PZ 01-22-1974 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD HELD JANUARY 22, 1974 Members Present: Bowness, Brooklyn, Thomas, McRobert, and Carter. Members Absent: Lait. The meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order by Mr. Bowness at 7 :37 P. M. 1. Mr. Carr, representative from Gateway Trucking and Mr. Wilson, attorney for Gateway came before the board in request for a mobile home to be parked on the Gateway site. Mr. Wilson read the zoning regulations making provision for said request. There was a brief discussion on how the mobile home would benefit the Gateway Terminal. Mr. Wilson stated that the caretaker and watchman would be living in the mobile home and that this would not only aid in the appearance of the terminal but in law enforce - ment as well. Mr. McRobert made the motion that the application was in harmony with the zoning regulations. Mr. Carter seconded the motion. Motion carried. No nays. 2. A brief discussion was held among the members on how to properly carry out zoning regulations and procedures. 3. Discussion of a replacement for Terry Schmoldt was brought to the attention of the board. Mr. Carter recommended Frank Turner for replacement, seconded by Mr. Thomas. Motion carried. No nays. Mr. McRobert motioned to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Brooklyn. Being no further business, meeting adjourned at $:5O P. M. Respectfully submitted, Esther L. Fannin Deputy Clerk imp