PZ 03-11-1975 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING HELD MARCH 11, 1975 PRESENT: BOWNESS, MCROBERT ,CARTER,THOMAS,BROOKLYN,LAIT AND TURNER. I . ABSENT: NONE Meeting was called to order at 8:20 p.m. Mr.McRobert moved to recommend the annexation of J.M.Queen's property into the City with R1 -AAA zoning, with the stipulation that Mr. Queen could continue to use his property as A2 zoning until such time as he sold the property then it would revert to R1 -AAA zoning, seconded by Mr. Thomas. Unanimous. Mr.Turner made a motion to annex the Bay Street property of Barron,Curry, Simmons and Birdyshaw into the City with R1 -A zoning, seconded by Mr. Carter. Unanimous. Mr. Carter made a motion to recommend to council that the Creech and Davis and Fleming property not be annexed and that the City remove their meter and refund any money these persons paid for the meter, seconded by Mr. Brooklyn. Unanimous. Mr. Turner moved to recommend the annexation of the properties of Godbold, Caudill,Johnson,Holloway,Church of God and the road right of way of Clarcona Road with R1 -A zoning, seconded by Mr. Carter. Unanimous. Mr. Turner made a motion to recommend the annexation of F.Rochell and William Rochell with R1 -AAA zoning, seconded by Mr. Carter. Unanimous. Mr.Thomas made a motion to recommend the annexation of Silver Star Road from Orange Avenue to the East side of Brentwood with full road - right -of -way, seconded by Mr. McRobert. Unanimous. Mr. Turner moved to recommend annexation of the Barker property with L R1 -AAA zoning, seconded by Mr.Thomas. Unanimous. Mr. Turner moved to recommend annexation of the Royce Harrison property with R1 -AAA zoning, seconded by Mr.Carter. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. SUBMITTED BY S Q , C SY A. GANN CILERK im