04-14-2009 Agenda PacketMayor S. Scott Vandergrift City Manager Robert Frank April 14, 2009 CALL TO ORDER A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum CONSENT AGENDA I1914T A. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting held March 10, 2009 III. OLD BUSINESS IV. NEW BUSINESS Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Keller, District 4 7:00 PM A. 325 Lee Street PUBLIC HEARING Senior Planner Howell 1. Rezoning B. 16t" Amendment to Ocoee/ PUBLIC HEARING Principal Planner Rumer Orange County/ Winter Garden Joint Planning Agreement CANCELEDTHIS ITEM HAS BEEN ■ ULEL) V. MISCELLANEOUS A. Project Status Report B. April Calendar VI. ADJOURNMENT O:\P & Z\Agendas\2009\Apr 14, 2009 P & Z Agenda.doc NOTE: Regular Planning and Zoning Commission meetings take place on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm in the Ocoee Commission Chambers in City Hall unless otherwise advertised. Any person who desires to appeal any decision at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for this purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. More than one Commissioner may participate or hear discussions regarding a matter which will come before the Commission for action. Also in accordance with Florida Statue 286.26: Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Office of the City Clerk, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 (407) 905-3105, 48 hours in advance of the meeting. City of Ocoee ® 150 N Lakeshore Drive a Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 • fax: (407) 656-8504 • www.ci.ocoee.fl.us AlTrImr-TrIFTEm- CALL TO ORDER Chairman Sills called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. Following a Moment of Silent Meditation and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, a quorum was declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Sills, Members Campbell, Dillard, McKey, and West. Also present were City Attorney Rosenthal, Development Services Director Shadrix, Planning Director Wagner, Principal Planner Rumer, Principal Planner Fabre, and Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt. ABSENT: Vice Chair Golden, Members Conkling, Morris, and Rhodus were absent excused. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, February 10, 2009. Member McKev. seconded by Member Campbell, moved to accent the Minutes of the February 10, 2009, Plannina and Zonina Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Member McKev, seconded by Chairman Sills, moved to chance the agenda order and hear Item B, 16th Amendment to Ocoee/Orange Countv/Winter Garden Joint Plannina Agreement, first under New Business. Motion carried unanimouslv., City Attorney Rosenthal informed the board that under the Land Development Code (LDC) it requires (5) five members of the Planning & Zoning Commission to constitute a quorum. They do have a quorum; however, with respect to Item B 16th Amendment to Ocoee/Orange County/Winter Garden Joint Planning Agreement, Member West has a conflict which precludes him from voting and the LDC provides, that no action can be taken if less then (5) members are present and voting. Due to the conflict with Item B the board can not take any action on that item tonight. This does not preclude the board from continuing the opening of the Public Hearing, so at a minimum he would suggest they open the Public Hearing and continue it to a date certain so re -advertisement is not required. Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting March 10, 2009 NEW BUSINESS 16"a AMENDMENT TO OCOEE/ORANGE COUNTY/WINTER GARDEN JOINT_ PLANNING AGREEMENT Development Services Director Shadrix stated that this is a project that they have been working on for some time now; the board may recall approving the annexation and rezoning on this project. They have worked with the City of Winter Garden to address additional constraints on land uses, which will be executed via a tri-party agreement. They have every intention of working things out with Winter Garden prior to it going before the City Commission. What the board has before them, inclusive of what the City Attorney has just advised them on, is just a JPA Agreement for the 16th Amendment, which has been modified somewhat since they have started. Principal Planner Rumer gave a brief presentation on the subject property and stated the agreement before them is just as the others that have come before them, which includes boundary changes and joint planning area land use changes. In the Joint Planning Agreement that the City has with Orange County they agree on a future land use designation that allows them to then work with the property and not have to go through an amendment each time. The proposed changes are two fold. First, the two parcels fronting East Crown Point Road are proposed to be added to the JPA. Second, the JPA Future Land Use Map will be revised to provide the designation of "Light Industrial" to the subject parcels. DISCUSSION Member West stated he has a voting conflict due to his son and himself owning one of the pieces of property along the 429. Principal Planner Rumer advised the board that this project has three separate parcels with three separate property owners; however, they are presenting it as one amendment. The Public Hearing was opened for the 16t" Amendment to Ocoee/Orange County/Winter Garden Joint Planning Agreement. Kurt Ardaman, City Attorney for City of Winter Garden, stated he would like to defer any comments until the next meeting. Chris Martinez, 1838 Lindzlu Street, stated the JPA agreement directly affects his neighborhood and sister neighborhood. They are deeply concerned about the land use and what will be built. They would like to see a good responsible developed piece of property for the safety of their children as they travel that road 2 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting March 10, 2009 everyday to school, work, etc. They are asking the fine Cities of Winter Garden and Ocoee to please stay connected with the citizens in that area regarding the development. Member McKev. seconded by Member Campbell. moved to continue the Public Hearina for Item B. 16th Amendment to Ocoee/Orange Countvlwinter Garden Joint Plannina Agreement to the April 14, 2009, Planning & Zoning Commission Meetina. Motion carried 4-0 with Member West abstaininq. HOPPER PROPERTY — Annexation/ezoninq Principal Planner Rumer gave a brief presentation on the subject property and stated the property is located at 240 E. Silver Star Road. The applicant has asked to annex into the City of Ocoee; however, they are not requesting to hook up to City water at this time. City staff has requested a City of Ocoee zoning designation of R-1AA (Single -Family Dwelling). DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on January 29, 2009, and recommended approval of the annexation of the Hopper property conditioned upon the City of Ocoee Fire Department verifying accessibility to the site. On the same day as the DRC meeting, the Fire Department was able to access the property without issues. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the recommendation of the DRC, staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend approval of the annexation of the 1.24±acres of land known as the Hopper property, and rezoning to "R-1AX Single -Family Dwelling District. DISCUSSION Chairman Sills inquired if the applicant would be required to pay water impact fees when he decides to connect to our City water. Principal Planner Rumer stated he would be required to pay all water connection fees; since there is an existing home no impact fees would have to be paid. Member McKey inquired if it would be cheaper to connect to the Robert's Rise subdivision line and go under the railroad tracks. Principal Planner Rumer stated it would be more work for the City to try to get an easement from the railroad; their hope is that the other property owners next to the Hopper property will annex in or the property to the east would agree to an easement agreement. As no • _ wished to speak,, was opened1closed for Hopper • , • • 3 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting March 10, 2009 Member Campbell, seconded by Member West, moved to recommend approval of the annexation of the 1.24±acres of land known as the Hooper property, and rezoning to "R-1AX Single -Family Dwelling District. Motion carried unanimously. OCOEE TOWN SHOPS — Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment, PUD Rezoninq/Land Use Plan, Preliminary Subdivision Plan, and Preliminary Site Plan Principal Planner Fabre gave a brief presentation on the subject property and stated the site is located on the northwest corner of Clarke Road and West Colonial Drive (S.R. 50). The Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment consists of classifying the parcel from "Professional Offices & Services" to "Commercial". The Comprehensive Plan Amendment will not go any further until the Evaluation Appraisal Report (E.A.R.) is approved. The applicant is seeking approval tonight so they can move forward with their financing. The Land Use Plan proposes a mixture of uses which are Commercial, Retail, Restaurant, Restaurant w/ a drive-thru facility, and Financial Services. The Preliminary Subdivision Plan proposes three (3) commercial lots, which are sized to fit the proposed building structures. All the lots will be serviced by a common tract (Tract "A"). Tract "A" will address the requisite infrastructure (access, parking, sidewalks, landscaping, etc.) improvements. Several oak trees at the peripheral and rear of the property are scheduled to be preserved as reflected on the Tree Protection and Removal Plan. Accordingly at Final Site Plan, the tree protection will be further evaluated with the Landscape Plan in order to optimize the tree preservation program for the site. There is an existing left -turn lane on Clarke Road that is planned to be used for the project's main entrance. There were ten waivers requested; however, four of the waivers are being requested due to the lots being designed for single site structures. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on February 25, 2009, and recommended approval of the Small -Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning/PUD Land Use Plan, and Preliminary Subdivision/Site Plan for Ocoee Town Shops subject to resolving the City Attorney's remaining comments before the City Commission meeting. 4 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting March 10, 2009 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the Small -Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning/PUD Land Use Plan, and Preliminary Subdivision/Site Plan for Ocoee Town Shops subject to resolving the City Attorney's remaining comments before the City Commission meeting. DISCUSSION Chairman Sills inquired if they were just single story buildings. Principal Planner Fabre stated they are all single story. Member Mcey referred to a letter sent to the Development Review Coordinator from the Assistant City Attorney and as to what the response was. Principal Planner Fabre stated they have already complied with the comments and have spoken with FDOT regarding the right-of-way. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that their main comment related to getting the title report in order so they could mail it off to the developer's for the development agreement which is primarily a City Commission timeline and is not meant to hold up P&Z action. The Public Hearing was opened for Ocoee Town Shops — Small -Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning/PUD Land Use Plan, and Preliminary Subdivision/Site Plan. David Evans, Evans Engineering, was available to answer any questions and briefly gave an overview of the project. He stated they worked hard on this project and thinks they will be very excited with the project. Chairman Sills stated he knows that is a very beautiful piece of property with a lot of oak trees and he knows they will try to preserve what they can. Development Director Shadrix stated he has worked with the applicant closely on the tree protection and he knows there are a number of trees out at the site but he has personally been out there and a lot of the trees are not viable and can easily fall over. The project is a fantastic project in an urban area along an activity center. In context, having this type of development is what they want and the details on how many trees will be saved will be worked out at Final Site Plan. Member Campbell stated they are asking for a waiver of about 5% fewer parking spaces and based on the square footage what are they anticipating the seating capacity of the restaurant to be? Mr. Evans stated they did studies and internal work to determine the peak time of each one of the uses of each of the buildings. Member West inquired if they have any restaurants signed up to go into this shopping center. Mr. Evans stated he did but based on the delay he has not re -initiated those contacts. The applicant feels it will be easy to get a good restaurant in there. Member West stated this is a great development for this corner. s Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting March 10, 2009 The Public Hearing was closed for Ocoee Town Shops — Small -Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning/PUD Land Use Plan, and Preliminary Subdivision/Site Plan. Member McKey stated there are a lot of trees on that property and he is not pleased with the plans and a bit discouraged with staff for glossing over something that is important. He further stated he noticed there is no retention area. He inquired as to why they were building an underground drain system that may or may not work. Mr. Evans stated they have done a lot of work with this project and agrees that there are a lot of trees on the property. As mentioned before there are a lot of Laurel Oaks and Sand Pines and with the hurricanes that came through most of the Laurel Oaks were affected by it. Mr. Evans stated from a stormwater perspective they have about 20ft of grading in the front to the back and the property has a very steep incline so what they have done is incorporate on top of that. They have a very deep water table and sandy soil and his experience with the exfiltration type system is that it works and with the slope on this property; using the exfiltration system allows the property to have frontage. Member McKey stated he thought that they would be mirroring the east side of Clarke Road so that it would be dual ponds similar in layout and structure. Mr. Evans stated that is a feature pond and what happens with those ponds is that they disappear when you have steep grades going up and all you would see is the top of the fountain spray. A brief discussion ensued regarding the elevation of the property, the underground drain, and the waivers requested. Development Services Director Shadrix stated he feels disappointed that members of the board feel that staff has glossed over this project because he can assure them that has not been the case. They have reviewed over thirty different renderings on this project. He reminded the board that this is an urban area and urban areas in cities is where the most density and intensity occurs. The Land Development Code provides for a replacement ratio that works for when trees have to be removed. Also, this is a preliminary site plan and they will look at it closer when it gets to final site plan. Development Services Director Shadrix stated the City Engineer does a very thorough job of reviewing the drainage and he fully stays behind his staff and recommends approval on this project. Member West stated he feels it is a tremendous project and it opens up the gateway to the City. Member West, seconded by Chairman Sills, moved to recommend approval of the Small -Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning/PUD Land Use Plan, and Preliminary Subdivision/Site Plan for Ocoee Town Shops per staffs recommendation. Motion carried 4-1 with Member McKev opposing. 261 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting March 10, 2009 Principal Planner Fabre gave a brief presentation on the subject property and stated the property is located in the northeast corner of Silver Star Road and Ridgefield Avenue. The applicant is requesting a PUD zoning in order to create a mix -use commercial development. The Land Use Plan proposes a mixture of uses which are: uses permitted for C-1 Zoning, Commercial Retail, Gallery/Museum, Liquor Store (No on -premise consumption), Appliance Store, Furniture Store, and Music/Radio/TV Shop. The Small -Scale Site Plan proposes construction of a one-story commercial building with a total building floor area of 13,515 square feet. There is a 20-foot right-of-way dedication proposed along Silver Star Road. One of the off -site improvements is that there will be a left turn lane on Silver Star Road as well as they will be widening the road. These off -site improvements will be coordinated by FDOT. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on February 25, 2009, and reviewed the PUD/Land Use Plan and final Site Plan for Silver Ridge Crossing. After much discussion it was agreed upon to separate the PUD Land Plan from the Final Site Plan to better facilitate the process since small-scale site plans are approved administratively. DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the PUD Land Use Plan, subject to the applicant submitting a revised Land Use Plan and having the Development Agreement and Title Report finalized and executed before the City Commission meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the recommendation of the DRC, staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend approval of the PUD Rezoning and Land Use Plan, as date stamped received by the City on February 27, 2009. DISCUSSION Member McKey stated he knows there were concerns about the lighting by many of the residents who live in that area. Principal Planner Fabre stated they have a code that requires that any lighting will be shielded or flat lanced and there is no spill over lighting on the property. All lighting stays on the property. Member Dillard inquired about how many parking spaces will be available. Principal Planner Fabre stated there will be 68 parking spaces. He further stated they provided what is required by code, which is one space per 200 square feet. Member McKey inquired if any of the spaces could be a small cafe or restaurant. Principal Planner Fabre stated it would be up to the applicant and the possibility Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting March 10, 2009 is there. Member McKey stated his concern is that if a cafe is put there they may want to put tables out side and this may not be designed for that because of the parking spaces. The Public Hearing was opened for Silver Ridge Crossing - Rezoning. David Evans, Evans Engineering, stated as the board is aware the C-1 zoning permitted the building to be designed as they have presented tonight. The new use is also consistent with the zoning. Mr. Evans further gave a brief overview of the project and the widening of the road. d Toperzer, 163 Hercules Court, stated this project will be built directly outside of the back of his house. He inquired as to how far were they widening Silver Star Road and about how much increase in traffic this will cause for the residents trying to get into the subdivision. Mr. Evans stated a full traffic study was required for this project and the road will be widened on both sides, as well as a full left turn lane will be added. Mr. Toperzer commented that we are going through some tough economic times and does not know how these spaces will be occupied. The Public Hearing was closed for Silver Ridge Crossing - Rezoning. Member Dillard. seconded by Member West. moved to recommend approval of the PUD Rezonina and Land Use Plan, as date stamped received by the Citv on February 27. 2009. Motion carried unanimously. FOUNTAINS WEST — PUD Land Use Plan Amendment Principal Planner Fabre gave a brief presentation on the subject property and stated this project was originally approved by the City Commission on December 19, 2006. During the original approval process, lots 1 thru 3 were the most restricted due to the close proximity with the residential subdivisions across the street. Specifically, the rational for Lot 2's drive-in restriction came from residential lots being as near as 120 feet. Conventional zoning restrictions for drive-in restaurants are set at 200 feet. The applicant has requested for the change on the permitted uses chart on sheet C-10 of the Land Use Plan. The requested land use change will allow Lot 2 to have a drive-in restaurant as a permitted use. This requested Land Use Amendment will only affect Lot 2 of the Fountains West PUD subdivision. Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting March 10, 2009 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION, The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on February 25, 2009, and reviewed the Amendment to the PUD Land Use Plan for Fountains West. There was only one outstanding issue to be addressed from the City Attorney's Office that was identified in the meeting. When discussion was finished, the Committee voted unanimously to forward the requested Amendment to the Fountains West PUD for the Commissioners review and consideration and official action. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the recommendation of the DRC, staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission submit its formal recommendation (approval, approval subject to conditions, or disapproval of the requested action) for the Substantial Amendment to the Fountains West Land Use Plan, as date stamped received by the City on February 10, 2009. DISCUSSION The Public Hearing was opened for Fountains West — PUD Land Use Plan _ zf, • Brady Lessard stated about two years ago McDonald's was looking at lot 2 and a condition was placed not allowing a drive thru restaurant on that lot. The City Commission wanted the developer to look at lot 4; however, that lot simply does not work for the McDonald's business plan. He further stated at the time McDonald's and the developer did not have the opportunity to sit with staff, the Commission, and the adjacent property owners to hash things out. The existing development has been a neighborhood commercial center that has been successful and they are hoping to become a part of that. This time around they have had the opportunity to sit down with staff, some of the Commissioners, and they have been able to reorient the building which they hope will alleviate some concerns from the adjacent property owners. Mr. Lessard stated their next step as a team is to meet with some of the HOA's in the surrounding area so they can discuss various concerns. Justin Polk stated he feels Mr. Lessard hit most of the points and he is available to answer any questions. Chairman Sills stated he believes many of the resident's concern at the last presentation was the speakers and the sound disturbance. Mr. Polk stated a lot of people have problems with the "squawk boxes" from the old days but he has scientific data showing that the new speaker boxes from 64 ft. away have 46 decimals of volume. He can definitely say that the sound factor from the speakers will not be a concern. A drawing of the McDonald's elevation and lay -out was provided to the board members and Mr. 9 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting March 10, 2009 Polk gave a brief overview of how the building would be placed and the advantages of the placement. Member McKey commented that he believes everyone that was involved with the project on the west property on the other side of the street felt that was an upscale neighborhood and did not want to put something there that would lessen its value. That is what the concerns were about and that is why they placed the conditions. Member Dillard inquired if there were other McDonald's that resembled the one they are presenting, somewhere in the City. Mr. Polk stated they do not have any in the City of Ocoee and they have only built 3-4 of the new style building around the Orlando area. He briefly explained some of the changes McDonald's incorporated to be more of a high quality restaurant. Member Campbell inquired if this was going to be a franchise. Mr. Polk stated that is not decided until after everything is complete and he believes that 70% of the stores are franchises and more than likely this one will be as well. Peter Schwab, 509 Zinfandel Court, stated he is directly across the street and was inquiring as to where the squawk box would be located. He further inquired if the board would have a quorum to vote on this item tonight since Member West abstained from voting on this the first time it was presented. City Attorney Rosenthal stated Mr. West does not have any financial interest in this project. Member West stated he did not own any of the property that was part of this development, he was the broker involved in the past; however, he is not at this time. City Attorney Rosenthal stated this is a new action and has nothing to do with the previous action. Mr. Schwab stated the Commission had knocked this down and this is the second time this is coming around. He further stated for good reason there is a condition to not allow a drive-thru in that area and that is because it is an upscale neighborhood that he lives in. Mr. Schwab briefly expressed his opposition to the McDonald's drive-thru which included noise issues. He further stated his recommendation would be for the board to reject this project as the City Commission did the first time. Kevin Stanley, 401 Merlot Drive, stated he lives across the street from the proposed McDonald's and he is also the HOA president for the Vineyards. He stated they received no contact from the developer's to try to resolve any concerns and does not believe that they are wanting to work with the residents. He further stated there are a lot of issues besides the squawk box issue that they have talked about. He further expressed his concern for not only the noise but for the traffic, McDonald's becoming a hang out for juveniles, and hours of operation. 10 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting March 10, 2009 Angela Stanley, 401 Merlot Drive, stated that her husband did a good job of explaining some of the crime issues but he failed to mention a nightmare that she had to live through within the past year. She further stated since Publix has come they have had some real issues in their neighborhood such as cars and homes being broken into and shoot-outs which one incident ironically ended at a McDonald's on Clarke Road. dgardo Sullivan, 2496 Cabernet Circle, stated he has a two story home and he too still believes the McDonald's will bring crime and become a hang out for juveniles. He would suggest a different location for McDonald's or a different type of restaurant for that location that would not have late hours of operation. Chairman Sills inquired if he felt the crime would go away if they moved the McDonald's to lot 4. Mr. Sullivan stated he does not feel it would eliminate the crime being on a different lot and he would prefer that McDonald's not build on any of the locations. He would prefer to see a different type of restaurant. Kevin Stanley stated that no one would love to see McDonald's on lot 4 but they would prefer to have the restaurant near the commercial area and not near the residents. Putting McDonald's on lot 4 would move them away from the entrance of their neighborhood and that itself will make a huge difference. Peter Schwab stated that currently with the nightclub Wild Wild West they have to hear that on Friday nights late into the night. Brady Lessard commented that they did contact Principal Planner Fabre to get the phone numbers for the HOA's and they thought it was etiquette to meet with the Commissioners first. They still look forward to meeting with the HOA. He further stated no one likes crime and they do not feel that McDonald's will create crimes that would not otherwise exist. As for the traffic, they will have the similar traffic studies for Ocoee -Apopka Road and West Road regardless if McDonald's goes on lot 2 or lot 4. There has been no discussion with staff or with anyone initiating discussion on operational hours. The Public Hearing was closed for Fountains West — PUD Land Use Plan Amendment. Member McKey stated that he feels the engineers, planners, and designers all need to look up the word buffer. A buffer is something to protect people or things from shock and he does not think Ocoee -Apopka Road is a buffer. He stated he agrees whole heartedly with the comments he made the first time this came up years ago and he voted against it. Member McKey stated that he would like for our staff to consider drive-thru as being no longer politically correct for 11 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting March 10, 2009 environmental reasons. He would have never thought that Publix would be a focal point of crime and is really surprised. Member West stated that he does not feel that McDonald's will be bringing crime. He believes the main issue may be the High School because kids are coming from so many different areas and they have different agendas. He would personally love to see a McDonald's here and would prefer to see them in lot 4. Member West. seconded by Chairman Sills. moved to recommend approval for the Substantial Amendment to the Fountains West Land Use Plan as date stamped received by the Citv on February 10, 2009. Motion failed 2-3 with Members Campbell, Dillard, and McKev onposinq. Member McKev, seconded by Member Campbell, moved to recommend denial for the Substantial Amendment to the Fountains West Land Use Plan. as date stamped received by the City on February 10, 2009. Motion carries 3-2 with Chairman Sills and Member West ooposinq. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.m. Attest: Melanie Sibbitt, Deputy City Clerk Jim Sills, Chairman 12 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift Citv Manaver Robert Frank center of Good L jvin gic ill�'! almuUmom TO: The Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Bobby Howell, MPA - Senior Planner THROUGH: Craig Shadrix, Development Services Director H RE: 325 Lee Street — Rezoning Project # RZ-09-01-02 Commission District 3 — Rusty Johnson I Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Rosemary Wilsen, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Keller, District 4 M Should the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend approval of the rezoning of 325 Lee Street from R-1 (Single -Family Dwelling) to C-2 (Community Commercial)? The subject property is located at 325 Lee Street. It is approximately 0.29 acres or 12,632 square feet in size and is zoned R-1 (Single -Family Dwelling). The property is vacant except for several scattered invasive species of trees. The applicant is requesting a rezoning of the property to a designation of C-2 (Community Commercial) to permit the construction of a commercial office building with additional lease space for future tenants. The Future Land Use Map designates the property as Commercial. The table below references the zoning, and Future and Existing Land Uses of the surrounding properties. Direction Future Land Use Zoning Classification North Commercial Single -Family Dwelling (R-1) East Commercial Single -Family Dwelling (R-1) South Commercial Community Commercial (C-2), Single -Family Dwelling (R-1) West Commercial Community Commercial (C-2) Existing Land Use Undeveloped parcel Single -Family Residence Undeveloped parcels Two abandoned Commercial buildings The subject property is located in a platted residential subdivision known as Grace Park. The Plat was recorded in 1926. The area contains a mixture of single-family residential dwellings and commercial uses. All remaining single-family properties in the subdivision that contain a Future Land Use designation of Commercial are considered legally non -conforming. April 14, 2009 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 The Future Land Use designation of the property and surrounding properties are Commercial, which is consistent with the zoning designation of C-2 that is being requested. The C-2 zoning designation that is being requested is consistent with the surrounding commercial zoning designations. Since the Future Land Use designation of the subject property and surrounding properties are Commercial, it is the intent of the City for these properties to be rezoned to a commercial zoning designation and ultimately be redeveloped into commercial uses. The subject property is located in the Downtown Redevelopment Area. The objective of the Downtown Redevelopment Area is to attract reinvestment in the downtown area of the City. Per the Comprehensive Plan, proposed development schemes in this area should include visual landmarks and public areas, quality pedestrian areas; and uses such as commercial office buildings which the applicant is proposing to construct in the future on the subject property. In addition to the subject property being located within the Downtown Redevelopment Area, Policies 2.6 and 2.8 of the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan consider the subject parcel an infill development site. The Comprehensive Plan promotes infill development areas by stipulating the streamlining of the permitting process for development proposals and waivers from specific zoning requirements in infill areas. Infill development is defined per the Comprehensive Plan as properties inside the urbanized portion of the City which already have public services and infrastructure but have been skipped over in the development process. Infill sites are generally limited to less than a few acres in size, and are generally located in an area where the surrounding development is at least 15-20 years old. The majority of properties in infill areas are either vacant (such as the subject property) or are underutilized. Infill development is advantageous to the City since new utilities do not have to be extended to the site, it improves tax bases in the surrounding area, and it restores vitality to declining neighborhoods such as the area the subject property is located in. It is staff's opinion that rezoning the subject property from R-1 to C-2 will assist in restoring vitality to the surrounding neighborhood and further the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan and the objectives of the Downtown Redevelopment Area. The C-2 zoning designation is consistent with the zoning designations of the surrounding properties that have been rezoned to a commercial zoning designation and with the Commercial Future Land Use designation. The Development Review Committee request to rezone the subject property posed to the DRC by the applicant, the request to rezone the subject property Commercial). (DRC) met on February 25, 2009 and reviewed the to C-2. After answering several questions that were DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the from R-1 (Single -Family Dwelling) to C-2 (Community Based on the recommendation of the DRC, Staff respectfully recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the rezoning of 325 Lee Street from R-1 (Single -Family Dwelling) to C-2 (Community Commercial). Attachments: Location Map Surrounding Zoning Map Surrounding Future Land Use Map Conceptual Site Plan provided by applicant 4 G 325 Lee Street Location Map Cl 1 IC L U Lie �7Z ��, MGkeY.i ]Flor I li El :1 j _ 125.00__ ----- --- -- --- -- i ! - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8- 9 10 11 I Lo J J I i 10.5' 109.00, S.5' I PROPOSED o' PARKING LOT j - I i� ' 10.5' 9.5' S ui �� ti ti ti -- i i ti i i _----! _-- II - SU�E SLIT= B - Ij o0 I ® — II II II II — Q` W ; ® II II . II It i — II Il 11 II II — J I ® 12 Ij II PROPOSE1j2 3200 S II i Il II BUILDING II PAD WITH" II i 1 ! 11 Il PROPOSED 800 S.F 11 11 a ® ® II II---MF771ANIQIE_-- 11 1 ! PROPOSED II I� 11 II Il STORMWATDER i { i ROETRENMTIONER �j 11 14 11 �I II RETENTION j 1 I 11 1 II j V i ! zs' 4, 11 20• ---I i I a r 9 I PROPo6 IALL U ._._._._._._._._._. ...... _. ......... rtNlt .._._._._. I i PLOT AND ` LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE: V-20'-0" m Ocoee Community Development Department 1/nch equalom2.440e76 feet 240120 o 240 mm 720 Feet Printed: Maroh2O0S 325 Lee Street Surrounding Future Land Use Map � _ _ �� ���/GubjectPmporty — Unincorporated Territory E3and OtherK8unioipa|tioo Zoning Classification: *u General Agricultural (A+1) Suburbun(A+2) Single -Family Dwelling (R-1AAA) Single -Family Dwelling (R-1AQ -~ Single -Family Dwelling (F-1A) Single -Family Dwelling (R-1) -- One- & Two -Family Dwelling (R'2) � Multiple -Family OvmsUing (R-3) Mobile Home Subdivision (TT-1) Professional Offices & Services (P'S) Neighborhood Shopping (C-1) Community Commercial (C-2) General Commercial (C-3) Restricted Manufacturing &VVan*houning(|'1) General Industrial (|'2) Commercial (PUD) Low Density (PUD) Medium Density (PUD) High Density (PUD) Public Use (PUD) >>>Unclassified Lakes and Water Bodies z9nMM20z== PEW C eutei M coy,'} I ,tic(F+qn nn) 17 Ocoee Community Development Department 1 inch equals 702.440976 feet 240120 0 240 480 720 Feet Printed: March 2009 Subject Property Unincorporated Territory and Other Municipalties Zoning Classification: General Agricultural (A-1) Suburban (A-2) Single -Family Dwelling (R-1AAA) Single -Family Dwelling (R-1AA) Single -Family Dwelling (R-1A) Single -Family Dwelling (R-1) One- & Two -Family Dwelling (R-2) Multiple -Family Dwelling (R-3) Mobile Home Subdivision (RT-1) Professional Offices & Services (P-S) Neighborhood Shopping (C-1) Community Commercial (C-2) General Commercial (C-3) Restricted Manufacturing & Warehousing (1-1) General Industrial (1-2) _= Commercial (PUD) Low Density (PUD) Medium Density (PUD) High Density (PUD) Public Use (PUD) Unclassified Lakes and Water Bodies 325 Lee Street Surrounding Zoning •, i —L� MIRIT, I "-, 6111M Ocoee / Ora,nge County / Winter Garden Joint Planning Agreement Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift City Manaver Robert Frank DATE: April 14, 2009 _ center of Goocl I.;_ TO: The Planning & Zoning Commission Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Keller, District 4 FROM: Michael Rumer, Principal Planner SUBJECT: 16th Amendment to Ocoee -Orange County Joint Planning Area Agreement CONTINUED FROM MARCH 10, 2009 This item was continued to the April 14, 2009, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting because the Planning and Zoning Commission could not reach a voting quorum of five (5) members. ISSUE: Should the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend changes to the Joint Planning Area (JPA) Boundary and JPA Land Use Map? The area proposed to be added to the JPA encompasses the collection of three parcels known as the East Crown Point High Tech Industry PUD. The subject property is located on the North side of Palm Drive on the west side of SR 429 (Western Expressway) and the east side of East Crown Point Road. This Commission voted 6-0 to recommend the annexation, rezoning to PUD, and PUD Land Use Plan back on November 11, 2008. The applicants propose to develop the 45.85 acres as a light industrial PUD with a maximum floor area ratio of 0.6. F *' The proposed changes are two fold. First, the two parcels fronting East Crown Point Rd are proposed to be added to the JPA (See location map). Second, the JPA Future Land Use Map will be revised to provide the designation of "Light Industrial" to the subject parcels. Staff respectfully recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the proposed 16th Amendment to the Joint Planning Area Agreement between City of Ocoee and Orange County providing for amendments to the JPA Boundary by adding in the area known as East Crown Point High Tech Industry and amending the JPA Land Use Map to Light Industrial. Attachments: Location Map; Joint Planning Area Boundary Map; Future Land Use Map; Aerial O:\Staff Reports\2009\SR090026_MR_16th Amend_JPA_P&Z_4-16.doc City of Ocoee ® 150 N Lakeshore Drive ® Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100 ® fax: (407) 656-8504 ® www.ci.ocoeeAus Attachments: Location Map Joint Planning Area Boundary Map Future Land Use Map Aerial Page 2 of 2 rm U- i L m , ca l rown Dark PA •w_l•� 1j a i as'rus I j Change JPA Land Use to Light Industrial 1 Add to JPA with a Light Industrial Land Use �: s MTF l n � 11 "Iv �4 y4 C 0 State Road 438 Frapklij FZ "HE LAKE APOPKA Q�y,Nt SS ICLA_RCONA01 wo�'- LIE I _jf EK W MCCORMICK RD OLYI."A Lu-I u 1 — PMMA -I l ORlANDO AV v!sra N { - STQRY_RD GENEV2 SL i_, talfl� a ! MAINE�ST -LAKE- - - Proposed Modifications to the Ocoee/Orange County Joint Planning Area Agreement Add to JPA Existing JPA Boundary EAST CROWN POINT HIGH TECH INDUSTRY PUI EXISTING LAND USE MAP � Ocoee Community Development Department 1inch equals nay.osyyosfeet 18090 n 180 aeo 5:0reet Printed: Juno2UUO Subject Property Unincorporated Territory MandOther K8unkcipaltiea 1--�� Zoning Classification: / ` General Agricultural (A-1) ! Suburban (A-2) �-r Single -Family Dwelling (R' AAA) Single -Family Dwelling 0R' A\ Single'Femil/ Dwelling UR-1/Q ^--� Single -Family Dwelling (R-1) 1�-- Ono-&Two-Fami|yDweUng(R'2) Multiple -Family Dwelling (R-3) Mobile Home Subdivision (RT- ) Professional Offices &Servoen(zS) Neighborhood Shopping (C-1) ' Community Commercial (C'2) General Commercial KC-3 Restricted Manufacturing I &VVarohousing(1-1) General Industrial (1'2) Cnmmen�a|APUC0 Low Density UzUCA Medium Oenody(PU[) \ | } | High Density UzUCA Public Use (PU[) X11. Undaoaified 1 L'Weic!farn F-Ynresswav a T OAP & Z\Divider Sheets,doc PROJECT STATUS UPDATE TYPE OF DATE REVIEW SUB - Current Projects PROJECT NO. SUBMITTAL RECEIVED ER MITTAL STATUS NUMBER Commercial ABC Liquors Review 04/02/09 SH 1 st Interior Alteration (Metro PCS) Sm Scale P/F AutoZone Ocoee SS-2009-003 ISite Plan 03/12/09 BH _ 1st Staff comments due 4/13/09 P/F Subdivison Plan & P/F site Casa Mirella at Belmere LS-2008-008 _Plan 09/22/08 MR 1st_ Staff comments sent out on_11/13/08 Citrus Medical & Executive Office Park (Saleem _ Commercial New Commercial Building Shell DENIED Healthcare) Review 02/17/09 BH 1 st 2120/09 Citrus Medical & Executive Office Park (Saleem Commercial Healthcare) Review 03/10/09 BH 2nd New Commercial Building Shell Revision to Site Building revision including parking lot revision Citrus Medical (Dr. Hettinger) Plan 02/11/09 BH_ st APPROVED 2/12/09 City Place at Maguire (fka Professional Parkway Rezoning to _1 Town Center) RZ-08-03-03 PUD 12/18/08 AF 3rd Staff comments sent out on 2/5/09 P/F Small Scale Crystal Investment Business Plaza SS-2008-004 Site Plan 10/10/08 BH 1st Staff comments sent out on 11/13/08 Commercial - - Cre-Ative Nailz & Hair Salon (Worsham) Review 02/23/09 AF 1st Wall Sign Diplomat Tower LS-2007-024 LSP/FSP 11/13/08 AF 3rd Staff comments sent on 12/17/08 Commercial Diplomat Tower Review 07/10/08 AF 1 st New 3 Story Office Building DENIED on 8/5/08 Revisions to Eagles Landing LS-2004-025 FSP 01/21/09 AF 4th Approved 1/30/09 Eagles Landing Phase II Plat 01/27/09 AF 3rd Plat APPROVED 2/11/09 Eagles Landing Phase III Plat 01/27/09 AF 3rd Plat APPROVED 2/11/09 Annex, Rez & Waiting on JPA Amendment to process to City East Crown Industrial AX-07-07-10 CPA 02/25/08 MR 2nd Commission Commercial Fifth Third Bank / Fountains West Review 02/17/09 AF 1 st Monument Sign DENIED 2/18/09 Commercial Fifth Third Bank / Fountains West Review 03/10/09 AF 2nd Wall Sign C APPROVED 3/11/09 Commercial Fifth Third Bank / Fountains West Review 03/10/09 AF 2nd Wall Sign B APPROVED 3/11/09 Current Project Status2.xls/Review 4/8/2009 1 of 4 Current Projects PROJECT NO. TYPE OF DATE REVIEW SUB - MI TAL STATUS SUBMITTAL RECEIVED ER NUMBER Small Scale Site Fifth Third Bank / Fountains West SS-2007-007 Plan - Revisions 01/21/09 AF 1st APPROVED on 2/9/09 Small Scale Site Fifth Third Bank (at Good Homes Plaza) SS-2008-002 Plan 11/17/08 AF 2nd Staff Comments sent out on 12/10/08 Amendment to Fountains West PUD Amendment RZ-09-02-04 PUD 02/18/09 AF 1st Scheduled for City Commission on April 7 & 21 Preliminary/Final F/X Warehouse Complex LS-2007-022 Site Plan 12/19/08 BH 3rd Staff Comments sent out on 2/5/09 Large Scale Site Public Hearing at P & Z on 8/12/08; Waiting on Hampton Inn LS-2007-017 Plan 06/05/08 BH 4th Applicant to schedule for City Commission Commercial New Construction - Building APPROVED on Hampton Inn Review 05/28/08 BH 2nd 6/02108 Commercial Relocate 1 exit sign/change directional signs Highpoint Church (Ocoee Commerce Center) Review 01/15/09 AF 1st arrows on 4 signs Commercial Inflatable Fun Factory (Good Homes Plaza) Review 03/05/09 AF 1st Wall Sign Commercial Internet Fun Center (Sherman's Home Decor) Review 03/30/09 AF 1st Wall Sign Commercial Jules 26 Salon Review 02/27/09 AF 1st Wall Sign Commercial Wall Sign FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT Magic Nails & Day Spa Review 02/27/09 AF 1st 03/04/09 Large Scale Site Marshall Farms Business Center LS-2008-004 Plan 01/13/09 AF 4th APPROVED on 3/17/09 Commercial McCormick Woods Review 01/20/09 BH 1st PVC Fence (Common Area) Commercial McDonalds (Albertson's Shopping Center) Review 01/27/09 BH 1st Addition/Interior Alteration Commercial Addition/Interior Alteration APPROVED IMcDonalds (Albertson's Shopping Center) Review 02/24/09 BH 2nd 2/25/09 Current Project Status2.xls/Review 4/8/2009 2 of 4 PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Current Projects PROJECT NO. TYPE OF DATE REVIEW SUB- MITTAL STATUS SUBMITTAL RECEIVED ER NUMBER Small Scale Site McDonalds at Good Homes and SR 50 SS-2009-001 Plan 01/13/09 BH 1st Staff comments sent out on 2/12/09 Meadow Ridge Commercial LS-2006-007 Phasing Plan 01/29/09 RBW 1st Phasing Plan APPROVED on 2/19/09 Commercial _ - - _ - New China Restaurant Review 03/05/09 AF 2nd (Wall Sign Preliminary/Final — — — Ocoee Carrier Annex Courtesy Review Site plan 02/05/09 AF 5th (Staff comments due 3/02/09 Small Scale Site Ocoee Oaks United Methodist Church Addition SS-2008-001 Plan 09/29/08 BH 2nd Staff comments sent out on 10/28/08 Small Scale Site Ocoee Town Shops LS-2008-006 Plan 01/02/09 AF 3rd Scheduled for P & Z on 3/10/09 The Reserve at Meadow Lake Commercial Revisions to width of Entrance Sign and Review 01/14/09 AF 1st Screen Wall Columns Commercial The Reserve at Meadow Lake Review 02/11/09 BH 1st Retaining Wall APPROVED 2/17109 Commercial Salon Christophe Review 10/27/08 BH 1st Interior Alteration SS-2008-005 Small Scale Site RZ-08-11-09 Plan & Rezoning Shoppes at the Village CPA-2008-005 SSCPA 11/25/08 AF 1st Staff comments sent out on 1/14/09 Revision to Final Shoppes at West Oaks LS-2007-013 Subdivision Plan 03/09/09 Small Scale Site Silver Ridge Crossing SS-2008-003 Plan 01/02/09 Commercial Silver Ridge Crossing Review 01/20/09 Wall Sign/Monument Suntrust Bank / Fountains West Sign/Directional 12/02/08 Thomas Landing at Lake Meadow Plat Review 08/13/08 Current Project Status2.xls/Review 4/8/2009 AF 1st APPROVED pending FDOT permit Scheduled for City Commission for Rezoning AF 2nd on April 7 & 21 - AF 1st New Construction Shell Building Wall Sign/Monument Sign/Directional DENIED AF 3rd 12/03/08 AF 2nd APPROVED 3 of 4 '`i BYI If Current Projects PROJECT NO. TYPE OF DATE REVIEW SUB - MITTAL STATUS SUBMITTAL RECEIVED ER NUMBER Commercial Trustco Bank / Meadow Ridge Commerical Review 09/22/08 AF 1 st Interior Alteration DENIED on 9/29108 Commercial Trustco Bank / Meadow Ridge Commerical Review 11/24/08 AF 1st Wall Sign & Directional Sign DENIED 12/01/08 To be processed with Ocoee Town Shops Vacation of Right -of -Way for Unnamed Road VAC-2008-016 Vacation 10/09/08 AF 1 st project. Site Review as part of the Building Permit Commercial Denied 12/08/08 by Bobby Howell Verizon Wireless (Village Marketplace) Review 12/02/08 BH 1st Approved 1/15/09 by Craig Shadrix Villages of Wesmere Phase II Plat 01/29/08 BH 1st Plat DENIED on 2/14/08 West 50 Commercial Subdivision Plat 08/15/07 BH 2nd Plat DENIED on 09/10/07 Annexation, Rezoning, & AX-05-08-25 Large Scale RZ-08-09-06 Preliminary West Colonial Parcel (Walia) LS-07-021 Subdivision Plan 10/23/08 BH 6th Scheduled for City Commission on April 7 Large Scale Site Westgate Resorts Call Center LS-2008-009 Plan 09/18/08 BH 1 st Staff comments sent out on 10/24/08 Current Project Status2.xls/Review 4/8/2009 4 of 4 r Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 April Fool's Day MLx Subcommittee Charter School Comm. 6 pm. 6:30 p.m. HRDB @ Comm. Chambers 7 p.m. @ Comm. Chambers 4/7 Agenda Published 56 7 City Commission 8 9 10 11 Easter Egg 7:15 p.m. @ Comm. Chambers CACOFD 7 Hunt 10:30 a.m. p.m. @,Bill Breeze Park @ Fire Station One12 - 13 14 15 1 7 - - 18. Planning & Zoning Police Infraction Commission 7 p.m. Board @ Comm. Chambers 7 p.m. 4/21 Agenda Items 4/21 Staff Reports Due 4/21 Agenda Published @ Comm. Chambers Easter Due to City Clerk to City Manager 19 20 21 City Commission 22 23 CACOPD 2 7:15 p.m. 7 p.m. @ Comm. Chambers @ Comm. Chambers Bring Your Kid to 26 27 28 Code 2 Work Day! I Enforcement Board ? 7 p.m. @ Comm. Chambers I 515 Agenda Items 515 Staff Reports Due 515 Agenda Published 3 I Due to City Clerk to City Manager j