Item #10 Appointment of Amanda Brumfield to HRDB, Parks & Recreation Bd., & School Advisory Bd. AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: March 4, 2008 Item # t 0 Contact Name: Contact Number: Holly Moseley Ext. 1023 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: & Subject: Appointment of Amanda- Brumfield to the Human Relations Di Recreation Advisory Board, and the School Advisory Board. Background Summary: Members of each board serve two-year terms and each resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (15) members. Currently, HRDB has seven (7) members, Parks & Recreation Advisory Board has seven (7) members, and the School Advisory Board has eleven (11) members. One application was received from Ms. Amanda Brumfield with an interest in serving on all three boards. She has reviewed each board's summary and has been notified of their scheduled monthly meeting dates and times. Issue: Should the honorable Mayor and City Commission appoint Amanda Brumfield to all three boards listed with a two- year term date? Recommendations The City is recommending that the City Commission appoint Amanda Brumfield, at their own discretion, to one, two, or three of the boards of which she has applied. Attachments: Board Lists (3) Board Application (1) Financial Impact: None. Type of Item: (please mark with an 'x') _ Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deat Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk == Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Gary Hood. District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Joel Keller. District 4 Mayor S, Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: DATE: RE: ISSUE BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION 1 Feb.14.2008 1:34PM Amsauth Bank Oeaee Na.8058 p. 2 Note; 1- 2. CITY OF OCOEE APPUCATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS ( ease Print Legibly) E-maiJAddress: .tJInD.hA .~~.QJ~,g CiJ Home Phone: ~::}4).Sl~ r~~. City, State ': . .., I Bus~ness. i ~ >.. ~.LJV Busine~ Phone: UtJ1 tR~di\')I...""\ Busmess ddress, ~~ fY'-C'.9..l '~Df~.\A,L'-1- Brief Summary of Education and Experience: ~;f~ ~~4~~~~ Are you a U.S, citizen? Yes ~ Are you a registered voter? Yes \I:J Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Do you hold public office? Are you employed by the City? Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHJCH INTEREST YOU: 3. 4, 5. 6. No No District # Yes J.t2 Yes Yes Yes No_ No \.0 No\:P No~ 7, 8, 9, 10. 11. I d' de f' fi h' #1 d h 0 #2 n ICafe our eRree 0 Interest as rst C Olce- I ,seeon 'olce- ", etc. W General Employees' Retirellleo. * Board of Adjllshnent Trust Fand Board of Trustees '3 Citu_ Ad'Visory Council I for fire Department Human RelationslDiversit)o Board Citiml Advisory CO..dl 2 Parks and Recreation Advi$Ory for Police Department Board .. Code Enforcement Board Penonnd Board Community Mrrit Awards Review Board * Plannioll " Zonin!! Commission * Police Omeen' and Firefightent Construction Boud of Rdiremrat Trust FURd Board of AdiustmeBt aDd Appeals Trustees t.{ UOcote Sthool Advisory Board . FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT w. school does your chHd attend? (Only for Ocoee School Advisory Board) o ** 12. w~ do )'o,U think y,pu are Qualifieq to ser~~on tl)is board? ~-~1 ~ ~(~~~-"",4J,;... ....~t ~1. (.~...~. 13, SIGNATU l1acll esume and/or other information to assist Commission in making appointments. DATE: ~ltlloK pplication effective for ONE 'YEAR from dale of completion. (2) If yOu have any questions, please call the Ciay Cla-k's office at (407) 90S-31 05. O:BOAROLlSTSl8dAIlPIJI.IIe2004.~ Feb.14.2008 1:35PM Amsouth Bank Ocoee No.8058 p. 3 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CITY OF OCOEi BOARnS WARD OF ADJUS'ftmNT M(!ets as nlN!ded on Thursday following 3rd Monday, 7: 00 p.m. in Commiss~on Chambers, unless otherwise posted. 5 members, 2 alternates - 3 year terms (C1ty residents only/not City employees) Duties: .To hear and decide appeals tor administrative code review: to hQ_r and recommend to City Commission variances to the zoning ordinance. T~o (2) Al~rnata Positions Open. f ::IfJ CITIZEN AOVISOR~ COUNCIL FOR FI~ DEPARTMEN!1' Meets 2nd Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. ~n Fire Station One, unless otherwise posted. No less than 15 members, no more than 25 members - 3 year terms (Ocoee residents, OWners of real property in Ocoee, owners of businesses located in Ocoee - per CACOFD By-Laws) Purpose: To promote and maintain communication, cooperation and a posi ti ve relationship between the City or Ocoee's citizens, City Commission and Fire Department. Currently Three (3) Positions Open and Necessary to Make Required 15 Meaberso CITIUN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR POLICE DEPAR'l'MENT Meets 4th Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. in Commission Chambers, unless otherwise posted. No less than 15 members, no more than 25 members - 3 year terms (Ocoee residents, owners of real property 1n OCoee, Owners of bus1nesses located in Ocoee - per CACOPD By-Laws) Furpose: To promote and mainta~n communication, cooperation and a positive relationship between the City of Ocoee's citizens, City Commission and Police Department. Currently three (3) Vacant Positions. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD (City residents only) Meets 4th Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. in Commission Chambers. 7 m~mbers, 2 alternates - 3 year terms (Membership will, when pt"actica.ble, include an architect, a businessman, an engineer, a general contractor, a sub-contractor and a realtor). Duties: To review infractions of City code of ordinances, negotiate compliance and impose fines for failure to comply. Currently No Vacant Positions. Ca+tUNITY HERI!' AWARDS REVtEW DOARD Meets 3rc Wednesday of May and December at 7:30 p.m. in Comroission Chambers, unless otherwise posted. 5 members Duties: To review applications for financial grants in detail and make recommendations to City Commission On which applications to fund. CUrrently One (1) Vacant Position. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUS~ AND APPEALS (See residency requirements below) Meets as needed 5 members, 3 year terms (after initial (Membership should include: 3 amon electrical contractor; a me architect; Or an engineer [C general public who must be Ci Duties: To hear appeals of of the Building and Zoning Official r&lated to interpretation and implementat10n of the Florida Building Code and consider variances of technical codes. ~ HtIfAN RELA'.l'IONS/DIVERSIft BOARD Meets 1st Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. in Commission Chambers, unless Otherwi~e posted. No less than 7 members, no mOre than 15 members - 2 year terms (After initial appointment of one-half of the members to serve One year terms.) (Legal residents of the City of Ocoee, owners of real property in Ocoee, or owners of businesses located in Ocoee.) appointments tor staggered term lengths) 'ng: a Division 1 contractor; an or; a plumbing contractor; an required] AND 2 members of the Feb.14.2008 1:35PM Amsauth Bank Oeaee Na.8058 p. 4 Purpose: To promote understandin9, respect, goodwill, and equality among all cititens and businesses of the City of Ocoee. Currently Four (5) Positions Open. ~EE SCHOOL ADVISORY BOARD (City residents 2! up to 3 non-residents if parent or guardian ot student that attend3 sChool other Ocoee students attend or 3taff member at school Ocoee students attend) Meets 1st Mondays, 7;00 p.m. No le33 than 7 members, no more than 15 members - 2 year terms (Membership shall include at least one representative member for each public school within the City.) Duties: To improve the quality of education for Ocoee students by serving as an advisory body to the City Commission on education issues within the City. Curr@ntly Fi."'e (5) Positions Open. ~PARKS AND RECREATION ADVIsoar BOARD Meets 3rd Mondays, 7;30 p,m. 13 members - 2 year terms (City residents only) Duties: To adv~se the City Commission, City Manager and Recreation Director on the operat~on of the City's parks, recreational facilities, cemetery, and programs. Cu~~ently Four (4) Positions Open. PERSONNEL BOARD (City residents who are registered voters) Meets as needed 5 members - 3 year terms (Membership will include at least 1 City employee, person who holds management position with City, and 1 not employed by and does not hold office with City. electors of the City.) Duties; Responsible for reviewing personnel policies for the City which are sUbmHted to them by City Manager and recommending such poliCies to City Commission for adoption, Currently No Vacant Po~itions. 1 City Commiss~oner, 1 citizen of Ocoee who is All must be qualified PLANNING AND ZONING ~SSrON (City reSldents only) Meets 2nd Tuesdays, 7; 00 p.m. (and 4th WedneSdays, if needed) in Commission Chambers. 9 members - 3 year terms (Membersh~p will, when practicable, include an architect, an eng~neer. a qeneral bUilding contractor, a real estate agent and lay persons) . Duties: This board acts in advisory capacity to the City Commission. Establishes principles and policies for gUiding development in the City. Determines whether proposed developments conform to the principles and requirements of the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code, CU~rQntly No Vacant Poeitions. GENERAL EMPLOYEES' Rl:TIREHENT TRUST FUND BOARD OF TROSTEES Meets Quarterly 1n Commission Chambers. 5 members: 2 employees, 2 City residents and 5th member chosen by majority of the prev~ous 4 members. 2 year terms Duties: General admin1stration and responsibility for the operation of the Retiremen~ Trust Fund for general employees. Currently No Vacant Pod ti.ons . POLICE OFFICERS' AND FIREFIGHTERS' REI'IREMlN'l' 'fRUST FuND BOARD OF TRUSXEES 5 members: 1 police officer, 1 firefighter, 2 City residents and 5th meml::>er chosen by majority of the previous 4 members. 2 year terms Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement Trust fund for the City's police officers and firefighters. Cun:ently No Vacant Positions. BoordSummarY/JR/July 3, 2007 2 Feb.14.2008 1:34PM Amsouth Bank Ocoee No.8058 p. 1 (Rsaions (8an~ Ocoee (Branch 252 :N. Ocoee jfpop~ Uwy Ocoee, Cf'L 34761 (407) 656-2400 Vate," 01/24/2008 (j'ages: 1 (with coverpalJe) rro: J{o{[y 9rtoseCey Pax Num6er: 4076565725 Prom: Amanaa (jjrumfie{d - Pax :Num6er: 407-656-0586 ********************************************** ~: **....*....*.**...****........*************....**.. rrfianRJl fl.manda (BrumfieU Ocoee qjrancli 301 rphone 407-656-2400 Page 1 of2 Moseley, Holly From: Amanda.Brumfield@regions.com Sent: Tuesday, February 19,20088:45 AM To: Moseley, Holly Subject: RE: Membership Board Good morning Holly, Just so I do not bite off more than I can chew, I would like to stick to the Human Relations, Parks and Rec and the School Advisory Board. Please let me know once the decision has been made. Thanks for your help and have a great week! Thank You, Amanda Brumfield Sr. Financial Services Specialist Regions Bank Ocoee Branch 407.656.2400 ( phone) 407.656.0586 ( fax) -----"Moseley, Holly" <hmoseley@cLocoee.fl.us> wrote: ----- To: <Amanda.Brumfield@regions.com> From: "Moseley, Holly" <hmoseley@ci.ocoee.fl.us> Date: 02/15/2008 05:03PM Subject: RE: Membership Board Amanda, I was planning to put you on the Commission agenda for the two boards we spoke of, but the choice is yours, I guess it is a matter of what is most convenient for you and your schedule, and how many nights per month you would be able to attend meetings. Each board meets once per month, unless they decide otherwise, and their schedules are as follows: Ocoee School Advisory Board - meets the 1st Monday of each month at 7:00 p,m. Human Relations/Diversity Board - meets the 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Parks and Recreation Board - meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Citizen Advisory Council for the Fire Dept. - meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please let me know which you would like to join, and I will put it before Commission. All board applications are put on a City Commission agenda for their approval, so we will know after the first meeting in March. eh'4 d~ Municiya{ 'RecordS Coordinator City of Ocoee (407)905-3100 ext. 1023 From: Amanda.Brumfield@regions.com [mailto:Amanda.Brumfield@regions.com] sent: Friday, February 15, 20084:30 PM To: Moseley, Holly Subject: RE: Membership Board Hi Holly, 2/19/2008 Page 2 of2 Just wanted to be sure I was clear on everything. Am I already signed on with the boards chosen? Is it all 4 of the boards I noted on the app or just the two we spoke about? Thank You, Amanda Brumfield Sr. Financial Services Specialist Regions Bank Ocoee Branch 407.656.2400 ( phone) 407.656.0586 ( fax) NOTICE: This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain confidential information intended solely for the use of the addressee. NOTICE: This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain confidential information intended solely for the use of the addressee. 2/19/2008