08-03-10MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION '1 August 3, 2010, at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tem Johnson called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Hood. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift (absent), Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller. Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, Acting City Manager Shadrix, City Clerk Eikenberry B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS - none C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Norman Lockery, received red light ticket and wanted to speak to the commission about it. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson said that he can watch the video to see if he feels that he actually ran the red light. City Manager Frank took his information and will have someone contact him to tell him how to contest a ticket if that is what he wishes to do. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson advised him that if he appeals the ticket and loses the appeal, he will have to pay more. Jennifer Bales, 636 Westcliffe Drive, Winter Garden -asked why the Tellico Indians group that performs at Founder's Day event does not receive any monetary payment for their performance further requesting that they are paid for their services. She additionally asked why she has to pay a fee to use a space for the performance at the Marketplace. Commissioner Wilsen said she is not in charge of the Marketplace this year, but has been for many years and they have never been charged for the four spaces they were given. Commissioner Johnson added that most local groups volunteer there time for Founder's Day, but stated if she shows him where other cities have paid for their performance he will have the Founder's Day Committee consider it. Ms. Bales was also concerned about handicap parking that is closer to the Marketplace because Bill Prentiss is in his 80's and the three block walk back and forth to set up his area was too much for him. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson advised that parking is limited; they can look into letting him drive in there temporarily while they are doing the set up. D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Frank stated there was a meeting for the Educational Reimbursement Committee and it was found funding is short again this year. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson, who is a member of that Committee, stated that the line item is short by $7500 this year and that they have already allocated more funds in the budget next year. He asked if Commission would like to make a motion to add money to the fund to cover the expenses. City Manager Frank added that they also tightened up the application process for educational reimbursement so that the funds would go further. City Commission Regular August 3, 2010 Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to transfer $7500 from contingencv to the educational reimbursement fund to cover expenses for this near. Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Vanderarift absent. Update on the work at the municipal compound. CIP Manager Butler gave some history on the garage at the historical house. He said they looked at costs for restoring it or relocating it with six different contractors and found that it would be cost prohibitive to attempt either of those things because of the poor condition of the garage. He said it is not serving well as a storage area, anything inside that is of antique or historical value needs to be moved to a climate controlled environment. Staff recommends demolition of that building. They may need a storage outbuilding but a new one should be built. Additionally, they looked at the Scott Griffin building, the condition is poor and the foundation and windows have failed. There were reroofing and other structural modifications, many original windows are gone. We need to demolish that structure from a public safety standpoint, if for no other reason. Mr. Butler stated he is looking at a more strategic use of the downtown resources that we have under city control such as utilizing the Maguire House for special events, using other facilities focused on community activities such as the Farmer's Market, Movies in the Park, etc. We have a downtown center that is under utilized. It isn't generating the revenue that the amount of our investment might justify; we spent over a half million dollars on the Maguire House alone. He will be bringing options back on how to generate a revenue stream to pay for continued maintenance of that facility. We have a management agreement for 15 years with the Ocoee Historical Society and he will be discussing these items next week with them. Additionally, he has been talking to Chief Brown regarding his concerns with insufficient lighting in that the area for security purposes. He will bring back a recommended package to the Commission for recommended improvements and additions. Commissioner Hood verified that the agreement with the Maguire House Historical Committee does not prohibit us from demolishing the garage. Mr. Butler said they only have authority over the inside of the house. Under the current contract, we are not allowed to use it for anything except the museum with limited hours of operation. He said the half million dollars has been spent since we purchased the property in 1983 as well as the use of $350,000 of state grant funding that has been invested in the property. Discussion followed with regard to previous agreements and conditions that had been imposed on the Maguire house property. Additional discussion regarding the Scott building followed and Mr. Butler reiterated the poor condition of the structure; the commission requested demolition costs. Commissioner Wilsen stated that she has given thought to the discussion they had at the previous meeting about LED lights and feels that is not a good fit on the corner near the Maguire House. If Commission agrees, she would like to tell Butler to discontinue to looking for estimates. Mr. Butler stated the LED light is an add/alternate to the job (as well as the fountains and a few other items), they will not have to accept it or include it in the job. City Manager Frank stated that the cost will most likely prohibit us from doing it this year; it would have to be considered in next year's budget. City Attorney Rosenthal added that we would also have to amend our Land Development Code in order to obtain building permits to install an LED sign. E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Hood - no announcements Page 2 of 8 City Commission Regular August 3, 2010 Commissioner Wilsen - no announcements Commissioner Keller - no announcements Commissioner Johnson - no announcements F. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes for Regular City Commission Meeting Held July 20, 2010. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Mavor Vandergrift absent. Advisory Council for the Ocoee Fire Department ("CACOFD"), to Change CACOFD Number of Members and Quorum Requirements. (Fire Chief McNeil) Since its inception in 2003, the CACOFD has had difficulty meeting the number of member requirements set forth by Resolution 2003-20. Therefore, on May 13, 2010, it was requested by the CACOFD current members that the resolution and CACOFD bylaws be amended to reflect that the CACOFD be made up of no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (15). They also requested that the quorum requirement be changed to 50% of the current membership. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Mavor Vandergrift absent. G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE -PUBLIC HEARING 3. Health Central. (Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, July 22, 2010 and July `i 1 lll~.l~7R• 1 LRllll~il 1\1i111G1 With respect to State annexation criteria, Chapter 171.044 of the Florida Statutes grants municipalities the authority to annex contiguous, compact, non-circuitous territory so long as it does not create an enclave. The subject properties are contiguous to the City limits on the north and west. To the north and west is property owned by Health Central. Health Central and the City will not be entering into an Annexation or Developer Agreement with this annexation as the parcels are located within the Target Area #3 of the CRA Target Areas Special Development Pian. Principal Planner Rumor gave the staff report on all of the Health Central annexation and rezoning items and noted that the comments made in the staff report carry over for all five of the ordinances which require public hearings and they will be heard separately. He said the parcels meet the criteria for annexation; it is Target Area 3 of the CRA; there is no Development Plan or Development Agreement, Annexation Agreement with these ordinances because they fall under the Development Plan guidelines established for CRA Target Area 3. a. Annexation Ordinances City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the annexation ordinance for 2010-010. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson opened the Public Hearing. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that each ordinance will be opened for separate Public Hearings, however you can make a comment now that pertains to any of them and it will carry forward. Jesse Kenneth Howard, 1502 Rowe Ave., owned the grocery store across the street, stated he is not in favor of R3 zoning for multi family homes. He would like to see the plans and make sure no apartments are going in. He stated that it is not compatible with the comprehensive plan or Page 3 of 8 City Commission Regular August 3, 2010 the JPA with Orange County. Principal Planner Rumor showed the Future Land Use Map and stated Medium Density Residential allows up to 12 units per acre; this is reflected on the JPA agreement, Future Land Use Map with Orange County under our JPA and it is adopted in our Land Development Code, so it is consistent with Future Land Use designation in the area. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Hood asked if multi family is what is planned there. City Attorney Rosenthal stated under the CRA Target 3 Overlay Ordinance adopted last month, it allows the Commission to look a at the totality within the Target Area. Some of the residential uses may move, under our Comprehensive Plan and the Special Overlay District, elsewhere within the overall Health Central Property. Just because this particular property is being zoned R3 does not mean apartments will be developed in that location. Mr. Rumer added that there is presently no proposed development in that location. Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to adopt Ordinance 2010-010, approving the annexation per staff recommendations. Motion carried 4-0 with Mavor Vandergrift absent. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of annexation ordinance 2010-011. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Johnson closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to adopt Ordinance 2010-011, approving the annexation per staff recommendations Motion carried 4-0 with Mavor Vandergrift absent. b. Rezoning Ordinances City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of rezoning ordinance 2010-012. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Johnson closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to adopt Ordinance 2010-012, approving the rezoning per staff recommendations. Motion carried 4-0 with Mavor Vandergrift absent. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of rezoning ordinance 2010-013. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Johnson closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to adopt Ordinance 2010-013, approving the rezoning per staff recommendations. Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Vandergrift absent. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of rezoning ordinance 2010-014. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Johnson closed the Public Hearing. Page4of8 City Commission Regular August 3, 2010 Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to adopt Ordinance 2010-014, approving the rezoning per staff recommendations. Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Vanderarift absent. H. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, July 22, 2010). (Principal Planner Rumer) This variance application requests that a proposed replacement mobile home at 8 Sundial Key Drive be allowed to encroach 5 feet into the 20 foot rear yard setback established by the zoning district. The applicant's intent is to replace the mobile home constructed in 1967 with one that was constructed in 1985. The applicant consulted with the Building Department on the requirements for making the replacement and was informed that due to the 20' setback requirement, a variance would be required. Principal Planner Rumor gave the staff report and recommended approval. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Hood asked Mayor Pro Tem Johnson to advise his feelings in this variance since it is in his District and he stated that he saw no problem with the variance being granted. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve t_he variance per staff recommendations. Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Vanderarift absent. 5. 10-Year Water Supply. (Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel Orange Extra on Thursday, July 22, `; a 111 {.llJpl ; lpilllrl 1\11111V• In 2005 the Florida Legislature significantly changed Chapters 163 and 369 of the Florida Statutes (F.S.) by strengthening the relationship between District Water Supply Plans (DWSP) prepared by the Water Management Districts and the Comprehensive Plans prepared and maintained by local governments. According to The Wekiva Parkway and Protection Act, Chapter 369, Part III, F.S., each local government is required to amend its comprehensive plan to include an up-to-date 10-Year Water Supply Facility Work Plan to include an evaluation of the present and projected growth and water demand fora 10-year planning period. a. First Reading of Ordinance (Date of Second Reading Contingent on Approval of DCA) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Principal Planner Rumer presented the staff report. He stated by Florida Statute, via the Wekiva Parkway and Protection Act, we are required to adopt a 10 Year Water Supply And Facilities Plan. This will include comprehensive plan amendments. This is a large scale amendments, we will be asking for transmittal of the amendments to DCA and other state agencies for comment and then final adoption. SJRWMD has been the primary reviewer and they gave granted two cursory reviews and this is the final product of those two reviews. In our remedial amendments for the Wekiva Study Area we have a date certain of December 2010 that we will adopt the 10 Year Supply Plan and the amendments. The package will be two parts, the technical document and its amendments. The commission approved the technical document a few years ago and the state made some comments on it; that is why it is being brought back now. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson opened the Public Hearing. R. P Monaclry, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd, asked how things are with the water supply. Page 5 of 8 City Commission Regular August 3, 2010 Mr. Rumor stated are only projects deal with limiting the amount we draw by doing reclaimed and educating people how to use less water, otherwise we are looking good. We are currently under our CUP, and have not been required to reduce how much we draw from the ground, but under the permit process and our usage may change. b. Transmittal Public Hearing -Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Mavor Pro Tem Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the staff recommendations including transmittal to the DCA Motion carried 4-0 with Mavor Vandergrift absent. I. REGULAR AGENDA Both of these homes were severely damaged by fire back in 2007 and have been declared unsafe, fire hazard, and a nuisance. The Code Enforcement Board has authorized the City to abate the nuisance and assess the cost against each property. At the Commission Meeting on July 20, 2010, a motion to move forward with demolition failed with a 2-2 tie vote. Commission requested that City Attorney Rosenthal look into a process whereby the city would recover the expenses incurred for these demolitions. City Attorney Rosenthal advised that researching the code found that our lien for demolition would be superior to the mortgage. The found the current assessments from the property appraiser's office were sufficient to cover costs of demolition. After proper procedures following demolition, if the city is not paid, they can foreclose on the property. If anyone bids over the amount of the city's lien, the city would be paid in full. If there are no other bidders, the city would be bidding its lien amount which would wipe out the mortgage and any other debt and would get title to the lots. _Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen moved to move forward with the demolition of the two properties at 1400 Samantha Street and 504 Withers Court and to take the $17,751.00 from the contingency fund Sonya Treat, 502 Withers Court, advised they live right next door and have been looking at this home for three years. It has burned, been condemned, and had a tree fall on it. There are now animals living in there and it is dangerous because the kids want to go inside. She said neighbors are unable to sell their home because it is such an eyesore. She offered to mow the yard if necessary to help the city make the decision to demolish this home. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson stated that we have to be concerned about where the funds are coming from. Commissioner Keller stated that it did not pass last time because the cost issues had not been worked out, but now we have found that there is a good chance we will get funds back with the worst case scenario being we will own the property. We are fairly certain we will be able to get reimbursed for demolition costs. Ms. Treat asked if the neighbors would be able to buy it. Commissioner Hood said the best route would be to form an association and consider purchasing it. City Attorney Rosenthal said if they get to that point, they should talk to the City because they may be able to work out something with them in terms of any foreclosure action such as them providing the funds and Page6of8 City Commission Regular August 3, 2010 then turning it over to the association following a sale. They would need an Association for this to happen, though. Commissioner Hood expressed concerns with the way the selection process occurred for the demolition company that will be doing this job. He felt that if someone has a direct influence with the city there should be a sealed bid process and a public opening so that there is no appearance of unethical behavior or "good of boy" network. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson agreed. City Manager Frank stated that there are other avenues that can be done. We can have a purchasing department solicit bids and handle the whole thing from start the finish or have some prequalified consulting/engineering firms and get bids from them when these types of things arise. It does not happen very often and Deputy Fire Chief Stanley was responding to a sense of urgency of getting this taken care of. Commissioner Johnson added that he has been concerned about these homes for a long time but he thinks commission did the right thing by waiting the extra two weeks and ensuring that the city will get reimbursement for the costs of the demolitions. After the discussion, the motion carried 4-0, with Mayor Vandergrift absent. 7. Staff Update on Farmer's Market. (Development Services Director Shadrix) During the May 18, ?010, City Commission meeting, two business owners from the downtown McKey Street area approached the City Commission with a request to start a downtown farmers' market in conjunction with the City, residents, and other businesses to revitalize the historical downtown area. Prior to that, the City had been approached by other business owners regarding a City Farmers' Market and had several discussions take place about the potential to hold such an event. City staff recommended at that time, that more time be allowed to determine possible approaches to a City Farmers' Market. Since then, numerous meetings including City department heads and citizens have taken place to evaluate the normal parameters associated with special events (traffic safety, waste disposal, etc.) that could be addressed given a number of locations where the market could be potentially held. From all of the discussion, three potential sites emerged and will be presented to the City Commission. These sites include: 1) the block of McKey Street between Bluford Avenue and Cumberland Avenue, 2) the Maguire House property at Bluford Avenue and Oakland Avenue, and 3) the lakefront green area located within Bill Breeze Park. Principal Planner Rumer gave a summary of the discussion regarding the Farmer's Market. He stated that staff recommends 1) approve a City Farmers' Market for an evaluatory period of four consecutive Fridays in September beginning on September 3rd, 2) approve a location from a recommended list and, 3) approve Staff to administratively issue a special events permit consistent with City ordinances. He stated staff would bring back an update the second meeting in September. There was discussion with regarding the pros and cons of the three proposed locations 1) McKey Street, between Bluford and Cumberland and leaving Ocoee Cafe open with a rear entrance, 2) the Maguire House, 3) Bill Breeze Park. The following people spoke on the issue and stated their preferences: Everett Kornbrek, 1010 Delany Avenue, Orlando, Manager of Chipotle's Ervin Voshell, 1004 Center Street, Ocoee, store owner on McKey Street Bradley Gardner, 214 E Pomelo Street, Groveland Jim Sills, 205 S. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee Page 7 of 8 City Commission Regular August 3, 2010 Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to go forward on with an evaluatory Farmer's Market on Mcgem beginning September 3s m 2010 a on four consecutive Friday nights, 4pm to p a rovin that tem ora ermits be issued for the four events. Commissioner Keller said he is receiving messages residents ing with feeling Winter Garden's event o ut competing be better, however he feels that we should not start p Principal Planner Rumer stated they ultimately feel the event will grow and be moved down to the Lake area where entertainment might become part of the event. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson advised that if it ends up being an entertainment event, there are many local entertainers that would love to get involved. Commissioner Wilsen confirmed the traffic issues had been worked out. There was discussion about getting mosquito control out there and making sure all the appropriate health certificates are obtained. After the discussion the motion carr 4-0 with Ma or Vander rift absent. J. STAFF ACTION ITEMS -none K. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Keller — no comments Commissioner Wilsen — no comments Commissioner Hood — 1) thanked Utilities Director Smith for all the work on Peach al sign ups and Lady Lake. 2) stated Pop Warner Little League started Sunday, 3) said Saturday, 4) said Ocoee High School Freshman day Friday, and 5) voiced some concerns with spending on the minutes from last meeting with regard to how much money end the most wants to balance the city compound area, but the same person who wants p please budget at the rolled back rate. He said you cannot b are two workshops usAugu and two attend budget meetings to voice concerns; stated there Public Hearings in September. Commissioner Wilsen - made comment on public attending budget meeting Commissioner Johnson — 1) stated the public should e be b ae endingdbudy are eeting the an d tation d that the dates are on Ocoee TV, to which City Clerk Eikenberry , 2) read the internet, and a budget schedule ad will run in West Or cones d fis tomorrow for demolishing an the from a resident asking why the city can't take cost out two homes. City Manager Frank said the money from the Code Fines goes into the general fund, so it contributes to the money used for demolition. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. APPROVED: City of Ocoee Attest: •" "µ�' Ma ;i�a• ikenberry, ity Clerk or S. Scott Vandergrift, y Page 8 of 8