PZ 04-08-1975 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING HELD APRIL 8, 1975 PRESENT: CH. BOWNESS, MEMBERS BROOKLYN, TURNER, THOMAS, McROBERT, CARTER, LAIT. ABSENT: NONE THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 7 :35 P.M. BY CH. BOWNESS. 1. BOBBY mEEKS CAME BEFORE THE BOARD REQUESTING ANNEXATION of HIS PROPERTY LOCATED APPROXIMATELY i MILE NORTH OF SR438 ON SR437 CONTAINING 4.8 ACRES (previously Mrs. E.B. Brown's property), also requesting zoning which would permit him to have a mobile home park for migrant workers. He presently has ten trailers in use and has exceeded county septic tank requirements of 2000 gallons with two 1250 gallon tanks and one 1500 gallon tank., Mr. Meeks has already approached the county for zoning with favorable response from both County and Health Department; but met with disapproval from neighbors Mr. Hamby and Mr. Thompson. Mr. Thomas recommended that, in review of the City of Ocoee Zoning Ordinance, certain sections (as per attached list) per- taining to Mr. Meek's request should be carefully considered before recommendation is made to commissioners, and requested a work session. The Board agreed that the next normal meeting night (April 22) would be a suitable time. Ch. Bowness asked Mr. Meeks to present plat plan that was prepared for him by Walter Khurt before time for next meeting. 2. A letter from Ronald and Sharon Strosnider requesting annexa- tion of their property on Johio Road was presented to the Board for recommended zoning if it should be annexed. Mr. Turner made the motion to recommend to commissioners zoning the property R1AAA. Mr. Brooklyn seconded. Unanimous in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 9.08. R- •ectful y s bmitted, J: an G.`1ain D:puty Clerk (COPY OF mR. THOMAS'WORKSHEET) IN REVIEW OF ZONING ORDINANCE AS REGARDS MR. MEEKS REQUEST: CHAPTER IV Section 5 R -2 ZONING 5.2 USES PERMITTED under SUBS 1 2 3 4 5 5.3 USES PERMITTED ON REVIEW NOTE:5.4 MAX 40% COVERAGE Sectbn 6 R -3 ZONING (ATTENTION CALLED TO PAR. 6.7) RELATING TO SITE PLAN (as per CHPTR 5, par. 4.3,4.4, 4.5,4.6,4.7) BUFFER ZONES SET BACKS, ETC. & AMENDED ONLY BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING & ZONING ALSO CHAPTER V "MOBILE HOME REGULATIONS" Section 2- GENERAL REGULATIONS SUB 2 AND Section 4 SUB 4.1 I, THEREFORE,RECOMMEND UNDER EITHER ONE OF THE TWO ALTERNATIVES FOLLOWING: 1. THAT THE BOARD EXERCISES THEIR PROCEDURE PARAGRAPH (RE- LATING TO APPROACH TO BOARD AT ONE MEETING & THUS IS ON AGENDA FOR THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING) OR 2. THAT THEY CALL SPECIAL MEETING FRIDAY OF THIS WEEK OR MONDAY OF NEXT WEEK TO REVIEW, AMEND AND /OR APPROVE PLANS OF THE REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION OF SAID SITE,(UNDER R -3 ZONING WITH USES PERMITTED) AND THEN RECOMMEND SAID ANNEXATION UNDER SUCH APPROVED PLANS & STIPULATIONS OR REGULATIONS SET FORTH BY BOARD AND THAT IT ALSO BEING LEGAL BY CONTIGUOUSNESS OR BY ROAD RIGHT - OF -WAY. (NOTING THAT ANNEXATION IS PUBLIC HEARING & 15 DAYS + BUT THIS WOULD ALOW CITY TO ACT ON SAME THEIR NEXT REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY APRIL 15) GLENN THOMAS AS REGARDS THE ABOVE: THE BOARD,IN DISCUSSION OF THIS PLAN, DECIDED THAT A WORK SESSION AT THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED 0 MEETING WOULD SUFFICE.. h s ..