04-25-2023 MinutesCITY OF e e I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Odom called the Code Enforcement Board regular meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 1 N Bluford Ave, Ocoee, Florida. A. INVOCATION: Member Brennan initiated the moment of silence. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Member Lewis led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag. C. ROLL CALL AND DETERMINATION OF Q ORUM: Code Enforcement Clerk Mieras performed roll call and declared a quorum (4) present. PRESENT Chair Odom & Members: Bandur, Lewis, & Brennan Also present:. Board Attorney Skip Fowler, Acting Support Services Director Doug Gaines, Code Enforcement Clerk Justin Mieras, and Code Enforcement Officer Rodriguez & Loeffler. ABSENT: Members Mann and Schultz D. SWEARING OF OFFICERS / WITNESSES: Code Enforcement Clerk Mieras administered the oath to the Code Enforcement Officers and to anyone intending to speak regarding a case. Il. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS TiaDISCUSSION IS DESIRED BYA MEMBE A. MINUTES: February 28, 2023, Code Enforcement Board Meeting. B. DISMISSAL OR COMPLIANCE: Acting Support Services Director Doug Gaines presented the dismissals and compliances. M�1.7 �i [�Y•I��dc�iI�Z��'It OFFICER RODRIGUEZ 412 E LAKESHORE DR ROBERT W PAICE VIRGINIA M PAICE Dismissed OFFICER RODRIGUEZ 508 WATER WAY CT BERNARD I BRAYER Dismissed C. ORDER OF CONTINUANCE: None. Member Bandur, seconded by Member Lewis moved that the consent agenda be accepted as presented Motion carried unanimously. Respondent Phyllis Teresi representing Home Rivers Group, the maintenance team for this property owner, explained the tenant would not provide access to the home initially. She explains they have now had access and shared the quotes for the planned repairs once the City approves the permit. Member Bandur, seconded by Member Lewis -00065, the respondent be found in violation as , moved that in Case #2023 cited as of February 15, 2023, and be given until June 26, 2023, to come into compliance or be fined $75.00 per day, unt found in compliance. Motion carried unanimousl . OFFICER LOEFFLERT 476 LITTLE ROCK ST EDWARD WALLS § 51-13. — It shall be a violation to do work related to construction without first obtaining a permit. §108-24.D. — prohibits use of a residential property for the storage of any abandoned motor vehicle, ice box, refrigerator, stove, glass, building material, building rubbish or similar items §143-27.A. — requires garbage carts to be placed on side yards or rear yards and screened from view to the extent practicable during non -pickup times. §51-13. — Side Of House Lean -To Structure Not Permitted And In Violation Of Set -Back Requirements. §108-24.D. — Property Littered With Junk, Debris, Tires, Scrap, Chained Tires, 55ga| Burn Barrel, Rubble Etc. §143-27.A. —Waste Cans Stored In Prohibited Location. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. He further explained that as of April 25, 2023, the property is still in non-compliance of section 51-13. only. The City asked for an Order of Compliance by the date to be determined by the board, urthereafter tobefined $25.UOper day, until found incompliance. Member Bandur, seconded bv Member Brennan, moved that in Case #2023-00110, the respondent be found in violation as cited as of March 09, 2023, that the respondent be found in compliance with no fines assessed for code sections 108- 24.Q. & 143-27.A., and for code 51-13. the respondent be given until June 26, 2023, to come into compliance or be ined $25.00 per day, until found in compliance. Motion carried unanimousl 111 1984 CASABA COVE AVE Violation Cited: § 51-13. Summary: § 51-13. — It shall b| do work related to construction withoutfirst obtaining Observation: G 5X-13.—Large Shed / Accessory Structure Delivered and Installed in Back Yard W/O Required Permit. Officer Loeffler explained that as of April 25, 2023, the property is in compliance. No further action requested.