limits the absorption of stormwater into the ground, such as stone, gravel and rocks that are used in landscaping. *** ARTICLE VI *** 2) Residential driveways, parking spaces, motor courts, sidewalks, etc.: Any residential sidewalk, driveway, parking space or other vehicle circulation area whether of a paved surface such as asphalt, concrete or brick, or of an unpaved surface such as gravel, rocks or other impervious materialsmulch shall be set back at least two (2) feet from the side or rear property lines. Pervious materials typically used for landscaping that is used for parking shall be considered impervious. The provisions of this Code shall also apply to prohibit the diversion of drainage from vehicle parking or circulation areas onto adjacent properties. Page 16 of 34 EXHIBIT “B” TABLE 5-1 PERMITTED USE REGULATIONS "P" = Permitted Use in that Zoning District Refer to Table 5-2 for setbacks and other "S" = Special Exception in that Zoning District (requires advertised public hearings) development requirements. " - " = This Use is not permitted in this Zoning District Refer to Sections 5-8B and 5-8C for List of Additional Prohibited Uses USE A-1 A-2 RCE-1 RCE-2 R-1A R-1 R- 1AAA R-1AA R-2 R-3 RT-1 PS C-1 C-2 C-3 I-1 I-2 AGRICULTURAL USES Agriculture -P -P -P -P -P -P -P -P - - - - - - Agricultural Processing P P P P P P P P - - - - - - RESIDENTIAL USES Adult Congregate Living Facility (ACLF) P P P P P P P - - - - - - - Community Residential Home, Major***** S - - - - - - - Community Residential Home, Minor P P P P P P P - - - - - - - Dwelling, Single-Family P P P P P P P - - S - - - - Dwelling, Two-Family P - - - - P P - - - - - - - Dwelling, Multi-family - - - - - - P - - - - - - - Dwelling, Mobile Home P - - - - - - P - - - - - - Mixed-Use Development (Mixed-use development will be allowed by PUD and special use districts adhering to the requirements specified in Article IV) - - - - - - - - S S S S S - Mobile Home Development - - - - - - - P - - - - - - Nursing Home - S S - - - S - - - P P P - COMMERCIAL USES Adult Entertainment Establishments - - - - - - - - - - - S - - Appliance Store - - - - - - - - - - P P P - Page 17 of 34 TABLE 5-1 PERMITTED USE REGULATIONS "P" = Permitted Use in that Zoning District Refer to Table 5-2 for setbacks and other "S" = Special Exception in that Zoning District (requires advertised public hearings) development requirements. " - " = This Use is not permitted in this Zoning District Refer to Sections 5-8B and 5-8C for List of Additional Prohibited Uses USE A-1 A-2 RCE-1 RCE-2 R-1A R-1 R- 1AAA R-1AA R-2 R-3 RT-1 PS C-1 C-2 C-3 I-1 I-2 Automotive Body Repair - - - - - - - - - - - - P P Automobile Parking Lot - - - - - - - - - - P P P P Automobile Repair - - - - - - - - - - - P P P Automobile Sales (New and Used) - - - - - - - - - - S P P - Automobile Service Station - - - - - - - - - - - P** P** P Automotive Wrecking or Salvage Yards - - - - - - - - - - - - - P Bar (associated with restaurant seating 45 people) - - - - - - - - - - P P P P Bars and Cocktail Lounges - - - - - - - - - - S* P P - Boat Sales and Service - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Bus Terminal - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Car Wash - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Clinic, Dental or Medical - - - - - - - - P P P P P P Commercial, Convenience - - - - - - - - - P P P P P Commercial, Convenience with Gas Sales - - - - - - - - - - S P P P Commercial, Retail - - - - - - - - - - P P P S Department Store - - - - - - - - - - P P P - Equipment Sales - - - - - - - - - S P P P P Funeral Parlor - - - - - - - - - - P P P - Furniture Repair and Upholstery - - - - - - - - - - P P P - Furniture Store - - - - - - - - - - P P P - Gallery/ Museum - - - - - - - - - - P P P - Gas Station - - - - - - - - - - S P P - Page 18 of 34 TABLE 5-1 PERMITTED USE REGULATIONS "P" = Permitted Use in that Zoning District Refer to Table 5-2 for setbacks and other "S" = Special Exception in that Zoning District (requires advertised public hearings) development requirements. " - " = This Use is not permitted in this Zoning District Refer to Sections 5-8B and 5-8C for List of Additional Prohibited Uses USE A-1 A-2 RCE-1 RCE-2 R-1A R-1 R- 1AAA R-1AA R-2 R-3 RT-1 PS C-1 C-2 C-3 I-1 I-2 Grocery Store/ Supermarket - - - - - - - - - - P P P - Heating and Air Conditioning Sales and Service with outside storage - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Heating, Ventilating, Plumbing Supplies, Sales, & Service - - - - - - - - - - P P P - Hospital - S S - - - - - - - P P P - Hotel or Motel - - - - - - - - - - S P P - Interior Decorating Store - - - - - - - - - - P P P - Live Entertainment Establishment - - - - - - - - - - - S - - Liquor Store, No on-premise consumption - - - - - - - - - - P P P - Mobile Home and Travel Trailer Sales - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Monument Sales - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Motor Vehicle Wholesale - - - - - - - - - - - P P P Movie Theater - - - - - - - - - - P P P - Music, Radio, TV Shop - - - - - - - - - - P P P - Nursery/ Garden Supply Store - - - - - - - - - - P P P - Pawn Shop - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Pet Care Services when confined within a building or structure P P P P P P Pre-Fabricated House Sales - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Printing, Book Binding, Lithograph, and Publishing Plants - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Professional Offices - - - - - - - - P P P P P P Page 19 of 34 TABLE 5-1 PERMITTED USE REGULATIONS "P" = Permitted Use in that Zoning District Refer to Table 5-2 for setbacks and other "S" = Special Exception in that Zoning District (requires advertised public hearings) development requirements. " - " = This Use is not permitted in this Zoning District Refer to Sections 5-8B and 5-8C for List of Additional Prohibited Uses USE A-1 A-2 RCE-1 RCE-2 R-1A R-1 R- 1AAA R-1AA R-2 R-3 RT-1 PS C-1 C-2 C-3 I-1 I-2 Radio Broadcasting and TV Stations, Studios, & Offices - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Recreational Vehicle Park - - - - - - - - - - - S S S Restaurant - - - - - - - - - P*** P*** P*** P*** P Self-storage Facility**** - - - - - - - - - - - S S - Sign Painting Shop - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Veterinary Hospitals and Kennels when confined within structure - - - - - - - - - - - P P - INDUSTRIAL USES Borrow Pits - - - - - - - - - - - - - S Industrial Park - - - - - - - - - - - - P P Industrial, Light - - - - - - - - - - - - P P Industry, Heavy - - - - - - - - - - - - - P Transfer Station - - - - - - - - - - - - - S Truck Stop - - - - - - - - - - - - - P Warehousing/ Distribution - - - - - - - - - - - - P P PUBLIC AND SEMI-PUBLIC USES Child Care Facilities - - - - - S S - - S S S S - Church P P P S S S S S - S S S - - Club or Community Use - - - - - - S - S S S S - - Page 20 of 34 TABLE 5-1 PERMITTED USE REGULATIONS "P" = Permitted Use in that Zoning District Refer to Table 5-2 for setbacks and other "S" = Special Exception in that Zoning District (requires advertised public hearings) development requirements. " - " = This Use is not permitted in this Zoning District Refer to Sections 5-8B and 5-8C for List of Additional Prohibited Uses USE A-1 A-2 RCE-1 RCE-2 R-1A R-1 R- 1AAA R-1AA R-2 R-3 RT-1 PS C-1 C-2 C-3 I-1 I-2 Conservation Use P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Golf Course/ Country Club P P P P P P P - - - P P P P Public Service or Utility S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Public Service, Essential P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Recreation Facility, Commercial - Indoor - - - - - - - - - - P P P P Recreation Facility, Commercial - Outdoor - - - - - - - - - - S S S S Recreation Facility, Neighborhood P P P S S S S S S S S S S S School P P P S S S S S S S S S - - Telecommunications Service Facilities Refer to Article V, Section 5-19 and Map 5-19 * Bars and Cocktail Lounges are permitted by Special Exception in the C-2 zoning districts, except as otherwise specifically permitted by separate ordinance or elsewhere in the Code. ** In Special Overlay Districts: 1. Facilities shall be limited to three (3) bays, unless a waiver is granted by the City Commission . 2. No bays shall be visible from any public right -of-way. *** In Special Overlay Districts: 1. New drive-through fast food restaurants may not have access or be located directly onto an arterial or collector roadway as designated by the City of Ocoee. 2. No drive-through lane(s) shall be visible from any public right -of-way. **** In Special Overlay Districts: 1. Self-storage is permitted only as an accessory use. An accessory use shall be defined as no more than thirty -five (35) percent of the building or parcel of land may be used for self-storage. If the mix of uses is separated on site, the self-storage area(s) visible from the roadways must be lined with office or retail frontage. 2. Any self-storage facility with frontage on an arterial street must be located behind a retail business. ***** Refer to Section 5 -15B Procedure for approval of a major community residential home. Page 21 of 34 Page 22 of 34 CITY OF OCOEE MISCELLANEOUS JUNE PLANNING & ZONING MEETING DATE DISCUSSION Page 23 of 34 1 | P a g e District 1– Scott R. Kennedy Project Name & General Location Project Description Status 7-ELEVEN 2308 Ocoee Apopka Road Parcel # 06-22-28-9243-04-000 2.12 acres Commission District 1 – Scott R. Kennedy Small Scale Site Plan for a 4,650 SF Convenience Store and Fuel Station •2nd Review Comments sent on April 24, 2023 •Awaiting resubmittal for 3rd Review 2nd THE BACKYARD 2100 West Road Parcel # 06-22-28-0000-00-048 3.08 acres Commission District 1 – Scott R. Kennedy Small Scale Site Plan for a 1,500SF indoor and outdoor restaurant •Application withdrawn COMMERCE 429 FKA BELTWAY 429 FKA PROGRESS COMMERCE PARK 1290 Ocoee Apopka Road Parcel # 07-22-28-0000-026 24.95 acres Pine St Parcel # 07-22-28-0000-00-096 13.01 acres Commission District 1 – Scott R. Kennedy Large Scale Final Site Plan for up to 480,500 SF of Light Industrial/Warehouse uses located within six (6) buildings. Under Construction GREENS AT FOREST LAKE PHASE 1 & 2 2291 West Road Parcel # 05-22-28-0000-00-017 14.10 acres West Road Parcel # 05-22-28-0000-00-043 14.97 acres Commission District 1 – Scott R. Kennedy Large Scale Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan is proposing a 198-unit two-story Townhome with a max living area of 1,500 SF Under Construction The following information is respectfully submitted to the Honorable Mayor and City Commission in order to provide general information about public and private development in the City of Ocoee. Please feel free to contact City Planner Rumer at ext. 1018 for additional information or questions. May 2023 Development Services New Development Update Page 24 of 34 2 | P a g e INNOVATION MONTESSORI SCHOOL PHASE 3 1610 N Lakewood Ave. Parcel # 07-22-28-0000-00-054 20.16 acres Commission District 1 – Scott R. Kennedy Small-Scale Site Plan for Innovation Montessori from a Pre-K through 8th grade, with a student capacity of 800 students to a Pre-K through High School with a school capacity of 1088 students. •Approved for Construction on June 16, 2022 MAGNOLIA RESERVE TOWNHOMES 2199 West Road Parcel # 05-22-28-0000-00-029 5.08 acres Commission District 1 – Scott R. Kennedy Large Scale Final Subdivision Plan is proposing a 48-unit two-story Townhome with a minimum living area of 1,500 SF •1st Review comments sent April 19, 2023 •Awaiting submittal for 2nd review MIXED-USE @ FULLERS CROSS RD & OCOEE APOPKA RD Fullers Cross Road Parcel # 06-22-28-0000-00-056 17.96 acres Commission District 1 – Scott R. Kennedy Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan for mixed- use consisting of Apartments and Commercial •Planning & Zoning Meeting: July 12, 2022 •City Commission Meeting: TBD 1st Review comments sent May 11, 2022 OCOEE CROWN POINT MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 2012 Ocoee Apopka Road Parcel # 06-22-28-0000-00-005 Parcel # 06-22-22-0000-00-082 16.19 acres Commission District 1 – Scott R. Kennedy Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan for mixed- use consisting of Multifamily and Retail •2nd Review comments sent April 20, 2023 •Awaiting 3rd submittal OCOEE VILLAGE CENTER ALLURE Clarcona Ocoee Road Parcel # 05-22-28-0000-00-040 15.63 acres Commission District 1 Scott R. Kennedy Large Scale Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for 320 Unit Apartments, four (4) – 101,000 SF, four-story Residential Buildings and one (1) – 10,000 SF, single-story Pool/Clubhouse Under Construction OCOEE VILLAGE CENTER SOUTHEAST COMMERCIAL 10711 N Lakewood Ave Parcel # 05-22-28-0000-00-004 4.7 acres Commission District 1 Scott R. Kennedy Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for a 4,650 SF Gas Station/Convenience Store, a 14,000 SF Retail/Restaurant Building, and a 4000 SF Quick Service Restaurant Under Construction OCOEE VILLAGE CENTER TOWNHOMES 10711 N Lakewood Ave Parcel # 05-22-28-0000-00-004 34.48 acres Commission District 1 – Scott R. Kennedy Large Scale Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for 232 – 2 story Townhome units Under Construction OCOEE VILLAGE CENTER TOWNHOMES 10711 N Lakewood Ave Parcel # 05-22-28-0000-00-004 34.48 acres Commission District 1 – Scott R. Kennedy Plat for 232 – 2 story Townhome units Under Construction Page 25 of 34 3 | P a g e STARBUCKS 2443 Ocoee Apopka Road Parcel # 06-22-28-2856-03-000 Commission District 1 – Scott R. Kennedy Small Scale Site Plan for a 2,500 SF Starbucks Building Under Construction District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Project Name & General Location Project Description Status 413 WHITTIER AVENUE - PHAT AN TEMPLE INC PROPERTY 413 Whittier Avenue Parcel # 17-22-28-3624-01-150 0.15 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Annexation and Rezoning from Orange County R-1 to City of Ocoee R-1 •Planning & Zoning meeting: February 14, 2023 •City Commission 1st Reading: March 7, 2023 •Approved at City Commission 2nd Reading: April 18, 2023 474 SOUTH BLUFORD AVE. CONDOMINIUMS 474 South Bluford Ave. Parcel # 17-22-28-6144-04-361 .94 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) and Rezoning from R-1AA (Single Family Dwelling District) to PUD (Planned Unit Development District) •Planning & Zoning meeting: February 14, 2023 •City Commission 1st Reading: TBD •2ND Review Comment sent on April 20, 2023 606 SOUTH BLUFORD AVE. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE 606 South Bluford Ave. Parcel # 17-22-28-6144-04-401 1.1 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Small Scale Site Plan, 10,000 SF Building Under Construction CITY CENTER WEST ORANGE, PARCEL 1, PHASE IV, LOT 4A 251 Main Street Parcel # 20-22-28-0000-00-015 11.92 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Small Scale Site Plan, two-story 20,000 SF office/retail building •2nd Review Comments sent on June 18th, 2019 •Awaiting resubmittal for 3rd Review DARREN CENTER 9961 W Colonial Drive Parcel # 21-22-28-0000-00-012 7.06 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Small Scale Site Plan 18,302 SF Medical & Professional Office Under Construction HEARTLAND DENTAL 1100 Blackwood Avenue Parcel # 20-22-28-0742-02-000 1.96 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Small Scale Site Plan for a 5,984 SF Dental Office Building Under Construction Page 26 of 34 4 | P a g e HUDSON FURNITURE 10401 W. Colonial Dr. Parcel # 20-22-28-4238-00-030 Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Small Scale Site Plan to add an additional 13,866 SF to the existing 15,615 SF Building •Approved for Construction INNOVATION MONTESSORI 1475 E. Silver Star Road Parcel # 16-22-28-4763-00-020 4.32 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Special Exception to approve C-2 zoned land for a High School use •APPROVED at the April 5, 2022, City Commission meeting OCOEE OAKS JOINT VENTURE 201 S. Clark Rd. Parcel # 21-22-28-0000-00-027 12.59 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen rezone approximately 5.71 acres along White Road to R-1A in order to develop a residential subdivision. •Planning & Zoning Meeting: August 30, 2022 •City Commission Meeting 1st Reading: September 20, 2022 •Approved at the City Commission 2nd Reading: October 4, 2022 OCOEE OAKS UMC 201 S. Clark Rd. Parcel # 21-22-28-0000-00-027 12.59 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Special Exception was requested to allow a monopine style communication tower on a parcel zoned A-1 •Approved at the City Commission Meeting: January 17, 2023 OCOEE OAKS UMC 201 S. Clark Rd. Parcel # 21-22-28-0000-00-027 12.59 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Small Scale Site Plan for a 135-foot communication tower •2nd t Review comments sent January 24, 2023 •Pending resubmittal for 3rd review OCOEE TOWN SHOPS 9729 W. Colonial Dr. Parcel # 21-22-28-0000-00-070 3.39 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Rezoning to PUD to allow Gas Station Use •Planning & Zoning Meeting: TBD •City Commission Meeting 1st Reading: TBD •City Commission Meeting 2nd Reading TBD: •1st Review comments sent on 08/26/2022 •Under 2nd review O'REILLY'S OCOEE 1891 E. Silver Star Road Parcel # 16-2-28-8049-00-003 5.06 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Small Scale Site Plan for a 7,453 SF O’Reillys Auto Parts store •Approved for construction •Pending Pre- Construction Meeting O'REILLY'S OCOEE 1891 E. Silver Star Road Parcel # 16-2-28-8049-00-003 5.06 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Plat •City Commission Meeting (Consent Item): TBD •4th review comment sent on September 20th •Awaiting resubmittal Page 27 of 34 5 | P a g e SIRI OFFICE BUILDING 3872 Old Winter Garden Road Parcel # 28-22-28-0000-00-019 1.25 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Small Scale Site Plan for 28,000 SF Office Building Approved for Construction SIRI OFFICE BUILDING 3872 Old Winter Garden Road Parcel # 28-22-28-0000-00-019 1.25 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Non-Substantial Amendment to the PUD •Approved at City Commission (Consent Item): June 21, 2022 VMG OFFICE BUILDING FKA 4 LOCOS TACO REVISIONS 101 W. Silver Star Road Parcel # 18-22-28-4100-00-171 0.61 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Small Scale Site Plan, two-story 6,300 SF Office Building Under Construction WENDYLYN’S BEAUTY SALON, FKA 54 REWIS STREET 54 Rewis Street Parcel # 18-22-28-7900-05-051 0.25 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Small Scale Site Plan for a 1275 SF Building, Mixed-use of Beauty Salon, and Residence •APPROVED for construction •Pending Pre- Construction Meeting WEST OAKS SELF- STORAGE AND OFFICE / SHOPPES AT WEST OAKS PD 9000 W. Colonial Drive Parcel # 27-22-28-8005-00-040 4.1 acres Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Rezoning from Community Commercial to Planned Development Under Construction WEST ORANGE MEDICAL 3442 Old Winter Garden Road 3462 Old Winter Garden Road Parcel # 29-22-28-0000-00-028 Parcel # 29-22-28-0000-00-036 1.21 acres combined Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Small Scale Site Plan for an 11,800 SF Medical Office •1st review comments sent April 12, 2023 •Pending resubmittal for 2nd review WEST ORANGE SURGERY CENTER 3422 Old Winter Garden Road Parcel # 29-22-28-0000-00-030 1.26 acres combined Commission District 2 – Rosemary Wilsen Small Scale Site Plan for an 11,500 SF Surgery Center •Approved for costruction •Pending Pre- Construction Meeting Page 28 of 34 6 | P a g e District 3 – Richard Firstner Project Name & General Location Project Description Status 409 OCOEE APOPKA ROAD PUD 409 Ocoee Apopka Road Parcel # 18-22-28-0000-00-056 4.76 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Large Scale Preliminary/ Final Site Plan for two Industrial Warehouse Buildings totaling 61,797 SF Approved for Construction 429 BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II EAST 450 Ocoee Apopka Road Parcel # 18-22-28-0000-00-006 11.21 acres combined Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan for three (3) one-story buildings totaling 126,402 SF •Planning & Zoning Meeting: September 13, 2022 •City Commission Meeting: TBD •Under 2nd Review 429 BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II WEST 701 Pine Street 707 Pine Street 711 Pine Street Parcel # 18-22-28-0000-00-005 Parcel # 18-22-28-0000-00-106 Parcel # 18-22-28-0000-00-105 5.90 acres combined Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan for a one- story building consisting of 70,720 SF •Planning & Zoning Meeting: September 13, 2022 •City Commission Meeting: TBD •Under 2nd Review ALL STAR CORPORATE HEADQUATERS 606 Ocoee Apopka Road. Parcel # 18-22-28-0000-00-001 5.27 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan to construct two (2) buildings. Building one will be a two-story building on the east side of the property totaling 42,932 SF for Commercial, and building two will be a one- story building on the west side of the property totaling 23,652 SF for industrial. •Application withdrawn ANDY’S OCOEE Maguire Rd. Parcel # 30-22-28-0000-00-020 2.09 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Small Scale Site Plan to construct 1,919 SF building for a Drive-Through Frozen Custard Shop •Approved for Construction •Pending pre- construction meeting CHRISTIAN BROTHERS AUTOMOTIVE West Colonial Dr. Parcel # 20-22-28-9138-03-000 .62 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Small Scale Site Plan for a 5000 SF Automotive Service Building Plan APPROVED for construction on November 24, 2021 Page 29 of 34 7 | P a g e DANIEL/RAY COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT DANIELS VETERINARY SERVICES 11700 W Colonial Drive Parcel# 30-22-28-0000-00-074 Parcel # 30-22-28-0000-00-002 Parcel # 30-22-28-0000-00-035 6.95 acres combined Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Preliminary/Final Site Plan 10,806 SF Veterinary Clinic on lot 1 Commercial Development on lots 2 & 3 •APPROVED for Construction on June 22, 2022 DOUBLE O’S OCOEE Maguire Rd. Parcel # 30-22-28-0000-00-020 2.09 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Small Scale Site Plan to construct 670 SF building for a Drive-Through Coffee Shop •Under 2nd review EXPRESS SIGNS BUILDING ADDITION 637 Palm Drive Parcel# 13-22-27-6649-02-000 4.23 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Small Scale Plan for a 22,042 S.F., one- story warehouse building •Site Plan APPROVED FIRST CHOICE DOOR AND MILLWORK 393 Enterprise Street Parcel# 19-22-28-9153-02-601 1.26 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Small Scale Site Plan for a 4,000 SF detached storage building and associated parking and utility improvements Under Construction HAMPTON INN BY HILTON AKA COMFORT INN – MAINSTAY SUITES 11405 W. Colonial Dr. Parcel # 19-22-28-0000-00-007 945 Marshall farms Rd. Parcel# 19-22-28-0000-00-008 Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Preliminary/Final Large-Scale Site Plan for a six-story 74,657 SF hotel with 120 rooms •Approved for Construction on April 4, 2022 •Pre-Construction meeting: April 4, 2022 INLAND GROUP OFFICE East Crown Point Road Parcel # 13-22-27-0004-01-002 1.46 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Small Scale Site Plan for a 14,710 SF, two- story, Office Building Under Construction INSPIRATION TOWN CENTER AND LUXURY HOMES 820 Tomyn Blvd Parcel # 30-22-28-0000-00-017 Maguire Road Parcel # 30-22-28-0000-00-004 16.87 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Large Scale Preliminary/Final Site plan, 90 luxury townhouses, with four commercial buildings consisting of a preschool, with office and retail space Building 1 (one-story pre-school) = 13,681 SF Building 2 (one-story office/retail = 12,600 SF Building 3 (two-story office/retail = 42,350 SF Building 4 (one-story retail) = 3,591 SF Under Construction Page 30 of 34 8 | P a g e ALIBI AKA LAKE LILLY 2802 Old Winter Garden Road Parcel # 29-22-28-0000-00-007 16.61 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Large Scale Final Site Plan for 410 Luxury Multifamily Rental Units •APPROVED for Construction on January 6, 2022 LOVE MOTORSPORTS 11953 W. Colonial Drive Parcel # 19-22-28-0000-00-073 2.54 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Small Scale Site Plan for building renovations and addition of 5,338 SF for a showroom of new vehicles and sales •APPROVED for Construction on November 24, 2021 •Pre-Construction meeting scheduled for January 11, 2021 O2B KIDS 880 Bluford Avenue Parcel # 20-22-28-0000-00-059 Parcel# 20-22-28-0000-00-055 2.48 acres combined Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Small Scale Site Plan for a 10,970 SF Day Care Facility and a 6,000 SF Medical Office Building •Under 6th review OCOEE CORNERS COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2 AND SONNY’S BBQ AKA MAGUIRE AND HWY 50 RETAIL 11030 w Colonial Dr Parcel# 30-22-28-0000-00-020 7.33 acres 1535 Maguire Rd Parcel# 30-22-28-0000-00-030 4.50 acres W Colonial Dr Parcel# 30-22-28-0000-00-061 .01 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Small Scale Site Plan creating four lots, Lot one (1) to include a proposed 4,994 SF Sonny’s BBQ standalone restaurant and future building, Lot 2 has two (2) existing buildings that were constructed under the Maguire and HWY 50 Retail Site plan; Lot 3 & 4 will create open lots. Under Construction OCOEE MEDICAL OFFICE – ADVENT HEALTH 11001 West Colonial Dr. Parcel # 19-22-28-0000-00-024 .61 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Small Scale Site Plan for a single story, 7,232 SF Medical Office Building Under Construction OCOEE-TOMYN SELF STORAGE FACILITY AKA BARKERITAVILLE PUD AKA PET PARADISE Parcel # 31-22-28-0000-00-050 8.13 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Preliminary/Final Large-Scale Site Plan •Site Plan APPROVED on March 25, 2022 Page 31 of 34 9 | P a g e OCOEE VILLAGE Franklin Street Parcel # 18-22-28-0000-00-025 5.77 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Large Scale Final Site Plan, for two (2) two- story buildings with 72,712 sf for office/retail. •Planning & Zoning Meeting: September 14, 2021 •City Commission meeting: October 5, 2021 •1st Review comments sent on August 31, 2021 •awaiting resubmittal for 2nd review OCOEE VILLAGE GREEN Maguire Rd. Parcel # 30-22-28-0000-00-020 2.09 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Small Scale Site Plan to construct hardscape common areas •2nd Review comments sent on 08/26/2022 •Pending resubmittal for 3rd review. PRUITT HEALTH 870 Tomyn Blvd Parcel# 30-22-28-2861-01-0000 10.73 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Substantial Amendment to the PUD for a Nursing Facility Under Construction THE REGENCY 1601 Maguire Road Parcel # 28-22-30-0000-00-059 Parcel # 28-22-30-0000-00-016 Parcel # 28-22-30-0000-00-018 16.68 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Large Scale Final Site Plan for 300 Multifamily units and 7000 SF of Retail •Under 3rd review WAYNE AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER 222 Capitol Court Parcel# 19-22-28-9153-01-800 3.389 acres Commission District 3 – Richard Firstner Expansion of existing Office Building and associated parking lot Under Construction District 4 - Ages Hart Project Name & General Location Project Description Status COVINGTON OAKS 8667 A. D. Mims Road Parcel # 10-22-28-0000-00-004 9.94 acres Commission District 4 – Ages Hart Rezoning from A-1 (General Agriculture) to R-1A (Single Family Dwelling) •Planning & Zoning Meeting: August 30, 2022 •City Commission meeting 1st Reading: September 20, 2022 •Approved at the City Commission 2nd Reading: October 4, 2022 Page 32 of 34 10 | P a g e COVINGTON OAKS 8667 A. D. Mims Road Parcel # 10-22-28-0000-00-004 9.94 acres Commission District 4 - Ages Hart Preliminary Subdivision Plan for 17 Single-Family Residential Lots •Planning & Zoning Meeting: April 11, 2022 •City Commission meeting: TBD •1st Review comments sent March 1, 2023 •Awaiting 2nd submittal EVEREST REHABILITATION HOSPITAL AKA OCOEE LANDINGS COMMERCIAL 1842 E. Silver Star Road Parcel # 16-22-28-4532-00-040 5.12 acres Commission District 4 - Ages Hart Large Scale Site Plan for a 39,817 SF, single-story, Rehabilitation Hospital •APPROVED for Construction •Pre-Construction meeting scheduled for May 17, 2022 GARDENIA POINTE Clarke Road/ A. D. Mims Road Parcel # 10-22-28-0000-00-003 # 10-22-28-0000-00-011 # 10-22-28-0000-00-128 # 03-22-28-2834-01-201 37.37 acres Commission District 4 - Ages Hart Rezoning from A-1 (General Agriculture) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) •Planning & Zoning Meeting: TBD •City Commission meeting 1st Reading: TBD •City Commission 2nd Reading: TBD •1st Review comments sent April 11, 2023 •Awaiting 2nd submittal HOWARD MEADOWS 8708 A. D. Mims Road Parcel # 10-22-28-0000-00-133 2.25 acres Commission District 4 - Ages Hart Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Six (6) Single-Family Residential Lots •Planning & Zoning Meeting: TBD •City Commission meeting: TBD •Under 1st Review LAKE MEADOW LANDING (F.K.A ARDEN LANDING; CIARA PLACE / F.K.A. VILLA ROMA) 2121 North Clarke Road Parcel # 04-22-28-0000-00-048 21.05 acres Commission District 4 - Ages Hart Large Scale Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan, 88-unit 1,391 SF (per unit) residential townhomes with a 2,400-SF clubhouse Under Construction MEMORY CARE COTTAGES OF OCOEE 1900 E. Silver Star Rd. Parcel # 15-22-28-4716-00-130 6.92 acres Commission District 4 - Ages Hart Large Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan for a Memory / Health Care Facility; proposed site plan will construct four (4) One-Story buildings, each building to be around 14,743 SF •Plan Approved • Awaiting Pre- Construction Meeting OCOEE LANDINGS PUD E. Silver Star Road Parcel # 16-22-28-4532-00-140 1.77 acres Commission District 4 - Ages Hart Substantial amendment to Lot 4, Phase 1B of the PUD/LUP to allow a 3-store 51,680SF mixed-use building consisting of commercial/retail and 46 apartments combined as an approved use for the PUD. •Planning & Zoning Meeting: August 30, 2022 •City Commission meeting 1st Reading: September 20, 2022 •Approved at the City Commission meeting 2nd Reading: November 1, 2022 Page 33 of 34 11 | P a g e OCOEE LANDINGS PUD E. Silver Star Road Parcel # 16-22-28-4532-00-140 1.77 acres Commission District 4 - Ages Hart Large Scale Site Plan consisting of commercial/retail and 46 apartments combined as an approved use for the PUD •Planning & Zoning Meeting: August 30, 2022 •City Commission meeting: October 4, 2022 ORCHARD PARK ALF 2755 Grapevine Crest Parcel # 04-22-28-6276-00-510 .2 acres Commission District 4 - Ages Hart Special Exception request for the use of R- 1AA property for the operation of an assisted living facility (ALF) serving ten (10) residents •Planning & Zoning Meeting: August 30, 2022 •City Commission Meeting: September 20, 2022 PRAIRIE LAKE SUBDIVISION Ocoee Vista Parkway/AD Mims Road Parcel # 09-22-28-0000-00-056 11.99 acres Commission District 4 - Ages Hart Preliminary Final Subdivision Plan to construct 78 lots, each containing a two- story townhome Under Construction RESERVE AT LAKE MEADOWS 2149 Lauren Beth Avenue Parcel # 04-22-28-0000-00-024 18.58 acres Commission District 4 - Ages Hart A Large-Scale Final Subdivision plan for 210 single-family homes •City Commission meeting (Consent Item): November 16, 2021 •6th review comments sent on September 22nd. WYNWOOD PHASE 1 & 2 FKA CLRM 44 W. McCormick Road Parcel # 33-21-28-0000-00-007 100 E McCormick Road Parcel # 34-21-28-0000-00-022 3201 Trout Lake Road Parcel # 33-21-28-0000-00-020 212.30 acres Commission District 4- Ages Hart Large Scale Preliminary/Final Subdivision to construct 190 single-family residential lots in Phases 1 & 2 with stormwater ponds, open space, and a park/recreation area and 187 lots for Mass Grading in Phases 3 & 4 Under Construction WYNWOOD PHASE 1 & 2 FKA CLRM 44 W. McCormick Road Parcel # 33-21-28-0000-00-007 100 E McCormick Road Parcel # 34-21-28-0000-00-022 3201 Trout Lake Road Parcel # 33-21-28-0000-00-020 212.30 acres Commission District 4 - Ages Hart Plat for Wynwood Phase 1 & 2 for 190 lots •Approved & Recorded WYNWOOD PHASE 1 AMENITY CENTER 44 W. McCormick Road Parcel # 34-21-28-0000-00-022 212.30 acres Commission District 4 - Ages Hart Large Scale Final Site Plan for a 2,718SF amenity center •Approved for Construction Page 34 of 34