05-23-2006 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING MAY 23, 2006 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Godek called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Member Hopper led the Invocation and Member Morton led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum was declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Godek, Members Ballard, M. Godek, Hopper, Morton, Stanley and Alternate Member Lowery. Also present were Code Enforcement Supervisor Loeffler, Code Enforcement Officers Braddy-Bagwell, Rodriguez, and Siegrist, Permitting Clerk Ramos, Attorney Sneed, and Records Coordinator Moseley. ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Chancey (excused) Permitting Clerk Ramos administered the oath to Code Enforcement Officers Braddy- Bagwell, Loeffler, Rodriguez, and Siegrist, and anyone intending to speak regarding a case. Attorney Sneed explained the job of Code Enforcement Board Officers and what they are allowed to do and what they are not. She said it was not their job to look for and report code violators, but to judge and conclude on cases what the fines will be, up to $250/day. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MAITERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD, IN WHICH CASE THE CHAIRMAN WILL INSTRUCT THE BOARD CLERK TO REMOVE THE ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEP ARATEL Y. The Consent Agenda consisted of approval of Items A, B, and C. A. Minutes of the April 25, 2006, Code Enforcement Board Meeting B. Dismissal or Compliance Code Enforcement Supervisor Loeffler announced the following cases to be dismissed: Case Number l. 06-030 2. 06-050 3. 06-054 4. 06-045 5. 06-051 Respondent David E. Dingley Candice L. Sandroni Howell C. Cundiff Tracy Lynn Smith Dorothy M. Curry Location of Violation 809 Apricot Drive 1008 Armada Court 1600 Little Spring Hill 1301 Flewelling Ave 514 Nicole Boulevard Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 23, 2006 6. 06-052 Petra Torres & Nancy Torres 479 New Meadows Ct. C. Order of Continuance (June 27,2006, Meeting) Code Enforcement Supervisor Loeffler announced the following cases continued to the June meeting: 1. 06-039 Dominique Guerrier 2. 06-046 Jessie M. & Edwina A. Pettis 809 Doreen Avenue 6 Sunset Key Court Member Hopper. seconded hv Member Morton, moved to acceot the consent azenda with the revisions made hv Code Enforcement Suoervisor Loeffler. Motion carried unanimouslv. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS None HEARINGS OF STATEMENTS OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO THE HEARING RULES ADOPTED BY THJS BOARD ON JUNE 27, 1995, VARIOUS DOCUMENTS ARE USED BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS IN EACH CASE AND ARE REPORTED IN THE CASE TESTIMONY GIVEN BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. IN THESE MINUTES THE TITLES TO THOSE DOCUMENTS WILL BE ABBREVIATED AS FOLLOWS: ACFD - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE FOR DEMOLITION, AOC - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE, AONC - AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COMPLIANCE, ATF-APPLICATION TO FORECLOSE, CO - COMPLIANCE ORDER, CMFD - COMMISSION MEETING FOR DETERMINATION, CS _ CONTINUED STAY, CTR - COPY TO RESPONDENT, ECO - EXTENDED COMPLIANCE ORDER, EX-EXHJBITS, FS- FEES STAYED, LDC - Land Development Code, NOCV - NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION, NOH - NOTICE OF HEARING, NS-No Service, OAF - ORDER AUTHORIZING FORECLOSURE, OIFfL- ORDER IMPOSING FINEfLIEN, ONC - ORDER OF NON-COMPLIANCE, OOC - ORDER OF CONTINUANCE, ,ORF - ORDER REDUCING FINE, PDFS - PER DAY FINE SUSPENDED, POS - PROOF OF SERVICE, RFR - REQUEST FOR REHEARING, RFRDUC-REQUEST FOR REDUCTION DENIED UNTIL COMPLIANCE, ROF- REDUCTION OF FINE, SFH - SUBPOENA FOR HEARING, SOV - STATEMENT OF VIOLATION (S) and WD _ WITHDREW. HEARINGS ON STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARINGS Member Hopper, seconded hv Member Morton, moved to hear Case No. 's 06-053, 06-048. 06-058, and 06-059, prior to other cases. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 06-053 - Connie J. Martin 479 Fort Collins Court Violation Cited: 165-3 04-25-06 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 05-10-06 05-11-06 SOY 05-11-06 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-06 05-11-06 POS Certified Mail Observation: Untagged/expired tag/inoperable vehicle. Officer Rodriguez Page 2 of 14 Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 23, 2006 Officer Rodriguez gave a detailed history of the case and presented exhibits. Questions and Comments Re2ardin2 Case No. 06-053 Addie Martin, 479 Fort Collins Court, stated that the subject vehicle was inoperable at the time, but in the process of getting fixed. She said the tag had been recently stolen and she had to replace it. Chairman Godek inquired if the vehicle could be put in the garage and she said it might be possible. Ms. Martin said the car is being fixed by a mechanic who comes to the house and he even had the parts that he needs sitting in the back seat of the car; it should be done in a few weeks. Member Hopper, seconded bv Member Ballard. moved in Case No. 06-053 to find the respondent in violation as cited as of Mav 9, 2006, and be given until June 26, 2006. to come into compliance or be fined $100/dav thereafter. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 06-048 - Vincent M. Ciccanelli, and Kati Hoper Officer Rodriguez 811 Apricot Drive Violation Cited: LDC 6-4 H (5)(b); 165-3 04-06-06 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-21-06 05-10-06 SOY 05-10-06 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-06 05-10-06 POS Certified Mail Observation: Trailers stored in violation of code. Trailers must be stored behind front building line. Untagged/expired tag/inoperable vehicle. Officer Rodriguez gave a detailed history of the case and presented exhibits. She announced that the property was in compliance as of May 22, 2006. Questions and Comments Re2ardin2 Case No. 06-048 Vincent Ciccanelli, 1710 Knotting Hill Drive, said he is the property owner and does not reside at the address; however, he knows that it is the City of Good Living. Katie Walding, 811 Apricot Drive, stated that she is the resident at the subject address. She and her husband own a company and that is why they have the trucks and trailers. She said that one vehicle is being sold and the other is only present after work hours and asked if that was okay. Member Hopper inquired of the size of the company truck that is stored on the property after hours. Mrs. Walding said it was an F250 pick up. Officer Rodriguez reported the Code states that a 1.5 ton commercial vehicle is not allowable on residential property. Member Morton, seconded bv Member M. Godek, moved in Case No. 06-048 to find the resTJondent in violation as cited as of April 20, 2006, and in compliance as of Mav 22, 2006, Page 3 of 14 ..-:s;:;'< . ,,\,\,(,,\,V 1"' \~~~", Code Enforcement Board Minute!; May 23, 2Q,06 .1~~'\\\ '.~ ,. ," .> \.\.\!"" . ').> \, ,ct ,. ~\' \ \.. \. .with no fine to be assessed. Motion carried unanimous Iv. 06-058 - William and Dorothy Gonzalez Officer Braddy-Bagwell 717 Broadway Drive Violation Cited: FBC 105-4 02-23-06 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 05-01-06 05-12-06 SOY 05-12-06 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-06 05-16-06 POS Certified Mail Observation: Failure to obtain required inspections on the pool deck, permit #0500781, issued on 03-09-05. Officer Braddy-Bagwell gave a detailed history of the case and presented exhibits. She said, as of today, a final inspection was requested and the respondent did not pass. Questions and Comments Re2ardin2 Case No. 06-058 Member Hopper inquired if this case dated all the way back to March 2005. Officer Braddy-Bagwell said that was correct. She added that the inspector's notes stated the respondent needed an approved detailed site plan for the inspection and to remove the form boards for the deck. Dorothy Gonzalez, 717 Broadway Drive, said she did not understand what the problem was and would have her husband take care of it when he returned home from school. She said that there was a problem with the City not telling her husband what exactly needed to be done when he received the permit. Officer Braddy-Bagwell explained to Mrs. Gonzalez exactly what needed to be done and said that Mr. Gonzalez was already aware. Member Stan lev, seconded bv Member Ballard. moved in Case No. 06-058 to find the resTJondent in violation as cited as of March 10, 2006, and ziven until June 1. 2006, to become in compliance or forfeit $100/dav thereafter. Motion carried unanimouslv. 06-059 - Luis Guerrero, and Roberto & Caridad Miquez Officer Rodriguez 818 Sleepy Harbour Drive Violation Cited: LDC 6-4 H (5)(b) 04-27-06 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 05-11-06 05-12-06 SOY 05-12-06 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-06 05-13-06 POS Certified Mail Observation: Trailers stored in violation of code. Trailers must be stored behind front building line. Untagged/expired tag/inoperable vehicle. Officer Rodriguez gave a detailed history of the case and presented exhibits and stated as of Page 4 of 14 Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 23, 2006 May 22, 2006, the property was in compliance. Questions and Comments Re2ardin2 Case No. 06-059 Caridad Miguez, 818 Sleepy Harbour Drive, stated she was the owner of the property and rented it to Mr. Luis Guerrero, who was not present this evening. She said that Mr. Guerrero told her via telephone that he would take care of the violation by the time given and he has failed to do so. She wrote him a letter to confirm his promise and to have it in writing. She also stated that she and her husband have driven by the residence every day to see if he has complied yet and he had not the last time they rode by a few days ago. Mr. Roberto Miguez apologized to the board for the inconvenience. Member Ballard. seconded bv Member Stan lev, moved in Case No. 06-059 to find the respondent in violation as cited as of Mav 11, 2006, and in comvliance as of Mav 22. 2006, and that no fine is assessed. Motion carried unanimous Iv. Member Hopper, seconded bv Member Morton, moved to advance Case No. 06-056 to be the next heard on the agenda. Motion carried unanimous Iv. Case No. 06-056 - Groundtek of Central Florida Inc. & Groundtek Manufacturing Inc. and Groundtek Truck Equipment LLC, and George L. Bori Sr. and Johnny Henry Navarro 862 Maguire Road Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: LDR 5-1 E(I)(a); 1-6 A 05-15-06 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 05-15-06 05-15-06 SOY 05-15-06 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-06 05-15-06 POS Hand Delivery Observation: Large amount of property alterations, modifications, landscape changes, construction activity, and additional business operations prior to an approved small-scale site-plan. Property owning corporation and corporation owners/principals has been in contact with and in attendance of many meetings with the Planning Department, Building Department, and Code Enforcement Division over the past year during which code requirements have been displayed, discussed and presented. The property owning Corp. owner/principals have refused to comply with or perform any requirements set-forth during physical meetings or noted as comments as revisions required for obtaining approved site-plans. The property owning Corp. owners/principals routinely walkout of meetings and accuse the City of illegal practices and personal prejudice. Without approved site-plans, no building permits or occupational licensing can be issued. During this time the property owning Corp. principals/owners have performed un-permitted construction activity including landscape alterations, irrigation plumbing and introduction of additional business operations including manufacturing, vehicle sales, and vehicle repair. A prior case before the CEB involved a tenant of the property owning Corp. owners who was operating a retail auto sales business in an area that only permitted wholesale operations. This tenant was subsequently evicted. The property owning Corp. owners/principals subsequently began the retail sales of landscape trucks and equipment even with knowledge from their attendance at a prior hearing involving a former tenant, that retail sales is prohibited at that location. Additionally, the retail sales have been supplemented with the retail sales of Page 5 of 14 Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 23, 2006 automobiles including the advertised display of a new tenant Corp.; Cuveco Motors Wholesale. This business was clearly labeled on a building front and on the vehicle being used as an advertising sign. Vehicles are parked by the roadway, and some included 'For Sale' signs and/or prices displayed. An internet advertisement for a large Volvo truck was found, posted March of 2006, for sale in a retail capacity. On May 3, 2006, Senior Planner Armstrong and this Code Enforcement Supervisor visited the location and noted the new additional business operations. We were greeted by an individual who stated that the operation is wholesale only and has not started operations yet. Planning to apply for occupational licensing soon, however, this Code Enforcement Supervisor has personally observed a variety of vehicles labeled 'For Sale' over the past few months and the internet retail advertisement was placed in March of 2006. The day after this visit, May 4, 2006, an application for wholesale automobile sales was submitted to the Building Department. Other un-permitted alterations include a sign face-change and new storefront window signage without required permitting. The City of Ocoee and staff have postponed this code enforcement action and extended a lot of courtesy time in an attempt to gain compliance at this location and with the corporate principals involved without success. Due to the preponderance of circumstances, violations, activities, and disregard for ordinance and code requirements, these issues will be presented at the May CEB hearings under the provisions set-forth by Ordinance 7-6, Subsection D. Officer Loeffler gave a detailed history of the case and presented several exhibits. He stated that, as of today, there were no vehicles present with 'For Sale' signs and all signage for additional business operations have been removed. He said the City is still looking for a timeframe to receive the approved small-scale site-plan. Questions and Comments Re2ardin2 Case No. 06-056 George Bori, 862 Maguire Road, was present with his attorney. Victor Chapman, legal representative for Mr. Bori, stated that Groundtek has never been cited for many of the violations mentioned by Officer Loeffler. He stated the only violation he has been cited for was the temporary structure and fined $900, which Mr. Bori has paid. Mr. Chapman stated that his client has withdrawn their request for a small-scale site-plan because they recently found out that the road would soon be widened, created an access problem. He stated that Mr. Bori had spent over $33,000 trying to put together a site-plan for something that will now be worthless due to the removal of the main access road. Mr. Chapman stated that Mr. Bori has hired a condemnation lawyer to communicate with the City as to what needs to be done to lawfully conduct his business. He declared that he has known Mr. Bori for over ten years and he employs over 70 people and complies with the law. He requested that Code Enforcement explain to Mr. Bori exactly what he needs to do to comply because he understands that Mr. Bori is in compliance since he removed all improper signage. Officer Loeffler said that the Code portion 7-6 was not used for the repeat portions, but to establish the already performed acts and lack of a site-plan so that the City could get a Notice of Hearing and a Notice of Violation with no compliance time before the Code Enforcement Board. He emphasized that this had nothing to do with a repeat violation. Chairman Godek asked that Officer Loeffler explain to Mr. Bori and Mr. Chapman exactly what they need to do so that they could understand. Officer Loeffler stated the City still Page 6 of 14 Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 23, 2006 needs a new version of a small-scale site-plan for what he has already done, including additional occupational licensing, additional landscaping, low-voltage for cameras, security, etc. He said the site-plan has nothing to do with the road easement. Member Morton inquired about the $4900 fine imposed in the past. Officer Loeffler said that was for the temporary structure he was cited for in the past. At this point, the City has extended a great deal of courtesy to Mr. Bori and Groundtek, and assistance that are not normally countered by much bigger businesses. He stated that they should have been at the site-plan phase when he built the construction that he was originally fined for by the board. He said that when Mr. Repo left and Mr. Bori re-occupied the front portion of the building, or with the next occupational license, they should have been at the site-plan phase. He emphasized how much assistance the City has given already. Member Hopper inquired the site-plan could dictate whether or not a permit would be required. Officer Loeffler clarified that a permit could not be issued without a site-plan. He explained that with anything being built, there are drainage issues and other issues and that is why a site-plan is required. Member Stanley mentioned the business across the road from Groundtek that they forced to do what they needed to do and inquired why the City has not stopped Groundtek yet since they have not done things the right way. She inquired if the City could stop them and if so why they haven't. Officer Loeffler said that Mr. Bori has stopped the other violations that were seen while being inspected, and out of courtesy the City cut them slack on the modular buildings brought onto the property. He said that the Building Official allowed Mr. Bori to move those trailers to the back of the property and use them as storage; however, they could have done a no permit issue at that time and did not. Member Lowery asked if it was correct to claim that they needed a building permit to cover what Groundtek already has at this point. Officer Loeffler stated it was irrevocable and irreversible at this point because they could not back it up to 1998 when it was only Groundtek. Victor Chapman asked if Code Enforcement could tell him specifically what the City needed to obtain a small-scale site-plan, in writing, then he could work on it. Attorney Sneed explained to the board Florida Statute 162.06, 76D, regarding finding the violation as irrevocable or irreversible in nature. Officer Loeffler said that the former tenant on the subject property was All Florida Leasing, rented the front space to Mr. Repo. Then, when Mr. Repo left, Mr. Bori occupied that same portion, which required a small-scale site-plan at that time. He further stated an additional occupant, Groundtek Equipment Sales, occupied that area and added landscaping, low-voltage wiring and plumbing, two modular buildings; all of these issues require a site-plan. Page 7 of 14 Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 23,2006 Member Stanley explained to the respondent's attorney Mr. Chapman that the respondent himself should know everything that he has done since he first occupied the building, therefore everything that needs to be documented and detailed. Mr. George Bori said that he occupied a portion of the office space occupied by Mr. Repo in the past; therefore, he assumed it was his property and he could use it when Mr. Repo left. Member Lowery asked Mr. Bori about when he digs trenches for people, residential or commercial, to lay irrigation and such that he contacts the City/County so they can test those areas before anyone starts digging. Mr. Bori stated that he was digging for security and irrigation, which he does professionally and never is required to obtain a permit for on a resident's private property. Member Lowery corrected him that it is a City and County requirement to notify them before you dig so that they can test those areas first, whether residential or commercial, because there is underground cabling and wiring. Officer Loeffler stated that when an application for a small-scale site-plan is filled out, it specifies the requirements of a small-scale site-plan. Just as Mr. Bori has submitted several small-scale site-plans in the past and that is what they need now for the things mentioned tonight. Officer Loeffler said that 90-days would be a reasonable time to receive a site-plan from Mr. Bori. He added that after a motion has been heard, that any violations of those same items or any further development/construction without a site-plan, would be a repeat violation. Attorney Sneed stated that, because no notice was given with a time to come into compliance for these other things, then a motion needs to first be made to find it to be irreparable or irreversible. Officer Loeffler explained that, under the definition of irreversible, they already have (1) another licensed business that has nothing to do with Groundtek Landscaping, (2) an attempt at another business for wholesale cars conducted on the property until City stopped it, (3) landscaping alterations, (4) partially built building. He said that all of these things cannot be backed up and corrected. Member Hopper, seconded bv Member Morton, moved in Case No. 06-056 to find the resTJondent irreversiblv in violation as cited as of Mav 3, 2006, and be given until August 28, 2006, or be fined $250/dav thereafter. Motion carried unanimouslv. Attorney Sneed informed the respondent that he could request an extension of compliance time ifhe feels he cannot comply within the time given. Recess 8:35 p.m. until 8:45 p.m. Page 8 of 14 Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 23, 2006 Member Hopper, seconded bv Member Morton, moved to have Case No. 06-042 moved to the too of the list. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 06-042 - Thomas G. Zosel 180 N. Cumberland Avenue Officer Seigrist Violation Cited: 115-3 04-07-06 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-18-06 05-10-06 SOV 05-10-06 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-06 05-10-06 POS Certified Mail Observation: Large piles of trash and debris, including mattresses, household items, etc. Officer Seigrist gave a detailed history of the case and presented exhibits. He said that, as of May 22, 2006, the property was in compliance. Questions and Comments Re2ardin2 Case No. 06-042 Tom Zosel, 180 N. Cumberland Avenue, said that the trailer was not his and once he was aware of the problem had the owner move it. He told his tenant on the property not to do that agam. Member Stan lev, seconded bv Member Hopper. moved in Case No. 06-042 to find the respondent in violation as cited as of April 17, 2006, and in compliance as of Mav 22, 2006, and no fine is assessed. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 06-032 - Kathleen Morales and Delores Perez-Mendez 104 Spring Lake Circle Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 165-3 03-21-06 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-05-06 04-06-06 SOY 04-06-06 NOH Meeting Date: 04-25-06 04-06-06 POS Certified Mail 04-25-06 OOC 05-04-06 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-06 05-04-06 SOY 05-04-06 POS Certified Mail 05-04-06 POS Regular Mail 05-17-06 POS Hand Delivery Observation: Untagged/Expired Tag/Inoperable Vehicles. Officer Rodriguez gave a detailed history of the case and stated that, as of May 22, 2006, the property is in compliance. Page 9 of 14 Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 23, 2006 Questions and Comments Re2ardin2 Case No. 06-032 Chairman Godek inquired when the original compliance date was to be. Attorney Sneed stated the case was continued due to proof of service, the notice was not delivered. Member Ballard, seconded bv Member Stan lev, moved in Case No. 06-032 to find the resoondent in violation as cited as of Aoril 4, 2006. and to be in compliance as of Mav 22. 2006. and no fine be assessed. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 06-041- Amy L. Bass 402 Sterling Lake Drive Violation Cited: 143-27 A 02-28-06 NOCV 04-13-06 SOY 04-13-06 NOH 04-20-06 POS 04-25-06 OOC 05-03-06 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-06 05-04-06 POS Certified Mail 05-04-06 POS Regular Mail Observation: On January 12,2006, you were notify by our PW Department in reference to City Ordinance 143- 27, which states that your garbage cart and recycling bins should not be placed curbside earlier than 7:00 p.m. the day before your collection day. The ordinance further states the garbage cart and recycling bins should be stored in the side or rear yard and screened from view. Garbage carts and recycling bins are not to be stored in front of the premises. Officer Rodriguez Re-Inspection Date: 04-12-06 Meeting Date: 04-25-06 Certified Mail Officer Rodriguez gave a detailed history of the case and presented exhibits. As of May 22, 2006, the property was in compliance. Member Stan lev, seconded bv Member Morton, moved in Case No. 06-041 to find the resoondent in violation as cited as of March 3. 2006. and in compliance as of Mav 22. 2006. and no fine be assessed. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 06-043 - Inland Southeast Lake Olympia Limited Partnership, and the UPS Store-Ocoee, and Unique Dollar Boutique Inc. 1501 E. Silver Star Road Officer Seigrist Violation Cited: LDC 8-6 A(I); LDC 8-2 A 04-11-06 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-18-06 05-10-06 SOY 05-10-06 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-06 05-10-06 POS Certified Mail Observation: Prohibited signs without permit; The Dollar Store has two (2) large wood signs: UPS Store has several bandit/snipe signs: all being used as advertising. Page 10 of 14 Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 23, 2006 Officer Seigrist gave a detailed history of the case and presented the exhibits. He stated the case was against the tenants UPS Store and Unique Dollar Boutique only, not the owner. As of May 19,2006, the property was in compliance. Questions and Comments Re2ardin2 Case No. 06-043 Officer Seigrist said he would like to set the respondent up as a repeat violator if this were to happen again in the future. Member Hopper. seconded bv Member M. Godek, moved in Case No. 06-043 to find the respondent in violation as cited as of Avril 20, 2006, and in compliance as of Mav 19. 2006, and no fine be assessed. Motion carried unanimous Iv. Case No. 06-044 - Aluminum & More, Inc., and Carolyn B. Mitchell TR 332 Maguire Road Officer Seigrist Violation Cited: 51-13 03-31-06 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 05-01-06 05-10-06 SOY 05-10-06 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-06 05-10-06 POS Certified Mail Observation: Driveway extension at east end of property, used for additional parking. This additional material has adversely affected the retention pond. Officer Seigrist gave a detailed history of the case and presented exhibits. Member Stan lev, seconded bv Member Ballard, moved in Case No. 06-044 to find the resvondent in violation as cited as of Avril 28, 2006. and in comvliance as of Mav 23. 2006, and no fine be assessed. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 06-047- LN Silver Star LLC 1800 E. Silver Star Road Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 115-3; 115-5 03-30-06 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 05-18-06 05-10-06 SOY 05-10-06 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-06 05-10-06 POS Certified Mail 05-10-06 POS Regular Mail 05-10-06 POS Posting Observation: Miscellaneous junk and debris and property. Tall weeds/grass on property. Page 11 of 14 Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 23, 2006 Officer Rodriguez gave a detailed history of the case and presented exhibits. As of May 22, 2006, the property was in compliance. Member Morton, seconded bv Member M. Godek, moved in Case No. 06-047 to find the resvondent in violation as cited as of Avril 17, 2006, and in compliance as of Mav 22. 2006, and no fine be assessed. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 06-049- Iven Roblero, and Ranferi Anutnez 205 Spring Lake Circle Violation Cited: 165-3 05-11-06 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 05-15-06 05-15-06 SOY 05-15-06 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-06 05-16-06 POS Hand Delivery tenant 05-17-06 POS Certified Mail owner Observation: Untagged/Expired Tag/Inoperable Vehicle. Officer Rodriguez Officer Rodriguez gave a detailed history of the case and presented exhibits. As of May 22, 2006, the property was in compliance. Member M. Godek, seconded bv Member Stan lev, moved in Case No. 06-049 to find the resvondent in violation as cited as of Mav 14, 2006, and in comvliance as of Mav 22, 2006, and no fine be assessed. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 06-055- Shannon Dunn 130 N. Bluford Avenue Officer Seigrist Violation Cited: 115-3; 115-5; 165-3; 108-23 Q 04-27-06 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 05-10-06 05-11-06 SOY 05-11-06 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-06 05-11-06 POS Certified Mail 05-16-06 POS Hand Delivery Observation: 1) Miscellaneous trash/debris, including tires. 2) Weed/grass growth over 10". 3) Jeep Cherokee, white no tag parked in front yard. 4) Electrical extension cord running between 128 & 130 N. Bluford. 5) Repair or remove fence. Officer Seigrist gave a detailed history of the case and presented exhibits A-F. He stated that as of May 10, 2006, violation 108-22 was in compliance; as of May 17, 2006, violation 165-3 was in compliance; as of May 23, 2006, violations 115-5 and 108-23 Q were in compliance and 115-3 was still in non-compliance. Page 12 of 14 Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 23, 2006 Member Hooper, seconded bv Member Stanlev, moved in Case No. 06-055 to find the resvondent in violation as cited as of Mav 8, 2006, in comvliance of 165-3 as of Mav 17, 2006, in compliance of 115-5 and 108-23 0 as of Mav 23, 2006, and still in violation of 115- 3. and be given until June 6, 2006, to be in comvliance or be fined $100/dav thereafter. Motion carried unanimouslv. OTHER BUSINESS Case No. 06-020 - Perfect Motors, c/o Gregory Peters 751 L F Roper Parkway Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: LDC 4-3; LDC 1-6 (a,b); LDC 1-14 (a,b) 12-02-05 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 02-09-06 02-10-06 SOY 02-10-06 NOH Meeting Date: 02-28-06 02-10-06 POS Certified Mail 02-28-06 CO Given Until 04-15-06 or pay $200 per day Observation: Alterations to property and landscape prior to obtaining an approved small-scale site-plan from the City of Ocoee. On June 22, 2005, Code Enforcement placed a stop-work order at 751 L F Roper Parkway for un-permitted alterations/construction, which damaged the existing landscape including large piles of gravel, dirt, and tree removal. On December 1, 2005, altered portions of the property still in the same condition as the stop work notice date in June. Although the Planning Department staff indicate some site-plan application activity has transpired, no corrected small-scale site-plan has been resubmitted and no required small-scale site-plan has been approved as ofthis date. Officer Loeffler stated the respondent was in non-compliance. Member Ballard, seconded bv Member Morton, moved in Case No. 06-020 to imvose a fine of $200/dav as of Mav 23, 2006. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 06-035 - Paul Vega 321 Pancheco Court Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 165-3 03-22-06 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-12-06 04-10-06 SOY 04-10-06 NOH Meeting Date: 04-25-06 04-11-06 POS Certified Mail Observation: One minivan, white (possible) Plymouth Voyager, inoperable, no tag parked in backyard. Officer Siegrist stated the respondent came into compliance once notified. Case No. 06-040 - Madgy A. & Frances M. Mansour and God's Factory Christian Center, Inc. 485 W. Silver Star Road Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 51-13 03-22-06 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-07-06 Page 13 of 14 ~n Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 23, 2006 04-13-06 04-13-06 04-20-06 Observation: SOY NOH Meeting Date: 04-25-06 POS Certified Mail Interior alteration work without permit, including new walls and electrical work. Officer Siegrist stated the respondent was in compliance. COMMENTS Member Stanley welcomed the newest member Darrell Lowery to the board. Chairman Godek said he will be attending a workshop in June with Member Lowery. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Attest: AW& Robert Godek, Chairman Page 14 of 14