PZ 06-11-1974 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD HELD JUNE 11, 1974 Members Presents Bowness, Brooklyn, Carter, Lait, Thomas, 1Re tthert and Turner. Members Absent: None. The Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mr. Bowness. 1. Mr. 011ie Arthur came before the board requesting permission to put a mobile home in the Industrial Park. Permission for the mobile home was granted at the last regular meeting of the Zoning Board, but the procedure for doing so was incorrect. Mr. Bowness told Mr. Arthur that he must pay $100.00 for a petition for a public hearing to be held on said request. Mr. Thomas said a variance permitted on review could be used. Mr. mcRobert believes that the board can not grant permission without making the mobile home in Gateway invalid since the board granted permission for a mobile home to be put on the property without going through the steps of having a petition put up for a public hearing. Mayor Vandergrift indicated that a public hearing was needed for permitting a use on review. Mr. mcRobert feels that the board needs an interpretation from the lawyer as to the meaning of a use permitted on review and a use permitted on application since there seems to be some doubt on whether or not a public hearing is necessary. Mr. Lait read the Zoning Ordinance on the uses permitted on I -3 zoning. Mr. mcRobert believes that the board should hold Mr. Arthur's request in advance until a lawyer and the City Manager are present. Mr. Arthur said he has a contract for the property and has agreed with his associate to close out the deal on the property by July 15th; Mr. Lait told Mr. Arthur that since he was going to build a building that he should go ahead and build a place in it for security purposes. Mr. Arthur says he does not want to start building unless he has permission to have a mobile home. Mr. Carter made a motion for a petition to be made for a public hearing. mr. Brooklyn seconded the motion. motion carried unanimously. At this time mr. Arthur paid $100.00 for a petition. mr. Carter stipulated on his motion to hold the public hearing on July 9, 1974. mr. Brooklyn seconded." motion carried. No nays. 2. Bill Breeze appeared before the board for a Public Hearing on Petition 74 -4, a petition requesting rezoning of 25 acres from a C -2 and R -T district to a C -3, R -3, and A -1 district. No objectors were present. A general discussion on the subject was held and mr. mcRobert made a motion to accept the zoning and recommend the change to Council. mr. Turner seconded the motion. Vote carried unani- mously. 3. mr. Amick from Amick Construction came before the board about Fox Fire. His company is in the sewer, water and paving busi- ness for sub - dividers. mr. Amick told the board that the builders were not able to feasibly build and sell a 1200 foot square house and that his reason for appearing before the board was for their consideration on building houses with 1000 square foot of living area. Air. Amick indicated that the houses will cost $25,000 which would be a more reasonable price to many people who could not qualify for the higher priced houses. Mr. Amick has 119 lots in the Fox Fire area and would like to go ahead with the financing and building of 30 houses with 1000 square feet of living area. mr. Lait said he could not see stipulating a change for just 30 houses, but would go along with it if he could come up with a house that is ex- pandable. mr. Amick said he would go along with the idea of an expandable house, however, he does not want a change of zoning, but only wants to change the size of the house. The members of the board told mr. Amick that this would need a variance. Air. Lait made the motion that the builders build 119 houses in the area presently zoned R -1A and be given a variance to construct homes of a 1000 square feet or more each with an inherently expandable design with a revised plat in part on L. the western sites. mr. Turner seconded the motion. Plans must be reviewed by the Zoning Board and Building Department. According to the zoning ordinance a public hearing must be held for a variance. mayor Vandergrift advised that the Board of Adjusters be present at the hearing to confer with the Zoning Board since the Zoning Board cannot grant a variance. The Board agreed to have a public hearing on July 9, 1974 and to make the recommendation to the Council and Board of Adjusters. Vote unanimous. 4. Mr. Charles Coffman came before the board requesting per- mission to rebuild three houses on Lyman Street that the Health Department made him tear down. A general discussion was held and Mr. mcRobert motioned to reconstruct the three houses in Seeger Subdivision on lots 16, 17, and 20. Mr. Carter seconded the motion. motion carried. No nays. Mr. Lait made the motion to adjourn seconded by Mr. Thomas. Being no further business, meeting adjourned at 10:00 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Esther L. Fannin Deputy Clerk